
Contents of this article

  • 1. Analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations
  • 2. Super detailed analysis table of twelve constellations
  • 3. Complete analysis of the twelve constellations
  • 4. Complete personality analysis of the twelve zodiac signs

Analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations

Analysis of the characteristics of the twelve constellations

  Analysis of the characteristics of the twelve constellations. Each of the twelve constellations is different, with different months and different personalities. Do you know what characteristics each of the twelve constellations has? Now I share the twelve constellations. Characteristic analysis.

  Analysis of the Characteristics of the Twelve Constellations 1

   Aries: Positive and optimistic

  Aries are full of desire for food and beauty, and are very passionate about life, so no matter what setbacks they encounter, optimistic and positive Aries will handle it simply and quickly. Their always optimistic character makes many people envious.

   Taurus: Stubborn and introverted

  People often think that Taurus are slow to show off. In fact, they are too insistent on their own opinions. As long as they don't like people and things, Taurus will not force themselves to get in touch with them. Therefore, they are also relatively introverted and will not follow the crowd but will be firm in themselves. pace of.

   Gemini: Sleek and sophisticated

  Geminis sometimes appear sentimental, trapped in conflicts and unable to extricate themselves, and also want to escape the crowd and find a quiet place to stay. In fact, Gemini is the most sophisticated and sophisticated, and it is unrealistic for them to break away from secular society and run for freedom.

   Cancer: sentimental

  Cancers will try their best to show a positive side in interpersonal interactions. In order to prevent others from feeling their negative energy, they are very good at disguising themselves. In fact, real Cancers are very sentimental and very sensitive.

   Leo: Confident

  Real Leos have obsessive self-confidence. They firmly believe that no matter how difficult the situation is, they can solve it immediately as long as they take action. If a Leo doesn't show a tendency to be conceited, he's just hiding his capabilities and biding his time.

   Virgo: shrewd calculation

  What Virgos are best at is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. It seems that they won't fight for it, but in fact they won't give in at all on key interests. Shrewd calculation is the advantage of Virgo's character. With such a character, whatever Virgo wants will come true.

   Libra: Hesitant

  Libras always shine brightly in social circles, making those close to them feel radiant. Libras, who are always the center of social interaction, are actually very indecisive. Behind the glamor they present are countless choices and re-choices.

   Scorpio: dark and negative

  Scorpios always easily discern the truth of the world and pride themselves on having a very good understanding of human nature, so they know that if they do whatever they want and are full of negative energy, they will not be popular with others. In fact, the true character of Scorpio is very negative and gloomy.

   Sagittarius: Bohemian

  Sagittarius will never deliberately hide their true personality, which will make them feel uncomfortable. If they cannot be happy and free to be themselves, Sagittarius will be very frustrated. Therefore, their true character is a bohemian love of freedom.

   Capricorn: pragmatic duty

  The true character of Capricorns is what they show. They never bother to pretend to be themselves. They are very pragmatic and have absolutely no illusions in their heads. They are also very responsible and never do anything unrealistic.

   Aquarius: Ruler of heaven and earth

  The true character of Aquarius is far more "contrived" than they appear. Although in their opinion, their usual behavior has been particularly restrained, as a result, many people still don't understand that if they completely let themselves go, they will be doing everything in heaven and earth. .

   Pisces: Be content with the status quo

  Pisces are most afraid of sudden changes. Although they can adapt to the environment very well, their true character is to be content with the status quo. It is best to live a life of food and clothing in a comfortable environment. This is what they dream of.

  Analysis of the Characteristics of the Twelve Constellations 2

  Today, let’s learn about the personality analysis of the twelve constellations. There are many ways to classify the constellations. The most common ones are yin and yang, elements, and traits. Yin and yang are divided into active and passive. Positive signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Balance. , Sagittarius, Aquarius. Feminine signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

  People with positive zodiac signs are proactive, optimistic, and pioneering. They are good at expressing their ideas. They are somewhat familiar with each other and are relatively easy to make friends. People with negative zodiac signs have a mobile personality and are prone to pessimism and negative reactions. They tend to be introverted and do not like to express their feelings. Feelings are easily revealed, and the pace of interpersonal communication will be slower.

  Masculine signs like concise and lively communication. They usually express their thoughts and emotions. Even if they are not outspoken, they are willing to communicate with you. Even if there are sometimes conflicts during the process, speaking out is the best way to solve the problem. An effective way is not to hold back and let people guess and be confused. In the long run, it will only make people feel tired. In many gatherings of non-fixed small circles, a relatively large proportion of people with the sun or ascendant belonging to the masculine sign, they They are good at mingling with people they are not very familiar with and getting along quickly. This is their advantage. Therefore, most people with positive zodiac signs are in sales and public relations positions.

  Feminine signs like spiritual tacit understanding. On the one hand, they tend to isolate unfamiliar people from their social circle, thinking that this kind of social interaction is a burden to their body and mind, rather than happiness. On the other hand, they value tacit understanding with people they are familiar with. Although I have not said it, you should understand it and respond as I expect. People who understand me will always understand, and there is no need to say more if you don’t understand. This kind of tacit understanding If you interact with others in a certain way, or even sometimes insist that they express their feelings, they will only feel like they are being roughly hurt. In unfamiliar environments or circles, people with negative signs of the sun or ascendant are used to putting themselves in front of the observer. Therefore, compared with the fast-heating masculine signs, they often feel out of place or lonely at the beginning of the party. Only among familiar people can they let go and reveal their true nature, and even show things that others rarely see. the other side.

  When masculine and feminine signs interact, the former needs to slow down and pay careful attention to the latter's reactions. Move the other person slowly in a step-by-step, from shallow to deep way, and the latter should open up their heart and learn to speak out their thoughts when necessary, so that both themselves and the other party can relax, instead of always expecting others to bother and take advantage of them. roundworms in.

   Classification by Elements: Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water

  In the eyes of Western scientists, the entire world is composed of four elements: wind, fire, earth, and water. Similarly, in astrology, the 12 constellations are divided into four categories according to different elements. The fire signs: one Aries, five lions, nine Sagittarius Earth signs: 2 Taurus, 6 Virgo, 10 Capricorn Air signs: 3 Gemini, 7 Libra, 11 Aquarius Water signs: 4 Cancer, 8 Scorpio, 12 Pisces In this way, we can see that if three constellations of the same element are connected with a line, a perfect equilateral triangle can be obtained. Therefore, we also call this constellation divided by the love element tripartite constellation.

   Fire sign keyword driving force

  The element symbolizes energy, passion, creativity, ideals, and beliefs. It provides us with motivation to become the driving force to make things happen, and gives the necessary encouragement to continue the belief. Therefore, the fire sign in the 12th house of the zodiac is like a leader's cheerleader. Characters, affected by the characteristics of the fire element, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius people usually appear optimistic and cheerful, and have vitality that never seems to be exhausted. They are not afraid of failure and have no worries that they will not be able to get up after falling. This makes them dare to try and take risks. Even if they encounter setbacks, they can quickly recover like a spring breeze. For them, life is a paradise full of possibilities, waiting for them to take risks. The fire element also brings back Bring on the negative traits. For example, the persistence is not stable enough, the form is impulsive and idealistic, and the person becomes arrogant due to overconfidence. It may even evolve into being aggressive towards others and does not allow others to accept one's ideas and arrangements.

   Keyword essence of earth signs

  Compared with the intangible wind element, fire element and fixed water element, the earth element appears to be much more real and reliable. It is a material that can be grasped in our hands and can provide material resources for our lives, so it is also It’s not surprising why people with earth signs are so materialistic and realist, focusing on material practicality. Earth signs are in charge of specific measures in the world. Affected by the earth element, people born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have strong talents in dealing with practical and material things, such as: economy, public welfare finance, etc. relatively stable earth signs. Elements also make them like a regular life, and follow their habits to gain a sense of security. When the rules are broken, their mood will become anxious, just like the carpet under their feet being suddenly taken away, and they will lose their sense of direction and center of gravity. The negative impact of the earth element is that people of these signs will habitually suppress their emotions, lack empathy for the suffering of others, and pay too much attention to the material impact when acting without paying attention to the meaning behind it. He is often said to be powerful, money-worshiping, ruthless and careless.

   Wind direction zodiac sign keyword thinking.

  Wind can only be produced during movement, so the wind element is closely related to communication. It symbolizes ideas, intelligence, interaction and interpersonal relationships between people. The wind element provides ideas that trigger events, so Gemini, the wind sign , Libra, and Aquarius are all good at thinking, extremely sensitive to all kinds of information, and like to share each other's ideas with others. For people with wind signs, there is nothing more interesting than being exposed to new knowledge and different ideas. It is no wonder why they So they love to make friends. For them, the collision of different ideas is a kind of enjoyment, but the premise is that the other party can communicate, not one-way output of their own ideas and refuse to listen, different voices, colorful wind elements The negative effects are reflected in thinking too much and doing too little, or putting too many ideas together to realize, leading to multi-tasking, and ultimately accomplishing nothing.

   Keywords for water signs: discomfort

  As the saying goes, tenderness is like water. In many literary works, the element of water is always inseparable from the word love. It symbolizes our emotions and emotions, and controls the feeling part of the event, including the feelings of ourselves and those involved in the event, just like As water is permeable, water signs have more or less intuitive and spiritual abilities. Compared with other signs, they can feel the emotional fluctuations of others and have empathy for other people's situations. Water signs are the best feelers. , nourishers and caregivers, with a good grasp of the psychological feelings of others. Working in service industries, their auxiliary duties often make others feel considerate and considerate. However, being emotional has also become the weakness of water signs. They are not irrational, but their reason is always overwhelmed by their own. Emotional breakdown and delusions of persecution caused by over-sensitivity hinder one's interpersonal communication and leave an impression of being withdrawn.

  Analysis of the Characteristics of the Twelve Constellations 3

   The three most evil zodiac signs. Are you on the list?


  Capricorns are very witty and smart, but at the same time they also have very strong personalities. They are natural leaders and don’t want others to ride on their heads. Most Capricorns are relatively deep-seated. On the surface, Capricorns give people They may feel like they don't like participating in the struggle, but in fact their psychology is the same as that of Ming Jing, and they have actually made a complete plan in their hearts. In fact, many people cannot see through Capricorn's mind, so many people think that Capricorn is a cunning and evil sign. You might as well respect their plans instead of being superior and interfering. They will not take the initiative to plot against you. .


  Scorpios give people the impression that they are very calculating people in life, whether in life or at work. If you offend a Scorpio, even though they don't express their opinions on you on the surface, they just wave their hands to say it's okay.

  But in fact, they are already calculating in their hearts how to deal with revenge and come back, and they will give you an unexpected blow when you are not paying attention. Scorpios appear to be harmless to humans and animals on the surface. Scorpios are quite dignified, so Scorpios are also considered to be more evil-minded constellations, but they will not target those who treat them friendly. Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious. reason.


  Sagittarius is a sign that seems to have a cheerful and outgoing personality. Generosity, enthusiasm and cheerfulness are synonymous with them. Moreover, Sagittarius has a sweet mouth and is eloquent. In most social situations, he will be the most attractive person in the crowd. Sagittarius has a strong ability to observe words and emotions, and is good at saying different things on different occasions. So in fact, Sagittarius is no less scheming than Scorpio, and it is considered the more scheming sign among the twelve constellations. If you accidentally offend a Sagittarius, be careful, but this is only a reaction you will have when you intend to frame him.

Analysis of 2 constellations, analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations Figure 1

Super detailed analysis table of twelve zodiac signs

Super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs

Super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs. People of different zodiac signs have different personalities. Each sign’s personality is as distinct as their own light. Some signs are easy to talk to, while others love to make things difficult. How to get along with each sign The methods are also different. Let me introduce to you the super detailed analysis of the twelve constellations.

Super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs 1

Aries March 21st - April 19th

Aries people are passionate, adventurous, generous and fearless. And once you make up your mind, you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River, and you must overcome all difficulties to achieve your goal. Most people who belong to the Aries sign have bad tempers, but they are just a quarrel and will never be taken seriously.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Taurus is a very conservative sign, they like stability and don't like change. In terms of personality, he is relatively slow to warm up and needs a relatively long period of adaptation to work, life and environment. Taurus is often a symbol of wealth, and they often have unique insights into investment and financial management. Taurus men tend to be macho, while Taurus girls like to dress themselves up. Who knows that the patron saint of Taurus is Venus.

Gemini May 21st - June 21st

Gemini people tend to like new things. They are smart, but they are often not very dedicated in doing things. Chatting with a Gemini may make you feel excited, because the new and weird things in their minds will make people full of curiosity. Maybe the pursuit and curiosity of new things will make people think that they are very carefree, but in fact they are not, they just like new things.

Cancer June 22-July 22

Cancer people are often full of love, and they take the essence of motherhood to the limit. The most important thing to them is family. They are often like crabs, with a soft heart beneath a hard outer shell. Cancer is the most persistent zodiac sign. They are very loyal to their friends and family, and they will always stick to what they do.

Leo (Leo) July 23-August 22

Leo people are enthusiastic, sunny and generous. These are the greatest characteristics of their character. Different from their character advantages, they love face and are a bit arrogant in their self-confidence. They often care about what others think of themselves, and often make themselves unhappy because of this.

Virgo (Virgo) August 23-September 22

Virgos pursue perfection and being picky is their characteristic. Most Virgos are very humble, but this also puts a lot of pressure on themselves. Virgos don't like to be idle and are always willing to serve others. Virgos who lack self-confidence sometimes have poor organizational skills and need encouragement from family and friends to push them.

Libra September 23-October 23

Libras often pursue a sense of peace and harmony. They are good at conversation and their strong communication skills are their greatest advantages. But their biggest shortcoming is often hesitancy. Libra people tend to impose their own ideas on others, so Libra people should be careful about this. A Libra girl often expects that their partner will always be there for her.

Scorpio October 24-November 22

Scorpio people are energetic, passionate, jealous, and extremely possessive. They want to live a fulfilling life every day, and if they lose their goals, it will be difficult for them to devote their energy seriously. Scorpios are vengeful and will attack their enemies at all costs. One of their successful advantages is that once they set a goal, they will never give up until they achieve it.

Sagittarius November 23rd - December 21st

Sagittarius people are like the arrow on the string, they take the initiative. He is optimistic, honest, enthusiastic and likes challenges. Sagittarius is the adventurer of the twelve zodiac signs. He loves traveling and gambling. Weak willpower is a natural weakness of Sagittarius. If you indulge in gambling and games, the consequences will be disastrous.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Capricorn is the most patient, cautious, and kind-hearted of the twelve zodiac signs. They are down-to-earth and stubborn, and will not let go until they achieve their goals. Their endurance is also surprisingly strong, and they are also very diligent. They always carry a lot of responsibility in their hearts, but they are often very insecure and do not completely trust others.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Aquarius people are very smart. Their biggest characteristics are innovation and the pursuit of a unique life. They are a sign with strong individualism. They are friendly and private. Aquarius can definitely be regarded as the "friendship star". He likes to make friends of all kinds, but it is difficult to get to know them since it takes a long time. They become much colder and distant from their family members.

Pisces (Pisces) February 19-March 20

Pisces is the last constellation of the zodiac. It combines the advantages and disadvantages of all constellations. At the same time, it is affected by the emotional influence of water signs, which makes their original complex characters even more complicated. The greatest advantage of Pisces people is that they have a kind heart. They are willing to help others, even at the expense of themselves.

Super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs 2


Aries is the first constellation in the twelfth house. Aries are lively and cute, with informal personalities. They make people feel very happy as soon as they are born. This is a talent given to them by God. They are always so enthusiastic, sunny and straightforward. . Aries are also very loyal to their friends, have a clear distinction between love and hate, and are generous. Although they sometimes have a little temper, who doesn't have a temper? Make friends with Aries, and they will bring you unlimited laughter and laughter, allowing you to live in a peaceful atmosphere forever.


Taurus is a conservative zodiac sign. They like stability in life and do not like changes. Their personality is slow to warm up. Whether it is work or life, they need a period of adaptation. Wealth is an innate characteristic of Taurus, and they have a unique vision in investment. The motto of Taurus for lovers is that I am responsible for making money to support the family, and you only need to be responsible for being beautiful. Moreover, Taurus also has a high level of appreciation for food, likes a peaceful environment, and likes all beautiful things.


Geminis will not refuse anything new. Curious Geminis have extremely high emotional intelligence. You will never feel bored when chatting with Geminis. Their smart little heads are full of new and weird things, which also makes Geminis happy. Have more friends. If a Gemini wants to take you to a place, he will describe the place as a fairyland on earth, without even leaving out a single detail. Gemini always gives people a sense of playfulness. In fact, Gemini just likes new things and is always pursuing them.


Sensitive Cancers are born with a maternal aura, and they will bring this maternal instinct to the extreme in life. Cancers like to help others and are full of love in their hearts. The most important thing in Cancer's heart is family. Family is their warmest harbor. Being home-based and family-oriented make them the biggest character traits in treating their family and friends. They are extremely loyal, patient in doing things, and they are almost meticulous in treating their loved ones. care.


The guardian star of Leo is the sun, which is a symbol of light. They are enthusiastic and sunny, which is their character advantage. Leo likes to help others, believes in justice, and always eliminates all dark forces on behalf of the sun. They are confident, always passionate, possess leadership spirit, and are a trustworthy sign. But Leos are somewhat face-conscious. They care about other people's house inspections, and they often make themselves unhappy because of these things.


Virgos pursue perfection and always strive to make themselves more perfect, more connotative, and more educated. Most Virgos are very low-key. They don't like to sit around and have nothing to do. They always keep their families clean and orderly. They are also conscientious at work. As long as there is something that Virgos think is worth doing, they will do it to an extreme that will leave you breathtaking. Because Virgos have too high demands on themselves, they will inevitably feel unconfident at times and need encouragement from family, lovers, and friends.


Libras yearn for harmony. Libras can always find the key point to balance everything in life. Moreover, they are natural communicators, good at communication, and have outstanding communication skills. Libra's aesthetics are also a miracle given by God. They like beautiful things and know how to appreciate beautiful things. Whether it is clothing matching or life decoration, you must believe in Libra's aesthetics, which is elegant but not tacky, noble and fashionable. Libra's favorite shortcoming is indecision, so Libra girls need the other person's constant company.


Scorpios are energetic, clear-minded, and quick-thinking. They have the highest overall IQ level among the twelve zodiac signs. They require that every day be very fulfilling. It is difficult for Scorpios to release their energy without goals. Scorpio is a very possessive zodiac sign. A Scorpio in love will treat the other person as a treasure, take good care of the other person, and be considerate with heart. As long as the other person does not betray, the Scorpio will be the person who loves the other half the most. And once Scorpios set a goal, they will set out towards the goal without hesitation and will not give up until they achieve the goal.


Sagittarius is a passionate person and can never hide the optimistic spirit of Sagittarius. They are honest, straightforward and like challenges. They are the adventurers of the twelve zodiac signs. They love traveling, yearning for freedom and the distance. If you have a Sagittarius friend by your side, you will also be infected by the energy of Sagittarius, and happiness will fill the entire environment. But Sagittarius has no staying power and likes change. Sagittarius matures late in thinking. If your partner is a Sagittarius, you can only wait for Sagittarius to grow up.


Capricorns give people the feeling of being reticent, but Capricorns are indeed the most patient, perseverant, and kind-hearted among the twelve constellations. They act steadily, set goals and stick to them, and are very diligent. No matter what it is, they always want to prove it to you with actions, even if it is love, a thousand words or ten thousand words of "I love you" are all the same. Just say I will support you. But Capricorns are burdened with too many responsibilities and obligations, which makes them insecure and not easy to trust someone.


Aquarius people are smart, they always pursue innovation, are maverick, and like a unique and creative life. They are friendly and sincere to others. They are synonymous with friendship among the twelve zodiac signs and are willing to talk to people who are better than themselves. In love, they also pursue platonic love, hoping to achieve a spiritual harmony with the other person. They think that good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are unique. The individualistic spirit of Aquarius is so strong that they neglect their family and lovers. If you spend more time with the people closest to you, your life will be happier.


Pisces is the last constellation in the zodiac. Pisces combines the advantages and disadvantages of all the zodiac signs. Pisces has the sensitivity of Cancer, the romance of Gemini, and the sense of balance of Libra... making Pisces the most complex character. The zodiac sign, due to the influence of the water sign, shows more of the emotional side. They are kind-hearted and willing to help others, even if they suffer a loss.

Super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs 3


The most impulsive, the most regretful, the most angry, the most bold, the most daring to love and hate.

The most active, the most impulsive, the best at confessing, the least calm in disasters, the most muscular, the most irritable, the most impulsive, the most courageous to change, the rudest, the easiest to understand, the greatest male sin, the most curious, the biggest However, the most masculine, the least afraid of being on camera, the most argumentative, the least troubled, the easiest to disagree with others, the most bold,


The first place for stability, the first place for regular inspection, the first place for loyalty, the first place for reliability, the first place for hard work.

The most attractive to the opposite sex, love money the most, the most feminine, the most stubborn, the least pushy, the slowest, the most orderly, the slowest, the most afraid of change, the most patient, always the most serious, the least willing to gamble, the most Can eat, like cooking the most and be courteous, the most petite, the most conservative, the most peace-loving, the most valuing tradition, the best at utilizing time, the most muscular, the most golden voice, the most artistic, the most diligent, the most shy, The most gentle, the most afraid of waste,


No. 1 in gossip, No. 1 in intelligence, No. 1 in crazy, No. 1 in humor, No. 1 in talkativeness.

The least principled, the most judgmental, the most argumentative, the most fickle, the least afraid of revealing privacy, the most contradictory, the most strong woman, the most popular, the most capricious, the most duplicitous, the luckiest, the most tactful , the most nervous, the most likely to marry into a rich family, the most opportunistic, the best at learning a second language, the most exciting, the most multi-faceted, the most capable of self-deprecation, the quickest reaction, the best at body language, the most likely to have a collecting habit, the most likely International marriage, the most easily distracted, the best at cramming, the most afraid of boredom, the best at relationship building, the easiest to take and let go, the most neurotic, the least considerate, the least serious,


The number one consideration is, the number one love of food, the number one love of family, the number one filial piety, the number one sentimentality.

The least pushy, the most emotional, the most considerate, the most at home, the most peace-loving, the most humane, the most timid, the least good at business, the kindest, the least calculating, the most traditional, and the most family-oriented , the most powerful girl, the most troubled, the best at self-examination, the most infatuated, the most shy, the easiest to feel satisfied, the most single-minded in love,


Confidence comes first, love comes first, face comes first, taste comes first, and demeanor comes first.

Loves to be in the limelight, the most sore loser, the least secretive, the most fond of wearing colorful clothes, the most impatient, the most impulsive, the most lively, the best at confessing, the least calm in disasters, the most subjective, the most punctual, and the most Not the most pleasing to people, the most aboveboard, the easiest to understand, the most fond of commanding others, the most loyal, the most self-respecting, the most narcissistic, the most confident, the most protective, the most irritable, and most afraid of loneliness.


Careful first, picky first, cleanliness first, fuss first, jealous first.

The best at bargaining, the most judgmental, the most clean-minded, the most qualified in choosing a mate, the best at analyzing things, the best at calculating, the most carefree, the most duplicitous, the most practical, the most serious about exams, the most sensible, and the most attracted to the opposite sex. , least likely to confess, love watching TV most, most curious, rudest, most likely to marry late, most reserved, purest, most capable of self-examination, least willing to suffer losses, most concerned with real evidence, most capable of holding grudges, most eloquent , the least procrastinating, the most time-conscious, the most punctual, the most snobbish, and the easiest to get rich


Love of beauty is the first, hesitation is the first, laziness is the first, eloquence is the first, justice is the first.

Loves being the most aggressive, the most eloquent, the most sensual, the most sore loser, the most laid-back, the most attracted to the opposite sex, the most fond of making friends, the most indecisive, the best at teasing, the best at talking on the phone, and the most argumentative , the most fashionable, the most narcissistic, the most admiring of foreigners, the most handsome men and beauties, the least able to hold grudges, the least guilty, the most objective, the most beautiful, the most fair, the most idle, the most fond of watching TV, the most fond of pretending to be stupid, Appearance is the most important, and spends money the most.


Number one in infatuation, number one in acting cool, number one in charm, number one in coldness, number one in reason.

The one with the least mysterious words, the most beauties, the most complete fall-out, the most lustful, the scariest when angry, the most fond of black, the best at holding grudges, the sexiest, the least trusting in human nature, the best at doing business, the best at digging up secrets, and the most suitable to be 007 , the most duplicitous, the most insidious, the least easily fooled, the most possessive, the most chauvinistic, the most shy, the most judgmental, the most loyal, the best at keeping secrets, the least likely to make friends, the most charismatic, The most attracted to the opposite sex, the most foresighted, the most afraid of noise,


The first one is playful, the first one is confused, the first one is cute, the first one is brave enough to try, the first one is heartless.

Most afraid of boredom, most likely to commit crimes, most fond of making friends, least understanding of worldly things, least attentive to spiritual aspects, most prone to sudden whims, most peace-loving, most fond of running away, least fond of studying, most likely to make bad friends , the least able to look at faces, the least patient, the most carefree, the least trim, the least duplicitous, the most optimistic, the most able to improvise, the most generous, the most heart-wrenching, the happiest, the most forgetful , the most honest, the fastest, the most handsome, the most athletic, the least able to hold grudges, the most able to take things up and let them go, the most exciting, the least concerned with discipline, the least troubled, the most joking


Seriousness is the first, calmness is the first, patience is the first, conscientiousness is the first, and conservatism is the first.

The most sensible, the most motivated, the most diligent, the most afraid of being stupid, the easiest to get rich, the least able to bear criticism, the most focused, the best at doing business, the most focused on exams, the least opportunistic, the most eager to get ahead, The most diligent, the most trustworthy, the least romantic,


No. 1 in curiosity, No. 1 in studiousness, No. 1 in creativity, No. 1 in alternativeness, No. 1 in creating miracles.

People who need their own space the most, are the most sleepy, are most likely to have collecting habits, are the hardest to understand, are most likely to be dark horses, are the most rational, have the least sympathy, are the least gender-neutral, are the most procrastinating, least value discipline, and love fantasy the most , the most capable of sudden whims, the most contemptuous of money, the most fond of being alone, the best at chatting, the most feminine, the most daring to be different, the laziest, the least loyal, the most committed to learning extracurricular things, the calmest in disasters, the most Like nature, stick to one's own ways, value the spiritual aspect the most, have the weirdest tastes, and are considered weird the most.


The first one is soft-hearted, the first one is sensitive, the first one is suspicious, the first one is dreamer, the first one is cranky.

The least punctual, the most night owl, the most intuitive, the most bookish, the most neurotic, the most cranky, the least secretive, the least snobbish, the most argumentative, the easiest to be deceived, and the most coquettish , the most fanciful, the most pessimistic, the most likely to marry into a wealthy family, the most likely to develop the habit of lying, the most romantic, the most nostalgic, the most eager to serve, the best at pleasing people, the most likely to make faces, and the best memory

Analysis of 2 constellations, analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations Figure 2

Complete analysis of the twelve constellations

When it comes to the complete interpretation of the twelve constellations, everyone knows that some people ask for a comprehensive analysis of the twelve constellations. In addition, some people want to ask about the analysis of the twelve constellations. Do you know what is going on? In fact, the explanation of the twelve constellations, let’s take a look at the comprehensive analysis of the twelve constellations, I hope it can help everyone!

Complete interpretation of the twelve constellations

1. Complete interpretation of the twelve zodiac signs: comprehensive analysis of the twelve zodiac signs

[12 zodiac signs self-worth]

Aries: Only loving yourself is the most important thing,

Taurus: brings a sense of security to yourself and others, the most comprehensive analysis of the twelve zodiac signs.

Gemini: communication skills,

Cancer: maternal care, analysis of various zodiac signs.

Leo: Have goals and confidence,

Virgo: careful, considerate and practical,

Scorpio: mysterious charm, the most detailed character of the twelve zodiac signs.

Libra: Let everyone get along smoothly and take everyone into consideration, with super detailed analysis of the twelve zodiac signs.

Sagittarius: A bit optimistic,

Capricorn: Maturity and rich experience,

Aquarius: Special thoughts and unusual behaviors

Pisces: kind-hearted, innocent and cute

[12 constellations sexy index]

Scorpio 98% interpretation of the heart position of 12 zodiac signs.

95% shooter

Pisces 89%

Lion 85%

Taurus 82%

Aries 75%

Libra 74%

Water bottle 44%

Capricorn 41%

Full analysis of 40% of Gemini zodiac signs.

Cancer 35% of the most accurate analysis of the twelve zodiac signs in history.

32% of the twelve zodiac signs of virgins are analyzed extremely accurately.

[Why do the 12 zodiac signs change their hearts? ]

Aries: A resourceful female zodiac sign who no longer feels new to her lover.

Taurus: Can't stand it, ranking of the rarest double zodiac signs.

Gemini: pursue freshness,

Cancer: The lover demands too much and chooses to escape.

Leo: It is difficult to allow a lover to be unfaithful.

Virgin: I don’t have the confidence to be with you forever.

Libra: Will not reject those who love him,

Scorpio: Love suffocates him,

Sagittarius: unstable love prodigal,

Capricorn: You have no use for his work anymore.

Aquarius: Get used to being independent, a complete analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the 12 zodiac signs.

Pisces: A Complete Personality of the Twelve Zodiac Signs.

[One word to describe the 12 zodiac signs]

Aries – abuse; complete picture of personality analysis of the twelve zodiac signs.

Taurus – Greed; sign of national divorce rate.

Gemini –;

Cancer – Yin; twelve zodiac signs, lunar chart and personality.

Lion – mad;

Virgin – Diao;

Libra – bully;

Scorpio – spicy; Aquarius woman with phoenix life.

Sagittarius – stubborn;

Capricorn – wild;

Aquarius – absolute;

Pisces – Enchanted.

[What are the unique quirks of the 12 constellations? ]

Aries: The face changes at the drop of a hat. The zodiac expert’s accurate analysis of the twelve zodiac signs.

Taurus: Very clingy.

Gemini: Born to be actors.

Cancer: Treat casual thoughts as a habit.

Leo: Do ​​not forgive others.

Virgo: Always feel that you are too fat. Pictures of the twelve zodiac signs.

Libra: Likes the new and hates the old to the extreme.

Scorpio: Catching wind and shadow becomes a habit. The most authentic character of the twelve zodiac signs.

Sagittarius: Born with a lack of sense of direction.

Capricorn: Never understand tenderness.

Aquarius: Too casual and lose control. Explanation pictures of the twelve zodiac signs.

Pisces: Pretend to be cute when you have nothing to do.

[12 zodiac signs’ sure-fire tips for long-lasting relationships]

Keep an eye on him closely around the clock: Scorpio, Aquarius

Control his money: Virgo, Pisces

Use family responsibilities to restrain: Taurus, Gemini, Leo

Maintain your own value: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius

Become an important helper in his career: a detailed explanation of the twelve zodiac signs of Cancer and Capricorn.

[Reliability of the authoritative 12 zodiac signs]: Full analysis of personal zodiac signs.

Leo is 95% reliable

Aries is 92% reliable and destined to be a woman with the human sign.

Sagittarius is 90% reliable

Taurus is 85% reliable

Cancer is 85% reliable

Capricorn is 84% ​​reliable

Aquarius is 75% reliable

Scorpio is 65% reliable and corresponds to Ye Luo Lizi of the 12 zodiac signs.

Libra is 65% reliable

Pisces is 60% reliable

Virgo is 55% reliable

Gemini is 45% reliable

[12 Zodiac Signs’ Stress Relief Tips]

Aries: sports,


Gemini: chatting and gossiping,

Cancer: cry,

Leo: physical rest and affirmation from friends and family,

Virgin: physical labor,

Libra: hot spring SPA,

Scorpio: XXOO,

Sagittarius: Go out for a ride,

Capricorn: Take a cup of tea before going to bed.

Aquarius: Find some mindless activities to temporarily empty your brain.

Pisces: Fantasy

[The degree of trustworthiness of 12 constellations]

Cancer: 95% credibility

Scorpio: 92% credibility

Virgo: 90% credibility

Taurus: 85% credit rating

Leo: 85% credibility

Capricorn: 84% credibility

Aquarius: 75% credibility

Aries: credit level 65%

Libra: Credit rating 65%

Pisces: Credit level 60%

Sagittarius: Credit level 55%

Gemini: credit level 45%

[12 constellations possessiveness]

Cancer: 92% possessive

Scorpio: 92% possessive

Taurus: 90% possessive

Pisces: Possessiveness 89%

Leo: possessiveness 85%

Libra: Possessiveness 78%

Capricorn: possessiveness 65%

Aries: Possessiveness 45%

Virgo: Possessiveness 40%

Aquarius: Possessiveness 28%

Gemini: possessiveness 20%

Sagittarius: possessiveness 15%

[Results of offending women of the 12 zodiac signs]

Aries will scold you,

Taurus maxes out your card,

Gemini will not forgive you,

The Cancer family will help you take revenge,

The Lions Club formed a team to do justice for God,

Being a virgin will make you famous, but it will all stink,

Libra's revenge is to live better than you,

Scorpio is vengeful but has no ability to retaliate.

The shooter retaliates with a ruthless attack,

Jie despises you,

Aquarius will let everyone know that you deserve to die,

Pisces still can't let you go when I think about it

[Who are the 12 zodiac signs most afraid of? ]

Aries: A workaholic who is working on his career,

Taurus: People who don’t want to get married,

Gemini: the loneliness of being alone,

Cancer: People with complicated family situations,

Leo: A person who looks impatient,

Virgin: the self-essence of the artist’s personality,

Libra: A playful and lively person who is popular with the opposite sex.

Scorpio: A person who is more mysterious than himself,

Sagittarius: Sticky King,

Jie: A person with a partner,

Aquarius: Thunderous,

Pisces: People who don’t trust themselves

[12 reasons for despair]

Aries: Being oppressed,

Taurus: financial difficulties,

Gemini: pressure from loved ones,

Cancer: Family Change,

Lion: Betrayed,

Virgin: Infidelity coupled with career failure,

Libra: in a dilemma and can’t choose,

Scorpio: Discovering that life has no purpose,

Sagittarius: Not free,

Capricorn: Lovers fall in love with those close to them,

Aquarius: Life remains the same.

[After the breakup of 12 constellations]

Aries: How do you treat me, how do I treat you.

Taurus: Eat a big meal first and then think about it later.

Gemini: No need to see you again.

Cancer: I miss my lover more.

Leo: I’m afraid to meet again.

Virgin: I hate it to the core.

Libra: The more you ignore someone, the more they want to be friends, but if they want to take the initiative to be friends again, they will avoid meeting each other.

Scorpio: There are clear grievances.

Sagittarius: No need to contact me again.

Jie: Still friends.

Aquarius: Keep looking for the next one.

Pisces: I get angry when I think about it.

[How to deal with 12 constellations]

Aries: Follow your whim!

Taurus: Never act blindly.

Gemini: Respond quickly.

Cancer: Do things well.

Leo: Prefer important and difficult work!

Virgin: Strictly set work goal processes.

Libra: Calm and never exaggerate or impatient.

Scorpio: You have your own opinions and don’t like others to interfere.

Sagittarius: Iconic and fit for a flexible environment.

Capricorn: Once you start working, you are always willing to take on more work.

Aquarius: Unpredictable.

Pisces: abstract thinking, carefulness and creativity.

[12 Constellations of Marriage Views]

Aries: There is another person besides mother to take care of you.

Taurus: Single, who can help me for free?

Gemini: Would rather be single,

Cancer: Mom said that only when you get married can you become a human being.

Lion: Only listen to me from now on.

Virgin: What to do if you want to get divorced after getting married

twelve zodiac signs explained

Libra: You must wear a wedding dress when you get married!

Scorpio: After marriage, yours will be mine, and mine will still be mine.

Sagittarius: Getting married? I’ll leave first and contact you later when you have time.

Capricorn: Marriage will definitely happen, but you can’t wait.

Aquarius: Getting married is too out!

Pisces: Where to spend your honeymoon?

[Impression of 12 constellations]

Full of confidence is Aries,

Quiet and gentle is a Taurus,

The eloquent one is Gemini.

Shy Cancer often deliberately keeps distance from others.

Leos attach great importance to appearance and clothing.

When virgins meet for the first time, they show the beauty of distance.

Libra is a natural social master.

Scorpio always protects himself,

The cheerful and optimistic Sagittarius is everyone’s delight.

Getting along with others is not Jie's strong point.

Aquarius likes to show their intelligence and intelligence.

Pisces eyes are electric, which makes it easy for others to like them

[How many male (female) friends do you need to have among the 12 zodiac signs to be considered mature! ]

Name: Gemini 21.

Second place: 18 Sagittarius.

Third place: 15 Pisces.

Fourth place: 12 Aquarius.

Fifth place: 9 Libras.

Sixth place: 8 Virgos.

Seventh place: Aries 7.

Eighth place: 6 Cancers.

Ninth place: 5 Scorpios.

Tenth place: Leo 4.

Eleventh place: 3 Capricorns.

Twelfth place: 2 Taurus.

The above is the content related to the comprehensive analysis of the twelve constellations. It is a sharing of the comprehensive analysis of the twelve constellations. After reading the complete interpretation of the twelve zodiac signs, I hope this will be helpful to everyone!

Analysis of 2 constellations, analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations Figure 3

Complete personality analysis of the twelve zodiac signs

First, let’s get to know the origin of the constellations:

In ancient times, in order to make it easier to identify directions and observe celestial phenomena during navigation, the stars scattered in the sky were connected using imagination. Half of them were named in ancient times. Yes, the naming method is based on the myths and shapes of ancient civilizations. The other half was named in recent times, often after navigational instruments. In ancient times, the way of "Lianliankan" was different due to different regions! In the 21st century, the world has unified the constellations. The picture shows the sky divided into 88 regions and 88 constellations.

The "constellation" (SIGN) we generally talk about refers to the "Sun Constellation" (SUNSIGN); that is, centered on people on the earth, they can see the sun moving in its orbit at the same time (Greek ZODIAC: That is to say, the position of a constellation on the circle formed by animals, also known as the "ecliptic", determines the constellation of that person. In fact, this kind of constellation originated from the West. The East also has its own constellation, and the arrangement of the lunisolar calendar is different.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190~120 BC) divided the zodiac into twelve sectors in order to mark the position of the sun on the ecliptic. The vernal equinox is 0°. Counting from the vernal equinox (i.e. zero degree of the ecliptic), every 30° is a house, and they are named after the main constellations contained in each house at that time, in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo (Virgo), Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius (Sagittarius), Capricorn, Aquarius (Aquarius), Pisces and other signs are called the zodiac signs. There are twelve constellations in total. Babies born when the earth rotates to each equal division (constellation) will always have certain similar characteristics when they grow up, including behavioral traits. By connecting these associations (rich imagination and creativity), the human nature of these constellations is embodied; adding the color of mythology, they become an important part of culture (mainly Greek and Roman mythology). This set of numerology has evolved and spread for at least five thousand years, and is represented by these twelve constellations.

After understanding the origin of the constellations, let’s learn about each constellation:

Aries: (March 21st ~ April 20th) Aries people are passionate, impulsive, confident, generous, He loves adventure, is not afraid of anything, and once he makes a decision, he will not give up until the Yellow River. In order to achieve his goal, he will overcome all difficulties. Aries men are typical male chauvinists, and they will not ask for sympathy from others. Or help, you must rely on yourself to create your own success; and Aries women are not willing to be full-time housewives.

Taurus: (April 21st ~ May 21st) Taurus is a conservative zodiac sign with a stubborn, patient and slow personality. He does not like changes and stability is his attitude towards life. Due to the lack of security, unemployment is the problem that Taurus are most afraid of facing, which means that they have lost the focus of their lives; male Taurus has potential machismo. They don't speak much at home, but they attach great importance to dignity, while female Taurus In addition to practicality, he also likes to dress himself up.

Gemini: (May 22nd ~ June 21st) Gemini people are changeable, curious, and carefree. They love change the most. They cannot only do one thing at the same time. They are absent-minded. Flowers change at six o'clock, and the Monkey's face changes at every turn; although he is somewhat smart, he is not focused, often superficial, has low endurance, and is difficult to succeed. It can be said to be a rational but restless sign.

Cancer: (June 22 ~ July 22) Cancer people are gentle, considerate, kind and compassionate. They are emotional and have strong memories. Among the twelve zodiac signs, Cancer is the most persistent The ultimate zodiac sign, he is very loyal and persistent to his friends and lovers, he attaches great importance to his family, and he likes to collect and store things the most, never parting with anything, and they also have a very high taste in beautiful things. .

Leo: (July 23rd ~ August 23rd) Leo people are generous, generous, and arrogant. Sunshine, enthusiasm, confidence, and generosity are all his characteristics. And his natural leadership skills make him like to command others and have strong organizational skills. However, overconfidence turns into arrogance, coupled with a stubborn personality and exaggerated reactions, sometimes people don't know how to get along with him, and he is a relatively difficult sign to get along with.

Virgo: (August 24th ~ September 23rd) Virgo people are perfectionistic, picky, and serious. They pursue perfection, are picky, nervous, and picky. Most of them are humble. They are down-to-earth and hard-working. Powerful but not superficial, but it can easily bring pressure to oneself. Virgos like to be busy, but sometimes lack self-confidence.

Libra: (September 24th ~ October 23rd) Libra people are elegant in appearance, fair in character, pursuing peace, friendly and kind, generous to others, have excellent friendships, like to listen to others, and have good communication skills She is strong, but has the biggest problem of being indecisive. She is elegant, calm and resourceful, and is a born gentleman and lady. She maintains a moderate attitude in everything and treats others fairly, but she has a strong dependence and a tendency to escape from reality.

Scorpio: (October 24th ~ November 22nd) Scorpio people have a clear love-hate personality, are cold and mysterious, and have mysterious qualities that make people cruel and insidious. Scorpio people are energetic, passionate, jealous, and possessive. Among the twelve zodiac signs, Scorpio is the sexiest and the most vindictive. Remember not to offend them.

Sagittarius: (November 23rd ~ December 21st) Sagittarius people are optimistic, love freedom, careless, honest, enthusiastic, and like challenges, but they are easy to be restless, act recklessly, and sometimes will Weak. He is the adventurer of the zodiac sign and loves traveling and gambling activities. This is not a good habit.

Capricorn: (December 22nd ~ January 20th) Capricorns are old-fashioned, steady and serious in character. They are the most patient and careful constellations among the twelve constellations. They are down-to-earth in everything and can be said to be stubborn. Their greatest attribute. Of course, they are also the loneliest constellation. For a typical Capricorn, the most important thing is his own face. From his appearance, you will never know what he is thinking on the inside.

Aquarius: (January 21st ~ February 19th) Aquarius people are intelligent, unique and rebellious. Their biggest characteristic is innovation. They are the most individualistic zodiac signs and pursue their own uniqueness. His lifestyle is his attitude towards life. But he tends to be stubborn and sometimes unpredictable. However, Aquarius, who pays attention to humanitarianism, is friendly to others and values ​​privacy. All this is due to the influence of Uranus.

Pisces: (February 20th ~ March 20th) Pisces people are dedicated, sentimental, forgetful, sentimental, fantasy-loving, self-deceptive, etc. are all adjectives for Pisces, but the biggest advantage of Pisces is that they have Dedication, he likes to help others the most, and is willing to sacrifice himself for others. However, don't think that he is great. In fact, it is just that he is anxious to help others and highlights his own value. This shows how little confidence they have.

The twelve constellations are summarized into four major constellations:

They are:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius belong to the same sign: fire sign; (action, enthusiasm and energy) is their keyword

Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo belong to the same earth sign; (actual and stable effect) is their keyword

Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini belong to the same air sign; (intelligence, inspiration, and receptivity) are their keywords Keywords

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces belong to the same zodiac: water sign; (emotion, sympathy, judgment) is their keyword

Analysis of 2 constellations, analysis chart of twelve constellations characteristics Figure 4

The above is the entire content of the analysis of the 2 constellations, the analysis chart of the characteristics of the twelve constellations, and the related content of the analysis of the 12 constellations. I hope it can help you.

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