
Contents of this article

  • 1.English translation of farewell kiss
  • 2. Words with ful as suffix
  • 3.What does benefical mean?
  • 4. What are the words with the suffix ful?

farewell kiss english translation

aversive;baneful;deleterious;noxious;noxius;pois.;poisonous;toxical;toxicant;toxiferous;venenate;venenosus;venenous;venomous;virose;virous;banefulness;deleterious;mephitic;nocuous;noisome;venenous; viperous; virose
There is a song called "Poisonous kiss" Poisonous kiss
Poisonous Kiss is filled with a moving scene like a movie, full of the rhythm of the 1980s and the style of traditional rock music, all showing the contemporary style In line with the explosive power of rock music, the band chose piano as the leading instrument in the song, but did not forget to use guitar to enhance the power of the song, giving the song a sense of rhythm, richness and soul-touching charm.
poisonous kiss switches between sentimental and joyful moods with its powerful rhythm section.

Words with the suffix ful

Words with ful as a suffix include:
armful n. an armful of quantity;
artful a. clever, cunning;
awful a. unpleasant;
baleful adj. evil, Malicious;
baneful adj. Harmful, causing disaster;
bashful adj. Shy, shy

Extended information

  She brought in an armful of fresh flowers from the garden.

  She came in from the garden with an armful of flowers.

  He carried with him an armful of revolutionary literature.

  He held an armful of revolutionary literature.

  They came back with armful of dry things and dumped them on the fire.

  They came back with a large bundle of dead branches and threw them on the fire.

  The overflow of baleful Internet information becomes one of the big problems puzzling the Internet development.

  The proliferation of harmful information on the Internet has become one of the important problems plaguing the development of the Internet.

  Baleful Internet Information control and its dilemma.

  Conflicts and dilemmas in the management of harmful information on the Internet.

  Of rubbish mail put in, also be the contribution of baleful software.

  The delivery of spam is also the result of malware.

What does beneficial mean?

Is it baneful? It is an adjective, which means "harmful, poisonous".

What are the words with the suffix ful?

Words with the suffix ful include:
armful n. a handful
artful a. clever, cunning
awful a. unpleasant
baleful adj. evil, malicious
baneful adj. Harmful, causing disaster
bashful adj. Shy, shy
beautiful a. Beautiful, beautiful

Extended information

  Suffixes are important markers that determine the part of speech of a word. Mastering parts of speech is an important means to master the basic rules of English and expand the vocabulary.

  Common suffixes:

  ⑴ A person with a certain occupation or action

  1) -an, -ian, means "people, people who are proficient in..." American, historical,

  2) -al, means "a person with... position" principal,

  3) -ant,-ent means "..." merchant, agent, servant, student,

  4) -ar, meaning "person of..." scholar, liar, pedlar

  5) -ard, -art, means "a person who does..." coward, laggard, braggart (exaggerator)

  6) -arian, meaning "a person of...sect, a person of...ism" humanitarian, vegetarian

  7) -ary, meaning "person engaged in..." secretary, missionary

  8) -ate, meaning "a person with... responsibilities" candidate, graduate

  9) -ator, meaning "a person who does..." educator, speculator (speculator)

  10) -crat, meaning "a supporter of a certain political system or doctrine" democrat, bureaucrat

  11) -ee, means "action recipient" employee, examinee

  12) -eer, meaning "people engaged in..." engineer, volunteer

  13) -er, meaning "a person engaged in a certain profession, a person from a certain region or place" banker, observer, Londoner, villager

  14) -ese, meaning "…people from the country, people from…local places" Japanese, Cantonese

  15) -ess, meaning "feminine personal noun, actress, hostess, manageress"

  16) -eur, meaning "...home" amateur, littérateur

  17) -ian, meaning "...local people, people who believe in...teaching, people who engage in...professional" Christian, physician (physician), musician

  18) -ician, meaning "proficient person, ... home," electrician, magician, technician

  19) -icist, meaning "...home,...person," physicist, phoneticist, technicist

  20) -ic, meaning "...person,...teacher" mechanic, critic

  21) -ie, means "love, refers to little" dearie, auntie, lassie (little girl)

  22) -ier, meaning "engage in... occupation" cavalier, clothier, brazier (brasssmith)

  23) -ine, ina, indicating "feminine person" heroine, ballerina

  24) -ist, meaning "a person engaged in...researcher, a believer..." pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist

  25) -ive, meaning "actor, actor" native,captive

  26) -logist, meaning "...scientist, researcher" biologist, geologist (geologist)

  27) -or, means "..." author, doctor, operator,

  28) -ster, meaning "a person who does... things" youngster, gamester (gambler), songster

  29) -yer, meaning "a person engaged in..." lawyer

The above is all about baneful, the English translation of farewell kiss, and the related content of bane. I hope it can help you.

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