
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the group of words for stroke? What is the group of words for stroke?
  • 2. What words can be formed with strokes?
  • 3. What is the group of words?
  • 4. How to form words by crossing characters?

What is the group word for stroke? What is the group word for stroke?

1. The group of words for planning is: make plans, draw a punch, draw a price, plan, plan, paddle, make a good deal, plan, plan, planned economy, plan, row a boat, draw a pull.

2. To make plans, a Chinese idiom, the pinyin is chū móu huà cè, which means to formulate strategies. It mostly refers to giving advice to others, which comes from Feng Menglong's "Records of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" of the Ming Dynasty.

3. Boxing is a traditional folk custom spread in Shaanxi Province and is mainly popular in Shaanxi area. Fist-drawing, also known as boxing, guessing, guessing, and thumb-fighting, is a game played for entertainment among Han folk during drinking and originated in the Han Dynasty. That is, when drinking, two people stretch out their fingers at the same time and each say a number. Whoever says the number matches the total number of fingers stretched out by both parties, wins, and the loser drinks.

4. Mark the price. The pharmacy calculates the price of the patient's prescription; each auxiliary diagnosis and treatment department writes the price on the checklist.

What is the group word for stroke? What is the group word for stroke? Picture 1

What words can be formed with stroke?

The group of words to draw:

Planning  [ guī huà ]: 1. A relatively comprehensive long-term development plan. 2. Make plans.

Draw a clear  [ huà qīng ]: make a clear distinction.

Plan  [ jì huà ]: 1. The specific content and steps planned in advance for work or action. 2. Make plans.

Cost-effective [ huá suàn ]: 1. Calculate; calculate. 2. A good deal; a good deal.

Planning [ qǐ huà ]: planning; planning: advertising planning. Planning staff.

Scratch price  [ huà jià ]: (Hospital pharmacy) Calculate the patient’s medication and other medical expenses, and write the amount on the prescription.

Plan [ móu huà ]: plan; think of a way: plan carefully. Plan a charity performance for disaster relief.

Plan  [ chóu huà ]: 1. Think of a way; make a plan. 2. Raising.

outline  [ gōu huá ]: outline and describe.

Paddling [ huà shuǐ ]: a dialect, which means the same as making soy sauce.

Make plans [ huà cè ]: come up with ideas; plan strategies: make plans . He also made painting plans.

Measurement planning [ cè huà ]: Measurement planning.

Zhuizhi [ huá zhǐ ]: It’s like making gestures.

车木 [ huá mù ]: small wooden boat.

What is the group word for stroke? What is the group word for stroke? Picture 2

What are the words to group together?

Plan, plan, scheme, plan, budget, allocate, plan, plan, row, row, price, plan, row, row, draw, lay out, plan, plan, finger, row, stroke, line , stroke, paddle, stroke, outline, finger stroke, circle, stroke, divided stroke, row line, dot stroke, measure stroke, hundred strokes, scratch, stroke, stroke wood, stroke stroke, stroke Sample,

Basic meaning:

Drawing, the left and right structures are understood; Congqiu and Congge.

Use a sharp object to cut things open. Such as: scratching a message (latching the button); scratching the glass; scratching a cut on the hand. Paddle water to move forward, paddle paddle water to make the boat move forward [paddle; row]. Such as: rowing (rowing a boat); rowing is one of the water sports.

Extended information

Glyph evolution

What is the group word for stroke? What is the group word for stroke? Picture 3

Explanation of etymology

Classical Chinese version of "Shuowen Jiezi":

To draw, the awl knife is called to draw. From the knife, from the painting, the painting is also the sound.  

Vernacular version of "Shuowen Jiezi":

To draw, carving with a knife and a cone is called "drawing". The glyph adopts the meaning of "knife and painting", and "painting" is also the consonant.

Group word explanation:

1. Plan

The specific content and steps planned in advance for the work or action

2. Planning

A relatively comprehensive long-term development plan

3. Planning

planning; planning

4. punch

When drinking, two people hold out their fingers at the same time and each say a number. Whoever says the number matches the total number of fingers stretched out by both parties, wins, and the loser drinks.

5. transfer

(to transfer money or accounts) from one unit or account to another

How to form words with strokes?

1. Canoe [huá zi] A small boat that uses oars to move water. Generally refers to a boat. Xu Chi's "Psychoanalysis": "The three-wheeled car stopped at Qixinggang, like a steamboat in the river, the motorcycle was still beeping."

2. Huá la [huá la] Wipe; dust.

3. Gesture [bǐ hua] refers to a kind of body language expressed by people's hands.

4. Not worthwhile [huá bu lái] Not cost-effective; not worth it.

5. Plan [chóu huà] (verb) to make a plan; to make a plan: the government will build a large shopping mall on this land.

6. Pointing fingers [zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo] also means "pointing fingers". Use various hand gestures when speaking. Describes the manner of speaking arrogantly, presumptuously or getting carried away. Describes giving random orders, instructions, and criticisms from the sidelines.

What is the group word for stroke? What is the group word for stroke? Picture 4

The above is all about the word combination of strokes, what is the word combination of strokes, and the related content of the words for strokes. I hope it can help you.

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