
Contents of this article

  • 1. Information about Chinese men’s volleyball team Wang Jiawei
  • 2. A 100-word composition on first grade spring outing
  • 3. Fourth grade essay on rope skipping competition, 400 words
  • 4. Which players are involved in the Chinese men’s volleyball team?

Information about Chinese men's volleyball team Wang Jiawei

This is a bit difficult. This is the previous 1 side. Hong Min is the secondary attacker 1989-09-22 210 95 355 330 Zhejiang Team
2 Dai Qingyao is the main attacker. 1991-09-26 205 81 350 340 Shanghai Team
3 Yuan Zhi's support 1981-09-29 195 88 348 334 Liaoning team
4 Zhang Chen's main attack 1985-06-28 201 70 356 340 Jiangsu team
5 Guo Peng's secondary attack 1980-07-01 200 84 360 337 August 1 Team
6 Liang Chunlong's secondary attack 1988-03-25 206 91 351 333 Liaoning team
7 Zhong Weijun's attack 1989-04-20 199 80 347 335 Bayi team
8 Cui Jianjun's main attack 1985-08-01 190 89 350 335 Henan Team
9 Jiao Shuai’s second pass 1984-01-28 194 76 350 341 Henan Team
10 Chen Ping’s response 1989-09-01 195 78 352 335 Jiangsu Team
11 Yu Dawei Secondary attack 1984-06-21 199 90 345 335 Shandong team
12 Shen Qiong main attack 1981-09 -05 198 84 359 349 Shanghai Team
13 Jiang Kun takes over 1985-12-03 197 90 340 330 Sichuan Team
14 Xu Jingtao assists 1988-07-07 202 76 356 320 Bayi Team
15 Li Runming second pass 1990-03-01 198 90 350 326 Shandong team
16 Ren Qi free agent 1984-02-24 174 70 322 312 Shanghai team
17 Ding Hui free agent 1989-06-24 185 80 330 320 Zhejiang Team
18 Chen Jiahao's second pass 1982-03-23 ​​187 80 340 335 Shanghai Team
19 Liu Tingwei's response 1987-06-04 195 82 353 332 Bayi Team
The current main players and starters on the court are Zhong Weijun, Zhang Chen, second passer Li Runming, supporting Chen Ping, assistant attackers Bian Hongmin, Liang Chunlong, and free agent Ren Qi.

Chen Jiahao Shanghai, Chinese men's volleyball team Wang Jiawei's profile picture 1

100-word essay on spring outing for first grade

  In daily study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with compositions. Compositions must focus on the theme and provide in-depth explanations around the same theme. Avoid rambling, scattered topics or even no theme. So do you know how to write a good essay? Below are 5 first-grade spring outing compositions that I have collected for you. You are welcome to learn from them and refer to them. I hope they will be helpful to you.

First Grade Spring Outing Composition Part 1

  Yesterday, we went to the China Film Park. The most unforgettable thing for me was the opening show at the Shixi Theater.

  A little later, my good friends and I went to watch a 4D magic show at the Shixi Theater recommended by Teacher Li... "The show is starting! The show is starting!" Several classmates shouted in the dark. What's this? Ghost story? magic? I was uneasy. At this time, a host slowly appeared on the stage and gave a brief introduction. He decided to perform two live programs for us first and then kicked off the show. I thought with surprise and joy that this host was so smart that he even let it slip. here we go! Several drums appeared on the stage, and a Pleasant Goat came out, followed by Doraemon, Tom (the cat in Tom and Jerry), Big Bear..., "Are they going to play drums?" "I don't know. Maybe!" The students talked a lot. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Several cartoon characters played the drums. The students were very happy, but I was particularly disappointed. The drum seemed to be a water drum, but why was there no water? I read the whole thing with doubts. A show!

  Although this spring outing is not as fun as the previous spring outings, the school asked us to come. There must be a reason for it, don't disturb me, let me think about it by myself! What do you think of this spring outing?

First Grade Spring Outing Composition Part 2

  The school was going on a spring outing. On the way, my classmates and I were very happy.

  However, just when I was eating with my classmates and having such a good time, it started to rain lightly, so I quickly put on my hat. After a while, Teacher Zhang raised his hand and announced that he was going back to the classroom. I was sorry. Zhang Haozhe and Chen Jiahao secretly said, "Teacher Zhang, Teacher Luo is a coward." Fortunately, Teacher Hao Li played "Tom and Jerry" for us. 》, we are still very happy.

First Grade Spring Outing Composition Part 3

  March in spring is a good time for an outing. During the Qingming Festival, our family went to Shanghai Wildlife Park.

  After entering the gate, the bus full of tourists swayed forward slowly like an extremely fat person. Suddenly, I heard a tourist in the car cheering repeatedly as if he had discovered a new world: "Look! Wildebeest!" Our eyes immediately turned to the group of wildebeests. They were all so fat and healthy. I really I want to have fun riding it.

  Then, we came to the lion area. Those lions opened their mouths and bared their teeth and roared at us, as if to say: "What are you looking at, be careful I bite you!" After passing the tiger area, we came to the leopard area, and those lions roared at us. The leopards are majestic and they stare at us with vigilant eyes. Suddenly, I saw a leopard open its mouth full of sharp teeth, but as soon as it opened its mouth, it closed it again. I thought: it might have been sleeping for a long time and wanted to yawn!

  Finally, we came to the Bird Forest. There were so many birds there! There were cranes, orioles, nightingales, egrets... too many to count. Among them, the one I loved most was the oriole, with its bright feathers. It fascinates me, and its crisp singing makes me intoxicated...

  The most wonderful thing about spring is that the beautiful wildlife park will become a wonderful memory for me.

First Grade Spring Outing Composition Part 4

  On April 4th, the weather was fine and the sun was shining brightly. After waiting for many days, one (2) of our children could finally go on a spring outing. Under the leadership of the teacher, we lined up and came to the West Lake Children's Palace excitedly.

  After arriving, the teacher gave each of us a kite for us to draw. I really wanted to draw the colorful Hangzhou, but I was not good at drawing and the patterns I drew were not ideal. After painting, the teacher started to take us to play games. This was the happiest time for us! First we rode the merry-go-round, and then we drove a car. I was sitting in the front seat because I was having too much fun, which made some children feel insecure. Li Yufan said that our driver was too irresponsible. What if we crashed? Before I could say anything, the car had already started. Next we went to the Naughty Castle. We were so naughty there. The more dangerous it was, the more we played, hehe! Then we played with the pirate ship, swings and water wheel. It was already noon, and we were ready to go back to school after lunch! The children had so much fun that they were reluctant to leave! I really want to play it again!

First Grade Spring Outing Composition Part 5

  In the morning, I got up very early. It was sunny and windy outside. When I arrived at school, I saw a sea of ​​people on the playground. , because today we are going for a spring outing.

  We set off, we passed through the lively streets, bypassed the dense woods, crossed the gurgling creek, and soon arrived at the destination of the spring outing-the zoo.

  There are so many animals in the zoo, but what attracts me the most is the group of lively monkeys in the monkey park. You see, how cute these monkeys are! Some of them flick their tails and twist their waists, as if they are dancing to welcome us! Some of them seem to be hungry and don't care about us coming, just eating the green apples. , some seem to be knowledgeable scholars, sometimes thinking and watching; the most eye-catching thing is the monkey hanging upside down on the branch, as if practicing fishing for the moon under the water!

  Looking at this group of monkeys, we really wanted to hug them, so we all waved to the smallest monkey, and it seemed to understand our thoughts and jumped into my arms. I thought to myself: "It would be great if we could play with monkeys every day!" After a while we were going home, and everyone had to leave reluctantly.

Chen Jiahao Shanghai, Chinese men's volleyball team Wang Jiawei's profile picture 2

Fourth grade essay on rope skipping competition 400 words

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 1

In the third period this afternoon, our grade held a rope skipping competition.

Because of the different atmosphere, we were very nervous. I closed my eyes tightly, cheering myself up in my heart, hoping that we could get the first place in the grade. We were the second ones to jump. Everyone stood up and handed their papers to their elder brothers and sisters. Then they waited for Teacher Xu’s whistle and began to jump rope vigorously.

"Get ready, jump!" Teacher Xu's voice soared into the sky, and everyone entered the competition as fast as lightning. "Wow - wow -" the playground was full of such sounds. Everyone gritted their teeth and jumped down with the last bit of strength. Finally, when the time came, I hurried over to take a look. The results were not very good, only 159.

I dragged my tired body, finished it, and watched how other classes performed. I am dancing in Class 3 now. Several short-haired girls in their class are jumping and jumping, with their hair high and low, like little jellyfish floating and swimming in the vast ocean! . The girl with long hair jumped and jumped, her ponytails moving up and down, left and right, just like the tails of running pony. laugh! The fat classmate exposed his white belly and bounced in the air. Looking at him sweating profusely, you knew that it was very tiring to carry a big belly.

After one class skipped, another class took over, and it went like this until the end. I wonder where my class can get? I hope everyone’s efforts are not in vain!

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 2

Although my father sends me to school every day, he never goes in. There is a rope skipping competition today. I invited my father to my school a few days ago to participate in the competition with me.

Dad came to my school in the afternoon and I was very excited. We cooperated well and danced a total of 40 dances. However, due to a mistake, my father and I were not in sync with the rhythm. My head hit my father's lips, which caused a little blood on his lips. During the competition, the most combination jumped 44. I think we can probably get third place. There is another funny thing. My father lifted me up before the competition. After our classmate Jiang Han saw it, she also wanted her mother to lift her up, but her mother couldn’t lift her up, so I asked my father to do the same. Give Jiang Han a lift. Dad immediately agreed. When Jiang Han was lifted up, she was very excited. I also clapped and encouraged her.

Today was both stressful and fun.

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 3

On Wednesday, our school organized a skipping competition. When I learned that I was going to participate in both the long rope jumping competition and the short rope jumping competition, I was excited and nervous at the same time.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, the competition started. We lined up neatly and came to the auditorium. I saw Teacher Zhu holding a microphone in his hand and announcing the list of short rope jumpers. "Ah, it's our class's turn." I arrived at the No. 2 venue and was about to start skipping. As soon as Teacher Zhu blew the whistle, I jumped up quickly, but I made a mistake within a few jumps. I was a little nervous and took a deep breath. I took a breath and quickly calmed down. I gritted my teeth and kept dancing. I didn't stop until the teacher's whistle blew. ah! I jumped 165 times, and I felt very happy.

Next, we prepare a long rope. Time passed quickly, and it was our turn again. In our class, Teacher Ma and Principal Zhang threw the rope for us. The competition started, and the students jumped in one by one, and I made no mistakes. Round after round, when the allotted time was over, we jumped 140 times. I was so happy that I couldn’t open my mouth from ear to ear.

Later, Teacher Zhu announced the results of the competition. When I announced the first place in the second-grade short rope jumping event, Teacher Zhu read my name: Zhao Yixin! Our whole class screamed, and I quickly ran onto the stage to face my classmates, excited and proud.

Today is such a happy day!

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 4

Our school's annual and exciting rope skipping competition finally kicked off today.

After the morning reading class, the entire basketball court was already crowded with people. Some players were practicing skipping rope, and they were coming and going; some were gearing up and doing the final warm-up; some were taking deep breaths to maintain precious physical strength.

After we waited for a while, the most exciting class collective skipping competition began. I saw our classmates in each grade four class forming a long queue early and jumping over one after another in an orderly manner. The dance was very orderly and coherent. The voices of the audience and cheerleaders at the scene kept coming and going. Come on, come on, the scene was in full swing, and the competition was in full swing... In the final collective dance, our class got a good score of 204.

Next is the group dance. Look, the six female students in our class took the stage calmly. They danced neatly, gracefully, orderly, and with a tacit understanding. With the final whistle, Ring, our class won fourth place.

Then the men's single jump competition began. Chen Jiahao, the number one seed in our class, was the first to appear. He walked quickly to the competition venue, with a slight smile at the corner of his eyes, bursting with confidence. The referee blows the whistle and the game officially begins. Chen Jiahao jumped up and down like lightning and accelerated as fast as he could, as if he was stepping on a hot wheel. At the beginning, the speed of Jiahao's classmate far surpassed everyone present. Look at this speed, it was only a matter of time before he won the first place. , I am secretly happy. But gradually, gradually, his physical strength began to fail, and he slowed down. His face turned red and he was breathing heavily. If he continued like this, it would still be a problem for him to win the championship, let alone the championship. I was so anxious that I shouted to him to come on. He gritted his teeth and jumped up quickly as if a motor had been added. The final result came out, he won the first place, and our class suddenly became a sea of ​​joy. Some gave him a thumbs up; some gave him a big hug; some even "turned enemies into friends" with him.

Next was the women's single jump. Yi Sangyu, a classmate from my class, jumped 126 times in one breath before breaking the rope once, and achieved a good score of 182.

Then there is parent-child jumping. Parent-child rope skipping requires a tacit understanding. I saw Hu Yun and her mother in our class starting to dance quickly. They cooperated very well. It was true that mother and son were working together, and they were as powerful as gold. The next couple in our class was Liu Siqi and her mother, and they cooperated very well. The last parent-child dance was performed by Yi Jiaxin and her mother from our class. I was watching carefully from the side. They danced, and their physical strength gradually weakened, but they still persisted in jumping. Although they only jumped 130 times, the participating students were also very happy. I also heard Teacher Yang encouraging the students, don’t be discouraged, you all You brought glory to the class, well done. In the final teacher-student dance, our class teacher, Mr. Yang, sprained his leg and abstained. Unfortunately, we were not able to see Mr. Yang’s heroic appearance on the field.

This exciting rope skipping competition is really exciting!

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 5

The rope skipping competition is coming soon. In order to let us strengthen our skills, the teacher lets us practice skipping rope every day. On the way to skipping rope, there are many ups and downs. Do you want to hear me talk about it?

Sour: There were times when we couldn't learn. We either tripped or couldn't get up. Every time we finished the milk operation, we were always the last to leave. We kept training, again and again, and kept training.

Tian: Although training every day is very hard, it is precisely this that allows us to continuously improve our skills. One by one, we said, "Swish! Swish!" Every time we jumped a hundred times, every classmate cheered and jumped three feet high, and the joyful laughter resounded through the sky.

Bitter: Sometimes we go to the small playground to train in physical activity class. At that time, the sun is scorching and the ground is very hot. Under such scorching sunshine, we still insist on training. Although we are sweating profusely, our hearts are filled with excitement when we think of the competition. Full of fighting spirit and perseverance.

Spicy: During this training process, I also failed many times and fell down, although I felt a little tired and bitter. But the more I do this, the more motivated I am to fight.

Although skipping rope has a lot of sour, bitter, and spicy taste, it also has a lot of sweet taste. As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success." I believe that as long as you persevere, you will definitely achieve good results!

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 6

In the second period this afternoon, our whole school will have a rope skipping competition on the playground.

It was our class's turn to compete, and I felt very nervous at this time. As soon as the referee's whistle sounded, we jumped up quickly. When I jumped to 24 times, my feet shook the rope. I quickly fixed the rope and continued jumping. But after a few jumps, my foot tripped over the rope again, and my heart became even more nervous. I jumped up quickly and sped up. When I jumped to 138 times, the whistle sounded and everyone stopped. The students were all talking among themselves to see who danced more and who danced less. I was in a bad mood at the time because I practiced very well at home every day, but I didn't perform well in this competition.

Through this incident, I learned that when doing anything, don’t be nervous and treat it with a normal mind!

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 7

On Friday morning, the recess activity was our long-awaited long rope jumping competition. We were both happy and nervous.

When I got to the place where the competition was scheduled, I was extremely nervous and my heart was pounding. The first group of competitions began. The students jumped over one by one. Each student was as light and flexible as a little swallow. The dance went smoothly at first, but because one classmate failed to catch up, the next classmate broke down. As a result, the first group only jumped 83 times.

Finally it was our second group’s turn to dance. I followed Zhang Hongyu closely and imitated his movements, a little jump with my left foot and a jump with my right foot. The students shouted loudly: "Come on! Come on!" Our confidence doubled. The students jumped better and faster, and they did not fault once. After everyone's concerted efforts, we jumped 95 times in total.

The game is over, and we won second place in the second-grade class. We were very happy in our hearts and beaming with joy on our faces. Everyone walked back to the classroom talking and laughing.

This rope skipping competition has enhanced the ability of unity and cooperation among the students.

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 8

In the afternoon, there was a rope skipping competition in the school. The teacher took us into the playground in an orderly manner, and we sat quietly, waiting to watch the exciting rope skipping competition.

The first person in our class to play was Xu Jiayu. Before the game, we all encouraged him that he would definitely get good results! The game started, "Come on, come on." We shouted so loudly that our ears were almost deafened by the shouts. When we heard Teacher Xia's whistle, we knew that the time for the competition had come. Xu Jiayu jumped more than a hundred times. The second player in our class was Guo Hengan. He only heard a whistle and the game started. He jumped very fast and ended up in fourth place. The next one was Shang Jin. He jumped one hundred and forty-eight times. We never thought he could jump so fast. He won the first place and brought honor to our class. Teacher Wang praised Shang Jin.

After the competition, Teacher Wang told us that our class lost and got last place. I felt very sorry. I hope that next time our class will work hard and get good results.

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 9

Do you like skipping rope? Do you know how to jump rope?

There was drizzle in the sky today, and a figure rope skipping competition was held on a small playground in our city. This competition has teams from Shanghai, Suixi Primary School, Haigong School and other teams participating. Of course, our Third Experimental Primary School is no exception. If you want to know the details of the game, please listen to me slowly.

The first team to appear in the game is the Shanghai team. This team is full of big brothers and sisters. They are wearing yellow uniforms and duck-billed hats, and they are all in high spirits. The host teacher said: "This Shanghai team has won the championship and runner-up many times in various competitions." After saying that, the competition started. The brothers and sisters jumped out some tricks that we can't name but are very exciting. In the three ropes Jumping, four-rope jumping, and more difficult tricks are all child's play for them, but they are eye-opening for us.

The second team to appear was the Suixi Primary School representative team. Although this team is not as famous as the Shanghai team, it is still powerful. Wearing red and white tights and beautiful makeup, they are full of energy and compete with the high-speed spinning. Jumping rope together is really colorful, like flowers and butterflies flying in the air.

Next up is the Haigong School representative team. Like other teams, this team danced with great enthusiasm, but there was an episode in the middle. One of the team members danced too fast and "kicked" his shoe. come out. At that time, everyone in the audience burst into laughter. He immediately put on his shoes and continued playing. The competition became more and more intense, but the rain became heavier and heavier. Many participating schools, including ours, had no competition and it was terminated.

Through this competition, I also fell in love with rope skipping. I hope I will have the opportunity to participate in such competitions in the future.

Fourth grade composition skipping competition 10

You must have all participated in a skipping competition. Do you know what I do when I'm skipping rope? Then I will tell you slowly.

Wednesday, March 24th, was the day for our class’s rope skipping competition. The student numbers drawn in our class were No. 1 to No. 13, and No. 31 to No. 40 to participate in the rope skipping competition. I was No. 11, so I was lucky enough to be selected. I practiced harder the night before, hoping not to hold the class back.

Time often flies by and it’s game time soon. We entered the rope skipping competition venue in an orderly manner. We each held the rope and listened to the bell with concentration. Suddenly, the whistle sounded, and we jumped as hard as we could. Our faces turned red, as red as big tomatoes, which was very beautiful. From a distance, it looks like several hot wheels swinging back and forth. One minute passed quickly, and when the whistle sounded again, we stopped immediately. Look at all of us sweating profusely. Some of us were dejected, some were elated, and some of us went straight to the classroom. Because everyone's grades were different, their expressions were naturally different.

This is the rope skipping competition, which taught me that persistence is victory.

Chen Jiahao Shanghai, Chinese men's volleyball team Wang Jiawei's profile picture 3

Which players are there in the Chinese men's volleyball team?

1 Bian Hongmin's secondary attack 1989-09-22 210 95 355 330 Zhejiang team
2 Dai Qingyao's main attack 1991-09-26 205 81 350 340 Shanghai team
3 Yuan Zhi's backup 1981-09-29 195 88 348 334 Liaoning Team
4 Zhang Chen’s main attack 1985-06-28 201 70 356 340 Jiangsu Team
5 Guo Peng’s secondary attack 1980-07-01 200 84 360 337 Bayi Team
6 Liang Chunlong’s secondary offense 1988 -03-25 206 91 351 333 Liaoning team
7 Zhong Weijun attacked1989-04-20 199 80 347 335 Bayi team
8 Cui Jianjun mainly attacked1985-08-01 190 89 350 335 Henan team
9 Jiao Shuai's second pass 1984-01-28 194 76 350 341 Henan team
10 Chen Ping's response 1989-09-01 195 78 352 335 Jiangsu team
11 Yu Dawei's secondary attack 1984-06-21 199 90 345 335 Shandong team
12 Shen Qiong mainly attacks 1981-09-0 5 198 84 359 349 Shanghai Team
13 Jiang Kun takes over 1985-12-03 197 90 340 330 Sichuan Team
14 Xu Jingtao assists 1988-07-07 202 76 356 320 Bayi Team
15 Li Runming Second pass 1990-03-01 198 90 350 326 Shandong team
16 Ren Qi free agent 1984-02-24 174 70 322 312 Shanghai team
17 Ding Hui free agent 1989-06-24 185 80 330 320 Zhejiang Team
18 Chen Jiahao’s second pass 1982-03-23 ​​187 80 340 335 Shanghai Team
19 Liu Tingwei’s response 1987-06-04 195 82 353 332 Bayi Team

Chen Jiahao Shanghai, Chinese men's volleyball team Wang Jiawei's profile picture 4

The above is all the information about Chen Jiahao Shanghai, Chinese Men's Volleyball Team Wang Jiawei, and Chen Jiahao's related content. I hope it can help you.

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