
Contents of this article

  • 1. What does the opposite sign mean? Is it good?
  • 2. What are the zodiac signs that determine the fate of three lives?
  • 3. What kind of jobs are they suitable for when they complement each other?
  • 4.What does the opposite sign mean?

What does the opposite zodiac sign mean? Is it good?

   In the relationship between constellations , there will always be the phenomenon of "opposite signs". The opposite sign refers to the constellation 180 degrees opposite. Each of the twelve constellations has its own opposite sign. So below, constellation knowledge will reveal the opposite sign for everyone. What means? What are the opposite signs of the twelve zodiac signs?

   What does the opposite sign mean?
   Opposite signs are not as opposite as they sound on the surface. In the zodiac relationship network, in fact, each constellation has its opposite sign. Constellation, and the opposite constellation refers to the constellation 180 degrees opposite the constellation. It is a concept in geographical position, and there is no opposition or mutual conflict. On the contrary, it can be said that there are potential commonalities between the opposite signs, or it can be said that they are the signs that both parties should learn from and be on the same page with. Of course, opposite signs also exist like magnets, attracting and repelling each other.

   What are the opposite signs of the twelve constellations?
   The twelve constellations are divided into six groups, which can basically be different expressions of the same theme:

  Aries and Libra are both identities, Aries is self-identity, Libra is recognition by others;
  Taurus and Scorpio are both senses, Taurus is the surface of matter, and Scorpio is the depth of passion;
  Gemini and Sagittarius are information, Gemini is common sense classification, and Sagittarius is cosmic insight;
  Cancer and Capricorn are both protection, Cancer is family love, and Capricorn is society. System;
   Both Leo and Aquarius are creations, Leo is personal expression, and Aquarius is group activities;
  Virgo and Pisces are both service, and Virgo is refinement and separation. Pisces is understanding and resonance.

   Complementarity of opposite signs
   Aries & Libra
  Complementarity of opposite signs: 83%
  As The extremely aggressive Aries have always been very decisive in pursuing their own self-worth. On the contrary, Libra is an extremely easy-going sign. His friendliness and good at compromise make Libra successful in diplomacy, and his negotiation skills cannot but be admired.
  One side is an action group, and the other side is a thinking group. Libra learns from Aries' bravery and decisiveness in negotiations, and Aries also feels Libra's outsmarting in action. In comparison, Libra often plays a leading role among the two.

   Taurus & Scorpio
  Complementarity of opposite signs: 92%
  Taurus is a materialist, while Scorpio is an emotionalist. This pair of opposite zodiac signs may seem very discordant. However, what we should see is that both have strong desires, but in completely different ways. Especially the jealousy and possessiveness of Taurus and Scorpio are the absolute first and second place among the twelve constellations.
  Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs. Although they sometimes see the same stubbornness and pessimism, when Scorpio, who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, is alone with Taurus, who is hot on the outside and cold on the inside, Taurus will always It can bring out the childishness of Scorpio and show each other the softest side.

   Gemini & Sagittarius
   Complementarity of opposite signs: 89%
   Gemini and Sagittarius have a strong desire to learn things. Compared with Gemini, Sagittarius has a better understanding of details. Focus on the pattern of things. However, based on overconfidence in themselves, Sagittarius will always set some lofty ambitions for themselves, but in fact, they may be unattainable goals for the current Sagittarius. Fortunately, Gemini can always appear in time at this time and pull Sagittarius back on track in time on the road of common progress.
  Gemini is passionate and active in thinking, and Sagittarius is smart and interesting, so even if there are collisions and conflicts. Gemini and Sagittarius will also use their wisdom to easily resolve conflicts, and they are a pair that enhances their relationship during conversation.

   Cancer & Capricorn
  Opposite complementarity: 86%
  Cancer and Capricorn also have a strong obsession with family values. Cancer's love attitude is that security is the foundation, while Capricorn believes that money and foundation are the guarantee of love. There is a conflict but it is more suitable to talk about the two of them. In the emotional world, Cancer exudes his natural maternal nature, while Capricorn is the face of a strict father. Although it is not a grand affair, and there are occasional disputes and quarrels, these two can make people see the possibility of lasting forever.

   Leo & Aquarius
  Complementarity of opposite signs: 91%
  Leo and Aquarius are both the darlings of the spotlight. No matter where they are placed, Leo and Aquarius will quickly occupy the public eye. Their open and lively personalities are also an important reason for attracting them. But for Leo, the approval of others is crucial, while Aquarius looks indifferent, probably because what he needs more is his own approval. However, it is difficult for the two to get along and communicate with each other, and each other's strength becomes the biggest obstacle. It can be said that pride and tsundere compete in the same field.

   Virgo & Pisces
  Opposite complementarity: 94%
  Virgo and Pisces are very suitable for each other, and their powerful combination allows their love to remain pure And lasting. In life, Virgo tends to solve substantive problems and has strong practical skills, while Pisces is keen on spiritual encouragement. Often when Virgo feels exhausted, Pisces' words are as effective as a tonic. With the self-discipline and strongness of Virgo, the romance of Pisces and their uncompromising companionship, even noisy things seem to have become a bit of color in life. This is a pair who accompany each other and heal each other.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 1

What are the zodiac signs that match the fate of three lives?

Two people can know each other and love each other, which is inseparable from the role of fate. Some people will have inexplicable emotions and feelings from the moment they meet. They feel that they are very familiar and tacit with each other, and they will have common topics, even though they have many differences in personality. They are different, but they still can't stop them from falling in love and attracting each other. Let's take a look at the zodiac signs that are destined to be together. They are destined to be together.

Cancer and Leo are a destined couple. Cancer is gentle and generous, considerate, delicate and sensitive, and very emotional; Leo is passionate, confident and domineering, full of aura, has strong self-esteem and sense of responsibility, and is also more face-saving. From a personality point of view, the two people seem to have nothing in common, but they have a deep bond with each other and are very complementary in personality. Leo can give Cancer a strong sense of security, making him feel protected and cared for, making him feel at ease. Cancer will also give Leo a lot of admiration, making Leo more confident.

Aries and Libra are opposite signs. It can be said that they have nothing in common in terms of personality, and they are completely opposite in terms of performance. However, Aries and Libra can be attracted to each other, impressed by each other's qualities, and come together unconsciously. Aries is impulsive and needs Libra's patience and meticulousness; Libra is hesitant and needs Aries' decisiveness and straightforwardness. Their personalities complement each other and they are destined to be together. Their fate is destined. It has to be said that Aries and Libra are a destined couple, but there are still many areas that need to be reconciled.

Taurus and Pisces have an unexpected fate. Taurus is honest and honest, strict in doing things, and has a more serious and pragmatic attitude towards life, without any sentiment or romance. Pisces is just the opposite. They have a lot of fantasies and imaginations, are emotional, sensitive, like romance and various surprises, and are very ritualistic. No matter how you look at it, these two people are not suitable for being together, but they just meet and fall in love. Pisces still hopes for a stable and happy life deep down, and Taurus will also make some changes for Pisces, so the two can still live together.

Fate is elusive. As long as there is fate, we will meet no matter what. It doesn't matter if we have different personalities, we can still be together.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 2

What kind of jobs are they very suitable for?

I think everyone must have a certain understanding of the opposite signs. Under these conditions, people with opposite zodiac signs have certain diversity or opposition in temperament or fortune. And if this is the case, if they meet and fall in love by fate, will they be able to truly grow old together? , what is the final result of moving towards married life? Today let’s take a look at whether the opposite signs are suitable for a couple.

1. Can we be a couple if we have opposite signs?

Opposite signs are very suitable for couples, because in a family there must be one person who is strong and at the same time the other person is at a disadvantage. Only in this way can they complement each other and be more harmonious. In fact, the opposite signs do not mean that the two people are in a true extreme state of incompatibility between water and fire, but that the advantages of one person may become the shortcomings of the other person, while the advantages of the other person can replace that person. Promote yourself and show more levels. In this way, there is actually a connection and consistency between the constellations, and they need the energy of the other party to supplement them. The actual meanings represented by the two constellations are exactly corresponding.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 3

2. Gemini VS Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius are what everyone sees as the opposite sign. They are highly complementary to each other, so they have strong learning abilities while living together. To others, Gemini and Sagittarius may seem like polar opposites. Ability to learn from each other's strengths and work hard to change one's own shortcomings and deficiencies. Fortunately, Gemini at this time can always happen in time and quickly pull Sagittarius onto the track while moving forward together.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 4

3. Cancer VS Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn are also the most typical pair of opposite signs. The relationship between them is also very high. Those who are dedicated to their families make them willing to devote more time and thought to running their own families. In this situation, when they become husband and wife, the man takes the lead and the woman takes care of the family. In the Lord, one person can work hard, work hard, gain more benefits and social wealth, and allow another person to run his or her daily life well. They can divide work and cooperate to run a home well. Although it is not unforgettable, and there are occasional quarrels and quarrels, these two can let everyone see the possibility of a long-term relationship.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 5

What does the opposite sign mean?

What is the opposite sign? In the relationship between constellations, there is always a saying of "opposite sign". It is the constellation 180 degrees opposite, not an opposite or confrontational constellation, nor a constellation that is in conflict with each other;
On the contrary, it is the constellation that has potential commonalities and consistency, or that is most in need of the other's energy supplement. constellation.
That is, the characteristics of the constellations that should be learned and absorbed most. Of course, in actual getting along, it will be the constellation that attracts and discovers the other person the most.
For example: Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces, Aries-Libra.
The twelve constellations actually have only six energy points. The symmetrical development of one yin and one yang forms the twelve constellations.
In fact, every pair of constellations contains the hidden characteristics of the opposite sign. For example, Aries and Libra are identical in nature but opposite in development.
However, there are complementary needs and logical commonalities among opposites. If Libra is too strong, it will become Aries, and if Aries is too strong, it will become Libra.
In Chinese thinking, things must be reversed when they go to extremes. The same thing happens with the Taurus-Scorpio pair.
This is true for Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces, etc.
Let’s talk about positive and negative phases -------
The so-called planetary phase refers to the angle between the planets in the sky and the center of the astrolabe at the moment you were born. It is a relatively important angle. There are:
Conjunction: The angle between the two planets is close to 0 degrees, that is, they coincide.
Trine: This is an excellent aspect, the angle between the two planets is 120 degrees.
Sextile: This is also an excellent aspect. The angle between the two planets is 60 degrees.
Opposition: The two planets are opposite each other, at 180 degrees. This is a bad aspect, which can be said to be "opposition".
Square: This is also a bad aspect, the angle between the two planets is 90 degrees.
There are other less important aspects, such as 45 degrees, 150 degrees, etc., which are generally rarely considered.
Among them, conjunction, trine, and sextile are positive aspects, and the rest are basically negative aspects. .

What does the opposite sign mean? What does the opposite sign mean?
The opposite sign refers to a relationship between the constellations. The essence of the personality of the opposite signs is the same, but the development is opposite. The two can complement each other in development, supervise and supply each other. Opposite signs have potential interoperability...
Opposite signs refer to a relationship between constellations. The essence of the personality of the opposite signs is the same, but the development is opposite. The two can complement each other in development, supervise and supply each other. Opposite signs have potential interoperability. They can learn from each other and make a lot of progress. They are each other's good teachers and helpful friends.
Aries and Libra are opposite signs.
Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs.
Gemini and Sagittarius are opposite signs.
Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs.
Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs.
Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs.
Is it difficult to get along with people of opposite signs?
A 360-degree astrolabe is divided into 12 grids, each grid is 30 degrees, so the constellation directly opposite you in each grid is your opposite sign. The characteristics of the opposite sign are , masculine versus masculine, feminine versus feminine. For example, Capricorn is feminine, so Cancer is feminine.
Next, the opposite signs will definitely not be both air or earth signs. The air sign must match the fire sign, and the water sign must match the earth sign. For example, the earth sign Taurus is opposite the water sign Scorpio, so Everyone has a basic concept. People with opposite signs are actually twins, split into two different looks. Their essence is the same, so when you look at people with opposite signs, they usually have a fatal attraction.
So are the opposite signs compatible or not?
In fact, the first thing to look at is the maturity level of the other party. If they are mature, they are usually compatible, so the relationship between a boss and his subordinates or a partnership is actually quite good. But when it comes to falling in love, it is basically not recommended. It is not 100% compatible or incompatible, unless one condition is that both parties are mature enough.
Capricorn VS Cancer
In fact, both of them are territorial protectors. Cancer's territorial protector is home, office and other small areas; Capricorn's territorial protector is companies, consortiums, etc., so both of them are territorial protectors. In fact, they are the same model internally.
In terms of relationships, Cancer is used to being tolerant and Capricorn is used to being repressed, so this combination turns out to be very compatible.
Scorpio VS Taurus
They are both possessive in their hearts. Scorpio is obviously possessive while Taurus is an invisible possessor. Therefore, Taurus and Scorpio actually have exactly the same degree of jealousy.
In terms of relationships, because the two are too head-on and strong, many Scorpios and Taurus are more likely to get out of control due to quarrels when they are together.

What is the opposite sign? In the relationship between constellations, there is always a saying of "opposite sign". It is the constellation 180 degrees opposite, not an opposite or confrontational constellation, nor a constellation that is in conflict with each other;
On the contrary, it is the constellation that has potential commonalities and consistency, or that is most in need of the other's energy supplement. constellation.
That is, the characteristics of the constellations that should be learned and absorbed most. Of course, in actual getting along, it will be the constellation that attracts and discovers the other person the most.

Why are the opposite signs so attractive? Cancer represents the feminine mother-type personality, while Capricorn represents the masculine father-type personality.
Cancer is sensitive and fragile, impulsive and emotional, while Capricorn is calm, strong, down-to-earth and stable.
Both Cancer and Capricorn have low self-esteem and strong ambitions. At the same time, they are loyal and dedicated, have a strong desire to lead, and have a strong sense of family.
The relationship between the two is like yin and yang in harmony, male and female are equal, and they will feel very solid and satisfied. However, both are relatively gloomy in nature, and they cannot enhance each other's atmosphere. They are easily bored and give up on their posts.

The positive and negative phases of the opposite signs. The so-called planetary phases refer to the angles between the planets in the sky and the center of the astrolabe at the moment you were born. The more important angles are: conjunction : The angle between the two planets is close to 0 degrees, that is, they overlap. Trine: This is an excellent aspect. The angle between the two planets is 120 degrees. Sextile: This is also an excellent aspect. The angle between the two planets is 60 degrees. Opposition: The two planets are opposite each other at 180 degrees. This is a bad aspect and can be said to be an "opposition". Square: This is also a bad aspect, the angle between the two planets is 90 degrees. There are other less important aspects, such as 45 degrees, 150 degrees, etc. Generally, the conjunction, trine, and sextile are positive aspects, and the rest are basically negative aspects.

When the opposite signs are together, are they compatible or not? The twelve constellations actually only have six energy points. The symmetrical development of one yin and one yang forms twelve constellations. In fact, Each pair of zodiac signs contains the hidden characteristics of the opposite sign. For example, Aries and Libra are identical in nature but opposite in development. However, there are complementary needs and logical commonalities in the opposites. If Libra is too strong, it will become Aries, if Aries is too strong, it will turn into a Libra. In Chinese thinking, things must be reversed when they reach their extremes. The same thing happens with the pair Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces, etc.
The twelve zodiac signs are divided into six groups, which can basically be different expressions of the same theme. For example, Aries and Libra are both identifications, Aries is self-identification, and Libra is identification with others; Taurus and Scorpio are both sensory. , Taurus is the surface of matter, Scorpio is the depth of passion; Gemini and Sagittarius are information, Gemini is common sense classification, Sagittarius is cosmic insight; Cancer and Capricorn are both protection, Cancer is family love, and Capricorn is social system; Leo and Aquarius are both creations, Leo is personal expression, and Aquarius is group activities; Virgo and Pisces are both service, Virgo is refinement and separation, and Pisces is understanding and resonance.
The fatal attraction of constellations to palace constellations
1. Aries: Libra - a combination of concave and convex
Aries is a constellation of self that concentrates inwardly, while Libra is a constellation of "selflessness" that diverges outwards.
Aries pays most attention to their own feelings, while Libra has no ego and pays most attention to the "aquatic" happiness of the overall situation.
Both Aries and Libra are relatively selfish. Aries must not treat themselves badly, while Libra cannot let others take advantage of them.
When Aries and Libra are together, they are opposite and include each other. But Libra is dissatisfied with Aries' impulsiveness, and Aries resents Libra's indecision. Easy to attract but not easy to last.
2. Taurus: Scorpio - tit for tat
Taurus values ​​material things the most, while Scorpio values ​​the soul the most.
Taurus is slow and Scorpio is strong. One has a very slow response, and the other has a very sensitive and agile response.
Both Taurus and Scorpio are possessive, like to keep a low profile and are deeply interested in sex.
When Taurus and Scorpio are together, they will be deeply attracted, and the two will be tit-for-tat. But in the end, you will find that Scorpio cannot penetrate into the heart of Taurus, and Taurus cannot keep up with Scorpio's mood changes
3. Gemini: Sagittarius - go hand in hand
Gemini is a multi-faceted self, while Sagittarius is very simple single.
Gemini can always stay out of the situation and analyze calmly, while Sagittarius can always be involved in the situation and cannot see the flaws in the situation.
Gemini and Sagittarius love freedom and are impatient. They can easily fall in love with anything that lasts only three minutes.
When Gemini and Sagittarius are together, they are like two gusts of wind blowing in the same direction. They will not restrain or interfere with each other. At the same time, they do not know how to cherish and let each other go. There is no point of convergence, and it is easy to miss and stay away.
4. Cancer: Capricorn - Yin and Yang combined
Cancer represents the feminine mother-type personality, and Capricorn represents the masculine father-type personality.
Cancer is sensitive and fragile, impulsive and emotional, while Capricorn is calm, strong, down-to-earth and stable.
Both Cancer and Capricorn have low self-esteem and strong ambitions. At the same time, they are loyal and dedicated, have a strong desire to lead, and have a strong sense of family.
The relationship between the two is like yin and yang in harmony, male and female are equal, and they will feel very solid and satisfied. However, both are relatively gloomy in nature, and they cannot enhance each other's atmosphere. They are easily bored and give up on their posts.
5. Leo: Aquarius - one good and one evil
Lion integrates energy and unifies everything, while Aquarius disperses energy and equals everything.
The Leo's heart is toward the human self, while the Aquarius' heart is toward the social human being.
Both Leo and Aquarius are proud, conceited, creative and intolerant of a mediocre life.
The relationship between Leo and Aquarius is like a battle between good and evil. When Leo considers the method to be very authoritative and true, Aquarius takes shortcuts in a "wrong way", which Leo cannot accept. You may be happy at first, but one party must affirm and appreciate the other party to achieve lasting harmony.
6. Virgo: Pisces - polish
Virgo extracts the essence, and Pisces encompasses everything.
Virgo is rational and restrained, while Pisces is emotional and indulges in experimentation.
Both Virgos and Pisces yearn for pure and romantic moments and need trust. Maybe one is cautiously getting involved in love stories, while the other has experienced a love history of up to five thousand years.
The relationship between Virgo and Pisces is like a kind of embellishment. Pisces uses...>>

Six groups of opposite signs. The twelve constellations are divided into six groups. Basically It can be different expressions of the same theme: Aries and Libra are about identification, Aries is about self-identity, and Libra is about being recognized by others; Taurus and Scorpio are both sensory, Taurus is the surface of matter, and Scorpio is the deep layer of passion; Gemini and Sagittarius are information, Gemini is common sense classification, Sagittarius is cosmic insight; Cancer and Capricorn are both protection, Cancer is family love, Capricorn is social system; Leo and Aquarius are both creation, Leo is individual expression, and Aquarius is group Activities; Virgo and Pisces are all about service, Virgo is about refining and distinguishing, and Pisces is about understanding and resonance. Therefore, we know that each zodiac sign implies two changes of itself and two changes of the opposite sign. When opposite signs meet, if they can respect each other's opinions, life will grow very quickly. Opposite signs attract each other like the poles of a magnet, but the other side of attraction is also repulsion. The couple combinations of opposite zodiac signs mentioned earlier are only in terms of life, so from a personality and psychological point of view, what are the similarities and differences between opposite zodiac signs? Let’s study together! Aries VS Libra - A combination of concave and convex. Aries is the constellation of the self that is concentrated inward, while Libra is the constellation of "selflessness" that diverges outward. Aries pays most attention to their own feelings, while Libra has no ego and pays most attention to the harmony and happiness of the overall situation. Aries and Libra are both relatively selfish. Aries must not treat themselves badly, while Libra cannot let others take advantage of them. When Aries and Libra are together, they are opposite and inclusive of each other. But Libra is dissatisfied with Aries' impulsiveness, and Aries resents Libra's indecision. Easy to attract but not easy to last. Taurus VS Scorpio - tit-for-tat. Taurus values ​​material things the most, while Scorpio values ​​the soul the most. Taurus is slow and Scorpio is strong. One has a very slow response, and the other has a very sensitive and agile response. Both Taurus and Scorpio are possessive, like to keep a low profile and are deeply interested in sex. Taurus and Scorpio will be deeply attracted to each other when they are together, and the two will be tit-for-tat. But in the end, you will find that Scorpio cannot penetrate into Taurus's heart, and Taurus cannot keep up with Scorpio's changes in mood. Gemini VS Sagittarius - go hand in hand with each other. Gemini is a multi-faceted self, and Sagittarius shows himself with an unexpected multiple personalities. Gemini can always stay out of the situation and analyze calmly, while Sagittarius can discern the truth of things with great wisdom and foolishness. Gemini and Sagittarius love freedom and are impatient. They can easily fall in love with anything that lasts only three minutes. Gemini and Sagittarius are together like two gusts of wind blowing in the same direction, and will not restrain or interfere with each other. But at the same time, I don’t know how to cherish and let each other go. There is no point of convergence when there is intersection, and it is easy to miss and stay away. Cancer VS Capricorn - Yin and Yang compatibility. Cancer represents the feminine mother-type personality, and Capricorn represents the masculine father-type personality. Cancer is sensitive and fragile, impulsive and emotional, while Capricorn is calm, strong, down-to-earth and stable. Both Cancer and Capricorn have low self-esteem and strong ambitions. At the same time, they are loyal and dedicated, have a strong desire to lead, and have a strong sense of family. The relationship between the two is like yin and yang in harmony, male and female are equal, and they will feel very solid and satisfied. However, both are relatively gloomy in nature, and they cannot enhance each other's atmosphere. They are easily bored and give up on their posts. Leo VS Aquarius - One Good and One Evil The Leo integrates energy and unifies everything, while Aquarius disperses energy and equals everything. The Leo's heart is toward the human self, while the Aquarius' heart is toward the social human being. Leo and Aquarius are both proud and conceited, creative and cannot tolerate a mediocre life. The relationship between Leo and Aquarius is like a battle between good and evil. When Leo considers a very authoritative and truthful method, Aquarius takes shortcuts in a "wrong way", which Leo cannot accept. You may be happy at first, but one party must affirm and appreciate the other party to achieve lasting harmony. Virgo VS Pisces - Polishing and polishing the essence of Virgo, Pisces is all-encompassing. Virgo is rational and restrained, while Pisces is emotional and indulges in experimentation. But in fact, virginity rationally suppresses and restrains these main feelings to the outside world, which is not a fair judgment. In fact, the commonly believed virginal hysteria and cautious rationality are not sharp in the world of familiar friends. They just stem from the progressive mentality of virgins. Virgos' mysophobia often stems from their caution about the adverse effects of unfamiliar things on their own world. They have a strong desire to protect and devote themselves to the world of themselves and their friends, but the genius and intelligence of virgins will not keep them in a The state of mediocrity, so the world of virgins seen by friends of virgins is completely different from the world of virgins seen by others; the same is true for cautious rationality, and the cautious rationality of virgins will resonate and sharp vision in their hearts What they reach reveals the original depth of their hearts... >>

What are the compatible zodiac signs and opposite zodiac signs of Leo? It is said that 1. The most suitable person to fall in love with a Leo:
First place: Sagittarius - very similar in personality and ideas, very pleasant and not boring to get along with
Second place: Aries - innocent and enthusiastic Aries, It’s not only fun to get along with but ***
Third place: Aquarius - the calm and smart Aquarius, which just complements the passion of Leo
(Leo’s love compatibility with each constellation)
Aries : Both are passionate about each other, but their parents’ opposition is always a stumbling block. Cooperation degree 91%
Taurus: You two have different values ​​​​and it will be very painful to be together. Cooperation degree 36% Taurus is as stubborn as Leo, and it is difficult to reach a consensus
Gemini: When you show a serious attitude, he will leave you. Gemini, with a cooperation degree of 62% and witty words, makes Leo feel like he has endless things to say...
Cancer: You will be touched by his dedication, but you can't stand his instigation. The feminine Scorpio with a cooperation degree of 56% brings a warm feeling to the Leo
Leo: It progresses gradually from dating, but there are often quarrels. The cooperation degree is 71% and it is also a Leo. Too much similarity will cause occasional conflicts between the two.
Virgo: It is always you who takes the initiative, but be careful of hurting his self-esteem. The careful Virgo with a cooperation degree of 50% is an indispensable helper for the careless Leos
Libra: You are willing to be led by him and feel happy. Libra, a beautiful and generous person with a cooperation degree of 67%, really brightens up his face when he goes out.
Scorpio: You can't open his heart, the two of them seem to have no intersection. Cooperation degree is 23%. Both of them have strong personalities, and it is easy for them to dislike each other
Sagittarius: Being with him is a joy every day. Cooperation degree 98%
Capricorn: The coordination degree is 49%. Capricorn is a decent and virtuous person. He is the best wife and mother in the heart of the lion. With the combination of the king and the king, if the two people are enemies, they will definitely be evenly matched, but if they are The pairing is also good, because Leo can arouse Capricorn's passion, and Capricorn can help Leo stay grounded and complement each other
Aquarius: They can feel each other's charm and are likely to have an in-depth relationship. Cooperation degree 85%
Pisces: Being affected by his emotions for a long time, it is easy for you to lose patience. The romantic and innocent Pisces with a coordination degree of 44% brings the feeling of beautiful love to Leo
It is said that 2. The interaction between Leo and each constellation
The most admired constellation - Sagittarius
The most trusted constellation - Scorpio
The best learning partner - Aquarius
The best working partner - Virgo
The most easily influenced constellation - Taurus
The easiest constellation to master - Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini
The most noteworthy constellations - Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer
100% coordinated constellations - Sagittarius, Aries
90% coordinated constellations - Libra, Gemini
80% coordinated constellations - ―Leo
The same type of (fire sign) constellation-Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
Opposite constellation-Aquarius

In the relationship between the opposite signs of water signs, there are always A theory of "opposite constellations". It is the constellation 180 degrees opposite, not a constellation that is opposite or confrontational, nor a constellation that is in conflict with each other; on the contrary, it is a constellation that has potential commonality and consistency, or the constellation that most needs the other's energy supplement. That is, the characteristics of the zodiac signs that should be most learned and absorbed. Of course, in actual getting along, it will be the constellation that attracts and discovers the other person the most. For example: Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces, Aries-Libra. The twelve constellations actually have only six energy points. The symmetrical development of one yin and one yang forms the twelve constellations. In fact, each pair of constellation contains the hidden characteristics of the palace. For example, Aries and Libra are the same in nature and are the opposite of development, but in the contrary, they need to be composed of each other, and they also have logical commonality. The Libra is too strong to become Aries, and Aries is too strong to become Libra. In Chinese thinking, things must be reversed when they go to extremes. The same thing happens with the Taurus-Scorpio pair. This is true for Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces, etc. Besides, the positive and negative phase --------   The so-called planet phase refers to the angle between the planets between the planets in the sky and the horoscope of the sky in the sky. Phase: The angle between the two planets is close to 0 degrees, which means they overlap. Trine: This is an excellent aspect. The angle between the two planets is 120 degrees. Sextile: This is also an excellent aspect. The angle between the two planets is 60 degrees. Opposition: The two planets are opposite each other at 180 degrees. This is a bad aspect and can be said to be an "opposition". Square: This is also a bad aspect, the angle between the two planets is 90 degrees. There are other less important aspects, such as 45 degrees, 150 degrees, etc. Generally, the conjunction, trine, and sextile are positive aspects, and the rest are basically negative aspects. Cancer: Cancer, ruled by the moon, is the guardian of home, is sensitive, loves home, is nostalgic, and needs an understanding partner. Opposite sign reminder: Learn Capricorn’s goals and plans, and don’t live in the past. Scorpio: Ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio is the dark knight, mysterious, vengeful, constantly dying and reborn, and needs a loyal partner. Opposite sign reminder: Learn the simple life of Taurus Pisces: Pisces, ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, is a good gentleman, sensitive, sacrificial, tolerant, and needs a stable partner. Opposite sign reminder: The principles of learning Virgo are clear (1) Cancer VS Capricorn - Yin and Yang combined. Cancer represents the feminine mother-type personality, and Capricorn represents the masculine father-type personality. Cancer is sensitive and fragile, impulsive and emotional, while Capricorn is calm, strong, down-to-earth and stable. Both Cancer and Capricorn have low self-esteem and strong ambitions. At the same time, they are loyal and dedicated, have a strong desire to lead, and have a strong sense of family. The relationship between the two is like yin and yang in harmony, male and female are equal, and they will feel very solid and satisfied. However, both are relatively gloomy in nature, and they cannot enhance each other's atmosphere. They are easily bored and give up on their posts. (2) Taurus VS Scorpio - Taurus is not good at scheming, while Scorpio is very scheming. Scorpio is good at love, while Taurus is good at secret love. Taurus is slow and Scorpio is strong. One is hesitant and the other is very responsive and quick. Taurus values ​​reality, while Scorpio pursues the soul. Taurus likes sexual and material giving, Scorpio pursues the spiritual aspect and emphasizes the separation of love and sex! Taurus and Scorpio will be deeply attracted to each other when they are together, and the two will be tit-for-tat. But in the end, you will find that Scorpio cannot penetrate deep into the heart of Taurus, and Taurus cannot keep up with Scorpio's changes in mood. (3) Virgo VS Pisces - polishing and modifying the essence of Virgo, Pisces is all-encompassing. Virgo is rational and restrained, while Pisces is emotional and indulges in experimentation. Both Virgo and Pisces yearn for a beautiful plot of pure romance and need trust. Maybe one is cautiously getting involved in love stories, while the other has experienced a love history of up to five thousand years. The relationship between Virgo and Pisces is like a kind of polishing. Pisces uses its own sensual way to blur the sharp edges of Virgo. They will consciously tolerate and sacrifice each other. Both sides are preparing for a new and transparent future. But when one keeps to the track, the other is hesitant. In the end, Virgo will give up on Pisces' relationship. We know that astrology divides the 360-degree area in the sky into 12 blocks, and 12 constellations are used to represent these 12 blocks. One constellation occupies 30 degrees, so each constellation can form a total of six axes. In other words, constellations are groups of two that are opposite each other. The content is that the meaning of one constellation itself will be projected to the opposite constellation due to the relationship between opposite signs... >>

Are the opposite signs mutually exclusive or attracted to each other? They will initially meet and kill each other.
However, because we can understand each other's views, we will feel sympathy for each other, but because of the 180-degree difference, we will have a rejection and resistance.
A love/hate relationship indeed. Each other's feelings for each other will be inexplicably amplified, and the other party will easily step on your landmines and make you instantly angry.
Your opposite sign will know you better than other signs, and you will know your opposite sign well. Even though they understand each other, they despise each other. Whether they will be strongly attracted to each other or repel each other depends on whether you appreciate the opposite sign more than you disdain. After all, the opposite sign can be said to be the other complete half of you. The abilities, thinking and perspectives (energy) of the two people can complement each other and become a complete person. .
The personalities of opposite signs are completely opposite, and there will always be fierce friction when they are together. For example, the energy of water and fire cannot dissolve in each other.
If you don't appreciate the palace more than you disdain, then you can only be like strangers and meet like enemies.
If you want to achieve love, two people must be able to tolerate each other, learn from each other, cooperate with each other, and achieve a consistent goal.
If it really belongs to the latter, the opposite sign will be closer to you than other signs, and the relationship will be stronger.
As long as you break one taboo, you will immediately become more interested in your other mates, and your circle of friends will change accordingly.
Each opposite sign has a different way of compatibility. So in the end, the chance of killing each other is higher.

Opposite signs are complementary. What does the opposite sign mean? Picture 6

The above is all the content about the complementary signs of opposite signs, what does the opposite signs mean, and the related content of whether the opposite signs are complementary. I hope it can help you.

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