
Contents of this article

  • 1. has several pronunciations
  • 2.
  • 3. There are several ways to pronounce and form words separately.
  • What are the several pronunciations of 4.?

There are several pronunciations of

There are generally four types, de, dí, dì, and dī. The group of words is as follows:

1. Dying

[yǎn de] 


2. covered

[gài de] 

That is, false, bragging and the like.

3. Similar

[shì de] 

particle. Used after nouns, pronouns or verbs, it means something similar to something or a situation: pouring ~ heavy rain. Fei Ye ~ run away. Like no one else knows~.

4. Others

[bié de] 


5. Damn it

[mā de] 

Vulgar swear words.

6. Home

[jiā de] 

Used after a man's name to refer to his wife.

7. Yes

[de shì] 


8. Spread

[sā de] 

Fierce and powerful.

9. suddenly

[hū de] 

See "suddenly".

10. Leisure

[xián de] 

The unemployed in towns and cities who were employed in the old days.

There are several pinyin for , and several pronunciations for . Picture 1

11. Round

[yuán de] 

Draw colorful dots between the eyebrows. A kind of decoration for ancient women.

12. Wu Wei

[wù de] .This; this.

13. Raw

[shēng de] 

The province of "raw rice". That is centimeters.

There are several pinyin for , and several pronunciations for . Picture 2

There are several ways to pronounce and form words separately.

Multiple input method (multiple Chinese character and graphic symbol input method) input r in the text search column of the "Universal Standardized Chinese Character Multiple Code Table" and type the word "的". You will know that the word "的" is in the 6th edition of "Modern Chinese Dictionary" No. 272; There are four readings and explanations in pages 278;279;286:
Page 272 [of] ① •de [auxiliary] (omitted). ②• de is the same as “get” in the old days.
Page 278 [of] dī [name] taxi.
Page 279【的】dí real; real.
Page 286【的】dì The center of the target.

There are several pinyin for , and several pronunciations for . Picture 3

What are the several pronunciations of

Three types.
's 1 [dì ㄉㄧˋ]
["Guangyun" are all cut, put into tin, end. ]
1. Bright; distinct; clear. "Ode to the Goddess" by Song Yu from Chu Dynasty during the Warring States Period: "The eyebrows are fluttering like moths, and the red lips are like elixirs. "Volume 1 of "Han Shi Wai Zhuan": "So there are five things that are invisible in life: no eyesight, no food, no walking, no speech, no ability to transform, and the smallest three months, and then you can see. "Liu Xiyi of the Tang Dynasty" poem "Spring Day for a Lady": "The dawn light of the bead curtain makes the jade face bloom in spring." "2. White. Tang Dynasty Huang Tao's poem "Sending Friends on a Boundary Tour": "I chant "Moon over the Mountain" personally, and return to chant the frost on my temples. "3. Ma Bai's forehead. Also refers to a horse with a white forehead. Northern Wei Dynasty Li Daoyuan's "Shui Jing Zhu·Weishui": "Liu Bei's breakthrough is the same. ” See “ of 颢”. 4. The center of the target. "Poetry·Xiaoya·Bin's First Banquet": "Send what you have to pray for your honor. ""Selected Works·Cao Zhi's "White Horse Chapter"": "The one who controls the string breaks the left, and the one who controls the right string destroys the moon branch. " Li Shan Note: "Yes, it is the quality of ejection. " Liang Liu Xie of the Southern Dynasties "Wen Xin Diao Long·Yi Dui": "The words are correct, just like those in She Hou Zhong. "Ming Dynasty Xu Wei's poem "Serving Shaobao Gong's Banquet Gathering at the Dragon's Tour of Cuiguangyan": "The horses and horses hissed and the crowds marched in mixed colors, and the red flags shot through the poplars. "5. Purpose; standard; criterion. "Han Feizi, Wai Chu Shuo, Upper Left": "When a person listens to words and does not regard their functions as functions, the speakers often talk about "thorns" and "white horses". "Mr. Lu Wentong's Tomb List" by Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty: "His way is mainly based on living people, with Yao and Shun as the leaders. "Ye Shi of the Song Dynasty" Liang Fu Yin": "The Han family did this without leaving the rest of the people behind. "Manuscript of the History of the Qing Dynasty·Li Zhiyi": "along the Han and Tang Dynasties, there was a Ming Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty, to save the ruins of Xingya, Xianyi did it." "6. Qin Hui. "Wenxuan Meicheng "Qifa"" "The Er of Nine Widows Thinks of Yue" Li Shan of the Tang Dynasty Note: "The Book of Characters" says: 'Yueyi's word is also called Dudiqie. ’, Qin Hui also. ”7. The red dots that adorned the faces of ancient women. "Ode to the Goddess" by Wang Can of the Han Dynasty: "The clothes that are taxed are free of hairpins, and the ones that are made of flowers are tied with hairpins. "Fu Xian of Jin Dynasty's "Mirror Fu": "Er is so far away that the two dots point to show the posture. " Xu Wei's poem "Painting Red Plum Blossoms" of the Ming Dynasty: "The ones that are floating for no reason are killing Shouyang's eyebrows. "8. The peaks towering at your fingertips. Emperor Xuan of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties wrote in "Ode to the Seven Mountains Temple": "The gods are rocky and independent, and the immortals are bright and alone. ""神篻", Volume 3 of Yang Shen's "Yilin Cutting Mountains" of the Ming Dynasty was quoted as "神篻". Wang Zhijian of the Ming Dynasty wrote in "Biaoyilu·Mountains and Rivers": "The convex and concave valleys are called clamor, and the sharp peaks are called yin. 9. Use the same word as "drop". "Dunhuang Song Ci·Feng Guiyun": "Who knows that the face is red and the tears are like beads, and the golden hairpin is used (in vain) to divine, and the hexagrams are all empty. "Dunhuang Song Ci·Dongxian Song": "The sound of cold crickets hurts me every night, and the tears are streaming on the pillow." ”10. Pass “嫡”. Refers to the eldest son in a family under the patriarchal system. "Han Feizi: Rape and Patricide": "Therefore, killing the virtuous and establishing the young and weak is the way to go; and destroying the righteous and establishing the unjust. 11. Pass "嫡". Refers to those who are closely related by blood. See "parent". 12. Pass "嫡". Refers to orthodoxy. "New Tang Book·Tujue Biography": "Tuhuan Shi and Uzile are other tribes of the Western Turks. Since the destruction of Helu, the two khans have all served first, and have captured the king of Wu. ” 13. Pass “诂”. Lotus seeds. Pan Yue of Jin Dynasty wrote "Fu Rong Fu": "The Danhui is red, and the flying beard is hanging down. "Fu Rong Fu" written by Bao Zhao of the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty: "The green house is rounded and round. "Wang Yanshou of the Han Dynasty wrote "Lu Lingguang Palace Fu" as "Zihe". The second poem of "Mrs. Li" by Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty: "The remaining branches of dogwood are mostly broken by autumn lotus. "Wang Anshi of Song Dynasty's poem "Suiwan": "Take your children with you to find new things, support the weak and sit on the wild voyage. "The first work is "诂".
’s 2 [dí ㄉㄧ╛___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____]
1. Certain; accurate. Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty wrote a poem called "Hundred Days of Vacation": "But don't look back when you are walking around, you will take advantage of others who have no official position. " Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty, "Postscript to "The Report of the Western Expedition": "The unruly man then wanted to recruit me to pacify me, saying that besides pacifying me, I have no other wisdom and strategies that can be controlled by him. Isn't that ridiculous!" "The Scholars" Chapter 47: "Mr. Yu Da said: 'If you enter the temple with filial piety, it should be on the third day of the lunar month. ’” 2. Ultimately; to the end. "Chen Shu·Fu Wei Biography": "They call this person the other person, this person calls the other person the other person, and where does each other's name belong? "The second poem of "Guanglu'an" by Su Shi of the Song Dynasty: "Who is the prefect of the city? Mr. Lin Xia is not me. "Volume 2 of "Guangyang Miscellaneous Notes" by Liu Xianting of the Qing Dynasty: "I heard that there is a cemetery in Yuezhou, but it is unknown where it is. "
's 3 [de ˙ㄉㄜ]
1. Form the word "的". Represents a modification relationship. Song Dynasty Qian Hu's "Qian's Private Chronicles": "He is a bloody man. "The last episode of "The Legacy of Xuanhe": "The captive chief was furious, so he took Fu Cha and killed him. Cha is the grandson of Fu Yaoyu. "Jin Dong Jieyuan's "The Romance of the West Chamber Zhugong Diao" Volume 2: "The delicate appearance is worse than the ugliness of Pan An and Song Yu. "Liu Zhi of Yuan Dynasty's "Shuixian Cao" song: "Xi Shi, the romantic and evil fighting grass. "Ding Ling's "Mother" 1: "The golden sunshine spread all over the fields, including some fields where rice has been harvested. ” 2. The word group forming “的” replaces the noun. The fourth chapter of the first book of "The Romance of the West Chamber" written by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty: "The old one is the young one, the village one is the pretty one, they are not upside down, it is better than celebrating the Lantern Festival. "Volume 20 of "The Surprise of Making Cases at the First Moment": "For example, if one side has wealth and power, most people who want wealth and power will only go to one side. "The Scholars" Chapter 1: "These old clothes and some old things were pawned and sold." "Lao She's "Four Generations Under One Roof" 27: "A shopkeeper, according to the old rules, does not get much remuneration per month. ” 3. The word phrase forming “的” modifies verbs or adjectives. Dong Jieyuan of Jin Dynasty, Volume 6 of "The Chronicles of the West Chamber Zhu Gong Diao": "The traces of his life are uncertain, like a broken canopy. Listening to Sai Hong, he flew dumbly over the dusk clouds. "The third chapter of the fourth book of "The Romance of the West Chamber" written by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty: "The horses are walking at a leisurely pace, and the carriages are following quickly. "Volume 12 of "The Surprise of Shooting the Case at Two Moments": ""Chen Liang" found out and regretted: "I only said a few words to Hui'an, but I didn't make it serious." ’” Chapter 2 of Gao Yunlan’s “Spring and Autumn in a Small Town”: “Zhao Xiong shook hands with Jian Ping politely and was polite. ”4. Connect complements that express degree or result. Chapter 3 of "Water Margin": "I slapped the waiter on the face and made the waiter vomit blood in his mouth. "A Dream of Red Mansions" Chapter 11: "Why are you so thin after not seeing me for a few days?" "Sun Li's "Chronicles of Baiyangdian·Xiao Sheng'er": "On the wheat-yellow days of May, on the Jizhong Plain, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, the trees were stripped of branches and leaves, and the ditches were dripping with blood. "5. Used to express possibility. The poem "Salt Pond" by Wang Yucheng of the Song Dynasty: "It is difficult to reach the end of the sea, and it is impossible to pass by the young people. "6. Used between nouns and pronouns referring to people and nouns referring to positions and status, indicating that someone has obtained a certain position or status. Rehearsal of "The White-Haired Girl", Xiao Wang's "Xi'er", my Dachun; today's meeting is your chair. 7. Add "的" after the noun or pronoun that refers to people inserted in the middle of some verb-object phrases. Indicates that someone is the object of an action. Don't make fun of Xiao Li; don't be angry with me. 8. Used between the verb and object of some sentences to emphasize the subject, object, time, place, method, etc. of the action that has taken place. Ming Dynasty Jinluan's "Nazha Ling·Appreciating Red Peonies in Zhu Qizhai Garden Pavilion" suite: "The bridal chamber I just left is soaked with moisture and cool with dew. "What Lao Zhao said, I didn't speak. 9. Used after certain phrases at the beginning of a sentence to emphasize reasons, conditions, situations, etc. It's broad daylight, and you're still worried that you can't find the way? As we walked, it got dark. 10. Used after parallel words to mean "etc." or "like". Still saying "something". He picked up a large basket of scrap metal; the fellow villagers made tea and water with great enthusiasm. 11. Used between two quantifiers in spoken language to express addition or multiplication. One dollar and twenty-five cents is eighty-two cents, two dollars and seven cents; six square meters is three meters, which equals eighteen cubic meters. 12. Used at the end of a statement to express a positive tone. The second chapter of the first book of "The Romance of the West Chamber" written by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty states: "This temple was built by Queen Zetian, but later it collapsed and was rebuilt by Cui Xiangguo. " Qiu Jin of the Qing Dynasty "Advice to Sisters": "Sisters, no one in the world is willing to accept the name of slave. "He's leaving; I'm going there by bike. 13. Used after a verb, it is still used today to say "to". The second chapter of "Enemies and Creditors" by Anonymous Yuan Dynasty: "You are sitting in the tea house, I will look for that stupid guy, I dare to stay here sooner or later. "Water Margin" Chapter 7: "I saw the female envoy Jin'er panicking, blushing, and shouting at the gap in the wall: 'No officials can sit down!' The lady is talking to people in the temple. ’” 14. Used after a verb, just like today’s word “了”. The third chapter of "Shengjin Pavilion" written by Wuhan Chen of the Yuan Dynasty: "Zhang Qian, my dear, I will give you ten days' leave to go to my private house and get some bedding. "15. Lining words in opera sentences. See " 3 that ", " 3 this ".

There are several pinyin for , and several pronunciations for . Figure 4

The above is all about the pinyin of , the pronunciation of , and the pinyin of the sentence. I hope it can help you.

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