
Contents of this article

  • 1.demeter and smell library
  • 2. How was Demeter born in Greek mythology?
  • 3.demeter smell library
  • 4. What is the pronunciation of Demeter?

demeter and smell library

Because many people believe that perfume is not a cosmetic, but a work of art. An excellent perfume can bring users a pleasant experience. Most of the perfumes in the Smell Library do not do this. Most of the scents in the Smell Library only have A name, some are imitations of scenes, but this imitation only comes from the perfumer's own memory, so many people think it cannot be called a perfume.

Some kind of food, or something very abstract in smell like snow or dust. It may be possible to imitate successfully, but this is the biggest misunderstanding about using perfume.

Demeter, Demeter and Odor Library Figure 1

Perfume does not just exist as a smell. Only when the perfume is sprayed on the skin, sprayed on clothes, and combined with the body, the perfume will be perfectly reflected along with the user's own temperament. But use perfumes with incomprehensible names like "Pool", "Christmas Tree".

It's a bit reluctant to call this thing a perfume, some of the figurative smells barely fit the title, but the imagist smell is completely nonsense. Unless you are obsessed with a certain smell that cannot be unlocked, I can't think of any reason other than cheapness and curiosity to spend money on something that is tasteless and tasteless in three seconds.

However, the number of SKUs displayed on the Tmall flagship store in the Smell Library is nearly a hundred. Among them, shower gel, body lotion, hand cream and other products account for nearly half of the total number of SKUs. However, the domestic perfume Vivigno, which is currently developing well in China, only has more than 30 SKUs on the Tmall flagship store, and all of them are Fragrance products.

For the above content, please refer to    Baidu Encyclopedia-Smell Library

How was Demeter born in Greek mythology?

  Demeter (Greek Δημητηρ; Latin Demeter)
  The goddess in charge of grains in ancient Greek mythology, also the goddess of fertility, the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and her siblings There are: Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus. Demeter and Zeus gave birth to Persephone (it is said that she also gave birth to Iacos), she and Iathion had Plutus and Philomelos, and Poseidon had the god horse Arion.
  Demeter is one of the most revered of the Olympian gods. She controls fertility and blesses the harvest. His hair is as golden as ripe wheat. She taught the world how to farm. She held a holy marriage with Iathion, the Cretan god of agriculture, on the cultivated fields of Crete, and gave birth to Plutus, the god of wealth. She taught Triptolemus, son of King Eleusis, to grow wheat. She gave the dragon chariot to Triptolemus and wheat seeds, which he planted all over the earth. ’
  In the Mycenaean era, land was regarded as the origin of life and the mother of all things. Initially, the earth god was given various responsibilities, and the image of Demeter gradually differentiated from them. She was first in charge of the land's fertility, and later became the protector of farming, social customs and family life, and was therefore regarded as the goddess of legislation. As the role of landowners increased, the worship of Demeter spread widely. Later, she gradually occupied an important position among the gods of Olympus. Demeter's name means "Mother of Grain" or "Mother of Grains". Mother Earth”. Its image is graceful and plump. She is identical to Celis in ancient Roman mythology, often confused with Isis of Egypt, Kybele of Phrygia, and sometimes even with her mother Rhea.
  Most of the legends about Demeter are related to the goddess' search for her beloved daughter Persephone. According to legend, the god Zeus betrothed Persephone to Hades, the king of Hades, as his wife without Demeter's consent. Once, Persephone was gathering flowers with her female companions in the forest near Gena, Sicily, and Zeus lured her away with daffodils. Hades rode in a golden chariot and sped out of the cleft in the earth to kidnap Persephone. Demeter was devastated when she learned that her beloved daughter was missing. Holding a torch, she searched everywhere without wanting to eat or drink. She did not rest for 9 days and 9 nights. Later, she met Hecate who lived in a cave near Hena. The latter led her to meet the sun god Helios. Helios informed: Persephone was kidnapped by Hades (according to Ovid, the river goddess Arethusa traveled underground from Greece to Sicily and witnessed Hades kidnapping Persephone. Ersephone). Demeter was furious and left Mount Olympus in anger. As a result, the land became dry, the fields were barren, and people died of hunger everywhere, especially in Sicily, which was Demeter's favorite island. She wandered in despair. In Arcadia, her brother Poseidon kept pestering him, and she had to turn into a horse to avoid him. Poseidon then turned into a stallion and wooed her. The two gave birth to the god horse Arion, and it is said that they also gave birth to a goddess named "Despona". It is said that her real name was only revealed during the arcadian mysterious ceremony. Pan, the god of fauns, finally found Demeter, the goddess of grains, in a cave and immediately reported it to the god Zeus. Zeus sent the goddess of fate to persuade Hades and Persephone to get married, but Demeter had no choice but to acquiesce.
  It is also said that when Demeter traveled around the world, she taught farming skills to those who were hospitable and at the same time severely punished mischievous fanatics. In Attica, people entertained Demeter with a drink called "chicyon". Ascarabos laughed at the goddess for drinking too much and was immediately turned into a lizard. In Eleusis, Demeter turned into a sad old woman and rested in a corner. She happened to meet the daughter of Cleus passing by while carrying water. They took pity on the old man and took her back to the palace to treat her warmly. Demeter called herself Dosso, an old woman in Crete. Queen Metanella entertained guests warmly, but Demeter refused to join the table. Later, she was moved by the laughter and laughter of the maid Eamobo, and finally she was willing to have a drink. Kikoon”. She decided to act as a maid to the queen as a token of her gratitude. Metanera ordered her to look after the baby Triptolemus. In order to make the baby transcendent and become a god, Demeter applied the divine food "Ambrosia" to the baby's body during the day and roasted the baby on the fire at night. The baby grew extremely rapidly. Later, Praxitea accidentally discovered it and quickly reported it to Queen Metanera. In order to find out the truth, Metanera spied on him secretly and saw him being put on the fire. She couldn't help but scream. Demeter's good intentions were misunderstood. She was furious and threw the baby to the ground angrily. Revealing his true colors, he ordered Cyrus to build his temple at Eleusis and establish the mysterious rituals of Eleusis.
  Demeter spent a whole year in the temple of Eleusis, refusing to associate with the gods, and the earth remained barren. Seeing that mankind was about to be destroyed and sacrifices would be interrupted, the god Zeus had no choice but to order Iris to persuade Demeter to return to Mount Olympus. Demeter insisted on taking back her beloved daughter Persephone. Zeus had no choice but to promise that if Persephone did not taste the food of the underworld, she could return to the world of the sun, and ordered Hermes to go to the underworld to retrieve Persephone. Hades reluctantly agreed to let Persephone leave, but before leaving, he gave her a pomegranate (according to Ovid, Persephone picked it while wandering in the garden). When Persephone finally arrived at Eleusis, Demeter hurriedly asked her if she had tasted the food of Hades. She wanted to deny it, but Askaraphos testified that he had witnessed her eating pomegranates of Hades. Reality. Persephone was so sad that she had to admit that she had indeed eaten several pills. Zeus then told: Persephone must spend one-third of the year as the wife of Hades in Hades, and the rest of the time (from autumn to early summer of the following year) return to earth to be with her mother. , plants undergo germination, growth and even maturity. Every summer, when the seeds are stored in the barn, Persephone leaves her mother and returns to Hades, leaving the earth in a state of depression. It is also said that Persephone lives in Hades every winter. Whenever she reunites with her mother, winter turns to spring and the plants flourish. Afterwards, Zeus asked Rhea to persuade Demeter to change her mind. Demeter finally agreed to benefit humanity. She ordered Eumolpos to preside over the rituals of Eleusis, ordered Triptolemus to spread the sowing skills, and lent Triptolemus the chariot drawn by his winged dragon. Triptolemus used it to travel around various places. After returning to Eleusis, he was almost killed by Cleus for blasphemy. Thanks to Demeter's secret help, he instead won the throne of Cres.
  According to legend, Tantalus once held a feast for the gods, and Demeter accidentally swallowed a dish (i.e. a shoulder) made from the flesh of Tantalus and Pelops. . Later, the gods resurrected Pelops, and Demeter had to make a shoulder of ivory and inlaid it on his body. At the wedding banquet of Cadmus and Harmonia, Demeter fell in love with the mortal Iathion at first sight and had a tryst in a cultivated field in Crete. Zeus was furious when he heard about it, so he struck Iathion to death with thunder and lightning (one theory is that he was struck lame). In Thessaly, Demeter had a sacred garden. According to legend, a local man, Elysikethon, went to the garden to cut down trees to build a restaurant. Demeter transformed into the priestess of the Holy Circle and tried every means to persuade him not to cut down the sacred trees, but Erysikethon turned a deaf ear. The goddess immediately summoned Pena ("hunger") and ordered him to possess the body of Elysikthon. From then on, the scholar was always hungry, and eventually died of hunger and ate his own flesh. In Greece, the worship of Demeter spread widely. It is especially popular among women. The Athenians held the so-called "Smophorus" ceremony, and most of the participants were women. They prayed to the goddess Demeter for children and prosperity.
  Demeter's main shrine is Eleusis. In September every year, a special mysterious ceremony (lasting for 9 days) is held to express Demeter's grief of losing her beloved daughter, the difficulty of finding her beloved daughter, the secret relationship between life and death, and the purification of body and spirit. . There were numerous festivals dedicated to Demeter and Persephone in other parts of Greece. Demeter is confused with Celis in ancient Roman mythology. In ancient Rome, the worship of Demeter was integrated with the worship of Celis; this trend was especially popular among farmers (its festival was held every year in April).
  The Eleusinian mysteries can be seen in ancient Greek reliefs; statues of Demeter have also been found. Throughout medieval paintings, Demeter is depicted as the protector of agriculture and a symbol of summer. By the Renaissance, Demeter was usually depicted naked, represented by ears of wheat, fruits, a sickle, and sometimes a harvest horn. In European art works from the 16th to 17th centuries AD, the image of Demeter became a symbol of all things in nature and prosperity; the image of Demeter can be seen in the plays of the ancient Greek tragic poet Aristophanes and Works of late European writers.

demeter smell library

There are various libraries, "book bars" and bookstores in Beijing, but a shop called "Demeter (Smell Library)" in Sanlitun is not a place to sell books. There are many perfumes with different flavors in it, just like a library, making perfumes become exquisite books. The brand was founded by Christopher Brosius and Christopher Gable.

DEMETER perfume is a brand in New York, USA. Its founders are two American boys. They have a fragrance library that collects more than 800 fragrances, and they are determined to create perfumes in a way that "connects fragrance and memory". Their creations are inspired by life and help others retrieve forgotten olfactory memories. Scent Library is the general agent of DEMETER perfume in mainland China.

Chinese name: Smell Library

Foreign name: Demeter

Founder: Christopher Brosius

Location    Point: Sanlitun

Species     categories: more than 800 species

From    Source: New York, USA

Demeter, Demeter and Odor Library Figure 2

What is the pronunciation of Demeter?

Pronunciation: [de mò tuī ěr]
English: Demeter
Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, grain and harvest in ancient Greek mythology, and one of the twelve main gods of Olympus one.
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