
Contents of this article

  • 1. Frog-like symbol combination diagram
  • 2. How to identify special symbols in pictures
  • 3. A collection of pictures of all symbols that have appeared in The Power of Evil
  • 4. Group name emoticon pictures

Frog-like symbol combination diagram


Symbol pattern group picture, this symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 1

How to identify special symbols in pictures

🎈This pattern appears black because colored names are not allowed in some places.

Symbol pattern group picture, this symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 2

A collection of pictures of all the symbols that have appeared in The Force of Evil

A demon trap is a mysterious symbol that can control and weaken demons, and can also hinder and prevent demons from entering a certain area. All known demonic traps in Supernatural are derived from The Lesser Key of Solomon, an occult text written in the Middle Ages , which contains all the rituals and magic for summoning and controlling demons and angels.

There are two main types of demon traps in Supernatural:

1. The Heptagram.

The devil's trap painted on the ceiling of Bobby's house is a classic example of Heptagram, which is a combination of the Seven Stars of Solomon and the Five Stars of the God of War.

Symbol pattern group picture, this symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 3

Great Seven Star: "It can command all souls. When shown in front of them, they will bow and obey you."

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 4

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 5

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 6


From left to right, top to bottom:

Christianity     Christianity

Judaism    Judaism

Hinduism     Hinduism

Islam Islamism

Buddhism      Buddalism

Shintoism    Shintoism

Sikhism    Sikhism

Baha'i Bahai Faith

Jainism    Jainism

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 7

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 8

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 9


The pentagram was not recognized in early Christianity because it was a mysterious symbol invented by the controversial King David in the Bible, which represents infinity (you can see the pentagram in succession , you will find that it will become a circle, and a circle has no beginning or end.) According to legend, King David used it to recruit various spirits and even demons (this is quite controversial) and created an unprecedented era. And it is said that King David was a very selfish king. He was unwilling to share his wisdom with others, so after his death, his wisdom also disappeared, leaving only some geometric figures from his practice, and the five-pointed Star is one of them. Now we only know that the pentagram is a magic circle that can summon spirits from all directions, but other rituals and incantations have been lost. Studying the correct summoning rituals and incantations has become a requirement for all magicians and practitioners. The goal of the alchemist (it is said that there is a book called "The Key of Solomon" which was written by King David before his death. It contains correct records, but there are almost dozens of versions, and it is written in several languages. , puzzles, myths and proverbs). The inverted pentagram was made by later generations based on the principle of the upright pentagram. They believe that the upright pentagram has the ability to summon spirits, so turning it around should be able to summon demons. This is the origin of the inverted pentagram.


Others are either simple shapes, variations of a five-pointed star, a hexagram or a triangle.

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 10

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 11

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 12

There are others like this. Special thanks to several experts from Baidu Tieba - Evil Power Bar for collecting them.

Group name emoticon pictures

~@^_^@~ So cute!
\*^o^*// So cute~
~*.*~ The shy and charming little girl
#^_^# is blushing! !
∩__∩y Yeah~~^^ (Pretending to be cute?!)
(*^@^*) Good boy~ (He also has a pacifier) ​​
X﹏X Oops.. It means finished Yeah~~
(Β° ?Β°)~@ fainted..
[{(>_<)]} shaking
╯﹏╰ pink helpless~~
(β•―-β•°)/ Very boring/impatient
(β•―^╰〉 with a bitter look on his face
}_} Pink helpless... pink sadness
-____-" Oh~~ don’t mention it...
::>_<:: Cry
γ€’_γ€’ Ming~~I'm crying...
%>_<% I'm going to cry...
β•°_β•―I'm angry !! It means angry~~~my eyebrows are raised~~
>_<||| Very embarrassing~!!!
^_^; Embarrassing
βŠ™οΉβŠ™β€–βˆ£Β° So embarrassing~~
^_^||| So embarrassing!
^_^" Awkward smile....
β†’_ β†’ Suspicious eyes~~
..@_@|||||.. Dizziness
(*^γ€”^*〕 Shy
`(*^﹏^*)β€² Super shy Shame
`(*∩_∩*)β€² Offer
~_~ I want to sleep!!
(~ o ~)~zZ I want to sleep~
?_??; Dozing off
=@~@= A college student who gets nervous and blushes when he sees a pretty girl.
@(δΈ€-δΈ€) Secret--------Shh ```````
(Λ‡^ˇ〉 I disagree
(^δΊΊ^) Please^^~
(^_^)/~~ Goodbye~
β””(^o^)β”˜; My head is in good shape and strong. γ„Ÿ```
οΉŒβ—‹οΉ‹ Oh hi yo^Λ‡^≑
~^o^~ Peace everyone!!
=^_^= Warm smile!!!
Y(^_ ^)Y Raise your hands for victory
^o^/ Cheer
^o^y Victory^o^y
β†–(^?^)β†— Piggy cheers you up!
~^o^~ Come on!
*^?;^* Laugh, hit
*^?^* Oh~, haha ​​giggle
*^β—Ž^* Haha laugh (the lips are so thick )
*^Γ·^* Smiling proudly (with upper and lower lips)
~~~^_^~~~ Laughing so hard (laughing so hard that tears popped out...) ~~~ ///(^v^)\~~~ Smiling means friendliness!!!~ha~ha~
…(βŠ™_βŠ™;)… β—‹Kyu~β—‹LE~~Why
`(*>﹏ <*)β€² So exciting..
(*@?@*) Wow~
O_o Surprised~~~
(βŠ™oβŠ™) Stunned
(Β°?Β°)~ @ Fainted, Unconscious
*@_@* The look of admiration; the eyes are brightened
β˜…~β˜… The eyes are brightened when seeing the idol
o_o .... Meditation (to explain the "sluggish state" )
O__O" dull eyes~~~!!
///^_^.....causing "cold"... dry laughter~
?o?||| Listen to nothing (I just don’t understand what it means^^)
( )? What does it mean??
(+_+)? I don’t know what you are doing
(?? ?)? Li Gong is listening to nothing~
o_O??? What happened?
@_@a scratches his head, confused
One by one + sharp eyes~
>"<| ||| Nervous meaning~
^β—Ž- I love you~~
(*^?;^*) Wow!
(^_^)βˆ β€» Send you a bouquet of flowers
>_<# Angry~with blue veins
@x@ Angry
(Λ‹^β•›___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____〉-# Angry
(>﹏<) No~
Expressions composed of various special symbols
? .?β–‚?γ€€?0?γ€€?οΌΎ?γ€€?Ο‰?γ€€?﹏?γ€€?β–³?γ€€γ€€?β–½?
?.βˆ©β–‚ βˆ©γ€€βˆ©0βˆ©γ€€βˆ©οΌΎβˆ©γ€€βˆ©Ο‰βˆ©γ€€βˆ©οΉβˆ©γ€€βˆ©β–³βˆ©γ€€βˆ©β–½βˆ©
?.●▂● <x3 >●0●  ●^●  ●ω●  ● ﹏●  ●△●  ●▽●
?.βˆͺβ–‚βˆͺγ€€βˆͺ0βˆͺγ€€βˆͺοΌΎβˆͺγ€€βˆͺΟ‰βˆͺγ€€βˆͺ﹏βˆͺ< x3>βˆͺβ–³βˆͺγ€€βˆͺβ–½βˆͺ
?. β‰₯▂≀ β‰₯0≀ β‰₯^≀ β‰₯ω≀ β‰₯﹏≀ β‰₯△≀< x3>β‰₯▽≀
T_Tγ€€~~>_<~~γ€€βŠ™ βŠ™γ€€^_~ γ€€*o* :p
@_@γ€€<@_ @>γ€€o_oγ€€^o^ γ€€O_O -_- γ€€^_^ οΌΏ.,οΌΏγ€€^v^ γ€€^^v γ€€(^-^) < x3>(^o^) γ€€*^____^* γ€€=_=^
=^_^= γ€€*^_^*γ€€=_= +_+ γ€€ ?_? γ€€%select%$ γ€€~_~ T^T γ€€>o< γ€€e_e γ€€-_-# γ€€-_-b -_-^ γ€€ >_<  -O-
(?_??) ( *^_^* ) (..) What's going on? Laugh (say hello) Please~
(((^^)(^ ^)) ) ( T___T ) (β‰₯◇≀) What, tell me! How could it be like this... Touched~
... ( > < ) / ( βŠ™ o βŠ™ ) ( Λ‰ β–‘ Λ‰ ) Wow~ I was dumbfounded. Blank
( *>.<* ) ~@ f( ^_^ ) ( E___E ) Sour~~! Oh, this makes me dizzy
( $ _ $ ) (b_d) ( 3__3 ) Seeing money Open! I just woke up with a pair of glasses on~
(*^@^*) ( @^^@) o(?"?)o Good boy~ I even have a pacifier in my face and my face is red! (Frown)
(?o?) (β˜†_β˜†) (*^γ€”^*) Oh? His eyes lit up with a shy face
&( ^___^ )& (*^﹏^*) (.Q.)
β””(^o^)β”˜; My head is in good shape and strong γ„‹γ„Ÿ``` οΉŒβ—‹οΉ‹ Oh hi yo^Λ‡^≑
~^o^~ Everyone is well!! =^_^= Warm smile! !!
Y(^_^)Y Raise your hands for victory^o^/ Cheer
^o^y Victory^o^y β†–(^Ο‰^)β†— Piggy cheers you up!
~^ o^~ Come on! *^β—Ž^* Hehe Hahahahaha (laughing so thickly)
*^?^* Laughter, slap*^ΞΏ^* Oh~, Hahahaha giggle
*^Γ·^* Smug smile (with upper and lower lips) ~~~ ^_^~~~ I laughed so hard that I burst into tears...
(-.-)=3 Breathe a sigh of relief~ ~~~///(^v^)\~ ~~ Smiling means friendliness!!!~Ha~ha~
~@^_^@~ So cute! \*^o^*// Cuteγ„‹γ„Ÿ~
~*.*~ Shy and charming Little girl #^_^# is blushing!!
∩__∩y Yeah~~^^ (Pretend to be cute?!) (*^@^*) Good~ (You even have a pacifier) ​​X﹏X Oops. . I mean it’s over~~
(Β° ΞΏΒ°)~@ fainted.. {{{(>_<)}}} shaking
╯﹏╰ pink helpless~~ (β•―-β•°)/ Very boring/impatient
(β•―^╰〉 with a bitter look on his face}_} Pink helpless... pink sadness
-____-" Oh~~ don't mention it... ._. I was hit, The expression is dull ~
(*@^@*〉 Sad, dizzy-(- so sad.
//(γ„’oγ„’)// In tears... ::>_<:: Cry
γ€’_γ€’ Ming~~I'm crying... %>_<% I'm going to cry...
β•°_β•―I'm angry!! It means angry~~~ my eyebrows are raised About ph118>x__x, ugh... stop crying!
>_<||| It’s so embarrassing~!!! ^_^; It’s embarrassing
βŠ™οΉβŠ™β€–βˆ£Β° It’s so embarrassing~~ ^_^ ||| So embarrassing!
^_^" Awkward smile... β†’_β†’ Suspicious eyes~~
..@_@|||||.. Dizziness...(βŠ™ _βŠ™;)… β—‹Kyu~β—‹LE~~What’s wrong?
o_o .... Meditation (explaining the "sluggish state") O__O" dull eyes~~~!!
///^_ ^.......causing "cold"...dry laughter~ ?o?||| Tingwu (I just don’t understand the meaning of ㄉ^^)
( ^_^ )? What does it mean?? ( +_+)? No Do you know what you are doing
(?Ξ΅?)? Li Gong, what are you listening to? o_O??? What happened?
@_@a scratching the head, confused + sharp eyes~
>"<|||| Nervous meaning~ `(*>﹏<*)β€² So exciting.. (*@ΞΏ@*) Wow~
O_o Surprised~~~ (βŠ™oβŠ™) Stunned
(°ο°)~ @ Fainted, unconscious*@_@* The look of adoration; the eyes light up
β˜…~β˜… The eyes light up when seeing the idol
^β—Ž- Love you Yo~~ (*^?^*) Wow!
(^_^)βˆ β€» I’ll give you a bouquet of flowers (*^γ€”^*] Shame
`(*^﹏^*)β€² Super Shy `(*∩_∩*)β€² presents
~_~ means I want to sleep!! (~ o ​​~)~zZ I want to sleep~
Ο€_Ο€? Doze off
=@~ @= A college student who gets nervous and blushes when he sees a pretty girl. @(δΈ€-δΈ€) Secret--------Shh```````
(Λ‡^ˇ〉 Disagree(^δΊΊ^) Please^^~
(^_^)/~~ Goodbye~ *x*... do it It’s no use to me, I don’t know how to search for discarded things!
~w_w~ ... ... Shh! Don’t make any noise, let me think about it! (Λ‡?Λ‡) Hmm~, thinking about it
... !!!
-.- Pretending~>_<~+ It’s so touching... Q_Q She looks like she’s crying!!
(+﹏+) She’s in tears, so touched`(+﹏+)β€² Super touched, Tears keep coming
^_^o ~~~ I am so moved~~~

Symbol pattern group picture, this kind of symbol can be copied as follows: Figure 13

The above is about the symbol pattern group picture. This kind of symbol can be copied as shown below: All the content, as well as the related content of the symbol pattern, I hope it can help you.

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