
Contents of this article

  • 1.What does Chanjuan mean?
  • 2. How to write the pinyin of Chan and how to pronounce the pinyin
  • 3. How to write the pinyin of Wu Yuechan’s name?
  • 4. What does Quan Hongchan read?

What does Chanjuan mean?

"May we live long, and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart" can be said to be a famous saying that everyone knows through the ages. So do you know what the "chanjuan" in it means? Now let me tell you what Chanjuan means.

brief answer

Chanjuan is a Chinese word, pronounced chán juān. The meaning is to describe a beautiful posture; in ancient poetry, it is often used to describe women, as well as the moon, flowers, etc.


Chanjuan is a Chinese word, pronounced chán juān. The meaning is to describe a beautiful posture; in ancient poetry, it is often used to describe women, as well as the moon, flowers, etc. From "Selected Works·Zhang Heng Xijing Fu>": "Chewing Qing Shang but turning around, Zeng Chan Juan uses it to eat."

Basic explanation
(1) [graceful]: wonderful appearance
If you are not drunk, please look at the branches. A piece of Chanjuan has been lost. ——"Jin Ping Mei"
(2) [beauty]: Beauty
The beautiful window locks the beautiful woman
(3) [the moon]: The bright moon
I hope that people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart. ——Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"
(4) Moon cake refers to eating moon cakes under the moon.
Explanation of words separately:
Chan: Chan (婵) chán [婵娟] a. Such as "Bamboo Chan Chan, a cage of dawn smoke"; b. Refers to beautiful women, such as "A makeup building is built near the water, and the home is home
Juan: Juan juān beautiful, beautiful. Juanjuan (beautiful appearance). Number of strokes: 10; radical: female.

1. Describes graceful and graceful posture.
Chapter of Tang Dynasty's Meng Jiao's Chanjuan:
The flower Chanjuan is filled with spring springs; the bamboo Chanjuan is a cage with dawn smoke.
Yuan ˙ Shen Xi ˙ A Flower ˙ Natural Coral Set ˙ Liangzhou Song: Slim waist, graceful figure. Also known as Chanyuan.
2. Beauty, beauty.
Fang Qian of the Tang Dynasty gave Zhao Chongshi an imperial poem: But he taught the parrot to call the peach leaves, so he sent the Chanjuan to sing the bamboo branches.
Qing Dynasty ˙Kong Shangren ˙Peach Blossom Fan˙The second scene: The makeup building in the area is close to the water cover, and the shadows of every family are reflected in the shadow of Chanjuan. Or called Maijuan.
3. Describes the bright moonlight or refers to the moon.
Tang Dynasty's poem by Liu Changqing's Concubine Xiang: Chanjuan's moon over the Xiangjiang River has been empty for thousands of years.
Song Dynasty's Su Shi's Shui Diao Ge Tou's "When Will the Moon Be Bright" has words: I hope that people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart.

The image of Chanjuan in "Qu Yuan"
Chanjuan is Qu Yuan's maid, a pure, lovely, innocent and childish girl. She has a clear understanding of righteousness and a clear distinction between love and hate. She loves Qu Yuan, respects Qu Yuan's character, and follows Qu Yuan's teachings. She despises worldly glory and wealth, and has the backbone to fear nobility and the courage to fight. At the critical moment when Qu Yuan was framed, she always stood with Qu Yuan and fought against the dark forces. She formed a sharp contrast with Song Yu. Unfortunately, she mistakenly drank the poisoned wine used by Queen Nan to plot to kill Qu Yuan, but she felt great comfort because she regarded dying to save Qu Yuan as sacrificing her life for the motherland and her highest ideal in life.
Chanjuan is an ideal character fictionalized by the author. The author created her and wrote about her as "the soul of poetry", "the messenger of light" and "the symbol of moral beauty". In the artistic conception, the author takes Chan Juan as a supplement and foil to Qu Yuan's image, and strives to use Chan Juan's poetic soul to show the spirit of Qu Yuan's poetry. Chan Juan's thoughts and morals are the inheritance and activation of Qu Yuan's spirit.

How to write the pinyin of Chan? How to pronounce the pinyin of Chan?

1. Pinyin of Chan: [chán].

2. Basic meaning: Chan, the phonetic sound. Follow the female, follow the single, and the single is also sound. "Dan" means "strong". "女" and "单" are combined to represent "female warriors".

3. Related groups of words: Chanyuan, Wanchan, Chanlian, Chanwan, Chanjuan, Chanlian, Chanyan, Chanchan, Chanjuanzi, Douchanjuan, Yuyi Chanjuan, Chanjuan this pig.

How to write the pinyin of Wu Yuechan's name

Should be: 五[wǔ]月[yuè]婵[chán]

What does Quan Hongchan read?

Open categories: Chinese characters, vocabulary, text, dictionary, Chinese
(phonetic. From female, single voice. Original meaning: Chanjuan: describing a woman's beautiful posture)
[graceful]: beautiful posture
Don't say it again if you are not drunk, please look at the branches. A piece of Chanjuan has been lost. ――"Jin Ping Mei"
[beauty]: beauty
beautiful window and curtain lock, Chan Juan
[the moon]: moon
I wish you a long life , thousands of miles apart, we share the beauty of the moon. ——Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"
Chan Yuan
[beautiful lady]∶Chanjuan
[implicate;involve]∶ implicated; Connected
My heart is full of beauty but I am sad. ——Qu Yuan's "Nine Chapters·Ai Ying"
chán ㄔㄢ╛___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____
〔~Juan〕a. The posture is beautiful, like "bamboo, caged with dawn smoke"; b. Refers to beautiful women, such as "There is a makeup building near the water, and every family is photographed separately~~"; c. Pointing to the moon: "I hope that people will live long and live thousands of miles together~~. "
[~元 (yuán)] a. Involved, connected, such as "the root of the root is knotted, and the hanging strip is~~"; b. Nostalgic, such as "the heart is sad~~".
[~lian] is implicated, which is extended to kinship, such as "Yunyu Zhaozu came to Gaoyang, but Chu Huaizhi~~" ("Zhaozu", the ancestor. )
Zheng code: ZMKE, U: 5A75, GBK: E6BF
Number of strokes: 11, radical: female, stroke order number: 53143251112
Cicada, named for its cicada sound that sounds like "cicada" name.
Cicada is a hemiptera insect, and there are 120 species in my country. As soon as summer comes, it will stand on the tree and call "Cicada-Cicada-Cicada" endlessly. The sound will spread far away, and it is also called Cicada because of its sound.
Cicada is a kind of insect, also known as "cicada". There are many types of cicadas. Male cicadas have a sound generator on their abdomen, which can continuously make loud sounds. Although female cicadas also have a sound generator on their abdomen, they cannot make sounds.
The larvae live in the soil and suck the roots of plants. After living underground for 4 years, they will emerge from the ground and become famous for a while. Adult beetles only suck the sap from plants.
The life of a cicada goes through three different stages: egg, larva and adult. The eggs are laid in the tree, the larvae live underground, and the adults return to the tree. After the cicadas mate, the male cicada completes his mission and dies soon after. The female cicada begins the task of laying eggs. It uses its pointed ovipositor to pierce small holes on the branches, and lays four to eight eggs at a time. Dozens of holes are often pierced on a branch, and then the female cicada The cicada refused to eat or drink and soon died. The eggs overwinter in the branches, and the larvae hatch out in the second summer with the help of sunlight.
There are many types of cicadas in the world, with more than 3,000 species, and about 200 species are currently known in my country. In our country, the land is vast, and cicadas chirp all year round. In spring, there are "spring cicadas", which shout "Wake up - wake up" when they chirp; in summer, there are "summer cicadas", which shout "it's so hot - it's so hot" and "cicada - cicada"; In autumn, there are "autumn cicadas", which shout "I'm done - I'm done" when they chirp; in winter, there are "winter cicadas", which shout "it's over - it's over" when they chirp.
Why do cicadas like to sing passionately and shout at the top of their lungs? The famous French entomologist Fabre was puzzled. He lived for more than 90 years, devoted his life's energy to the research of entomology, and wrote a collection of research papers of more than 1 million words - "Insect Diary". He has observed and studied cicadas for many years and made extremely vivid and detailed descriptions. He described the cicada’s chirping like this: “In the cavity behind the cicada’s wings, there is a cymbal-like instrument. Not satisfied yet, it also needs to install a kind of soundboard on its chest to enhance the intensity of the sound. This cicada has indeed made great sacrifices in order to satisfy its hobby of music. Because of this huge soundboard, there is no place for the vital organs, so they have to be squeezed into the smallest corner. Shrinking the internal organs in order to accommodate musical instruments is certainly a sign of being extremely passionate about music. "
However, in order to find out why the cicada kept pulling the "belly" cymbal and singing vigorously, Fabre didn't hear his own big "voice" at all, and was afraid that others would also sing. Did you deliberately raise your "voice" because you haven't heard it yet like yourself? So, he conducted an experiment to verify whether male cicadas could hear sounds.
He stood behind the male cicada, talking loudly at a very close distance, blowing the whistle hard, clapping his hands, hitting stones with stones... and using various noises to scare the cicada. But the cicada continued to sing nonchalantly. He was really deaf to what was going on behind him, and he was only focused on singing. Later, Fabre simply found two muskets for hunting wild beasts, filled them with gunpowder, and fired them repeatedly next to the cicada. The sound was like thunder, but the "singers" still sang leisurely and contentedly, without even showing any fear or uneasiness. nor. So Fabre came to the conclusion that the male cicada has no hearing. It can't hear any sounds around it, and it can't even hear its own hoarse scream. It is a complete "deaf".
Is the male cicada deaf or not?
This is the first mystery about cicadas.
For more than 100 years, Fabre's conclusions have been widely accepted. Even until the 1980s, the part about cicadas in primary school Chinese textbooks still followed Fabre's view: cicadas are "deaf."
However, more than 100 years ago, people always believed that male cicadas could hear sounds. And gave the male cicada the title of "music master". Even up to now, harps in the world are decorated with cicadas as symbols. There is also an allusion circulating here: According to legend, there were two famous music masters in ancient Greece, Aenomus and Aristo. On this day, two ancient artists were competing in a national harp championship competition in Athens. In terms of harp playing skills, Aenomus was slightly better than Aristo. Unexpectedly, at the moment when Aenomus was playing beautifully and excitingly, the strings of the harp suddenly broke. At this urgent moment, a cicada happened to fly in and continued the sound of the piano. Aenomus had no choice but to follow the current and imitate the chirping of cicadas. Because the simulation is so realistic, it's hard to tell the real thing from the fake one. Enomus won the game. In order to thank the cicada for its "rescue", Enomus decorated the harp with cicadas as a symbol.
Of course this is just a legend, but it reflects people's views on cicada's hearing. If the cicada is "deaf", how can it fly to the "rescue" in time?
In recent years, many entomologists have expressed doubts about the conclusion that cicadas are "deaf." Male cicadas have highly developed vocal apparatus that produce an annoying high-pitched sound. The calls of medium and small cicadas can generally reach 80 to 90 decibels, and the calls of large cicadas can reach 100 to 130 decibels. A type of Cathay cicada found in Mount Emei, Sichuan, my country, has a swarm of chirps that resound throughout the valley, making it deafening and unbearable. Why does the cicada scream so hard? The purpose is to attract female cicadas from afar to mate and reproduce. However, the vocal organ of the female cicada has deteriorated, and she can only hear the invitation from the male cicada, but she is silent. This means that there is no "duet" between "couples" and they engage in one-way voice communication. Therefore, male cicadas must be able to hear their own calls when they sing, in order to know how well they are singing, and to constantly correct their calls in order to attract female cicadas more effectively.
After dissection, entomologists found that there is a slightly protruding auditory sac on each side of the outer edge of the abdominal chamber on both sides of the cicada (the left and right sides of the second abdominal segment), and there are about 1,500 auditory units in the cavity. When external sound waves excite the auditory membrane to vibrate, the auditory nerve cells are excited, and their nerve impulses are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the auditory center of the brain, producing the corresponding hearing sensation. Although the auditory membrane of female cicadas is smaller than that of male cicadas of the same species, the auditory ridges are significantly larger, and the auditory ridges are more sensitive to sound than the auditory membranes. This proves that the male cicada is not "deaf", but his hearing is not as good as that of the female cicada.
However, scientists found in research that the sound of male cicadas is emitted by the contraction of the generator in the first and second abdominal segments, which respectively affects the forced vibration of the membranes on both sides. The dorsal valve (ie "tympanum") covering the top of the sound-producing membrane and the tympanic cavity formed, as well as the two left and right symmetrical ventral valves (ie "sound cover") in the abdomen and the left and right abdominal chambers below, all have tuning and amplification. Function, the upper half of the intra-abdominal wall is an approximately white wrinkled membrane, and the lower half is an introverted and approximately translucent auditory membrane, which is as translucent as a mirror, so it is called the "mirror membrane". The pleated membrane, mirror membrane and abdominal wall membrane of male cicadas are the auditory membranes that receive sound waves and are also the radiating membranes of songs. They are equivalent to the single-card recorder we use. It is dual-purpose and can record and playback sounds. . A single-card recorder cannot use both functions at the same time. It cannot play during recording, and cannot record during playback.
So some scientists believe that the male cicada is "semi-deaf", that is, it can hear sounds when it is still and not calling, but it cannot hear any sounds when it calls high-pitched. Then the problem arises again. In fact, many species of cicadas have the habit of singing in groups. You might as well listen carefully, cicadas chirp like this: first everyone chirps in unison, with a very neat rhythm, and then they stop chirping together. It can be seen that when male cicadas sing, they obviously need to hear the calls of other cicadas in order to adjust their calls and join in the chorus.
In this way, it is incomprehensible to say that the male cicada's mirror membrane is both an auditory membrane and a loudspeaker membrane.
It seems that whether the male cicada is deaf or not needs further discussion.
Is the female cicada necessarily mute? This is Cicada's second mystery.
On the surface, it seems that the captured female cicadas cannot sing, so people call the female cicadas "mute girls". Judging from what has been said above, the "mirror membrane" of the male cicada has the functions of both sound collection and amplification. Therefore, when it sings, the mirror membrane is amplifying, so it will inevitably not hear its own chirp. In this way, the female cicada cannot speak, and the male cicada cannot hear what she is shouting. Doesn't this mean that the male cicada is screaming blindly? How can this allow the female cicada in the distance to accurately find her "boyfriend"?
Some scientists believe that when male cicadas sing loudly and chirp at the top of their lungs, they can summon female cicadas within a radius of more than 1,000 meters. When the female cicada flies close, the male cicada continuously emits a unique low-volume "wooing call" to attract the female cicada to come closer. At the same time, female cicadas can also make low-volume response sounds. Only in this way can the purpose of mating be achieved through mutual understanding. It's just that the low-volume infrasound of the female cicada cannot be heard by human ears.
However, whether they are actually "talking" with low-volume sounds is a mystery.
How does Ruo Chan keep time? This is Cicada's third mystery.
After the male and female cicadas mate, the male cicada quickly ages and falls to the ground and dies, leaving the female behind. The female cicada uses its pointed ovipositor to pierce a circle of small holes on the twigs and lays the eggs inside the wood of the trees. She also uses her mouthparts to pierce a circle of bast at the lower end of the twigs to cut off the moisture in the branches. With the supply of nutrients, the young shoots gradually wither. In this way, the branches with eggs are easily blown to the ground by the wind, so that the hatched cicadas (called larvae) can burrow into the soil.
The eggs laid by cicadas hatch into young cicadas in half a month. The life period of young cicadas is particularly long. The shortest one lives underground for 2 to 3 years, usually 4 to 5 years, and the longest is 17 years. Young cicadas live underground for a long time, with warm winters and cool summers, and few threats from natural enemies, so they are quite comfortable. After they molt 4 to 5 times, they will emerge from the ground, climb up the branches, and molt in sequence (called golden cicadas shed their shells) to become adults.
What also puzzles entomologists is that cicadas can determine the time very accurately, complete the transition from larvae to adults in the "hell" at exactly the right time, and leave the "hell" at the right time to crawl out of the ground. This is an incredible miracle. Especially the 17-year-old cicada. This kind of cicada is neither more nor less, and it takes exactly 17 years of "hell" life to see the light of day. It will take another 17 years to see its children. Therefore, entomologists are always waiting for the appearance of the "17-year cicada" just like astronomers wait for solar eclipses and Halley's Comet.
How do young cicadas measure time in the dark underground, where they can neither see sunrise or sunset, nor the harsh winter and heat? This is one of the great unsolved mysteries of science.
In the narrow sense, cicadas are not cicadas. They are half smaller than cicadas, and are all emerald green. The male cicada has a rectangular sound generator on its abdomen, which can continuously make loud sounds; cicada-cicada-cicada "Female cicadas have no sound generator in their abdomen and cannot make sounds. The sound generators of cicadas and cicadas are different in shape. The cicada's sound generators are two semicircles, located on the lower abdomen, accounting for one-tenth of the cicada's body area. The cicada's sound generators are two ellipses, located on the abdomen. Slightly lower on both sides, its sound generator is much larger than that of the cicada relative to its body shape, accounting for one-seventh of the body surface area.

The above is all about how to read and write Chan, what does Chan Juan mean, and related content about how to read Chan. I hope it can help you.

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