
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the geographical location of the University of Burgundy?
  • 2. Help translate a sentence, thank you everyone 5
  • 3. English vocabulary derived from Greek and Roman mythology
  • 4.English translation

What is the location of the University of Burgundy?

Dijon, where the main campus of the University of Burgundy is located, is the capital of the Bourgogne region in France. The city of Dijon and its surrounding urban areas have a population of 250,000; it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to Paris by TGV high-speed train from Dijon, and 2 hours to Lyon. There are many main roads accessible. Dijon is located at the heart of a region rich in history and cultural heritage. The University of Burgundy has a cultural center called the "Atheneum". Students can participate in more than 40 different sports activities.

atheneum, what is the geographical location of the University of Burgundy? Figure 1

Help translate a sentence, thank you everyone5

The complexity of External Affairs, unprecedented in Ms. Meyer's work, does not necessarily presage the escalating complexity for External Affairs work that is an exceptional response to its sites and programs. But does this unprecedented presence herald a new level of confidence in Ms. Meyer's talents as an artist? This is one of the best and most uncompromisingly Meier-like outings of all of Ms. Meier’s work to date.

atheneum, what is the geographical location of the University of Burgundy? Figure 2

English vocabulary derived from Greek and Roman mythology

Ancient Greece is one of the four major ancient civilizations in the world, with a long history and a long-standing culture. The scope of activities of the ancient Greeks mainly included the present-day southern Arkan Peninsula, the western coastal areas of Asia Minor and the islands in the eastern Mediterranean. Its coverage was similar to the current territory of Greece? The ancient Greeks were inspired by Eastern culture and created a colorful The ancient Greek culture? And the ancient Greek mythology, which was formed around the 8th century BC, is a wonder in the treasure house of ancient Greek literature?
Ancient Greek mythology has complex content, twists and turns, and many characters (according to statistics, there are 480 people) (more)? It has had a long-lasting impact on world literature, especially European literature. Whether in religion, literature, art, language, astronomy, geography or in real life, the shadow of ancient Greek mythology can be seen everywhere? As we all know, modern English is It gradually evolved after continuously integrating the languages ​​and cultures of various ethnic groups and going through a long process of historical development. Ancient Greek mythology has had a great influence on the languages ​​of various European countries, and these languages ​​​​have contributed to the development of the English language and the enrichment of vocabulary. , has made indelible contributions? Therefore, it can be said that the influence of ancient Greek and Roman mythology on English vocabulary is huge. This influence is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
1. Some words in English are derived from ancient Greek and Roman words. Directly transformed from mythological stories
1.1 The direct influence of myths on basic vocabulary
According to the lexicon point of view, words from foreign languages ​​are directly borrowed to serve the language, and the original spelling and all or part of the meaning of the words are retained. , this kind of word is called loan word (foreign word). And loanwords from ancient Greek mythology abound in English. Loanwords once formed an important part of English vocabulary and occupied an important position in basic vocabulary. There are some characters in ancient Greek (Roman) mythology, either because they have certain typical characteristics or extraordinary characteristics, or because they have had special experiences, their names are directly transformed into common nouns in English. The transformed common nouns retain their original spellings, and their meanings are mostly symbolic and extended meanings of mythical characters. This transfer or extension is closely related to the characteristics or experiences of mythical characters. At the same time, the connotation and denotation of word meanings have been greatly expanded. While the word form has not changed, its meanings have changed from single to diverse, from abstract to concrete and general, and from specific to general. At the same time, the changes in part of speech also show non-uniformity. The sublimation and transformation of word meanings in linguistics are particularly prominent in this aspect. This kind of direct borrowing makes boring vocabulary become more humane and a bit more mysterious. Siren is a half-human, half-bird siren in mythology who often sings to seduce passing voyagers. Therefore, siren often refers to "charming beauty; excellent singer; whistle; alarm". And Echo, the water nymph, likes to repeat other people's words. . Echo evolved into "echo" due to the characteristics of mythical characters. The meaning of the word has changed from referring specifically to a person's name to an abstract meaning.
In ancient Greek and Roman art, Flore was usually depicted as a young woman holding a bouquet among flowers. So flore was extended to "flora, flora". From an etymological point of view, the name of the American state "Florida" and the Italian city "Florence" are both derived from flo. Fortune (Fortuna) is the goddess of happiness and success in Roman mythology. During the ancient Roman period, people's worship of Fortuna was very popular. Fortune is transformed into "fate, good luck, wealth". The transformed noun meaning is closely related to the object of the goddess Fortuna's ministry.
Similarly, Genie is the kind soul and protector of people in Roman mythology. He makes people form various characters and attaches themselves to men throughout their lives. In works of art, he is usually depicted as a winged creature, genie 1) extended to "a person who has a decisive influence on people", 2) "talent, nature, characteristics", 3) "genius". This change in meaning gave rise to several derivatives in English.
Anyone who has read mythology knows that Mercure/Mercury is the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. He is the god of commerce, craftsmanship, wisdom, eloquence, travel, navigation, fraud and theft, which is equivalent to Greek mythology. Hermes in . In works of art he is often depicted as a handsome man with wings on his feet, who moves as fast as lightning. The ancient Romans named Mercury after Mercure because Mercury is the fastest rotating planet among the nine planets.
Psyche is the incarnation of the human soul in Greek and Roman mythology. She appears as a girl with butterfly wings. She falls in love with Cupid, the god of love. Their love story has been a masterpiece of Western art since ancient times. One of the themes. In the long process of language evolution, the proper noun Psyche gradually evolved into an abstract noun, referring to "(in philosophy) psychology, soul, soul". Let’s look at another goddess: Aurore/Aurora (Aurora), she is the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology, and her name is Eos (Eos) in Greek mythology. Aurore is extended to "dawn, dawn". This meaning comes from the things that Aurora is in charge of. It is also transformed into "beginning, beginning". The meaning of the word comes from her symbolic meaning.
In fact, the transformation and replacement of word meanings occur with different frequencies in different periods and regions. The words originating from mythology were not completed within a period of time. Long cultural evolution and cultural conflicts are the direct causes of this phenomenon of multicultural coexistence.
1.2 The influence of myths on modern English flower names
A large number of plant and flower names in modern English are inextricably related to ancient Greek (Roman) mythology. They are partly incarnations of gods, outward manifestations of the soul. Some are pets of gods. Because of the charm of mythology, they also appear colorful and more beautiful in their vocabulary. Narcissus (Narcissus poeticus) is highly prized by the world for its strong fragrance. In the West this flower is used to decorate the dead and graves. This custom originated from a tragedy in mythology: Narcissus, the son of the river god, was a beautiful young man. Because of his beauty, the goddess of nature fell in love and could not extricate herself, and eventually died of haggard. In order to retaliate against him, the other goddesses made Narcissus fall in love with his own shadow in the water, and finally slipped into the water and drowned. Golden daffodils grew where he died. Flowers from mythology include adonis (from the hunter Adonis who had an affair with the god of love mentioned above), centaur (from Chiron, the horseman), elecampane, (from the horseman), and woolly grass. teasel (derived from the peculiar shape of this plant: its leaves are opposite each other, and there is a depression at the connection between the root and the stem, which can collect rainwater. So this plant is also called "Venus bath". It means that travelers can drink the water stored in it to quench their thirst when they are thirsty), violet Iamus, iris (from the neon goddess Iris), asphodels, laurel (from the sun god Apollo), reeds (from Pan) and so on.
2. The influence of Greek and Roman mythology on English roots and affixes
The influence of Greek and Roman mythology on English roots and affixes has been deeply implanted in English vocabulary, and it is not easy to integrate it with the original roots and affixes of English. distinguish.
2.1 The influence of mythological names on English roots
Mythological names are often transformed into roots in lexicon. According to the linguistic point of view, roots refer to words that must be combined with certain affixes to form words. This is derived from Most of the English words are adjectives, followed by nouns and verbs. In terms of quantity, there are significantly more words originating from goddesses than from male gods. The word has various meanings and is all-encompassing. Eros, the son of Aphrodite, is a naughty boy who is willful, self-righteous and idle all day long. He helps his mother spread the so-called "love" in the world of gods and humans? As the saying goes, "it must come from its mother." "His son", Eros also met an unclean end? So there was "erotic (of or concerning ual love and desire); (a person who loves making) lecher"? "eroticas (erotic writing) , drawings etc) calligraphy and painting”? “eroticism (a style or quality that expresses strong feelings of ual love and desire)”? “erotgentic”, “erotology writer”.
Similarly, the goddess Athene is smart, witty and knowledgeable. Specializing in wisdom, technology, learning and art? Her name is "Athene" with the suffix "-um" added, which means "atheneum scientific association; library"? Another word formed by adding "-um" after a person's name. Is it a "museum"? Among them, Muse is the famous goddess of Muse. They are in charge of poetry, novels, history and music. And Eris (Eris) is the goddess of discord and revenge. In order to take revenge on Narcissus, he cursed him to eventually die of his own beauty. So Eris adds the suffix "tic" and it becomes "eristic, controversial; controversial; sophistical". Luna, the moon god, evolved into "lunar moon", such as "lunar calendar", "lunar eclipse" and "lunar module".
In the history of Western oil painting, Aphrodite is the only goddess who has always displayed her physical beauty in the nude? It is difficult to find a second goddess in ancient Greek mythology? Especially "Sleeping Venus" (1510) created by Italian painter Giorgione ――1511) representatively expresses the sensual and outwardly vulgar side of Venus (Venus, the Roman name of Aphrodite)? So after Aphrodite evolved into English words, it was related to "sex; sexual love"? For example, "aphrodisac stimulates sexual desire" "Aphrodisiac", "aphrodisia sexual desire"?
Among mythological figures, many goddesses, because of their superior eloquence, eternal charm, unique mythical special abilities, etc., were popular in the past when civilization was still underdeveloped, and before women's rights were established. It is easier to arouse people's recognition and admiration in a context where there is no prior experience or background. This is also the main reason why there are more words derived from goddesses than from male gods in this vocabulary. The evolved words of male gods are mostly related to negative words such as negativity, coldness, and extravagant hope. Let’s take a look at a few examples: The word “tantalizing” (meaning something in plain view but unattainable: something that is close at hand but cannot be obtained) is familiar to anyone who has studied English. His root word Tantale is the rich and powerful king of Rodia in mythology, the son of Zeus. He was cast into a pool of stagnant water in hell by Zeus for killing his son in sacrifice to the gods. Only the head is above the water. The myth says: He was so hungry and thirsty that he wanted to eat the various fragrant fruits hanging above his head, but the fragrant fruits were blown away by the gusts of wind. Just as he was about to drink the pool water that reached his lips, the pool water would quickly fall to him. under the jaw. This word is a noun derived from the verb "tantalize".
Similarly, Aeolos (wind god) evolved into the adjective "aeolian (earth) wind-sounding, wind-made; whistling". His Roman name Boreas became "boreal, north wind". And bacchanalian is an adj. It means "frenzied, orgiastic; drunken like crazy, drinking and feasting; drunken". This word comes from the famous Bacchus (Dionysus in Greek mythology). He and his followers often got drunk and had fun. The representative of the carnival? Another adjective about him, bacchanal, is "carnival; indulgence?" In English, "drunkard" is also called a son of Bacchus; and the proverb "Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune." More than sea gods; wine is more harmful than sea water”?
2.2 The influence of some names of people and places in mythology on English affixes
Such affixes usually express abstraction and generality, and most of them are prefixes. The meaning of the word is mostly the service function and symbolic meaning of the mythical figure.
The Greek goddess Eos is the goddess of the dawn in mythology. The name of the goddess evolved into the prefix "eos-", which means "dawn? original? primitive"? For example, adding phobia (from the Greek phobos, "fear, hatred") after it means "dawn fear". The affix evolved from another goddess Selene is "selen - of the moon", such as: "selenodesist lunar scientist", "selenology lunar science, lunar science". In the same way, "hebe-" can be used as an affix to mean "youth", which is derived from Hebe (Hebe, they specialize in human youth and serve the gods on Mount Olympia, and are good at playing?), such as hebephrenial, which means medicine. The "adolescent dementia" referred to above?
Let's look at a few more words that come from male gods: Pluto is the god of the underworld, the god of the underworld; because he has the "treasure of the Styx" Similar "-pluto" as the root word means "wealth"; Ares (Ares) is the mythical god of war, whose Roman name is Mars (Mars). When the ancient Greeks observed the strange reddish-brown Mars, they assumed that he was causing trouble there, so they named Mars after his Roman name Mars. The name Ares evolved into the suffix "areo- Mars", such as "areocentric (astronomy) centered on Mars"; "aerographic Mars surface"; "areography Mars science".
There is another god in mythology that cannot but be mentioned, that is Thantes, the god of death. He often goes hand in hand with wars, plagues, and floods, and is sent by the gods to carry out executions. The world is afraid of him, and wherever he goes, he will suffer disaster. Therefore, Thantos is transformed into a prefix "thanat(o)-", which means "death". Such as: "thannatosis gangrene", "thanatoid", "thanatophobia".
Like the myths of other peoples in the world, Greek mythology also has the word "giant". The emergence of giants in mythology is a manifestation of the low productivity of the world's nations in the process of conquering nature. Titan is such a giant god. It is said that he is "powerful and powerful" and once commanded the world. Therefore, titan often refers to giants in academia and politics, as well as people with incomparable strength. The title of the popular American blockbuster "Titanic" is formed by adding the adjective suffix "-ic" after titan, which means "incomparably powerful".
2.3 The influence of myths in geographical nouns
It is worth mentioning that after the names of people in myths became specific root words, certain suffixes were added to indicate specific geographical nouns, and they became common geographical terms around the world. These geographical terms mostly refer to the geographical range where the ancient Greeks lived, roughly centered on the Mediterranean Sea. ?The vast sea area between the Greek Peninsula, Crete and Turkey was the main maritime place for the Greeks, so mythology had a direct impact on the geographical naming of this area. According to myths and legends, King Theseus of Athens (the French writer Gide wrote the novel "Theseus" based on his experience) went to the island of Crete (now Crete) to slay evil spirits. There are few, so black sails are hung to express mourning. Theseus killed the demon with the help of others but forgot to put on the white sail that symbolized victory, causing his father Aegean to mistakenly believe that he had suffered misfortune. In grief, he jumped into the sea and died. Later generations called that sea area the Aegean sea.
The Dardanelles Strait located in Turkey was originally called Hellespont Strait, which is also related to Greek mythology. Helle is a young boy in mythology. He and his brother were abused by their stepmother, and their confused father wanted to kill them to sacrifice to heaven. At the critical moment, a golden sheep descended from the sky, rushed to rescue them, and carried the two of them to heaven. Helle fell into the sea and died due to fright and dizziness in the air. That sea was therefore called the Sea of ​​Helle. Hellespont (Helera Strait) is named after this.
The Bosporus Strait (in Turkey, east of the Black Sea), which separates the Eurasian continent together with the Hellera Strait, is called Bosporus in English, which means "Calf Road". What does the strait have to do with the calf? The myth tells us this: In order to sever the relationship between her husband and his mistress Io, Hera, the wife of Zeus, turned Io into a small white calf and hid it, and was later discovered by Zeus. Hera was furious and turned into a terrible gadfly, biting the calf all day long. The little white cow broke into the vast sea (later generations called this sea the Ionian Sea after Io) and fled to the entrance of the Black Sea. Bosporus Strait was born.
Another place name related to Zeus is Europe. Legend has it that Europa was a beautiful and passionate Phoenician princess who was deceived by Zeus. She was carried by a sheep turned by Zeus. A brand new continent "tied the knot". In return, Zeus named the continent Europe after her. Because of the charm of mythology, the word has been passed down to this day.
The word Atlantic in English comes from the mythical Hercules Atlas. (Atlas). He was also punished by Zeus and carried the sky on his shoulders forever. He was in the clouds, with beautiful mountains and rivers under his eyes. So it also means "one with a heavy burden; atlas". Moreover, the Greeks believed that the place where the giants held the sky was in the far west, so "Atlantic (the adjective for Atlas)" and "Atlantis (the legendary Atlantis)" were born.
3. The influence of Greek mythology on English idioms
Idioms are fixed phrases with semantic unity and structural fixity. "It is an indivisible unity in semantics, and its overall meaning cannot often be guessed from the meanings of the individual words that make up the idiom. From a structural point of view, idioms also have their own integrity, in which each component is fixed and cannot be disassembled and replaced at will. "There are many idioms in English that come from Greek mythology, and their literal meanings still have rich connotations.
Let’s take a look at Aphrodite first. The goddess of love plays a very important role in mythology. She has become a rich source of literary creation for later generations. She is beautiful and versatile, and is the goddess of love and beauty. But she Not quite keeping to herself, Hongxing often cheats on her. She had many lovers, both gods and mortals. She had affairs with Ares, the god of war, Adonis, the hunter, etc. One of them, when she was having a romantic relationship with Ares, she was raped by Haber, the god of silence. Harpocrates got a glimpse of the secret? Aphrodite was afraid that the scandal would be leaked, so he sent his son Eros to give him a beautiful rose to keep him quiet? The god of silence is greedy for the beauty of flowers. , then remained silent? So "under the rose" means "secretly? Privately"? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English under the rose is derived from the German unter der Rosen. Banquet hall and conference room in ancient Germany As well as in hotel dining rooms, roses are often painted or carved on the ceiling to remind those present to keep secrets and not to reveal the words and deeds under the roses. This German idiom was popular from the 15th to the 17th century. With the spread of the military power of the Roman Empire, it penetrated into various European countries. "The stone of Sisyphus" refers to Sisyphus (Sisyphus), he is the most insidious and cunning man in the world. He was thrown into hell because he revealed the secrets of Zeus and deceived Pluto. His punishment was to push a heavy marble from the ground to a high mountain. But every time he thought the stone had been pushed to the top of the mountain, it turned over and rolled back down the mountain. This cycle never stops. To this day, people still refer to the difficult and ineffective work as "the stone of Sisyphus" based on this legend.
When reading English articles, we often read "the torch of Hymen"? Everyone doesn't know much about Hymen. In fact, she is the goddess of marriage in mythology. Weddings are often hosted by Hymen, and her token is a torch. The torch that lights up love (torch), therefore, this idiom means "love"? In addition, Hymen also refers to "wedding, marriage", and the medical term "hymen"?
Ares' sister Eris, It is also one of the less popular gods in the world. Because she is the source of strife and the initiator of conflicts. It is said that the Trojan War was caused by her resentment for not being invited to the wedding of Zeus's grandson, so she got a golden apple with the inscription "To the most beautiful woman in the world" and threw it at the wedding. , causing the goddesses to fight for it, and Zeus was unable to decide. Then the mortal Paris was appointed to judge. Aphrodite made a wish to Paris to abduct Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta, as his wife. Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. For this confused verdict, Paris and his country - Troy paid a heavy price: his country fought with the Greek coalition for nearly ten years. The golden apple often resides in the "cause of contention". Apple of discord refers to "the trigger that causes quarrels or conflicts, generally referring to the trigger of major events."
Swan Song refers to "the final masterpiece; the last work". In ancient Greek mythology, the swan is the sacred bird of Apollo, so it is often used as a metaphor for literature and art. It is said that swans usually do not sing, but before they die, they will sing a song, which is sad, beautiful and touching. This is the only and last time it sings in its life. Therefore, Western countries use this allusion to describe a masterpiece before the death of a certain poet, writer, or composer, or the last performance of an actor or singer. That means a last or farewell appearance; the last work before death.
Charon is a boatman who carries ghosts across the River Styx in a boat in the underworld, so the idiom Charon’s boat means “dying”. That big river is called Styx (River of Styx), which is eerie and terrifying. In English, "black as the Styx" is called "black as the Styx"; and "cross the Styx" is a euphemism for death. According to the myth, Achilles (Achilles, the first Greek warrior)'s mother soaked him in the River Styx when she gave birth to him, making him invulnerable, except for the heels that her mother pinched. In this way, "Achilles' heel" or "the heel of Achilles" means "the one weak spot in somebody's circumstances or character". Sure enough, he was shot in the heel by Paris in the later Trojan War and died.
4. Conclusion
The influence of Greek mythology on English vocabulary is truly reflected in several aspects of lexicon, from roots to affixes, from pragmatics to semantics, from plant nouns to astronomy and geography. In the course of thousands of years of human civilization, due to the substantial increase in social productivity and the rapid advancement of science and technology, people have made qualitative breakthroughs in their understanding of nature and themselves. Myths have lost the possibility of continued creation, but Greek myths are still an unattainable model, "showing eternal charm" (Marx: "Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy", "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", pp. Volume 2, page 114), giving us the enjoyment of beauty. Therefore, ancient Greek mythology is a precious heritage of world literature. It is a concentrated and vivid embodiment of various language phenomena in the field of linguistics. It is also the largest material library when we study linguistics and the source of understanding and absorbing Western culture. It is also a vivid textbook on the comparison and differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Although some words influenced by myths may have separated from the myth itself, or may have gradually lost their living space, understanding their impact on English will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our English learning.

atheneum, what is the geographical location of the University of Burgundy? Figure 3

English translation

College life
As a sophomore, I feel that the time flies.
You may consider that college life is boring. As we don't know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I define the college life will become wonderful.
Frist, I am a girl who like freedom. In my college life, I can play computer very late, Whitout worrying my parents asking me to go to bed at the midnight. Second, I like rock'n 'roll, I can play the music very loudly in my dorm. On the contrary, my mother will be ang ry when I listen to the music in my home. And then, You can join a lot of associations and University Student Councils In our college, It is a training for collegers. I join in atheneum with a lot of lovely girls, so we chat very happy. As we held several parties, I felt very successful and seeing everyone united, I was very glad and deeply moved. Another, I am absorbed grand library, school buildings and wide playground. Our campus obtains beautiful environment and good atmosphere to study . My school's library has a lot of different books and magazines. Every weekend, a lot of students can go to library to read the books. Otherwise, our school has a lot of foreign teachers, In you free time, you can go to the PETER HOLL and visit the foreign teachers. Through conversation with foreign teachers it practice your English. In your spare time, you can play basketball, pingpang and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health. In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in.
In a word, college life is wonderful!

atheneum, what is the geographical location of the University of Burgundy? Figure 4

The above is all about the atheneum, the location of the University of Burgundy, and the related content of the athene. I hope it can help you.

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