
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to form words for steep
  • 2. Complete collection of steep words
  • 3. How to form words for steep in second grade
  • 4. How to form the word "very steep"?

How to form the word "steep"

Word composition usually refers to combining a single Chinese character with other suitable Chinese characters to form a bi-syllable or multi-syllable word. It is often used as one of the Chinese language exercises in elementary schools. A Chinese character can be combined with multiple other characters or even itself to form a new word, as follows I carefully compiled how to form words with the word steep, I hope it can help everyone.

1. Steep group of words

[Selected word list]: Steep, steep, steep change, steep chaos, steepness, steep fall, steep, abrupt, steep up, steep Dun, steep slope, steep slope, steep change, steep search, steep stumble, steep straight, steep cliff, steep cliff, steep cliff, steep cliff, pen steep, forced steep, standing steep, high mountain and steep road, steep cliff

2. Dou’s pinyin, Dou’s word combinations and corresponding annotations, Dou’s traditional Chinese characters and Dou’s QQ traditional Chinese characters

[Pinyin of steep]: dǒu

[Deep Traditional Chinese Characters and QQ Traditional Chinese Characters]: steep → Traditional Chinese characters are: steep → QQ Traditional Chinese characters are: 迿

3. The meaning of steep and related information

[The meaning of the word steep]: (1) (shape) original meaning: a very steep slope; nearly vertical: the hillside is very ~.

(2) (Vice) Suddenly, suddenly: the weather changes.

[Related information about the word steep]:

Radical: 靘 Outside strokes: 7 Total strokes: 9

Wubi 86: BFHY Wubi 98: BFHY Cangjie: NLGYO

Stroke order number: 521212134 Four-corner number: 74281Unicode: CJK unified Chinese character U 9661

4. The divergent thinking method of word formation for word combinations of "Dou" (combining words with "Dou" at the beginning, "Dou" in the middle and "Dou" at the end)

Words starting with the word "steep"

steep cliff, steep cliff, steep, steep, steep slope, steep cliff, steep, steep change, steep drop, steep, steep, steep, steep, steep, steep, steep, steep slope, steep, steep, steep, Steep up, steep search

Words with the word "steep" in the middle

Words with the word "steep" at the end

To push steeply, to write steeply, to stand steeply, to stand steeply, to be steep on a high mountain or on a steep road

Complete set of steep words

Steep group of words: steep, steep, steep, steep wall, steep slope, steep change, steep stand, steep cut, steep.

Pinyin dǒu.

The simplified radical "阝" has 7 strokes outside the radical and 9 strokes in total.

Wubi BFHY, Cangjie NLGYO, Zhengma YBO, Sijiao 74281.

Structure left and right, code 7107, location 2224, Unicode 9661.

1. The slope is very large, almost vertical: steep slope.

2. Suddenly: suddenly. sudden change.

Related phrases:

steep slope [dǒu pō] 

A steep slope refers to a channel bottom slope with a slope greater than the critical bottom slope, and also refers to a steeply rising slope.

sudden change [dǒu biàn] 

His face suddenly changed.

steeply [dǒu lì] 

Refers to tall and straight mountains, buildings, etc.

dǒu dùn 


pen steep [bǐ dǒu] 

Very steep.

steep danger [dǒu xiǎn] 

Steep and precipitous.

steepness [dǒu dù] 

The numerical change of a quantity per unit distance.

Steep up [dǒu shàng] 


sudden increase [dǒu zēng] 

The growth is very rapid and sudden.

steep chaos [dǒu luàn] 


stand steep[lì dǒu dǒu] 

Upright appearance.

The mountain is high and the road is steep [shān gāo lù dǒu] 

It is a metaphor for the long and difficult road.

steep cliff [dǒu yá] 

Escarpment, steep cliff.

dou sou [dǒu sōu] 

Take heart.

steep[dǒu nèn] 


How to form words for steep in second grade

1. Steep [dǒu jùn]

(mountain or terrain) is both steep and high.

2. Steep slope [dǒu pō]

The ground that forms a large angle with the horizontal plane; a slope with a large slope.

3. Steep [dǒu lì]

(Mountains, buildings, etc.) upright.

4. The mountain is high and the road is steep [shān gāo lù dǒu]

It is a metaphor for the road being far away and dangerous. Same as "high mountains and dangerous roads".

5. Sudden increase [dǒu zēng]

Increase very rapidly, increase suddenly.

How to form a word for "very steep"

1. Sudden [dǒu rán] suddenly: suddenly awakened.

2. Steep [dǒu lì] (peaks, buildings, etc.) upright.

3. Steep slope [dǒu pō] The ground at a large angle with the horizontal plane; a slope with a large slope.

4. Steep [dǒu jùn] (mountain or terrain) is both steep and high.

5. Steep cliff [dǒu bì] A bank or cliff that is as upright as a wall: steep cliff.

6. Sudden change [dǒu biàn] sudden change or change: sudden change in complexion. The weather changes suddenly.

The above is all about the word formation with the word "dou", how to form a word with the word "dou", and the related content about the word formation with the word "ze". I hope it can help you.

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