
Contents of this article

  • 1. Renew your relationship with your ex in 2022
  • 2. Constellation women who will contact their exes
  • 3. What is the first sentence to chat on WeChat after a long breakup?
  • 4. Which zodiac signs of girls will contact their exes?

Renew your relationship with your ex in 2022

Renew your relationship with your ex in 2022

The zodiac signs that will lead you to reconnect with your ex in 2022. The twelve zodiac signs are closely related to the twelve zodiac signs to a certain extent. The zodiac signs can be divided into the sun, moon and rising signs in detail. Let’s take a look at the zodiac signs that will lead you to reconnect with your ex in 2022. Fate constellation.

Reuniting with my ex in 2022, horoscope 1


Sagittarius is relatively dull in relationships, particularly insensitive to feelings, and even a little confused. They don't know how to express feelings, let alone how to maintain feelings. Therefore, they often make lovers lack a sense of security and happiness. As time goes by, the so-called tough love also has a fragile side; in the face of constant quarrels and conflicts, breaking up is inevitable. In 2022, after separation, Sagittarius will miss each other very much and be even more persistent in the relationship; after going around in circles, they will return to the starting point and actively ask for forgiveness; in the end, Sagittarius will most likely renew their relationship with their ex.


Virgos have always pursued perfection, and the same is true when it comes to relationships. When it comes to relationships, you should always stick with it until the end, and don't want to change to another person. When Virgos have conflicts or quarrels with their lovers, Virgos will choose to escape reality and never face the problem squarely. Because in love, Virgos feel insecure, unsure, and anxious. But they have a lifelong view of love, and even after a brief breakup, they will actively seek to get back together. Therefore, in 2022, Virgos are likely to seek reconciliation.


Romantic Pisces, a Pisces who likes romance and longs for love, is relatively sensitive in the emotional world; once there is a conflict with a lover, he is very likely to lose control of his emotions, so he will be particularly impulsive in breaking up. When they get over it, they will be unable to extricate themselves and realize that they can't live without each other; therefore, no matter who is right or wrong, they will be the first to admit their mistakes and try to save their love. The love fortune of Pisces in 2022 is very good, and the chance of rekindling a relationship with your ex is very high.

Reuniting with my ex in 2022, Frontier Constellation 2

4 zodiac signs that will never renew their relationship with their ex

1. Scorpio

The most taboo thing for Scorpio people is to look back. Once separated, they have no intention of doing it again. It can be seen from this that Scorpio loves rationally but also loves soberly. When he loves someone, he will try his best to love someone. If he falls short in the end, he will happily accept the outcome of failure. In fact, Scorpio is a person who refuses to admit defeat and must do his best in everything, but feelings cannot be compromised. Be cruel enough to your ex and not give him a second chance.

2. Aquarius

Aquarius people have a tsundere in their bones, and deep down in their hearts, they have a deep sense of superiority. Although she has high emotional intelligence and knows how to disguise herself as a person without edges, in fact she is still very strong and dominant in the emotional world. If I am willing to give you love, you should cherish it, typical of a queen. If you break up, everything will be in vain and you will no longer consider renewing your relationship. Therefore, do not provoke the arrogance in the bones of Aquarius.

3. Leo

Leo people value face and value it above all else. In her view of emotions, love means mutual respect. If she loves you, you should treat her equally. When this relationship collapses due to inequality, it means that they are not suitable for each other. Whether directly or indirectly, you have damaged her face and made her a loser in love. As the saying goes, a good horse never looks back, let alone a proud lion queen.

4. Aries

Aries people are very similar to Leos, except that they are more casual and approachable. In love, she is a warrior. In order to love someone, she can abandon everything and keep her mind clear. However, in contrast to being impulsive and emotional when they are in love, Aries are calm and rational when breaking up, and can treat their ex calmly and correctly. Since it is a past lover, it should be a memory and should not be involved in one's life again. Therefore, when choosing a mate in the future, it is natural to exclude your ex.

Reuniting with my ex in 2022, Horoscope 3


Libra is a very outward sign. Libras in life have a phobia of choice, so they generally have a hard time making choices in relationships, which makes them easily entangled and difficult to choose. For example, when it comes to relationships, sometimes they may not even notice it, and they are invisible in their speech. Zhongna compares himself with his ex to see which one is better and which one is more suitable, so even if they are separated, they will maintain a good relationship with each other. In 2022, once you encounter the right opportunity, it will be easy to rekindle old feelings.


The love of Capricorn babies has always been colorful, and their personalities are also relatively reserved. If they are not familiar with a person, Capricorn babies will not reveal their feelings easily, but once they open their hearts, Capricorn babies will Become something else. In love, Capricorn babies always devote themselves to giving each other a sense of security, which makes the other person feel very happy. Therefore, Capricorn babies will always want to look back after a breakup. In 2022, they will fall into a triangle relationship. This can make them I suffered a lot!


Scorpio people have a strong desire for control and are the masters of relationships. If there is no big problem and the breakup is peaceful, you can start over. In 2022, if you are a Scorpio, you will most likely choose to reconcile with your old love. Scorpio will not be sneaky about turning back. Falling in love again will only create more intense sparks. It is as if after a wrong love, you realize who is really suitable for you. You will turn back. Scorpio has also thought carefully. Will eat easily and casually.

Zodiac signs for contacting your ex, horoscope chart for reconnecting with your ex in 2022 1

Zodiac signs for women who will contact their exes

Horoscopes for contacting your ex in 2022

The zodiac signs for contacting your ex in 2022. Constellations have a wide impact on people's lives. Many things in love life can be guided by zodiac signs. The ability of some zodiac signs is very admirable. The following are the zodiac signs for contacting your ex in 2022. constellation

Horoscope 1 for contacting your ex in 2022

TOP1 Pisces

As long as the ex is not too unfeeling, or the ex is very enthusiastic, Pisces will basically accept anyone who comes. In addition, many Pisces often want to choose to escape when faced with many pressures in life.

Sometimes the pressure brought by the current relationship is great, and Pisces will flee to the arms of their ex to find comfort. It's a bit like taking drugs or looking for temporary comfort. In reality, Pisces is actually quite realistic. They are not getting back together, but they want to remember the past with you. They are bad as hell, so don't be deceived anymore and delete your contact information directly. Bar.

TOP2 Gemini

Geminis are very curious creatures. Although they are the type who will never look back after a breakup, if their ex turns around and wants to contact them, Gemini will also feel very curious and want to know more about what their ex wants to do.

Ambiguity and intimate interactions are no problem, Geminis are confident that they can afford it. Smart Geminis are very clear about the situation and are very sober. They usually will not jump back into the unhappy relationship that they escaped from before. They can seem intoxicated one minute and leave with a slap on the butt the next. type.

TOP3 Leo

For Leo, as long as the breakup is not ugly, they won't feel any embarrassment when they meet. They don't mind taking care of their ex. As long as this ex is still single, Leo doesn't mind taking more care of the other person.

Of course, if the ex is willing to give some bonus feedback, Leo will also be happy to accept it. Because Leo hopes that he can take advantage of some small things, he feels that even if he breaks up, it does not mean that he will get back together. He has a playful mentality and is not very responsible.

Horoscope 2 for contacting your ex in 2022

Aries: Likes to have fun

Aries loves life and the people in life. As long as they don't have a deep hatred against them, Aries will soon forget the previous conflicts and connect happily, as if nothing happened.

After all, in the world of Aries, you can still be friends after breaking up. Since we are all friends, it won’t be a waste if we contact each other. What's more, an ex who was once so close is different from an ordinary friend, and there is no need to act like an enemy. In addition, Aries have too much energy and like to have fun. It's always good as long as someone takes care of you, no matter if he is your ex or not.

Gemini: Contact everyone

Geminis have never had so many taboos in the relationship between men and women. As long as it is beneficial, they will take the initiative to contact the other party no matter who they are. If you want to benefit yourself, you can't think too much. You just need to remember that others can bring benefits to you, and your identity is not important.

Exes are also important connections. As long as they are resources that can be utilized, there is a need to contact them. Geminis who like to socialize are most afraid of loneliness and usually contact everyone. In 2022, they will be more eager to socialize. As long as you can play somewhere, even if you are your ex, there is nothing to avoid. It's even better for the ex to flirt with you and have some ambiguity when you have nothing to do. It's harmless.

Cancer: never forget

Even if they break up, it will take a long time for Cancer to get over the shadow of broken love. As for those Cancers who have not yet come out, no matter what their ex does, they still pay close attention to it.

I still miss my ex, and I still have sweet photos of each other on my phone, and I take them out to look at from time to time. In 2022, Cancers will not take the initiative to contact you, but they can't help but want to care. If the ex's life has suffered a major blow, Cancer will comfort the other person thoughtfully. Although in the eyes of Cancer, this is not called active contact, everyone who understands understands it.

Sagittarius: active compounding

Sagittarius is very emotional when dealing with emotional problems. Today, he and his partner were unhappy and wanted to break up in anger. If I feel better tomorrow and feel that my previous decision was reckless, I will want to undo it.

In 2022, Sagittarius will still be in this state. Not only will they take the initiative to contact their ex, but they will also take the initiative to seek reconciliation. As a partner of Sagittarius, you must not hold grudges, and your memory cannot be too good, otherwise, you will easily be tortured and collapsed by Sagittarius.

Pisces: Unforgettable old love

Pisces, whose old love is unforgettable, are always affectionate, and the nature of Pisces will not change in 2022. It can be said that the connection between them and their ex has never been completely severed. Even if they can't go back to the beginning, they can't accept that their former lover suddenly disappeared from their lives. Pisces needs time to heal all this.

Horoscope 3 for contacting your ex in 2022


Entering 2022, the probability of Sagittarius getting back together with his ex is very high. Because after breaking up, they have always been obsessed with their ex. Even if they started a new relationship, they still couldn't let go of each other deep in their hearts. Therefore, after a chance encounter, Sagittarius and his ex will come together again, and the two will reunite regardless of their past grudges.

After being together, they will get rid of their shortcomings, work hard to manage the relationship, and even cherish each other more than before. After reconnecting with their ex, Sagittarius will be in a particularly good mood

It seems that I have changed as a person, full of motivation and positivity every day, no longer trapped by love, and no longer sad. Therefore, this fate will make Sagittarius feel full of happiness and feel that their choice is correct.


Capricorns may seem aloof, but they are actually very affectionate, especially in relationships. They are the type of people who can afford to take things but cannot let them go. Capricorns are particularly affectionate. When a relationship ends, they often cannot let go. Even if a long time has passed, whenever they think of the other person, they will still be filled with loneliness deep in their hearts. Fortunately, Capricorns are typical action types and don’t like to deceive themselves;

When they feel that they still love their ex, they will pursue the other person again. In 2022, with Capricorn's efforts to save it, this relationship is expected to start again. After getting back together with his ex, he will also be able to change his aloof style and treat each other with heart, as if he has picked up a long-lost treasure, which he will treasure extremely , with such a change, while the relationship will continue, it will also be sublimated to a closer level.


Pisces may look carefree and innocent on the outside, but in fact they are very affectionate and will not let go of the past. However, they are not blind when dealing with emotional issues. On the contrary, they are very shrewd. Don't try things easily if you are sure of them.

In 2022, Pisces will have the opportunity to get back together with their ex. Faced with this lost relationship, Pisces also cherishes it very much. Because this affectionate and infatuated zodiac sign is very easy to have unresolved feelings.

Especially when they are sure that the other person is the most suitable person for them, it is even more difficult to break up completely. Therefore, breaking up may be impulsive, but their desire to get back together is always strong, so as long as there is an opportunity to step down, they will not hesitate. The selection compound.

Zodiac signs for contacting your ex, zodiac signs for reconnecting with your ex in 2022, horoscope chart 2

What is the first sentence to chat on WeChat after a long breakup?

It’s been a long time since we broke up. In 2022, which zodiac sign will still keep in touch, without love or resentment?


Virgo is a very open-minded person, no matter how they treat everyone, they don't care about it. Therefore, in the face of the pain caused by his previous relationship, he can pass over time and slowly learn to let go. After all, for Virgo, there is no right or wrong in love, only love or dislike. Therefore, when the other party left, he only felt sad and reluctant, and there was definitely no resentment. After breaking up for a long time, Virgos who still keep in touch in 2022 have no regrets if they don't love each other. Even though the other person is no longer a beauty in his or her own world, from the Virgo's heart, this person wants to maintain a relationship with the other person. After all, for a Virgo, there is neither love nor resentment in his heart, so he can stay in touch with the other person calmly and not have other complicated thoughts.

Zodiac signs that will contact your ex, horoscope chart 3 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022


Aries is that mythical person who can still be good friends after breaking up with his ex. Because in relationships, Aries loves deeply. Therefore, when the love between each other is difficult to continue, he will not pester the other party or harbor hatred towards the other party. After all, in the heart of Aries, love should be broken up peacefully. Even if they break up in the end, there is no need to become a pair of enemies who will never see each other again. After breaking up for a long time, Aries still keeps in touch in 2022. There is no love or resentment. Even if they break up for a long time, from the perspective of Aries, there is nothing wrong with keeping in contact with each other. After all, in the heart of Aries, this person has completely let go of the past, so he has neither love nor hatred for his predecessor. It's just his single feeling. After all, the other person has also been stranded in the world, so there is no need to hide from each other.

Constellations for contacting your ex, horoscope chart 4 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022


Gemini is not a person who is hurt by love, nor is he a person who can regard his ex as an enemy. After all, in the hearts of Geminis, they are relatively free in their approach to love. When she loves someone, he can take it seriously. But if the feelings between each other cannot be repeated, he will not make do with each other again. But for their departed ex, they will not have bad emotions in their hearts, and in turn, they can bless the other person generously. After breaking up for a long time, Gemini still keeps in touch in 2022. There is no love or resentment. Although it can be called a breakup, in the hearts of Gemini, it is an ironclad fact that they have no love or hatred for their ex. Therefore, Gemini will never reject keeping in touch after a breakup, because he feels there is no need to hide and not see, and conversely, when they meet again, they will feel relaxed.

Constellations for contacting your ex, horoscope chart 5 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022

What are the zodiac signs of girls who will contact their exes?

In 2022, any zodiac sign is likely to contact their ex. Because contacting one's ex or even rekindling an old relationship, this thing does not distinguish between zodiac signs, and it is possible for any zodiac sign. If these two constellations broke up because of some trivial things, then the probability of them getting back together is relatively high. If this sign breaks up because of some principled issues, then the probability of them getting back together is relatively low.

1. Any constellation

No matter which zodiac sign they are, during such a long period of time in 2022, they are likely to get back together with their ex. But among these 12 zodiac signs, I think Aquarius and Sagittarius will find their exes, and the probability of getting back together is relatively high.Constellations for contacting your ex, horoscope chart 6 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022

2. Parts can be compounded

Whether two people can get back together is not determined by their zodiac signs, but by the reasons why they broke up and the subsequent development trend. If two people break up just because of some small things or personality problems, then the probability that the two people will get back together is relatively high. Because after two people have been separated for a long time, the problem of being angry with each other has disappeared, and their attitude will be better when they meet again later, so they will consider getting back together.         Constellations for contacting your ex, horoscope chart 7 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022                   

3. Parts cannot be combined

But if the conflict between two people is very serious, then the probability of getting back together is relatively low. For example, if one of the parties broke up due to cheating, the probability of reconciliation between them is basically very low. Or it may be because one party dislikes the other party's poverty, which is difficult to change, and the probability of getting back together is also relatively low.

 Zodiac signs that will contact your ex, horoscope chart 8 for reconnecting with your ex in 2022

The above is all about the zodiac signs that will contact your ex, the zodiac signs that will lead to a new relationship with your ex in 2022, and the related content of the zodiac signs that will contact your ex in 2022. I hope it can help you.

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