
Contents of this article

  • 1. What should I do if I am too humble in my relationship?
  • 2. How do Taurus men behave when testing girls?
  • 3. The hard-to-get game of mature men
  • 4. Taurus women will test you in three stages

What should I do if I feel too humble in my relationship?

Taurus boys have a very conservative and calm personality. Their life pace is slow but very orderly. They don't want others to disrupt their rhythm and life, whether materially or emotionally. A person's appearance does not represent the quality of the entire person. Many people have different faces in front of different people. How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 1If you want to truly understand a person from the inside out, you must not rely solely on initial impressions. There are often traces of deception in love. If you pay attention to these clues, you can always find the other person's flaws. Only by giving yourself enough time to understand the other person, always taking the initiative, and slowing down the pace of relationship progress can you reduce your risk of injury. Taurus are very sophisticated emotionally. Although they seem serious and inexperienced, in fact, every action taken by Taurus has a purpose. He can simply tell the other party a piece of his life experience, but in this life experience, he has carefully implanted his own soft advertisement into the plot, and also implanted some of his requirements for his future partner. If the other party also has a good impression of you, they will definitely follow the direction of your conversation. If the other party has negative opinions on some of your actions, Taurus will be able to escape unscathed. He can simply tell the other party a piece of his life experience, but in this life experience, he has carefully implanted his own soft advertisement into the plot, and also implanted some of his requirements for his future partner. How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 2If the other party also has a good impression of you, they will definitely follow the direction of your conversation. If the other party has negative opinions on some of your actions, Taurus can also get away unscathed. Some girls have the desire to win the heart of a loved one and stay together forever, but real life is not satisfactory. Some men's attentiveness and deliberate display of advantages during the pursuit and love stages have deceived many girls into thinking that they have met the right person and mistakenly believe that this is what love is really like, but in fact this is just their love deception. . In the emotional world, there may not always be sincerity and sincerity, there may also be deception and illusion. Therefore, you must be cautious when discussing relationships with Taurus.How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 3

How do Taurus men behave when testing girls?

How does a Taurus man test a girl?
1. Act cold and not reject contact
In fact, a Taurus man will not easily reject the opposite sex who comes to him, especially a Taurus man who is of a certain age but is still single. It's one thing to know what you like, but it's another thing to actually do it. If the girl he doesn't like, but has good conditions in all aspects, the Taurus man can still try to date her, but his behavior will be colder.
2. Deliberately acting poor

Taurus men will not directly reject a girl they really don’t like. They are gentle and kind, and feel that direct rejection will make the other party lose face. But Taurus men will directly or indirectly show that they are poor. For this sign that values ​​material things, if they think that they are poor, the other party will actively alienate themselves.
3. Indirectly express their preferences
Taurus men may also pretend to be unintentional in talking about the type of girl they like. If the girl they flirt with has an extroverted personality, the Taurus man will say that he likes to be quiet and reserved. For girls, if the girl they flirt with has short hair, Taurus men will say that the girl with long hair is good-looking, and they will hope that the other party will give up in spite of the difficulties.
As can be seen from the above introduction, a Taurus man is unwilling to directly reject a girl who pursues him because of his gentle personality, but he will express indirectly that he is not suitable for the girl and that he does not like the girl's type.

How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 4

Mature man's hard-to-get game

Among the twelve zodiac signs, Taurus people are the most honest and shy people. Many people want to know why Taurus people test the people they like. In fact, in love, everyone should understand that when two people first get to know each other, most of them will use some small methods to test each other's thoughts about themselves. Today we will take a look at how Taurus tests the person they like. What will be the performance?

1. Crazy jealous

Taurus people will have a very dignified attitude towards everything. They are generally more traditional, especially when they are in love. Conservative Taurus sometimes behaves very stubbornly, and will be particularly unhappy when the person they like talks to friends of the opposite sex. Regardless of whether they are a Taurus man or a Taurus woman, they will lose their temper like crazy. Expressing something invisible to others may even lead to some embarrassment. In fact, it is also a way for them to test others, by losing their temper to see if the other person still cares about them.

How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 5

2. Actively communicate with each other

Taurus is a sign that is born to be particularly shy. At the same time, they are also very persistent. When they like someone, they usually judge the other person and will not change it casually. Therefore, Taurus people often take the initiative to chat with the people they like, and tell each other their various psychological thoughts and ideas, hoping that others can understand them. When they see anything wonderful, they will immediately share it with others. They also use this method of continuous chatting to test whether the other party is willing to listen.

How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 6

3. Indulge in lust

Regardless of men or women, Taurus likes to use a little romance in love. When chasing the other person, they will send a lot of warmth and surprises. However, if the other person does not give particularly good feedback, or they expect In order to receive grateful feedback, they will use some tricks, such as being very enthusiastic at first and then suddenly not contacting them. They usually use this method of indulging in lust to observe the other party's reaction and see if the other person will become disappointed because of their sudden lack of contact and take the initiative to look for themselves.

How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 7

Taurus woman tests you in three stages

The three stages when a Taurus man tests you are:

1. Stand still

The calm and introverted Taurus man will not be very intimate when he first likes someone. Compared with other zodiac signs, Taurus is a traditional type and is relatively conservative in thinking and will not do anything transcendent.

The gentle and considerate Taurus has the most direct way of expressing love and does not know sweet words. But when you are together, his eyes never leave yours and he always looks at you with very affectionate eyes.

If you look back at him, he will be very happy, but when you avoid his gaze, he will quietly withdraw his feelings. In fact, this is also a process of testing you.

2. Use time to prove your intentions

Taurus men are the typical sultry type, but they are still very paranoid about relationships. They just want to see if you really like them. He is still easily moved, but this move lasts for a long time.

He won't show any feelings for you, it just depends on how long you can like him. If you always maintain an infatuated attitude towards him, I believe something will happen between you.

Taurus men are quiet when they like someone. If you don't take the initiative, they will not make any move for a long time and will test each other's feelings over time. In fact, it is easy to miss each other.

Taurus men are very slow in love. If they like someone, they will not show it right away. Instead, they will wait and wait. Taurus men like you because they use time to test you, because Taurus men believe that love will last over time, and they will not act rashly if they are not sure of your feelings.

3. Spend money for you

Some Taurus men seem to be spending money on you, but in fact they don't buy anything expensive at all. They are all very cheap. Even if they buy a lot, the price is not high.

But this behavior of a Taurus man will make you feel that he values ​​you very much, because in the public impression, Taurus is very stingy. As long as he is willing to spend money on you, he likes you. In fact, this is not absolute.

How does a Taurus man test the person he likes? What should he do if he is too humble in the relationship? Picture 8

Details that can move a Taurus man:

1. A glass of water after returning home

The fast-paced life seems to make everyone fight with their lives, and the work is endless. This seems to be the current state of everyone's work. Every time you go home, you are not going home, but a recharging process. Whether you can replenish your energy at home is related to your mental state the next day.

As a career-oriented man, as a stable man, Taurus boys always make themselves have a strong business aura. This is not role-playing.

But they really need to do this in order to grow up step by step according to their own route. Life is so tiring every day, but the glass of water when you get home can relieve all your worries and let you love this woman with peace of mind.

2. Signature on the bill

Taurus has a stable and reliable character. Regardless of family, career or marriage, they value security the most and have business acumen and solid values. Taurus likes people who are as pragmatic as themselves and dislikes people who are glib.

Therefore, saying too many sweet words will give Taurus a very false and unreliable feeling. Therefore, to impress Taurus, you need to put in real effort. Just talking may have the opposite effect.

When Taurus sees that you signed his bill, took on financial responsibilities for him, and provided him with tangible help, you don't need to say anything, Taurus will feel very touched. Regardless of the amount, Taurus will still think you are a very reliable person.

3. Just laugh.

People with Taurus personality have always felt that they are dull. In social situations, they are not good at sociability and often feel a little at a loss.

Because they are already very bored, Taurus people don't like people who are too serious. Being too calm will make them feel difficult to get close to, making them feel out of breath.

If you want to make a Taurus like you, the essential way to act coquettishly is to laugh loudly. The hearty laughter will eliminate the haze in the heart of the Taurus and let them understand that they are also living a happy life.

The above is all about the way a Taurus man tests the person he likes, what to do if he is too humble in the relationship, and the related content about the way a Taurus man tests the person he likes. I hope it can help you.

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