
Contents of this article

  • 1. Explanation of anti-Jingdao idioms
  • 2. Solitaire of idioms starting with the antonym
  • 3. What are the combinations of words for "here"?
  • 4.Which idiom has the meaning of scripture and Tao?

Explanation of anti-Jingdao idioms

  [Original text of the idiom]: anti-jinghedao

  [Standard pronunciation]: fǎn jīng hé dào

  [Traditional Chinese writing]: anti-jinghe Tao

   [What does anti-jing and hedao mean]: See "anti-jing and heyi".

  [Anti-Jingdao Idiom Solitaire]: Scholars rebel → Go against the Jingdao → Taoism does not carry out legacy

  [Usage analysis]: Used as predicates and attributives; used to do things

   [Pronunciation warning]: Pay attention to polyphonic characters: together ① gě one-tenth of a liter; ② hé cooperation total.

   [Source Note]: The first chapter of Ming Dynasty Xu Wei's "Nu Zhuangyuan": "This orthodox religion uses uncles to help sisters-in-law, because they are in a hurry to exercise power; they correct the edicts and punish the Qiang, and go against the classics and the Tao .”

  【Corresponding synonyms】: anti-classical meaning

What does "anti-jinghedao" mean? Explanation of the idiom "anti-jinghedao" Figure 1

Idioms starting with the antonym Solitaire

To retort: ​​To talk back, to talk back. If you are not convinced when you are criticized, you will ridicule the other person in turn.
Anticipation: To talk back, to talk back; to argue. If you are not convinced when you are criticized, you will blame the other person instead.
Capricious: Impermanence: Uncertainty of change. The description often changes, sometimes it is like this, sometimes it is like that, and it changes constantly.
Counterattack: Turn the weapon to attack the camp to which you originally belonged.
Ask yourself in reverse: bow: yourself; ask: check. Go back and examine the gains and losses of your words and deeds.
Introspection: self-examination; province: inspection. Go back and examine the gains and losses of your words and deeds.
Negative Teacher: Negative: the bad, negative side. Refers to the words and deeds of people who are enemies of the people, which can educate the people from the negative side.
The guest becomes the host: the guest becomes the host. The metaphor changes from passive to active.
Reverse and ruthless: describes turning against others and not recognizing others.
Turn against one another: Fall out of favor. Fall out and become enemies. Generally speaking, it refers to discord between husband and wife, intensified conflicts, and mutual opposition.
Instead of seeking Zhuji: Qiu: pursue, seek; Zhu: a compound word of "for". In turn, hold yourself accountable. Refers to looking for reasons from one's own side.
Go against the Tao: His: his; Tao: method, approach. Take the opposite approach to the other party.
Bite back: The original means that the animal did not catch it, but was bitten by it. It is a metaphor for the person who is accused to use strong words to attack the person who accused him.
Negative teaching materials: negative materials for teaching. A typical bad example
Anti-listening: neither listening nor seeing. It means not to be disturbed by external objects.
Anti-Pu Gui-Zhen: Anti: through "Hui", return; Pu: simplicity; Gui: return; Zhen: natural, natural. Get rid of the trappings and return to the essence. A metaphor for returning to the original natural state.
Capricious: refers to uncertainty.
The private nature of feeding back: Feeding back: When the baby bird grows up, it feeds its mother food. It is a metaphor for children growing up to support their parents and repay the kindness of raising them.
Anyway, return to integrity: Return to simplicity and integrity. Same as "returning simplicity to purity".
Anyway, bring order to the chaos: to bring order to the troubled times and bring them back to stability and normalcy.
Anti-listening: looking inward; anti-listening: listening to the outside. It means being able to reflect on your own words and deeds, and also listen to the opinions of others.
Reflexive self-questioning: Go back and examine the gains and losses of your words and deeds. Same as "asking yourself".
Turn the fur inside out and damage the skin: The ancients wore fur clothes with the hair facing out, but if they wore it inside out, the hair would be inside and the skin would be damaged. It is a metaphor for ignorance.
Reverse the fur coat to bear the salary: Wear the fur coat backwards and carry firewood. Describes poverty and hard work. It is also a metaphor for a person who is ignorant and does not know the basics. The same as "anti-Qiu negative Cu".
Return to simplicity and honesty: Return to simplicity and honesty.
Anti-scriptural and righteous: Although it goes against the norm, it is still consistent with the righteousness.
Anti-Jingdao: Although it goes against the norm, it still complies with the principles. Same as "against the classics and righteousness".
Anti-arrogance and complacency: Oppose pride and destroy complacency.
To blame oneself: to turn around and blame oneself.
Counterattack and retaliation: refers to the overthrow of class enemies or reactionary forces gathering together to carry out counterattack and revenge against the revolutionary people.
Go against the wind and extinguish the fire: a metaphor for implementing virtuous government.
Reverse to treat the body: Zhi: to rectify; Shen: the body; Qishen: oneself. Instead, fix yourself. Refers to being conquered by the methods of others that you regulate yourself.
Turn the other way: turn over. Turn your back on others. Describes a change of attitude and indifference to others.
Refuse to take back the water: The water has been thrown out and cannot be taken back. Metaphor is irreversible.
Backhand available: reverse: flip. Obtained by flipping palms. Very easy to describe.
Fanqiu negative Cu: Fanqiu: wear leather clothes on your back; negative: back; Cu: firewood. Wearing a fur coat inside out and carrying firewood on the back. Describes poverty and hard work. It is also a metaphor for a person who is ignorant and does not know the basics.
Return to simplicity: Pu: a stone containing jade, also refers to uncarved jade; Gui: return; Zhen: natural, natural. Get rid of the trappings and return to the essence. A metaphor for returning to the original natural state.
Opposite article: An article written from the opposite side of things. Polyrefers to irony.
Rejuvenation: Return. Restore youth from aging. The elderly are described as full of vitality.
Turning labor into leisure: Lao means fatigue; Yi means leisure and rest. Turn fatigue into comfort.
Exerting power against the classics: classic: the normal way; Quan: the expedient method. Refers to breaking the rules and taking expedient measures.
Countermeasures: Jian: alienation. The original intention was to use the enemy's spies to inform the enemy of false information to make them make mistakes. Later, it refers to the strategy of alienating the enemy and making them disunified.
Turn against each other: Ge: an ancient weapon; Xiang: to face each other. Turn your weapons around and confront each other. A metaphor for helping the enemy against oneself.
Feeling of feeding back: It is a metaphor for children growing up to support their parents and repay their kindness.
Turn defeat into victory: Turn defeat into victory.
Rebellious and ruthless: It describes turning against someone and not recognizing the person or showing friendship.
Deliberation: Try many times to choose the best solution.

What does "anti-jinghedao" mean? Explanation of the idiom "anti-jinghedao" Figure 2

What are the combined words?

1. Anti-jing hé dào [fǎn jīng hé dào]: Although it goes against the norm, it is still consistent with the principles. Same as "against the classics and righteousness".

2. Broken mirrors reunite [pò jìng chóng hé]: It is a metaphor for a couple reuniting after being separated or divorced. Same as "broken mirror and reunion".

3. Work together [qí xīn hé lì]: Describes understanding and working together.

4. 情情合意合 [qíng tóu yì hé]: Both parties are very compatible in their feelings and minds.

5. Look together and walk away [mào hé xíng lí]: On the surface the relationship is very close, but in fact they are two hearts. Same as "appearance is in harmony but spirit is separate".


1. Go against the classics and combine the Tao: The first chapter of Xu Wei's "Nu Zhuangyuan" of the Ming Dynasty reads: "This orthodox religion uses uncles to help the sisters-in-law, and exercises power because of urgency; it corrects the edicts and punishes the Qiang, and goes against the classics and the Tao."

2. The coincidence of broken mirrors: Ji Yun of the Qing Dynasty's "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes Luanyang Continued Five": "The coincidence of broken mirrors has happened in ancient times. If the husband remarries and is still the first wife, the woman remarries without losing her virginity. It has been recorded in books since , unheard of.

3. Work together: "Mozi Shangxian": ""Tang Oath" says: 'I seek the Yuan Sage and work together with him to rule the world.'"

4. Love and friendship: Xu Dachun of the Qing Dynasty's "Huixi Daoqing·Sacrifice to Gu Bijun": "I am born to be stubborn, wild and rough. My gender is different, one is ice and the other is charcoal. Love and friendship are like paint and glue."

5. Appearances are in harmony but behavior is separation: On the surface the relationship is very close, but in fact they are two hearts. Same as "appearance is in harmony but spirit is separate"

What does "anti-jinghedao" mean? Explanation of the idiom "anti-jinghedao" Figure 3

Which idiom means Jing and Tao?

1. Jingbanglutao
jīng bāng lùn dào
[Explanation] Refers to governing the country and talking about the way to govern the country. A metaphor for being at a high level.
[Source] "Book of the Sui Dynasty: Biography of Li Mu": "As the sun goes down, I am in a high position, and I discuss the state and the Tao, but I don't care about myself. "
2. Go against the classics and combine with the Tao
fǎn jīng hé dào
[Explanation] Although it goes against the common Tao, it still complies with the principles. Same as "against the classics and righteousness".
[Source] The first chapter of Xu Wei's "Nu Zhuangyuan" of the Ming Dynasty: "This orthodox religion uses uncles to help sisters-in-law, and they exercise power because of urgency; they correct the edicts and punish the Qiang, and go against the classics and the Tao. ”
3. Apostasy
lí jīng pàn dào
[Explanation] Li: Departure, disobedience. It originally refers to violating the classics and dogmas respected by the feudal ruling class. Now generally refers to departure from the dominant theory or doctrine.
[Source] The first chapter of "Su Zizhan was demoted to Huangzhou in the wind and snow" written by Fei Tangchen of Yuan Dynasty: "Dan's official ambitions are grand and exaggerated, and he strays from the scriptures. "
4. Lijingpandao
lí jīng pàn dào
[Explanation] ① Refers to thoughts, words and deeds that deviate from Confucian classics and norms. ②Refers to deviating from the dominant ideological and behavioral norms.
[Source] The first chapter of "Demotion to Huangzhou" written by Fei Tangchen of the Yuan Dynasty: "My official ambitions are lofty, and I stray from the scriptures. When I see the new laws, I often chant them. "Chapter 7 of "The Wizard of Oz" by Li Baichuan of the Qing Dynasty: "You are the kind of person who doesn't want to be taught but kills you! The junior disciples in my room taught and accepted the tradition of Shao Wen Zhi, and inherited the inheritance of Jingyi. How can we tolerate people who leave the Sutra? "

What does "anti-jinghedao" mean? Explanation of the idiom "anti-jinghedao" Figure 4

The above is all about the meaning of anti-jinghedao, the explanation of the idiom of anti-jinghedao, and the related content of anti-jinghedao. I hope it can help you.

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