
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to run YOCTO LINUX operating system in a virtual machine
  • 2. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas cannot be played. It is said that the "0x00000034" memory referenced by the "0x7c9200b" command
  • 3. Which Grand Theft Auto is the most fun?
  • 4. I am a college student. Does anyone know where I can download video tutorials for college professional courses or where I can watch them online?

How to run the YOCTO LINUX operating system in a virtual machine

  This article will show you how to create a runnable image of Yocto*, how to test the image in the base software emulator QEMU, and how to run the image in a hypervisor such as Microsoft Hyper-V on Windows.
  Prerequisites for this tutorial
  Debian/Ubuntu (tested with Debian 8.2 amd64) Internet connection Disk with at least 100 GB of free space
<x3 > Preliminary preparations for building the machine
  Run the following command as root (or via "sudo")
  1 # apt-get install wget git- core unzip make gcc g++ build-essential subversion sed autoconf automake texi2html texinfo coreutils diffstat python-pysqlite2 docbook-utils libsdl1.2-dev libxml-parser-perl libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev xsltproc desktop-file-utils chrpath groff libtool xterm gawk fop
   Note 1: Whether the above command runs successfully depends on The version of Ubuntu/Debian everyone uses. Finally, to resolve package dependencies, you can run "aptitude" to force the installation of the correct version of the package (for example, "aptitude install libsdl1.2-dev").
  Note 2: For other Linux-distributions, such as RadHat, CentOS, Fedora, SuSe, Gentoo, etc... It is recommended to use the correct package-manager (such as zypper, yum, etc. ) to check the corresponding versions of the above packages.
  Step 1: Set up the working folder
  As a normal user without privileges (without root identity)
  1 # cd
  2 # mkdir yocto-2.0
  3 # cd yocto-2.0
  4 # wget *** yocto/yocto-2.0/poky-jethro-14.0.0.tar.bz2
  5 # tar xvjf poky-jethro-14.0.0.tar.bz2
   6 # cd poky-jethro-14.0.0/
  Note 3: You can click the following link *** to select other development branches of the Yocto version. This tutorial will use the current latest version "Jocto Poky codename Jethro".
  Note 4: If you want to obtain the latest version of Yocto resources and the main development branch, you need to replace the wget operation with the following:
  1 # git clone git: //
  2 # cd poky
  Note 5: You can also select a specific development branch by code name. For example:
  1 # git clone -b jethro git://
  Step 2: Set the environment variables of the system shell
  Yocto developers have provided a very easy to use script.
  1 # . ./oe-init-build-env
  After the script runs, if normal, your location will become a build subdirectory, which will Become your new workspace. Similar to /home/<your user>/yocto-2.0/poky-jethro-14.0.0/build/.
  Step 3: Set up bitbake
  When executing the previous script, a conf/local.conf file will be created.
  This configuration file needs to set up Yocto's build engine bitbake (the core component of the Yocto project).
  Edit the bitbake configuration file using your preferred text editor. This tutorial will use nano — a simple command-line-interface text editor for Unix-like environments, as follows:
  1 # cd conf/
  2 # nano local.conf
  Uncomment the following lines
  1 DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads"
  2 SSTATE_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache"
  3 TMPDIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/tmp"
  4 SDKMACHINE ?= "i686"
  It is recommended that all other available features be built into this image. The final images will be exceptionally large (around 8GB each) but absolutely complete for all development needs.
  1 EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "dbg-pkgs dev-pkgs ptest-pkgs tools-sdk tools-debug eclipse-debug tools-profile tools-testapps debug-tweaks"
   Now, save all changes made to the file local.conf with the CTRL+X key combination.
  1 # cd ..
  2 # hob
  Now, Hob instance (GTK2-based GUI for BitBake) will start, checking the accuracy of the build system.
  Now select the qemux86 machine in the drop down menu.
  Wait for Hob to complete the BitBake solution parsing and generate the dependency tree. Then select the target image to start building from "select an image recipe" in the above menu. In this example, we choose the full core image without the GUI: core-image-full-cmdline.
  Now click on "Advanced Configuration".
  To build the latest stable version, leave the poky in the "Distro" menu in the "Image types" panel. Then select the desired format in the "Image types" field: usually I choose ".iso", ".vdi" and ".vmdk", which work best.
  In the Output panel, select the option that best meets your requirements. It is recommended to add 4GB of available storage to the image to place the SDK for the i686 architecture (if you are using an Edison board). Also, I think it's useful to set "deb" as a packaging format targeting the root file system. So, it looks like this:
  Okay, save. Now you are ready to build the image! Click the "Build image" button!
  Hob will launch the bitbake core-image-full-cmdline example, with your favorite settings.
  Note 7: This process will take a long time to build the final image. However, depending on your host's capabilities, you can change the number of processor cores used to perform build operations on "BitBake parallel threads" and "Make parallel threads". These variables can be changed from the Hob settings window:
  Note 8: Hob allows you to determine which packages are included in the image that will be built. To do this, select "Edit image recipe" before starting to build the image.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas cannot be played. It is said that the "0x00000034" memory referenced by the "0x7c9200b" command

Yes, it has happened to me before. If it is not a pirated version, it is not equipped enough. Carl Johnson   The protagonist controlled by the player in the game, referred to as "CJ", is one of the top figures of the Grove Street gang. , is also an "anti-hero". Five years ago, due to the death of his younger brother Brian, he came to live in Liberty City to escape the pressure of the world. There CJ stole cars with Salvatore's son Joey, and returned to Los Santos five years later to attend his mother's funeral.   Carl Johnson is voiced by Chris “Young Maylay” Bellard, a rookie hoping to make a name for himself in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.   Sweat   CJ's brother, the leader of the Grove Street gang, blamed CJ for the death of his brother Brian Johnson and asked CJ to leave Los Santos. After CJ left, he continued to control Grove Street alone and took care of his family and neighbors.   Smoke
  In the early part of the game plot, he is a senior executive of Grove Street, with a fat body. Later, Ryder and Tenpenny's C.R.A.S.H. group fight against the enemy Gang Ballas collude. In the final mission, he was shot dead by the protagonist in the drug factory.    Ryder    Like Big Smoke, he was a senior executive of Grove Street and later the protagonist killed him in a sea chase in the early part of the game.   Cesar
  The boyfriend of the protagonist's sister Kendl, a member of the Hispanic gang Varios Los Aztecas, assists CJ and his Grove Street gang.
  Tempney   One of the corrupt officers of the Los Santos police, he formed the C.R.A.S.H. group with Pulaski and Hernandez, of which he himself is the leader. Tenpenny has always had the intention of harming CJ, but he did not put him to death because he wanted to take advantage of CJ. During the car chase in the final mission, Tenpenny lost control of his car and fell off an overpass near CJ's home, and was seriously injured and died.   Wu Zimu
Wu Zimu
  A calm and collected person. Known to his friends as "Woozie," this Oriental gentleman leads the Mountain Cloud Boys, a triad gang. Woozie is blind, although he has trained his sensory abilities to the point where you can't feel his visual impairment at all. Currently in charge of the "Four Dragons" casino. Woozie is voiced by James Yaegashi.   T-BONE
  The leader of the San Fierro Rifa gang in San Francisco, of Mexican descent.   I have a good relationship with the bosses of some monopoly organizations.   He is a villain in the game.   Zero   A super genius who can repair a supercomputer with a small piece of paper. His old enemy is Beckley.   But Beckley was defeated with the help of the protagonist CJ, who also played a key role in CJ and Woozie's bank robbery.   He serves as engineer and strategist.   Truth   A rather mysterious old man, I still don’t understand him.   He has an affair with the bad cop Tenpenny. But he has a relationship with CJ, and is also friends with Jethro and Dwaine.    should be considered a positive character in the game.   He's a hippie who likes to do yoga, and he keeps showing up in the finale.   Godfather Leon   This old man appears in almost every generation.   He is the leader of the Leon family of the Liberty City Mafia, and CJ once worked for his son.   I came to Las Vegas this time to build a mafia casino.   Ken Rosenberg   Once a lawyer for the Forelli family, he was good friends with Tommy, the protagonist of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".   When Forelli leader SONNY came to Vice City, he chose to stay with Tommy.   But Tommy was kicked out of Vice City not long after, and he was so frustrated that he learned to take drugs.    Later, in order to make a living, he chose to be an intermediary in the Las Vegas Mafia Casino.   In the end, with the help of CJ, he became a good assistant to Mad Dog Dot.   Mad Dog Dot    was once a popular singer on the West Coast of the United States.   But because of the emergence of OG LOC, he is no longer popular (actually there is CJ's trouble...hehe).   In Las Vegas, he was broke and ready to commit suicide because of gambling.    Later, he was rescued by CJ, who teamed up with the Triads to help him regain the mansion.   In order to express his gratitude to CJ, he asked CJ to be his new agent, and now he also has a cooperative relationship with Wu Zimu.
Main Gang
  The Grove Family (Orange Grove Family)   Gang Race: Black Gang  City: Los Angeles <x3 >Leading family: Johnson family  Main bosses: Sweet, Carl (protagonist), Ryder (betrayed), Smoke (betrayed)   Logo color: green<x3 > Friendly gang: Las Aztecas Varrios (Cesar's gang)   Rival: Varrios  Gang branches: the Temple Drive Families and the Seville Boulevard Families  < x3>The Grove family is the largest gang in Los Angeles, mainly black. In the game, the protagonist is an important leader of this gang.   Triads  Race: Chinese  City: San Francisco  Main leaders: Wu Zimu, Ran Fali  Main rival gangs :Vietnamese Gang  Member Logo: All wearing Chinese tunic suits  Branch: The Red Gecko Tong, The Mountain Cloud Boys   This is our own Chinese gang, appearing in San Francisco , although he has no connection with the Grove family, Wu Zimu, the leader of this gang, is a very good friend of CJ and has helped CJ a lot.   It is a positive gang in the game.   Barras  Race: Black Gang  City: Los Angeles  Logo Color: Purple  Enemy Gang: Grove    is the main enemy of the Grove Street family. Their business includes assassinations, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, etc. CJ's mother was killed by this gang.   The leader of this gang has always been a mystery, and some say it is the traitorous Smoker.   The main branches are the Front Yard Ballas, the Rollin Heights Ballas, and the Kilo Trays.   Los Santos Vagos   Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Latin gang in there is a rival gang of Las Aztecas Varrios. They have a lot of cocaine business dealings with BIG SMOKE, so naturally CJ has to be at odds with them. Their logo is a yellow turban. The scope of their activities is Los Santos    Las Aztecas Varrios    is also a Latin gang in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas". CJ's sister's boyfriend Cesar Vialpando belongs to this gang. The gang's business is mainly arms trading and street fights, but Not selling drugs, this gang has some connection with CJ's Grove Street, and the gang's logo is also green clothing  San Fierro Rifa   This gang is a Latin gang in San Fierro, related to the BALLA gang In business dealings, they also work as thugs for local monopolies. The leader of this gang, T-Bone Mendez, has a good relationship with the bosses of some monopolies.   San Fierro Rifa was not popular with other Latin gangs in SAN ANDREAS, but later they cooperated with Los Santos Vagos in the drug business. The gang symbol is a light blue bandana.   Vietnamese Gang   Most members wear Tang suits and sunglasses; some wear gray short-sleeved clothes and have shaved heads.   Vietnamese gangs and triads are sworn enemies, and their main sources of income are protection fees and human traffickers (smuggling).   In the end, he was severely repaired by the protagonist CJ.   The Italian Mafia Family    only appears in the plot in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and does not officially appear on the streets.   The main mafia parties in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" are the Leon family and Forelli.   In the game, the Leon family is the main frontal gang. In Las Vegas, CJ helped the Leon godfather go to Liberty City to assassinate the Forelli family godfather.
Edit this plot and mission
  1992, this is the year when "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" took place  San Andreas is not alluding to A city, but the state of California in the United States. Los Santos in the game alludes to Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the location of the famous Hollywood in the United States. Beverly Hills in Los Angeles is the residence of the richest people in the United States. And with this In contrast, Los Angeles also has a large number of black slums, where black gang culture and HIP-HOP culture are prevalent. Black gangs like to distinguish their gangs by color. The two major black gangs on the West Coast of the United States, Blood and Crips, like to use red and blue respectively. The color represents themselves, and the two gangs are vendetta against each other. In the game, the Grove Street Families and the rival gang Ballas, where the protagonist CJ belongs, allude to these two gangs respectively). The San Fierro in the game alludes to San Francisco, which is the main place for Asian immigrants. place of residence, so the gangs here are mainly Asian gangs. At the same time, San Francisco is also the main residence of Mexicans and other Latinos, so there are also Latin gangs. Among Asian gangs, there are mainly Triads (the Chinese’s own gangs). And the Vietnamese gang, the Triads in the game are called Triads, the Vietnamese gang is called Da Nang Boys, and as for the Latin gangs, there are three Los Santos Vag in the game os, Varrios Los Aztecas and San Fierro Rifa. In the end, Las Venturas in the game is a metaphor for Las Vegas. The casinos in Las Vegas are mainly managed by the Italian Mafia. The main people who control Las Venturas in the game are the Leone, the two major mafia families from Liberty City. family and the Sindacco family.   The story is divided into multiple main lines. On the one hand, the protagonist CJ’s brother Sweet is the boss of the Grove Street Families, a black gang in Los Santos. However, this gang is being threatened by the rival gang Ballas, and its status is deteriorating day by day. Two bad cops in Los Santos, Tenpenny and Pulaski, secretly helped Balls clean up Grove Street. They designed to kill the protagonist CJ's mother, so CJ, who developed in Liberty City, returned to his hometown to attend his mother's funeral (CJ in Liberty City is Works for Joey Leone, the son of Leone boss Salvatore Leone, both of whom reappear in "Grand Theft Auto 3"). Before arriving home, CJ is humiliated by bad cops Tenpenny and Pulaski. After returning home, CJ and Sweet, along with their good brothers Big Smoke and Ryder, revitalized Grove Street Families. CJ also attracted Cesar, the main figure of the Latin gang Varrios Los Aztecas. Later, in a transaction, Sweet was killed by Big Smoke and Ryder. Betrayed and caught by the police, CJ was also arrested, but did not go to jail because the bad police officers Tenpenny and Pulaski had some "dirty work" that CJ had to do for them. The power that CJ finally established in Los Santos was destroyed, and he only had to Being able to hide in the suburbs and work for two bad cops, CJ later came to San Fierro. With the help of Cesar, CJ developed in San Fierro. CJ met Wu Zi Mu ("Woozie"), the leader of the triad, and helped Wu Zi Mu eliminated the hostile Vietnamese gang, and Wu Zi Mu later became CJ's main partner. CJ and Wu Zi Mu, Cesar grew bigger and bigger, and finally entered the casino city of Las Venturas...    They changed the location to LIBERTY CITY. The three main mafia families in this city are the Forelli family and the Leone family. With the Sindacco family, after Sonny Forelli, the boss of the Forelli family, was killed in VICE CITY (mentioned earlier, the plot of VICE CITY), the Forelli family fell into despair. The Sindacco family took away a lot of his territory, but Salvatore Leone, the boss of the Leone family, was not willing to accept it. Let the Sindacco family grow like this), the Leone family and the Sindacco family wanted to jointly open a casino in Las Venturas, but they could not trust anyone, so they decided to find a third-party character to manage the casino, the one in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Lawyer Ken Rosenberg was selected. For some unknown reason, Ken Rosenberg was kicked out of VICE CITY by TOMMY. He was at a loss and took over the job. But he didn’t know that this was actually pushing him over the cliff because he was kicked out of VICE CITY. Caught between two families, and these two families are ready to fall out at any time, and when they fall out, he, the middleman, will be the first to fall. It happened that CJ and the others came to Las Venturas for development. Ken Rosenberg asked CJ to help him save his life. At the same time, the Sindacco family attacked Woozie's casino. In order to gain a foothold in Las Venturas, Woozie decided to rob the mafia casino. And getting acquainted with Ken Rosenberg can help you get information from the inside. Later, Salvatore, the godfather of the Leone family, came to the casino in person. Because CJ once worked for Salvatore Leone's son Joey Leone, he gained the trust of Salvatore Leone. CJ helped the Leone family drive the Sindacco family's power out of the casino and killed Johnny Sindacco, the main leader of the Sindacco family. Finally, with all the relevant information in hand, CJ and Woozie rob the casino, making them a fortune and gaining a foothold in Las Venturas.   After making a difference in the casino, CJ resolutely decided to return to his hometown, Los Santos. After all, fallen leaves return to their roots, and CJ still belongs to the black ghetto. CJ’s brother Sweet was released, and CJ and his brother The Ballas gang was completely wiped out together, and Grove Street Families was revived again. At the same time, because of the corruption of the bad police officer Tenpenny, he was acquitted by the court. Large-scale protests broke out in Los Santos, which then turned into riots. CJ was determined to fight for While eradicating harm from his hometown, he also wanted to settle accounts with Big Smoke, who betrayed him. In the end, CJ eliminated Big Smoke, rescued his brother, and killed the bad policeman Tenpenny to eliminate harm to the people. This is the end of the story of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas".   Some background knowledge about "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"  First introduce the two major gangs in California  Bloods and Crips  < x3>This is also the most powerful black gang that has emerged since the 1980s.   I believe this is the prototype of Groove Street and Ballas in the "Grand Theft Auto" series   This picture shows the two gangs The strength distribution map in southern Los Angeles...Does it remind you of the territory in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"?   The contrast between Bloods and Crips is very sharp.. The members of Bloods are all dressed up The main color is red, while Crips is blue. There is also a famous gesture. Just like 2Pac on the cover below.   Pull your thumb together, then fold your ring finger on top of your middle finger and spread it apart. ..   Doesn’t   look like a “W”?   This gesture is the symbol of Westside. It is now deeply rooted in people's hearts.    It comes from Crips and Bloods. Have you noticed in the game that if you take a picture of the little brother, they will also make a The hand gesture actually comes from the "W" gesture... It's just that the title screen of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" said, "Any similarity is purely coincidental", so everything can only be done They are very similar but not exactly the same, which I have to say is a pity.    In the 1980s, the United States fell into the crack craze. Crack is an extract of heroin and is cheap, so many addicts with limited purchasing power Gentlemen buy it one after another and enjoy it... and it is the low cost of crack that has completely changed American society... Many young mothers directly bring drug addiction to their children, and in order to smoke crack, many women have to accept pimps, that is, The control of pimps. And pimps and drug dealers in the slums-the so-called crack dealers or dopemans, have become the most powerful figures in black culture after the 1980s.   In such a kind of Under this environment, Crips and Bloods were able to grow, and at the same time, there was also a kind of music-Gangsta Rap...   The funniest Jeffrey in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" also It’s the big OG Loc I still have an impression... This kid often claims that he is a Gangsta Rapper... So what is Gansgta Rap...    Literally translated, it is called gangsta rap. As the name suggests, the main content of this kind of music is exactly what A record of gangster life... and Gangsta Rap is not a specialty of California... but was produced in Philadelphia on the East Coast, in 1983, Schooly D. And the original West Coast Gangsta Rapper was Ice-T,   Ice- T is not from California... but he became famous in California. His stage name comes from a legendary poet/crack dealer...    Later in Compton, south of Los Angeles, Eric “Eazy-E” Wright, Andre “Dr .Dre" Young, Lorenzo "MC Ren" Patterson, DJ Yella... and O'Shea "Ice Cube" Jackson from the neighboring town of Inglewood... the D.O.C. from Dallas, Texas, with Eazy- With the money E earned from selling drugs, he rented a garage and founded a label, Ruthless... and their group, Niggaz With Attitude... is the most explosive and far-reaching group in the entire history of rap   < x3>Niggaz With Attitude, translated actually means "a group of very awesome people". Their leader Eazy-E is only 1.65 meters tall. He was a gang member + drug dealer in his early years... "The Rogue" The Rider in "Hunter: San Andreas" is completely based on Eazy's image. However, Eazy-E eventually met a more ruthless character. After the NWA fell apart, he died tragically of AIDS in 1995.   As for Dr. Dre, I believe everyone knows him. Although he has no Gangsta experience, he was the most inconspicuous person in N.W.A. at the time, but now he has become the most powerful figure in the rap industry... He sponsored Eminem and 50 Cent and made a lot of money...   Ice Cube later became an actor and acted in "Barbershop" 1 and 2, as well as many movies. ..    In 1991, 2Pac released his first album. The song "I Don't Give a F*ck" can be heard on Radio Los Santos in "Grand Theft Auto".. This person is A legendary figure in the history of rap. He debuted in 1991 and released "Me Against The World" in prison in 1995, which sold more than 4 million copies. Then he released another album in 1996. Released the first 2CD rap album "All Eyez On Me"... He was shot and killed in September 1996. However, his large recording legacy is still being released... It is worth noting that "Grand Theft Auto: Saint Ann" A shirtless passerby wearing a red hat in "Tales" looks a bit like him...but the man in the red hat looks like a fake-ass...a little bit unhappy...   Then let's talk about the place names...   Ganton, Idlewood, Jefferson, Willowfield... These place names are all prototypes, such as the Compton mentioned earlier, such as Inglewood... I don't remember the specifics. Interested students can take a look. The map of Los Angeles...    Finally, let’s talk about the riots in the game, which is the final stage after Sweet returns from the police station. This also has a historical prototype, and it was also in 1992. The cause is In 1991, black Rodney King was caught speeding while drunk and beaten by four white police officers. It happened to be recorded on video. The following year, the court actually acquitted the four police officers. Then the angry black people began A riot... The riots in Los Angeles resulted in more than 50 deaths, more than 2,000 serious injuries, more than 10,000 arrests, thousands of stores burned down, and property losses reaching 1 billion US dollars.     Having written so much, I can’t write much about Las Vegas and San Francisco... If I want to write it, I’ll talk about it later... That’s about it for now. I hope you can learn more about "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" A little help for a deeper understanding... Since it is a masterpiece, of course there will be many interesting places for us to reminisce... I think this is more interesting than creating a car accident or something...

Which Grand Theft Auto is the most fun?

"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" will have a large number of vehicles for players to choose from (from bicycles to airplanes). Inheriting the high-degree-of-freedom game system from the previous game, in the game you can not only kill people, set fires, and fight with gangs, but you can also go to the casino and spend a lot of money to experience the life of a gambler. You can even ride a bicycle and play basketball. The game stage is moved from Florida in the previous game to California, and includes the three major cities in California: Los Angeles (renamed Los Santos in the game), San Francisco (renamed San Fierro in the game) and Las Vegas (renamed Las Venturra in the game). Using the latest seamless reading technology, all reading actions will be completed in the background after entering the game.
, and includes the two largest cities in California, Los Angeles (renamed Los Santos in the game), San Francisco (renamed San Fierro in the game) and Las Vegas, Nevada (renamed Las Venturas in the game), in addition to the metropolitan area It also includes various terrain features such as forests, wastelands, and deserts on the outskirts of the city. The area that can be explored is several times larger than that of the previous generation. Players can enjoy the lifelike urban scenery from the released game screens.
  There are many vehicles in the game. In addition to general vehicles, they also include airplanes, helicopters, tankers, bulldozers, jeeps, motorcycles, ATVs, and even harvesters. It can be seen that The variety of vehicles famous in this series has been further enhanced in this generation. In addition, it also includes forests, countryside, farms, canyons, farms and other scenes that are different from urban scenery. Actually the best thing is that I finally have a bicycle!
   It inherits the high degree of freedom game system of the previous game, and adds more elements. In the game, you can not only kill people, set fires, gang fights, but also go to the casino to spend a lot of money to experience the life of a gambler, and even You can ride bicycles and play basketball. If you don't like the way you look or dress up, you can also go to a clothing store to buy clothes you like to wear, or go to a barber's salon to get a haircut you like, or even get a tattoo. The game will also change your body shape depending on your diet.
  If you have empty pockets, in addition to undertaking dangerous gang murder and drug transport missions, you can also pick on ordinary people who are defenseless, break into empty doors to become robbers, and move away all valuable things and sell them. However, But it's not just a robbery. Players also have to bring their own vehicle to transport stolen goods (there is often one parked diagonally across from the Los Angeles gym). They must also wear a mask to hide their identity before committing a crime. Empty doors cannot be broken into at any time. They have to take advantage of the dark wind and the wind. When taking action when the situation is high, you must also pay attention to whether the owner of the house is equipped with firearms for self-defense, so as not to steal the chicken but lose the rice.
  The game will adopt the latest seamless reading technology. After entering the game, all reading actions will be completed in the background, so that the players will not feel it, making the vast scenes of this generation seamless. , without interruption. The enhanced 3D graphics engine can present a longer field of view, more detailed scenery, and contains three times the number of soundtrack songs than the previous game.
  The main mission of the game alone takes nearly 100 hours to complete, plus the rich side missions in the game such as racing, gun battles, sports, fighting, gambling, robbery... ... and other elements that can be freely played are included, which is enough for players to indulge in it for hundreds of hours without getting bored. Each player can freely develop in the direction of his or her preference.
  Realistic background
  The sun is shining, the clouds are white, the traffic is busy... Yes, the world of "Grand Theft Auto" that players are familiar with is back, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" moves the game stage from Miami, Florida in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" to California, and includes two major cities in California: Los Angeles (renamed Los Angeles in the game) Santos), San Francisco (renamed San Fierro in the game) and Las Vegas, Nevada (renamed Las Venturas in the game). Los Santos is characterized by relatively sunny weather, with a feeling of dust and sometimes heavy rain; San Fierro is a city shrouded in fog; Las Venturas has fresh air and dazzling lights; the countryside is of course a warm and natural place . California, also known as the Golden State, is the wealthiest state in the United States and one of the richest regions in the world. The background of the game is set in the early 1990s, the most absurd and twisted era in the history of California. The naked desire for money and the huge gap between the rich and the poor made the area full of unrest, and racial discrimination became a fuse that could ignite at any time. So. At that time, the largest gang had 15,000 gangsters who were fighting for their lives on the streets, grabbing territory for drug trafficking and casinos. As law enforcers, the police seem to be the animal trainers in the entire zoo (California), killing and slaughtering animals with one hand covering the sky. Civilians dared to be angry but dared not speak out. Finally, after four white police officers beat black Rodney King, riots broke out in Los Angeles. Some slums were burned to the ground. Burning, killing, looting and chaos arose, and Los Angeles became the center of the storm...
  Rough yet meticulous
Appreciation of the game scenery ( 19 photos) Previously, it was reported that Rockstar sent many staff to conduct on-site research and shooting. This can also be verified from the game. The lifelike city scenery and many famous buildings that are specious (such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood, etc.) etc.) and the layout can create endless reverie. What impressed me most was the huge map of the game, which can be said to be the largest in the series. There is a transition between city and country, which is not as abrupt as it used to be. The traditional realistic style becomes more rugged in this game's
   strong racial background. Muscular bikini girls, bloated men with belly fat... NPCs of different shapes can be seen everywhere. Extraordinarily unique landscape.
  The game's graphics combine the styles of "Grand Theft Auto 3" and "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". In general, the graphics style is as elegant as "Grand Theft Auto 3" , more cool colors. It's not as overly colorful as "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City", but in terms of light and shadow effects, the control of the far and near areas is better, and the sunset, neon halo, etc. are more dazzling. The shadows formed by the reflection of light from buildings and urban facilities and the stretched occlusion caused by cars or people passing by are all handled better. However, mapping errors still often occur. The weather changes from sunny to rainy to dense fog, as well as the alternation of day and night; the traces left by car tires on the road, the smoke when braking and friction on the ground, the exhaust emitted by cars... are all described in detail. When flying with fighter jets in the sky, you can still see their shaking and airflow. It is a significant improvement over the previous game, with more attention to detail in the modeling of scene objects (I feel that the water effect is not very good, it is blurry and chaotic, just like "Grand Theft Auto 3"). Due to limitations in performance, frames may drop and appear to be slightly slowed down when weather conditions change. Of course, aliasing and noise are inevitable. Because the map is too large, the task markers are not obvious. You often have to switch to the zoom option to get a clear understanding. The font is too thin, which makes it uncomfortable to look at.
  Music and sound effects have always been the strengths of the "Grand Theft Auto" series, and this game is no exception. There are still many radio stations. There is not only one radio station to choose from as some netizens have misinformed before. Only the button settings have changed, but the music styles are still varied and exciting. You can always find a style that suits players. EA's sports games such as FIFA in recent years have also adopted this setting, which is very considerate. But in this regard, only the PC version seems to have more advantages. After all, enthusiastic DIY masters can produce MODs with different styles to make the world of "Grand Theft Auto" more exciting and more interesting. Players have done Just the simplest - use your imagination and YY spirit and laugh. However, Sony has an exclusive agreement with publisher Take-Two. Only when the agreement expires in May next year can DIY masters show off their talents on the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas". The sound effects in the game are more detailed and in place. Swear words, teasing, swearing, slang, and other voices can all be reflected in NPC interactions, which well reflect the character's personality traits and emotions at different times.
  Close contact
  Interactivity, freedom, and abundant transportation have always been the selling points of the "Grand Theft Auto" series, and this game is no exception, with non-linearity The free tasks and main storyline rely on the player's free activities to advance the process. The introduction of dynamic AI system and collaborative AI system makes the game more humane and intelligent. The so-called dynamic AI system is like "Splinter Cell". NPCs and opponents will adjust the AI's reactions and actions according to your actions. To put it more vividly, it is like a fox versus a fox, a stupid penguin versus a stupid duck, laugh. The cooperative AI system is how the AI-controlled companions cooperate with the player's actions. Through interactions with NPCs, you want to become a gang leader who constantly devours territory, consolidates territory, and assassinates...just like the recent "Def Jam Fight For NY"; or do normal work such as business, pick-up, and transportation. …it’s all up to the players to choose. These aspects retain the fine traditions of the "Grand Theft Auto" series.
  In terms of the specific performance of the AI, the most obvious change is that the police and general NPCs have become "more sensitive". When players endanger passers-by by driving, they will sometimes jump, very Jump out of the way wisely. In previous games, it was very easy to ask others to "borrow" a car on the street. Now, the driver brother who used to be willing to donate is not so easy to negotiate. Even if you punch and kick him before pulling him out of the car, Come on, he won't run away as quickly as he did in the past. Sometimes he will catch up with you and snatch control of the car from you.
  Send a member of Varios Los Aztecas to assist CJ and his Grove Street gang.
   One of the corrupt officers of the Los Santos police, he formed the C.R.A.S.H. group with Pulaski and Hernandez, of which he himself is the leader. Tenpenny has always had the intention of harming CJ, but he did not put him to death because he wanted to take advantage of CJ. During the car chase in the final mission, Tenpenny lost control of his car and fell off an overpass near CJ's home, and was seriously injured and died.
  Wu Zimu
  A calm and collected person. Known to his friends as "Woozie," this Oriental gentleman leads the Mountain Cloud Boys, a triad gang. Woozie is blind, although he has trained his sensory abilities to the point where you can't feel his visual impairment at all. Currently in charge of the "Four Dragons" casino. Woozie is voiced by James Yaegashi.
  The leader of the San Fierro Rifa gang in San Francisco, of Mexican descent.
  I have a good relationship with the bosses of some monopoly organizations.
  He is the villain in the game.
  A super genius who can repair a supercomputer with a small piece of paper. His old enemy is Beckley.
  But with the help of the protagonist CJ, Beckley was defeated. He also played a key role when CJ and Woozie robbed the bank.
  He serves as engineer and strategist.
  A rather mysterious old man, I still don’t understand him until now.
  He has an affair with bad cop Tenpenny. But he has a relationship with CJ, and is also friends with Jethro and Dwaine.
   should be considered a positive character in the game.
  He is a hippie who likes to practice yoga, and he appears in the finale.
  Godfather Leon
  This old man appears in almost every generation.
  He is the leader of the Leon family of the Liberty City Mafia, and CJ once worked for his son.
  This time I came to Las Vegas to build a mafia casino.
  Ken Rosenberg
   was once a lawyer for the Forelli family and was a good friend of Tommy, the protagonist of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".
  When Forelli leader SONNY came to Vice City, he chose to stay with Tommy.
  But Tommy was kicked out of Vice City not long after, and he was so frustrated that he learned to take drugs.
   Later, in order to make a living, he chose to become an intermediary for the Las Vegas Mafia Casino.
  Finally, with the help of CJ, he became a good assistant to Mad Dog Dot.
  Mad Dog Dot
   was once a popular singer on the West Coast of the United States.
  But because of the emergence of OG LOC, he is no longer popular (actually there is some trouble from CJ...hehe).
  In Las Vegas, he was broke and ready to commit suicide because of gambling.
   He was later rescued by CJ, who teamed up with the Triads to help him regain the mansion.
  In order to express his gratitude to CJ, he asked CJ to be his new agent, and now he also has a cooperative relationship with Wu Zimu.
Main Gang
  The Grove Family (Orange Grove Family)
  Gang Race: Black Gang
  City where it is located: Los Angeles
  The ruling family: Johnson family
  Main bosses: Sweet, Carl (protagonist), Ryder (betrayed), Smoke (betrayed)
  Logo color: Green
  Friendly gang: Las Aztecas Varrios (Cesar’s gang)
  Revenge: Varrios
  Gang branches: the Temple Drive Families and the Seville Boulevard Families
  The Grove family is the largest gang in Los Angeles, mainly black. In the game, the protagonist is an important leader of this gang.
  Race: Chinese
  City: San Francisco
  Main leader: Wu Zimu , Ran Fali
  Main hostile gang: Vietnam Gang
  Member logo: all wearing Chinese tunic suits
  Branch: The Red Gecko Tong, The Mountain Cloud Boys
  This is our own Chinese gang, which appears in San Francisco. Although it has no connection with the Grove family, the leader of this gang, Wu Zimu, is very close friends with CJ. He helped CJ a lot.
   is a positive gang in the game.
  Race: Black Gang
  City: Los Angeles
  Logo Color: Purple
  Enemy Gang: Grove
   is the main enemy of the Grove Street family. His business includes assassinations, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, etc. CJ’s mother was recruited by this gang. killed.
  The leader of this gang has always been a mystery, and some say it is the traitorous Smoker.
  The main branches are the Front Yard Ballas, the Rollin Heights Ballas, and the Kilo Trays.
  Los Santos Vagos
   The Latin gang in "Hunter: San Andreas" is a rival gang of Las Aztecas Varrios. They have a lot of cocaine business with BIG SMOKE, so naturally CJ will be at odds with them. Their logo is a yellow bandana. Their scope of activities In Los Santos
  Las Aztecas Varrios
   is also a Latin gang in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", CJ's sister's boyfriend Cesar Vialpando is this Yes, the gang's business is mainly arms trading and street fighting, but not drug trafficking. This gang has some connections with CJ's Grove Street, and the gang's logo is also green clothing
  San Fierro Rifa
  This gang is a Latin gang in San Fierro. It has business dealings with the BALLA gang. They also work as thugs for the local monopoly. The boss of this gang is T-Bone. Mendez has good relations with the bosses of some monopoly organizations.
  San Fierro Rifa was not popular with other Latin gangs in SAN ANDREAS, but later they cooperated with Los Santos Vagos in the drug business. The gang symbol is a light blue bandana.
  Vietnamese Gang
  Most members wear Tang suits and sunglasses; some wear gray short-sleeved shirts and have bald heads.
  Vietnamese gangs and triads are sworn enemies, and their main sources of income are protection fees and human traffickers (smuggling).
  In the end, he was severely repaired by the protagonist CJ.
  Edit this paragraph
Plot and missions
  1992 is the year when "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" takes place
  San Andreas does not allude to a city, but to the state of California in the United States. Los Santos in the game alludes to Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the famous location of Hollywood in the United States, and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles is the entire United States. The place where the richest people live. In contrast, Los Angeles also has a large number of black slums, where black gang culture and HIP-HOP culture are prevalent. Black gangs like to distinguish their gangs by color. The two largest gangs on the West Coast of the United States The black gangs Blood and Crips like to use red and blue to represent themselves respectively. These two gangs hate each other (in the game, the Grove Street Families where the protagonist CJ belongs and the rival gang Ballas allude to these two gangs respectively). San Fierro in the game alludes to San Francisco. San Francisco is the main residence of Asian immigrants, so the gangs here are mainly Asian gangs. At the same time, San Francisco is also the main residence of Mexicans and other Latinos, so there are also Latin gangs. Asian gangs The main gangs include the Triads (the Chinese’s own gang) and the Vietnamese gang. The Triads in the game are called Triads, and the Vietnamese gang is called Da Nang Boys. As for the Latin gangs, there are three Los Santos Vagos and Varrios Los Aztecas in the game. and San Fierro Rifa. In the end, Las Venturas in the game is a metaphor for Las Vegas. The casinos in Las Vegas are mainly managed by the Italian Mafia. The main people who control Las Venturas in the game are the Leone, the two major mafia families from Liberty City. family and the Sindacco family.
    Some background knowledge about "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"
  First introduce the two major gangs in California
  Bloods and Crips
  This is also the most powerful black gang that has emerged since the 1980s.
  I believe this is the "Grand Theft Auto" 》The prototypes of Groove Street and Ballas in the series
  This picture is the strength distribution map of the two gangs in South Los Angeles...Does it remind you of the scene in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" The territory?
  The contrast between Bloods and Crips is very sharp. The costumes of the Bloods members are mainly red, while the Crips are blue. There is also a famous gesture. Just like the following It's the same as 2Pac on the cover.
  Pull your thumbs together, then fold your ring fingers on top of your middle fingers and spread them apart...
  Doesn't it look like a "W"?
  This gesture is the symbol of Westside. It is now deeply rooted in people's hearts.
   It is from Crips and Bloods. Have you noticed in the game that if you take a picture of the little brother? , they will also make a gesture, which actually comes from this "W" gesture... But the title screen of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" said, "Any similarity is purely coincidental." So everything can only be made very similar but not exactly the same, which I have to say is a pity.
  In the 1980s, the United States fell into the crack craze. Crack is an extract of heroin. The price is low, so many addicts with limited purchasing power buy it to enjoy it. It is the low cost of crack that has completely changed American society. Many young mothers directly bring drug addiction to their children, and in order to smoke crack, many Women have to accept the control of pimps, that is, pimps. And pimps and drug dealers in slums-the so-called crack dealers or dopemen, have become the most powerful figures in black culture after the 1980s.
  In such an environment, Crips and Bloods were able to grow, and at the same time, there was also a kind of music that grew stronger - Gangsta Rap...
  "Gangsta Rap" hunting car Everyone still has an impression of the funniest Jeffrey in "San Andreas" who is also OG Loc... This guy often claims that he is a Gangsta Rapper... So what is Gansgta Rap...
    Literally translated, it is called gangsta rap. As the name suggests, the main content of this kind of music is the record of gangster life. And Gangsta Rap is not a specialty of California... but produced in Philadelphia on the East Coast. In 1983, Schooly D .The original West Coast Gangsta Rapper was Ice-T.
  Ice-T is not from California...but he became famous in California. His stage name comes from a legendary poet/Crack dealer...
  Then in Compton, south of Los Angeles, Eric “Eazy-E” Wright, Andre “Dr.Dre” Young, Lorenzo “MC Ren” Patterson, DJ Yella...and others from the neighboring town of Inglewood. O'Shea "Ice Cube" Jackson...the D.O.C. from Dallas, Texas, relied on Eazy-E's money from drug trafficking to rent a garage and start a label, Ruthless...and they group, Nig gaz With Attitude.. is the most explosive and far-reaching group in the entire history of rap
  Niggaz With Attitude, when translated, actually means "a group of very awesome people".. Their leader Eazy-E is only 1.65 meters tall. He was a gang member and drug dealer in his early years... The Rider in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is completely based on Eazy's image... However, Eazy-E finally met a more ruthless person. After NWA fell apart, he died tragically of AIDS in 1995..
  As for Dr. Dre, I believe everyone knows him. He has no gangsta experience. He was the most inconspicuous person in N.W.A. at the time, but now he has become the most powerful figure in the rap industry... He promoted Eminem and 50 Cent and made a lot of dollars...
  Ice Cube later became an actor and acted in <Barbershop>; (Barbershop) 1, 2, and many movies...
  Then let’s talk about the place names. ..
  Ganton, Idlewood, Jefferson, Willowfield.. These place names are all prototypes , such as Compton mentioned earlier, such as Inglewood,...I don’t remember the details. Interested students can check out the map of Los Angeles...
  Finally, let’s talk about the game. The riot, that is, the final stage after Sweet came back from the police station... This also has a historical prototype, and it was also in 1992. The cause was that in 1991, Rodney King, a black man, was driving drunk and speeding. He was caught by four white policemen and They were beaten. It happened to be recorded on video. The following year, the court actually acquitted the four police officers. So the angry black people began to riot... The riot in Los Angeles caused more than 50 deaths in total, and 2,000 Many people were seriously injured, more than 10,000 people were arrested, thousands of stores were burned down, and property losses reached 1 billion US dollars.
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Configuration requirements
Minimum configuration
  - 1GHz CPU
  - 256MB memory
  - 64MB DX9 compatible graphics card (GF3 or above)
  - DX9 compatible sound card
< x3> - 3.6GB hard disk space
  - 8X DVD-ROM
Recommended configuration
  - P4 or Athlon XP or above level processor
  - 384MB or above memory
  - 128MB or above DX9 compatible graphics card (GF6 series recommended)
  - DX9 compatible sound card (Audigy 2 series recommended)
  - 4.9GB hard disk space
  - 16X DVD-ROM
< x3> System recommendations:
  -Windows 2000
  -Windows XP
  -Windows Vista
   -Windows 7 (Windows XP and Windows Vista are best)
Edit this paragraph
Low configuration optimization
Video settings
  The "Grand Theft Auto" series is in order to adapt to the public It does not have so many stringent requirements for graphics cards, and it can still run smoothly on low-end graphics cards. However, for players with low configurations, it can run but is not smooth, causing the game to not proceed normally at all. Here are several optimizations The video method can effectively improve High game smoothness. Enter the Display settings and adjust the Visual FX Qualitiy image quality options. The game default is High, adjust it to Medium or Low, and generally adjust it to Medium. Best; other Draw Distance depth of field, Frame Limiter frame number adjustment, and Anti Aliasing image anti-aliasing can all be defaulted. These have little impact on the game, especially image anti-aliasing. If your graphics card is average, it is better not to turn it on. wonderful. If you still want it to be smoother, you can slightly lower the Draw Distance.
Audio Settings
  Many players find that their configuration is sufficient to run "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", but it is still "stuck" when running. The reason is definitely not a single video setting problem. , has a direct relationship with the compatibility of the onboard sound card. If you have a C-Media series sound card, you may encounter serious jitter problems. The solution is as follows: enter the Audio settings, reduce the SFX value, and Effectively increase the speed of the game; or enter - Control Panel -> Sound and Audio Devices -> Enter the "Audio" tab -> Advanced -> Enter the "Performance" tab -> Hardware acceleration can be turned off. This is how I set it up and improved the smoothness by almost 50%! Although the sound effects are sacrificed, it allows you to play the game smoothly. Players with low configuration can try this setting to ensure unexpected gains.
Common problems and solutions
   Kernel32.Dll error reported when running the game:
  Many players think it is a cracking problem, but I think it is related to the hardware of my machine Configuration related, especially the compatibility with the onboard sound card is terrible. Enter the game archive directory and search for the file named "*.set" under C:My DocumentsGTA San Andreas User Files, then delete it to successfully enter the game. Because the game configuration file is automatically generated, the game settings must be reset after deletion. Adjustment.
   When the game is loading, a window such as "The memory cannot be read" appears. After clicking, the game is forced to pop up:
  1. Many players like to install various MODs into the game. , incorrect installation of MOD will almost definitely cause this problem
  Don’t panic when this problem occurs, restore step by step according to the backup before installing the MOD, and investigate the cause of the problem one by one
   Maintenance A good habit of backing up is very important for playing MOD
   2. Temporary storage error in the memory. This problem can usually be fixed by sorting out the memory and entering it again or entering it through another channel (for example, through the desktop Shortcut to enter, or enter through the start menu) If it doesn't work, restart
  3. If restarting cannot solve the problem, and the first two possibilities are ruled out, then the problem basically lies in the memory module itself. , this problem can be fixed by replacing the memory stick with a new one
  It often happens that the mouse cannot be controlled or is inexplicably stuck:
  This should prevent the game from playing well with multi-core CPUs Compatible, this problem can be solved by manually setting only the gta_sa.exe process to run on a single core
   The setting method is: enter the game → switch to the desktop → open the task manager → run the gta_sa.exe process Right click on →Relationship Settings→Run as CPU1 only
  Game settings are often automatically changed to joystick operation:
  Change the GTA San Andreas User Files file in 'My Documents' The 'gta_sa.set' attribute under the folder can be set to read-only
  The game cannot be archived/read:
   First make sure the game is the full version and has not been installed. Other MODs, cleo, plug-ins, etc.
  Save the following content as a txt text file, modify the suffix to .reg, put it in the game root directory, run it and inject it into
  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
<x3 > [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders]
  "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy Documents\"
  It should be noted that if your computer user name is not Administrator, then Please change Administrator in the above address to your user name
  PS: Chinese
   characters are not supported. Mark on the map:
 <x3 >The game map of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is huge, and novices can easily get lost. In fact, you can mark your own home on the map. After opening the Map, right-click the mouse to draw the mark.
  Modify mouse inversion:
  If many players find it difficult to adjust the mouse angle of view, they can set it like this: Enter Controller Setup—>Mouse Settings—>Invert Mouse Vertically , the game defaults to On and can be turned off.
  Listen to your own music channel:
  Copy the MP3 music file (or copy the shortcut to the file) to the "My Documents" GTA San Andreas User FilesUser Tracks directory Just download it, but don’t forget to enter the User Track Option in the Audio settings and select Scan User Tracks to scan your own music, otherwise it will not be played in the game. In the game, press the "R" key to select the "User Typer" channel.
  Turn on plot dialogue subtitles:
  The game defaults to turning off Subtitles. In fact, you can turn on Subtitles in the Display settings.
  How to use exercise equipment such as dumbbells:
  In addition to quickly pressing space on the treadmill, other operations such as dumbbells are, after selecting the weight, press the space bar and small numbers Press the "0" key of the key alternately quickly. Remember, they are not pressed together, but pressed alternately quickly!
   Car dancing operation:
   When an arrow prompt similar to a dancing machine appears below the screen, the corresponding direction is 8, 2, 4, 6 on the small numeric keyboard. Instead of W, S, A, and D, when a 45-degree arrow appears, you need to press two direction keys at the same time, such as the lower left, press 4+2.
   Tip: There are now various added files that perform miracles and require the installation of CLEO and SA-specific MODs. Modification software can be used to overwrite and replace file software.

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Issue Published on July 15, 2005 - Video Topic - Windows XP Basic Operation Tips Ordinary computer users deal with the Windows operating system at any time. This topic introduces some practical tips, hoping to make it easier for beginners of using Windows XP. Software Tutorial—Software Tutorial: Learn Photoshop from scratch, a series of video tutorials to implement quick one-time patching of Windows systems, troubleshooting and correction
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"Video Screen Teaching WPS 2000 Chinese Version" [10 lectures in total]. [RAR built-in ASF]
If you cannot see the video file, please install the "TSCC codec" first (included in the compressed package) Office software video teaching series: Video tutorial while learning] Word 2000 Chinese version] Total 10 lectures] RAR built-in ASF] Learning while using video tutorial] Excel 2000 Chinese version] Total 12 lectures] ASF scattered] Learning while using video tutorial] Access 2000 Chinese version ] 18 lectures in total] RAR built-in ASF] Learn video while using it
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"Powerpoint 2000 Chinese Version Video Tutorial" [Total Lecture 14]. [RAR built-in ASF]
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"Collection of Japanese animations spoofed by Americans" [AMV Hell 3 - The Motion Picture][ AVI][DVDRip]
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"The Last Gamble"( The Last Casino)[DV DRip]
of his brightest students to excel .. No subtitles◎IMDB rating 7.3/10 (122 votes) IMDB link***/title/tt0419909/ File format XviD +MP3 ◎Video size 624x352 ◎File size 1CD 50 x 15MB

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