Contents of this article
- 1. Zodiac age chart comparison table
- 2. Complete list of attributes of the twelve zodiac signs
- 3.2022 Zodiac Chart Twelve Zodiac Ages
- 4. Twelve zodiac signs, age chart and year
Zodiac age chart comparison table
2022 zodiac age chart
Detailed age comparison table of zodiac signs in 2022. How old are the twelve zodiac signs in 2022?
Each of us has an age, and our age changes with the passage of time. As each zodiac sign enters a new year, its age will also increase accordingly. Entering 2022, all zodiac signs will be one year older. So how old are the twelve zodiac signs in 2022?
1. Five-element query for the birth year of people born in the year of the Rat Golden Rat (Year of the Gengzi - born in 1960, 2022)
Wood Rat (Jia Zi year - born in 1924 or 1984)
Water Rat (Year of Renzi - born in 1972, 2032)
Fire Rat (Bingzi Year - 1936, 1996 born)
Earth Rat (Born in the Year of Wuzi - 1948, 2008)
The birth dates of people born in the Year of the Rat are from February 4, 2008 at 7:30 to February 4, 2009 at 0:52
From 21:15 on February 4, 1996 to 3:4 on February 4, 1997
From 23:29 on February 4, 1984 to 5:19 on February 4, 1985
February 5, 1972 1:32 to February 4, 1973 7:23
From 3:37 on February 5, 1960 to 9:27 on February 4, 1961
From 5:41 on February 5, 1948 to 11:30 on February 4, 1949
From 7:45 on February 5, 1936 to 13:34 on February 4, 1937
From 9:50 on February 5, 1924 to 15:37 on February 4, 1925
How old are people born in the Year of the Rat in 2022?
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1948 will be 73 years old in 2022 and 74 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1960 will be 61 years old in 2022 and 62 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1972 will be 49 years old in 2022 and 50 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1984 will be 37 years old in 2022 and 38 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1996 will be 25 years old in 2022 and 26 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 2008 will be 13 years old in 2022 and 14 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 2022 will be 1 year old in real life and 2 years old in 2022.
2. Five-element query for birth year of Ox people Taurus (Xin Chou year - born in 1961, 2022)
Wood Ox (Born in the year of Yichou - 1925, 1985)
Buffalo (Guichou year - born in 1973, 2033)
Fire Ox (born in the year of Ding Chou - 1937, 1997)
Earth Ox (Jichou year - born in 1949 or 2009)
The birth date of people born in the Year of the Ox February 4, 1997, 3:04 to February 4, 1998, 8:53
From 5:19 on February 4, 1985 to 11:9 on February 4, 1986
From 7:23 on February 4, 1973 to 13:12 on February 4, 1974
From 9:27 on February 4, 1961 to 15:16 on February 4, 1962
From 11:30 on February 4, 1949 to 17:20 on February 4, 1950
From 13:34 on February 4, 1937 to 19:23 on February 4, 1938
From 15:37 on February 4, 1925 to 21:39 on February 4, 1926
How old are Ox people born in different years in 2022? People born in the year of Ox in 1937 will be 84 years old in real life and 85 years old in 2022.
People born in the year of Ox in 1949 will be 72 years old in 2022 and 73 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 1961 will be 60 years old in 2022 and 61 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 1973 will be 48 years old in 2022 and 49 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 1985 will be 36 years old in 2022 and 37 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 1997 will be 24 years old in 2022 and 25 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 2009 will be 12 years old in 2022 and 13 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 2022 will be 0 years old in real life and 1 year old in imaginary age in 2022.
3. Five Elements Query for the Year of Birth of Tiger People Fire Tiger (Bingyin Year - Born in 1926, 1986)
Earth Tiger (Wuyin year - born in 1938 or 1998)
Golden Tiger (born in the year of Geng Yin - 1890 or 1950)
Water Tiger (born in the year of Renyin - 1902 or 1962)
Muhu (Jiayin year - born in 1974 and 2010)
The birth date of the Tiger people February 4, 1998 8:53 to February 4, 1999 14:42
From 11:9 on February 4, 1986 to 16:58 on February 4, 1987
From 13:12 on February 4, 1974 to 21:2 on February 4, 1975
From 15:16 on February 4, 1962 to 21:6 on February 4, 1963
From 17:20 on February 4, 1950 to 23:10 on February 4, 1951
From 19:23 on February 4, 1938 to 1:14 on February 5, 1939
From 21:39 on February 4, 1926 to 3:18 on February 5, 1927
How old are Tiger people born in different years in 2022 People born in the year 1938 will be 83 years old in real life and 84 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Tiger in 1950 will be 71 years old in 2022 and 72 years old in imaginary years.
Born in the year of Tiger in 1962, his real age will be 59 in 2022 and his imaginary age will be 60.
He was born in the Year of the Tiger in 1974, and his real age will be 47 in 2022, and his imaginary age will be 48.
Born in 1986 as a Tiger, his real age will be 35 in 2022 and his imaginary age will be 36.
People born in the Year of the Tiger in 1998 will be 23 years old in 2022 and 24 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Tiger in 2010 will be 11 years old in 2022 and 12 years old in imaginary years.
4. The birth date of the Rabbit people February 5, 1927 at 3:18 to February 5, 1928 at 9:7
From 1:14 on February 5, 1939 to 7:3 on February 5, 1940
From 23:10 on February 4, 1951 to 4:59 on February 5, 1952
From 21:6 on February 4, 1963 to 2:56 on February 5, 1964
From 21:2 on February 4, 1975 to 0:52 on February 5, 1976
From 16:58 on February 4, 1987 to 22:48 on February 4, 1988
From 14:42 on February 4, 1999 to 20:32 on February 4, 2000
Five Elements Query for Birth Year of Rabbit People Golden Rabbit (Xin Mao Year - Born in 1891, 1951)
Wooden Rabbit (Yimao year - born in 1915 or 1975)
Water Rabbit (born in the year of Guimao - 1903, 1963)
Fire Rabbit (Ding Mao year - born in 1927 or 1987)
Earth Rabbit (Ji Mao year - born in 1939 or 1999)
How old are Rabbit people born in different years in 2022 People born in 1939 will be 82 years old in real life and 83 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1951 will be 70 years old in 2022 and 71 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1963 will be 58 years old in 2022 and 59 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1975 will be 46 years old in 2022 and 47 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1987 will be 34 years old in 2022 and 35 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1999 will be 22 years old in 2022 and 23 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 2011 will be 10 years old in 2022 and 11 years old in 2022.
5. Five Elements Query on the Year of Birth of People born in the Year of the Dragon Wood Dragon (Jiachen year - born in 1904, 1964)
Fire Dragon (Bingchen Year - 1916, 1976 born)
Tulong (Wuchen year - born in 1928 or 1988)
Golden Dragon (born in the year of Gengchen - 1940 or 2000)
Shuilong (born in the year of Renchen - 1952, 2012)
The birth date of people born in the Year of the Dragon February 5, 1928 at 9:07 to February 4, 1929 at 14:57
From 7:30 on February 5, 1940 to 12:53 on February 4, 1941
February 5, 1952 4:59 to February 4, 1953 10:49
February 5, 1964, 2:56 to February 4, 1965, 8:45
From 0:52 on February 5, 1976 to 6:41 on February 4, 1977
From 22:48 on February 4, 1988 to 4:38 on February 4, 1989
From 20:32 on February 4, 2000 to 2:20 on February 4, 2001
How old are Dragon people born in different years in 2022 People born in 1940 will be 81 years old in real life and 82 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1952 will be 69 years old in 2022 and 70 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1964 will be 57 years old in 2022 and 58 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1976 will be 45 years old in 2022 and 46 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1988 will be 33 years old in 2022 and 34 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 2000 will be 21 years old in 2022 and 22 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 2012 will be 9 years old in 2022 and 10 years old in imaginary years.
6. Five Elements Query on the Year of Birth of Snake People Fire Snake (Dingsi Year - Born in 1917, 1977)
Earth Snake (Jisi year - born in 1929 or 1989)
Golden Snake (Xinsi year - born in 1941, 2001)
Water Snake (born in Guisi years - 1893 and 1953)
Wooden Snake (Yisi years - born in 1907 and 1965)
The date of birth of Snake people 16:58 on February 4, 1917 to 22:53 on February 4, 1918
From 14:57 on February 4, 1929 to 20:47 on February 4, 1930
From 12:53 on February 4, 1941 to 18:43 on February 4, 1942
From 10:49 on February 4, 1953 to 16:39 on February 4, 1954
From 8:45 on February 4, 1965 to 14:35 on February 4, 1966
From 6:41 on February 4, 1977 to 12:31 on February 4, 1978
From 4:38 on February 4, 1989 to 10:28 on February 4, 1990
From 2:20 on February 4, 2001 to 8:08 on February 4, 2002
How old are Snake people born in different years in 2022 Snake people born in 1941 will be 80 years old in real life and 81 years old in 2022.
People born in the year of Snake in 1953 will be 68 years old in 2022 and 69 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Snake in 1965 will be 56 years old in 2022 and 57 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Snake in 1977 will be 44 years old in 2022 and 45 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Snake in 1989 will be 32 years old in 2022 and 33 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Snake in 2001 will be 20 years old in 2022 and 21 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Snake in 2013 will be 8 years old in 2022 and 9 years old in imaginary age.
7. Five Elements Query for the Year of Birth of Horse People Golden Horse (Gengwu Year - Born in 1930, 1990)
Trojan Horse (born in the Jiawu Year - 1894, 1954)
Water Horse (born in Renwu year - 1942, 2002)
Fire Horse (Bingwu Year - 1906, 1966 born)
Tuma (Born in the Year of Wuwu - 1918, 1978)
The date of birth of the Horse people February 4, 1918 at 22:53 to February 5, 1919 at 4:40
From 20:47 on February 4, 1930 to 2:36 on February 5, 1931
From 18:43 on February 4, 1942 to 0:32 on February 5, 1943
From 16:39 on February 4, 1954 to 22:28 on February 4, 1955
From 14:35 on February 4, 1966 to 20:25 on February 4, 1967
From 12:31 on February 4, 1978 to 18:21 on February 4, 1979
From 10:28 on February 4, 1990 to 16:17 on February 4, 1991
From 8:08 on February 4, 2002 to 13:57 on February 4, 2003
How old are Horse people born in different years in 2022 People born in the Year of the Horse in 1942 will be 79 years old in real life and 80 years old in 2022.
He was born in the Year of the Horse in 1954, and his real age will be 67 in 2022, and his imaginary age will be 68.
He was born in the Year of the Horse in 1966. His real age will be 55 in 2022 and his imaginary age will be 56.
He was born in the Year of the Horse in 1978, and his real age will be 43 in 2022, and his imaginary age will be 44.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1990 will be 31 years old in 2022 and 32 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 2002 will be 19 years old in 2022 and 20 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 2022 will be 7 years old in 2022 and 8 years old in imaginary years.
8. Five Elements Query for the Year of Birth of Sheep People Wood Sheep (Yiwei year - born in 1895, 1955)
Shuiyang (Guiwei year - born in 1943, 2003)
Golden Sheep (Xinwei year - born in 1931 or 1991)
Earth Sheep (born in Jiwei year - 1919, 1979)
Fire Sheep (Ding Wei years - born in 1907 and 1967)
The birth dates of people born in the Year of the Sheep February 5, 1919 at 4:40 to February 5, 1920 at 10:27
From 2:36 on February 5, 1931 to 8:25 on February 5, 1932
From 0:32 on February 5, 1943 to 6:22 on February 5, 1944
From 22:28 on February 4, 1955 to 4:19 on February 5, 1956
From 20:25 on February 4, 1967 to 2:14 on February 5, 1968
From 18:21 on February 4, 1979 to 0:10 on February 5, 1980
From 16:17 on February 4, 1991 to 21:54 on February 4, 1992
From 13:57 on February 4, 2003 to 19:46 on February 4, 2004
How old are Sheep people born in different years in 2022? People born in the Year of Sheep in 1943 will be 78 years old in real life and 79 years old in 2022.
People born in the year of Sheep in 1955 will be 66 years old in 2022 and 67 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1967 will be 54 years old in 2022 and 55 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1979 will be 42 years old in 2022 and 43 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Sheep in 1991 will be 30 years old in 2022 and 31 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Sheep in 2003 will be 18 years old in 2022 and 19 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of Goat in 2022 will be 6 years old in 2022 and 7 years old in imaginary years.
9. Five Elements Query on the Monkey’s Year of Birth Water Monkey (Born in Renshen Year - 1932, 1992)
Fire Monkey (Bingshen year - born in 1956, 2022)
Earth Monkey (Born in Wushen year - 1908, 1968)
Wooden Monkey (Jiashen year - born in 1944 or 2004)
Golden Monkey (born in Gengshen years - 1920 and 1980)
The birth dates of Monkey people are from 10:27 on February 5, 1920 to 16:21 on February 4, 1921
From 8:25 on February 5, 1932 to 14:16 on February 4, 1933
From 6:22 on February 5, 1944 to 12:12 on February 4, 1945
From 4:19 on February 5, 1956 to 10:7 on February 4, 1957
From 2:14 on February 5, 1968 to 8:4 on February 4, 1969
From 0:10 on February 5, 1980 to 6:00 on February 4, 1981
From 21:54 on February 4, 1992 to 3:43 on February 4, 1993
From 19:46 on February 4, 2004 to 1:34 on February 4, 2005
How old are Monkey people born in different years in 2022 Monkey people born in 1944 will be 77 years old in real life and 78 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1956 will be 65 years old in 2022 and 66 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1968 will be 53 years old in 2022 and 54 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1980 will be 41 years old in 2022 and 42 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1992 will be 29 years old in 2022 and 30 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 2004 will be 17 years old in 2022 and 18 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 2022 will be 5 years old in 2022 and 6 years old in imaginary years.
10. Five-element query for the year of birth of people born in the Year of the Rooster Native Rooster (born in the year of Jiyou - 1909, 1969)
Golden Rooster (Xinyou years - born in 1921 and 1981)
Water Rooster (born in the year of Guiyou - 1933 or 1993)
Wood Rooster (Yiyou year - born in 1945 and 2005)
Turkey (born in the Year of Dingyou - 1897, 1957)
The date of birth of the Rooster 13:34 on February 4, 2005 to 7:25 on February 4, 2006
From 3:43 on February 4, 1993 to 9:33 on February 4, 1994
From 6:00 on February 4, 1981 to 11:50 on February 4, 1982
From 8:04 on February 4, 1969 to 13:54 on February 4, 1970
From 10:07 on February 4, 1957 to 15:57 on February 4, 1958
From 12:12 on February 4, 1945 to 18:1 on February 4, 1946
From 14:16 on February 4, 1933 to 20:5 on February 4, 1934
From 16:21 on February 4, 1921 to 22:7 on February 4, 1922
How old are Rooster people born in different years in 2022 A Rooster person born in 1945 will be 76 years old in 2022 and 77 years old in imaginary age.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1957 will be 64 years old in 2022 and 65 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1969 will be 52 years old in 2022 and 53 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1981 will be 40 years old in 2022 and 41 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1993 will be 28 years old in 2022 and 29 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 2005 will be 16 years old in 2022 and 17 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 2022 will be 4 years old in 2022 and 5 years old in imaginary years.
11. Five-element query for the year of birth of the Dog person Golden Dog (born in the year of Gengxu - 1910, 1970)
Water Dog (born in the Year of Renxu - 1922 or 1982)
(Bingxu year - born in 1946 and 2006)
Native Dog (born in the Year of Wuxu - 1898, 1958)
Wood Dog (born in the Jiaxu Year - 1934 or 1994)
The birth dates of Dog people February 4, 2006 at 7:25 to February 4, 2007 at 13:18
From 9:33 on February 4, 1994 to 15:24 on February 4, 1995
From 11:50 on February 4, 1982 to 17:40 on February 4, 1983
From 13:54 on February 4, 1970 to 19:44 on February 4, 1971
From 15:57 on February 4, 1958 to 21:47 on February 4, 1959
From 18:1 on February 4, 1946 to 23:48 on February 4, 1947
From 20:50 on February 4, 1934 to 1:55 on February 5, 1935
From 22:07 on February 4, 1922 to 4:1 on February 5, 1923
How old are Dog people born in different years in 2022 People born in the Year of Dog in 1946 will be 75 years old in real life and 76 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1958 will be 63 years old in 2022 and 64 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1970 will be 51 years old in 2022 and 52 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1982 will be 39 years old in 2022 and 40 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1994 will be 27 years old in 2022 and 28 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 2006 will be 15 years old in 2022 and 16 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 2022 will be 3 years old in 2022 and 4 years old in imaginary years.
12. Five-element query for the birth year of Pig people Golden Pig (year of Xinhai - born in 1911, 1971)
Water pig (year of Guihai - born in 1923 or 1983)
Fire Pig (year of Ding Hai - born in 1947 and 2007)
Native Pig (born in the year of Jihai - 1899, 1959)
Wood Pig (Born in Year Yihai - 1935, 1995)
The date of birth of Pig people 13:18 on February 4, 2007 to 19:3 on February 4, 2008
From 15:24 on February 4, 1995 to 21:15 on February 4, 1996
From 17:40 on February 4, 1983 to 23:29 on February 4, 1984
From 19:44 on February 4, 1971 to 1:32 on February 5, 1972
From 21:47 on February 4, 1959 to 3:37 on February 5, 1960
From 23:48 on February 4, 1947 to 5:41 on February 5, 1948
February 5, 1935 1:55 to February 5, 1936 7:45
How old are Pig people born in different years in 2022 Pig people born in 1947 will be 74 years old in 2022 and 75 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 1959 will be 62 years old in 2022 and 63 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 1971 will be 50 years old in 2022 and 51 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 1983 will be 38 years old in 2022 and 39 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 1995 will be 26 years old in 2022 and 27 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 2007 will be 14 years old in 2022 and 15 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Pig in 2022 will be 2 years old in 2022 and 3 years old in imaginary age.
The above is the content related to the 2022 zodiac age chart, which is about sharing about the tiger. After reading the order list of the twelve zodiac signs, I hope this will be helpful to everyone!
Complete list of attributes of the twelve zodiac signs
Complete list of attributes of the twelve zodiac signs in 2022
The relationship between the stems and branches and the five elements
Jiazi [1924, 1984], Yichou [1925, 1985], Gold in the Sea
Bingyin [1926, 1986], Dingmao [1927, 1987], the fire in the furnace
Wuchen [1928, 1988], Jisi [1929, 1989], Dalinmu
Geng Wu [1930, 1990], Xin Wei [1931, 1991], roadside soil
Renshen [1932, 1992], Guiyou [1933, 1993], Jianfeng Jin
Jiaxu [1934, 1994], Yihai [1935, 1995], mountain fire
Bingzi [1936, 1996], Ding Chou [1937, 1997], Water in the Cave
Wuyin [1938, 1998], Jimao [1939, 1999], city wall soil
Gengchen [1940, 2000], Xinsi [1941, 2001], white wax gold
Renwu [1942, 2002], Guiwei [1943, 2003], willow
Jiashen [1944, 2004], Yiyou [1945, 2005], spring water
Bingxu [1946, 2006], Dinghai [1947, 2007], the soil on the house
Wu Zi [1948, 2008], Ji Chou [1949, 2009], Thunder Fire
Gengyin [1950, 2010], Xinmao [1951, 2011], pine and cypress wood
Renchen [1952, 2012], Guisi [1953, 2013], Changliushui
Jiawu [1954, 2022], Yiwei [1955, 2022], Shazhongjin
Bingshen [1956, 2022], Dingyou [1957, 2022], Shanxia Huo
Wuxu [1958, 2022], Jihai [1959, 2022], Pingdimu
Gengzi [1960, 2022], Xin Chou [1961, 2022], soil on the wall
Renyin [1962, 2022], Guimao [1963, 2023], gold foil
Jiachen [1964, 2024], Yisi [1965, 2025], lights
Bingwu [1966, 2026], Dingwei [1967, 2027], Tianhe water
Wushen [1968, 2028], Jiyou [1969, 2029], Dayi Tu
Gengxu [1970, 2030], Xinhai [1971, 2031], hairpin and gold
Renzi [1972, 2032], Guichou [1973, 2033], Sang Songmu
Jiayin [1974, 2034], Yimao [1975, 2035], Daxi Water
Bingchen [1976, 2036], Ding Si [1977, 2037], Earth in the Sand
Wuwu [1978, 2038], Jiwei [1979, 2039], fire in the sky
Geng Shen [1980, 2040], Xin You [1981, 2041], pomegranate wood
Renxu [1982, 2042], Guihai [1983, 2043], the Great Sea
It can be seen from this table that during the 60 years from Jiazi to Guihai, each zodiac sign appeared 5 times and was matched with the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. For example, in the year of Jiazi, there is gold in the sea, which is the golden rat, and this "gold" is the "gold" in the sea water; for another example, in the year of Bingchen, there is earth in the sand, which is the earth dragon, and this "earth" is The "soil" in the sand.
The sixty Jiazi and the five-tone twelve rhythms are combined, all of which contain five tones, and the total is sixty "Nayin Five Elements". In this regard, the ancient song goes like this: (Luo)
Jiazi, Yichou, there is gold in the sea, Bingyin, Dingmao, the fire in the furnace, Wuchen, Jisi, there are big trees, Gengwu, Xinwei, there is dirt on the roadside,
The sword edge of Renshen, Guiyou is golden, the mountain tops of Jiaxu and Yihai are on fire, Bingzi and Dingchou are launched into the water, and Wuyin and Jimao are covered with earth at the top of the city.
Gengchen Xinsi white wax gold, Renwu Guiwei willow wood, Jiashen Yiyou spring water, Bingxu Dinghai house soil,
Wu Zi Ji Chou thunderbolt fire, Geng Yin Xin Mao pine and cypress wood, Ren Chen Gui Si long flowing water, Jiawu Yiwei sand, stone and gold,
There is fire under Bingshen and Dingyou Mountains, wood on the plains of Wuxu and Jihai, earth on the walls of Gengzi and Xinchou, gold foil and gold in Renyin and Guimao,
Jiachen and Yisi are covered with lights, Bingwu and Dingwei are full of river water, Wushenjiyou is a large post station, Gengxu and Xinhai have hairpins and gold,
Renzi, Guichou, mulberry trees, Jiayin, Yimao, big streams, Bingchen, Dingsi, sand in the earth, Wuwu, Jiwei, there is fire in the sky,
Gengshen Xinyou pomegranate wood, Renxu Guihai sea water.
For this kind of "accepting sound and five elements", predecessors have explained the reasons for its matching:
1. Jiazi Yi Chou Haizhongjin
Zi belongs to water, it is a lake, and it is a place where water is flourishing. In addition, metal dies in Zi and the tomb is in Chou. Water is prosperous and metal dies and tomb, so it is said to be "metal in the sea".
2. Bingyin Dingmao stove with medium heat
Yin is the three yang and Mao is the four yin. Fire not only has its place, but also has the wood of Yinmao to grow it. At this time, the heaven and earth are opened, and all things begin to come into being, so it is called "fire in the furnace".
3. Wuchen Jisi big forest
Chen is the wilderness, and Si is the six suns. When Wood reaches Six Yangs, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and large and lush forest trees grow in the wilderness, so they are called "big forest trees".
4. Soil on the roadside in Gengwu and Xinmo
If the wood that is not struck is used to generate fire at noon, if the fire is strong, the earth will be there and suffer punishment. What is born from the soil cannot be created by itself, just like the soil beside the road.
5. Ren Shen Gui You Jian Feng Jin
With Shen and You, gold is in the right position, and it is also in the palace of Shen, and the emperor is prosperous in You. When metal is prosperous, it is sincere and strong, and its strength is no greater than the edge of a sword, so it is called "Jianfeng Metal".
6. The mountain fire of Jiaxu and Yihai
With Xu and Hai as the gates of heaven, the fire shines on the gates, and its light is the highest, so it is called "mountain fire".
7. Entering the water in Bingzi Dingchou Stream;
Because the water is strong in the son and weak in the ugly, it is difficult to form a river because it is weak from the strong, so it is called "water under the stream".
8. Wuyinjimao city head soil
Tianganwu and Ji belong to earth, and Yin is Genshan. The accumulated soil forms a mountain, so it is called "chengtou soil".
9. Gengchen Xinsi Pewter Gold
The nurturing ground of gold is in Chen, and its longevity is in Si. Because its shape and quality were first formed, but not strong and sharp, it was named "Pewter Gold".
10. Renwu Guiwei willow tree
The tree died at noon and the tomb was at the end of the day. Since Jiamu has died,... Although the tomb has the water of Ren and Gui in the sky, it can only be regarded as soft wood, so it is called "willow wood".
11. Water from Jiashen Yiyou Spring
The Linguan of Metal is Shen, and the Emperor Wang is You. When Metal is prosperous, water will be powerful. However, when it is born, the amount of water is not yet huge, so it is only called "water in the spring".
12. Dirt on Bingxu Dinghai House
Bing and Ding belong to fire, Xu and Hai are the gates of heaven. Since the fire is burning upward, earth will grow from above, so it is called "earth on the house".
13. Wu Zi Ji Chou Thunderbolt
Zi belongs to water, Chou belongs to earth, water is in the right position, and Nayin is the fire in the fire water, and there is no dragon god, so it is called "Thunderbolt Fire".
14. Gengyinxinmao pine and cypress wood
The Linguan of the wood is in Yin, and the emperor is in Mao. At this time, the wood Qi is strong, which is not the ratio, so it is called "pine and cypress wood".
15. Renchen Guisi has long flowing water
Chen is a reservoir, which is the place where gold can live forever. Metal can generate water, and when it meets a reservoir, the spring will be endless, so it is called "everlasting water".
16. Jiawu Yiwei Sha CICC
At noon, it is a place where fire is strong, and when fire is strong, gold will be defeated; when it is not a place where fire is declining, when fire is declining, gold will be crowned. Defeated and crowned, the gold power is insufficient, so it can only be called "gold in the sand".
17. Fire under Bingshen and Dingyou Mountains
Shen is the household, and You is the door where the sun enters. The fire of the sun shines here, so it is called "fire under the mountain".
18. The flat wood of Wuxujihai
Wu is the wilderness, and Hai is the place where trees grow. Because big trees grow in the wilderness, not one tree per forest, they are called "flat trees".
19. Gengzi Xinchou’s soil on the wall
Although Chou is in the right position of Tujia, Zi is a place with abundant water, and the earth is mud, so it can only be called "earth on the wall".
20. Renyin Guimao gold foil
Yinmao is a place where wood is strong, and when wood is strong, gold will be weak. In addition, metal is absolutely in Yin and is born in Mao, so the gold energy is weak at this time, so it is called "gold foil gold".
21. Jiachen and Yisi have turned on the lights
When Chen is the eclipse, it is already in the corner, the sun is approaching noon, and the bright sun shines all over the world, so it is compared to "covering the light".
22. Bingwu and Dingweitian river water
B and D belong to fire, and the fire is strong at noon. However, water comes out of fire and has mutual roots. Non-yin people cannot reach it, so it is called "Tianhe Water".
23. Wushenjiyou Dayitu
Shen in the Bagua is Kun, Kun is Earth, and You in Bagua is Dui, Dui is Ze. The soil of Wu and Ji is added to the soil of Kun and Dui. The non-floating soil can be treated as the same, so it is called "Dayi soil".
24. The golden hairpin of Gengxu and Xinhai
When gold encounters Xu, it will weaken, and when it reaches Hai, it will become sick. Since gold is weak and sick, of course, it is called "Chaochai Gold".
25. Renzi Guichou mulberry tree
For those who belong to water, ugliness is a treasury. When water grows trees, axes and metal cut them down, just like mulberries and mulberries grow only when they are cut down with axes, so it is said to be. Mulberry tree.
26. Jiayin Yimao River
Yin is the east, and Mao is the right position of the east. Sichuan streams, ponds, and swamps flow from the west to the east, so they are called "big streams."
27. Bingchen and Dingsi are buried in the sand.
The fire crown of B and D is in Chen, and the official is in Si. At this time, the fire comes and generates earth, but it is not strong enough, so it is said to be "earth in the sand".
28. Wuwujiwei is on fire in the sky
Noon is the place where fire is strong, and the fire that is not hit will regenerate. The nature of fire is originally inflammation, and at this time, Muku will help, so it is called "fire in the sky".
29. Geng Shen Xin You Pomegranate Wood
Shen is July and You is August. At this time, the wood energy is gone and only the pomegranate tree bears fruit, so it is called "pomegranate wood".
30. The great sea water of Renxu and Guihai
The water crown zone is in Xu and Linguan is in Hai. At this time, the water power is strong and unmatched by other waters, so it is called "big sea water".
The color of the zodiac mascot matches the person's life
gold life white
wood life green black
water life black white
fire red green
earth red
Although the above explanation is reasonable, many places are very reluctant and difficult to believe. However, since the ancients have said this, and later generations have inherited it for a long time, it has become a convention and abides by the rules. Regarding the relationship between the positive five elements and Nayin, Xu Ziping dedicated the positive five elements. Later, because the use of the positive five elements in calculations often differed from the actual situation, he used the Nayin five elements as a supplement. For this reason, the relationship between the two can be regarded as the meridian of the five elements and the latitude of the sound. Just as "Numerology Tanyuan" said: "Basically look at the strength of the yen, and determine the gains and losses of using the gods, all based on the positive five behaviors. If you want to make up for the shortcomings, use the excess to offset the deficiency, and you should also refer to the year, The sound of the month, day, and time.”
Bazi: A type of Chinese fortune telling. The author believes that the year, month, day and time of a person's birth are matched by the heavenly stems and earthly branches. Each item is replaced by two characters, and there are eight characters in the four items. Based on these eight characters, a person's birth date can be calculated. destiny. In the old custom, when men and women get engaged, they must first make a Bazi calligraphy post, also known as "Geng Tie", or simply "Bazi calligraphy".
[Five lines annotation]:
The "Five Elements" are found in the "Hongfan Chapter" of "Shangshu", including the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. From a philosophical point of view, the ancients believed that the material world is composed of these five elements.
The five elements generate each other: metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal.
The five elements are in conflict with each other: metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal.
The meaning of the five elements:
Metal generates water - because the Qi of Shaoyin (gold Qi) is warm and flowing, metal is generated by water, and forging gold can also turn into water, so metal generates water.
Water-growing trees—trees grow because the water is warm and moist, so water-growing trees are trees.
Wood produces fire - because wood is warm in nature, fire is hidden in it, and it drills into the wood to produce fire, so wood produces fire.
Fire generates earth - because fire is hot, it can burn wood. When wood is covered, it turns into ashes. Ashes are earth, so fire generates earth.
Earth generates gold - because gold needs to be hidden in the stone, attached to the mountain, moistened by moisture, and grows by gathering soil to form a mountain. If there is a mountain, there must be stone, so the earth generates gold.
The meaning of the five elements restraining each other: it is due to the nature of heaven and earth
Many are better than few, so water is better than fire; essence is better than hardness, so fire is better than metal; hardness is better than softness, so metal is better than wood; specialization is better than dispersion, so wood is better than earth; reality is better than emptiness, so earth is better than water.
Five Elements/Heavenly Stems/Earthly Branches Comparison Table
Heavenly stems: Jia-wood, Yi-wood, Bing-fire, Ding-fire, Wu-earth, Ji-earth, Geng-metal, Xin-metal, Ren-water, Gui-water
Earthly branches: Zi-water, Chou-earth, Yin-wood, Mao-wood, Chen-earth, Si-fire, Wu-fire, Wei-earth, Shen-gold, You-gold, Xu-earth, Hai-water
Then use the following table to calculate your hourly stem and branch based on one of the stems and branches of your birth day:
Hourly zodiac and branch calculation table
Time, Hour, Five Elements, Days, Stems and Branches
Jiaji Yigeng Bingxin Dingren Wugui
23-01 Zi/Water Jiazi Bingzi Wuzi Gengzi Renzi
01-03 Chou/Tu Yi Chou Ding Chou Ji Chou Xin Chou Guichou
03-05 Yin/Wood Bingyin Wuyin Gengyin Renyin Jiayin
05-07 Mao/Wood Ding Mao Ji Mao Xin Mao Gui Mao Yi Mao
07-09 Chen/Tu Wuchen Gengchen Renchen Jiachen Bingchen
09-11 Si/Fire Jisi Xinsi Guisi Jisi Dingsi
11-13 Wu/Fire Gengwu Renwu Jiawu Bingwu Wuwu
13-15 Wei/Tu Xinwei Guiwei Yiwei Dingwei Jiwei
15-17 Shen/Jin Renshen Jiashen Bingshen Wushen Gengshen
17-19 You/Gold Gui You Yi Yi Ding You Ji You Xin You
19-21 Wu/Tu Jiaxu Bingxu Wuxu Gengxu Renxu
21-23 Hai/Water Yihai Dinghai Jihai Xinhai Guihai
One of the stems and branches of your birth date is your destiny. If you don't have any of the five elements, you are missing that one.
The relationship between the five elements and the body:
Five Elements Lucky Health Food:
Wood: Represents the liver and governs sparseness and shallowness. Regulates body functions, helps circulation, and ventilates blood and water. All green foods such as: celery, leeks, spinach, green beans, green onions, kiwis, etc. Dark upper eyelids indicate excessive bile; poor rest can damage the liver and gallbladder, easily cause dark circles under the eyes, and cause internal disorders.
Fire: represents the heart and governs the blood. Promote blood circulation and distribute it to all parts of the body. All red foods such as: carrots, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, red peppers, wolfberries, red dates, crabs, shrimps, etc. Red cheeks, strong heart fire, prone to constipation.
Earth: represents the spleen and governs digestion. Absorption and transportation function to provide the body with sufficient nutrients. All foods such as: soybeans, peanuts, corn, papaya, pumpkin, lotus seeds, pineapple, star fruit, orange, etc. The complexion is yellow and the spleen and stomach are not good.
Gold: represents the lungs and governs Qi. Having Qi can help the body function properly. All white foods such as tofu, white radish, coix seed, white cabbage, pear, white sesame, etc. The lungs govern the fur and the pores on the tip of the nose, so the lungs function is not good.
Water: represents the kidneys and governs water. Helps the body regulate moisture. All black foods such as: grapes, black beans, kelp, seaweed, shiitake mushrooms, black buckwheat, etc. Dark skin color, eye bags, and decreased kidney function.
Zodiac attributes
Tiger, rabbit, [dragon]...spring...oriental...wood...cyan
Snake, horse, [sheep]... summer... south... fire... red
Monkey, Rooster, [Dog]...Autumn......Gold...White
Pig, rat, [ox]
Dragon [beginning of spring], sheep [beginning of summer], dog [beginning of autumn], ox [beginning of east]
Zodiac identification
Ji Mei zodiac;
Rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, chicken
Bad and ugly zodiac signs;
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Pig
Six Beasts of the Wild;
Rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, monkey
Domestic animals;
Cow, horse, sheep, chicken, dog, pig
Masculine zodiac sign;
Ox, tiger, rabbit, sheep, monkey, chicken
Chinese Zodiac;
Rat, dragon, snake, horse, dog, pig
twelve zodiac signs
Rat: The national master is a traitor, the thief is a thief, and the traitor is plum blossoms.
Ox: There are no handsome generals, but there are many generals.
Tiger: General, King, Warrior, Commander, Peach Blossom
Rabbit: Jade Emperor Orchid
Dragon: Emperor Zhuangyuan Emperor Emperor Lihua
Snake: The palace maid, the talented and beautiful prince Zhuhua
Horse: Prince Marshal, Scholar Prince Xinghua
Sheep: Prime Minister Nishinomiya Sakura Nishinomiya
Monkey: Eunuch Kou Wang Ranger Kou Wang Songshu
Chicken: Concubine Linghua, the singing girl
Dog: Pioneer in Civil Service and Pioneer in Housekeeping
Pig: eunuch of the West Palace, merchant eunuch Osmanthus fragrans
Ox: Northeast = Erhei
Rat: North = Four Greens
Tiger: Northeast = Erhei
Rabbit: East = Liubai
Dragon: Southeast = Qi Chi
Snake: Southeast = Qi Chi
Horse: South = Sanbi
Sheep: Southwest = Five Yellows
Monkey: Southwest = Five Yellows
Chicken: = Yibai
Dog: Northwest = Nine Purple
Pig: Northwest = Nine Purple
The location of the zodiac signs throughout the year
Spring Zodiac (Eastern 31--42): Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon.
Summer Zodiac (19-30 in the South): Horse, Snake, Sheep.
Autumn zodiac signs (07--18): Rooster, Monkey, Dog.
Winter Zodiac (Northern 01-06.43-49): Rat, Pig, Ox.
The five lucky zodiac animals: rat, tiger, rabbit, snake, monkey, [dragon].
Six animals (livestock): cow, horse, sheep, chicken, dog, pig.
Six animals in the zodiac (in the wild): rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, and monkey.
The zodiac sign of two feet: bird. Four-legged zodiac sign: animal.
Foundation: Tiger in the first month, Rabbit in February, Dragon in March, Snake in April, Horse in May, Sheep in June,
Heavenly Stems: Dog in the first month, Pig in February, Rat in March, Ox in April, Tiger in May, Rabbit in June.
Foundation: Monkey in July, Rooster in August, Dog in September, Pig in October, Rat in November, Ox in December.
Heavenly Stem: Dragon in July, Horse in August, Snake in September, Sheep in October, Monkey in November, Rooster in December.
Zodiac sign of heaven and earth:
1. The zodiac signs of the sky: rabbit, horse, monkey, pig, ox, and dragon.
2. Earth zodiac: snake, sheep, rooster, dog, rat, tiger.
Chinese Zodiac:
1. Yin zodiac signs: rat, dragon, snake, horse, dog, and pig.
2. Yang zodiac signs: Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster.
Single and double painted zodiac signs:
1. Single zodiac sign: rat, dragon, horse, snake, chicken, and pig.
2. Double zodiac signs: Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Sheep and Ox.
Triad zodiac signs: rat, dragon, monkey, ox, snake, rooster, tiger, horse, dog, rabbit, sheep, and pig.
Zodiac signs: Rat and Ox, Dragon and Rooster, Tiger and Pig, Snake and Monkey, Rabbit and Dog, Horse and Sheep
"Twenty-Eight Constellations":
Oriental Qinglong Qisu:
Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Ditu raccoon dog, Ji water leopard, tail fire tiger, Fangri rabbit, Xinyue fox
Dragon. Monkey. Rat. Dog. Rooster. Rabbit. Snake
Southern Zhuque Qisu:
Well wood deer, golden sheep, willow deer, water worm, winged fire snake, star sun horse, Zhang Yuelu
Chicken. Ox. Snake. Rabbit. Dragon. Dog. Monkey
White Tiger Qisu:
Kuimu wolf, Loujin dog, stomach pheasant, wall water bug, fire monkey, Angri chicken, Weiyueyan
Tiger. Dog. Horse. Pig. Monkey. Rabbit. Dragon
Northern Xuanwu Qisu:
Dou Mu Zhi, Ox Taurus, Female Earth Bat, Ginseng Water Ape, Room Fire Pig, Xu Sun Rat, Bi Yue Wu
Tiger. Horse. Dog. Cow. Sheep. Monkey. Rabbit
The precise formula for horoscope arrangement where the five elements complement each other
Rat Sun: Attacks the Horse, defeats the Sheep, breaks the Sheep, and has no Monkey.
Ox day: opposes Sheep, defeats Horse, defeats Monkey, and lacks Rooster
Tiger Sun: Opposes the Monkey, defeats the Snake, defeats the Rooster, and lacks the Dog.
Rabbit Day: Confront the Rooster, destroy the Dragon, destroy the Dog, and have no Pig.
Dragon Sun: Attacks the dog, defeats the rabbit, destroys the pig, and eliminates the rat.
Snake Day: Confronts the Pig, defeats the Tiger, defeats the Rat, and lacks the Ox
Horse day: attack the rat, defeat the ox, destroy the ox, and have no tiger
Sheep day: Oxen, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit
Monkey Sun: Confront the Tiger, overcome the Pig, destroy the Rabbit, and lose the Dragon.
Rooster Day: Opposing the Rabbit, defeating the Dog, defeating the Dragon, and no Snake
: Charge the dragon, defeat the chicken, defeat the snake, and have no horse.
Pig Day: Confronts Snake, defeats Monkey, breaks Horse, and has no Sheep.
Five elements rules:
Metal generates water – suppresses wood. Water generates wood – suppresses fire.
Wood generates fire – which suppresses earth. Fire generates earth – which suppresses metal.
Native gold – overcomes water
Twelve constellations and twelve zodiac signs. Bose
Jianri: Tai Sui. The main numbers are dog, chicken, dragon and rabbit (red, green) with mixed good and bad luck.
Except the sun: it is the sun of four benefits. The main luck is sheep, rabbit, cow and horse (blue, green).
Full day: for heavenly wealth, for earth, for the four benefits of mourning, for Fei Lian.
Main horse, monkey (blue-green) Xiaoji
On weekdays: it is Sanhe, it is earth tune, the main signs are dragon, dog, cow, sheep and chicken (red, green)
Dingri: It is the three conjunctions of the year, it is Kuigang Xianxing, it is the earth official, and it is the animal official.
Main pig, sheep (blue, green)
Holding the Sun: Death for the four benefits. Lord Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Pig, Horse (blue and green)
Breaking the day means breaking the year and causing great consumption. Main dragon, rat, rabbit, chicken (red and green)
[Five Elements Attributes of the Zodiac]
[Golden Zodiac Sign] Monkey and Rooster [Wooden Zodiac Sign] Tiger and Rabbit [Water Zodiac Sign] Rat and Pig
[Fire Zodiac] Snake and Horse [Earth Zodiac] Ox, Sheep, Dragon and Dog
"Six Animals of the Zodiac" Yang is: Horse, Ox, Sheep, Rooster, Dog, Pig
"Beasts of the Zodiac" Yin is: Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Monkey
Spring Zodiac: Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Summer Zodiac: Snake, Horse, Sheep,
Autumn zodiac sign: monkey, dog, rooster, winter zodiac sign: rat, cow, pig.
Single-stroke zodiac signs: rat, dragon, horse, snake, chicken, and pig.
Two-stroke zodiac signs: tiger, monkey, dog, rabbit, sheep, and cow.
Red zodiac signs: Horse, Rabbit, Rat, Rooster.
Blue’s zodiac sign: snake, tiger, pig, monkey.
Green zodiac signs: Sheep, Dragon, Ox and Dog.
Triad zodiac signs: rat, dragon, monkey, ox, snake, rooster, tiger, horse, dog, rabbit, sheep, and pig.
The zodiac signs are: rat and ox, dragon and rooster, tiger and pig, snake and monkey, rabbit and dog, horse and sheep.
Two kings: Dragon and Tiger Two people: Rat and Monkey
Beauty: Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Chicken Retainer: Ox, Horse, Pig, Dog
[Time of the twelve zodiac signs]
01. Rat 12 years old (23-01 hours, third update)
02. Cow 11 years old (01-03 hours, four updates)
03. Tiger 10 years old (03-05 hours, fifth update)
04. Rabbit 09 years old (05-07 hours, six updates)
05. Dragon 08 years old (07-09 hours, seven updates)
06. Snake 07 years old (09-11 o'clock, eight updates)
07. Horse 06 years old (11-13 o'clock, nine updates)
08. Sheep 05 years old (13-15 hours, 10 updates)
09. Monkey 04 years old (15-17 hours, 11 updates)
10. Chicken 03 years old (17-19 hours, 12 updates)
11. Dog 02 years old (19-21 hours, one update)
12. Pig 01 years old (21-23 hours, second update)
Celebrity Birth Zodiac Chart
Rat: Guan Yu, Su Dongpo, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Zheng Chenggong, , Mozart
Niu: Liu Zongyuan, Qiu Yi, Wang Luobin, Bai Xianyong, Xi, Zhubielin
Napoleon, Andersen, Van Gogh
Tiger: Qu Yuan, Qin Shihuang, Zhang Heng, Tang Bohu, Li Shizhen, Shi Kexun, Qiong Yao,
Rabbit: Zhou Yu, Cao Bah, Emperor Qianlong, Hu Shi, Anita Mui,
Dragon: Zhu Yuanzhang, Huo Yuanjia, Wang Yangming, Cai Yuanpei, Hong Yi, Bruce Lee,
, Bernard Shaw
Snake: Xiang Yu, Kong Rong, Lu You, Wu Jingzhen, Lin Zexu, Lu Xun, Gandhi,
Horse: Li Shimin, , Emperor Kangxi, Puyi, Mei Lanfang, Teresa Teng, Zhou Xuan,
Brigitte Lin,
Sheep: Cao Cao, Yang Guifei, Yue Fei, Cixi, Yuan Shikai, Xu Beihong, Sanmao, Mark Twain,
Monkey: Wu Zetian, Han Yu, Geng Qing, Xin Qiji, Wen Tianxiang, Contradiction
Chicken: Confucius, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, Wang Anshi, Zheng Banqiao, Liang Qichao, Zhou Zuoren, Tagore
Dog: Sun Quan, Xuanzang, Wang Bo, Xu Xiake, Chen Jiaqing, , Zhu Ziqing,
Ruan Lingyu, Cao Ge, Ning
Pig: Song Renzu, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Jiang Jieshi, Wen Yiduo, Lao She,
Schweitzer,Henry Ford
Comparison table of zodiac signs, year and five elements
1. Rat
Years of birth: 1924-1984 Du Shu (Wood Rat)
Year of Bingzi: 1936-1996 Vole (Fire Rat)
Year of birth of Wuzi: 1948 2008 Millet (squirrel)
Gengzi year of birth: 1960 2022 White Rat (Golden Rat)
Year of Renzi: 1912-1972 Fox Rat (Water Rat)
2. Cow
Year of birth of Yichou: 1925-1985 Dairy cow (wooden cow)
Ding Chou was born: 1937 1997 Farming Ox (Fire Ox)
Year of birth: 1949 2009 Buffalo (native cow)
Xin Chou’s year of birth: 1961 2022 Herding Cow (Taurus)
Kwai Niu Year of birth: 1913 1973 Morning Bull (Buffalo)
3. Tiger
Born in Jiayin: 1914-1974 Tiger (Wooden Tiger)
Bingyin year of birth: 1926 1986 Russian Tiger (Fire Tiger)
Ji Yin was born in: 1938 1998 Baohu (Tuhu)
Gengyin born: 1950 2010 Riding the Tiger (Golden Tiger)
Renyin year of birth: 1962 2022 Ruhu (Water Tiger)
4. Rabbit
Year of Yimao: 1915-1975 Cunning Rabbit (Wooden Rabbit)
Born in the Year of Dingmao: 1927-1987 Hare (Fire Rabbit)
Born in the year of Mao: 1939 1999 Domestic Rabbit (Earth Rabbit)
Year of the Rabbit: 1951 2011 Moon Rabbit (Golden Rabbit)
Year of the Kwai Rabbit: 1963 2023 Jade Rabbit (Water Rabbit)
5. Dragon
Year of Jiachen: 1904 1964 Subduing the Dragon (Wooden Dragon)
Bingchen's year of birth: 1916 1976 Fulong (Fire Dragon)
Wuchen year of birth: 1928 1988 Tianlong (earth dragon)
Gengchen year of birth: 1940 2000 Shenglong (golden dragon)
Renchen's year of birth: 1952 2012 Jiaolong (Water Dragon)
6. Snake
Born in Yisi: 1905-1965 Long Snake (Wooden Snake)
Year of Ding Si born: 1917 1977 Big Snake (Fire Snake)
Years born: 1929 1989 Dragon Snake (Earth Snake)
Year of Xinsi born: 1941 2001 Viper (Golden Snake)
Years of birth of Kuisi: 1953 2013 Lying Snake (Water Snake)
7. Horse
Born in the year of Jiawu: 1954 2022 Horse riding (Trojan horse)
Born in the Year of Bingwu: 1906 1966 Tianma (Fire Horse)
Born in the year of Wuwu: 1918 1978 Packhorse (local horse)
Gengwu year of birth: 1930 1990 Soldiers and horses (golden horses)
Born in the Year of Renwu: 1942 2002 stallion (water horse)
8. Sheep
Yiwei year of birth: 1955 2022 Aries (Wood Sheep)
Ding Weinian: 1907-1967 Sick Sheep (Fire Sheep)
Years of birth: 1919 1979 Goat (local sheep)
Year of the Xin Sheep Born: 1931 1991 Wild Sheep (Golden Sheep)
Year of birth of Kwai Sheep: 1943 2003 Sheep (Water Sheep)
9. Monkey
Years of birth in Jiashen: 1944 2004 King Monkey (Wooden Monkey)
Bingshen born: 1956 2022 Red Monkey (Fire Monkey)
Wu Shen was born: 1908-1968 Mountain Monkey (Earth Monkey)
Gengshen born: 1920 1980 Yun Monkey (Golden Monkey)
Renshen was born: 1932 1992 Qinhou (Water Monkey)
10. Chicken
Years of birth of Yiyou: 1945 2005 Water Rooster (Wood Rooster)
Ding You was born: 1957 2022 Fighting Cock (Turkey)
Born in the following year: 1909 1969 (local chicken)
Year of Xinyou born: 1921 1981 Army Rooster (Golden Rooster)
Kuiyou years of birth: 1933 1993 domestic chicken (water chicken)
11. Dog
Born in Jiarong: 1934 1994 Mad Dog (wooden dog)
Bingrong born: 1946 2006 ()
Born in the Year of Wurong: 1958 2022 Wild Dog (local dog)
Gengrong was born: 1910 1970 Fierce Dog (Golden Dog)
Born in Renrong: 1922-1982 Love dogs (water dogs)
12. Pig
Year of Yihai: 1935-1995 Yongzhu (Wood Pig)
Year of Ding Hai: 1947 2007 Wandering Pig (Fire Pig)
Year of birth: 1959 2022 Sick pig (native pig)
Year of Xinhai: 1911 1971 Domestic Pig (Golden Pig)
Years of birth in Kui Hai: 1923 1983 Wild Pig (Water Pig)
Correspondence between Zodiac Sign and Five Elements
He was born in the years of Jiazi, Bingzi, Wuzi, Gengzi and Renzi. His zodiac sign is rat and the five elements are water.
He was born in the years of Yichou, Ding Chou, Jichou, Xin Chou and Guichou. His zodiac sign is Ox and the five elements belong to earth.
He was born in the Jiayin, Bingyin, Wuyin, Gengyin, and Renyin years. His zodiac sign is tiger and the five elements are wood.
He was born in the years of Yimao, Dingmao, Jimao, Xinmao and Guimao. His zodiac sign is rabbit and the five elements are wood.
He was born in the years Jiachen, Bingchen, Wuchen, Gengchen, and Renchen. His zodiac sign is dragon, and his five halls are earth.
He was born in the year Yisi, Dingsi, Jisi, Xinsi, and Guisi. His zodiac sign is snake and his five elements are fire.
He was born in the Jiawu, Bingwu, Wuwu, Gengwu, and Renwu years. His zodiac sign is horse, and his five elements are fire.
He was born in the year Yiwei, Dingwei, Jiwei, Xinwei and Guiwei. His zodiac sign is sheep and his five elements are earth.
He was born in the Jiashen, Bingshen, Wushen, Gengshen, and Renshen years. His zodiac sign is monkey and his five elements are gold.
He was born in the year Yiyou, Dingyou, Jiyou, Xinyou, and Guiyou. His zodiac sign is Rooster, and his five elements belong to gold.
He was born in the years of Jiaxu, Bingxu, Wuxu, Gengxu, and Renxu. His zodiac sign is dog, and his five elements belong to earth.
He was born in the year Yihai, Dinghai, Jihai, Xinhai and Guihai. His zodiac sign is pig and his five elements are water.
Metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal. It is called the mutual generation of the five elements;
Metal restrains wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, and fire restrains metal. This is called the five elements restraining each other.
Attributes of the twelve earthly branches and five elements of the zodiac:
Zi belongs to water, Chou belongs to earth, Yin belongs to wood, Mao belongs to wood, Chen belongs to earth, Si belongs to fire, Wu belongs to fire, Wei belongs to earth, Shen belongs to metal, You belongs to metal, Shu belongs to earth, and Hai belongs to water.
The above is the content related to the attributes of the twelve zodiac signs in 2022, which is a sharing about the zodiac signs. After reading the age chart of the twelve zodiac signs, I hope this is helpful to everyone!
2022 zodiac chart twelve zodiac ages
1. Age comparison table for people born in the Year of the Rat in 2022: People born in the Year of the Rat in 1924 will have an actual age of 98 and an imaginary age of 99 in 2022. People born in the Year of the Rat in 1936 will be 86 years old in 2022 and 87 years old in imaginary years. People born in the Year of the Rat in 1948 will be 74 years old in 2022 and 75 years old in imaginary years. 2. Age comparison chart for Ox people in 2022: Ox people born in 1925 will be 97 years old in real life and 98 years old in 2022. People born in the Year of the Ox in 1937 will be 85 years old in 2022 and 86 years old in imaginary years. 3. Age comparison table for Pig people in 2022: Pig people born in 1923 will be 99 years old in real life and 100 years old in 2022. Born in 1935: Actual age is 87 years old in 2022, virtual age is 88 years old.
Age comparison table for 2022, the Year of the Rat
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1924 will be 98 years old in 2022 and 99 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1936 will be 86 years old in 2022 and 87 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1948 will be 74 years old in 2022 and 75 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1960 will be 62 years old in 2022 and 63 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1972 will be 50 years old in 2022 and 51 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1984 will be 38 years old in real life and 39 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1996 will be 26 years old in real life and 27 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 2008 will be 14 years old in real life and 15 years old in 2022.
Ox age comparison chart in 2022
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1925 will be 97 years old in 2022 and 98 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1937 will be 85 years old in 2022 and 86 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1949 will be 73 years old in 2022 and 74 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1961 will be 61 years old in 2022 and 62 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Ox in 1973 will be 49 years old in 2022 and 50 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1985 will be 37 years old in 2022 and 38 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 1997 will be 25 years old in 2022 and 26 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Ox in 2009 will be 13 years old in 2022 and 14 years old in imaginary years.
Tiger 2022 age comparison chart
A Tiger born in 1926 will be 97 years old in 2022 and 98 years old in imaginary age.
Tiger people born in 1938 will be 85 years old in 2022 and 86 years old in imaginary age.
Tiger people born in 1950 will be 73 years old in 2022 and 74 years old in imaginary years.
Tiger people born in 1962 will be 61 years old in 2022 and 62 years old in imaginary years.
Tiger people born in 1974 will be 49 years old in 2022 and 50 years old in imaginary years.
Tiger people born in 1986 will be 51 years old in 2022 and 52 years old in imaginary years.
Tiger people born in 1998 will be 26 years old in 2022 and 27 years old in imaginary age.
Tiger people born in 2010 will be 13 years old in 2022 and 14 years old in imaginary years.
Age comparison table for 2022, the Year of the Rabbit
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1939 will be 83 years old in 2022 and 84 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1951 will be 71 years old in 2022 and 72 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1963 will be 59 years old in 2022 and 60 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1975 will be 47 years old in 2022 and 48 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 1987 will be 35 years old in 2022 and 36 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the year of Rabbit in 1999 will be 23 years old in 2022 and 24 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit in 2011 will be 11 years old in 2022 and 12 years old in imaginary years.
Dragon age comparison table in 2022
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1940 will be 82 years old in real life and 83 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1952 will be 70 years old in 2022 and 71 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1964 will be 58 years old in 2022 and 59 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1976 will be 46 years old in real life and 47 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 1988 will be 34 years old in real life and 35 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dragon in 2012 will be 10 years old in 2022 and 11 years old in imaginary years.
Snake age chart in 2022
Snake people born in 1941 will be 81 years old in real life and 82 years old in 2022.
Snake people born in 1953 will be 69 years old in 2022 and 70 years old in imaginary years.
Snake people born in 1965 will be 57 years old in 2022 and 58 years old in imaginary years.
Snake people born in 1977 will be 45 years old in real life and 46 years old in 2022.
Snake people born in 1989 will be 33 years old in 2022 and 34 years old in imaginary age.
Snake people born in 2001 will be 21 years old in 2022 and 22 years old in imaginary years.
Snake people born in 2013 will be 9 years old in 2022 and 10 years old in imaginary years.
Horse 2022 age comparison table
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1930 will be 92 years old in real life and 93 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1942 will be 80 years old in 2022 and 81 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1954 will be 68 years old in 2022 and 69 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1966 will be 56 years old in 2022 and 57 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1978 will be 44 years old in real life and 45 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 1990 will be 32 years old in real life and 33 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 2002 will be 20 years old in 2022 and 21 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Horse in 2014 will be 8 years old in 2022 and 9 years old in imaginary age.
Sheep age chart in 2022
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1931 will be 91 years old in 2022 and 92 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1943 will be 79 years old in 2022 and 80 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1955 will be 67 years old in 2022 and 68 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1967 will be 55 years old in 2022 and 56 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1979 will be 43 years old in 2022 and 44 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 1991 will be 31 years old in 2022 and 32 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Sheep in 2003 will be 19 years old in 2022 and 20 years old in real life.
Sheep people born in 2015 will be 7 years old in 2022 and 8 years old in imaginary age.
Monkey age comparison chart for 2022
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1932 will be 90 years old in 2022 and 91 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1944 will be 78 years old in 2022 and 79 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1956 will be 66 years old in 2022 and 67 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1968 will be 54 years old in 2022 and 55 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1980 will be 42 years old in real life and 43 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 1992 will be 30 years old in 2022 and 31 years old in imaginary age.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 2004 will be 18 years old in 2022 and 19 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Monkey in 2016 will be 6 years old in 2022 and 7 years old in imaginary years.
Rooster age chart for 2022
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1933 will be 89 years old in 2022 and 90 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1945 will be 77 years old in 2022 and 78 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1957 will be 65 years old in 2022 and 66 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1969 will be 53 years old in 2022 and 54 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1981 will be 41 years old in 2022 and 42 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Rooster in 1993 will be 29 years old in 2022 and 30 years old in real life.
Rooster people born in 2005 will be 17 years old in 2022 and 18 years old in imaginary years.
Rooster people born in 2017 will be 5 years old in 2022 and 6 years old in imaginary age.
Dog age comparison chart in 2022
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1934 will be 88 years old in 2022 and 89 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1946 will be 76 years old in 2022 and 77 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1958 will be 64 years old in 2022 and 65 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1970 will be 52 years old in 2022 and 53 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1982 will be 40 years old in 2022 and 41 years old in imaginary years.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 1994 will be 28 years old in 2022 and 29 years old in 2022.
People born in the Year of the Dog in 2006 will be 16 years old in 2022 and 17 years old in imaginary years.
A dog person born in 2018 will be 4 years old in 2022 and 5 years old in imaginary age.
Pig 2022 age chart
Pig people born in 1923 will be 99 years old in 2022 and 100 years old in imaginary years.
Pig people born in 1935: their real age will be 87 years old in 2022, and their imaginary age will be 88 years old.
Pig people born in 1947: their real age will be 75 in 2022 and their imaginary age will be 76.
Pig people born in 1959 will be 63 years old in 2022 and 64 years old in imaginary years.
Pig people born in 1971 will be 51 years old in 2022 and 52 years old in imaginary years.
Pig people born in 1983: their actual age will be 39 years old in 2022 and their virtual age will be 40 years old.
Pig people born in 1995: their real age will be 27 years old in 2022, and their imaginary age will be 28 years old.
Pig people born in 2007 will be 15 years old in 2022 and 16 years old in imaginary years.
Pig people born in 2019 will be 3 years old in 2022 and 4 years old in imaginary age.
Twelve zodiac signs, age chart and year
In China, everyone has his or her own zodiac sign. Precisely because each of us has different zodiac signs, we naturally have different personality traits and bring different feelings to us. At the same time, we can also know the ages of our friends around us through the twelve zodiac signs age chart . Next, let us take a look at the relevant content of the zodiac age comparison chart!
Twelve zodiac signs age chart
Chenlong: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060
Si Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049, 2061
Wu Ma : 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050, 2062
Weiyang: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051, 2063
Shenhou: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052, 2064
Unitary Chicken : 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053, 2065
XuGou : 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054, 2066
Hai Pig: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043, 2055, 2067
Zodiac age comparison table 2022
How old are people born in the Year of the Rat in 2022?
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1900 will be 122 years old in 2022, which means they will be 123 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1912 will be 110 years old in 2022, which means they will be 111 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1924 will be 98 years old in 2022, making them 99 years old.
People born in the Year of the Rat in 1936 will be 86 years old in 2022, which means they will be 87 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 1948 will be 74 years old in 2022, which means they will be 75 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 1960 will be 62 years old in 2022, which means they will be 63 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 1972 will be 50 years old in 2022, which means they will be 51 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 1984 will be 38 years old in 2022, which means they will be 39 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 1996 will be 26 years old in 2022, which means they will be 27 years old in real life.
Rat people born in 2008 will be 14 years old in 2022, which means they will be 15 years old in real life.
People born in the Year of the Rat born in 2020 will be 2 years old in 2022, which is 3 years old.
Will the Rat zodiac have good overall luck in 2022?
People born under the Year of the Rat may have bad luck in 2022, the Year of the Tiger. Although there is no obvious relationship between the Rat people in the Year of the Tiger and the fleeting Tai Sui. However, since people born in the Year of the Rat are more disturbed by evil stars in the Year of the Tiger, and their fortunes are not guarded by auspicious stars, their fortunes will appear more dangerous. In terms of career and financial fortune, affected by the evil star "Tiangu", people born in the Year of the Rat are prone to mischief and bankruptcies in the Year of the Tiger, which will lead to difficulties in their career, decline in financial fortune, and difficulty in gathering wealth and luck. In terms of health, under the influence of the evil star "Diaoke", people born under the Year of the Rat are susceptible to disease interference and trouble this year. There are also many funerals in the fleeting year, and bad luck, big and small, is uninterrupted. As for emotions, the development of the relationship fortune of people born in the Year of the Rat in the Year of the Tiger is relatively flat, and it is basically difficult to have good news.
The above is all about the 2 zodiac signs age chart, zodiac sign age chart comparison table, and the related content of the 12 zodiac signs order. I hope it can help you.