
Contents of this article

  • 1. Stroke order of the word window
  • 2. Stroke order of window character
  • 3. How to write the word "Window" for window?
  • 4. The stroke order of window

Stroke order of word "window"

Chinese characters: Window
Pronunciation: chuāng
Radical: Point
Number of strokes: 12
Name of strokes: dot, dot, horizontal left/horizontal hook, left, dot, left, vertical, horizontal fold, Skew, horizontal stroke/horizontal hook, point, horizontal,

The stroke order of window, the stroke order of window word picture 1

Window stroke order

The stroke sequence of the window: dot, dot, horizontal hook/hook, dot, dot, horizontal fold, vertical, horizontal fold, left, horizontal hook/hook, dot, horizontal.

The stroke order of window, the stroke order of window, picture 2

Window pinyin is chuāng.

There are 7 strokes in the acupuncture point of the radical, 7 strokes outside the radical, and 12 strokes in total.

Wubi PWTQ, Cangjie JCHWE, Zhengma WONR, Sijiao 30602.

Structure upper and lower, telegraph code 4514, location 2016, unified code 7A97.

Stroke order丶フノ丶ノ丨フノフ丶一.

Definition: A device for ventilation of a house: window. window. window. Window friends (i.e. classmates). Window grilles. windowsill. window screening. curtain. curtain. bright and clean.

Related phrases:

leaky window [lòu chuāng] 

Window openings with various void patterns. It is made of stone, bricks, wood carvings or tiles, ceramics, cement blocks, etc., and is used to decorate walls and garden scenery. It is a unique artistic treatment technique in Chinese gardens and architecture. Also known as flower window, flower wall hole.

blinds [bǎi yè chuāng] 

A special window with a fixed or movable shutter that is used to block sunlight or block sight.

transom [qì chuāng] 

Window for ventilation. It refers to the holes eaten by beetles, commonly known as insect eyes.

open the skylight [kāi tiān chuāng] 

A joking reference to old newspaper news that was censored and deleted by the authorities and a part of the original back page was dug out.

French window [luò dì chuāng] 

A window in a building that opens to the ground.

Hanchuang [hán chuāng] 

(name) is a metaphor for the hard study life: ten years~.

hanging window [diào chuāng] 

Windows that can be rolled out and suspended.

behind bars [tiě chuāng] 

Barred windows.

Skylight [tiān chuāng] 

Also known as "天牕 ". Also known as "天牎 ". Windows located on the roof to allow light and ventilation.

槧Window[gé chuāng] 

Lattice windows.

door couplet window [mén lián chuāng] 

Couplets on the door.

golden window [jīn chuāng] 

Also known as 'Jin Zhao'. Also known as '金牕'.

stone window [shí chuāng] 

Stone windows.

small window [xiǎo chuāng] 

One of the bryozoan colonies has lacy edges between its intersecting branches.

mud window [ní chuāng] 

Sticky windows.

south window [nán chuāng] 

Window facing south. Because most windows face south, it also refers to windows in general.

How to write the word "window" in "window"

Basic information of the word "Window".
Pronunciation, chuāng, radical, acupuncture point, total number of strokes, 12 strokes, stroke order encoding, 丶丶フノ丶ノ丨フノフ丶一Unicode encoding U+7A97, Wubi encoding, PWTQ, Zheng code, WONR, Cangjie Coding, JCHWE, four-corner coding, 30602.
Window's running script calligraphy, window's regular script calligraphy, window's cursive calligraphy, window's official script calligraphy and window's seal script calligraphy.
Door and window symbols: Windows on drawings are usually represented by C. For other forms of windows, the capital letters at the beginning of the Chinese pinyin, such as C1, generally represent ordinary windows, TC1 represents bay windows, and MLC1 Indicates door combination window, GC1.

The stroke order of window, the stroke order of the word window, picture 3

The stroke order of window

The stroke order and strokes of "Window": There are 12 strokes in the word "Window". The order of strokes is:   dot, dot, horizontal stroke/hook, stroke, dot, stroke, vertical, horizontal fold, stroke, horizontal stroke/hook, dot, horizontal

Visitors can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery in the park through these colorful corridors and windows.

That night, the north wind rolled up the yellow sand all over the sky again, angrily fluttering at my window, blowing away the spring feeling in my heart.

The stroke order of window, the stroke order of window, picture 4

There are alternating interlocking columns, arched lintel windows that cast light in, and pediments that imitate carved windows.

The windows opened, the rickety door also opened, and people came out shivering. The fresh and fragrant air made them shiver with cold.

The stroke order of window, the stroke order of window, picture 5

Yesterday, reporters in Pingshan Community saw that many residential buildings were hung with wires in a disorderly manner, leading down from the windows or balconies of residents upstairs. There were many electric vehicles parked downstairs, plugged directly into these open-air power strips. . Xiao Li is the owner of a store under the bridge. He told reporters that the sign of the store was burned by the incendiary objects that bounced over, and the mosaics and  windows  of the exterior wall upstairs were also shaken by the shock wave. broken.

The autumn night is as cool as water. In the city, just cover yourself with a blanket, but in the country, you should take the quilt out of the cupboard. The quilt gave off an old, slightly musty smell of time.

The above is all about the stroke order of window, the stroke order of the word window, and the related content of the stroke order of orange. I hope it can help you.

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