
Contents of this article

  • 1. Like a person’s personalized signature
  • 2. The personalized signature of loving someone deeply
  • 3. A classic signature of truly loving someone
  • 4. Like a person’s personalized signature

Like a person's personalized signature

Like a person's personalized signature

  With the rise and popularity of social networks, more and more people like to set up personalized signatures online. With the help of personalized signatures, they can express themselves that they usually dare not express. So what kind of personalized signature can be issued so that it won’t go down in the street? Below are the personalized signatures of someone you like that I have compiled for you. Welcome to read and collect them.

Love someone's personalized signature, like someone's personalized signature picture 1

  Like someone's personalized signature Part 1

  1. Maybe people always have to use separation and reunion to explain their feelings.

  2. I can’t miss you every day, even when I close my eyes, it’s you. Loving someone is the most impossible thing to hide in the world.

  3. My heart is tired and I just want to die quietly.

  4. Don’t stop over if you can’t keep your company for a long time.

  5. Because I like it, so I am willing, there are not so many reasons.

  6. My love for you is like a moth to a flame, but what should I do? I’m too lazy to change my mind.

  7. With melancholy eyes, sparse stubble, and a burning half-eye fart in his mouth! He shouted the common slogan: Put away the bottles and cans!

  8. Love, such a retarded word, but I was so retarded that I took it seriously.

  9. Once you grab your hand, don’t let go. If you love the right person, just walk on.

  10. To be honest, I gradually like the feeling of staying in the classroom because you are in the classroom.

  11. I’m not trying to impress people. I don’t have a best friend to slap, and I don’t have a boyfriend to cheat on me. I’m fine.

  12. If he says he wants to marry you, wait until he buys a diamond ring and kneels in front of you before you are moved.

  13. If you don’t understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

  14. I am a half-hearted person who loves the new and hates the old. But the only thing that never changes is that I like you.

  15. Love is tolerance rather than indulgence, love is care rather than pampering, love is mutual integration rather than unrequited love, love is a variety of flavors but not all sweetness.

  16. I once passed by a person countless times. My clothes were all scratched and there were no sparks.

  17. Campus love is the most perfect. A sneak peek can make your heart beat faster for a long time.

  18. It’s a happy feeling to change from liking to loving someone.

  19. Even if you are covered with thorns, I will bear the pain and hug you.

  20. You are the best gift this world has given me.

  21. The unsent message that I like you still remains on my phone.

  22. Love is the tacit understanding between hearts and the feelings of childhood sweethearts.

  23. I will not feel happy just because a passerby in my life suddenly thinks of me.

  24. Each of us lives in our own past. It takes one minute to get to know someone, one hour to like someone, and another day to fall in love with someone. In the end, But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

  25. Tell me in person this Tuesday that you like me, and I will hug you hard.

  26. If you like someone, you will be humbled to the dust.

  27. When tomorrow turns into today, yesterday, and finally becomes a day that is no longer important in memory, we suddenly find that we have been pushed forward by time without knowing it. This is not a stationary train, with neighbors. When the trains cross each other, it seems like the illusion that we are moving forward, but we are actually growing and becoming another self in this matter.

  28. Who can understand the words on the screen and the tears on the keyboard?

  29. Lonely night, illusory drunkenness, our previous relationship was beautiful.

  30. Maybe when a person is truly helpless, he can only smile...

  Like someone's personalized signature Part 2

  1. I don’t need a perfect love, I just need someone who will never give up on me.

  2. I just want to have his love and let me be your only lover.

  3. If we hadn’t met at the beginning, wouldn’t there be the pain today?

  4. This person we fell in love with in junior high school will not stay with us until we grow old.

  5. The saddest thing in life is that only when you lose something can you understand how to be unforgettable and nostalgic.

  6. I clearly know that it is impossible for us to be together, but I am still so determined. It’s not because of too much, it’s just that I love you.

  7. I have waited, loved, and thought. Even though it hurts, I have to do it all over again.

  8. Because you have your own life and I can’t walk in, so I choose not to disturb you.

  9. In fact, it’s not that I don’t miss you, I just forgot the impact of missing you.

  10. No matter what happened in the past, I am waiting for you in the happy future.

  11. I can live up to the conscience of heaven and earth and I will have a clear conscience.

  12. I look forward to one day leading me into marriage with the young man I love deeply.

  13. You are so lovable, why don’t I love you?

  14. The best feeling is missing you and wanting to cry. The best enjoyment is in your company.

  15. Already slightly cold, I have grown up, learned to smile, learned to be strong, learned not to shed tears, but still learned not to forget him.

  Like someone's personalized signature Part 3

  1. How long does it take to forget someone without meeting or contacting them?

  2. He may not care about what you care about, so is there any use in being so sentimental?

  3. Is it easy to say to someone you like, "I don't like you, please leave"

  4. The street corner is so familiar. I look back, but you are nowhere to be seen.

  5. In fact, I am very afraid of knowing your news, because it has absolutely nothing to do with me.

  6. Is there anyone like me who loves a man who shouldn’t be loved?

  7. The reason why a woman is carefree is because someone once broke her heart severely.

  8. My heart is very confused, very confused, because of your sudden words, I don’t want to admit that you have a great impact on my emotions.

  9. They are all gone, and we are walking further and further away.

  10. Many times, seeing too clearly makes you unhappy, and it is better to be childish and heartless.

  11. You never want to give me the slightest sense of security.

  12. I once simply thought that we would be together forever, but I never thought about how much "forever" we promised back then would be.

  13. The heart will hide things we cannot say. But the eyes can tell what we are trying to hide.

  14. Little pervert, come back quickly. Breaking up is not a fun game. I hate breaking up. Can you come back? I love you.

  15. Don’t miss the past, because the price is too heavy and you can’t afford it.

  16. You wanted to leave, and you made up a white lie for me. You said you didn’t want me to feel sad...

  17. Don’t be in a bad mood, I will be with you all the way.

  18. Thank you so many good people for laughing at me and scolding me.

  19. A person will tell 88,000 lies in his life. The easiest lie to blurt out is "It's okay, I'm fine."

  20. I won’t be sad, I just feel my heart aching when I think of you.

  21. When I sang this song, my tears stopped and I realized that you are the most irreplaceable.

  22. We love so much, but we love each other so much that we are separated.

  23. Where there are wrinkles, it only means that the smile has been there.

  24. Is there still a sense of happiness left on the street corners we walked together?

  25. It is difficult for two people who have lost their fate to meet each other even in the same city.

  Like someone's personalized signature Part 4

  1. Everything in the rest of my long life will never be shared with you again.

  2. Please believe that the fastest way to success is not to look for shortcuts, but to be down-to-earth.

  3. Don’t wait for me to shed tears before you can understand my sadness; don’t wait for me to disappear before you know my existence.

  4. I have always told myself that you can indulge in life and vent your emotions, but please cheer up afterward.

  5. Stay with me, at least I have more than ten pounds of flesh to love you than others.

  6. My feelings for you end here. I have nothing to wish you well. My words against my will are not pretty enough. I just hope that you will go your own way and never provoke me again.

  7. Of course I know that people change, and I never expected you to be the same forever, but when I felt that you were no longer the same as before, I couldn't help but feel secretly sad for a long time.

  8. A smart girl knows how to keep her mouth shut, don’t eat randomly, don’t talk randomly, and don’t kiss people she shouldn’t kiss.

  9. Living in this precious world, the waves are gentle and the sunshine is strong.

  10. I want to tell you loudly that you are always in my world. Can you not like others? Can you just like me?

  11. A woman dares to leave because she is certain that a man will look back. The man didn't look back because he had spotted the woman and didn't dare to leave.

  12. A loved one may never know that his good night can be compared to the sky full of stars.

  13. Maturity does not mean that the heart grows old, but that you can still smile even though tears are rolling in your eyes!

  14. Children who can say nice things will get sweets, and girls who can act coquettishly will be hurt. You are so stubborn and stubborn, so you deserve to wipe all the tears by yourself.

  15. You have to live your life by yourself, and you have to suffer hardships by yourself. Why live by looking at other people’s faces!

  16. Can you tell me a little bit that you miss me? Keep your voice down so that only the two of us can hear you.

  17. I can’t accept new love, new people, and new things. I still miss the old.

  18. Life will not give you special treatment just because you are a woman; it will not make way for you just because you are a woman. You don't have to succeed, but you have to grow!

  19. Some people will always tell you that everything is in vain when you work hard, but you are just doing what you want to do, and it is none of other people's business.

  20. Don’t be distracted by your heart and don’t be trapped by your emotions. Fear of the future, do not read in the past. So, be well.

  21. Let me tell you, the most fearful thing in a relationship is to be serious, and the other person is just ambiguous. The funny thing is that he relies on his words to tease you the whole time, but you rely on his heart the whole time. Don't overestimate your feelings in the other person's heart. Position, he will finally tell you through actions that you are really cheap, and he will even put up a show to embarrass you when he posts backwards.

  22. Never explain yourself to anyone. Because people who like you don't need it, and people who don't like you won't believe it.

  23. No one can control your life, but sometimes we need more courage to make our own choices.

  24. When I was sleeping, I dreamed that a child shot me with a bow and arrow. I beat him until he said he wouldn't dare to do it next time. I stopped with satisfaction. Before leaving, he said his name was Cupid.

  25. Not everyone can be what they want, but everyone can work hard to be what they want. Believe in yourself, you can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

  26. I am not good, but there is only one. Cherish it or not cherish it. If you lose me one day, I will never let you find me again. Be it friendship or love. If I leave, I will never see you again.

  27. You have to understand that only by completing the road you must take can you live the life you want. Only by surviving the days when no one cares about you can you embrace your poetry and distance.

  28. It turns out that as long as a relationship is broken once, it really can no longer withstand the torment.

  29. I recall certain songs, but I can’t hear the melody from before.

  30. Your current life may not be what you want, but it is definitely what you asked for. 00% of the complaints in the world can be answered with this sentence.

  31. If you give yourself a height, the world will always give you a measure. No matter what happens in life, don’t forget to smile. May you be your own sun without relying on anyone else’s light.

  32. How many people have gone from fat to thin, from love to hate, from innocence to depravity, for the sake of their significant other.

  33. In the end, we only earned a memory. If you are at peace, I am at peace.

  34. Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than appearance, and happiness is more important than love.

  35. There is always a person who always lives in my heart, but no longer exists in life.

  36. How can a girl like me suppress her beauty without a little weight?

  37. Hold an umbrella when it rains, put on clothes when it’s cold, laugh when you’re happy, cry when you’re sad. If no one loves you yet, then love yourself.

  38. Because I don’t know if I can live my life gently and peacefully in the future, and I don’t know if anyone is willing to treat your sensitivity and irritability patiently and calmly.

  39. If you can't keep something, throw it away as hard as you can. It might bounce back after hitting something.

  40. When you get through the most difficult things, you will probably become a different person.

  41. The suffering you suffer, the losses you suffer, the responsibilities you bear, the sins you bear, and the pain you endure will all turn into light in the end, illuminating your path.

  42. No matter friendship or love, when you come, I will embrace you passionately, but when you leave, I will let go calmly.

  43. Don’t always talk about sadness, everyone has their own story.

  44. What can make you regret is never the things you have done, but the things you wanted to do but did not do.

  45. When you cherish your past, are satisfied with your present, and are optimistic about your future, you will stand at the highest point of life. No matter what happens, don't give up, keep going, and you will definitely have unexpected scenery.

  46. ​​There is always an answer to everything. Instead of worrying, why not let it be.

  47. Sometimes, we are like cactus, guarding against others and lonely ourselves.

  48. Become friends with the same hobbies, the same interests, the same values, mutual respect and appreciation, and sense of proportion. The older you get, the better you understand. Such friends are the most comfortable to get along with.

  49. From now on, don’t indulge in fantasies, don’t bother yourself, live a good life, and be a person close to happiness.

  50. He chased me for a month, and then he came to school because of me. We got together. During the three months of passionate love, we didn’t have any quarrels or unhappiness. My unreasonable troubles were all in his eyes.

  51. You are in my extraordinary care, but not among my recent visitors.

  52. I can only leave your stubbornness, but I have never forgotten your strength.

  53. You were once what I wanted most, but you never seemed to need me. I think because of this, I gave up on you.

  54. Probably everyone will meet someone who can't be together, love can't be found, and there are many memories.

  55. If someone asks you who your partner is, just say it’s me who takes the blame.

  56. I will try not to disturb you, otherwise I would not be worthy of your deliberate hiding.

  57. On the road of life, there are always some unexpected encounters, and there are always some strangers that we missed. Fate comes and goes, and having someone to accompany you is a kind of warmth.

  58. Since we broke up, you have been kicked out of all my sights.

  59. Because you like someone, you will mind a lot of things. If you don’t like someone, you won’t be so angry.

  60. This place was barren and barren, but then you came here for a visit, and miraculously everything grew. This is my heart. Of course you can also read it backwards.

  61. The so-called secret love means that even if one day you don’t quite remember his face, you still remember his profile and back very clearly.

  62. Time has killed all the past, and you don’t need to miss it anymore.

  63. The most suitable friends are those who, even if they haven’t seen each other for a long time, can sit down and eat hot pot together, and say hello without having to say hello. They can roll up their sleeves and cook the meat and say, I’m telling you, as if it was just yesterday.

  64. You can have other children by your side, but you can’t be without me.

  65. So far, I have no intention of giving up. My heart determines how long I will persist. How long I can persist, I really don’t know.

  66. I have been waiting for someone, someone who can put an end to my loneliness.

  67. When you were about to leave, I realized that I really fell in love with you.

  68. The reason why you feel sad is probably because you invested a lot of time and experience, but in the end you didn’t get what you wanted. The feeling of being filled with loss in an instant makes you feel that everything you did before was so unworthy. .

  69. If you have not experienced my journey, please do not criticize the path I take.

  70. Then I realized that you had never loved E, because you didn't understand love at all.

  71. In this world, many people and things have disappointed you, and the last thing you should do is to disappoint yourself. You must remember: society is cruel, you must live with warmth.

  72. Why a woman is sentimental is because there is an ignorant man behind her.

  73. Leaves don’t turn yellow overnight, and people’s hearts don’t grow cold overnight. Those who disappoint you will not disappoint you just once. After trying my best, I choose to let it go.

  74. Open the window of the soul and watch the beautiful flowers bloom and fall as time passes by. There will always be people coming and going in this station in the world of mortals. The beauty of the past has never been let down. The fallen flowers are gone and the wind is light and the clouds are calm.

  75. Give yourself a slap in the face and tell yourself to stop being stupid, he doesn’t belong to you.

  76. If the water is deep, it will flow slowly; if you speak slowly, people will be valuable. Speaking is a kind of ability; not speaking is a kind of wisdom.

  77. In life, some things are just numbers and don’t need to be taken too seriously; some people are just passers-by, so don’t be too nostalgic; some things are just things, so don’t expect too much.

  78. There are always some songs that make us sad and cry. But in fact, what makes us cry is not the songs themselves, but the people we think of when listening to those songs.

  79. The world never lacks good stories. At the end of the story, Shizuka did not marry Nobita, and Haruko might be responsible for opening the door to Sakuragi Hanamichi’s first love. Someone once held hands, but not until the end, just like they were catching up with each other. The train may have missed you, or the person you thought you could travel with for a long time ended up getting off the train early. It may seem regretful, but in life, you must allow someone to miss you in order to catch the best encounter.

  80. Be optimistic and happy. Life is full of ups and downs and busy. If you forget anything, you must not forget your true feelings and conscience. No matter how poor or frustrated you are, you must always have true feelings and treat others sincerely. No matter how rich or proud you are, never lose your conscience, true feelings and people.

  81. Sometimes, drinking is not because you like the taste of wine, but because you like the feeling of being drunk.

  82. To recognize a boy, three things are enough: his attitude after a quarrel, the speed of replying to messages, and the degree to which he tolerates you.

  83. If you can’t let go, continue to like it. At least this way your heart won’t be empty.

  84. It is rude to keep knocking on a door that is unwilling to be opened for you.

  85. Even if God doesn’t agree with us being together, I won’t give up!

  86. Looking back suddenly, these have become old things and can only be frozen in memory. In the words of her loving you every word, my gorgeous words seem pale and feeble.

  87. In life, there are no experiences that cannot be overcome, only oneself that cannot be overcome; in feelings, there are no pasts that cannot be overcome, only feelings that cannot be overcome.

  88. After the pain has passed, you will no longer feel the pain, and you will only have an indifferent heart.

  89. When you trust someone without reservation, there will only be two results in the end, either that person in your life, or a lesson in your life.

  90. No matter how good the past is, the taste will fade the more you recall it.

  91. Don’t ask others if something you like is good or not. Your life will not get better because of other people’s words. Whether you like it or not, the decision is still up to you.

  92. Tempers come and go quickly. I always regret it after every fight. Do whatever you can to apologize. You told me later. In fact, so are you.

  93. When a woman looks at the sky, she is not looking for anything. She is just lonely.

  94. I still like you and still care about you, neither deeply nor shallowly, but I no longer desire to be with you.

  95. This is how relationships are. Once I am disappointed to the extreme, I will never look back. It's not that I'm not brave, or that I'm afraid of getting hurt, I just feel that I shouldn't continue to make wrong decisions for the wrong you. After all, you have your persistence, and I also have my freedom and ease.

  96. I hope we stay with each other wholeheartedly and look at each other with true love! I only hope that this earthly relationship will be with heaven and last as long as the earth! If you bloom, elegance will come! If your heart is facing the sun, the years will be safe!

  97. Sometimes I think, if I stay by your side, I still love you and still fall in love with you.

  98. You will keep meeting some people, and you will keep saying goodbye to some people, from strangers to familiarity, from familiarity to strangers again, from being familiar with each other to parting ways, from being reluctant to meet again to never seeing each other again.

  99. Don’t say what you don’t want to say. It will be even more sad if no one understands you if you say it.

  100. Your name only has two words. Although it doesn’t make up a sentence, it has already filled my heart.

  101. He rewarded you with money, so he is a good person; if there are people who flatter you, there will naturally be people who love flattering.

  102. I am the kind of person who will be moved for a long time if others give me a little warmth.

  103. My biggest wish is that the person I love can love me as much as I love you.

  104. One leaf blooms, one pursues, one flower blooms, one world, one person loves one person all his life.

  105. When we were children, we couldn’t express what we meant with words, but when we grow up, we don’t mean what we say.

  Like someone’s personalized signature Part 5

  1. When two people are together, it is more about accepting each other than changing each other. This is tolerance. If you only think about change, it is not life, it is war.

  2. In the country of love, there is always a protagonist and a supporting role. It is always the protagonist who is tired and the supporting role who is hurt.

  3. In fact, I worked so hard to gain weight just to occupy more space in your heart.

  4. There are three things in life that cannot be saved: life, time and love. You want to keep him, but he keeps drifting away.

  5. People who can’t make time for love will sooner or later make time for blind dates.

  6. One day, the whole family went to the temple to worship Buddha and pray for blessings. They heard her brother Shota, who was only a few years old, make a wish to the Buddha: to bless Ultraman to defeat monsters.

  7. I hope you can become such a woman: don’t show off, don’t quarrel, be a knowledgeable woman; don’t be empty, don’t be impetuous, be a plump woman; even if your life is exhausted, you will grow old in elegance.

  8. Every time the teacher says: "Please put things that have nothing to do with the exam on the podium." I really want to put myself on the podium...

  9. Never underestimate a woman who maintains her figure. Because this means that they have perseverance and endurance that ordinary people cannot match, and they refuse temptations that ordinary people cannot refuse.

  10. Be a koala in your next life, sleep 20 hours a day, eat 2 hours, and be in a daze for 2 hours. This is a perfect life. Children's shoes, are there any?

  11. The most painful thing in life is not that you don’t get the one you love, but that the one you love doesn’t get happiness in his life.

  12. I have to think about three major questions every day: 1. What to eat in the morning. 2. What to eat for lunch. 3. What to eat at night.

  13. There are actually two types of so-called "extremely poor households": those who are extremely poor due to lack of money and those who are extremely poor due to lack of sleep. A general without talent is both.

  14. Once upon a time, Flour was in trouble and he asked his good friend Meatball for help. Meatball patted his chest and said, "Just wrap it up on me!" So there were dumplings.

  15. When I think about the end of the world coming, and the money I owe to the bank, I can even wake up from my dreams laughing!

  16. The total area of ​​the intestinal tract is 200 square meters. The place where we live is not as big as the place where shit lives. We might as well go to shit! Life is really worse than shit!

  17. Love is selfish. Once someone has a beautiful morning, there must be another person in the other direction 180° who cannot escape the lonely night.

  18. The husband is nursing his wife who is about to give birth at the bedside. The wife asked her husband: "Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" The husband said: "If it is a boy, we will protect you; if it is a girl, I will protect you two."

  19. Staying up late is because you don’t have the courage to end the day; staying in bed is because you don’t have the courage to start the day.

  20. When I was a child, I never understood the difference between one year old and false year old. Just now my roommate said: "One year old is the time when the child comes out of the mother's body, and imaginary age is the time when the child comes out of the father's body."

  21. The online waiter asked the seller: "What is your biggest feeling when selling things online?" The seller said without hesitation: "I have never received fake money."

  22. A person’s biggest shortcoming is not selfishness, sentimentality, brutality, or willfulness, but a paranoid love for someone who doesn’t love himself.

  23. No one looks down on you, because others don’t look down on you at all, everyone is very busy!

  24. I tried to hold my right hand with my left hand, giving myself the simplest warmth. Stop asking for others to give and start learning to give to yourself.

  25. Give up on people you can’t keep. If you retain some people, you may lose a group of people.

  26. If you truly love someone, you will be indifferent to poverty and lowliness, advance and retreat calmly, breathe with the same frequency and heartbeat with the same rhythm as him, drive away his loneliness with your own loneliness, and warm his loneliness with your own loneliness.

  27. I have passed by your heart, it’s not that I don’t want to stay, it’s that you refuse to take me in!

  28. A good friend is like underwear, he will always support you no matter you are ups and downs. A very good friend, like TT, will always think about your safety. A better friend is like Viagra, which gives you strength when you can't lift your head.

  29. It’s just that some couples are defeated by each other’s sudden boredom.

  30. A person’s biggest shortcoming is not selfishness, sentimentality, brutality, or willfulness, but a paranoid love for someone who doesn’t love himself.

  Like someone's personalized signature Chapter 6

  1. If you know how the future will go. Then the whole world will make way for you.

  2. What hurts the most is not that you don’t love me, but that I don’t know how to love you.

  3. Philosophy says to pay attention to the accumulation of quantity. The essence of what you learn is used to accumulate damage.

  4.Love is a smile, it starts with a kiss and ends with tears.

  5. In this world, the three words that are most likely to make people cry are: don’t cry.

  6. In my heart, companionship and understanding are more important than love.

  7. You and I are destined to be two parallel lines that will never intersect.

  8. What you get after waiting for too long is probably not what you originally wanted.

  9. Can you give me a hug even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down?

  10. There is always a person who always lives in the bottom of my heart, but disappears from life.

  11. The more familiar a friend is, the ruder the conversation will be; the more familiar a friend is, the more obscene the behavior will be.

  12. It’s hard to look back, but it’s worth remembering.

  13. Work, take a step back and the world will be brighter. Love, take a step back and everything will be empty.

  14. Only your words can hurt me. Only your hands can break me.

  15. It turns out that we are just passers-by in each other's lives, so why should we miss and be entangled.

  16. Be less self-righteous in the future. Be more self-aware.

  17. Is there someone who will not throw me away even if he loses his life?

  18. All I want is someone who will always be by my side no matter how difficult it is.

  19. If you can’t love me, you can only choose to leave me. In fact, your heart has already left me.

  20. They say you learn to cherish something only after you lose it. I cherish it very much, but I still lost it.

  21. Love is no longer here but I haven’t escaped yet. When will a person’s life be free and easy?

  22. If I give up, it’s not because I lost, but because I understood.

  23. The most stupid thing for girls is to give another chance to those who have just hurt themselves.

  24. I love you vigorously and heartbreakingly, but you just say it indifferently and don’t care.

  25. A person can cause you a lot of pain, but no one is the same.

  26. Everything finally returns to its starting point and starts over.

  27. True love is sacrificing a certain part of yourself to fulfill you and make you better.

  28. I hope there is someone who can see through my bravery and protect my vulnerability.

  29. It turns out that it is not the diamonds that make me shine, but the eyes that I have cried in.

  30. Suddenly I found that saying certain things at certain times is really ridiculous.


Personalized signature of deeply loving someone

1. If you were a lamp, I would make a telegraph pole and lift you to a height that no one else could reach, and you would only light the way under my feet. That way we can be together day and night, weather the storm, and be a group of happy street lights.

2. My future is with you.

3. In my heart, you are as important as sunshine, yogurt and staying in bed.

4. I love you. This is a carefully designed lie. I cannot love you so much from the beginning. Love in a lifetime is very long, so I have to give it to you slowly. I am willing to use my whole life to package this beautiful lie to keep it at a constant temperature, so that you can smile happily every morning, and let you sleep happily every night. Please rest assured that the beginning of love is a lie, but the ending I give you is a brilliant truth.

5. From unfamiliarity to familiarity, from familiarity to familiarity, time creates sincerity, making the distance between our hearts quietly close. In your life, maybe I am not the most wonderful, but you are The most unforgettable thing in my life!

6. A person can fall in love with many people in his life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the previous pain is actually a kind of wealth, which allows you to learn to be better. Hold on to and cherish the ones you love.

7. In the world of love, I have nothing and know nothing. In the small station of love, I hope you are the first visitor and the eternal host, accompanying me and pampering me. ;For life!

8. Because you have taken root in my heart, you make me feel so warm even on cloudy days.

9. I thought the misty rain was only for love, so this rain would last forever.

10. Tonight I will ask a mosquito to find you and ask it to tell you that I miss you and ask it to kiss you for me, because I can’t get close to you now. I hope you don’t burn mosquito coils, it will Tell you how much I love you!

11. I am afraid that my heart is very small, but it pretends to be a big, big world; leaving your beautiful image in this world, this world can predict your success. On that day, I will prepare flowers for you.

12. When you are by my side, I will forget everything in the world, because you are almost everything, and no one can replace you. When I hold your hand, you will not You will know how satisfied I am!

13. I want to be with you.

14. The sky without you is not blue! The flowers without you are not beautiful! The rice without you is not fragrant! The sleep without you is not sweet! My dear, why don’t you come back?

15. The yellow leaves are withering, that summer is not far away; the white clouds are gray, that time is not hazy; recalling the past, on the moonlit night of the Twenty-Four Bridge, the Kawagbo snow is crystal clear; I feel that today, you are still You are my one and only, you are still my favorite.

16. Hold your hand and walk for a long time.

17. Holding your hand, we will run forward and explore together, our love is unstoppable; close to your heart, following you all the time, always supporting each other, our love will be as strong as gold.

18. I remember that you loved me, maybe I remembered it backwards.

19. He said that he was very heartless and that he would have a new love as soon as I left, so I was not allowed to leave.

20. To you, I have surrendered unconditionally. Just sign a love contract, otherwise no one will want me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations...

21. Among millions of years, among tens of millions of people, in the wilderness of endless time, there is no step too early and no step too late. One step later, I happened to meet you!

22. I know! But I can't help it. This marriage was arranged by God, so let us just follow God's will!

23. If there is a clear understanding, it will make sense.

24. You were born before I was born, but I was already old after you were born. You hate that I was born late, but I hate that you were born early. Before you gave birth to me, I was already old after giving birth to you. I wish I had not given birth to you at the same time, but I have been good to you every day. I was not born before you were born, but I was already old when you were born; I am far away from you, but you are separated from me by the corner of the ocean. I was not born before you were born, but I was already old when you were born; I turned into a butterfly to find flowers, and roosted on the fragrant grass every night.

25. Even the smallest hut has enough space for a pair of lovers.

26. Look, now that the RMB has been updated, will our relationship also be updated?

27. A piece of candy, I want to share the sweetness with you! A joke, I I want to share happiness with you! A prayer, I want to share the future with you! My dear, I just want to be happy with you forever!

28. I don’t want to lose the spring breeze, summer rain, autumn frost, All the memories of Dongxue will never be forgotten, not to mention our chattering laughter on the road of life.

29. When the first ray of morning light spreads to the world, my love will also come to you. Remember! My love will always be by your side!

30. I want to record every touch and every miss, so I write our story and our most beautiful footprints in front of the desk in the quiet night.

31. Love is love, I don’t care what others think. Even if we are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, even if we are separated for thousands of years, this feeling will not change and this love will last forever. I want you to know that you occupy my heart.

32. Life without experiencing love is incomplete, and love without experiencing pain is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to love sublimation.

33. The seeds of friendship are buried deep in our hearts. When spring comes, they will sprout and blossom into flowers that belong to you and to me.

34. You are among me, and I am among you.

35. Let us be a pair of happy mice, falling in love stupidly. What we do every day is to cuddle up together and bask in the sun, and give birth to a group of little mice. In winter, when the mountains are covered with snow, they hide in the warm Internet surfing in the haystack.

36. Let me love you so deeply.

37. I speak out because I am silent, I am silent because I speak out; I leave because I come back, I come back because I leave. True water should have no fragrance, so true love should be speechless.

38. The bottle loves the stopper of the bottle, the pot loves the lid of the pot, the wheel loves the tire of the wheel, I love you, there are clouds in the blue sky, and the rabbit loves cabbage. We are made for each other and cannot be changed. I will love you till death do us part.

39. Liking someone is a feeling. Not liking someone is a fact. easy to tell the fact, but difficult to express feelings. My love for you is equally indescribable, I love you.

40. If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil. When you look in the mirror, you can give me your most affectionate gaze!

41. The brief meeting is our The fate of this life, can the long longing travel across thousands of rivers and mountains? You appear in my dreams every night, and you are always in my heart when we are far away.

42. As long as you are there, the scenery is beautiful everywhere. But without you, nowhere will be the same scenery.

43. If you are instant noodles, can I be boiled water?

44. How wide is the universe? After traveling 17 billion light years, we still haven’t reached the end; how deep is the ocean? I have scooped 17 billion ladles of water, but there is still no soil; how big is my heart? The universe can accommodate the ocean and you.

45. Please don’t use a ruler to measure, don’t use a bucket to measure. Please use your heart to express my sincere blessings. From now on, no matter where you are, my blessings will be with you!

46. The feeling of liking someone is like falling from the clouds to the bottom.

47. From the moment I saw you, my heartbeat told me that you are the person I am waiting for in this life. You have given me courage and motivation, and I will use my lifelong efforts to protect this heartbeat.

48. The wind is gentle, the rain is sad; the clouds are happy, the moon is sentimental; songs are confiding, love is lost; love is intoxicating, love is hard to let go; the sky is Long-lasting, earth is eternal, and you, my friend, are the ones I cherish the most

49. There will be no pain if you like someone. Loving someone may involve long-lasting pain, but the happiness they give me is also the greatest happiness in the world.

50. If you want to see me, then I will go to see you at all costs.

51. I am waiting for your heart with my infatuation. I will not give up my heart no matter how hard it is. Don’t make me sad. You are my sweetheart. This means that I sincerely hope to win your heart. I wish you happiness and have no conscience!

52. I will be your reader and appreciate the gentle temperament reflected in every word and sentence of yours.

53. Is there such a person who can make me live a happy and carefree life?

54. I really, really love you!

55. In the arduous journey of life, may we become two beacons - illuminating each other and warming each other.

56. Once we were far away from each other, and once we were close to each other; sometimes we comforted each other, and sometimes we celebrated each other; no matter how bumpy the future is, let me walk with you, my dear, we will walk in the world together .

57. After meeting you in the vast sea of ​​people, I know what the beauty of life is. Whether it is fate or not, I accept it willingly. I wish you happiness!

58 , Thirty years later, if there is still the word persistence in the world, I hope it belongs to me; thirty years later, if there is still the word touching in the world, I hope it belongs to you...

59. The sun rises and sets one more day, and I miss you one more day. The world changes from time to time, but my love for you will not change. Don’t shrink back despite the distance, endless love transcends the limitations of time and space. I just want to stage the myth of love around you.

60. Sweet honey, the sweetness of your smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, blooming in the spring breeze. Why do you smile so sweetly? Because I sent to you a message. Happy Valentine's Day, baby.

61. When you smile, I am in a wonderful mood; when you cry, I will be sad and sleepless at night; your joy, anger, sorrow and joy affect my lungs and stomach. No matter the sea changes, time flies, my true love will last forever. No regrets!

62. No matter what I do, I can never compare to her place in your heart.

63. The night was dark, and I scooped up a sweet dream on the river of time; what this dream contained was actually your smile, your voice...

64. Meeting you in this life is the greatest blessing from God to me. I will cherish this fate.

65. Missing you becomes a song, flying; missing you becomes a river, flowing; missing you becomes a cloud; floating; missing you becomes a kiss, comfortable. Missing you is not a fixed moment, I miss you forever.

66. I can’t promise that I can let you live in a foreign house, raise a foreign dog and go to Hawaii when you have time, but I will work hard to make you happy.

67. I want to hold your hand until you grow old; I want to hold your shoulders and give you comfort; I want to look at your face and smile; I want to listen to what you say, Life is full of things; I want to know whether my love for you is acceptable?

68. The person I love has his own name, and the person who loves me is miserable. He either becomes bad in debauchery or becomes perverted in silence. ——Dedicated to Valentine's Day!

69. The moon is like water, and the sky is full of stars. I am very emotional for you, your smile is very pure; your tears are very crystal clear, and I will never stop loving you. The world will always be sunny with you, and we must walk together on the road of life!

70. What else are you thinking about? What are you still hesitating about? Already arrived at 01. You should stop being picky. If there is someone as persistent and infatuated as me who swears to be good to you, grab it as soon as possible! Love me now! Time is running out!

71. Only when I love you will I reveal the whole world of my soul to you, and show you all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys. Only when I am not on guard against you; only when I love you will I show you a little temper. I stay far away from you for no reason, but actually I just want to walk into your hot embrace and listen to your heartbeat; I love you, so I give you the power to hurt me. As long as I can endure it, I will always be with you, You can't hurt me too much. If I'm cold, I'll be indifferent. If I'm hurt, I'll let go.

72. I want to share everything with you, because apart from you I can never find another woman who matches me.

73. I am the salt in your food. Without me, everything loses its taste. I am your sun in winter, your popsicle in summer, and your big umbrella on cloudy days.

74. Seeing your smile is the happiest thing in the world, seeing your tears is the most memorable thing in the world, seeing your anger is the most unforgettable thing in the world, but not seeing your message is the most pitiful thing in the world. !

75. If you really lose it, just pretend it never happened. Don’t get entangled alone, move yourself, and disgust others.

76. It’s not that I don’t dare to confess to you, but I know you don’t like me.

77. You gave me the entire starry sky so that I can come and go freely. What I enjoy is a deep and broad love! My love for you is like a letter without a return address. I only know how to send it, but I know there is no way to receive anything.

78. If I were a rose, I would give you fragrance; if I were the sun, I would give you sunshine; if I were a diamond, I would give you eternity; if I were your love, I would give you mine. all.

79. If I become loess, the loess will also love you; if the loess is covered with grass, the grass will also love you; if the grass is covered with dewdrops, the dewdrops will also love you.

80. There may be many people in this world who are more suitable for me than you, but I know that you are the only one who loves me the most. No matter what, I want to spend this life, the next life, and the next life with you. I want you to want me!

81. If you want to marry, don’t marry someone else, you must marry me. Take your bankbook, take your sister, and drive that BMW!

Love someone's personalized signature, like someone's personalized signature picture 2

A classic signature for truly loving someone

1. I spend all my time loving only you.

2. I will never forget the sweet time I spent with you.

3. Let me tell you a secret. Don’t frown. I miss you so much and want to hold you tight now.

4. I will walk with you as long as the road is long, without complaint or frown.

5. Prepare a memoir to recall meeting, getting to know each other, falling in love with each other, and staying together.

6. You are a clear river, I am the river bed beside you, I will always protect you to the end of the world! love you forever!

7. It doesn’t matter if we are far apart, I am here, you are there, we just fall in love from a distance.

8. If one day I can no longer breathe, it just means that my world lacks air, or you are missing.

9. There is no such thing as a breakup that is always peaceful. It is better to bravely withdraw than to avoid it deliberately. At least this way, you don't have to see each other crying in such embarrassment.

10. Only those who know me well can stay in my heart for a long time, and only those who know you well can hurt you invisible.

11. When I said the words, I now realize that they were the most painful. My dear, I think I will never be able to live without you for the rest of my life.

12. I choose to love you, but you choose to love her.

13. Others point at your sore spots and laugh, but you can only smile stupidly.

14. I really hope that the path has no end, just keep walking hand in hand, and let us go through every Valentine's Day in our lives together.

15. I miss you very much. I don’t know what it means now. I just understand that I will never lose my love. But I will sincerely bless you, my former baby.

16. I don’t believe in eternal love, because I will only love you more and more day by day.

17. In love, don’t pursue beautiful appearance, it will only deceive your eyes; don’t just pursue wealth, it is just a fleeting thing; in love, pursue the person who makes you happy inside.

18. Gently, a fallen leaf floated into my heart and filled my whole heart. Slowly, my heart drifted away with the fallen leaves, and I could never find it again.

19. All we can do in the next life is just not to let us pass by.

20. Fate is the beginning of love, and love is the process of love. Let us work together to find the result of love in the ocean of fate and love!

21. Everyone’s destiny is different, and the time of falling in love will also vary. As long as I do it with all my heart, what I can do is: I will let my love accompany you as you grow old. .

22. Close your left eye, what I see is your cute shyness.

23. The gentle and strong melody is played only for you; the white words of happiness are written only for you; the naughty love words are danced only for you; you are so extraordinary .

24. If the people who love you don't love you the way you want them to, it doesn't mean they don't love you wholeheartedly.

25. Tenderness is the warmth of the violin's threads wrapped around the fingertips.

26 I don’t want to pay attention to you when you pay attention to me, but as soon as you appear, I wag my tail with joy like a puppy.

27. How many people need not love, but just a warm companionship.

28. If you think of me as a kite, either let me fly, or keep it and take it home. Don’t tie me up with an invisible emotion and make me sad.

29. Girl! In fact, I see you every day when I open my eyes! It feels like this day has not been in vain! If I am really with you! Then my life has not been in vain.

30. I open my heart just to accommodate a drop of your tears; I will gaze towards the north every dusk and use my thoughts to make up for your delicate beauty - may my heart melt away the ruthlessness of the sky.

31. There is nothing good about you, but I just like you and you can't change it. Just like you don't like me, I can't change it either. This is called fate.

32. I park my heart in your arms because I regard it as my harbor.

33. Let all my memories related to youth and warmth be filled with your shadow.

34. Once upon a time, there was no water in the sea, except Wushan. I look back lazily at the flowers, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king.

35. I don’t have this kind of talent. I tolerate you and accept her.

36. I don’t know if you are willing to be the person I love the most.

37. Even if the whole world leaves you, there is still me who will accompany you.

38. I like you, this is a fact that will never change.

39. If you are well, it will be a sunny day; if you are happy, it will be the end.

40. Even if I am in heaven, it would not be pleasant if I wander alone among those great and sacred heavens without your company.

41. When I am done being childish, I will no longer embarrass you.

42. The first time I saw you, my heart felt like boiled water mixed with red wine. There was a kind of mild excitement. Life without you is like French fries without ketchup. I hope you can understand me. Heart.

43. I just want to have his love, let me be your only lover.

44. Love is a profession, hobbies are the foundation of love, missing you is my homework, loving you is my career. Although I sometimes lose my job, I still stick to my old career!

45. When you are here, you are everything; when you are not around, everything is you.

46. Do you remember how long it has been since you said you love me?

47. The happiest thing in life is to have a mischievous wife.

48. Loving you is a warm sadness, a romantic feeling, a gentle gesture, and a love that I want to say but have to say!

49. Don’t pry me with mysterious words, don’t look at me with suspicious eyes. You should understand me and trust me. My love for you will not change in this life.

50. If you have the ability, take care of yourself, otherwise just let me take care of you!

51. You are the sun, I am the warm light, we are indispensable.

52. If you are in my future, then I won’t be afraid of anything else.

53. The whole reason why I have lived until now is to be able to say to you at this moment, I love you, and I will always protect you behind you.

54. I always want to find an excuse to catch your eyes when I meet you. Even if I look back for a moment, I will remember you for a long time.

55. The thread of this sweater is in the hands of two people. Happiness or pain is often just a matter of thoughts.

56. We may be able to love two people and be loved by two people at the same time. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them until we grow old.

57. Love goes through my heart a thousand times. I want to see you again. Let me know that you also feel in your heart that our love is not in vain. You and I will miss you deeply until the last day of our lives!

58. I can’t stand the thought of his name being the first word I encounter when typing.

59. Fate made me meet you, feeling made me like you, heartache made me think of you, time made me fall in love with you, let me remember you, but you are missing around me!

60. Write your name in the palm of my hand. When I open it, I miss you. When I hold it, I feel happiness. Just like this, holding hands will give you a lifetime of tenderness; just like this, standing side by side will give you a lifetime of happiness!

61. Sometimes the smallest things will occupy the largest space in your heart.

62. I love you, you love me. Love also requires a good match.

63. If there is no moon, I don’t have to miss you. If there is no sun, I will not miss you. Even if the sun and the moon reincarnate and the years fly by, how can I forget you.

64. At first, you used a bunch of adjectives to define your ideal lover. After you truly fall in love with someone, his name will replace those terms and become a noun.

65. You can fade, you can wither, you can do anything. But as long as I look at you, all kinds of tenderness will come to my heart.

66. As long as you are by my side, no matter whether I am rich or not, I will be the happiest person in the world.

67. Holding the person you like is the best feeling.

68. He always calls me Nier. Sometimes he calls me daughter-in-law when he makes a mistake. He calls me madam before going to bed. He calls me good morning wife. When he is happy, he calls me baby.

69. I occasionally lose my temper with you because I want to know where I am in your heart.

70. I love you all the way, and my thoughts fill every step; my bright eyes often look at you, which brings me countless joys; counting down the passing years, the sweetness is because of you; holding hands forever, we will spend this life together. Loving you is my destiny.

71. Peace of mind and happiness are nothing more than three things: someone believes in you, someone is with you, and someone is waiting for you.

72. The day I met you was the starting point of our life’s happiness, but falling in love with you is the happiness of my life!

73. My temper drives away many people, but the most true ones remain.

74. I hope our love will never end.

75. There must be something wrong with my eyes, because I can't move my eyes away from you.

76. Meeting you is the luck of my life; falling in love with you is the joy of my life; losing you is the regret of my life; without you, I cannot feel the shock of my soul. I only want to love you in this life!

77. I want to see thousands of mountains and rivers with you, and I also want to walk through the streets and alleys. Thousands of mountains and rivers are in dreams, and streets and alleys are reality. I think whether in dreams or in reality, All with you.

78. Good love means you see the whole world through one person, bad love means you give up the world for one person.

79. I have tried to give up perfectly. It is indeed very practical. You are gone, I am gone, you and I are separated.

80. The most romantic thing in my heart is to grow old with you.

81. Meeting you, no longer day and night, is the most beautiful thing in this life.

82. We hold hands and shine together to the end of the world.

83. The most ordinary love is the most dependable.

84. Are you sad? Are you sad? There are so many tears to shed. After crying and wiping away the sweat and tears, you are still irreplaceable.

85. Let my love, like sunshine, surround you and give you glorious freedom.

86. I understand very well that the feeling of love will fade, just like old photos. But you will stay in my heart forever, and you will always be beautiful until the last moment of my life.

87. The person I love also loves me very much, and I am very happy.

88. If I study with half the heart that I love you, I will definitely become a top student.

89. Really, even a hug is a luxury in a long-distance relationship.

90. I want to grow old slowly with you.

91. My birthday wish is to be a doll on your bed. I hope you can hug me to sleep every night.

92. Suitability in love is just an illusion. In the end, it depends on who is more tolerant.

93. I’ll wait for you to come home. Because I am used to chatting with you in bed every night.

94. Let me hold your hand, hold your and my dreams, and go to a bright future together. No matter where we are, we will be with you forever. You are my lover in this life. .

95. The happiest thing in the world is when the person you love happens to love you too.

96. Love makes people so helpless, but love makes me unable to get to the bottom of it.

97. A ring is like love. When worn on the hand, it is also worn on the heart; when it is hurt on the heart, it is also hurt on the hand. What you dare not touch is the hurt in your heart; what you don’t want to pick off is the love that is hard to let go.

98. I hold heaven and earth in my heart, just because there is your charming smile, intoxicating eyes, heavenly voice, and moving figure, just like the elves of light singing and dancing in the soft light of the morning.

99. Only when the flowers and willows can be opened can the means be revealed; only when the wind is fierce and the rain is strong can one stand firm and stand firm.

100. I originally planned to tell you all the bad things that happened to me during the time when you were not around me. But in the end, I just want to tell you that I miss you. ;

Love someone's personalized signature, like someone's personalized signature picture 3

Like a person's personalized signature

1. I will walk with you as long as the road is long, without complaining or frowning.

2. I don’t care who you have loved or what you have done. I only want you to love me well on the days when you choose me.

3. Life is so short and the world is so chaotic. I don’t want to quarrel, have a cold war, or regret for a second with you.

4. I am willing to live with you in the most beautiful way, forgetting the time and the mortal world.

5. I have two rooms, small but very warm: the left atrium and the right atrium, filled with you.

6. If it doesn’t live in your heart, it means you have died in a foreign country.

7. I can’t give you the whole world, but I will give you the whole world.

8. I have always known that mountains are the story of water and wind is the story of clouds, but I didn’t know until now that you are my story.

9. I dare not say that I will like you all my life, but at least in the years when I can see you, I only want to be good to you.

10. There is such a person who gives me a calm love, accompanies me to see the beautiful scenery of the world, and allows me to be happy for the rest of my life.

11. I would like to stay with you until the hills on the ECG turn into the sea.

12. I have never seen anything big in the world, and I only love one face in my life.

13. Precious things are always rare, so there is only one you in the world.

14. Apart from teeth, there is also love that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

15. If you leave, I won’t see you off. Come, no matter how bad the storm is, I will pick you up.

16. I was born in the south, lived in the south, fell into your hands, and finally visited a different place.

17. I have recited thousands of your shortcomings in my heart, but they cannot compare with the one look at you.

18. The best feeling is that when I look at you, you are staring at me.

19. What is happiness? Happiness is when the person you love smiles at you.

20. I want to accompany you to turn my thoughts into hugs, my love to turn into deep love, and my youth to turn into a lifetime.

21. You held the lamp and illuminated a thousand roads. I chose one and followed you towards happiness without hesitation.

22. As long as I have your soft words, my time will not be wasted.

23. The moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is your sweetheart.

24. Those who love each other are suitable for romance together, and those who love you are suitable for growing old together.

25. There is a saying that I only say once in my life. So you have to remember it for me. Woman, I love you and only you forever.

26. You said that your favorite rainy day is when I am by your side.

27. I like you, it’s not love at first sight, nor can I just stop.

28. Beautiful feelings are like the hands of a clock. Although they only meet occasionally, they are always closely connected.

29. My dear, you are not with me, but you are in my heart!

30. Falling in love with a city is probably because someone you love lives here.

31. I don’t want to be a good person or a bad person, I just want to be your sweetheart.

32. The day I met you, I never thought about separation.

33. I don’t like to wander around the world, I just want to travel quietly around you. Hand in hand for a long time, the years are long, and you start from the beginning.

34. God knows how much I love you, and God knows that I am truly moved.

35. If I could, I would always make brown sugar ginger water for you to drink. Although it is not very delicious, I will try my best.

Love someone's personalized signature, like someone's personalized signature picture 4

The above is all about the personalized signature of loving someone, the personalized signature of liking someone, and the related content of the personalized signature of loving someone. I hope it can help you.

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