
Contents of this article

  • 1. Will a Taurus have an affair with someone they don’t like?
  • 2. What kind of chat mode does a Taurus man like?
  • 3. How to chat with a Taurus man to see if he likes you
  • 4. What kind of chat mode does a Taurus man like?

Will a Taurus have an affair with someone they don't like?

Taurus is a down-to-earth, hard-working, very stable, very responsible, and very emotional sign. However, Taurus is not willing to express his feelings for the other person and does not like to talk. So how to judge whether a Taurus man likes you?
How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 1
1. If a Taurus boy likes the other person, he will give him something that the other person likes.
Taurus boys are action-oriented. The way they express their love is actually very direct. This kind of directness is more direct. Most of it is shown in action. A Taurus boy may not be sweet and sweet, but he will give the other person something he likes from time to time. He will find out what the other person likes, and then express his feelings in material ways according to the other person's preferences. Taurus is not a generous sign. They are very sensitive to money, but they are very generous to the people they like and to their friends. How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 2
2. If a Taurus boy likes you, he will share his inner thoughts with the other person without reservation.
This actually belongs to a rather boring man, who usually does not express his thoughts freely. But when a Taurus boy likes someone, you can find that he seems to be a different person. He will become more talkative and express his thoughts to the other person. In fact, the hearts of Taurus boys are very soft. The affection is very deep and dedicated. How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 33. If both Taurus boys like each other, he will take the initiative to contact the other person and contact them actively.
Taurus boys are very realistic boys. All their actions are purposeful. They will not take the initiative to talk to others, especially the opposite sex. In addition to taking the initiative to contact the opposite sex for work reasons, if a Taurus boy also takes the initiative to contact a girl in life, it means that the Taurus boy wants to get to know each other and is attracted to Taurus. Generally speaking, Taurus boys are very dedicated to relationships and are willing to sacrifice for each other. They are a very good love partner.

What kind of chat mode does a Taurus man like?

How to judge a Taurus man’s WeChat chat:

1. To judge whether a Taurus man really likes you, you must first see if he is willing to give you "bread".

Taurus is actually a more practical, material and pragmatic person. Taurus loves money but is not stingy with it. If a Taurus man really likes you, at the beginning you can feel that he wants to give you material things at all costs. enjoyment.

And it will make you feel that he doesn't care about money or is squandering money. You can feel that he is generous with money, and you will find that you don't have to worry about money at all when you are with him.

2. If you just like a Taurus person, but the Taurus person doesn't like you, you can still feel his enthusiasm when you first get in touch with him, but when you get in touch with him for a long time, he will become more and more indifferent to you. Increasingly indifferent. Taurus is actually a very boring person.

A sign of coquettishness, he is not good at expressing, and his IQ is abnormally low in front of the people he likes, and he is at a loss in terms of behavior. His nervousness sometimes becomes obvious, and his brain is often not online. You will find that he often appears The answer is not what was asked.

3. Taurus is a slow-warming sign. The longer you get to know them, the better they will be for you. Taurus is very possessive of the person he likes, but he will not show it very obviously (this is only when you have not established a relationship), and may even make you feel that he is indifferent and indifferent, but in fact, you can see from his calm demeanor. Underneath his appearance, you can vaguely feel that he is super unhappy and uncomfortable.

How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 4

4. Taurus is a person who is willing to give silently. If he really likes you, you will find that although this person seems careless, he will be very caring, careful, and very heart-warming as long as it is about you.

5. Taurus rarely falls in love at first sight. At most, it may be because of something that attracts him. He will look at her twice, but he will not really like her right away. If you want to really win over a Taurus person, you need time to get in touch with him, take your time, don't rush.

How to chat with a Taurus man to see if he likes you

Taurus men are pragmatic when it comes to love. They will not start a relationship easily. Only when they are truly tempted and want to spend the rest of their lives with you will they actively pursue it. Therefore, when a Taurus man is interested in you, he will definitely show it very clearly. Next, let’s take a look at what a Taurus man will do if he likes you when chatting on WeChat.

How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 5

Take the initiative to chat with you

The personality of a Taurus man is not outgoing. He will only talk endlessly in front of familiar people. He is not active in social situations, and he does not like to contact people casually on social software. Therefore, the first reason why a Taurus man is interested in you is The first sign is that he takes the initiative to chat with you on WeChat. He may not express his love to you straight away, but if a Taurus really likes you, he will talk to you from time to time about your recent situation and care about your life. This pair of passive Taurus is actually very rare. You must catch the person in front of you who knows how to be considerate.

Frequent WeChat transfers

Everyone should have heard about Taurus men's concept of material things. They are not willing to waste money on insignificant people, and they are very clear about the money of people around them, so when a Taurus man is willing to give you money on special festivals or important days, Transferring money shows that he really cares about you. Taurus men seem to be slow to warm up and unwilling to take the initiative, but as long as it is the person they are attracted to, they are not stingy with money and hope to give their lover the best conditions. It is very rare to find a boy who is dedicated like this. .

Reply to your message instantly

In modern society, everyone basically carries their mobile phone with them. It is rare that you cannot see a message. In many cases, the delay in replying to a message may not necessarily mean that the other party did not see it, but it may also mean that the person does not care about you, so Too lazy to reply to your message. Especially for people like Taurus men who are lazy in socializing, they will not immediately reply to messages sent by people they don't like. When a Taurus man replies to your WeChat message instantly, it means that he has fallen deeply in love with you. Don’t worry, you will definitely be happy with such a thoughtful boy.

What kind of chat mode does a Taurus man like?

      Taurus men (born between April 20 and May 20) make great partners for many reasons: They Loyal, stable and very reliable. But they usually aren't immediately emotionally vulnerable, so it's often difficult to tell what these people are thinking. If you like a Taurus man and you're not sure if he likes you back, there are a number of common signals in attitude and body language that are sure signs of his affection—even if he's leaning in to the chest! To help you figure it out , we’ve put together a list of zodiac signs so you’ll know exactly how to tell if a Taurus man likes you.

How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Figure 6

1. He initiates conversations in person and via text.
      Taurus men are stubborn and will only work hard when they really like someone. Think about your past conversation or text history. If you find that you're the only one starting a conversation or that your texts are always longer and more detailed than his, it could be a sign that his interest is merely friendly. But if he gives as much as he can and takes the initiative to communicate, asking about your day or texting you just to say "hi," then he likes you and wants to see you more!
       Taurus men are very careful in their love life. Don't be surprised if it takes him a while to have this kind of communication with you; he'll probably take the time to see how you two get along. If he's really interested, he'll quickly step up to the plate.
2. He will ask you some open-ended questions.
      When a Taurus man likes someone, he will ask questions to make sure it's the right person. Consider it a good sign if he starts asking open-ended questions, which require longer, more detailed answers about your personality or personal beliefs. Open-ended questions mean he wants to get to know you better, so the more personal the question, the more interested he will be. In fact, hanging out with a Taurus man may initially feel like he's questioning you, but that's also a good sign! It means he's interested and wants to figure out your compatibility right away.
      Examples of open-ended questions include: “What is your favorite hobby?” and “Where in the world would you most like to travel? ?”
3. He greets you.
      Taurus men tend to have an old-school demeanor and will compliment you to reflect this. Compliments are one of the clearest signs that a man is interested because they show that he's paying close attention to you—and wants you to know it. When a Taurus man likes you, he will also praise you deeper than the surface. Compliments on your appearance are still possible, but he also appreciates the more practical things in life, and he'll take notice if you do that.
      A good example of a physical compliment is, "I love that shirt - it really puts the blue in your eyes Get bluer. ”
      A more practical compliment would be, “You are so creative and your perspective is so refreshing when we talk!”

How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Figure 7

4. He wants to spend quality time with you.
      A Taurus man may not be honest about his true feelings, but he will be honest about wanting to see you more. If you need to reschedule, will he make the effort to hang out with you and offer alternative times and locations? Someone who truly wants to see more people and spend quality time together will make the extra effort to do activities you both enjoy, and If one of you is too busy to do it, they'll want to make a new plan right away.
      A Taurus man appreciates fine things: suggest enjoying a meal at a restaurant known for its quality or going to a museum to capture the time he wants to spend with you The passion of time.
      Taurus men also love the outdoors, so hiking would be another promising suggestion for spending quality time with him.
5. He wants to be physically close to you.
      Taurus men are very physical, and touch is an important love language. On average, men prefer to express their affection through physical contact, and this is also true in real relationships. But even if you're still trying to figure out if he likes you, the answer is how close he's trying to get to you. Not only will his body language change at a distance, but he will also try to make contact with you more often. Examples of this include:
      When you meet, he hugs you to say hello.
      He sat close enough to you that your thighs brushed together.
      He will touch your hand repeatedly or wipe your hands when you walk together.
      He touches your arm or shoulder several times during the conversation.
6. He wants to meet your friends, and he also wants you to meet his friends.
      Taurus men like stability and having a core group of friends that they never really leave. So, if you know a Taurus man and he wants to take you to meet his friends and also expresses interest in meeting your friends, that means he wants you to connect with someone important to him - and you' It also became important to him.
      While "meeting the family" is usually a step that happens after you've dated someone, but before you've confirmed their interest Telling his family about you is another sign that he does like you!
7. He will help you when you need it.
      Being part of this pragmatic nature, Taurus men like to be in control. If you need help, whether it's physical labor or advice, a Taurus man who likes you will jump at the chance to help. Ask for his opinion and see his reaction. Because giving advice is so personal and requires a thoughtful response, he only wants to do it with people he really likes.
      You can also turn to him for help with work-related tasks or DIY projects. Taurus men are hardworking, so if he's particularly eager to do something with you, that's a good sign.
      Similarly, if he goes out of his way to help you solve a problem, consider this another sign that he really likes you.
8. He will give you gifts or pay for the bills
      Taurus men are very generous and give gifts (in a way or another form) is a sign that he likes you. He might give you trinkets that remind him of you, let you spend money on coffee, or insist on picking up a check when you go out to lunch. However, he may also be giving you the gift of quality time; if he's spending more time with you and less time with other friends, that's an important sign to consider.

How to judge whether a Taurus man likes him or not by chatting on WeChat? Will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn’t like? Picture 8

9. He will be nervous around you.
      A Taurus man can become awkward when trying to flirt. While all of the above steps make a Taurus man sound smooth, that's not always the case - and clumsiness isn't a bad sign either. Taurus men generally don't care much about their emotions, which means opening up to people can be tricky. If he acts awkward, sends mixed signals, fidgets easily, or quickly adjusts his appearance when you walk up to him, these are signs that he really likes you and feels a little self-conscious around you.
      A Taurus man will be softer and subtler at first, even shy.
      If he is afraid of rejection or is unfamiliar with flirting, these may also be reasons for his nervousness. Be persistent and look for other signs to confirm he's interested in you.
10. He shows his protective side around you.
      A Taurus man needs a sense of security. If he likes you, he will also want you to feel safe. If he has feelings for you, expect his protective instincts to be on full display. Look for the simple things: He walks you to the door after you hang out, he sticks to you when you meet new people, or he defends your point of view in a group discussion. Additionally, he may make bigger gestures to show you that he's ready to protect you and will go out of his way to make you feel comfortable and reach out when you tell him you have a problem.
      While protective instincts are great, Taurus men are also prone to jealousy if they feel the need to protect what is theirs.
      Jealousy is a normal thing for people, but make sure he doesn't take it to the point of being overbearing. Take the time to show him that you are as committed as he is and the jealousy should go away.
11. He is not interested in other people.
      Loyalty is key for a Taurus man, so if he looks at you, he's just looking at you. When you're wondering if a man likes you, figure out who he's not looking at; if he treats you differently than everyone else in his life and doesn't seem interested in anyone else, that's because his interest is in you. Study his reactions in group situations and see how attentive he is to you and the rest of the group. Likewise, if he hints that he's single during conversation, he's probably trying to figure out whether you like him.
      Taurus men especially don’t like to play games, nor do they like to meet a few random people at a time; once they decide to like someone, they will Focus your energy here.
12. He makes plans for the future that involve you.
      A Taurus man lives a routine, so if you become a part of him, that's a big sign that he likes you. When he mentions things he wants to do with you in conversation, or even actively tries to plan things that won't happen for months, it's a sign that he wants to keep you in his life for the long term.
      Future plans include seeing one of his favorite bands in concert in a few months, or if you attend a family gathering, He will like it.
      Even a casual comment like mentioning where he thinks you both will be in a few years is a serious hint that he doesn’t want you to be anywhere!

The above is all the content about how to judge whether a Taurus man likes or dislikes a Taurus man by chatting on WeChat, will a Taurus be ambiguous with someone he doesn't like, and related content about how to judge whether a Taurus man likes or dislikes a Taurus man by chatting on WeChat. I hope it can help you.

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