
Contents of this article

  • 1. After a Gemini man sleeps with a Libra woman
  • 2. What will happen if a Libra man sleeps with a Scorpio woman?
  • 3. Libra men treat women they have had sex with
  • 4. Signs that a Libra man loves you after sleeping with him

After a Gemini man and a Libra woman slept together

After mentioning that a Libra man slept with a Gemini woman, everyone knows that someone asked what will be the outcome of a Libra man and a Gemini woman in the future? , In addition, some people want to ask what will happen if Gemini and Libra are together? , do you know what's going on? In fact, will there be a result between a Libra man and a Gemini woman? , let’s take a look at what will happen to Libra men and Gemini women in the future? , hope it can help everyone!

After a Libra man slept with a Gemini woman

1. After a Libra man sleeps with a Gemini woman: What will be the outcome of the relationship between a Libra man and a Gemini woman?

Perfect match~

Cherish it. ,

Boy's horoscope: Libra VS Girl's horoscope: Gemini What attracts Libra men to Gemini women.

Pairing Rating: A perfect match

Zodiac sign ratio: 52:48 Two people of the same air sign will feel like old friends when they first meet and open their hearts to each other. For Gemini, who is used to quickly appreciating each other and discharging quickly, this may be a common occurrence; for Libra, whose zodiac sign has a gentle personality and will naturally discharge to the opposite sex, it is not a big deal; the difference is that your wavelengths are the same and resonate. The chances are huge. Although Gemini and Libra may not necessarily have a passionate love affair, they will not be as plain and ordinary as the earth signs, but a harmonious combination between the two.

Will a Libra man and a Gemini woman have consequences?


The combination of ** is usually this kind of thinking that is a bit similar but a bit different, with similar starting points, just like "a perfect match". Both Gemini and Libra have a tendency to enjoy themselves, and their personalities are also outwardly developed; Libra often likes to treat love as a game, which is quite similar to Gemini's novelty-loving and fickle personality. However, your tolerance level is not very good, especially daily trivial matters such as daily necessities such as food, rice, oil and salt. You are easily bored; however, even small things have to be done by someone. Therefore, in addition to giving each other independent space, you must also clarify the common space first, so that the combination can be very dense and become a natural combination that does not require too much effort.

2. After a Libra man sleeps with a Gemini woman: What will happen if Gemini and Libra are together?

3. After a Libra man sleeps with a Gemini woman: Will there be consequences for a Libra man and a Gemini woman?

Libra is an Eastern constellation, so Libras are as mysterious as Easterners. Although their smiles are so bright and bright, in fact they are as profound and unpredictable as the white clouds floating high in the sky. Of course, this is nothing to Gemini people. Typical Gemini people are always the best at guessing riddles, but I still want to warn Gemini people not to think that Libra people are just soft-tempered. Libra has a dominant Qi, while Gemini has a flexible Qi. Dominance means everything, and flexibility means communication. If a Gemini doesn't want to dominate a conversation. You can definitely get along well with Libra people. Remember, Libra is dominant, so Libra people have to have the upper hand and do it. Libra people are very logical and always want to get everything done. Don’t be mesmerized by the way they look like eating lollipops and smiling with two dimples. Once they can't outwit each other, they use this innocent appearance to break the opponent's will. Who could resist a smile and a compliment from such a handsome, charming, dignified and wise man? Only Geminis can! Geminis will not be charmed by Libras. Besides, playing tricks to coax people and please them is a trick only Geminis can do. Geminis appear first in the cycle of life, Libras later. Therefore, trying to please and be obedient is always invented by Geminis and learned by Libras. Gemini people make decisions easily. They do it right away without regrets, anxiety, waiting, or overthinking. Libra people, on the other hand, are always looking back and forth on both sides of the scale, for fear of making mistakes. Therefore, it is inevitable that these two people will have some complaints about each other when they are together. If these two people get along, each pays attention to feeling more instead of dwelling on it, they will get along better. Gemini loves a mental challenge, and Libra provides that opportunity. But Libra people will not be easily led into misunderstandings by Gemini people, because Libra people will not make decisions without doing a comprehensive analysis. Gemini (female) - Libra (male) If these two kinds of people go together to dig for gold, their purposes will be completely different. Libra people's goal is to find real gold, but Gemini people want to experience all the fun and hardships of searching, and they are likely to turn back halfway. If a Gemini woman and a Libra man live very happily together, it is because they have many similarities. If they live unhappily, it is also because they have many similarities. They both like to be comfortable and tidy, and will feel unhappy if they are in a messy environment. Since Gemini people are always quick to respond, the woman often has to follow the man to pick up banana peels, socks to change and so on. But the woman doesn't like to do things like cleaning, and the man doesn't like it either, so if there is no handyman, they will fight over it endlessly. However, no matter how much the woman spends to decorate her home, the man does not feel distressed. Even if these two sleep in a tent in the wild, they will hang oil paintings by famous artists in the tent whenever possible, turn on the cassette player when eating, and let the music echo softly in the tent... But who will pack the tools or luggage on the ground? , and what about washing dishes and cleaning bags? Every time they quarrel, it seems that the woman takes the lead and the man ends it. The woman is sharp-tongued and speaks unforgivingly, saying whatever comes to her mind, while the man chooses his words carefully, smiles and speaks slowly. From the outside, it seems that the woman is unreasonable and the man is willing to give in. In fact, it may be the man who caused this dispute: for a vacation, the man has been hesitating for two weeks, unable to decide whether to go to the beach or the mountains, while the woman is eager to book air tickets and hotel rooms, because so many people go to these places during the holidays. Many, it is not possible to buy tickets or find hotel vacancies immediately. The woman may want to be a fashion designer for a while, and want to learn to fly a plane for a while. She may also want to study the mystery of the Dead Sea or open a luxury store. When she narrates this to the man, the man will take advantage of the situation and quietly lead the woman's thoughts into a more realistic path, and then make a wise decision - a decision that is also in line with the man's wishes. Only the man can make the woman's erratic thoughts logical. Only the man can calm the woman's heart. The man can listen appreciatively to the woman's colorful dreams, but he will not be tempted, nor will he show his disapproval on his face. superior. He smiled and corrected the woman's thinking, and the woman still thought that the man was the person who supported her the most. When lying next to the woman at night, holding this big girl in his arms, the man will feel infinite love and affection. He gently touched the woman's hair, so that the woman no longer wandered in the moonlight and starry sky, so the woman gradually felt that he was beside her and felt that his body and soul were calling her. To them, it's as exhilarating as a summer thunderstorm. They always work well together and are each satisfied. However, the man always thinks that it is not the woman's that fascinates him so much, but her heart. The woman thinks that what attracts her most about the man is his elegant demeanor and handsome appearance. The woman loves to talk. But when the man was deep in thought, the woman kept talking and made the man irritable. The woman is not very good at cleaning up, so she inevitably does housework and spends money randomly, which sometimes makes the man angry. But when he wanted to leave, he felt heartbroken when he saw the woman's tears.

The above is what will happen in the future with a Libra man and a Gemini woman? Related content is about what will be the future outcome of a Libra man and a Gemini woman? of sharing. After reading about a Libra man sleeping with a Gemini woman, I hope this helps everyone!

The ending of being slept with by a Libra man, after a Gemini man and a Libra woman slept together Picture 1

What will happen if a Libra man sleeps with a Scorpio woman?

After a Libra man sleeps with a Scorpio woman, he will stay with her.
Libra men are actually very conservative people at heart. After they have slept with someone, they will no longer switch back and forth. Therefore, after a Libra man sleeps with a Scorpio woman, he will stay with the other person.
Libra is a good-looking constellation among the twelve constellations. It has a cheerful personality and is kind to others. Libra is located in the seventh house of the zodiac, which is the basic moving house of the air sign.

The ending of being slept with by a Libra man, after a Gemini man and a Libra woman slept together Picture 2

Libra men treat women they have had sex with

Speaking of the ending of being slept with by a Libra man, everyone knows that some people ask whether a Libra man will sleep with anyone else. In addition, some people want to ask how a Libra man still loves you after sleeping with you. Do you know what is going on? In fact, will a Libra man sleep with anyone casually? Let’s take a look at whether a Libra man will sleep with anyone casually. I hope it can help everyone!

The ending of being slept with by a Libra man

1. Will a Libra man sleep with anyone else?

I'm a Libra and I object. If it's casual, it's not taboo. Two people sleeping together must at least have some feelings. At least first of all, I am a member of the Appearance Association, and my appearance and figure must be correct. Secondly, I can't be too accentuated or green tea, and I don't feel that way. So at least so far I haven't slept casually. I am a Libra and I only represent my own opinions.

2. Signs that a Libra man still loves you after sleeping with you

It's not a horoscope problem, it's a personal problem. There are scumbags in every zodiac sign, just like there are good and bad people in this world. Not that the zodiac sign represents everything, dear, it’s more about recognizing a person by yourself, don’t rely on these messy speculations

3. Will a Libra man sleep with anyone casually?

Yes, you will after getting along for a long time. After all, love grows over time. Never be too nice to a Libra man.

Libra, the best observation time is September 23rd-October 23rd. It is the seventh of the thirteen constellations of the zodiac, located southeast of Virgo. The four brightest 3m stars in the constellation, α, β, γ, and σ, form a quadrilateral, and the β star among them forms a large rhombus with the Spring Triangle. Visible latitudes are between +65° and 90°. The stars in Libra have been recognized since ancient times, but were not recognized as an independent constellation by Ptolemy. In the Ptolemaic constellation, the star of Libra belongs to the scorpion claw of Scorpio. Alpha Libra is the Northern Claw of Scorpio, and Beta Libra is the Southern Claw of Scorpio.

It was not until the time of Caesar in the 1st century AD that the Romans discovered that when the sun moved to this constellation, it was around the autumnal equinox when day and night were equinoxed, so they drew it independently. σ Libra (seven folded), Zubenelakrab (scorpion's claw), eclipse variable star. Although Sigma Libra is within the constellation Libra and not on its border, it was previously known as Gamma Scorpii until AD 1 when it became a star within the constellation Libra. Under what circumstances will a Libra man sleep with you?

4. A Libra man broke up and slept with the girl after seeing her for the first time and had the idea of ​​getting married. Does he really love that woman? We did

So, when it’s time to let go, let it go. It’s all over.

5. If an Aquarius woman gets together with a Libra man just after meeting him, will there be any good results?

Speed ​​dating index: 90%

Love at first sight:50%

Libra men are notoriously kitsch, and their life focuses almost entirely on social interactions. Since he wants to maintain a friendly relationship with everyone, he often thinks about how to please others. You will often see Libra men doing With a perfect appearance and response, if you meet a Libra man, you can observe his behavior when he says goodbye to you, whether it is the gentleness of his facial expression, the magnetism of his voice, the height of his gestures, or the angle of his smile. point. A Libra man sleeps with you once and then wants to sleep with you again.

Will a Libra man sleep with anyone casually?

Although I think Libra men are really pleasing to the eye, I always feel that they are a bit fake. This is really disgusting for a maverick woman. Women are eager to be funny to attract other people's attention and to show off their personal charm to make people approach. Nor do you allow yourself to change to suit the needs of the other person.

However, a woman will not quarrel with a Libra man over this. At most, she goes out to socialize with a Libra man, and when she comes back, she has to stay in front of the toilet to vomit for three hours before going to bed. Slept with an ambiguous Libra man.

The above is the content related to Will a Libra man sleep with anyone else? It is a sharing about Will a Libra man sleep with anyone? After reading the ending of being slept with by a Libra man, I hope this helps everyone!

The ending of being slept with by a Libra man, after a Gemini man and a Libra woman slept together, picture 3

How does a Libra man love you after sleeping with him?

Libra man becomes cold after sleeping with him

  Libra men become cold after sleeping. For astronomy enthusiasts, constellations are of great importance. The position of each star on the ecliptic when a person is born illustrates a person's innate character and talent. Watch below to see how a Libra man becomes cold after sleeping with him.

  Libra man becomes cold after sleeping with him 1

  I think it can be explained to a large extent that this is indeed a lack of love. And this is not only true for Libra boys, no matter what sign the boy behaves like this, it should mean that he is no longer in love, or he is beginning to have doubts about the relationship.

  When Libra boys fall into a relationship, they are prone to extreme attitudes. When they are in love, they are very passionate and wish they could stay together 24 hours a day. But when you are not in love, you are very cold and unwilling to say a word. The other person will soon feel the change in attitude.

  Libra boys like to "play life" because they don't like to live a rigid life, nor do they like a too old-fashioned lifestyle, so they have their own unique way of dealing with relationships, work, and life. When falling in love with them, they often make their girlfriends feel funny and "not serious", just like for fun.

  But don't be afraid because of their attitude, it's just a disguise. As long as they take the initiative to contact you and are willing to spend time with you, it means that your girlfriend still holds considerable weight in their hearts, but they have become accustomed to this uninhibited attitude.

   There are two manifestations of a man loving a woman:

  First, be willing to spend time on it;

  Second, be willing to spend money on it.

  If a boy suddenly behaves indifferently to a girl and is unwilling to answer her phone calls or hang out with her anymore, then it is obvious that he is unwilling to continue spending time with this woman.

  If it's not because of irreconcilable emotional conflicts, it means that the man has changed his mind and no longer loves. Some girls find that during a date, their boyfriend is present but not attentive. He is either expressionless or playing games with his head down. These are all signs of perfunctory behavior. A crisis signal has appeared in the relationship, and conflicts must be resolved in a timely manner.

  Libra man becomes cold after sleeping with him 2

   Ignoring means not feeling anything

  If Libra ignores you, it means that they have no feelings for you anymore. At this time, it is difficult for you to get Libra's attention. After Libra loses feelings, they will not take the initiative to look for you again. At this time, you'd better not take the initiative to get close to Libra, because the more proactive you are, the more Libra will feel that you are not suitable for him, which will speed up Libra's departure.

   Ignoring means not caring

  When Libra ignores you, it also means that they no longer care about you. At this time, you should control your emotions. You will not be able to get Libra's response just by working hard. Libras are still very assertive when it comes to relationships. Libras have the final say whether they like or dislike someone, and they will not change easily because of your words and deeds.

   Indifferent because there is little common language

  If Libra is cold to you, then you should know that you and Libra don't have much in common. At this time, Libra doesn't know how to talk to you. Conversation requires too much thinking, and Libra feels uncomfortable. , then Libra will become cold. At this time, Libra doesn't want to have too many conversations with you.

   Indifferent because the novelty has passed

  Libra is cold to you because you no longer have the freshness that Libra wants. Of course you will be sad at this time. But you also have to treat it calmly. When Libra is cold to you, you have to think about it carefully. Your relationship with Libra needs to be reconsidered. Blind stubbornness or persistence will not do any good.

  Libra man becomes cold after sleeping with him 3

   Libra is becoming less and less interested in feelings

   Refuse decisively and without mercy

  If Libra is still interested in you, Libra will still be ambiguous and roundabout with you. However, if Libra becomes indifferent to you, he will not even give you any ambiguity, because in Libra's heart, Libra will feel that he is not interested in you anymore, so there is no need to pull any more strings with you, and he is also very cruel.

   It's better to find someone else, I won't tell you

  The quickest sign that Libra is becoming more and more indifferent to relationships is that Libra starts to look for someone else. Libra will be indifferent to you while being friendly to others. In this way, Libra will tell you that this relationship is coming to an end. Libra's liking and enthusiasm are only obvious at the beginning, and then they cease to exist.

   Start to reject you and not get close to you

  When the relationship is strong, Libra will also want to be bored with you and enjoy the good time of love. However, once Libra becomes more and more indifferent to feelings, Libra will begin to reject your closeness, and Libra will no longer want to be tired of being with you. Not only that, Libra will also deliberately make you unable to find you, and deliberately ignore you. you.

  There is no reason for the relationship to weaken. It may be your fault, or it may be the other party's fault. So when the other party becomes more and more indifferent to your relationship, don't rush to blame the other party, but learn to reflect on yourself.

   Libra boyfriend is suddenly cold

  If Libra is cold to you, you should reflect on yourself instead of looking for problems on her. Libra is like a mirror. How you treat it will be how it treats you. It must be that you are not enthusiastic enough for him, so of course he will be cold to you.

  He feels that you are not enthusiastic enough, so she will not be enthusiastic enough towards you. If you can not be so cold to Libra, and don't play hard to get, Libra will definitely have a different attitude towards you, although it is possible that Libra will put some thought into it. To please you, but the premise is that you should give him some hope and make him feel that you are worthy of being pleased.

   Libra man: flirtatious

  Libra men are very loyal to their friends and can get along well with others. They are humorous and confident. He is the male god in the eyes of many girls. But Libra men are very carefree. When they are pursuing girls, they will be very attentive and sweet-mouthed. But once they go to bed with you, they will reveal their philandering nature and will no longer care about you so much.

   Sagittarius man: strong sexual desire

  Sagittarius men love freedom and like a life without restraints. They don't want anyone to look after them. Their only purpose in pursuing girls is to sleep with you and satisfy their physical needs. When they are pursuing you, they are obedient to you, but once they go to bed, they will hate the feeling of being restrained by you and don't want to be responsible. They will gradually distance themselves from you.

   Leo man: desire to conquer

  Leo men are very ambitious and are born to conquer the world. Most of their energy will only be spent on their work, and they will not take love too seriously. When they pursue you, it's just because of their strong desire to conquer. But after they sleep with you, they find it boring and turn their attention to their work, ignoring you.

   Scorpio man: freshness

  Scorpio men are very mysterious and they are used to hiding themselves. They have good rapport with the opposite sex and are good at getting along with girls. They are very gentle and considerate to you when they like you. But after I went to bed with you. After two people get to know each other, they lose their novelty. He no longer has any interest in you, will gradually stop contacting you, and will gradually become indifferent to you.

The ending of being slept with by a Libra man, after a Gemini man and a Libra woman slept together, picture 4

The above is about the ending of being slept with by a Libra man, the entire content after a Gemini man and a Libra woman sleep with each other, and the related content of the ending of being slept with by a Libra man. I hope it can help you.

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