
Contents of this article

  • 1.MS-06Z
  • 2. What kind of machine is used by the self-protection ace Chimera team in Gundam?
  • 3.What is the One Year War?
  • 4. One Year War Jim


In June of U.C. 0079, the Flanagon Institution, the first institution to conduct scientific research on new human phenomena, led by Dr. Flanagan, was born under the direct supervision of Kycilia Zabi. Dr. Flanagan soon discovered that the new humans' abilities actually exist and can be measured experimentally. Not only that, he also further discovered the source of the new humans' abilities and psychic telepathy (the new humans can communicate with each other in space). ideas, and at the same time infected ordinary people present) conducted in-depth research. The results of the research prove that: in addition to brain waves, human beings also produce another product called mental waves during the thinking process. New humans are more sensitive to this type of mental energy than normal people, and can resonate through Produces extremely strong self-spiritual fluctuations. After discovering and studying this phenomenon, under Kycilia's instructions, the Flanagon Agency quickly began to develop the application of this research result in actual combat.
On October 16, U.C. 0079, four months after the establishment of the Flanagon Institution, technicians began to apply the research results-psychosensory system to mobile weapons, using "Zaku" as the matrix to develop three The Secmyu is equipped with the experimental "Zaku". Since the development of this machine was carried out in a highly confidential state, the design code name was named "Bishop". The experimental "Zaku" carried by Secomu can only be regarded as an experimental machine equipped with a telepathic wired induced beam cannon, and the purpose of the experiment is only to provide data for the future "Zeon".
Although this machine can be classified into the "Zaku" series, from the outside, the style of other parts of the machine except the head is completely different from the Zaku we are familiar with: each part of the machine is equipped with The high-power engine makes the whole body very maneuverable. The wrists of both hands are equipped with 5 wire-controlled MEGA particle cannons. In battle, the wrist can be controlled by the mental induction system to launch MEGA particle cannons to destroy the enemy.
Unit number: MS-06Z
Unit code (Japanese): サイコミュザクEnglish: Psycommu System Zaku Chinese: Appearance work: MSV (Mobile Suit Variations)
Unit type: Experimental MS
Manufacturer: Flanagon Organization
Affiliation: Zeon
Initial equipment: U.C.0079
Dimensions: Head height: 17.7 meters
Weight: Body weight: 60.4 tons
Armor materials And structure: Ultra-high tensile steel (super-hard steel alloy)
Fixed armament: Wrist 5-link wire-controlled MEGA particle cannon × 2

Flanagan Mechanism, MS-06Z Figure 1

What kind of machine is used by the self-protection ace Chimera team in Gundam?

"Chimera" Team (キマイラ Team), a special fleet belonging to the Principality's Mobile Assault Force, is usually known as the "Ace Force" and was active in the final battleground of the One Year War - A. Bawa Ku. (ア?バオア?クー) fortress.
Although its existence was very short, it had a very impressive record. Let's take a look at this legendary unit.

  At the end of the One Year War, the Principality of Zeon began to feel inadequate for the war after experiencing a long war of attrition, and the Federation Army's MS were officially mass-produced and put into the battlefield.
Special It was the Gundam (ガンダム) that achieved great results, which put great pressure on the Principality Army.
At this time, in order to open up the war situation, and more importantly, to restore the people's fighting spirit, the military decided to form an elite unit capable of achieving impressive results. Therefore, "Chimera" was born under this background.
  The "Chimera" team is named after the flagship of the fleet, the Zanzibar-class (ザンジバル-class) mobile cruiser "Chimera".
At the same time, due to the large number of members of the unit Because they have made great achievements in various battles, some people call them the "Ace Force" (エース Force).
In addition, there are many documents that mention that the "Chimera" team is called the NT (New Type) unit in the Principality of Zeon, but we know that there is no such thing as a "Chimera" team. It is confirmed that the pilots have NT qualities.
So is it an NT troop? When talking about the NT troops in the One Year War, people will first think of the "Independent 300th Troop" commanded by "Red Comet" Char Aznable (シャア・アズナブル).
This unit has what is considered Lieutenant Lara Shin (ララァ·スン), who was the first NT person in the One Year War.
His "surprise" attack on the Solomon Fortress occupied by the federal army by using his NT ability once caused the entire federal fleet to panic. among.
Comparing "Chimera" with it, you can find that although they are both elite troops that the Principality Army has high hopes for, the difference between the two is obvious.
The biggest difference is that " The "300th Independent Team" has technical support from Flanagon, a specialized NT actual combat application research institution.
Second Lieutenant Lara Xin passed a series of adjustment tests by the institution and was confirmed to have NT qualities. The members of the "Chimera" team have not been tested on the "specific brain waves that occur during sustained stress", which is the definition of the NT phenomenon.
In addition, the former is also equipped with an NT-specific NT equipped with the Secomy system. Although the "Chimera" was based on the most advanced YMS-14 at the time, it did not require the driver to have NT capabilities.
It can be seen from this that "Chimera" cannot be regarded as an NT force in the true sense, so why does the Principality Army call it an NT force? We know that Jean's Flanagon Organization can be said to be the earliest to start using NT in actual combat.
But even so, its understanding of NT is relatively limited, and the number of NTs that can be confirmed is very rare. Although many ace pilots on the front line did not undergo NT testing,
their extraordinary reflexes, judgment and high survival rate in actual combat were very similar to the performance of NT on the battlefield. This made many pilots at that time Ace pilots were considered to have NT potential.
At the same time, the boundaries between NTs and aces became quite blurry at that time. For example, Char was rumored to be a pilot because of his outstanding achievements long before his NT qualities were awakened. NT,
Lieutenant Yi An Gredin (イアン·グレーデン), the MS garrison captain of the North American California base, is also considered to be a possible NT. From this point of view, it is not surprising that the "Chimera" team, which gathers ace players from all over the world, is labeled as the NT unit.
And from this point of view, the reason why it is called the NT unit is also the same. At the same time, the Federation Army's NT unit "White Fortress" (ホワイトベース) team was very similar.
In addition, another reason is that the Principality of Zeon is a country that believes in "Zene Doctrine" (ジオニズム), and its citizens have a strong NT complex.
This ace-studded force is called the NT Force. The role it plays in inspiring the people's fighting spirit will be self-evident, right?
  Although the specific date of the formation of the "Chimera" team cannot be confirmed now, it is roughly four weeks before the end of the war,
which is early December 0079 (another view It is believed that it was formed after the Battle of Solomon's Fortress, but considering its combat experience, this time is obviously too late,
so its credibility is low. The strategy book for the PC game "Kimaira? Gakushu" mentions that "Chimera" was formed on October 26, 0079, but judging from the situation at the time, this time seems too early,
so it is generally believed that Four weeks before the end of the war is a more appropriate time). It consists of one Zanzibar-class mobile cruiser "Chimera" and several Musai-class cruisers. It has 31 MS pilots.
Most of them are well-known aces on various fronts, the most famous of which is undoubtedly Major Johnny Letin (ジョニー・ライデン), who serves as the captain of the 1st Combat MS Squadron in the team, and Thomas Cruz (Tomas Cruz) from the 5th Ground Mobile Division Lieutenant · クルツ) and Captain Gerald Sakai (ジェラルド·サカイ) from the Granada base are also famous figures.
The troops were equipped with 24 YMS-14 YMS-14s, the most advanced model of the Principality Army at the time (the initial production model of MS-14, a total of 25 were produced, except for one that was sent to the "300th Independent Squadron" for Char to fly Except, the rest were all received by "Chimera"),
and modified according to each pilot's respective combat methods into Type B (high mobility type) suitable for high-mobility warfare and Type C (artillery attack) with heavy firepower Type) (specific figures are recorded as: 12 were converted to Type B and 15 were converted to Type C.
At first glance, there are 27 B-type and C-type aircraft in total, which seems to have exceeded the total number of 24. In fact, this is because the Glorious Aircraft is a very convenient model to change. You only need to change a backpack to achieve B. Transformation from Type C to Type C.
The best example is that Major Johnny Letting was confirmed to have used C-type in addition to his usual B-type. But given the circumstances at the time, even a top ace like him It is also impossible to possess two YMS-14s at the same time,
so this is obviously the same YMS-14 modified into type B or type C according to the needs of different combat situations).
  After the formation of the unit, they immediately went to a small reef airspace to conduct operational adaptation training for new aircraft types and troop tactical coordination exercises. It is worth mentioning that the "Chimera" broke the previous convention of three aircraft in one team during tactical exercises,
adopted a new formation of two aircraft in one team (usually one B type and one C type) , although the number of mobile suits in this formation has been reduced compared to the past,
but judging from the training effect, the skills of the ace pilots and the high performance of the new cutting-edge aircraft are enough to enable such a two-plane formation to perform (or even surpass) The performance of the three-machine team is beyond the previous level.
In this way, with the same number of MSs, the number of MS squads in "Chimera" is 50% greater than that of conventional troops, which gives it a powerful mobility unmatched by troops of the same size. And can carry out larger-scale tactical operations,
Therefore, this move is considered to be a good strategy to give full play to the characteristics of a few elite "ace troops".
  When the "Chimera" team was conducting exercises in the reef airspace, there were records of encounters with the Federation reconnaissance fleet.
No mobile suit was lost on our side. The result was the sinking of one Magellan-class battleship and two Salamis-class cruisers
(There is also data recording that during this period, the "Chimera" team fought with the Federation fleet. 6 times, sinking a total of 3 Magellan-class battleships and 8 Salamis-class cruisers).
However, judging from the combat operation records of the Federation Army, no fleet was dispatched at the above-mentioned time and place. However, after the war, it was indeed discovered in the flagship "Chimera" of the "Chimera" team. There are photos of Major Johnny flying the B-type aircraft, and
Lieutenant Thomas and Captain Gerald driving the C-type aircraft fighting the federal fleet in the reef airspace.
Therefore, there is also a view that the Principality Army is actually The federal garrison ships captured during the one-week war to suppress the colonies were used as targets for the "Chimera" exercise,
and then reported to the country as the results of the war to boost morale. effect.

  In late December 2079, the "Chimera" team returned to Al Bawa Ku on the order of the commander-in-chief Kilian Zabi before the training program was completed. The fortress participated in the defense,
and launched a surprise attack on the Federation fleet assembly point on the eve of the attack and defense of A. Bawa Ku Fortress.
At that time, a raiding force composed of twelve MS-14Cs and three Musai-class cruisers belonging to the "Chimera" team suddenly appeared behind the federal fleet at the assembly point.
They were unprepared. The federal army launched an attack. After a fierce battle, they sank two Salamis-class cruisers and one Columbus-class transport ship (Note: This ship type was modified from the ordinary Columbus-class transport ship.
After modification, the Gnaku can not only carry MS, but also launch space fighters. In order to distinguish it from the Columbus-class transport ship designed after the war, it is usually called the Columbus-class.
At the same time, since the number one ship of this ship type is the Antietam (so it is also called the Antietam-class transport ship), fourteen MSs were destroyed, and the Structural S was destroyed, and three of them were destroyed. degree of damage,
a Musai-class cruiser was severely damaged and unable to sail. At this time, although Zeon strictly controlled news reports due to the unfavorable war situation, they made an exception and made a very detailed report on this combat operation,
and called the attacked Federation fleet Tienmu (ティアンム) fleet, but since General Tienmu had been killed in the Battle of Solomon Fortress at that time, the so-called "Tiunmu Fleet" no longer existed at this time
(At that time, the news of the fall of Solomon Fortress was widely reported in Zeon. Blockade), so such a name is also considered to be exaggerating the results of "Chimera" by borrowing the name of the famous federal general General Tienmu.
But in any case, the Principality Army effectively slowed down the assembly speed of the federal fleet through this operation called "Horn", gaining valuable time to improve the defense of the A. Bawa Ku Fortress. .

 After that, the "Chimera" team participated in the offensive and defensive battle of A. Bawa Ku Fortress as a guerrilla fleet. Based on the organization of two aircraft and a small squadron, they formed three squadrons and were active on the battlefield in the final decisive battle of the One Year War.
In this battle, a total of 62 RGM-79ジム and RB-79ボール were destroyed. Although the "Chimera" team was only defeated by 8 MSs,
the unit's first combat MS squadron The captain, Major Johnny Letting, disappeared in the fierce battle, and Lieutenant Thomas Cruz was killed in the battle. Among the famous pilots belonging to the team, only Captain Gerard Sakai survived until the war.
  After the fall of A. Bawa Ku Fortress, the scarred army flagship "Chimera" was captured by the Federation fleet when it was evacuating to the mainland. At this point, this ace force of the Principality Army was briefly But the glorious history officially came to an end.

Flanagan Mechanism, MS-06Z Figure 2

what is one year war

  One-Year War
  At 7:20 on January 3, U.C. 0079, Kiren Zabi, the commander-in-chief of the Principality of Zeon army, officially declared war on the Earth Federation Government on behalf of the Principality of Zeon. The One-Year War From there it exploded.
   Only about three seconds later, the Zeon Army, which had been prepared for a long time, launched a surprise attack on the Earth Federation Army's cruiser fleet. The mobile fleet with MS as the main force launched attacks on the three colonial areas of SIDE1, SIDE2 and SIDE4. Due to the emergence of a new type of weapon - MS and the dispersion of Minovsky particles that can disable radar systems, the Federation fleet, which was accustomed to conducting artillery battles based on K radar, was quickly defeated. The Zeon army was almost never formally attacked. The resistance destroyed the federal resistance forces stationed on SIDE 1, 2, and 4, and then used a large number of N.B.C (nuclear, biological, and chemical) weapons to destroy the colony, and injected a large amount of G3 poison gas (an inert gas) into the colony. It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless nerve gas that is extremely toxic and can cause death even if it only adheres to the skin). In less than 40 hours after the declaration of war, the three SIDEs were almost completely destroyed, and approximately 3 billion people died (the vast majority of which were innocent civilians).
  On the 4th, the Zeon Army began to launch the "Operation Britain". The ZMF work force installed a nuclear pulse engine on the 8th colony "Island Efficial" in SIDE2 and ignited it, causing it to fall towards the Federation Army headquarters at the Gabro Base in South America, known as the largest military base on earth. . With a total length of approximately 30 kilometers, a diameter of 6.5 kilometers, and a mass of nearly 10 billion tons, the colony can be regarded as the largest destructive weapon in human history. When it falls on the ground, its destructive power can reach 3 million of the destructive power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. times, even the Federal Army Headquarters Gabro, which was built under a solid rock formation and could survive a direct hit by a nuclear bomb, could not withstand it directly.
  The federal army, aware of this incident, assembled the Fourth Fleet, which was transferred from Luna 2 and equipped with nuclear missiles for attack, near the colony's descent orbit to prepare for an attack. From the 6th to the 8th, the Federation's interception fleet engaged the Zeon Army's colonial escort fleet many times. At the same time, the Federation's orbital missile bases in the North Pole and Antarctica also launched a large number of interception missiles. However, the colonies were not completely destroyed. On the 8th, in the face of the Zeon Army's overwhelming weapon, the mobile suit, the Federation Army's intercepting fleet was completely defeated. After the loss exceeded 70%, the fleet commander, Vice Admiral Tiam, ordered a retreat. The mission to stop the colony from falling failed.
  On the 10th, the federal army began to withdraw from Gabro. However, after the colony entered the atmosphere, due to the impact of the battle in space, it deviated from the planned orbit and began to split and disintegrate. The first half finally fell in the Sydney area on the eastern coast of Australia, causing the complete destruction of one third of the Australian continent (nearly 20% sank in the Pacific Ocean); debris from the second half fell into the Pacific Ocean and the North American continent, and a quarter of the North American continent was destroyed. The number of people directly killed, injured, and missing as a result reached 320 million; and the number of indirect casualties and missing caused by weather changes reached 2 billion.
  The seven days of fighting from the beginning of the war to the fall of the colony came to be known as the "One Week War."
  On the 11th, the SIDE6 government declared neutrality.
  On the 13th, the Principality of Zeon army launched the "Operation Britain" again. The First Combined Fleet, led by Space Attack Commander Lieutenant General Dozulu, set off from the Space Fortress Solomon, which was still under construction. Later, the assault mobile fleet led by Kycelia also set off from Granada and headed for SIDE 5 "Room" Airspace forward. The Federation Army discovered the movements of the ZMF fleet and began to block it.
   From the 15th to the 16th, Lieutenant General Revell led a federal fleet three times the number of the Principality of Zeon’s warships to attack the Principality of Zeon from Luna 2. On SIDE 5 “Roum” and Zeon The enemy army launched a fierce frontal battle. The Battle of Lum - the largest fleet battle in the history of the Universal Century begins. The Federation army, which had an overwhelming advantage in fleet numbers, was defeated by the Principality of Zeon's far superior Minovsky jamming technology and the powerful close combat capabilities of mobile suit. Lieutenant General Revell was captured when his flagship was severely damaged and escaped. The "Black Three Stars" of the Zeon Army were found captured. By the time the fleets of both sides broke away from the battle line in the early morning of the 16th, the federal army had lost more than 80% of its investment. The commander-in-chief of the Zeon Army, Kiren Zabi, immediately delivered a speech to the people about the victory in the Battle of Rum. SIDE5 was affected by this battle and was completely destroyed. The death toll on both sides and SIDE5 reached 2.5 billion.
  On the 22nd, the federal army sent special agents to sneak into SIDE3 to try to rescue Lieutenant General Revell, but then lost contact. The next day, the Principality of Zeon Intelligence Bureau announced that the special forces rescued by General Revell of the Federation Army had been arrested.
  On the 28th, the Principality of Zeon proposed a truce treaty to the Federation through the pro-Zeon SIDE6 Lanc Autonomous Regime. Its essence was to persuade the Federation to surrender, requesting recognition of the independent autonomy of the Principality of Zeon and requesting the reduction of the Federation. Military armaments. The Earth Federal Government, which was completely devastated by the defeat, decided to accept the treaty.
  On the 31st, just as the representatives of both sides of the Antarctic continent in the permanently neutral zone were preparing to conclude a treaty, General Revell, who miraculously survived, brought back the information that Zeon's combat power was also seriously damaged, and He delivered the famous speech "Jean has no more usable soldiers", which greatly boosted the morale of the federal army, and the federal government was determined to fight the war thoroughly. Based on the consensus that "excessive destruction is harmful to both sides", the warring parties concluded the Antarctic Treaty, which roughly contains the following three aspects:
  1. Prohibition of the use of NBC weapons and high-mass weapons (such as colony bombs, etc.), restrictions on the use of other weapons;
  2. Prohibition of attacks on neutral areas, permanent cities on the moon, and Jupiter ship groups;
  3. Confirmation of prisoners of war treatment and other human rights factors.
  After the Antarctic Treaty was concluded, the Zeon army's hope of a quick victory was shattered, and the war began to develop into a long-term direction.
  In order to obtain precious mineral resources and petrochemical fuels and suppress military strongholds on the earth, starting from February 7, the ZMF Army launched the "Earth Invasion Operation." A large number of Musai-class cruisers towing HRSLs (lowering devices) gathered in the earth's satellite orbit and reached the landing destination; at the same time, the ZMF space combat craft in the satellite orbit spread a large number of Minovsky particles, causing the earth to The Federation forces on the ground were unable to use radar to learn where the ZMF troops were landing. Since mid-February, the ZMF has conducted several successful descent operations centered on the Lake Baikal base and the Ural Mountains; the California base and the area around New York; the area around Beijing, the Malay Peninsula, and the northern coast of Australia.
  With the success of the descent operation, a large number of important strongholds on the earth fell into the hands of the Zeon Army, dealing a heavy blow to the Federation Army. Especially the California base in North America, it is the second largest military base of the federal army after the Gabro base in South America. It includes a naval port, an air force base, a space port, and development and production facilities for various weapons. After occupying the California base, the Zeon Army used it as the central base to invade the earth and converted the arsenal into a mobile suit production plant. Since then, most of the mobile suits used by the Zeon Army on Earth were developed and produced here.
  Between February and March, relying on K's overwhelming military superiority, the ZMF army successfully occupied approximately two-thirds of the earth. However, due to the depletion of human and material resources, as well as the serious supply problems caused by the lengthening of the front, the ZMF was no longer able to further expand its sphere of influence. The Federal Army also faced the dilemma of depleted resources and was unable to counterattack. The two sides fell into a stalemate.
  As a result, the One-Year War entered a relatively stable stalemate stage from its initial stage.
  2. The stalemate stage of the war
  -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----
  In April, in order to enhance the combat power of the ZMF, the industrial facilities in the areas occupied by the ZMF entered full operation. Using the occupied California base and other strongholds, the Zeon Army began to quickly build submarines and aircraft equipped with MSs for use on Earth, and improved the MSs in order to enhance their adaptability to the earth's environment. Supplementary troops of the Zeon Army also descended to Earth to strengthen their combat power in the occupied areas.
  Due to the lessons of the previous disastrous defeat, the Federation Army rebuilt the Luna 2 base and strengthened the fleet, improving all aspects of the ships. In addition, the "V Operation" plan was launched for the purpose of linking new mobile suits and dedicated assault landing ships.
  Between April and August, both sides increased their combat capabilities. Although there were small contact battles, there were no large-scale battles.
  In May, the Federation Army’s Guncannon prototype No. 1, numbered RX-77, was completed. On the 17th, the Zeon Army's Space Fortress Solomon was completed.
  In June, under the auspices of Major General Kycilia, the Zeon Army established the Flanagan Institution to study the emergence and development of New Humans (New Type). Doctoral leadership. The Zeon Army's initial diving fleet was organized and deployed in the North Pacific. The prototype of the Zeon Army's new weapon MA is completed. The Zeon Army's space fortress A Bawa Ku was completed, and the ZMF Army completed the home defense line from Solomon (SIDE 1) to A Bava Ku (SIDE 3) and then to Granada (Moon).
  In July, the ZMF submarine fleet was fully equipped and deployed in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, etc., and began to destroy sea transportation routes and attack the remaining Federation fleet.
  In the Federal Army, the second Pegasus-class ship "White Fortress" (WHITE BASE) of the "V Plan" was completed at the Gabro Base in South America. The earliest flagship equipped with mobile suits, it has the ability to fight in areas densely populated with Minovsky particles. The first prototype of the RX-78 GUNDAM is also completed at SIDE7 and is about to undergo final testing. The Federation Army mastered energy CAP technology and successfully miniaturized beam weapons, and beam rifles appeared.
  On September 18, the Federation Army’s new assault landing ship White Fortress entered the port at SIDE7. The Zeon Army obtained intelligence and launched an attack on SIDE7. More than half of White Fortress's regular crew were dead or missing. Amid the artillery fire between the two sides, civilian boy Amuro boarded and launched the RX-78 GUNDAM prototype No. 2 machine that was being transported to engage in the first battle in MS history with the invading Zeon Army's MS-06 ZAKUⅡ. Based on the powerful performance of the new MS-GUNDAM, Amuro shot down two MS-06 ZAKUⅡ and repelled the "Red Comet" Char who became famous in the Battle of Rum.
  On the 20th, White Fortress stopped at the Luna 2 base and received an order to go to the Federation Army headquarters Gabro. On the 22nd, the White Fortress set off from the Luna 2 base, and successfully escaped the pursuit of the ZMF Char's forces in the atmosphere on the 23rd. However, its route could not be corrected, and the actual landing location was near the ZMF California base. , more than 2,300 kilometers north of the scheduled landing site.
  In October, a small number of the Federation Army's MS, which had been mass-produced in September, were deployed on the front line. In addition, the Federation Army began to rapidly mass-produce RGM-79 GM as a weapon against the ZMF mobile suits. The Federal Army decided to launch the "Battle of Odessa". To this end, General Revell personally led the Third Army from Southampton, England, on the 10th, crossed the Strait of Dover on the 11th, and headed for Warsaw, the assembly point; at the same time, the Federal Army occupied About half of the ground troops also set off from various bases and assembled towards Warsaw.
  On the 4th, the White Fortress encountered Colonel Karma Zabi, the youngest son of Prince Dejin of the Principality of Zeon, and the commander of the Earth Attack Force of the Principality Army near New York City in North America. After a fierce battle, Kalma Zabi died in battle, and the White Fortress finally broke through the Zeon army's blockade.
  On the 6th, the Principality of Zeon held a state funeral for Karma Zabi on the mainland of SIDE3. The commander of the Zeon Army, Kiren Zabi, gave a speech on a global scale. On the same day, Sergeant Shiloh Yamada, who was later appointed as the captain of the 08th MS Team of the Earth Federation Forces' Far Eastern Front Mechanized Group, arrived on Earth from SIDE2. On the way, he first met the ZMF MS test pilot Aina Sakhalin. Major Char Aznab was dismissed from the military for failing to protect Karma.
  On the 10th, the White Fortress crossed the Pacific, entered the Asian continent, and headed for Central Asia.
  On November 2, the second captain of the White Fortress, Brad Noah (the first captain, Bolo, died of injuries when the Zeon army attacked SIDE7) received a message from General Revell. The order was to "cross the Caspian Sea within five days" and use a single force to contain and disrupt the Zeon Army in the rear. On the 5th, the White Fortress defeated the pursuing Lamba Lal team near the Caspian Sea. Captain Lamba Lal, who had performed extraordinary feats in the Battle of Rum and was known as the "Blue Superstar", died in the battle.
  On November 7, the Federal Army officially launched a large-scale counterattack aimed at retaking Europe - the "Battle of Odessa."
  Odessa is a port city on the Black Sea coast in southwestern Ukraine. The actual combat area of ​​the "Battle of Odessa" was in the Ukrainian plain area centered on Odessa. After the ZMF occupied Odessa, it established the headquarters of the ZMF European Front here. Its military and strategic value are self-evident.
  The Federation Army hopes to use this battle to break the military balance between the two sides in Europe and even on Earth in one fell swoop, and to recapture the mining areas from Central Asia to Eastern Europe occupied by the Zeon Army. If it succeeds, the Zeon Army will lose its largest source of resources, which will be extremely beneficial to the Federal Army in future battles. For this reason, the Federal Army invested half of its ground forces in this battle.
  The Zeon Army has naturally noticed the movements of the Federation Army, but Major General Kycilia Zabi, the supreme commander of the Odessa Front, is currently in his base - Grana on the moon. base, with suppressing and maintaining the lunar surface as its primary mission. On the surface, no reinforcements were sent to support the Odessa front line. They only secretly dispatched the elite MS unit "Black Three Stars" who captured General Revell in the Battle of Rum. As support for his subordinate, Colonel Ma Kebei, commander of the European Front of the Zeon Army.
  At 6 a.m. on the 7th, the Federal Army, with the support of artillery fire, launched a fierce attack on the ZMF from the west, northwest and north. The Zeon Army fought hard for three days with less than one-third of the Federal Army's strength, and finally collapsed in front of the Federal Army's overwhelming superiority. Colonel Ma. The Battle of Odessa ended with a complete victory for the Federal Army.
  At this point, the military balance between the Federation Army and the Zeon Army on Earth was reversed in one fell swoop.
  The Battle of Odessa was the turning point of the One Year War. From then on, the Federation Army began to shift into a major counterattack, and the Zeon Army's various defense lines on the Earth quickly collapsed, and Zeon's sphere of influence on the Earth It was greatly shrunk and forced to fight the Federation Army in the universe.
  The One Year War enters the final decisive stage
  3. The decisive stage of the war
  --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
  After the Battle of Odessa, the Zeon Army on Earth was severely weakened and collapsed thousands of miles away. Basically on the defensive. However, at this time, the ZMF's diving force was very active and still controlled the sea on Earth.
  On November 27, Char Aznab, who was following the White Fortress, discovered the large entrance hatch used by the federal army's spaceship at Gabro Base. On the 30th, the Zeon Army began the second "Gabro Invasion Operation" with forces gathered from nearby bases and California bases. Both sides suffered heavy casualties after a fierce battle. The Zeon Army voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield after discovering that they would be completely wiped out if they continued to fight. The "Second Gabro Invasion Operation" also ended in failure. The combat capabilities of ZMF bases such as California have been greatly weakened, and the ZMF's ground combat capabilities have accelerated its collapse, leaving only Africa with strong military capabilities.
   In order to completely clean up the remaining forces of the Zeon Army on the earth so that there would be no worries in the counterattack that will be carried out in the universe, the Federation Army launched a large-scale African cleanup operation on December 5 in order to surpass With more than 20 times the strength of the remaining African troops of the ZMF, they launched a fierce attack on the ZMF in Africa. By mid-December, the clean-up operation in Africa was basically over. Some of the remaining Zeon troops evacuated the universe, and the rest moved to underground bases to continue fighting. The war situation in Africa is generally stable.
  What comes next is the decisive battle in the universe.
  In order to open up the chaotic battle situation, seize control of the universe, and achieve final victory, the Federation Army launched the "Star One Operation."
  On December 2, the Federal Second Combined Fleet commanded by General Tiam set off from Gabro and headed for Luna 2. On the 4th, White Fortress was organized into the Thirteenth Independent Mobile Force and went to the universe to participate in the war. On the 5th, the Second Combined Fleet entered the Luna 2 base and merged with the federal fleet stationed here.
  The Federal Army’s target is directly at the Zeon Army’s space fortress “Solomon”. At this time, as for Zeon, Zeon's largest space fleet was originally stationed at Solomon Fortress, but it was already exhausted due to the heavy sweep and maintenance tasks, and the newly built warships were prioritized for deployment to A. Bawa Ku Fortress and Major General Kycilia is responsible for the lunar aspect. Lieutenant General Dozulu, the commander of the ZMF Solomon Fortress, only received one prototype MA as reinforcement for the Dozu Solomon Fortress. The factional conflicts within Jean were once again exposed.
  On the 13th, White Fortress entered the port at SIDE6, preparing to participate in the upcoming Solomon Raiders. On the 14th, the ZMF's special force "Cyclops" troops launched a surprise attack on the Federation Army's Arctic base. The space shuttle carrying the RX-78 NT-1 GUNDAM, a mobile suit secretly developed by the Federation Army, is headed to the universe in the Arctic base. On the 17th, the Zeon Army discovered the RX-78 NT-1 GUNDAM in the SIDE6 Maria colony. On the 18th, the "Cyclops" troops launched the "Ruby Project" and disguised themselves as civilians and sneaked into the Riya Colony. On the 19th, the SIDE6 government forcibly ordered all the fleets of the Principality of Zeon to leave SIDE6.
  In the early morning of the 20th, the Federation Army’s Third Fleet, led by Colonel Vulcan, departed from Luna 2 and took charge of the first step of the "Star One Operation" plan - the "Solomon Strategy" Pioneer. The Fifth Fleet and the Ninth Fleet also left the port subsequently. On the 22nd, General Tiam led the Second Combined Fleet, the Second Fleet, the Eleventh Fleet, and the Thirteenth Fleet to depart from Luna 2 for Solomon Fortress.
  On the 24th, the Solomon Attack began.
  The Federal Third Fleet, led by Colonel Vulcan, broke through the colonial wreckage area of ​​SIDE 4 and stormed Solomon Fortress. The 13th Independent Mobile Force White Fortress joins the Third Fleet and joins the battle. Widely promoted as a "new human force" by General Revell, the White Fortress suffered concentrated and fierce attacks from the Zeon army, but it was always active on the front line of the battle. Among them, Lieutenant Amuro, who belonged to the White Fortress, piloted the RX-78-2 GUNDAM and sank a Chibe-class heavy cruiser and three Musai-class cruisers, achieving miraculous results.
  At the same time, the Federal Second Combined Fleet lurking in the SIDE1 reef space has deployed a secret weapon to attack the fortress - a Solar System gun composed of four million concave reflecting lenses. ) suddenly launched towards Solomon Fortress, causing serious damage to the fortress equipment, remaining ships and MS of Solomon Fortress. The war situation began to become one-sided. The Federation Army successively entered Solomon Fortress, and Lieutenant General Dozulu ordered the remaining Zeon ships to retreat. Major General Cycilia, who was stationed on the moon, learned the news at this time and sent Colonel Ma Kebei to lead a fleet from Granada to support. However, support arrived too late, and three-quarters of the Zeon forces at Solomon Fortress had been lost. Determined to fight to the death, Lieutenant General Dozulu personally piloted the MA "Big Zam" into battle, instantly destroying 5 federal warships and 8 cruisers, including the flagship "Titan" on which General Tiam was aboard. General Tiam died in the battle. . Subsequently, the "Big Zam" suffered a special attack counterattack by the White Fortress. Second Lieutenant Amuro drove the RX-78-2 GUNDAM to sink the "Big Zam", and Lieutenant General Dozuru died in the battle. The remaining ships, including Captain Anabel Cardo, who earned the reputation of "Solomon's Nightmare" during this battle, withdrew to the Zeon mainland of SIDE3. On the 25th, the federal fleet entered the fallen Fortress of Solomon, ending the Battle of Solomon. The end of the war is coming.
  On the 25th, the Zeon Army’s SIDE6 attack fleet carrying nuclear bombs was discovered by the Federation fleet and subsequently sunk. In the SIDE6 Leia colony, a ZMF MS-06FZ fought with the Federation Army's RX-78 NT-1 GUNDAM. The former was destroyed and the latter was severely damaged. The battle came to be known as the "War in the Pocket."
  On the 26th, the remaining First Combined Fleet of the Federation Army led by General Revell arrived in Solomon (renamed Golden Rice Island by the Federation Army because of its resemblance to Golden Rice Candy), "Operation Star One" Entering the final stage.
  Faced with the advancing Federation fleet, the top leaders of Zeon did not waver. To them, Solomon's fall was somewhat predictable. The commander-in-chief of the Zeon Army, Kiren Zabi, envisions defeating the Federation Army with the final defense line connecting the moon and A. Bawa Ku Fortress. In addition, he also has a secret weapon in his hand - the Solar Ray System, which is a huge laser cannon transformed from SIDE3's Colony 3 "Mahal". On the 29th, the Federation fleet departed from Solomon. The combat target was the Zion Army's last space fortress, A. Bawa Ku, and then headed for Zion's homeland, Side 3. At this time, SIDE3 began to prepare for the launch of the solar laser cannon, and began to recruit a large number of student soldiers over 15 years old to supplement the soldiers, making final preparations for the upcoming decisive battle.
   Out of concern about the current situation, Prince Dejin Sodo Zabi of the Principality of Zeon planned to conduct peace negotiations with the Federation Army alone, and set off alone on the battleship "The Great Dejin". Attempt to make contact with the Federation fleet. However, this behavior of Prince Dejin cannot be tolerated by Commander-in-Chief Kiren Zabi, who holds the real power of Jean.
  On the 30th, the battleship "Great Dekin" successfully contacted General Revell, the commander of the Federation's First Combined Fleet, through radar communication. However, just as the "Great Dekin" docked with the federal flagship "Phibe", Commander-in-Chief Kiren Zabi was determined to remove Prince Dekin and ordered the firing of solar laser cannons. At this time, the beam with a diameter of 4 kilometers, which could also be seen from the earth, cut through the space in 3 seconds and rushed towards the Federation Army with the "Great Dekin" and "Phibe" as the center. The federal fleet assembled here was directly attacked and lost one-third of its military strength in an instant. A large number of federal officers and soldiers, including General Revell, died, and the command system was severely damaged. Prince Dekin on the "Great Dekin" also died in the attack.
   High-level officials of the Federation Army analyzed that if the attack was suspended, it would give the ZMF Army the opportunity to fire solar laser cannons again, so they decided not to give the ZNF Army a chance to breathe, and forced the continuation of "Operation Star One" , launched a strong attack on A. Bawa Ku with the reorganized remaining fleet. On the 31st, the Federation Army, with the White Fortress as the core, began to storm the A. Bawa Ku Fortress, and started a stalemate with the ZMF army, which had been boosted by the power of the solar laser cannon. However, at around 10 o'clock, the commander-in-chief of the Zeon Army, Kiren Zabi, who was commanding the headquarters of the A. Bawa Ku Fortress, was shot dead by Major General Kycilia Zabi on charges of patricide. For a time, the command system of the fortress was at a standstill. state of confusion. Taking advantage of this opportunity, federal warships descended one after another at A. Bava Ku and engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the Zeon army. Many ships, including the White Fortress, were also sunk due to the fierce battle.
  After noon, the trend of the war gradually became clear, and the defeat of the Zeon Army was determined. Some Zeon warships, including the Delaz Fleet and the Hima Fleet, began to withdraw from the battlefield. Major General Kycilia Zabi, who succeeded Kiren Zabi to command the Zeon army, died when the ship was sunk while evacuating the fortress on the Zanzibar cruiser. With all the Zabi family dead, the remaining Parliament of the Principality of Zeon, under the leadership of Prime Minister Garcia, acted quickly to eliminate the forces of the Zabi faction, change the Principality of Zeon to the Republic of Zeon, and submit to the federal government through SIDE6 Make a request to conclude an armistice agreement. At this time, in addition to the troops lurking in the universe and on the moon, the Zeon Army also has some remnant troops secretly heading to the asteroid Axis, a cosmic fortress that is being built in secret. While prioritizing the goal of recovery, the federal government ignored the remaining Zeon forces and accepted the ceasefire request from the Zeon Republic, laying the foundation for future wars.
  On January 1, U.C. 0080, representatives of the Earth Federal Government and the Republic of Zeon signed an end-of-war agreement in the lunar city of Granada, officially ending the One-Year War.
  The One Year War was the largest and most far-reaching war in human history. The war eventually caused by SIDE3's independence movement broke out in full force on January 3, 0079, U.C., and ended with Jean's unconditional surrender on January 1, 0080. It lasted for nearly a year. The war spread throughout the entire earth circle, and almost everyone Being drawn into the vortex of war. The devastation caused by this war was unprecedented. According to incomplete statistics, the death toll reached more than 6 billion, accounting for more than half of the total human population at that time (more than 11 billion), and the vast majority of them were innocent civilians. The resources consumed by the war and the damage caused by the war are still difficult to estimate.

Flanagan Mechanism, MS-06Z Figure 3

one year war jim

"Chimera" Team (Kimaira Team), a special fleet belonging to the Principality's Mobile Assault Force, is usually known as the "Ace Force" and was active in the final battleground of the One Year War - A. Bava Ku. (ア.バオア.クー) Fortress. Although its existence was very short, it had a very remarkable record. Let's take a look at this legendary force.
At the end of the One Year War, the Principality of Zeon began to feel inadequate for the war after a long war of attrition. The Federation Army's mobile suits were officially mass-produced and put into battlefield, especially the Gundam (ガンダム) achieved great results. It brought great pressure to the principality army. At this time, in order to open up the war situation, and more importantly, to restore the people's fighting spirit, the military decided to form an elite unit capable of achieving impressive results. Therefore, "Chimera" was born in this context.
The "Chimera" team is named after the flagship of the fleet, the Zanzibar-class (ザンジバル-class) mobile cruiser "Chimera". At the same time, because most of the members of the team are aces who have made great achievements in various places, Therefore, some people call it the "Ace Force" (エース Force). In addition, there are many documents that mention that the "Chimera" team is called the NT (New Type) unit in the Principality of Zeon, but we know that there is no confirmed NT in the "Chimera" A quality pilot, so is it an NT force? Speaking of the NT troops in the One Year War, first of all, people will think of the "Independent 300th Troop" commanded by "Red Comet" Char Aznable. Second Lieutenant Lara Shin (ララァ.スン), the first person in the NT, used his NT ability to launch a "surprise" attack on the Solomon Fortress occupied by the federal army, which caused the entire federal fleet to panic. Comparing "Chimera" with it, we can find that although they are both elite troops that the Principality Army has high hopes for, the difference between the two is obvious. The biggest difference is that the "Independent 300th Troop" has Flanagon, a specialized NT actual combat application research institution, provides technical support. Second Lieutenant Lala Xin passed a series of adjustment tests by the institution and was confirmed to have NT qualities, while the members of the "Kimaira" team The "specific brain waves that occur during sustained stress" that are the definition of the NT phenomenon have not been tested. In addition, the former is also equipped with a dedicated NT machine equipped with the Secomy system, and the "Chimera" was the most advanced at the time. The advanced YMS-14 is the main force, but does not require the driver to have NT capabilities. It can be seen that "Chimera" cannot be regarded as an NT force in the true sense, so why does the Principality Army call it an NT force? We know that Jean's Flanagon Agency can be said to be the earliest start-up in the actual application of NT, but even so, its understanding of NT is relatively limited, and the NT that can be confirmed is very rare. Although many ace pilots on the front line did not undergo NT testing, their extraordinary reflexes, judgment, and high survival rate in actual combat were very similar to NT's performance on the battlefield. This resulted in many ace pilots at that time being It was believed that he might have NT potential, which also made the boundary between NT and ace quite blurry at that time. For example, Char was rumored to be an NT due to his outstanding record long before the awakening of his NT qualities. MS in the North American California base Lieutenant Yi An Gredin, the captain of the defense, is also considered to be a possible NT. From this point of view, it is not surprising that the "Chimera" team, which gathers ace players from all over the world, is labeled as the NT force, and from this point of view, the reason why it is called the NT force is also the same as that of the Federation at the same time. The army's NT unit "White Fortress" (ホワイトベース) team is very similar. In addition, another reason is that the Principality of Zeon is a country that believes in "Zeonism" (ジオニズム), and its citizens have a strong NT complex. Calling this ace-studded force the NT force will help inspire the people's fighting spirit. The effect will be self-evident, right?
Although the specific date of formation of the "Chimera" team cannot be confirmed now, it is roughly four weeks before the end of the war, that is, early December 0079 (another view is that it was formed after the Solomon Fortress Raiders. , but considering its combat experience, this time is obviously too late, so the credibility is low. The strategy book for the PC game "Kamaru.タクティクス" mentions that "Chimera" was formed on October 26, 0079. However, judging from the situation at the time, this time seemed too early, so it is generally believed that it was formed before the end of the war. Around is a more appropriate time). It consists of one Zanzibar-class mobile cruiser "Chimera" and several Musai-class cruisers. It has 31 MS pilots, most of whom are well-known aces on various fronts. The most famous among them is undoubtedly the one in the team. Major Johnny Letin (ジョニー·ライデン), the captain of the 1st Combat MS Squadron, and Lieutenant Thomas Cruz (トーマス.クルツ) from the 5th Ground Mobile Division and from Captain Gerald Sakai of the Granada base is also a famous figure. The unit was equipped with 24 of the most cutting-edge YMS-14 type YMS-14 Kuracos of the Principality Army at the time (the initial production model of MS-14, a total of 25 were produced, except for one sent to the "300th Independent Squadron" for Char to drive, the rest were All were received by "Chimera"), and were modified according to the combat methods that each pilot was good at into Type B (high mobility type) suitable for high-mobility warfare and type C (artillery type) with heavy firepower (specific numbers The record is: 12 were converted to Type B and 15 were converted to Type C. At first glance, there are 27 B-type and C-type aircraft in total, which seems to have exceeded the total number of 24. In fact, this is because the Glorious Aircraft is a very convenient model to change. You only need to change a backpack to realize the transformation from B-type to C. type of transformation. The best example is that in addition to using his usual B-type aircraft, Major Johnny Leiting was also confirmed to have used the C-type aircraft to attack. However, given the circumstances at the time, even a top ace like him would not be able to do so. There are two YMS-14s at the same time, so this is obviously the same YMS-14 modified into type B or type C according to the needs of different combat situations).
After the formation of the unit, they immediately went to a small reef airspace to conduct operational adaptation training for new aircraft types and troop tactical coordination exercises. It is worth mentioning that the "Chimera" broke the previous convention of three aircraft in one team during tactical exercises and adopted a new formation of two aircraft in one team (usually one B type and one C type). This kind of Although the number of mobile suits in the formation has been reduced compared to the past, judging from the training effect, the skills of the ace pilots and the high performance of the new cutting-edge aircraft are enough to enable such a two-plane formation to perform (or even surpass) the performance of the previous three-plane squadron. function. In this way, with the same number of MS, the number of MS squads in "Chimera" is 50% larger than that of conventional troops. This gives it a powerful operational capability that cannot be matched by troops of the same size, and can carry out operations. Larger-scale tactical operations, therefore, this move is considered to be a good strategy to give full play to the characteristics of a small number of elite "ace troops".
When the "Chimera" team was conducting exercises in the reef airspace, there was a record of an encounter with the Federation reconnaissance fleet, and the team achieved the sinking of the Magellan class without losing a single MS. ) one battleship and two Salamis (Saramis) class cruisers (there are also data records that during this period, the "Chimera" team fought 6 times with the Federation fleet, sinking a total of 3 Magellan class battleships, 8 Salamis class cruisers). However, judging from the combat operation records of the Federal Army, no fleet was dispatched at the above-mentioned time and place. However, after the war, Major Johnny was indeed found in the flagship "Chimera" of the "Chimera" team. There are photos of Lieutenant Thomas and Captain Gerald flying Type B aircraft and fighting the Federation fleet in the reef airspace. Therefore, there is also a view that the Principality Army used the original one-week war to suppress the colonies. The captured federal garrison ships were used as targets during the "Chimera" exercise, and then reported to the country as battle results to boost morale.
In late December 2079, the "Chimera" team, with the training program not yet completed, returned to the A. Bawa Ku Fortress to participate in the defense at the order of the commander-in-chief Kilian Zabi. On the eve of the attack and defense of Wa.ku Fortress, a surprise attack was launched on the federal fleet assembly point. At that time, a raiding force composed of twelve MS-14Cs and three Musai-class cruisers belonging to the "Chimera" team suddenly appeared behind the federal fleet at the assembly point and launched an attack on the unsuspecting federal forces. After a fierce battle, two Salamis-class cruisers were sunk and one Columbus-class transport ship was converted (this ship type was modified from the ordinary Columbus-class transport ship. After modification, Gnaku can not only Equipped with MS, it can also be used to carry and launch space fighters. In order to distinguish it from the Columbus-class transport ships designed after the war, it is often called the Columbus-class transport ship. At the same time, because the number one ship of this ship type is Anti. tank (Antitan, so it is also called the Antietam-class transport ship), destroyed fourteen mobile suits, twenty-two Structural Fighters, and caused chaos in the federal fleet, while the "Chimera" team's losses were only Two mobile suits were destroyed, three were moderately damaged, and one Musai-class cruiser was severely damaged and unable to sail. At this time, although Zeon strictly controlled news reports due to the unfavorable war situation, they made an exception and made a very detailed report on this combat operation, and called the attacked Federation fleet the Teem fleet. However, since General Tienmu had been killed in the Battle of Solomon Fortress at that time, the so-called "Tiunmu Fleet" no longer existed at that time (at that time, Zeon blocked the news of the fall of Solomon Fortress), so this The name is also considered to be borrowing the name of the famous federal general General Tienmu to exaggerate the results of "Chimera". But in any case, the Principality Army effectively slowed down the assembly speed of the federal fleet through this operation called "Kuraku", gaining valuable time to improve the defense of A. Bawa Ku Fortress.
After that, the "Chimera" team participated in the offensive and defensive battle of A. Bava Ku Fortress as a guerrilla fleet. Based on the organization of two aircraft and a small squadron, they formed three squadrons and were active on the battlefield in the final decisive battle of the One Year War. In this battle, a total of 62 RGM-79ジム and RB-79ボール were destroyed. Although the "Chimera" team was only defeated by 8 MSs, the leader of the unit's first combat MS squadron, Johnny Leiting, The major disappeared in the fierce battle, Lieutenant Thomas Cruz was killed in the battle, and among the famous pilots belonging to the team, only Captain Gerard Sakai survived until the war.
After the fall of A. Bawa Ku Fortress, the scarred army flagship "Chimera" was captured by the federal fleet when it was evacuating to the mainland. At this point, the short but glorious history of this ace force of the Principality Army officially came to an end. .

Flanagan Mechanism, MS-06Z Figure 4

The above is all about the Flanagan mechanism, MS-06Z, and Flanagan related content. I hope it can help you.

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