
Contents of this article

  • 1.
  • 2. A 50-word guide to Bird’s Paradise
  • 3. How is Huang Yutong doing now?
  • 4.Write a few guide words for the bird’s paradise

What is Huang Yutong doing now? What is the current situation of Huang Xie, an Oracle candidate? What did Huang Xie write in his Oracle composition? Picture 1

A 50-word guide to Bird’s Paradise

  As a tour guide who is willing to help tourists solve their problems, it is often necessary to use tour guide words. Tour guide words are explanations written by tour guides for oral expression during the tour. So how do you write a good tour guide? The following is my carefully compiled guide to "Bird's Paradise". Welcome to read and collect it.

"Bird's Paradise" Tour Guide 1

  Hello everyone! I am your tour guide for this trip. My name is Huang Yutong. You can also call me "Guide Huang".

  The destination of our trip is "Bird's Paradise". "Bird's Paradise" is the home of little birds. The famous Chinese writer Ba Jin even wrote an article to praise it! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you: "Bird's Paradise" is located on a small island in the Tianma River in Tianma Village, south of Xinhui City, Guangdong Province.

  ah! Unexpectedly, our destination has arrived so soon. Please get off the car and take the boat!

  Now we have come to the "bird's paradise". As long as everyone claps their hands, a few or hundreds of birds will fly out! Looking at this "bird's paradise" from a distance, guess how many banyan trees it is made up of? Ah, what, more than ten trees? More than twenty trees? Let’s take a closer look! Does this surprise you? This is just a banyan tree! In this way, I will introduce it to you: "Bird's Paradise" refers to an ancient banyan tree that is more than 500 years old. What is surprising is that the canopy of the banyan tree is surprisingly large, covering about 18 acres of the river, and a single tree forms a forest. From a short distance by boat, the intertwined trees and vines look like a forest; from a distance, it looks like an oasis floating on the water. The scenery is strange and charming.

  Well, our tour ends here. If you still want to continue playing, please wait for next time!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 2

  Hello, fellow tourists, welcome to the Tianma River in front of Tianma Village, Huancheng Township, Xinhui County, Guangdong Province.

  What you are witnessing now is this big banyan tree with a history of more than 500 years. It is the greatest wonder of a single tree forest in the world. It covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres, and its branches cover the entire small island.

  This big banyan tree is characterized by its large, lush beauty, and its leaves are green, numerous, dense, bright, and full of vitality.

  There are many kinds and numbers of birds in this big banyan tree, and the birds are very cheerful. This lush banyan tree also provides a wonderful habitat for birds, allowing them to breed their lively and adorable offspring without risk.

  Birds have become the masters here. They fly around happily in this big banyan tree, living freely and carefree. No wonder the famous writer left his beautiful and comfortable prose here. What about "Bird's Paradise"? Hello everyone, today I will take you to visit the "Bird's Paradise" on a river in the suburbs of Xinhui, Guangdong Province. "

  After walking along a gravel road, we can reach the river. There is a thatched water pavilion there. Passing through the water pavilion, there are several small boats under two big trees by the river.

  Come on board, everyone. "Boatman, please help us untie the rope. Can you take us to the 'Bird's Paradise'?" The boatman was happy to help us, and the boat moved slowly. The boatman rows the boat, and everyone can sit on the boat and look at the surrounding scenery.

  The river here is very wide and you can see that there are no waves on the water. The boat flows calmly on the water. The three boatmen paddled regularly. The river narrowed ahead. We can see clusters of green leaves reaching out to the water. The leaves are so lovely green. You can see a banyan tree in front of you. You must have seen such a big banyan tree for the first time, right?

  Our boat is approaching the banyan tree. We can see the big tree clearly. This tree covers an area of ​​more than 160 acres and has countless branches. Some of the branches hang down to the water. From a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water. Now is the season when the branches and leaves are luxuriant. The trees have already produced small fruits, and many of them have fallen. This banyan tree seems to be showing us all its vitality. There are so many green leaves, one cluster piled on top of another, leaving a little gap. The emerald green color shines brightly in front of our eyes, as if there is a new life trembling on every leaf!

  This is a "bird's paradise". Birds make nests in the trees, so we don't want to catch them. Look, a few birds are flapping their wings.

  It's very quiet here. There was a bird call. As soon as we clapped our hands, we saw a big bird fly up, then a second one, and then a third one. We continue to clap. This woods is very lively. There are birds everywhere. Big ones, small ones, flowery ones, black ones, the one standing on the branch is screaming, the one is flying, the other one is flapping its wings.

  Everyone watched carefully. There is one here, there is one missing, look at that one, there is another one, everyone's eyes are really overwhelmed. A thrush flew out and was surprised by everyone's applause. Then it flew into the woods and stood on a small branch singing excitedly! Its singing is so beautiful.

  We will stop here today, and tomorrow we will return to Nanning to end this tour.

"Bird's Paradise" Tour Guide 3

  Hello, fellow tourists, welcome to the Tianma River in front of Tianma Village, Huancheng Township, Xinhui County, Guangdong Province. Today I will be your tour guide and let’s visit the bird’s paradise together. This is the largest natural bird watching paradise in the country. This is a tourist destination that people are fascinated by.

  What you are witnessing now is this large banyan tree with a history of more than 500 years. It covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres and its branches cover the entire island. It is a wonder of the South. Birds perch on this beautiful tree every day. Tens of thousands of various wild herons come out in the evening and return in the morning, singing and dancing, which is even more spectacular. This natural phenomenon appears in densely populated areas and has continued for 384 years. It has formed a rare example of harmonious coexistence and common development between man and nature. Over the years, it has attracted a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists.

  After all, there is paradise on earth. Say goodbye to glitz, embrace nature, listen to the chirping of birds, and feel the sounds of nature; go to the human paradise, stay away from dust, find a quiet place, and let your tired soul rest for a while... Okay, listen You must be impatient after hearing my introduction, right? Without further ado, let’s invite everyone to visit the bird’s paradise by themselves. I wish you a pleasant journey!

"Bird's Paradise" Tour Guide 4

  Ladies, gentlemen, and aunties, hello, welcome to the Bird's Paradise, where Ba Jin and his friends once visited.

  When Ba Jin returned from his visit here, he wrote an article, which was included in the eleventh volume of the primary school Chinese textbook of the People's Education Publishing House, called "Bird's Paradise". The content inside is what the author saw during his two visits to Bird Paradise. The first time I went there was at dusk, when all the birds were roosting, and the author only saw the big banyan tree, but not a single bird; the second time was in the morning, when the sun was just getting angry, and the birds were very active, and the author and As soon as his friend clapped his hands, the birds flew out from the leaves.

  The big banyan tree mentioned in the text looks like it is lying on the water from a distance, and when Ba Jin said there were many big banyan trees, his friends corrected him. One friend said there was only one big banyan tree, and the other said There were two, but no one knew how many there were. After a while, the boat approached the banyan tree, and it was indeed a banyan tree. The banyan tree is very lush, with so many leaves on it. One cluster is piled on top of another, leaving no gaps. So many of them are so green and bright, as if there is a new life trembling on every leaf. What a beautiful southern tree!

  Tomoe went to a friend's house the next day. There are mountains and towers there, and you have to pass the "bird's paradise". It was a sunny morning, and everything seemed brighter. When we clapped our hands, we saw a big bird flying up, and then we saw the second and third birds. We continued to clap, and the trees became more and more lively. There were birdsong and bird shadows everywhere, all kinds of colors, all kinds of little birds, doing all kinds of things. The movements made me overwhelmed and dazzled. I saw this one and missed that one. A blackbird came out, but was frightened by our applause and pulled it back. It stood on a small branch and screamed excitedly. , the singing is so nice.

  Why is the big banyan tree so lush? That's because there are roots on the branches, and many roots hang down to the ground and extend into the soil. And why are there so many birds? It’s because people and birds live in harmony, don’t cut down trees indiscriminately, and don’t harm birds, so there are many birds in the bird’s paradise.

  Ba Jin and his friends never wanted to leave when they came here. Don’t you feel the same way?

  Welcome everyone to visit next time.

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 5

  Hello everyone, welcome to the sandbar in the middle of the Tianma River in Xinhui County, Guangdong Province. I am your tour guide Xing Shuohang.

  There is a five-hundred-year-old banyan tree here, and there are thousands of birds here. Three kinds of birds are very special, namely the white crane, the ma crane and the gray crane. Bai He and Ma He go out early and come back late just like us. The gray crane is different, it returns early and comes out late. This is the magical beauty of a bird’s paradise!

  We should not cut down trees, but should protect animals, flowers, plants and trees!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 6

  Dear tourists, hello everyone, I am your tour guide for this trip. My surname is Du. You can call me Director Du.

  We are now on a yacht on the Tianma River, heading towards the "Bird's Paradise". Everyone looks up and what appears in front of you is a large green and dense banyan forest. Does it look like a green boat floating on the water? Guess how many banyan trees there are here? Let me tell you, there is only one banyan tree here! This tree covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres and is over 500 years old! Let's take a closer look at it. On its thick trunk, countless branches stretch out in all directions, and roots sprout on the branches. Some stretch into the soil, trying to absorb water. Look, branches sprout on the roots that stretch into the soil. As it continues to spread outward, it forms the wonder of "a single tree becoming a forest".

  You can look at its leaves, which are so green and dazzling. It seems that there is a new life trembling on each green leaf, which is full of vitality, as if it wants to show us its vitality. Now we come to its thick shade, ah, it grows so densely, it really blocks out the sky and the sun!

  Everyone pricked up their ears and listened. What did they hear? By the way, it’s the clear chirping of birds. Look, some of them are preening their feathers, and some are chasing and playing. Thousands of birds are circling and flying, spreading their wings. The most famous ones here are the white crane and the gray hemp crane. The white crane is The sun rises and returns in the evening, but the gray hemp crane is just the opposite. It rises in the evening and returns in the sun. In the early morning or evening, thousands of birds come out and return alternately. At that time, if you see this one, you will miss the other one; if you see this one, the other one will be gone. Flying. You should definitely be overwhelmed!

"Bird's Paradise" guide 7

  Visitors, hello, welcome to the "Bird's Paradise". I am a tour guide, so let me explain the "Bird's Paradise" to you!

  This is the largest natural bird watching paradise in the country and a tourist destination that people yearn for. Bird's Paradise is a famous international eco-tourism attraction in Xinhui, the hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong. It is located in Tianma Village, ten kilometers away from the city. It has a long history of more than 500 years and covers an area of ​​18 acres. It can be called a wonder of the South.

  You see, the branches of this book tree hang down to the ground, dig into the soil, and become a new trunk. In this way, as time went by, this big tree turned into a forest. In fact, this big banyan tree has the feeling of a single tree forming a forest, because the aerial roots penetrate into the soil and play a supporting role, allowing the banyan tree crown to develop, giving the feeling of a single tree forming a forest.

  There are dozens of kinds of small birds inhabiting this "banyan tree island", especially white cranes and gray cranes. The white cranes go out in the morning and return in the evening, while the gray cranes go out in the evening and return in the morning. They alternate with each other in the morning and at night, dancing and quacking, which is a spectacular sight.

  If you row a boat close to the banyan pier and circle the pier, you will see the intertwined branches of the banyan forest, bird's nests scattered among them, and the wonderful sight of birds flying up and down. It really feels like "there is paradise on earth after all".

  In the 1930s, the famous writer Ba Jin wrote "Birds' Paradise" after traveling. In 1982, he wrote the four words "Birds' Paradise" in his own handwriting, which added a lot to the beauty of this scenic spot.

  Today, "Bird's Paradise" written by Ba Jin has become the first textbook for the sixth grade of primary school, and is widely read among about 23 million students of this grade across the country every year. Level after level, generation after generation, this famous "bird's paradise" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of hundreds of millions of students across the country.

  This unique natural ecological landscape, this precious natural heritage, has become a living "textbook" for the harmonious unity of man and nature, and serves as a window to peek into nature, allowing people to understand the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and establish the The new human-bird relationship process thus arouses people's beautiful emotions of loving nature and loving our common home.

  Okay, having said all that, I think everyone can’t wait to visit the “Bird’s Paradise”! Let me stop talking and invite tourists to visit by themselves! Notice! Don’t change the environment!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 8

  Dear tourist friends:

  Hello everyone, welcome to join the Green Apple Tour Group and come to the Bird's Paradise. I am your tour guide Nie Fei. Today I will lead you to visit the beautiful scenery of the Bird's Paradise.

  Bird's Paradise is a famous tourist scenic spot in Guangdong Province. On the sandbank in the middle of Tianma River in Xinhui County, 100 kilometers away from Guangzhou City.

  Everyone, please line up and get on the boat. We first visited the banyan tree in the center of the river. Guess how many banyan trees there are? Let me tell you that the banyan tree here is actually a big tree with countless branches and trunks. Roots sprouted from the branches, and many of them reached vertically to the ground and extended into the soil. Part of the branches hang down to the water. From a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water. In this way, as time went by, this big tree became a forest by itself. It is a beautiful place worth watching

  Why is this place called a bird's paradise? Because the birds here fly out early in the morning and don't fly back until late at night, so there are almost no birds during the day. At night, all the birds are "chirping" in a chorus! Here, they build nests, enjoy happiness, feel joy, understand freedom, and fly to their heart's content in this "paradise". Do you hear the sound of birds flapping their wings?

  Okay, so much introduction, please embrace nature. Treat yourself to a bird's paradise now. Meet here in 2 hours. I wish you a pleasant journey!

"Bird's Paradise" guide words 9

  Hello everyone, I am a tour guide, you can call me Xiao Li.

  Today, I am honored to take you to visit "Bird's Paradise." "Bird's Paradise" is a large and leafy banyan tree located on a small island in Tianma Bridge, Tianma Village, Xinhui City, Guangdong Province.

  As the saying goes: "A single tree cannot make a forest." And this big banyan tree is indeed "a single tree can make a forest."

  Why can a banyan tree become a forest by itself? It turns out that the banyan tree generally lives in the tropics and subtropics. It is an evergreen tree that grows many supporting roots. Over time, the supporting roots become thicker and thicker, becoming indistinguishable from the main trunk.

  The birds live in the big banyan tree, just like in heaven. Moreover, the farmers and children here love birds very much. They never catch birds to play with or collect eggs.

  "Bird's Paradise" is home to thousands of birds, with countless nests and all kinds of bird eggs... countless!

  The birds on the big banyan tree have different colors and habits. There are white cranes that go out early and come back late every day; there are owls that go out to look for food at night...

  The morning at Big Banyan Tree is the busiest. At that time, the birds will come out to show off their talents. There are larks singing; there are orioles singing and dancing... Some of the birds are standing on the branches and singing; some are flying; some are flapping their wings. Let you see this one clearly and miss that one. You will be dazzled and overwhelmed (this is true, my tour guide Xiao Li usually doesn’t exaggerate like this)!

  Beautiful - "Bird's Paradise," Charming - "Bird's Paradise!"

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 10

  Hello everyone! I am your little tour guide, my name is Huang Haoqi. Today, I will take you into the wonderland on earth - the paradise of birds.

  Bird's Paradise, formerly known as "Quie Dun", is located in the Tianma River in Tianma Village, Xinhui County, Guangdong Province. On the sandbank in the middle of the Tianma River, there is a unique large banyan tree with a history of more than 500 years. Its whirling banyan leaves cover more than 20 acres of the river. The tree is about 15 meters high. There are temperature roots growing on the trunks of the banyan branches. After they hit the ground, they become lignified and become new trunks, and then they sprout branches and leaves. New roots grow on the new stems and continue to grow. In the end, it became the confusing banyan bush we saw. It is said that botanists have also visited here to investigate, but have not yet discovered where the old roots are.

  In this lush jungle, there are many wild herons, as well as feathered chickens and sparrows... Egrets go out in the morning and return in the evening, and gray herons go out in the evening and return in the morning. They are orderly in time, do not interfere with each other, and are very graceful. Every morning in the mist, thousands of spiritual birds cackle, dance, and soar in the sky, creating a spectacular and harmonious sound of nature.

  Look, the birds in the sky are flying freely, there are bird sounds and bird shadows everywhere. One nest of birds can eat 250,000 bugs, let alone a large flock of birds!

  Mr. Ba Jin also visited here and was inspired by it. He wrote an article called "Bird's Paradise". Now, it has become a famous tourist attraction, attracting thousands of tourists.

  Finally, I wish you all a good time!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 11

  Hello everyone! I am your tour guide for this trip. My name is Huang Yutong. You can also call me "Guide Huang".

  The destination of our trip is "Bird's Paradise". "Bird's Paradise" is the home of little birds. The famous Chinese writer Ba Jin even wrote an article to praise it! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you: "Bird's Paradise" is located on a small island in the Tianma River in Tianma Village, south of Xinhui City, Guangdong Province.

  ah! Unexpectedly, time flies by so quickly and our destination has arrived. Please get off the car and take the boat!

  Now we have come to the "bird's paradise". As long as everyone claps their hands, a few or hundreds of birds will fly out! Looking at this "bird's paradise" from a distance, guess how many banyan trees it is made up of? Ah, what, more than ten trees? More than twenty trees? Let’s take a closer look! Does this surprise you? This is just a banyan tree! In this way, I will introduce it to you: "Bird's Paradise" refers to an ancient banyan tree that is more than 500 years old. Surprisingly, the canopy of the banyan tree is surprisingly large, covering about 8 acres of river surface, and a single tree forms a forest. From a short distance by boat, the intertwined trees and vines look like a forest; from a distance, it looks like an oasis floating on the water. The scenery is strange and charming.

  Well, our tour ends here. If you still want to continue playing, please wait for next time!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 12

Dear Visitor:

  Hello! Welcome to join the "Happy" tour group. I am the tour guide Wang Wenwen. You can call me Director Wang. Today we are going to the sandbar in the middle of the Tianma River in Xinhui County, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. There is a banyan tree there that is known as the "Bird's Paradise".

  The banyan tree is a common tree in the south, but the banyan tree we see today is different. The big banyan tree has a history of more than 500 years and covers an area of ​​18 acres. From a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water. It has many aerial roots, some of which hang in the air, like bead curtains; some of which penetrate into the soil, like tree trunks, forming a forest, so people call the banyan tree a "lone tree forest." There are hundreds of birds perched in the trees, with different colors, different types and different sounds. The most eye-catching ones are the white crane and the gray crane. The white crane goes out in the morning and comes back late, while the gray crane is just the opposite. They replace each other in an orderly manner, forming a spectacular "bird world". The local farmers did not allow people to catch the birds and allowed the birds to live happily there. This is why today's bird paradise exists. You can look at the banyan trees and enjoy the chirping of birds at the same time. It is a wise choice.

  Now, we have arrived at the bird's paradise. I wish everyone a happy time here!

"Bird's Paradise" Guide Words 13

Dear visitors:

  good morning everyone! I am Song Jiahui, a little tour guide. I hope I can bring you satisfaction and happiness during your tour today!

  What we are facing now is the "Bird's Paradise" written by the famous writer Ba Jin. It is an ecological tourist attraction and a natural bird watching resort in Guangdong Province that is famous both at home and abroad. It is located in the Tianma River in Hema Village, 7 kilometers from the southern suburbs of Xinhui County, Guangdong Province. You see, the core sandbank (island) is surrounded by water and forms an oval shape, covering an area of ​​about 18 acres of Tianma River. "Bird's Paradise" actually refers to this large banyan tree that is about 500 years old. This ancient banyan tree has intertwined roots and a single tree forming a forest. The tree crown is huge, the branches are lush, and the entire island is covered with dense shade.

  Now please take a boat and we will go on the river to enjoy the scenery from different angles, both near and far. Looking from a distance on the water, the ancient banyan tree has become an oasis floating on the water, and the scenery is strange and charming; looking close, the dead vines are intertwined like a primeval forest. There are thousands of various birds perched on the big trees, including mandarin ducks, starlings, turtle doves and embroidered lanterns. The most eye-catching ones are the white crane and gray sparrow. They come in and out every morning and evening, circling and dancing, alternating, very regularly, and the scene is lively. Especially when the morning light is playing, the birds spread their wings, fly up and down, circle and dance, it is a spectacle! This is really better than seeing it once!

  Dear tourists, I think this kingdom of birds, paradise for birds, and wonders of the south must have brought endless joy and wonderful enjoyment to everyone!


"Bird's Paradise" Tour Guide 14

  Hello everyone, today I will take you to visit the "Bird Paradise" in Xinhui City, Guangdong Province. "Everyone walked through a gravel road and reached the river. There was a boat under two big trees by the river. Everyone quickly got on the boat. The boat moved slowly, and everyone could sit on the boat and look around at the scenery. The river here It's very wide, and you can see no waves on the water. The boat is moving smoothly on the water. The river is narrowing in front of us. We can see clusters of green leaves reaching out to the water. It’s really green and lovely. You can see a banyan tree in front of you. You must have seen such a big banyan tree before, right?

  Our boat is approaching the banyan tree. We can see the big tree clearly. The number of branches of this tree is countless, and some of the branches hang down to the water. From a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water. Now is the season when the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and this banyan tree seems to be showing us all its vitality. There are so many green leaves, one cluster piled on top of another, leaving a little gap. The emerald green color shines brightly in front of our eyes, as if there is a new life trembling on every leaf!

  This is a "bird's paradise". Birds make nests in the trees, so we don't want to catch them. Look, a few birds are flapping their wings.

  Early in the morning, there was a bird chirping. As soon as we clapped our hands, we saw a big bird fly up, then a second one, and then a third one. We continue to clap. This woods is very lively. There are birds everywhere. Big ones, small ones, flowery ones, black ones, the one standing on the branch is screaming, the one is flying, the other one is flapping its wings.

  Everyone watched carefully. There is one here, there is one missing, look at that one, there is another one, everyone's eyes are really overwhelmed. A thrush flew out and gave everyone a round of applause

  He was startled and flew into the woods again, standing on a twig and singing excitedly! Its singing is so beautiful.

  Today we will visit here and end the tour.

"Bird's Paradise" Tour Guide 15

  Dear visitors:

  Good morning everyone! I am Song Jiahui, a little tour guide. I hope that I can bring satisfaction and happiness to everyone during your tour today!

  What we are facing now is the "Bird's Paradise" written by the famous writer Ba Jin, which is a famous eco-tourism attraction and natural bird watching resort in Guangdong Province. It is located in the Tianma River in Hema Village, 7 kilometers from the southern suburbs of Xinhui County, Guangdong Province. You see, the core sandbank (island) is surrounded by water and forms an oval, covering an area of ​​about 18 acres of Tianma River. "Bird's paradise" actually refers to this large banyan tree that is about 520xx years old. This ancient banyan tree has intertwined roots and a single tree forms a forest. The tree crown is huge, the branches are lush, and the entire island is covered with thick shade. At this moment, please invite everyone Taking a small boat, we boated on the river and enjoyed the scenery from different angles. From a distance, the ancient banyan tree became an oasis floating on the water. The scenery was strange and charming; from a close look, the dead vines were intertwined, like a virgin forest. There are thousands of birds of all kinds, including mandarin ducks, starlings, turtle doves, and white-eyed lanterns. The most eye-catching ones are white cranes and gray sparrows, which fly in and out every morning and evening. The alternation is very regular, and the scene is lively. Especially in the morning light, the birds spread their wings, fly up and down, and circle and dance. It is a spectacle! It is really worth seeing it once.

  Dear tourists, I think this kingdom of birds, paradise for birds, and wonders of the South must have brought endless joy and perfect enjoyment to everyone!


What is Huang Yutong doing now? What is the current situation of Huang Xie, an Oracle candidate? What did Huang Xie write in his Oracle composition? Picture 2

How is Huang Yutong doing now?

China. Huang Yutong is a student in Class 1102 of the science experimental class of Yali Middle School in Changsha City. He was admitted to the University of Cambridge in the UK in 2014. As of October 11, 2022, according to inquiries about Huang Yutong's profile, the person's current nationality type belongs to China.

What is Huang Yutong doing now? What is the current situation of Huang Xie, an Oracle candidate? What did Huang Xie write in his Oracle composition? Picture 3

Write a few guide words for the bird’s paradise

1. Hello everyone, today I will take you to visit the "Bird's Paradise" on a river in the suburbs of Xinhuicheng, Guangdong Province. "

2. After walking along a gravel road, you can reach the river. There is a thatched water pavilion there. Passing through the water pavilion, there are several small boats under two big trees by the river.

3. Everyone, get on the boat. "Boatman, please help us untie the rope. Can you take us to the 'Bird's Paradise'?" The boatman was happy to help us, and the boat moved slowly. The boatman rows the boat, and everyone can sit on the boat and look at the surrounding scenery.

4. The river here is very wide, and you can see that there are no waves on the water. The boat flows calmly on the water. The three boatmen paddled regularly. The river narrowed ahead. We can see clusters of green leaves reaching out to the water. The leaves are so lovely green. You can see a banyan tree in front of you. You must have seen such a big banyan tree for the first time, right?

5. Our boat is approaching the banyan tree. We can see the big tree clearly. This tree covers an area of ​​more than 160 acres and has countless branches. Some of the branches hang down to the water. From a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water. Now is the season when the branches and leaves are luxuriant. The trees have already produced small fruits, and many of them have fallen. This banyan tree seems to be showing us all its vitality. There are so many green leaves, one cluster piled on top of another, leaving a little gap. The emerald green color shines brightly in front of our eyes, as if there is a new life trembling on every leaf!

What is Huang Yutong doing now? What is the current situation of Huang Xie, an Oracle candidate? What did Huang Xie write in his Oracle composition? Figure 4

Extended information:

In the "Paradise of Birds", I saw countless birds and felt reluctant to leave them. In this article, the author uses fresh and smooth writing to explore and describe the beauty of natural scenery, express his beautiful feelings, and create a beautiful and distant feeling. artistic conception.

At the same time, the author does not depict this "bird's paradise" in isolation, but highlights it under the connection and contrast of the sunset, green mountains, pagoda shadows, waves, fields, and Chaotun in the early summer water towns of southern China.

Although the language in the whole text is simple and straightforward, it shows the beauty of poetry and painting everywhere, and runs through a peaceful, quiet and vibrant pastoral mood.

The above is all about what Huang Yutong is doing now, the current situation of Oracle candidate Huang Xie, what Huang Xie wrote in his Oracle composition, and related content about Huang Yutong. I hope it can help you.

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