
Contents of this article

  • 1.The first administrator of Macau
  • 2. Cui Liang’s blog
  • 3. The meaning of clan son
  • 4. Why is it called Mr. Cui Shian?

Macau's first administrator

Both the first and second term were held by Ho Hau Wah, and the current 'Choi Sai On' was in the third term.

Chui Shi On, the first administrator of Macau Picture 1

Cui Liang's blog

Cui Liang (460-521), whose courtesy name was Jingru, was a native of Wucheng, east of Qinghe River. The great-grandson of Cui Ji, the prefect of Taishan in the Song Dynasty, the grandson of Cui Xiuzhi, the prefect of Qinghe, the son of Liu Jun, Shangshulang Cui Yuansun, and the younger brother of Cui Guang. His posthumous title is Zhenlie. Three sons, Cui Shi'an, Cui Shihe, and Cui Shitai.

Chui Shi On, the first administrator of Macau Picture 2

clan son meaning

Nanliang Xiao Zixian's "Book of Southern Qi·Biography No. 23·Biography of Xiao Chen" says: "Xiao Chen, courtesy name Yanfu, was from Lanling (county) in Nanlanling (county). Ancestor Daoqing [Xiao Daoqing], Yuanwailang. Father Xianbo [Xiao Xianbo], the king of Guiyang (county) (Liu Xiufan) joined the army. At the beginning of Chen's career, he worked for the state. He was the minister of Jin Xiguo (prefecture king) (Liu Xie) and Zuo Changshi. Chen Yu Taizu [Emperor Gao, Emperor Taizu of the Southern Qi Dynasty] (Xiao Daocheng) became a son of the Juefu clan (clan son yi). At the end of Yuanhui (473-477) in the Southern Song Dynasty, Shizu [Emperor Wu Emperor of the Southern Qi Dynasty] ( Xiao Yu) was in Yingzhou and wanted to know the news about the capital. Taizu [Emperor Gao, Emperor Taizu of Southern Qi] (Xiao Daocheng) sent an apology to Shizu [Emperor Wu Emperor of Southern Qi] (Xiao Yu) to publicize his strategy and kept him as his confidant. "
Li Baiyao of the Tang Dynasty's "Book of Northern Qi·Biography No. 15·Cui Zhu (pì) Biography (Zizhan)": "The son of [Cui Zhu] clan (the clan son's meaning) Zhaoshi [Cui Zhaoshi], He is also the grandson of Cui Liang, the servant of Wei Shangshu. The father's wife [Cui Shitai] gave advice to the officials. "Cui Yan, Cui Liang, Cui Yu, Cui Yu, Cui Cheng, Cui Ling, Cui Zongbo, Cui Xiu, Cui Zhan, Cui Qin, Cui Jing, unknown Cui Qiong, Cui Ji, Cui Xiuzhi, Cui Yuansun, Cui Liang, Cui Shi'an, unknown Cui Shi and Cui Qianheng Cui Shitai Cui Zhaoshi Cui Yousun Cui Guangshao Cui Tong unknown Cui Guangbo Cui Tao unknown Cui Youzhi unknown Cui Yuelian Cui Sengyou unknown Cui Sengshen unknown Cui Boji unknown Cui Bofeng unknown Cui Zulong unknown Cui Zuchi unknown Cui Zuqiu unknown Cui Kuang Cui Lingyan Cui Guang Cui Li unknown Cui Jie Unknown Cui Jingyou Cui Hong Cui Ziyuan Cui Daogu Cui Jingwei Cui Xiu Compilation Unknown Cui Jingye Cui Xiuxu Unknown Attachment:
1. Cui Zhu (pì), written by Cui Zhu in Tang Dynasty Li Baiyao's "Book of Northern Qi", Tang Dynasty Li Yanshou's "Northern Qi Book" "History" was written as Cui Zong (yǎn), the "Book of Wei" collected by Wei Dynasty in the Northern Qi Dynasty and the "New Tang Book Genealogy Table" by Ouyang Xiu, Song Qi, Fan Zhen, Lu Xiaqing, Song Minqiu, Mei Yaochen and others in the Northern Song Dynasty were written as Cui Xuan (línɡ). "Differentiation of Ancient and Modern Surname Books" written by Cui Leng (línɡ).
2. Cui Guang, whose real name is Cui Xiaobo.
3. Whether Cui Mulian and Cui Yuelian are the same person remains to be tested.
4. The Western Jin Dynasty Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms·Wei Shu Twelve·Cui Mao Xu Sima Biography No. 12" annotated the Western Jin Dynasty·Guo Ban's "Wei and Jin Shiyu": "Brother Yan, Sun Liang, had the courtesy name Shiwen, and was called Shijin in abbreviated form. Shangshu, Dahonglu. "
5. "Jizhou Ji" written by Xunchuo of the Western Jin Dynasty: "Liang is the grandson of Yan. "
6. "Book of Wei, Biography No. 12, Biography of Cui Xuanbo" written by Wei Shou of the Northern Qi Dynasty: "During the reign of the ancestors, there was Cui Daogu (son of Cui Ji and brother of Cui Xiuzhi), named Jijian and Yanba. His descendants are also. Zu Qiong was a charioteer and rider of Murong Chui. His father moved south to Qingzhou and became the prefect of Mount Tai. When Tao Gu was humble, he was insulted by his direct mother and brother Youzhi, Mulian and others. "Based on the current information, it is impossible to confirm whether this record is correct or not. Based on this, it is inferred that Cui Zhaoshi is the twelfth grandson of Cui Yan.
7. "Book of Wei·Biography No. 20·Biography of Cui Cheng" from the Northern Qi Dynasty and Wei Dynasty states: "Cui Cheng, named uncle, was a native of Wucheng in the east of the Qinghe River, and was the sixth grandson of Lieutenant Yan of the Wei Dynasty. Great Zuliang, Jinzhong Shuling. Ancestor met Shihu, an official, for special advancement. Father Yu, Huang Menlang. "Based on this, it is inferred that Cui Zhu is the eleventh grandson of Cui Yan.
8. "Guangyun" written by Chen Pengnian, Qiu Yong, etc. of the Northern Song Dynasty: "Yan, named Ji Gui, was the Minister of Wei. Forgiveness, courtesy name Shiwen. ...Jingsheng Qiong. "
9. Northern Song Dynasty·Ouyang Xiu, Song Qi, Fan Zhen, Lu Xiaqing, Song Minqiu, Mei Yaochen, etc. "New Book of Tang·Table No. 12·Primary Lineage Second Subscription": "Yan Shengqin. Qin was born in Beijing. Jingsun Qiong, Murong Chui's charioteer and rider. Shengji, the prefect of Taishan in the Song Dynasty, moved to Qingzhou and was named Qingzhoufang. Compile students and cultivate them, Mulian. "
10. Cui Hong's great-grandfather, named Cui Xiuzhi in "Cui Family Genealogy", served as the prefect of Leling in the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty; Cui Hong's grandfather, named Cui Yousun in "Cui Family Genealogy", served as the prefect of Changguang in the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty. .
11. Cui Lingyan's grandfather was Cui Kuang in "Guang Yun" by Chen Pengnian, Qiu Yong and others in the Northern Song Dynasty. Cui Lingyan and Cui Daogu fought together, and the two should have a close relationship (see "Northern History", "Wei Shu", and "Guangyun"). Tang·Li Baiyao's "Book of Northern Qi·Biography No. 21·Li Hun Biography [Zhan, Hundi Hui, Clan Zi (Clan Zi's meaning)] Gongxu": "Gongxu [Li Gongxu], courtesy name Mu Shu, He is the son of the brother of the Hun [Li Hun] clan [Li Ji]. "
Analysis: "(Li Hun's) clan son Gongxu" in the catalog corresponds to "son of Hun brother's brother" in the text, which reflects the author's understanding of "clan son" in "Book of Northern Qi": "the clan brother's son" "Son" can be called "clan son (clan son)".
Tang·Li Yanshou's "Southern History·Biography No. 14·Biography of Wang Zhunzhi, great-sun Qing, Qing Zimeng, Huai Zhi [from the younger brother (from his father's younger brother)) Kuizhi, Guizhi, clan son (clan son wrapped in meaning) ) Su]": "Su [王素], the word is Xiuye, Bin [Wang Bin] is the fifth generation grandson of [Wang Qizhi] and the son of the clan (the meaning of clan son). Gaozu Qiaozhi [Wang Qiaozhi] was a doctor of Jin Guanglu. Great-grandfather Wangzhi [Wang Wangzhi] and great-grandfather Taizhi [Wang Taizhi] were not official officials. His father Yuanhong [Wang Yuanhong] was the magistrate of Pinggu (county). "The lineage of the Wang family in Langye County is Wang Rong, Wang Lan, Wang Cai, Wang Dao, Wang Yue and Wang Kun ①⊕ Wang Gu, Wang Yan, Wang Mao, Wang Ying, Wang Shi, Wang Shi's birth, Wang Xu, unknown, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Hao, unknown, Wang Kun, ①⊕, Wang Qia, Wang Xun. Wang Hong Wang Xi Wang Seng Yan Wang Maozhang Wang Chong Wang Seng Da Wang Daoyan Wang Rong unknown Wang Yu Wang Shen Wang Seng Cong unknown Wang Liu Wang You Wang Zhan Wang Changxuan unknown Wang Ru Wang Yuan Wang Sengyou Wang Ji Wang Bi Wang Wei has no children Wang Sengqian Unknown Wang Tanshou Wang Sengchuo Wang Jian Wang Qian Wang Gui Wang Lian Wang Cheng Wang Zhi Wang Seng Qian Wang Ci Wang Tai Wang Kuo Wang Zhi Wang Ji Wang Que Wang Xiu Unknown Wang Min Wang Lian Wang Zhao Unknown Wang Xie Wang Mi⊕Wang Qiu Princeless Wang Huan⊕Wang Su Wang Shao Wang Shao Wang Mu is unknown Wang Zhi Wang Yu⊕ Wang Yi Wang Jun Wang Ke Wang Seng Lang Wang Cui Wang Huan⊕ Wang Min is unknown Wang Lin Wang Quan Wang Qian Wang Yu⊕ Wang Mo Wang Hui unknown Wang Mi ⊕ Wang Hui Wang Yan Wang Hua Wang heir and king length unknown Wang Tong unknown Wang Yi Wang Kun ② unknown unknown Wang Hong unknown Wang Zheng Wang Kuang Wang Xizhi Wang Xuanzhi Wang Yunzhi ⊕ childless Wang Ningzhi Wang Yunzhi ⊕ Wang Pingzhi childless Wang Huizhi Wang Zhenzhi Wang Yizhi Wang Faxing is unknown Wang Jingzhi ⊕ Wang Xianzhi Wang Jingzhi ⊕ Wang Yue is unknown Wang Yu Wang Hu Wang Mao Wang Yu Zan Wang Xiu Wang Jun Wang Cong Wang Qi Wang Sui Wang Zhen Wang Biao is unknown Wang Hongzhi Wang Tansheng is unknown Wang Puyao Wang Yan Wang Deyuan is unknown Wang Xu Unknown King Luo Yun Wang Sixuan Unknown King Si Zheng Unknown Wang Siyuan Unknown Wang Bin King Biao King Lin Zhi Wang Ne Wang Zhun Wang Yu King Jin King Qing King Gui King Kui Unknown Unknown King Gui King Hao Unknown King Qiao King Wang Wang Tai Wang Yuan Hong Wang Su Unknown Wang Yi Wang Xiong Wang Hun, Wang Rong, Wang Sui, unknown, Wang Yi, Wang Yan, Wang Xuan, unknown, Wang Xu, unknown, Wang Cheng, Wang Hui, unknown. Note: Adding ⊕ after a person's name indicates the existence of adoption, adoption, etc.
1. Wang Kun①, whose real name is Wang Hun, his biological father is Wang Tian, ​​and his successor father is Wang Yue.
2. Wang Senglang, also known as Wang Chao.
3. Wang Tong, also known as Wang Zhong.
4. Wang Kun ②, whose real name is Wang Kunlun, and his father is Wang Yi.
5. Wang Jingzhi, also known as Wang Jingzhi, was born to Wang Huizhi as his biological father and Wang Xianzhi as his successor.
6. Wang Deyuan, whose real name is Wang Zhan.
7. Wang Sui, also known as Wang Wan.
8. Wang Mi's biological father was Wang Shao, and his successor father was Wang Xie.
9. Wang Huan's biological father is Wang Cui, his biological grandfather is Wang Senlang, and his descendant grandfather is Wang Qiu.
10. Wang Yu's biological father is Wang Senlang, and his successor is Wang Zhi.
11. Wang Yunzhi's biological father is Wang Ningzhi, and his successor father is Wang Xuanzhi. Li Yanshou of the Tang Dynasty, "Northern History, Biography No. 12, Feng Yi Biography" ) "": "(Feng Mo Nu) died in the Huaizhou Prefecture, and was presented to the Duke of Bohai (county), with the posthumous title of Ding. (Feng Mo Nu) Take the clan's son (the meaning of clan son) Shu Nian [Feng Hui, courtesy name Shu Nian] as his successor. "Bohai County Feng Family Lineage Table Feng Xian Feng Yi Feng Qi Unknown Feng Jian Feng Lin Feng Yuan Zhi Feng Hui Feng Sli Feng Su Feng Advise Feng Kai Feng Bo Da Feng Xiu Jie Unknown Feng Feng Feng Yi Feng Xuanzhi Unknown No Son Feng Qian Zhi Feng Mo Nu Feng Hui ⊕ Feng Long Zhi Feng You Unknown Feng Jie Feng Shu Feng Shu Note: Adding ⊕ after the name indicates the existence of adoption, adoption and other relationships.
1. Feng Yi, also known as Feng Yi.
2. Feng Qianzhi, also known as Feng Xu (xù).
3. Feng Hui, his biological father is Feng Jian, and his successor father is Feng Mo Nu.
4. The "New Book of Tang Dynasty: Lineage List of Prime Ministers" written by Ouyang Xiu, Song Qi, Fan Zhen, Lu Xiaqing, Song Minqiu, Mei Yaochen and others in the Northern Song Dynasty said that Feng Fang was Feng Yi's biological brother. "Zizhi Tongjian" written by Sima Guang and others in the Northern Song Dynasty said that Feng Fang was For the time being, he was granted the title of Yi's younger brother, according to the "New Tang Book: Genealogy Table of Prime Ministers" for the time being. "Zi Zhi Tong Jian·Jin Ji Jiu" written by Sima Guang and others of the Northern Song Dynasty states: "The vassal [Xun Fan], his younger brother group [Xun group], and his clan son (the meaning of clan son) Zhonghu Junsong [Xunsong], Hui [Hua] Hui] and his younger brother Heng [Hua Heng], the leader of the army, built the Xingtai in Mi, spread the news in all directions, and recommended Rui [Sima Rui], the king of Langxie (prefecture) [Emperor Zhongzongyuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty], as the leader of the alliance. "The lineage table of the Xun family in Yingchuan County is Xunsui unknown Xuntan Xunyi Xunyou Xunji Xunbiao⊕ Ruixunxian Xun Fei Xun Kai Xun Lie is unknown Xun Yi has no son Xun Can has no son Xun Shuang Adoption and other relationships.
1. Xun Shuang, also known as Xun Xu (xū).
2. Xun Biao's biological father was Xun Ji, and his successor father was Xun Shi. Li Jingde of the Southern Song Dynasty, "Zhu Zi Yu Lei, Volume 85": "According to etiquette, the son of a brother should be called Congzi (brother/disciple, new meaning of Congzi). The three generations from the great ancestor to the fourth generation are called Congzi. It is called Clanzi (clanzi means). ""Zhu Zi Yulei" annotation refers to Tian's grandfather/fifth-generation ancestor  Uncle's great-great-grandfather, Baoyi's son's great-great-grandfather/fourth-generation's uncle-great-grandfather, Baoyi's son's great-grandfather/third-generation great-uncle, Baoyi's son's great-uncle Grandfather/Second generation uncle, original meaning is from son to father/first generation ancestor brother, new meaning is from son to own son

Chui Shi On, the first administrator of Macau Figure 3

Why is it called Mr. Cui Shian?

Teachers or intellectuals can be called sir, regardless of gender.


1. Teacher, such as: Mr. Zhou (the meaning is the same as Teacher Zhou).

2. An honorific title for intellectuals and adults with a certain status.

3. Formerly refers to a person who manages accounts or does clerical work in an accounting room. For example: He works as a gentleman in a pawn shop.

4. It used to refer to people who are engaged in storytelling, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and feng shui reading.

5. Another way to call a doctor: such as "If you are sick, go see Mr."

6. Call someone else's husband or your own husband to others (specific use: preceded by a personal pronoun or attributive; such as your husband, my husband).

7. After the 1980s, all men can be called Mr., such as Mr. Wang and Mr. Li.

Chui Shi On, the first administrator of Macau Figure 4

Extended information:

Cui Shi'an, an official in the Northern Wei Dynasty, was the son of Cui Liang.


Cui Shi'an successively served as minister Bibu Lang and admonishment doctor. After his death, he presented it to General Zuo and the governor of Guangzhou.

Sir, the literal meaning is a person who was born earlier than oneself and is older than oneself; it also means a person who is the first to come into contact with strange things, and by extension, it means a person who is the first to come into contact with strange things. Therefore, in ancient times, when someone called Mr. Others meant to learn from others, it was just as the saying goes, "The master is the first, and the teacher is the meaning." Later, in the context of modern Chinese, the word "Mr." was extended to be a respectful title for people.

The above is all about Chui Shi'an, the first administrator of Macau, and related content about Chui Shi'an. I hope it can help you.

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