
Contents of this article

  • 1. Thoughts after reading Chapter 4 of "Heart" by Inamori Kazuo: Carrying out the Right Path
  • 2. Read Kazuo Inamori’s philosophy of life online
  • 3.Positive quotes from famous people
  • 4. Famous sayings about optimism and positivity

Thoughts after reading Chapter 4 of Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": Carrying out the Right Path

1. Be as cheerful as a mother
Optimism. Facing the invasion or unexpected arrival of negative emotions, minimizing the harm caused by negative emotions and shortening the time that negative emotions stay in our hearts all rely on optimism. attitude towards life and a cheerful spiritual world.

2. Be cautious like a father

Take every detail seriously and do it to perfection

3. Have the righteousness to implement the right path

People can only act Only by being upright and being upright can you be forthright, honest and selfless. You must improve your level of understanding and discernment, and truly be clear-eyed. A gentleman is upright, has a high level of thought, and does not do anything behind his back that would be embarrassing to himself or others.

4. Adhere to the right path without compromise

Righteousness must be maintained and cultivated. To cultivate righteousness, we must have a kind heart, a normal heart, and a fair heart. Treat people with a kind heart, deal with things with a normal heart, stand up with a fair heart, retain some of human nature, and be a real and natural person.

5. Character is the foundation of being a human being

In many excellent companies, some workers and management talents serve a company for life. One of the important reasons is the character charm of the business owner.

6. Only by improving your personality can you drive people's hearts

Setting an example is a way for Kazuo Inamori to establish his prestige, but it is not all. For leaders, they must have a commanding temperament and be fair and just. , Dare to take action, etc. are also necessary elements for establishing authority.

7. The quality of an enterprise depends on the heart of the leader

Do what you say, and if you don’t believe it, you won’t stand: don’t make promises to your subordinates easily; make promises with room for success; Be clear; the important thing is not to say, but to do; even if you can do something, don’t agree immediately; never promise something you can’t do; beware of hidden promises; and apologize sincerely when you cannot fulfill it.

8. Continuously reflect and correct yourself

(This book "Heart Method" of Kazuo Inamori's philosophy of life was edited by Pinmo. It is divided into four chapters. When you have time, you can find the Chinese version of Kazuo Inamori’s original text and read it)

Read Kazuo Inamori’s philosophy of life online

Chapter 1   Happy Life

1. The secret to achieving a happy life

Put aside emotional troubles, look at life with an optimistic attitude, and always remind yourself to use a positive and positive way of thinking. Treat life, then success is not far away from you

2. Face suffering with gratitude

It is inevitable that life will be hard, ++++++++++ ++, don’t be depressed

Those who keep improving themselves will eventually be saved

4. As long as you are alive, you must be grateful

In fact, everyone does not need to ask for anything too extravagantly. Don't complain too much about the unfairness of life, the injustice of fate, and the tricks of fate. We should always be grateful.

5. Reject arrogance and have a humble heart

In the torrent of victory, there are often hidden reefs of pride. If you are not vigilant, thousands of nets will hit the advancing ships. broken. The greatest wisdom is when a winner remains humble after a great achievement.

Chapter 2 Good Motives

1. The good motivation of caring for others

Everyone’s heart is like a locked door, no matter how thick the iron rod is, you can It can't be pried open either. Only care can turn oneself into a delicate key, enter the hearts of others and understand others.

2. Altruism is the foundation of success

To adapt to modern society, a person not only needs rich knowledge but also a mentality of thinking more about others. If you can do more for others, Taking care of each other will minimize conflicts and internal friction.

3. Do what you can for the people around you

How touching it is to light up others. A blind person can think of bringing light to others. If we can all learn from that suggestion The blind man with the lantern lights the way for others and also illuminates himself.

4. Be altruistic and do altruistic things

In life, each of us can contribute love. When others encounter difficulties, you lend a helping hand to help them, even if it is only a small amount. As long as you do your best, even if it is insignificant, it will be of great significance. This may make him feel the warmth of the world. , rekindle the hope of life, millions of people have to stand by and watch, you know, a heart-warming word, a loving gift, are all contributions, not how much, but whether you do it or not.

5. Stay away from people with evil intentions

There is probably nothing more important in being a human being than being honest and trustworthy, and gaining trust from others. When we look at a person interacting with others, as long as He can be honest and trustworthy, and can be tolerant of other aspects of authority. On the contrary, if we lose this foundation, we can infer that this person is not trustworthy, and we are unwilling to work with him or deal with him.

6. Let altruism defeat self-interest

Sharing does not mean losing, and exclusivity does not mean owning. Knowing how to share life can help us gain more

7. Understand contentment and self-control

What maintains the healthy development of human society is the way of life of contentment. Only contentment can make our lives happy

8. Each of us should reduce our desires.

It is not enough for people to be smart only. They also need to be good at rational thinking, control their desires with reason, distinguish right from wrong, recognize potential risks, and not be greedy for undivided gains.

Chapter 3 A Strong Mind

1. Firmly believe that you can do it

Some people compare confidence to an engineer in a person's heart. In real life, confidence Once combined with thinking, it can stimulate the subconscious mind to motivate people to show infinite wisdom and power. It is the transformation of everyone's desires into tangible value in material, career and other aspects.

2. The secret of success is to never give up

Things in the world are often easy to start, but it is difficult to have a happy ending, because perfection means that you must complete the journey, which means that you must Going through many difficulties and dangers means never giving up even though you are bruised and bruised. Therefore, when faced with crises and difficulties, only by persisting to the end and never giving up can you finally taste the joy of success

3. Pierce the rock. Strong will

Adversity either makes a person greater or makes him very small, never the same. Indeed, when we are in adversity, if we do not succumb to fate and do not give up our beliefs, we will definitely get what we pursue.

4. Describe a common vision and unite as one

Shaping a vision requires courage, and acting in accordance with the vision also requires courage. In the process of shaping and communicating the vision, business managers should try their best to let More employees are involved.

A noble vision expresses the hopes and dreams of employees, touches their hearts and spirits, and helps them see their contribution. Vision inspires employees to do everything right, and when coupled with effective execution and performance appraisal will prompt the company to develop in the right direction.

5. Inspire everyone’s sense of responsibility and mission

As long as there is a 60% chance, give it a try! This is the motivation of Konosuke Matsushita. He believes that giving more difficult jobs can speed up the development of talents.

6. Keep moving forward step by step

Only patience can bring inner peace and tranquility, and you can focus your energy and attention on the work that needs to be solved urgently.

Chapter 4 Implementing the Right Path

1. Be cheerful and optimistic like mother

In the face of the invasion or unexpected arrival of negative emotions, minimize the harm of negative emotions , shortening the time that negative emotions stay in our hearts, or the nature of biochemical emotions, depends on an optimistic attitude towards life and a cheerful spiritual world

2. Be as cautious as your father

Those 100% Employees who pay close attention to their work can always take every detail of their work seriously and do their work to perfection. It is this seriousness about their work that gives them opportunities for growth and development.

3. Have the righteousness to implement the right path

Only when people act righteously and act upright can they be outspoken, honest and selfless. They must improve their level of understanding and discernment, and truly be clear-minded and discerning. . A gentleman is upright, has a high level of thought, and does not do anything behind his back that would be embarrassing to himself or others.

4. Adhere to the right path without compromise

To maintain righteousness, you must maintain it. To cultivate righteousness, you must have a kind heart, a normal heart, and a fair heart. Treat people with a kind heart, deal with things with a normal heart, establish yourself with a fair heart, retain some of human nature, and be a real and natural person. Only then can you take on the great responsibility of building a business and make contributions to the country and the people

5 .Character is the foundation of being a human being

For real talents, the temptation of money is not very great. The most important thing is to make subordinates happy at work and have the opportunity to reflect their own value. In many excellent companies, some workers and management talents serve a company for life. One of the important reasons is the charm of the business owner

6. Only by improving personality can you drive people's hearts

Take the lead Setting an example is one way for Kazuo Inamori to establish his prestige, but it is not all. For leaders, having a commanding temperament, being fair and just, and having the courage to take action are also necessary elements for establishing authority.

7. The quality of a company depends on the leader's heart

A strong personality is an indispensable trait of a leader.

Be true to your word, and if you don’t trust it, you won’t stand it: don’t make promises to your subordinates easily; leave room for your promises; make your promises clearly; what matters is not what you say, but what you do; even if you can do it yourself Don't agree immediately; never promise something you can't do; beware of hidden promises; and apologize sincerely when you can't fulfill it.

8. Continuously reflect and correct yourself

It’s not funny to fall down occasionally. What’s funny is that you fall down in the same place every time.

Positive famous quotes

Positive famous quotes

  Wherever there is an ideal, hell is heaven. Where there is hope, pain also becomes joy. The following are positive and uplifting celebrity quotes that I have compiled for you. I hope they can help you.

Great wisdom and courage can be learned from Inamori philosophy, Chapter 4 of Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": Implementing the Right Path Thoughts after reading Picture 1

  Positive famous quotes 1

  1. Anyone who laughs shows that he still has the courage and strength to live. ——De Maoyong

  2. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop once you start.

  3. What is emotion? Life tells me that emotion is a pair of hands that can stretch and contract, and two hearts that know how hot and cold they are.

  4. Greetings do not have to be discreet, but they must be sincere and touching.

  5. The difference between what you think you can do and what you don’t do is actually just a thought.

  6. The human body can age with the passage of time, but the thoughts that give people life can stay young forever and coexist with the sun and the moon.

  7. Developing patience is the best way to resist anger. A patient person has a mature mind, like a brave war horse who can overcome anger. He can control his emotions at any time and adopt the most effective method to get out of trouble. Such people will always enjoy life calmly.

  8. Idleness will make people’s minds rusty.

  9. Silence is the best way to express happiness. If I can tell how happy I am, then my happiness only has a limit. ——Shakespeare

  10. Whether you succeed today depends on your attitude yesterday, and your attitude today determines whether you will succeed tomorrow.

  11. No matter when you start, the important thing is that it is difficult to stop once you start.

  12. There is only one kind of failure, and that is giving up halfway.

  13. First love is the first blooming flower, rich and fragrant. It makes people recall the sweetness and passion of first love for a lifetime.

  14. Spring silkworms will not run out of silk until they die, and wax torches will dry up only when they turn to ashes. ——Li Shangyin

  15. Before speaking, listen first; before responding, think first; before consuming, earn first; before quitting, try first.

  16. Life without friends is like life without sunshine.

  17. Anger is harmful but useless. It will only increase personal worries. When a person is angry, the heart pumps more blood than usual, which can lead to high blood pressure and possibly heart disease.

  18. I have believed that if you talk about sad things in a happy mood, the sadness will disappear. ——Gorky

  19. Pleasurable laughter is a reliable sign of mental health.

  20. A person’s value is determined at the moment of temptation.

  Positive famous quotes 2

  1. Where there is ideal, hell is heaven. Where there is hope, pain also becomes joy.

  2. Praise during life is often false, while comments after death are often true.

  3. Don’t forget to take the stairs when you can’t jump from the first floor to the third floor. Remember that great success often does not happen overnight. You must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

  4. The hope for tomorrow makes us forget the pain of today.

  5. When you are alive, you have to take everything life gives you seriously. Of course, you can also choose death!

  6. If the vitality of youth has disappeared and the curiosity to advance has faded, life will be of no benefit. ——Mueller

  7. Young love may not always be smooth sailing, only the ups and downs can bring true love.

  8. Think carefully before making a decision, and once you make a decision, move forward and stick to it.

  9. The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to ninety thousand miles. ——Li Bai

  10. People who step on other people's shoulders to show their own height will sooner or later become an out-and-out dwarf.

  11. A person who is taciturn does not necessarily mean that he is wise and courageous, and a person who talks and laughs does not necessarily mean that he is not serious.

  12. Loneliness means there is no one in your heart. Loneliness is when there is someone in your heart but not around you.

  13. No matter how severe the situation is approaching you, you must work hard to find favorable conditions. Soon, you will find that you have some small successes everywhere, and your self-confidence will naturally increase.

  14. Heaven and earth provide endless pleasures for open-minded people to make them happy, but reject them for narrow-minded people. ——Hugo

  15. Troubles and happiness are the two seeds of life. Sow that seed in your heart and it will sprout and grow.

  16. Treat people sincerely, work diligently, be open-minded, and enjoy life. Status comes from actions, and income comes from performance.

  17. Don’t be concerned about poverty and lowliness, and don’t be obsessed with wealth. ——Tao Yuanming

  18. Pretended kindness is more terrifying than real cruelty.

  19. All harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness are generated and caused by the upward psychology of optimism and hope. ——Washington

  20. Anger can help you achieve certain goals, but it is not suitable for all situations. The reason is that as you grow older, you have a responsibility to regulate your emotions and resist frustration. No one has the foresight and ability to determine what is causing your mood disturbance. People who are often angry rarely achieve great things, but people who understand this truth are more likely to succeed.

  21. Whether there is someone to love, we should work hard to be a lovely person. Don’t blame anyone, don’t laugh at anyone, and don’t envy anyone. The sun shines brightly, you run in the wind and rain, dream your own dreams, and walk your own path.

  22. As long as a person does not lose his direction, he will not lose himself.

  23. Our life is to be reborn with the attitude of constantly starting out. Walking on the road, unable to stop for some inner calling that only oneself can perceive.

  24. Youth is the only time we have the right to weave dreams.

  25. If you once sang the praises of the dawn, then please also embrace the night.

  26. We are poor and have no money, so we should not be happy; making more money toward wealth is the original intention.

  27. The body is as healthy as a mountain, the mind is as calm as water, and one is indifferent to fame and wealth. This is the highest realm of life. Whoever can live in such a realm will live a comfortable life.

  28. Go your own way and let others speak.

  29. The most tiring thing in the world is living a hypocritical life.

  30. The path of life is drawn by the heart. Therefore, no matter how harsh the situation you are in, you should not be haunted by pessimistic thoughts. ——Kazuo Inamori

  Positive famous quotes 3

  1. A young and lively heart will never linger in sorrow. ——Bing Xin

  2. Youth are always revolutionary, and revolution is always for youth. ——Wen Yiduo

  3. A foolish man does not waste his strength to move a mountain, but a strong man must have a foresight. ——Dong Biwu

  4. The most important spirit of young people is to fight against destiny. ——Yun Daiying

  5. Energetic youth is not easy to perish. ——Carosa

  6. Anyone who laughs shows that he still has the courage and strength to live. ——De Maoyong

  7. Adopt daily innovations in order to strengthen yourself, and get rid of conformity in order to strengthen the world. ——Kang Youwei

  8. There are still new things in the coming year, and the troubled spring breeze is not over yet. ——Lu Jiuzhou

  9. The greater the heat, the greater the expansion force; the greater the suction force, the more prosperous the creature. ——Kang Youwei

  10. The broad road is as long as you stride forward. ——Qu Qiubai

  11. I am the number one swallow in the south of the Yangtze River, and I split my branches for the spring scenery. ——Qu Qiubai

  12. You must have the courage to be confident before you have the courage to work. ——Lu Xun

  Positive famous quotes 4

  1. Taking out your temper is called instinct; suppressing your temper is called ability.

  2. Look at the things you hate with warm eyes, and you will find that the world has changed, and so has your mood.

  3. Even if life makes you cry again, you must smile and learn to endure.

  4. Except for life and death, everything in this world is trivial. Starting today, smile every day.

  5. That’s what it’s like to be young, if you have misses and regrets, you will learn to cherish them in the end.

  6. The present determines the future, and knowledge changes destiny.

  7. Small things make big things happen, details make perfect.

  8. Attitude determines altitude, thinking determines the way out, and details determine destiny.

  9. If you don’t think twice about things, you will eventually regret them. People who can endure a hundred times will have no worries.

  10. If you have ideals in your heart, you will be happy no matter how tired you are.

  11. After the rainbow, success is in the details.

  12. Although the thing is small, it will not be achieved if it is not done; although the road is short, it will not be achieved if it is not done.

  13. The rope cuts the wood, and the water drops penetrate the stone.

  14. If you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to become a river or a sea; if you don’t accumulate small steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles.

  15. When the heaven is strong, a gentleman will strive to strengthen himself; when the earth is strong, a gentleman will be virtuous.

  16. The great things in the world must be done in detail; the difficult things in the world must be done in easy ways.

  17. Life may not be spectacular, but it should be loud and clear.

  18. Doing good is like ascending, doing evil is like falling.

  19. Good habits make a person successful in his life, but bad habits ruin his future.

  20. Good methods will get twice the result with half the effort, and good habits will benefit you for life.

  21. The greatest ideas and actions often require the humblest beginnings.

  22. No matter how long the road is, you can reach the end if you take it step by step. No matter how short the distance is, you will never reach it if you don’t take the first step.

  23. Mentality determines destiny, and confidence leads to success.

  24. Whenever big things happen, you must be calm. When you are calm, your mind will be clear.

  25. Be confident that in a life of two hundred years, you will be like the water hitting you three thousand miles away.

  26. Great ambitions begin in high school, and a brilliant life begins today.

  27. Inspiration illuminates life, and entrepreneurship changes destiny.

  28. The dragon sings in the eight continents and travels with great ambitions, and the phoenix dances in the nine heavens to achieve great ambitions.

  29. In the vast universe, every day is just a moment. Live today and forget yesterday.

  30. Never run away from problems because time will not give any reward to the weak.

  31. No matter what, you must still persist. Without dreams, you will never reach the distance.

  32. Sometimes, life has to reach a trough before you can reach your next high point.

  33. Time will not stop waiting for you. Every day we live now is the youngest day in the rest of our lives.

  34. People tend to be like this. When things go smoothly, people's intelligence will decrease; if they encounter sudden setbacks, their intelligence will increase due to stress.

  35. To evaluate how well a person treats you, you should judge whether he is willing to spend time with you if you are rich, and whether he is willing to spend money for you if you are not rich.

  36. There are some things you cannot get around. If you avoid them now, you will face them with ten times the energy in the future.

  37. If a person loves you and cares about you, one sign is that he is still a little afraid of you.

  38. The feeling in my heart will always be like this. The more you look forward to it, the farther it will go, and the more you care about it, the greater the harm will be to you.

  39. The more confused you will be, the happier you will be. Some people will feel pain if they think too much about something, have a headache if they can't figure it out, and feel heartache if they figure it out.

  40. When you are extremely disappointed, God will always give you a little hope; when you feel painful, God will also let you encounter some warmth. In this hot and cold situation, we learned to take care of ourselves and learn to be strong.

  41. When we are young, dreams are soaring and unstoppable in our hearts, but we haven’t learned to fight yet. After some hard work, we finally learned to fight, but we no longer had the courage to fight. So we turn on ourselves, attack ourselves, and become our own worst enemies.

  42. Others know you by your face and body, and people define you by your mind and heart.

  43. It is better to be alone in sobriety than in a noisy crowd.

  Positive famous quotes 5

  1. If you want to dig a well, you must dig it until the water comes out.

  2. The perfection of personality is the foundation, and the establishment of wealth is the end.

  3. A positive attitude is the most basic element for a successful person.

  4. Success requires change and using new methods to change past results.

  5. My task is very difficult. I need to save myself from being unqualified.

  6. If you doubt yourself, then your footing is indeed unstable.

  7. Tomorrow is the fastest-growing piece of land in the world because it is full of hope.

  8. Two simple choices every morning: go back to sleep or get up and chase your dreams.

  9. Be loyal to your duties, work hard, love glory and trust your instincts.

  10. Life should be like a candle, burning from top to bottom, always bright.

  11. If you want to have a perfect friendship, you may never find a friend in your life.

  12. Life is so short, why should you let unimportant people affect your important mood?

  1 3. Successful people learn from others, while failed people only learn from themselves.

  14. True love should transcend the length of life, the width of the heart, and the depth of the soul.

  1 5. Every successful person has a beginning. Only by having the courage to start can you find the way to success.

  16. Customers don’t just buy products, they buy serious attitude, service attitude and service spirit.

  17. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.

  18. Only learn from the top people, only associate with the best people, and only do what the best people do.

  19. Persistence is faith, transformation, habit, the joy of awakening, and the powerful inner power!

  20. Youth, are you always imprisoned in a small circle? You have to tear through the demagoguery of old age.

  21. Face the past with the least regret; face the present with the least waste; face the future with the most dreams.

  22. Please speak out your dissatisfaction and grievances with compassion and a gentle attitude, so that others can accept it more easily.

  23. If you want to be a beautiful person, you must be forged in the fire. If you want to achieve the feat of overturning the heaven and earth, you must walk along the thin ice.

  24. All sadness is in the past. When time slowly settles, you will find that you are much more happy than you imagined.

  25. Obstacles and failures are the most reliable stepping stones to success. If you are willing to study and utilize them, you can cultivate success from failure.

  26. Without sowing, there is no harvest; without hard work, there is no success; without suffering, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no glory.

  27. The only thing that can wash away everything except tears is time. Time moves feelings forward. The longer the time, the weaker the conflict becomes, just like tea that is constantly diluted.

  28. Fate sometimes plays tricks on people, so why should you take it too seriously? Everyone comes naked and goes naked. Think of gains and losses as a life experience.

  29. Stranger, I also wish you well. May you have a bright future, may your lover finally get married, and may you be happy in this world. I just want to face the sea and the spring flowers will bloom.

  30. What you really need is not that much. Any extra thing will be useful to others. Give it away, or donate it to charity sales, so that people who really need it can make good use of it. After you get used to a simple life, life will naturally no longer burden.

  Positive quotes from famous people 6

  1. If a person can always maintain a pure heart like a child, do things with an optimistic mood, treat others with a kind heart, and be bright and honest, his life will definitely be much happier than others. ——Roland

  2. A cheerful personality can not only keep yourself in a happy mood, but also infect the people around you, making them feel that life is full of harmony and light. ——Roland

  3. It is the sunshine that turns darkness into something seemingly pleasant. ——Southey

  4. A person may believe a lot of nonsense, but still be able to arrange his daily work in a reasonable and happy way. ——Norman Douglas

  5. We have fought for joy. We will die for joy. Therefore, sorrow should never be connected with our names. ——Fuchik

  6. Everyone has their own ideal paradise. They have a world that they are happy to enjoy. Pursue in the direction that you are happy to pursue. That is the path of your life. There is no need to complain about the environment, and there is no need to envy others. ——Roland

  7. Happiness should be the companion of virtue.--Valdes

  8. Once the sunlight dims, the shadows become even more eerie and terrifying. ——Russian proverb

  9. Where the sun is stronger, the shadows are deeper. ——Goethe

  10. If you enjoy others' happiness, others will also enjoy your happiness; if you worry about others' worries, others will also worry about their worries. ——Bai Juyi

  11. A person's characteristics are the value of his existence. Don't force yourself to imitate others, but give full play to your own strengths. In this way, not only will you feel happy, but it will also be easier to make real contributions to the society. ——Roland

  12. When I am occasionally disappointed with life and care too much about myself, I will also be depressed. I will also quietly complain to God. But when I think of everything I already have, I will immediately correct my mood and stop complaining. .Live happily. Not only that, I also like to regard happiness as an infectious disease, infecting it to the society and people I come into contact with every day. ——Sanmao

  13. Wherever the sun shines, that is where I will settle down. ——Brazterit

  Positive famous quotes 7

  1. If your friend makes you angry, it means you still care about his friendship.

  2. If a person is weak, he is his own worst enemy; if a person is brave, he is his own best friend.

  3. Attacks and setbacks are stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks.

  4. Laughter is sunshine, it can eliminate the winter color on people’s faces.

  5. Without determination, it is like a boat without a rudder or a horse without a title, drifting and galloping, where will it end?

  6. Whatever you believe, you choose an attitude; whatever attitude you have, you will have a behavior; whatever behavior you have, you will have a result. If you want the results to be good, you must choose good beliefs.

  7. Life with both suffering and joy is fulfilling; life with successes and failures is reasonable; life with gains and losses is fair; only the ups and downs of life are valuable. If you win, you will lose, if you achieve something, you will lose it, if you gain something, you will lose it; if you want success, you must bear it, if you want light, you must accept darkness, if you want career, you must pay for it.

  8. Start working hard! You have to give up a lot of things in this process, but you have to understand that none of them are what you ultimately want. You have to believe that after you succeed, they will come back one day and be better than now!

  9. Use actions to control emotions, don't let emotions control actions; let the heart enlighten wisdom, and don't let the ears control the heart. The main difference between people lies in the area between the ears!

  10. Art is the embellishment of life and a temptation leading to life.

  11. There are many such miracles in life. Things that seem more difficult than climbing to the sky can sometimes be accomplished easily. The difference lies in extraordinary faith.

  12. If optimism makes you successful, then you should believe in the conclusion that optimism is the source of success.

  13. When you cherish your past, are satisfied with your present, and are optimistic about your future, you will stand at the highest point of life; when you understand that success will not build you, failure will not defeat you, and mediocrity will not drown you. When you are, you stand at the highest point of life.

  14. As long as people don’t lose their direction, they won’t lose themselves.

  15. Don’t panic after losing the lights, you can still see the stars in the sky.

  16. Shining light is not exclusive to the sun, you can also shine.

  17. It is things that fail, not people.

  18. To overcome anxiety and depression in life, you must first learn to be your own master.

  19. In life, one should strive to make it beautiful.

  20. You should not pursue all kinds of happiness, but only noble happiness.

  21. No matter how unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.

  22. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after you start.

  23. It doesn’t matter whether children have ambitions, but adults should not lack ambitions.

  24. Don’t seek for one’s own ambitions, but have ambitions for the world.

  25. No matter how great you think you are, there will always be someone stronger than you.

  26. There is no stopping point in life, reality is always a starting point. No matter when and where, you cannot give up. Only by maintaining a fighting attitude can you prove the existence of life.

  27. Those who succeed will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.

  28. Don’t cry because it ends, laugh because it begins.

  29. No matter how severe the situation is approaching you, you must work hard to find favorable conditions. Soon, you will find that you have some small successes everywhere, and your self-confidence will naturally increase.

  30. Life is not just breathing, life is activity.

  31. Sorrow, worry and pessimism can make people sick; a positive, happy and strong will and optimistic mood can defeat diseases and make people strong and live longer.

  32. Positive thinking leads to a positive life, and negative thinking leads to a negative life.

  33. Time flies, I have spent seventeen spring and autumn years on the journey of life, and have entered the prime of youth, a youth that is decorated with hard work.

  34. Letting a giant dragon hide in your heart is both a torture and a pleasure.

  35. There is pressure, but not overwhelmed; confused, but never despair.

  36. It’s not that there is no water in the well, but that it’s not dug deep enough; it’s not that success comes slowly, but that giving up is quick. Getting something requires wisdom, giving up something requires courage!

  37. I have believed that if you talk about sad things in a happy mood, the sadness will disappear.

  38. Cherish your time and make good use of every second. Don’t miss out on every detail, be cautious and meticulous, if you can do this, what else is impossible?

  39. True happiness is inner. It can only be found in the human soul.

  40. You must know that pessimism is not born. Like other human attitudes, pessimism can not only be alleviated, but with effort it can be transformed into a new attitude: optimism.

  41. Thoughts are like drills. They must be concentrated on one point to gain power.

  42. You can’t control the weather, but you can change your mood.

  43. A wise man always has a secret code for success. Those who can decipher the secret code are successful wise men.

  44. Failure is just a temporary cessation of success. If I can't, I must; if I want, I can!

  45. The price of wisdom is contradiction. This is a joke that life plays on its outlook on life.

  46. ​​Joy is the flower of hope, which can give her the strength to face the ups and downs of life without fear.

  47. Knowing how to be grateful is the source of happiness. Know how to be grateful, and you will find that everything around you is so beautiful.

  48. A mature person holds the key to his own happiness. He does not expect others to make him happy, but can bring happiness and joy to others.

  49. Firmness of goal is one of the most necessary sources of strength in character and one of the weapons for success. Without it, genius will be in vain in the confusing path of contradictions.

  50. No matter where I go, I look for happiness. I would never look for pain anywhere, for I am a pleasure seeker by nature. I will only suffer when pain comes to my head.


Famous quotes about optimism and positivity

1. The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don’t have.

2. Laughter is a sedative with no side effects. ——Grasso

3. True happiness can only be experienced when you truly understand the value of life. ——Munir Nasuf

4. People who show off their status often have low status and are acting out of vanity; people who show off their wealth often have empty pockets and are deceiving themselves and others.

5. When you are alive, you must actively face everything life gives you. Of course, you can also choose to die!

6. When a person becomes himself, he has reached the peak of happiness. ——Desideux Erasmus

7. Loneliness in life is a kind of strength. If a person can withstand loneliness, he will be free; if he cannot bear loneliness, he will be restrained by others.

8. Using despicable means to achieve a noble goal is also not a noble behavior.

9. What is failure? Nothing, just one step closer to success; what is success? It means that after all the roads leading to failure, there is only one road left, and that is the road to success.

10. Effort, disappointment and perseverance. I increasingly believe that the price of creating beauty is: hard work, disappointment and perseverance. First the pain, then the joy. ——Van Gogh

11. If life deceives you, don’t be melancholy or angry. Believe that happy days will come. —— Pushkin

12. Because of struggle, I have become strong; because of struggle, I have learned to fight; because of struggle, I know how to be proud; because of struggle, I have learned to walk the road of life; because of struggle, I have worked hard. Towards the other side of ideal; because of struggle, I choose a perfect life.

13. Optimists always imagine themselves achieving their goals. ——Seniga

14. Belief is power, doubt will only inhibit ability, and faith is power.

15. Happiness and pain never come to a person at the same time, but if you pursue one of them and experience it, you almost always have to experience the other. They are like suffering. Two bodies directed by the same brain. ——Plato

16. All harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness are produced and caused by the upward psychology of optimism and hope. ——Washington

17. Happiness is a luxury. To enjoy it, the indispensable condition is that you have no worries. If you are uneasy - even slightly threatened - your happiness will evaporate immediately. ——Stendhal

18. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, give it a thousand reasons to smile.

19. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. —— Owen

20. Fly with struggle, because with it, I have rational thinking; I can prevent past mistakes from being repeated in today's films; I can make past successes in today's films Only by continuing to sublimate in life can I truly harvest the fruits of golden autumn and taste the joy of life.

21. Life is short, we should try to make the most of every day. We should do things that make ourselves happy, full of life and energy.

22. Idleness will make people’s minds rusty.

24. Pessimists only see problems behind opportunities, but optimists see opportunities behind problems. (Denis Waltley Whitney)

25. The only way to have meaning in life is to develop life, and happiness is the best way to develop life. ——Zhang Wentian

26. Give yourself more and more work and make you accustomed to work. This is the first condition for happiness in life. —— Romain Rolland

27. Don’t be troubled by adversity, and don’t fantasize about miracles. You must be down-to-earth, persevere, and go all out to win.

28. Happiness does not lie in things, but in ourselves. ——Richard Wagner [US]

29. He who is not strong in ambition is not wise. ——Mo Zhai

30. Don’t dwell on sadness when you are unhappy, think about the days when there was laughter.
65 positive famous sayings

1. Optimism itself is a kind of success.

2. Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees spring in front of the diseased trees. ——Liu Yuxi

3. Joy is the flower of hope, which can give her strength and enable her to face the ups and downs of life without fear. ——Balzac

4. The road is long and long, and I will search up and down. ——Qu Yuan

5. All harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness are generated and caused by the upward psychology of optimism and hope. ——Washington

6. No matter where I go, I look for happiness. I would never look for pain anywhere, for I am a pleasure seeker by nature. I will only suffer when pain comes to my head. —— Dickens

7. Give yourself more and more work and make you accustomed to work. This is the first condition for happiness in life. ——Romain Rolland

8. Sports and exercise can improve human health and optimism, and optimism is a necessary condition for longevity. ——Lepeshinskaya

9. The spring silkworms will not run out until they die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will not dry up. ——Li Shangyin

10. Even if you are in a critical situation, you must look for positive factors. This way, you won’t give up on achieving small victories. The more optimistic you are, the more courage you will have to overcome difficulties.

11. The only way to make life meaningful is to carry it forward, and happiness is the best way to carry it forward. ——Zhang Wentian

12. In the pleasure brought to me by the beautiful scenery, pleasant sounds and fragrant fragrance, I will not lock the door of my senses. ——"Critical Biography of Rabindranath Tagore"

13. Only interests and outstanding talents can help you come up with ideas, be careful and have a thorough vision. ——Balzac

14. Understand life and love life. ——Romain Rolland

15. Pleasurable laughter is a reliable sign of mental health.

16. Don’t use pessimism as a buffer to protect you from disappointment. Optimism is the flower of hope and can give people strength.

17. Sorrow, worry and pessimism can make people sick; a positive, happy and strong will and optimistic mood can defeat diseases and make people strong and live longer.

18. There is still a bright sunny day behind the dark clouds. ——Lonfro

19. No matter how high or low your career is, your ambition must be strong, and a man will be at ease if he pursues his goals. ——Zhang Lei

20. You have failed, but you have to think that you have succeeded many times. This is something to be thankful for. If you get 5 out of 10 questions right and 5 wrong, then you still have every reason to celebrate because you have successfully solved 5 problems.

21. Sadness can be taken care of by oneself; but if you want to fully appreciate the taste of joy, you must have someone to share it with. ——Mark Twain

22. Inner joy is when a person lives a healthy life.

23. The children of Jiangdong are so talented that their comeback is unknown.

24. Always have confidence in everything and always think about "doing it". If you do something and worry about "I'm afraid I can't do it" first, then you won't have the courage. ——Gai Jingtian

25. May we be happier every year, and hope that even our humblest brothers or sisters will not be deprived of the happiness they deserve. ——"Critical Biography of Dickens"

26. The more you are frightened, the more disaster you will suffer. Therefore, it is important to understand the power of a positive attitude. Have faith that hope and optimism will lead you to victory.

27. Accept failure in reality with a humorous attitude. Only people with a sense of humor have the ability to easily overcome bad luck and eliminate the unlucky thoughts that come with it.

28. The old man is always ambitious, but the martyr is full of ambition in his old age.

29. The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

30. There will be a time to ride the wind and waves, and hang sails directly to help the sea!

31. Don’t wait for a while. The gray head of a young man will make you sad. ——Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong"

32. When life is as brisk and smooth as a song, it is easy to smile; and those who can still smile when everything goes wrong are truly optimistic . —— Wilcox

33. The so-called inner happiness is the happiness that a person feels when he lives a healthy, normal and harmonious life. ——Romain Rolland

34. As the sky moves forward, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement.

35. In your free time, try to get close to optimistic people and observe their behavior. Through observation, you can develop an optimistic attitude, and the fire of optimism will slowly ignite within you.

36. No matter how severe the situation is approaching you, you must work hard to find favorable conditions. Soon, you will find that you have some small successes everywhere, and your self-confidence will naturally increase.

37. Don’t be troubled by adversity, nor fantasize about miracles. Be down-to-earth, persevere, and go all out to win.

38. The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to 90,000 miles. ——Li Bai

39. You should not pursue all kinds of happiness, but only noble happiness. ——Democritus

40. When life is as light and smooth as a song, it is easy to smile; and those who can still smile when everything is going wrong are truly optimistic. . —— Wilcox

41. Cultivate your moral character, harmonize your family, and govern the country and the world.

42. If optimism makes you successful, then you should believe in the conclusion that optimism is the source of success.

43. The path of life is drawn by the heart. Therefore, no matter how harsh the situation you are in, you should not be haunted by pessimistic thoughts. ——Inamori Kazuo

44. Since there are black spots on the sun, "things in the world" are even less likely to be without flaws. ——Chernyshevsky

45. Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years. ——Zhao Yi

46. Art is an embellishment of life and a temptation leading to life. ——"The Biography of Tolstoy"

47. Live as a hero, and die as a ghost. ——Li Qingzhao

48. You must know that pessimism is not born. Like other human attitudes, pessimism can not only be alleviated, but with effort it can be transformed into a new attitude: optimism.

49. Heaven and earth provide endless pleasures for open-minded people to make them happy, but reject them for narrow-minded people. ——Hugo

50. Always expand yourself and the world outside you with a positive and optimistic attitude. ——Zeng Xianzi

51. Only through hard work can we gain true happiness. ——"Biography of Rabindranath Tagore"

52. Inner joy is the joy that a person feels when he lives a sound, normal and harmonious life. ——Romain Rolland

53. Real, eternal, and the highest happiness can only be obtained from three things: work, self-denial and love. ——Romain Rolland, "The Biography of Tolstoy")

54. Silence is the best way to express happiness. If I can tell how happy I am, then my happiness is only limited. ——Shakespeare

55. Only by enduring hardship can one become a master!

56. True happiness is optimism about life, happiness at work, and excitement about career.

57. Anyone who laughs shows that he still has the courage and strength to live. ——De Maoyong

58. I have believed that if you talk about sad things in a happy mood, the sadness will disappear. ——Gorky

59. We have fought for joy, and we will die for joy. Therefore, sorrow should never be associated with our names. ——Fuchik

60. In life, one should strive to make it beautiful. ——Tolstoy

61. The beauty of life lies in its richness and variety. To make life interesting, continue to enrich it. ——Gorky

62. Laughter is sunshine, which can eliminate the winter color on people’s faces. ——Hugo

63. True happiness is inner, it can only be found in the human soul. ——Bremer

64. All worries have been eliminated, all burdens have been lifted, and I can’t help but feel satisfied for a moment. It’s like having a big rock removed from my heart. ——Mark Twain

65. If life deceives you, don’t be depressed or angry. Believe that happy days will come. —— Pushkin
Positive and inspiring quotes

Positive and inspiring quotes

1. No matter how long the road is, you can reach the end step by step. No matter how close the distance is, you can reach the end. The first step will never be reached.

2. Doing good is like ascending, doing evil is like falling.

3. The present determines the future, and knowledge changes destiny.

4. Don’t give up dreaming when you can dream.

5. The dragon sings in the eight continents, and the phoenix dances in the nine heavens.

6. The great things in the world must be done in detail; the difficult things in the world must be done in easy ways.

7. When you fail to hit the golf ball, the hole is just a trap; when you hit it, it is a success.

8. True love should transcend the length of life, the width of the heart, and the depth of the soul.

9. Never run away from problems, because time will not give any reward to the weak.

10. To evaluate how well a person treats you, if you are rich, look at whether he is willing to spend time with you, and if you are poor, see whether he is willing to spend money for you.

11. Tomorrow is the fastest-growing piece of land in the world because it is full of hope.

12. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are frustrated.

13. The biggest mistake in life is to constantly worry about making mistakes.

14. Endure the pain that others cannot bear, and endure the hardship that others cannot endure, in order to gain what others cannot.

15. No matter what, you must still persist. Without dreams, you will never reach the distance.

16. Mentality determines destiny, confidence leads to success.

17. The first youth is given by God; the second youth is achieved by your own efforts.

18. Inspiration illuminates life, entrepreneurship changes destiny.

19. Even if life makes you miserable, you must learn to tolerate it with a smile.

20. Don’t give up flying when you can fly.

21. Among all deceptions, self-deception is the most serious.

22. The more confused you will be, the happier you will be. Some people will feel pain if they think too much about something, have a headache if they can't figure it out, and feel heartache if they figure it out.

23. When the sky is strong, a gentleman will strive for self-improvement; when the terrain is strong, a gentleman will be virtuous.

24. Attitude determines the height, thinking determines the way out, and details determine destiny.

25. The most tiring thing in the world is living a hypocritical life.

26. If you don’t think twice about anything, you will eventually regret it. A person who can be patient will have no worries.

27. A wise man seeks everything from himself; a fool seeks everything from others.

28. Sometimes, life will inevitably reach a trough before you can meet your next high point.

29. Optimism itself is a kind of success. Behind the dark clouds is still a bright sunny day.

30. Experience is extracted from pain.

31. The rope cuts the wood, and the water drops penetrate the stone.

32. If you are willing to admit your mistakes, half of them have been corrected.

33. Happiness is not about having more but care less.

34. Good methods will get twice the result with half the effort, and good habits will benefit you for life.

35. Life does not need to be spectacular, but it should be loud and clear.

36. Whenever something important happens, the mind must be calm. When calm, the gods will suddenly be relieved.

37. Others know you by your face and body, and people define you by your mind and heart.

38. When a person truly awakens, he gives up pursuing the wealth in the external world and begins to pursue the real wealth in his inner world.

39. A person’s value is determined at the moment of temptation.

40. Although the matter is small, it will not be achieved if it is not done; although the road is short, it will not be accomplished if it is not feasible.

41. Play your role well and do what you should do.

42. If you are confident that you will live two hundred years, you will be like water hitting three thousand miles.

43. Before correcting others, first reflect on whether you have made a mistake.

44. Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the dumb can understand.

45. Impossible! Only exists in the dictionary of fools.

46. In the vast universe, every day is just a moment. Live today and forget yesterday.

47. Small things make big things happen, details make perfect.

48. Anyone who sincerely tries to help others will always help himself.

49. People tend to be like this. When things go smoothly, people's intelligence will decrease; if they encounter sudden setbacks, their intelligence will increase due to stress.

50. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, that is the death of knowledge.

51. The wind and waves are always extremely rough for the most capable pilot.

52. Thoughts are like drills. They must be concentrated on one point to gain power.

53. When we are young, dreams are soaring in our hearts and are unstoppable, but we haven’t learned to fight yet. After some hard work, we finally learned to fight, but we no longer had the courage to fight. So we turn on ourselves, attack ourselves, and become our own worst enemies.

54. The greatest ideas and actions often require the smallest beginnings.

55. If you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to become a river. If you don’t accumulate small steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles.

56. Great ambitions begin in high school, and a brilliant life begins today.

57. The ideal road is always prepared for those who have faith.

58. Have the best hope, make the best effort, and prepare for the worst.

59. Except for life and death, everything in this world is trivial. Starting today, smile every day.

60. If you are diligent, nothing will be difficult in the world; if you are lazy, everything will be difficult.

61. It is better to be alone in sobriety than in a noisy crowd.

62. The feeling in my heart will always be like this. The more you look forward to it, the farther it will go, and the more you care about it, the greater the harm will be to you.

63. After the rainbow, the details of success are in.

64. There are some things that you cannot get around. If you avoid them now, you will face them with ten times the energy in the future.

65. As long as you have faith, you can walk in faith.

66. Tell yourself once a day that I am really good.

67. If you have ideals in your heart, you will be happy no matter how tired you are

68. Shining light is not exclusive to the sun, you can also shine.

69. Any mountain can be moved, as long as the sand and soil are transported away truck by truck.

70. When your hopes fail one by one, you must be firm and calm!

71. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.

72. As long as the road is right, there is no need to worry about the distance.

73. If a person loves you and cares about you, one sign is that he is still a little afraid of you.

74. Three days of prophethood, ten years of prosperity. Take action and you will be empowered.

75. The power of love is so powerful that it can make people forget everything, but it is so small that it cannot contain even a grain of jealous sand.

76. Good habits make a person’s life, but bad habits ruin one’s future.

77. Youth is like this. If you miss something and have regrets, you will learn to cherish it in the end.

78. Time will not stop waiting for you. Every day we live now is the youngest day in the rest of our lives.

79. When you are extremely disappointed, God will always give you a little hope; when you feel pain, God will let you encounter some warmth. In this hot and cold situation, we learned to take care of ourselves and learn to be strong.

80. Optimists see opportunities in disasters; pessimists see disasters in opportunities.
Positive quotes about life

I have been intoxicated by traveling in the vast land of China; I have been fascinated by looking up at the endless sky; if the earth is compared to matter and the sky is compared to spirit, I think the sky is more The earth is more charming.

People who help others without expecting anything in return will not feel disappointed.

People without lofty beliefs are like a pool of stagnant water that will never make great waves.

People who deceive others always think they are smart. When they tell lies and perform tricks, they often act like innocent children, covering their eyes with their hands, thinking that others cannot see them. In fact, others can see it clearly.

The human body can age with the passage of time, but the thoughts that give people life can remain young forever, coexisting with the sun and the moon.

If a person lives only with money, it means he has nothing; if a person lives only with fame, it means he has nothing. When money runs out, reputation disappears. Only human creations can remain in the world forever.

In life, you don’t want to live a perfect life, but you want to live a realistic life.

When people live in the world, they are writing books consciously or unconsciously. Whether you write well or badly, whether you write thickly or thinly, whether you write mediocrely or wonderfully, it all depends on how you use your pen.

Loneliness in life is a strength. If a person can withstand loneliness, he will be free; if he cannot bear loneliness, he will be restrained by others.

Life is like a ball, no matter how it rolls around, it will always stop at a point.

The most valuable qualities in life are to live a responsible and natural life, to do things down-to-earth, to work conscientiously, to make friends honestly, and to behave with an open heart.

There are three types of people: dignitaries, famous people, and good people. To be an important person or a famous person is not difficult in a sense, but to be a good person is not so easy. Only those who are kind and honest at heart can become good people.

Life is not all hardships and difficulties, it has comfort and joy at the same time; just like the seasons we experience, spring comes after the harsh winter, and the sun comes after the wind and snow.

The most generous person in the world is Liu Beipai, who can say the most beautiful words in the world; the most selfish person in the world is Liu Beipai, who can harvest the fruits of other people's labor and kick out others He's a capable person.

If you strive for success in your career, no matter how short or long your life is, there is no need to worry about failure in your career.

The life of an ignorant person is like a tree without leaves, lacking vitality.

On the long road of life, no matter it is a storm or a rapids. The most important thing is that the fire of life cannot be extinguished.

Only by experiencing all kinds of hardships in life can we realize the value of life.
Positive famous quotes

1. Patience is better than brain power.
2. If you are poor, you do not necessarily want to change, but if you want to be rich, you should change.
3. Where there is hope, pain also becomes joy.
4. As long as the road is right, there is no need to worry about the distance.
5. A wise man seeks everything from himself; a fool seeks everything from others.
6. As long as you have faith, you can walk in faith.
7. You must promote yourself to yourself 100%.
8. A beautiful life should be full of expectations, surprises and gratitude.
9. Everything must be viewed from multiple perspectives.
10. Belief is the starting point of success, and persistence is the end point of success.
11. What you think you can do and what you don’t do is actually just a thought.
12. Have the best hope, make the best effort, and prepare for the worst.
13. Do not take trivial matters lightly, as a small gap will sink the boat; do not take trivial things lightly, as small insects will poison the body.
14. Many people are not unwilling to accept new ideas, but are unwilling to abandon old ideas.
15. To achieve your own goals, you must be able to endure loneliness and work alone.
16. Happiness is not about having more but care less.
17. Without the language of love, all words are boring.
18. Even an immature attempt is better than a stillborn strategy.
19. If you once sang the praises of the dawn, then please also embrace the night.
20. A fool uses his body to monitor his soul, and a wise man uses his mind to monitor his body.
21. Let us replace the worries beforehand with thinking and planning beforehand!
22. After customers, there are customers. The beginning of service is the beginning of sales.
23. Will determines your success, and progress determines your future.
24. Treat yourself as a fool and ask if you don’t understand. You will learn more.
25. Tomorrow is the fastest-growing piece of land in the world, because it is full of hope.
26. Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.
27. You can gain the whole world with love, and you can lose the whole world with hate.
28. The most tiring thing in the world is living a hypocritical life.
29. Before correcting others, first reflect on whether you have made a mistake.
30. The value of a person is determined at the moment of being raped.
31. Young love may not always be smooth sailing, only the ups and downs can bring true love.
32. There is pressure, but not overwhelmed; confused, but never despair.
33. Life without friends is like life without sunshine.
34. As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves.
35. With fewer preset expectations, the care for others will be more comfortable.
36. Thoughts are like drills. They must be concentrated on one point to gain power.
37. Have the greatest expectations, work hard for the greatest, and prepare for the worst.
38. People often trade health for wealth when they are young, and trade wealth for health when they are old.
39. The most tiring thing in the world is living a hypocritical life.
40. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.
41. Success is not a condition but a belief; success is not a method but an idea.
42. The difference between what you think you can do and what you don’t do is actually just a thought.
43. The wise create opportunities, the strong seize opportunities, and the weak wait for opportunities.
44. Life does not depend on how long or short you live, but on how early or late you are enlightened.
45. The sun is new every day, / the sun rises for every heart every day!
46. Some things mature after they have been experienced, and some people settle after they understand them.
47. Being single does not necessarily bring misfortune, and money does not necessarily bring misfortune.
48. A happy heart is like medicine, but a broken heart sucks the marrow dry.
49. Home! sweet Home! The most beautiful thing in the world is home.
50. Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least laborious.
51. People who have no dreams will always work hard for those who have dreams.
52. A person’s greatest bankruptcy is despair, and his greatest asset is hope.
53. God never complains about people’s ignorance, but people complain about God’s injustice.
54. You can gain the whole world with love, and you can lose the whole world with hate.
55. When something is considered an opportunity by everyone, it is no longer an opportunity.
56. Three days of prophethood, ten years of prosperity. Take action and you will be empowered.
57. We are not the descendants of rich men, but we can become the ancestors of nobles.
58. Using despicable means to achieve a noble goal is also not a noble behavior.
59. If you dare not give it a try because you are afraid of failure, you will never succeed.
60. When you are alive, you must actively face everything life gives you. Of course, you can also choose to die!
61. A person who is few words does not necessarily mean he is wise and brave, and a person who talks and laughs does not necessarily mean he is not serious.
62. Any mountain can be moved, as long as the sand and soil are transported away truck by truck.
63. The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don’t have.
64. Efforts will definitely yield results, but they may not necessarily lead to good results. If you go in the wrong direction, your efforts will be in vain.
65. Old people do not necessarily have rich experience, and young people do not necessarily have poor speaking skills.
66. The first youth is given by God; the second youth is achieved by your own efforts.
67. People must not be sick. If you are sick, you will suffer personally, your children will be affected, and you will have to spend more on medical expenses.
68. People without lofty beliefs are like a pool of stagnant water, which can never make great waves.
69. Broken love is the fruit of early autumn. If you pick it before it is ripe, you will taste sourness and bitterness.
70. If a paratrooper never jumps from a plane, he will never be able to cure his fear of heights.
71. If a person is weak, he is his own worst enemy. A man who is brave is his own best friend.
72. People become great because of their dreams, and truly great people keep working hard to realize their dreams.
73. First love is the first blooming flower, rich and fragrant. It makes people recall the sweetness and passion of first love for a lifetime.
74. True love should transcend the length of life, the width of the heart, and the depth of the soul.
75. The first sentence, never give up; the second sentence, never give up; the third sentence, never give up.
76. The environment will never be perfect. Negative people are controlled by the environment, but positive people control the environment.
77. We are poor and have no money, so we should not be happy; making more money toward wealth is the original intention.
78. Positive people are like the sun, which shines wherever they go; negative people are like the moon, which is different on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.
79. Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, that is the death of knowledge.
80. If it is a mountain, it has height and slope; if it is a river, it has width and depth; if it is a human being, it has shortcomings and mistakes. /
81. When you fail to hit the golf ball, the hole is just a trap; when you hit it, it is a success.
82. People often use known experience to judge unknown things; they take wrong inferences as true conclusions.
83. When you are alive, you have to take everything life gives you seriously. Of course, you can also choose death!
84. People who step on other people's shoulders to show their own height will sooner or later become an out-and-out dwarf.
85. Any knowledge I pursue is just to more fully prove that my ignorance is infinite.
86. Money can buy comfort and enjoyment, but it cannot buy knowledge, health, sincere emotions and love.
87. If people frame themselves within a certain range, they will easily limit their thinking and pattern.
88. A charming beauty does not necessarily have an empty heart; a silly lady does not necessarily have to be unintelligent and extraordinary.
89. Never falling down is not a glory. Being able to stand up again every time you fall is the greatest honor.
90. If life is stripped of ideals, dreams, and fantasies, then life will be just a pile of empty shelves.
91. What kind of ideas you have, what kind of future you have; what kind of concepts you have, what kind of results you have.
92. Where there is an ideal, hell is heaven. Where there is hope, pain also becomes joy.
93. Being rich comes from being dissatisfied; being noble comes from being able to be refined; being poor comes from having little knowledge; being humble comes from having no spine.
94. Choose the right partner for a happy life, choose the right teacher for wisdom, choose the right environment for a happy life, and choose the right industry for success.
95. Whether you are successful today depends on your attitude yesterday, and today's attitude determines whether you will be successful tomorrow.
96. Endure the pain that others cannot endure, and suffer the hardships that others cannot bear, in order to reap the rewards that others cannot.
97. Loneliness in life is a kind of strength. If a person can withstand loneliness, he will be free; if he cannot bear loneliness, he will be restrained by others.
98. When a person truly awakens, he gives up pursuing the wealth in the external world and begins to pursue the real wealth in his inner world.
99. A person who can see things from other people's point of view and understand other people's mental activities will never have to worry about his own future.
100. All victories are insignificant compared with the victory of conquering oneself. All failures are insignificant compared with the failure of losing yourself.
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The above is all about the great wisdom and courage that can be learned from Inamori's philosophy, the thoughts after reading Chapter 4 of Kazuo Inamori's "Heart" Implementing the Right Path, and the related content about great wisdom and courage. I hope it can help you.

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