
Contents of this article

  • 1. Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors
  • 2. In which year did the descendants of Chiang Kai-shek return to the mainland for the first time to worship their ancestors?

Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returns to mainland China to pay homage to his ancestors

The Chinese attach great importance to returning fallen leaves to their roots. Throughout the ages, whether it is officers and soldiers who are on military expeditions or Chinese people who have settled abroad. In their later years, they shared the same dream. That is the soul returning to its hometown and the fallen leaves returning to their roots. Even the horsehide corpse is willing to do so.

Principal Chiang, who retreated to Taiwan, was no exception. Before he died, he told his family more than once that after his death, his body must be buried on the mainland. However, many years later, his wish remained unfulfilled.
However, since the death of Principal Jiang and his son, their descendants have shouldered this important responsibility.

Jiang Xiaoyong is Principal Jiang’s most beloved grandson. Born in Shanghai, China in 1948. Because he has been smart since childhood, he is quite filial in front of his elders. This also made Principal Jiang place great expectations on him. Of course, Jiang Xiaoyong did not disappoint his grandfather. When he grew up, he was admitted to the military academy. But during a training session at school, I was accidentally injured. After two surgeries, Jiang Xiaoyong could no longer return to the military camp, so he had no choice but to transfer to National Taiwan University.

In school, he was the most special person in the school. Once, the professor read Jiang Xiaoyong’s name during class, and then asked without thinking: “Who is your father? "

Jiang Xiaoyong gave the answer without any secret. After the answer, the whole classroom burst into laughter. From then on, all the students in the class looked at him differently, and some even regarded him as a big shot who should not be underestimated. The teacher acted submissively, for fear of offending the young master.

When he was studying, Jiang Xiaoyong got along very well with a female classmate named Fang Zhiyi. Soon after, the two secretly fell in love and came together hand in hand.

Before Jiang Xiaoyong went to college, all his affairs were decided by his grandfather and father. After three years in college, Jiang Xiaoyong, who gradually matured mentally, began to live his own life. He decided to go into business. Although the father was disappointed with his son's decision, he did not object. Because he knew that his son had suffered a lot and done a lot of things he didn't want to do in order not to go against their wishes. So my father respects his decision.

After his father's death, Chiang Xiaoyong left Taiwan Province and settled in Canada. Although living in a foreign country. But Jiang Xiaoyong has not forgotten that he is a Chinese. In Canada, he has always used a Chinese name and has never changed. Even the place where he lives uses Chinese furniture. Someone once asked him: “Why do you always use China Furniture? "Jiang Xiaoyong: "Because I am a Chinese."

In 1996, Jiang Xiaoyong was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and his world suddenly fell. He couldn't believe this was true. After all, he is only 48 years old and still very young. One day, he tearfully told his wife Fang Zhiyi: “I want to fulfill my grandfather and father’s last wish, return to my hometown to worship my ancestors, and return their remains to their roots. "

Looking at her disappointed husband, Fang Zhiyi held back the tears in her eyes and told him softly: "Mainland has rich experience in treatment. How about we go back to our hometown? "Jiang Xiaoyong readily agreed.

On May 17, 1995, Fang Zhiyi and her parents went to Beijing first. Afterwards they went to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. When they stepped on the land of the motherland, they were filled with emotions. Fang Zhiyi: "It's great to be back, China is so great."
My wife’s trip to Beijing went smoothly. Jiang Xiaoyong saw hope of returning to his hometown. After Jiang Xiaoyong proposed returning to his hometown in 1996, he received support from all parties and confirmed his itinerary that year.

In 1996, Jiang Xiaoyong returned to his motherland for the first time. The moment he set foot on the soil of his motherland, his soul was deeply shocked. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, with tears in his eyes, as if saying to his grandfather and father: I am finally back.

Jiang Xiaoyong has three purposes for this trip. First, I came to see a doctor. The second is to worship ancestors. The third time I came here was to prepare for grandpa and dad to return to their roots. Before leaving, Jiang Xiaoyong had contacted relevant experts, hoping to improve his condition.

A few days later, Jiang Xiaoyong took his family to his hometown in Xikou Town, Fenghua. After arriving here, Jiang Xiaoyong couldn't help but burst into tears. I thought my hometown would be badly damaged. Unexpectedly, the Chiang Ancestral Hall is not only well-protected, but also has dedicated people to repair and manage it. After entering, Jiang Xiaoyong, supported by his family, walked up the 600-meter-long steps to pay homage to the grave of his great-grandmother Wang Caiyu.
After the ancestor worship, Jiang Xiaoyong and his party also visited the place where his grandfather lived before. A place that is as clean as new will make people want to leave. He gently touched the tables and stools in his ancestral home. He seemed to see his grandfather and father working there back then, and he was quite moved. He finally understood why his grandfather and father had always wanted to return to their roots. Because that kind of homesickness can never be let go.

Soon after Jiang Xiaoyong returned to Taiwan, he died of illness. Before he died, he also left the same wish as his grandfather and father, hoping to be buried in the mainland and return to his roots.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors. Picture 1

In what year did the descendants of Chiang Kai-shek return to the mainland for the first time to worship their ancestors?

The Taiwan issue has always been a hot topic and is an issue left over from history. The most recent one should start with the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Originally, the situation of the Kuomintang was very good at that time, and the Communist Party was not an opponent at all. However, due to changes in the domestic situation and the corruption and lack of progress within the Kuomintang, the Communist Party eventually won. Chiang Kai-shek led the remnants of the Kuomintang to retreat to Taiwan with the support of the United States, and Taiwan separated from the mainland.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors. Picture 2

Everyone knows that Chiang Kai-shek was a native of Fenghua, Zhejiang. In 1949, he was forced to retreat to Taiwan and leave the mainland. Later, due to the differences of opinion and hostility between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he could never return to the mainland. Returning to his hometown, he was always in Kinmen. On the island, you can see the mainland and your hometown in the distance. Many people like Chiang Kai-shek really wanted to return to the mainland and their hometown, but they could not go back until their death. This was their lifelong regret.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors. Picture 3

After Chiang Kai-shek's son Chiang Ching-kuo came to power, relations between Taiwan and the mainland eased. Cross-Strait relations are friendly and exchanges have increased. Although there is still no reunification, for the sake of cross-Strait development, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have basically put aside their past grievances. The mainland central government asked the Zhejiang authorities to make a film of his hometown in Fenghua, Zhejiang, and send it to Chiang Ching-kuo to comfort his homesickness. Chiang Ching-kuo was very happy and very grateful to the mainland for their actions. Therefore, the policy of returning to the mainland to visit relatives was promoted. At that time, the mainlanders who came to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek were very excited. Everyone signed up very enthusiastically. The demand for visiting relatives was also in short supply, and more copies were printed all the time.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors Figure 4

The last person to return home for Chiang Kai-shek was his grandson Jiang Xiaoyong. He was also the only one among the three generations to return to the mainland. Choking, I boarded the boat home. It was very sad to go to my hometown to worship my ancestors and take a look at the place where my ancestors lived. When I went to the former residences where my grandparents lived and saw the footprints of their ancestors’ lives, Jiang Xiaoyong was filled with emotions. He had a lot to say, but When he saw the ancestral tomb, he said one sentence, only five words, but it expressed everyone's feelings: We are back. After hearing how many people cried, with just five words, we can feel their sadness and helplessness. How they want to go home.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors Figure 5

This time he set foot on the motherland, which fulfilled Jiang Xiaoyong's lifelong wish, because he was diagnosed with cancer and died soon. Returning to the mainland is what he wants to do most in his life, and returning to his hometown to visit is what he has always wanted to do. He represents everyone from his father's and grandfather's generation, and he carries everyone's hopes. He returns home for those in his family who cannot return to the mainland.

Jiang Xiaogang returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors, and Chiang Kai-shek’s great-grandson returned to the mainland to pay homage to his ancestors Figure 6

Many things in history cannot be explained clearly, and we are not qualified to talk about them. There is no way to say who is right and who is wrong. We are one country, and Taiwan has been China's territory since ancient times. Sooner or later, we will be reunified and fulfill the long-cherished wish of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. These five words Jiang Xiaoyong said with tears contained all his imagination and emotions about his hometown.

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The above is all about Jiang Xiaogang's return to the mainland to worship his ancestors, Chiang Kai-shek's great-grandson's return to the mainland to worship his ancestors, and related content about Jiang Xiaogang. I hope it can help you.

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