
Contents of this article

  • 1. Hamlet’s classic lines
  • 2. Hamlet’s most classic line
  • 3. Hamlet’s classic lines
  • 4. English version of Hamlet’s classic lines from the movie

Hamlet's classic lines

50 classic lines from Hamlet

  "Hamlet", also known as "The Revenge of the Prince", is a tragedy work by Shakespeare, one of the famous tragedies, and one of his most famous and quoted plays. It is customary to refer to this play, together with "Macbeth", "King Lear" and "Othello", as Shakespeare's "four great tragedies". The following are 50 classic lines from Hamlet, welcome to read.

Hamlet's classic lines, Hamlet's classic lines picture 1

  NO1. Even if I were locked up in a nut shell, I would regard myself as a king with infinite space.

  NO2, survival or destruction, this is a question worth considering. Which of these two actions is nobler, to endure in silence the tyrannical arrows of fate, or to stand up against the boundless sufferings of this world and sweep them away through struggle? Dead, asleep, playing with everything.

  NO3. When I was young, I loved cheating the most and thought it was very interesting. Learning to be a good person by following the rules is meaningless in my opinion. Unexpectedly, the years are slipping away, and the old scenery urges people to be eager for sparks; their legs are straight, and they die in the west. It turns out that I never existed in the world.

  NO4. Beauty can turn chastity into passion, but chastity may not make beauty influenced by itself.

  NO5. Even if I am stuck in a nutshell, I can still call myself an emperor with infinite space!

  NO6. Even if I am locked in a fruit core, I am still the king of space.

  NO7. If you work hard for a day, you can sleep well for a day; if you work hard for a lifetime, you can sleep forever.

  NO8. I can stay inside a peach core and still consider myself a boundless monarch.

  NO9. A smart person turns into a fool and is the easiest fish to take the bait; because he relies on his talent and knowledge and cannot see his own arrogance.

  NO10. If it were not for the fear of unknown death and the mysterious country from which no traveler has ever returned, it would confuse our will and we would rather endure the current torture than dare to fly to the pain we do not know. ?

  NO11. The earth is the loving mother of all living things, and she is also the tomb that hides all living things.

  NO12. Sinful actions will be discovered one day, even though all the dirt on the ground covers them up.

  NO13. Don't ask for loans or lend money to others, because if you lend money to others, you often lose not only your capital but also your friends.

  NO14. The world is like a prison, and the apartment is just a cell with poorer conditions.

  NO15. We often put on expressions of faith and pious actions, but wrap up the devil’s nature with sugar coating.

  NO16. God is fair. Those who control destiny will always stand at both ends of the balance. Those who are controlled by destiny only understand that God has given them the destiny!

  NO17. The whole world is a huge stage, and all the men and women in this world are just actors. There is a time for each player to come on and off the field. Everyone plays many roles throughout his life, and there are seven stages from birth to death.

  NO18. The times have been out of touch. This is a cursed cause and effect, and I was born to correct it!

  NO19. Even if I am locked in a nutshell, I still think I am the king of the infinite universe.

  NO20. Extraordinary relatives, indifferent passers-by.

  NO21. When you are about to move but haven’t moved yet, you stand still.

  NO22. If you love me, please temporarily sacrifice the happiness in heaven and stay in this cold human world to tell my story for me.

  NO23. Since we know that it is inevitable and everyone will encounter the same experience, why do we ignore it so stubbornly?

  NO24. A successful liar no longer needs to make a living by lying, because the people who are deceived have become his supporters, and it will be in vain for me to say anything else.

  NO25. You can graft a branch of virtue onto the stem of sin, but the fruit will still contain the bitterness of sin.

  NO26. If there is no big thing, we will not act rashly. This is indeed great. But when honor is at stake, even if it's a fight over a straw, that's great.

  NO27. A dream itself is a shadow.

  NO28. When sadness comes, it doesn’t come alone, but in groups.

  NO29. Weak, your name is woman.

  NO30. Listen to other people’s opinions, but reserve your own judgment.

  NO31. I know that when passion is burning, a person will utter any oath no matter what. These flames are more light than heat, and they will be extinguished in a short time, because they are illusory in nature, and you cannot make them Treat it like real fire.

  NO32. Brevity is the soul of wit, while verbosity is a useless decoration.

  NO33. Death is sleep, it is nothing more than that!

  NO34. I love Ophelia. Even if there are thousands of brothers who gather all their love together, they will never be able to compare with my love!

  NO35. This is an era of chaos and chaos. Alas, I am the unlucky one who has to shoulder the responsibility of putting things right!

  NO36. In fact, there is nothing good or bad in the world. It all depends on how you think about it.

  NO37. It is better to receive a bad tombstone after death than to suffer a vicious ridicule from them while alive.

  NO38. Don’t indulge your love, don’t let the sharp arrows of desire hit you.

  NO39. This is a country that no one knows about, and it has never returned since ancient times.

  NO40. Everyone who is alive must die, and step from the living space into eternal tranquility.

  NO41. A small amount of evil is enough to offset all noble qualities and bring a person into disrepute.

  NO42. A great man who has lost his fortune has no friends, and a poor man who has lost his fortune has enemies.

  NO43. After we get rid of this rotten skin, what dreams will we have in the sleep of death cannot but make us hesitate.

  NO44. Jealous siblings are lies!

  NO45. A violet in early spring matures early and wilts easily. It is fragrant but does not last long. It is only a minute of fragrance and joy.

  NO46. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, and people are easily deceived by superficial decoration.

  NO47. Virtue cannot cultivate our sinful nature.

  NO48. A person can go fishing with a maggot that has eaten a king, and then eat the fish that has eaten that maggot.

  NO49. Give me a person who is not enslaved by emotion. I would like to keep it in my heart and in the depths of my soul, just like I do to you.

  NO50. If it is destined to be today, it will not be tomorrow; if it is not tomorrow, it will be today; if you escape today, you still cannot escape tomorrow, just be ready at any time.


Hamlet's most classic line

Hamlet tells the story of his uncle Claudius who murdered Hamlet's father, usurped the throne, and married the king's widow Gertrude; Prince Hamlet therefore avenged his father's death on his uncle. Below are the classic and excellent lines of Hamlet that I recommend to everyone. I hope you will learn something.

Hamlet's classic lines

1. In a mixed mood of sadness and joy, happiness and melancholy occupy my eyes respectively. The funeral dirge and the wedding music are played at the same time. I use grand joy to offset the heavy misfortune. I have been with my old life. The eldest sister-in-law, the current queen, and the co-ruler of this troubled country, got married.

2. My jet-black coat, my ceremonial mourning clothes, my sighs that cannot be uttered, my tears like rolling rivers, my sad and depressed face, and all the rituals, appearances, and expressions of sadness cannot express my feelings. Real emotions. These talents are really admirable, because anyone can do this. They are just sad trappings and clothes; but my depressed thoughts cannot be expressed.

3. If you have not told others what you saw until now, then I would like to ask you all to continue to remain silent.

4. A process of growth, not only the strengthening of muscles and body, but also the expansion of spirit and soul as the body develops. Maybe he loves you now, and his sincere will is pure and non-deceptive; but you must pay attention to that, with such a high status, his will does not belong to himself, because he himself will also be affected by his blood. Dominate.

5. Even if there is no temptation from others, the young man's blood will betray himself.

6. Don’t just say whatever comes to mind. Think twice before doing anything. Be kind to people, but don't be overly affectionate. Friends who know each other well should put a steel ring around your soul, but don't indiscriminately extend your friendship to every new knowledge. Take care to avoid quarreling with others; but if a dispute arises, let the other person know that you are not to be taken lightly. Listen to everyone's opinions, but express your opinions only to a very few people; accept everyone's opinions, but express your opinions only to a very few people; accept everyone's criticism, but reserve your own judgment. Use your financial resources to buy expensive clothes, but don't show off anything new and innovative. It must be rich but not flashy, because clothes can often express your personality and make you unique. Don't ask for loans, and don't give money to others wrongly; because if you lend money, you often lose not only your capital, but also your friends. As a result of borrowing from others, it is easy to develop the habit of laziness. Most importantly, you must be true to yourself; just as there is night before there is day, you must be true to yourself so that you will not deceive others.

7. I know that when passion is burning, a person will say whatever he vows. These flames, my daughter, are more light than heat. They are extinguished as soon as you speak them. You cannot treat them as real fire. From now on, you should show less of your daughter's face; you should raise your status and don't let others think that you can be called at will. You should think of His Highness Hamlet this way, he is a young prince and he has greater freedom of action than you. All in all, don't believe her oath. They are just prostitutes. Their inner colors and clothes are completely different. They only know how to tempt people to do some dirty tricks, just like the sanctimonious madams who only want to achieve the purpose of deceiving people. That's all I have to say, in one simple sentence, from now on, I won't allow you to chat with His Highness Hamlet whenever you have free time. Just be careful and go in.

8. It makes us, fools played by nature, tremble with unimaginable terror.

9. But just like a chaste woman, even if her lust is covered with a holy appearance, it cannot stir her up, even if a person is paired with the angel of light, one day he will be tired of the singing and singing in heaven, and I would rather hug the rotten bones of the world.

10. If you have natural feelings, don't rest in silence, don't let the royal bed in Denmark become a bed for hiding traitors; but no matter how you revenge, don't go through all kinds of suspicions, let alone have anything against your mother. She will be judged by heaven and pricked by the thorns in her own heart if she has an unfavorable plot.

11. Remember you! Yes, I want to erase from the tablets of my memory all the trivial and stupid records, all the mottos in the books, all the clichés, all the impressions of the past, the traces of my youthful experiences, leaving only Let your commands remain in the book of my mind, without being mixed with some cheap rubbish; yes, God is my witness!

12. Just as young people often do not know how to look forward and backward when doing things, older people like us are always unavoidable from overthinking.

13. Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, verbosity is superficiality.

Appreciation of Hamlet

1. Hamlet

Hamlet is the prince of the Kingdom of Denmark. He received a good education at Wedborg University in Germany. At the beginning of the story, he is a happy and beautiful image. Therefore, his heart is pure during this period. He believes that the world is full of truth and happiness. Good and beautiful, however, with the tragic death of his father, his uncle taking away his throne, and even his mother remarrying, the subsequent blows completely shattered his beautiful ideals. After the test of his soul, he began his own road of revenge. In the process of revenge, his image gradually becomes fuller, and his fundamental character is completely exposed in front of people. Below, the author summarizes and analyzes Hamlet's character traits based on the classic description fragments in the novel.

(1) The embodiment of good and evil, greatness and insignificance

At the beginning of the story, Hamlet is happy, he is noble, knowledgeable, brave, pursues love boldly, and treats his friends sincerely. He even hoped to replace the hierarchical feudal relationship with a relationship of sincerity and equality. After his father's death, his uncle usurped the throne. He awakened from the great grief. In order to save thousands of working people and save the fate of the entire society, he determined to "take the responsibility of restoring the world" and thus embarked on a journey of revenge. road. These fully illustrate Hamlet's princely temperament, which is his greatness.

But in the process of revenge, the ugly side of his human nature is also revealed, such as suspicion, indifference, and depressed character. Hamlet loved Ophelia deeply at first, but after encountering a huge change, he no longer believed in love and was always suspicious of his lover. He insulted the woman he once loved, and even Ophelia finally became a The pawn of his revenge. Regarding his mother, Hamlet sarcastically said: "My father died less than two months ago, and my mother's filial shoes have not yet worn out, and she hastily remarried the traitor. Even a beast will be miserable longer than this, right?" It was his contradictory character of coexisting good and evil, greatness and insignificance that led to his hesitation and impulsiveness in action, revealing the final tragic ending.

(2) A giant in thought and a dwarf in action

When Hamlet heard the ghost's words and knew that his father had been framed, he fell into rational thinking. Finally, he thought of a way to cleverly expose his uncle's crime through a "play within a play". From his decision to take revenge and the actions he took, Judging from his actions, he is a very thoughtful character.

However, there is always hesitation in his character, and he is always thinking about the question of "survival or destruction". He originally had many excellent opportunities to avenge his father, but he always gave up the action at the most critical moment and found excuses for his cowardice. For example, in Act 3, Scene 3, he saw Claudius who was praying with his eyes closed. Originally, this was an excellent opportunity for him to kill his enemy, but at the last moment, he said: "Now He is washing his soul. If I end his life at this time, then the road to heaven is open for him. Is this considered revenge? No! Put away my sword and wait for a more cruel opportunity. "What a ridiculous excuse. He actually comforted himself by waiting for the next more cruel opportunity to take revenge on Claudius. This paragraph in the script vividly describes the weakness in his bones. He lacks the courage to fight. His final outcome is also conceivable. It also illustrates the incompleteness of his fight. He was always meditating, but he was struggling. All this shows that his seemingly strong character hides the evil nature of cowardice, hesitation, and escaping from reality, and that he always looks for moral excuses for his non-vengeance, which will inevitably lead to his incomplete revenge. In the end, he suffered the tragic fate of dying together with his enemies. He will always become a "giant in thought and a dwarf in action". He will only think about things and make comments, and appear extremely slow and weak in action.

2. Ophelia

Ophelia is the daughter of the royal minister Polonius and Hamlet's lover. She is kind, beautiful and pure. She is a woman in purdah and is not familiar with the world. Therefore, she does not have much understanding of the dark reality in society and makes any decision based on her feelings. She admired Hamlet's talent and grace, and wanted to accept his love. When her father and brother opposed it, Ophelia listened to their persuasion and avoided Hamlet. Ophelia, who is surrounded by the feudal system, is kind and passive. When it comes to love, she does not dare to boldly pursue it. She is unable to resist the secular world. She is too simple and eventually becomes a tool for revenge against each other by her father, brother and lover. In the end, A tragic death.

We all know that "Hamlet" tells the story of a prince's revenge, so the love story between Hamlet and Ophelia has never received much attention. Ophelia is only secondary to the entire play. This role also determines that Ophelia is not as outstanding as the women in Shakespeare's other works. In terms of spirit and ability, she can only be a minor figure of that era. From a family perspective, Ophelia is a filial daughter. She is like a caged bird, with no opinions and thoughts of her own, and lives completely under the control of her father and brother. When her father asked her to test the secret in Hamlet's heart, she followed her father's plot but did not know that she had hurt her lover. When her lover was in the most pain and helplessness, she had no ability to help her lover, could not understand his thoughts, and was actually used to hurt him. When Hamlet scolded her, she cried very sadly, feeling that "what a noble heart has fallen like this", "I am so miserable, who would have expected that the prosperity of the past would turn into the dirt of today." Maybe she felt aggrieved. , but she has no ability to think about why her lover treats her like this. Therefore, many readers sympathize with Ophelia's fate but are also dissatisfied with her essentially ignorant character.

Ophelia faced the cruel reality that her beloved killed her father, and her heart was full of resentment and resentment. However, she was unable to resolve it, so she had to confide in the queen and her brother, and eventually she became crazy. From her sad singing, we can see her hatred for Hamlet. But she doesn't understand reality, and she can only judge her lover based on what she sees with her own eyes. In the end she went crazy. Faced with this cruel reality, she could only place her hope in God, "Ask God to forgive the souls of all Christians!" An important reason for her going crazy was that she could not bear the thought that her lover had killed her. Her father, because she loved Hamlet deeply, she didn’t know what to do. Her mind couldn’t extricate herself from the fierce conflict between family affection and love. In the end, she collapsed. She wanted to escape from it all. This was the only way to release her. . The cruel feudal rule drove kind people crazy, and the evil people were punished but also paid the price of kindness.

Ophelia's death was beautiful and peaceful. Shakespeare described this section extremely beautifully: her clothes spread out the moment she fell into the water, as quiet and beautiful as an angel falling to earth, as if the whole world was mourning her, flowers They all slowly fell around her, and the colorful petals made her look like a beautiful mermaid. She was singing ancient songs intermittently, like the sounds of nature. The author closely combines Ophelia's death with nature, creating a harmonious atmosphere, which heralds a kind of relief from the real society and the liberation and return of the mind.   3. Claudius

Claudius is Hamlet's uncle. He is the source of the conflict in the whole play. He kills his brother and usurps the throne, seizes the queen, and also wants to eradicate Hamlet. He is an extremely cunning person. He tries his best to conceal his crimes, and even more so to make all public opinions favorable to him. Throughout the play, he carefully arranges to keep everyone away from isolating Hamlet. His attitude towards Hamlet is constantly changing. Before Hamlet knows the truth, he hopes to persuade Hamlet to accept the reality, and does not want to resolutely get rid of Hamlet. He believed that Hamlet was kind-hearted and pure, but he did not relax his vigilance against Hamlet because of this. He sent Polonius to test Hamlet's psychological changes, or sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to explore secret. And when Hamlet used the moment of performance to expose Claudius's crime to the world, he decided that he had to get rid of Hamlet. Later, he pretended to banish him and actually killed him, fanning the flames, letting Laertes compete with Hamlet in a sword fight, giving him poisoned wine, and applying poison on the sword. Finally, he put Hamlet to death by the hands of others. But Claudius finally paid for his crime with his life, and Hamlet stabbed him to death with a poisoned sword.

3. Gertrude

Gertrude is the queen of Denmark and Hamlet's mother. When the traitorous king Claudius usurped the throne, she had to succumb to the evil forces and commit herself to him. Although there is an element of coercion at the beginning, she gradually gives in to her lust, and therefore her fate has both external and internal factors. It is precisely because of this that Hamlet was very disappointed with his mother and mocked her many times. But at the same time, Hamlet was also very painful in his heart, because Gertrude was his mother after all, and he also understood his mother's situation, but he always felt sorry for her. I am concerned about my mother's remarriage.

4. Polonius

Polonius is a typical treacherous official who has exhausted all his agencies, is cunning, and tends to follow others' influence. When Hamlet's father was still alive, he knew that his daughter was dating Hamlet, and he was very in favor of it. But after the old king died and saw that Hamlet's throne was not guaranteed, he sowed a relationship between his daughter and Hamlet and persuaded him to Prevent her daughter from interacting with Hamlet. Polonius regards his daughter's happiness as a ladder to his career, but how his daughter can be happy is not what he really cares about. Polonius's love for his son is even more puzzling. He asked his servants to speak ill of his son, and then set out the rumors about Laertes from others. But he didn't dare to let his servants talk too badly about his son, for fear of damaging his reputation, so he only allowed them to talk about some mistakes that playboys usually make. This is indeed a smart approach, but it is not a clever approach. This illustrates Polonius's cunning and foolish character.

5. Laertes

Laertes is Ophelia's brother. He is an arrogant, foolhardy, narrow-minded man who is easily taken advantage of. But his nature is not bad. We can see from the fact that before the final sword duel with Hamlet, he was upset because of the poisoning and cheating, and he lost to Hamlet in the previous times. But he is not a person who can think independently. His thoughts are easily influenced by others. Once he is instigated by others, he will immediately become a tool of others.

6. Conclusion

"There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers." The characters in the story in "Hamlet" are very complex. The author only made a simple summary. But generally speaking, character determines fate. The deaths of Hamlet, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius and Laertes in "Hamlet" are more or less related to their character traits. Relatedly, the tragedy of the entire drama is essentially a tragedy of character.

Hamlet's classic lines, Hamlet's classic lines picture 2

Hamlet's classic lines

  "Hamlet" is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare between 1599 and 1602. Below I have brought you Hamlet’s classic lines. You are welcome to read them. I hope they can help you.

  1. If you have natural feelings, don't rest in silence, don't let the royal bed in Denmark become a bed for hiding traitors; but no matter how you take revenge, you will never let it go. You must not have any unfavorable plots against your mother. She will be judged by God and stabbed by the thorns in her own heart.

  2. The foolish things of a fool are not surprising, but the foolish things of a wise man make people laugh; because he uses all his abilities to prove his own stupidity.

  3. If a person only regards the happiness and purpose of life as eating and sleeping, what kind of person is he? What a beast! God created us so that we can talk so loudly and look forward and backward. Of course, we must use the ability and smart reason He has given us and not let them go to waste. Now I clearly have the reasons, determination, strength, and methods to do what I want to do, but I still say without shame: “This thing needs to be done. "But it has never been shown in action; I don't know whether this is because of forgetfulness like a deer or a hog, or because of overly cautious concerns that are one part cowardice and one part wisdom. Examples as clear as the earth encouraged me; look at this brave army, led by a pampered young prince, whose spirit was lifted up by his strong ambition, making him despise the unknown results and fight for the sake of a mere bullet. A barren land, fighting with flesh and blood to challenge fate, death and danger. True greatness is not to act rashly, but to strive generously even for the smallest straw when honor is in danger. However, my father was brutally killed and my mother was humiliated. My reason and emotions were aroused by this sworn hatred, but I tolerated everything and let everything take its course, watching these 20,000 people trying to win one With an empty reputation, I walked down to their graves as if they were dead, just to fight for a piece of land that was not enough to give them a battlefield or a burial place. How could I be ashamed of myself in comparison? ah! From this moment on, let me get rid of all doubts and delusions, and fill my mind with bleeding thoughts!

  4. Just as young people often do not know how to look forward and backward when doing things, older people like us are always unavoidable.

  5. Remember you! Yes, I want to erase from the tablets of my memory all the trivial and foolish records, all the mottos in the books, all the clichés, all the impressions of the past and the traces of my youthful experiences, leaving only Your orders remain in the book of my mind without being mixed with some useless scraps; yes, God is my witness!

  6. If you have natural feelings, don’t let it go in silence, and don’t let the royal bed in Denmark become a bed for hiding adultery;

<x3 > 7. The madness of big shots cannot be left to its own devices.

  8. I know that when passion is burning, a person will say whatever oath he makes. These flames, my daughter, are more light than heat. They are extinguished as soon as you speak them. You cannot treat them as real fire. From now on, you should show less of your daughter's face; you should raise your status and don't let others think that you can be called at will. You should think of His Highness Hamlet this way, he is a young prince and he has greater freedom of action than you. All in all, don't believe her oath. They are just prostitutes. Their inner colors and clothes are completely different. They only know how to tempt people to do some dirty tricks, just like the sanctimonious madams who only want to achieve the purpose of deceiving people. That's all I have to say, in one simple sentence, from now on, I won't allow you to chat with His Highness Hamlet whenever you have free time. Just be careful and go in.

  9. Love only starts from the impulse of a momentary emotion. Experience tells me that after a considerable period of time, it will gradually cool down. Love is like an oil lamp. After the wick burns out, its flame becomes dim and extinguishes. Nothing can always remain good, for excess of goodness destroys itself, just as a man dies of congestion. What we want to do should be done as soon as we think about it; because people's thoughts will change, and how many tongues, how many hands, how many accidents there are, there will be how much hesitation and delay; at that time, talking about what to do is just a matter of time. It's like chatting and sighing, which can only harm your own body.

  10. My jet black coat, the mourning clothes prescribed by etiquette, the sighs that are difficult to spit out, the tears like rolling rivers, the sad and depressed face, and all the rituals, Neither my appearance nor my expression of sadness conveyed my true feelings. These talents are really admirable, because anyone can do this. They are just sad trappings and clothes; but my depressed thoughts cannot be expressed.

  11. If you have not told others what you saw until now, then I would like to ask you all to continue to remain silent.

  12. To live or to die, that is the question.

  13. No, don’t think I’m complimenting you; you have nothing but your kind spirit, so what’s the benefit of me complimenting you? Why compliment the poor? No, let the honey-like lips suck the glory of folly, and bend their knees where there is profit. listen. Ever since I was able to distinguish right from wrong and discern the wise from the foolish, you have been the chosen person in my soul, because although you have experienced all the ups and downs, you have never been harmed at all. You have accepted the abuses and favors of fate calmly; Blessed is the person who can adjust his emotions and reason so appropriately that fate cannot play with him at his fingertips. Give me someone who is not enslaved by emotion, and I will treasure him in my heart, in the depths of my soul, just as I do in you.

  14. However, no matter how you take revenge, do not go through all kinds of suspicions, let alone have any unfavorable plots against your mother. She will be judged by God and her own heart. The jab of the thorns.

  15. The whole world is a huge stage, and all men and women in this world are just actors. There is a time for each player to come on and off the field. Everyone plays many roles throughout his life, and there are seven stages from birth to death.

  16. Those who give up time, time will also give up on him.

  17. Even if there is no temptation from others, the young man's blood will betray himself.

  18. A smart person turns into a fool, and is the easiest fish to take the bait; because he relies on his talent and knowledge and cannot see his own arrogance.

  19. New flames can extinguish old flames, and big pain can alleviate small pain.

  20. Let us, fools played by nature, tremble with unimaginable terror.

   21. God is fair. Those who control destiny will always stand on both ends of the scale. Those who are controlled by destiny only understand that God has given him the destiny!

  22. No, we should not be afraid of any omens; the life and death of a bird are all predestined by fate. If it is destined to be today, it will not be tomorrow; if it is not tomorrow, it will be today; if you escape today, you still cannot escape tomorrow, just be prepared at any time. Since a person can only have nothing when he leaves the world, wouldn't it be better to leave early? let it be.

  23. Don’t just say whatever comes to mind. You must think twice before doing anything. Be kind to people, but don't be overly affectionate. Friends who know each other well should put a steel ring around your soul, but don't indiscriminately extend your friendship to every new knowledge. Take care to avoid quarreling with others; but if a dispute arises, let the other person know that you are not to be taken lightly. Listen to everyone's opinions, but express your opinions only to a very few people; accept everyone's opinions, but express your opinions only to a very few people; accept everyone's criticism, but reserve your own judgment. Use your financial resources to buy expensive clothes, but don't show off anything new and innovative. It must be rich but not flashy, because clothes can often express your personality and make you unique. Don't ask for loans, and don't give money to others wrongly; because if you lend money, you often lose not only your capital, but also your friends. As a result of borrowing from others, it is easy to develop the habit of laziness. Most importantly, you must be true to yourself; just as there is night before there is day, you must be true to yourself so that you will not deceive others.

  24. When two powerful enemies are fighting fiercely, it is the most dangerous thing for a weak person who does not know his own strength to stand between their swords.

  25. Human nature is particularly sensitive to love. Because we are so sensitive, we will give up the most precious part of ourselves to the things we love.

  26. Ha said to Polonius: If you were to fall back like a crab, you would be as young as me.

  27. Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, while verbosity is superficiality.

  28. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, and people are easily deceived by superficial decorations.

  29. Fragile, your name is woman!

  30. When he is in his mother's arms, he should first compliment his mother's nipples and then suck them. Guys like him who rely on some red tape to prop up the scene are exactly what the foolish world is fascinated by; their superficial wisdom makes fools and smart people alike deceived by them, but once they are tested, their blisters burst. .

  31. But just as a chaste woman cannot be stirred by her lust even though she is covered with a holy appearance, so a young woman can be married to an angel of light. One day I got tired of singing and singing in heaven, and would rather hug the rotten bones of the world.

  32. Sometimes, in a moment of turmoil, we can often do something that we have failed to do after careful consideration; from this point, we can see that no matter we No matter how hard we plan, our result has already been arranged by some mysterious power.

  33. In a mixed mood of sadness and joy, happiness and melancholy occupied my eyes. The funeral dirge and the wedding music played at the same time, with grand joy. To offset the heavy misfortune, I have married my former eldest sister-in-law, the current queen, the co-ruler of this troubled country.

  34. Don’t give up on the goal you were originally determined to achieve just because of one setback.

  35. A successful liar no longer has to make a living by lying, because the people who are deceived have become his supporters, and it will be in vain for me to say anything else.

  36. A proud person will always destroy himself in pride.

  37. Being without honor or disgrace is our happiness; we are not as tall as the buttons on the goddess of fate's hat.

  38. Ha said to Polonius: If you were to back up like a crab, you would be as young as me.

   39. Survival or destruction, this is a question worth considering; silently endure the cruel poisonous arrows of fate, or stand up against the boundless sufferings in the world and fight to overcome them. They sweep away, which of these two actions is more noble? Dead; asleep; everything is finished; if in this kind of sleep, the pain in our hearts and countless other inevitable blows of flesh and blood can disappear, that is the ending we want. Dead; asleep; and perhaps dreaming while asleep; well, therein lies the obstacle; for when we are freed from this rotten skin, what dreams shall we have in that sleep of death, That cannot help but make us hesitate. It is for this reason that men are willing to remain in trouble for a long time; who is willing to endure the whips and ridicules of the world, the insults of the oppressors, the cold eyes of the arrogant, the pain of despised love, the delays of the law, the tyranny and expense of officials What if he could settle his whole life with just a small knife for the contempt he earned from a villain after all his hard work? Who would be willing to bear such a heavy burden, groaning and sweating under the pressure of a tiring life, if it weren't for the fear of the unknown after death, which confuses our will and makes us rather endure the current suffering than dare to ask for what we want. The unknown pain flies away? In this way, heavy scruples make cowards of us all, and the red-hot brilliance of determination is cast a gray layer by careful thinking. Under this consideration, great undertakings will flow against the current and be lost. meaning of action. Wait! Beautiful Ophelia! ——Goddess, in your prayers, don’t forget to confess my sins for me.

  40. A process of growth, not only the strengthening of muscles and body, but also the expansion of spirit and soul as the body develops. Maybe he loves you now, and his sincere will is pure and non-deceptive; but you must pay attention to that, with such a high status, his will does not belong to himself, because he himself will also be affected by his blood. Dominate.

  41. No matter how long the darkness is, day will always come.

  42. We should admit that sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we can often do things that are unsuccessful for our deep thoughts; from this point, we can It can be seen that no matter how hard we plan, our result has already been arranged by a mysterious power.

  43. Who would be willing to bear such a heavy burden, groaning and sweating under the pressure of a tiring life, if it were not for the fear of the unknown death, the fear that there has never been a traveler Is it the mysterious country that we have come back to that confuses our will, making us rather endure the suffering we have now than dare to fly towards the pain we don’t know? In this way, heavy scruples make cowards of us all, and the red-hot brilliance of determination is cast a gray layer by careful thinking. Under this consideration, great undertakings will flow against the current and be lost. meaning of action. Wait! Beautiful Ophelia! ——Goddess, in your prayers, don’t forget to confess my sins for me.

Hamlet's classic lines, Hamlet's classic lines picture 3

Hamlet movie classic lines English version

  "Hamlet" is a classic tragic film. What are the classic lines in Hamlet? The following are the classic lines from the Hamlet movie that I have carefully compiled for you. I hope you like it.

  Classic lines from the movie Hamlet

  1) A successful liar no longer has to make a living by lying, because the person being deceived has become his Advocates, nothing I can say is in vain. --"Hamlet"

  2) Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; (Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;) Listen to the opinions of others, but reserve your own judgment. . (Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.) --William "Hamlet"

  3) When sorrow comes, it does not come alone, but in groups of. (When sorrows come, they come not single spies, - but in battalions.) --William "Hamlet"

  4) To live or to perish, this is a question worth considering. Which of these two actions is nobler, to endure in silence the tyrannical arrows of fate, or to stand up against the boundless sufferings of this world and sweep them away through struggle? To die, to sleep, to play with everything. -- "Hamlet"

  5) This is an era of chaos and chaos. Alas, I am the unlucky one who has to shoulder the responsibility of putting things right! -- "Hamlet"

  6) A small amount of evil can offset all noble qualities and bring a person into disrepute. -- "Hamlet"

  7) The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, and people in the world are easily deceived by superficial decoration. -- "The Merchant of Venice"

  8) I can be cruel, not unnatural; (Let me be cruel, not unnatural;) I can stab her with the sword of words, But never use a real blade. (I will speak daggers to her, but use none.) --William "Hamlet"

  9) To live or not to live, this is a question that must be answered: whether to endure in silence The ruthless blows of harsh fate should still be fought against and overcome by endless suffering as deep as the sea. Which of these two choices is more noble? Death is sleep, it is nothing more than that! If sleep can end the pain of the soul and the suffering of the body, then this outcome is hopeful! Die and sleep... But in sleep There may be dreams in it, ah, this is an obstacle: when we get rid of this dying skin, what dreams will come in the sleep of death? It makes us hesitate, makes us willing to bear the long-term disaster, otherwise who would If he could tolerate all kinds of torture in the world, such as the rule of tyrants, the pride of the proud, the pain of broken love, the slowness of laws, the insults of corrupt officials, or the humiliation of mediocre people, if he could simply end it with one blow? Who else would be willing to do so? Be a cow or a horse for life - "Hamlet"

  10) Don't give up on the goal you were originally determined to achieve just because of one setback. "Hamlet"

  A collection of Hamlet's classic lines from the movie

  1) Beauty can turn chastity into lasciviousness, but chastity may not make beauty suffer from it own influence. -- "Hamlet"

  2) If it is destined to be today, it will not be tomorrow; if it is not tomorrow, it will be today; if you escape today, you still can't escape tomorrow, just be ready at any time . "Hamlet"

  3) The times are out of touch. This is a cursed cause and effect, and I was born to correct it! -- "Hamlet"

  4) Nothing can remain good forever, because excessive good will destroy itself, just as a person dies from congestion. What you want to do should be done as soon as you think about it, because other people's comments and God's extraneous interference will consume and delay the desire and action that you want to do; once the things that should be done are delayed, just like the sighs, the longer the sighs, the more they will be wasted. Human energy and ambition. --Shakespeare's "Hamlet"

  5) Therefore, "reason" can make us cowards, while "concern" can make our originally brilliant ambition dim. , like a sick man. Furthermore, these can even spoil big things, mess up big plans, and make them lose their courage. "Hamlet"

  6) is covered with a layer of gray. Under this consideration, great things will go against the current and lose the meaning of action. -- "Hamlet"

  7) God is fair. Those who control destiny will always stand on both ends of the balance. Those who are controlled by destiny only understand that God has given him the destiny! "Hamlet"

  8) Keep silent about matters of the heart, do not act on hasty thoughts, be friendly and avoid frivolity, make close friends with friends in need, and stay away from fair-weather relationships. --William "Hamlet"

  9) I love Ophelia, even if there are thousands of brothers who gather all their love together, they will never be able to This love is comparable to my own! --"Hamlet"

  10) We also often commit this crime, -- there are too many examples of this -- people often use A sincere appearance and pious actions conceal a devilish heart. --William "Hamlet"

  11) In fact, there is nothing good or bad in the world, it all depends on how you think about it. (There is either nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.) --William "Hamlet"

  12) I have no road, so I don't need eyes; when I can see Sometimes, I will stumble and fall. We often become careless because of our self-reliance, but it is not as good as the flaws that can be beneficial to us. -- "Hamlet"

  13) A wise man becomes a fool, and is the easiest fish to take the bait; because he relies on his talent and knowledge and cannot see his own arrogance. "Hamlet"

  14) Even if I am stuck in a nutshell, I can still call myself an emperor with infinite space! -- "Hamlet"

<x3 > 15) No matter how we plan, the outcome is ultimately arranged by God. --William "Hamlet"

  16) The earth is the loving mother of all living things, and she is also the tomb that hides all living things. -- "Hamlet"

  17) Determination is just a slave of memory. It will change at will according to your memory. -- "Hamlet"

 < x3>18) to be or not to be, that's the question. To live or not to be, that's the question. - "Hamlet"

  19) There is no such thing as good or bad in the world, it's just thought. . -- "Hamlet"

  20) We often put on expressions of faith and pious actions, but sugar-coat the nature of the devil. -- "Hamlet"

  21) Even if I am locked in a nut shell, I still think that I am the king of the infinite universe. -- "Hamlet"

  22) The whole world is a huge stage, and all the men and women in this world are just actors. There is a time for each player to come on and off the field. Everyone plays many roles throughout his life, and there are seven stages from birth to death. "Hamlet"

  23) Wear the best clothes you can afford. The material should be noble but not gaudy; because clothes often represent the person they are. --William "Hamlet"

  24) Give me a person who is not enslaved by emotion, and I would like to treasure it in my heart, in the depths of my soul, just as I Same for you. -- "Hamlet"

  25) Heaven and earth are vast, Horatio, More than you can dream. -- "Hamlet"

  26) Brevity is the soul of wit, while verbosity is the useless trappings. (Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes.) --William "Hamlet"

  27) To be or not to be, this is a question worth considering question; which of these two actions is nobler, to endure in silence the tyrannical poisonous arrows of fate, or to stand up against the boundless sufferings of this world and sweep them away through struggle? Dead; Asleep; Everything It's over; if in this kind of sleep, the pain in our hearts and the countless other inevitable blows of flesh and blood can disappear, that is the ending we want. Dead; asleep; and perhaps dreaming while asleep; well, therein lies the obstacle: for what dreams shall we have in that sleep of death, when we are freed from this rotten skin, That cannot help but make us hesitate. It is for this reason that men are willing to remain in trouble for a long time; who is willing to endure the whips and ridicules of the world, the insults of the oppressors, the cold eyes of the arrogant, the pain of despised love, the delays of the law, the tyranny and expense of officials The contempt of the villain that he has earned with all his hard work, if he only needs a small handle - "Hamlet"

  28) Even if I am locked in a nut shell, I will He will regard himself as a king who possesses infinite space. -- "Hamlet"

  29) "You don't believe that stars are fire, nor do you believe that the sun moves, nor do you believe that the truth is a lie, but you do believe in the love I give you. ” --William "Hamlet"

  30) Even if I am locked in a nut shell, I still consider myself the king of infinite space. --"Hamlet"

  Hamlet movie lines

  1) My words soar high, my thoughts stay underground; there is no thought Words will never ascend to heaven - "Hamlet"

  2) Death is sleep, it is nothing more than that! "Hamlet"

 <x3 >3) Don’t blame anyone. -- "Hamlet"

  4) Should we silently endure the ruthless blows of harsh fate, or should we fight against the boundless suffering as deep as the sea and overcome it? . Which of these two choices is more noble? "Hamlet"

  5) When I look at everything in the world, it is boring, boring, and plain, and it also makes me feel lazy. --William "Hamlet"

  6) Listen to the opinions of others, but reserve your own judgment. (Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.) --William "Hamlet"

  7) It makes us hesitate, making us willing to endure long-term disasters, otherwise who Willing to tolerate all kinds of torture in the world, such as the rule of tyrants, the pride of the proud, the pain of broken love, the slowness of laws, the insults of corrupt officials, or the humiliation of mediocre people "Hamlet"

  8 ) If you work hard for a day, you can sleep peacefully for a day; if you work hard for a lifetime, you can sleep forever. "Hamlet"

  9) I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space. -- "Hamlet"

  10) If we were not afraid of the unknown death and the mysterious country from which no traveler has ever returned, it would be it that confuses our will and us. Would rather endure the current torture than fly to the pain we don’t know? -- "Hamlet"

  11) If words come from breath, and breath comes from life, as long as I As long as I have my breath, I will never let my breath reveal what you have said to me. -- "Hamlet"

  12) When we get rid of this dying skin, what dreams will come in the sleep of death? "Hamlet"

  13) Die, sleep... But there may be dreams in sleep, ah, this is an obstacle. "Hamlet"

  14) Jealous siblings are lies! "Hamlet"

  15) The storm grows smaller like funnels and whirlpools, Its convergence exposed the rotten foundations of an empire. Just as the variant of the Pisces constellation ascends to the height of the sword, it never blows the bleak heads of those under the stage. The scenery surrounding the stage has a purely physical fiction. The bystander derives from it an unbridled fury, When a young man among the dead lashes like a whip, When he passes through the bloody scene and becomes weeping. And we will cry uncontrollably for a long time. For the dead man's power suddenly awakened in us, how peaceful the grass is under the sky, how happy and stupid the people who walk on the grass are. -- Ouyang Jianghe's "Hamlet"

  16) If one sleep can end the pain of the soul and the suffering of the body, then this ending is hopeful! "Hamlet"

  17) "Tell me how to distinguish true love" "Whoever gives you the biggest diamond will love you most" -- "Hamlet"

  18) More facts, less pretentious nonsense. (More matter with less art.) --William "Hamlet"

  19) The world is like a prison, and the apartment is just a cell with poorer conditions. "Hamlet"

  20) If you love me, please temporarily sacrifice the happiness in heaven and stay in this cold world to tell my story for me. "Hamlet"

  21) "Of course, you have thought about it, otherwise you wouldn't do it. "Hamlet"

  22) Crazy people can often say things that sane people cannot. --William "Hamlet"

  23) This is a country that no one knows, and it has never returned since ancient times. "Hamlet"

  24) If there is no big thing, you will not act rashly. This is indeed great. But when honor is at stake, even if it's a fight over a straw, that's great. -- "Hamlet"

  25) What if he was not afraid of what would happen after him? "Hamlet"

  26 ) Talk more about reality and less about mystery - William "Hamlet"

  27) Don't indulge your love, don't let the sharp arrows of desire hit you. -- "Hamlet"

  28) Everyone who is alive must die, stepping into eternal tranquility from the living space. -- "Hamlet"

  29) I can be trapped in a peach core and still consider myself a boundless monarch. -- "Hamlet"

  30) If he could simply kill him with a knife? Who else would be willing to work as a cow or a horse, tired of toil all his life, and endure the suffering silently? It's so difficult not to fly far away and float in the realm of uncertainty "Hamlet"

  31) Will you cry? Will you fight? Will you go on a hunger strike? Will you tear yourself apart? Body? Can you drink a vat of vinegar? Can you eat a crocodile? I can do it!... "Hamlet"

  32) I know what is burning with passion At that time, no matter what oath a person made, he would say it; these flames are more light than heat, and they will disappear in a short time, because they are illusory in nature, and you cannot treat them as real fire. -- "Hamlet"

  33) You can doubt that the stars are torches; you can doubt that the sun will move; you can doubt that the truth is a lie; but my love never changes. --"Hamlet"

  34) When I was young, I loved cheating and thought it was very interesting. Learning to be a good person in a disciplined manner is meaningless to me. Unexpectedly, the years are slipping away, and the old scene urges people to be eager for a spark; the legs are straight, and I die in the west. It turns out that I never existed in the world. -- "Hamlet"

  35) The process of a person's growth is not only the strengthening of muscles and body, but also the expansion of spirit and soul with the development of body. --William "Hamlet"

  36) A dream itself is a shadow. -- "Hamlet"

  37) Sinful deeds will one day be discovered, even though all the dirt on the ground hides them. -- "Hamlet"

  38) He is about to go, but he stands still. --"Hamlet"

  39) Since we know that it is inevitable and everyone will encounter the same experience, then why do we introduce it so stubbornly? What about being pregnant? -- "Hamlet"

  40) I will get up early in the morning, wash myself up, go to your window, and be your lover. He got out of bed and put on his clothes, He opened the door; she entered as a girl, and came out as a woman. "Hamlet"

  41) Persistent sorrow is a kind of perverse folly. , is not the behavior a dignified man should do. --"Hamlet"

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