
Contents of this article

  • 1.
  • 2. The ancient names of the twelve solar terms
  • 3. Ancient China also had twelve constellations
  • 4. The ancient Chinese names of the twelve constellations

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the names of the twelve constellations in ancient times Figure 1

The ancient names of the twelve solar terms

The ancient names of the twelve constellations

The twelve constellations are elegant names in ancient times. Nowadays, the twelve constellations have their own names, but in ancient times, the names of the twelve constellations were also very beautiful. Let’s take a look at the ancient names and related content of the twelve constellations.

The ancient names of the twelve constellations 1

1. Star Chronicle (12.07-01.05)

"Star Age", as the starting point of the twelve stars, has a fundamental meaning. People born at this time are strong, hard-working, and will work tirelessly to pursue goals. Their stable and trustworthy image makes people rely on them. But he also has a temper, and getting angry can be scary.

2. Xuan Zhen (01.06-02.03)

"Xuanzhen" means seed, which represents development and mystery. People born at this time have a cheerful and optimistic personality, are very popular, are curious, have a wide range of interests, and like to participate in a variety of activities. But at the same time, he is very fickle, and his enthusiasm for one thing will not last long.

3. Juanzi (02.04-03.05)

"娵訾" represents the core of the plant, that is, the center of things. People born at this time have a strong sense of self and full of personality. Although he looks cold on the outside, he is very passionate on the inside. He also has a strong will, is conscientious and tolerant, and is suitable for being a leader.

4. Jianglou (03.06-04.04)

"Jianglou" represents the stem of a plant, as the stem selflessly transports nutrients to the plant. People born at this time have a spirit of selfless dedication. He has a straightforward personality and tries his best to help his friends, but he often cannot solve his own troubles.

5. Daliang (04.05-05.05)

The "big beam" symbolizes the plants accumulating energy before going through the winter, which means being strong. People born at this time are flexible in mind, good at expressing themselves, and have rich life experience. He is also very foresighted and has long-term and detailed plans for his future.

6. Real sinking (05.06-06.05)

"Solid Shen" represents the softness of elasticity and symbolizes the branches of plants. People born at this time will be tenacious and able to adapt to changes. But in terms of character, he is too strict and cautious, and a little sensitive and suspicious.

7. Quail Head (06.06-07.06)

"Quail head" symbolizes tranquility. People born at this time are calm, gentle and generous. They will move forward bravely for their ideals and goals, open up a new world with their own talents and talents, and continuously gain development and progress.

8. Quail Fire (07.07-08.07)

"Quail Fire" represents the heart of the Phoenix, which has burning vitality. People born at this time are sincere and frank, persistent and stubborn, energetic and quick-moving. They are not good at thinking calmly. They show their heart to their friends and are very popular with the opposite sex.

9. Quail Tail (08.08-09.07)

"Quail Tail" represents roots growing solidly in the earth. The character of people born at this time will be like the roots in the earth, strong and unfathomable. Under the cold appearance, there is a gentle heart, compassionate, rich imagination, and keen senses, but it may be too idealistic and has no sense of reality, making it unrealistic.

10. Birthday boy (09.08-10.07)

"Birthday star" represents happiness and longevity. People born at this time have deep blessings, delicate minds, and aloof from the world. Although it may seem lazy on the surface, once you have a goal, you will start to do it with enthusiasm. This is the so-called "if you don't make a sound, you will make a blockbuster", but this enthusiasm is often difficult to last.

11. Fire (10.08-11.08)

"Fire" represents the warm sunshine in the morning. People born at this time also feel very warm to others, and their peaceful and tranquil temperament is deeply loved by everyone. But sometimes he will be picky and make others dissatisfied.

12. Paroxysmal wood (11.09-12.06)

"Ximu" represents the wooden fence that intercepts the Tianhe River. The biggest characteristic of people born at this time is that they are strong-willed and can be reborn in the face of adversity. He is generous and upright, and is kind and generous, but sometimes he can be too tough and unkind.

The ancient names of the twelve constellations 2

What were the ancient names of the twelve constellations?

In ancient times, the twelve constellations were called Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190-120 BC) divided the zodiac into twelve segments in order to mark the position of the sun on the ecliptic, with the vernal equinox being 0°.

Counting from the vernal equinox (zero degree of the ecliptic), every 30° is a house, and they are named after the main constellations contained in each house at that time, in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and other signs are called the zodiac signs. There are twelve constellations in total.

The ancient names of the twelve constellations 3

What are the other names for the 12 constellations?

In Western astrology, the 12 constellations of the zodiac are synonymous with the orientation of the universe. When a person is born, the position of each star on the zodiac illustrates a person's innate character and talent. The 12 zodiac signs symbolize the psychological level and reflect the way a person behaves. So the ecliptic was divided into 12 constellations, called the 12 constellations of the zodiac. The order is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Aries (03.21-04.20) Aries day name Aries

Taurus (04.21-05.21) Taurus day name is Taurus

Gemini (05.22-06.21) Gemini day name is Yin Yang

Cancer (06.22-07.22) Cancer The day name is Crab, but it is mistakenly named Scorpio.

Leo (07.23-08.22) Leo’s day name is Leo, the ancient name of the constellation of the Son of Heaven, mistakenly named Celestial Lion

Virgo (08.23-09.22) Virgo’s day name is Otome, its common name is Virgo, and its ancient name is Gemini.

Libra (09.23-10.23) Libra’s day name is Libra and its common name is Scales

Scorpio (10.24-11.22) Scorpio

Sagittarius (11.23-12.21) Sagittarius is named Sagittarius, mistakenly named Sagittarius and Centaur.

Capricorn (12.22-01.20) Capricorn's daily name is Goat, the ancient name is Capricorn, and it is mistakenly named Capricorn.

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the ancient names of the twelve constellations Figure 2

There were also twelve constellations in ancient China

The twelve zodiac signs originated from the West, but are now popular in our country, especially among young people. All kinds of weird and unpredictable sayings have attracted a lot of attention. However, few people know that there were also twelve "zodiac signs" in ancient my country. The only difference is that the name is not called "Twelve Constellations", but "Twelve Stars", or directly called "Stars".

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the ancient names of the twelve constellations Figure 3

The twelve stars originated from the worship of the stars by the ancient Chinese people. The stars were divided by astronomers. They were mainly used to record the position of Jupiter and divide the "zodiac" into twelve parts. It has to be said that it is similar to the twelve constellations in the West. It is quite a coincidence, but the twelve stars have been finalized as early as the Han Dynasty in my country, which means that the exploration stage was earlier. It was first seen in books such as "Zuo Zhuan" and "Guoyu", and was also mentioned in "Han Shu" later. , is part of our country’s traditional culture. Let's take a look at how the twelve stars are divided according to the lunar calendar and what the meaning of each star is.

12.7 to 1.5, said Star Age. Star refers to the stars, and Ji has records, which means beginning, which obviously means records opened with stars as the measurement method. "Erya·Shitian" records that "Star Ji, Dou, Morning Bull", and Dou, Ox is the name of two stars among the twenty-eight constellations.

1.6 to 2.3, named Xuan Xiao (xiao). According to legend, the Yellow Emperor had a son named Xuan Xiao, named Qingyang, and another son named Chang Yi, who gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu, and Xuan Xiao was Xuan Xiao. Although Xuan Xiao was not famous, he He was the ancestor of the ancient emperor Di Ku, so after his death, the ancients commemorated him with stars.

2.4 to 3.5, it is called Ju Zi. In fact, like Xuan Zhen, there is a person corresponding to Ju Zi, named Suzi. Emperor Ku’s wife is called Chang Yi, and the name of Chang Yi’s tribe is Su Zi. In ancient times, there was With the clan being the clan tradition, it is not surprising that the Suzi clan is revered as the Northern Hoshiji.

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the ancient names of the twelve constellations Figure 4

From 3.6 to 4.4, it is called Jianglou, which means birth, and "Lou" is the name in the twenty-eight constellations, which means that the people of Lou were born from the sky. According to the records of the Spring and Autumn Period, in order to preserve the lineage of the Xia people, the Western Zhou Dynasty divided the princes. Donglou Gong, a descendant of Yu, was granted the title of Qidi, and the name of Lousu was obtained by the Lou people. The editor Bucai also had the surname Lou, but the star number was the star.

4.5 to 5.5 is called Daliang. Daliang refers to Daliang, the capital of the Wei State, which is today's Kaifeng City. Lou is the star on it. Obviously, it is not surprising that Daliang is the star name. Most people in Wei have the surname Ji. Their distant ancestors come from Xiqiang and Jianglou. The same, belonging to the Western White Tiger Star Category.

5.6 to 6.5 means heavy. This star is also related to Emperor Ku. Emperor Ku had two sons, one named Que Bo and the other Shi Shen. Shichen is the ancestor of the Jin people, who are descendants of the Western nation. Therefore, Shichen also belongs to the Western White Tiger star among the twenty-eight constellations.

6.6 to 7.6, said Quail Head. The literal meaning is the head of a quail. Although it is the head of a quail, it does represent the Suzaku in the Seven Souvenirs of the South. The word "Quail Fire" appears in "Zuo Zhuan". The quail is Mars, and the Southern Suzaku is fire. This South The number of stars in the constellation is finally confirmed.

7.7 to 8.7, called Quail Fire. There is a red star in this star order, which is Alpha Hydra. It is also because of this red star that this star order is called Quail Fire.

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the ancient names of the twelve constellations Figure 5

8.8 to 9.7, said Quail Tail. If there is a head, there will be a tail. This star number corresponds to the Wings and Zhens among the twenty-eight constellations, and the Wings have the meaning of the wings and tail of the red bird. It is not difficult to see the ancients' division of star numbers.

9.8 to 10.7 is the longevity star. The longevity star is a title that we all know very well. The ancients believed that observing the brightness of the longevity star can determine the emperor's lifespan and the prosperity of the country. Therefore, in the past, the longevity star was regarded as the leading star.

From 10.8 to 11.8, it is said to be a big fire. It is actually a star that emits red light, which is somewhat similar to a quail's tail. Before the Shang Dynasty, businessmen used to use the big Mars to determine the seasons. There was also an official who specialized in observing this star named Huozheng. It was precisely because of its It's so special that it becomes one of the twelve stars.

From 11.9 to 12.6, it is called parsing wood. Some scholars believe that the origin of Ximu is related to the Naxi people in Yunnan. Naxi is called Moxi in ancient books, and it can also be written as Muxi. The reverse is Ximu. "Xi" means to separate, and wood refers to the collective name of plants, and the sky where the XJi star is located happens to span both sides of the Milky Way, which is quite appropriate.

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the ancient names of the twelve constellations Figure 6

Ancient Chinese names for the twelve constellations

The ancient Chinese names of the twelve constellations:
Aries: Ruochang
Taurus: Ci Ning
Gemini: Yu Lilang
Cancer: Qi Yu
Leo: Xu Yao
Virgo: Xiu Jie
Libra: Han Xi
Scorpio: Zhu Wanyi
Sagittarius: Zhifei
Capricorn: Mo Yu
Aquarius: Hexuan
Pisces: Zeyang

The elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, the names of the twelve constellations in ancient times Figure 7

The above is about the elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations, all the names of the twelve constellations in ancient times, and the related content about the elegant names and meanings of ancient constellations. I hope it can help you.

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