
Contents of this article

  • 1. Taurus boys’ jealous behavior is extremely accurate
  • 2. Taurus man’s possessiveness towards his woman
  • 3. How possessive a Taurus man is towards his girlfriend
  • 4. Women of the zodiac sign with the strongest physical needs

Taurus boys’ jealous behavior is so accurate

Introduction: How jealous are Taurus boys? In life, a Taurus can be said to be a very stubborn and realistic person, and Taurus boys are really sensitive to quarrels about money issues, but for people they like very much, Taurus boys don't care too much. , then let’s take a look at how possessive Taurus boys are?


How jealous are Taurus boys?

Can't stand lover's betrayal

The Taurus man who usually smiles is very pragmatic, but don’t think that he won’t be jealous! He can't stand his lover's betrayal. Even if you go to have dinner with other men, he will be so jealous that he will kill you!

How possessive are Taurus boys?

Although Taurus men are relatively gentle, they are a very possessive zodiac sign. However, their performance is often to stick to their girlfriends, and they are not likely to express jealousy. They simply show a waiting and protective attitude. , but some girls feel a bit like prisoners being guarded (laughs). Many Taurus men like physical contact. At least they should hold hands with their girlfriends all the time. The minimum is to look at their girlfriends quietly and stick to them. As for jealousy, Taurus men are not very good at saying it out loud. Some Taurus men are so angry that Somehow, some Taurus men are boring to begin with and have poor eloquence, so they simply take their girlfriends away from the unpleasant scene without saying anything.


Signs of jealousy in Taurus boys

Main manifestations: extreme physical conflict behavior

How to comfort: Quietly let him hug and kiss

The strong externalization of boys' jealous psychology is usually caused by bad sexual passion attacks. They often lose their minds and complicate things that could have been properly handled. The psychological root of men's "jealousy" is mainly their strong possessiveness (i.e., desire for exclusivity) and desire to control the other person.

Especially Taurus boys who are usually relatively quiet will react more intensely at this time. Or they may want to fight with each other, or they may forcefully kiss the girl they like. At this time, girls must not resist, just let him hug and kiss him.

What should I do if my Taurus boyfriend is jealous?

Label everything you own with his name

Taurus is jealous because possessiveness has found a challenge. Taurus believes that his girlfriend is his private property, so how can he have anything to do with other men? To get him to satisfy his possessiveness, you might want to explain to him that you don't belong to anyone but her, and then do something childish and put his name on all your stuff, or put a In the password you use, include her birthday number or the spelling of her name. This will make him think that you do treat him as one of your own, and you do believe that you belong to him. This may be easier. Let him calm down.


The ideal marriage partner for a Taurus man

A girl who can get along well with family and friends

Distinctive girls are deeply loved by Taurus boys, but when it comes to finding a marriage partner, Taurus will still return to the most realistic level. They feel that it is very important for the other person to get along well with family and friends, because this way the other half can help them fulfill their filial piety and socialize with friends. Therefore, what a Taurus man wants is a wife who is chaste, virtuous, good at cooking, well-organized, coordinated, knowledgeable, generous and steady, and loves children. In addition, if the girl is also jealous, then the Taurus man will like her even more, because with such a wife, he will not worry about his wife cheating on her because of her beauty. This is also the first condition for a Taurus man to choose a wife.

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The more possessive a Taurus man is, the stronger his possessiveness becomes. The most accurate way a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is picture 1.

Taurus man’s possessiveness towards his woman

Taurus men’s possessiveness during the ambiguous period

Taurus men are possessive during the ambiguous period. Each zodiac sign has its own temper and character. The cultural connotation of the zodiac sign is Western-style. The zodiac sign can reflect a person's personality to a large extent. Even this zodiac sign has times when it is fragile. Next, let me take you to understand the possessiveness of Taurus men during the ambiguous period.

Taurus man’s possessiveness during the ambiguous period 1

Taurus, ruled by Venus, has its own unique romance. Their romance is not as good as Libra's chicness, or Pisces' indulgence, or Scorpio's passion. Their romance is classical because they tend to follow convention. A true Taurus sticks to his commitments and won't make a promise easily unless he's sure about it, and won't be sure about it until he's examined every possible situation. You may say that this does not sound very romantic. But his romance, while sometimes clumsy, was sincere. He really 'believed in the symbolism of the engagement ring and the white veil. These things represent his feelings. Taurus people tend to express their emotions by giving gifts.

Because Taurus values ​​stability, it's rare for a Taurus to jump in and out of many close relationships. Although he may come and go in the sexual relationship. Intimacy means responsibility for them, as well as their need for security. So even if a relationship has lost its beauty, they may still cling to it. If so, they will try their best to find beautiful elements in the relationship, as long as the foundation of the relationship has not been shaken.

In addition, Taurus' simplicity is almost maddening. It's hard to talk to him about what's underneath the surface of things. You have to say whatever you have because they are not very good at reasoning. He will probably believe everything you say. When you talk to him about subconscious feelings of hostility or emotional blackmail or other underlying undercurrents that Scorpios like to explore, he'll usually turn his head away in disgust. "What are you talking about? That's just not realistic." So he usually doesn't see the forces taking shape that would destroy the relationship, simply because his eyes are only on physical things.

You may have heard a thing or two about Taurus being possessive. Taurus is indeed a possessive sign, although their reasons are not the same as Scorpios who have such a reputation. Things that Taurus people "must" have are precious paintings, valuable antiques, and you. If you like detached and open relationships, then Taurus is not the person you should get involved with and fall in love with.

Getting a Taurus to lose their temper is extremely powerful. Their patience and easygoingness are a blessing from heaven and a comfort to those seeking peace in their relationships. On the other hand, if you bully the cow too much and end up pissing him off, it may lead to physical violence. They will not be like Virgo or Gemini who only use words to irritate and hurt others when they are angry, or like Scorpio who will create a poisonous atmosphere. His way of expressing his anger was simple: smashing the china at home, or punching you in the face. As for what will make Taurus people intolerable? Declare your freedom, divorce or break up with him, and he will grab the house deed, car, furniture, and bank deposits and prepare to attack with bared teeth and clenched fists.

Taurus is often attracted to people with Fire signs because they possess qualities they dare not express: boldness, childishness, love of adventure, imagination and speed. Taurus people need the fire quality to warm them, help them relax, and let them know the other side of reality. They need each other to hold on to the blazing fire of beliefs and ideals, because most of their own beliefs are based on the number of bank balances. They also need a creative spark. For those who are fickle, what they need is the solid support, protection and cherishment of Taurus.

Taurus man’s possessiveness during the ambiguous period 2

Taurus boys are very controlling in love, so be careful when dating them.

Taurus boys are suspicious by nature and are always suspicious of their lover's words, thinking that the other person is hiding something from him or deceiving him. In order to prove that the other person is "deceiving" themselves, Taurus boys often do some incredible things, such as finding a detective to follow the other person, in order to find out what they call the "truth."

Although Taurus men are relatively gentle, they are a relatively possessive zodiac sign. However, their performance is often to stick to their girlfriends, and they are not likely to express jealousy. They simply show a waiting and protective attitude. , but some girls feel a bit like prisoners being guarded (laughs).

To be honest, Taurus is not as possessive as Scorpio, but he is not so direct. Once his lover leaves him, his internal injuries may not be cured by a dozen luck powders. Taurus men more often play the role of little men. They will hand over their monthly wages in full and are very considerate to their lovers.

However, a Taurus man also has the dignity of a man. Even though he will give you his monthly salary, he still needs his own pocket money and his own private life! So every time a Taurus man hands over his salary to you again, leave a little for him! It doesn't take much but he will be very grateful for your understanding.

For Taurus, who always pay attention to sex, when it comes to love, they hope to be able to completely control the other person's mind and body, so they will worry about "am I the person you love the most" and monitor your whereabouts 24 hours a day! A Taurus man's love is like something that can heal people's hearts. It's very warm, and every detail is attentive, but a Taurus man needs you to be kind to him.

Taurus men are born with a business mentality and do not engage in loss-making business. So in your case, the Taurus man also hopes to get happy love. In addition, the love of the Taurus man is very realistic. If it were not for love and if he did not love enough, the Taurus man would not be able to accept this reality. Taurus men just can't accept their lover cheating or having other behaviors!

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he becomes. The most accurate way a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is picture 2.

How possessive is a Taurus man about his girlfriend?

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he will be.

The more a Taurus man loves, the more possessive he becomes. Taurus is very affectionate, but sometimes has a bad temper, so their relationship often lasts much longer than the time they are together. He loves truly. Let’s take a look at the related content that the more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he becomes.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he will be1

Taurus people are naturally sensitive and suspicious. Maybe you think they are flamboyant and unbridled in appearance, but this is actually just a disguise for them. The more they are like this, it means they are very unconfident. There are always those unknown sorrows hidden deep in their hearts. They often worry about gains and losses in love, but they will not tell you clearly. They will only stimulate you and let you tell the answer you want. In fact, he is just afraid that you who care about him will ignore him, so he always needs to Be affirmed by you and recognized by you.

Taurus has a shy personality and is relatively unkempt on weekdays. He thinks that his own comfort is the most important thing. It doesn't matter what happens at home. Even if people at home say something about each girl's appearance, they will just laugh it off and just look like I am happy. He looked very bold. The only thing that can make them change this concept is the appearance of love. In front of the person they like, no matter how careful they are about their appearance, they will quietly start to tidy up themselves, put on beautiful makeup, tie up a high ponytail, and walk quietly. The path of young literary and artistic people is really hard to put down.

Taurus girls have a slow temperament and slow thinking in doing things. In the eyes of others, this may be because they have weak adaptability, but Taurus girls "feel good about themselves" because they are preoccupied and seldom have unclear thoughts or be at a loss when encountering problems. Therefore, when getting along with them, remember to be tolerant, don't always force them to make decisions or do things, give them more time, and they will let you see satisfactory results.

No matter what you have done, no matter whether the result is good or bad, there will always be people applauding you. For those you have loved, there will always be disappointments and joys. No matter whether this life is difficult or this love is miserable, it is all in one thought. In the meantime, the flowers bloom and fall. In this life, I have to go alone through the mountains and rivers.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he will be 2

Are Taurus men possessive?

Although Taurus men are relatively gentle, they are a very possessive zodiac sign. However, their performance is often to stick to their girlfriends, and they are not likely to express jealousy. They simply show a kind of waiting and protection. Attitude, it’s just that some girls feel a bit like prisoners being guarded (laughs). Many Taurus men like physical contact. At least they should hold hands with their girlfriends all the time. The minimum is to look at their girlfriends quietly and stick to them. As for being jealous, Taurus men are not very good at saying it. Some Taurus men are I am so angry that I don’t know what to say. Some Taurus men are boring to begin with and have poor eloquence. They simply take their girlfriend away from the unpleasant scene without saying anything.

The love of a Taurus man is like something that can heal people's hearts. It is very warm and attentive to every detail. However, a Taurus man needs you to be kind to him. A Taurus man is born with a businessman's mindset and does not engage in loss-making business. So in your case, the Taurus man also hopes to get happy love. In addition, the love of the Taurus man is very realistic. If it were not for love and if he did not love enough, the Taurus man would not be able to accept this reality. Taurus men just can’t accept their lover cheating or having other behaviors!

Taurus men are suspicious and always doubt their lover's words, thinking that the other person is hiding something from him or deceiving him. In order to prove that the other person is "deceiving" themselves, Taurus men often do some incredible things, such as hiring a detective to follow the other person, in order to find out what they call the "truth."

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he will be 3

Ways for a Taurus man to pamper someone

well taken care of

Taurus men themselves are not the attentive and considerate type, nor do they take care of their partner's feelings. If you get sick one day, a Taurus man is willing to leave his job to take care of you, spend time with you, boil hot water for you, take you to see a doctor, and protect you every day. Then the Taurus man really loves you!

spend money for you

Taurus men have always been stingy. They don’t like to spend money casually, nor do they like to spend money for others. They like to save money! If you are with a Taurus man, if you want anything, the Taurus man will buy it for you. Buy, buy, be very generous and have no complaints, then you can be said to have met a Taurus man who loves you!

do romantic things for you

Taurus men generally don't do little surprises. Only when a Taurus man really loves you will he do some romantic things, such as sending you flowers from time to time, occasionally buying you lipstick, and taking you to a candlelight dinner when you are free. At this time, you You will feel really happy to be pampered!

To what extent can a Taurus man pamper his girlfriend?

There is no concept of pampering. Treat your wife well within the scope of approval.

Taurus boys are relatively dull people. Not only do they not know how to be romantic, they also have relatively no idea of ​​what is gentle and considerate. Their attitude towards life is more serious and law-abiding. I feel that men are supposed to be the breadwinners of the family, while women are supposed to support their husbands and raise their children. However, they are not opposed to women having their own jobs, but they cannot neglect their families. Relatively speaking, golden men are still more chauvinistic. They have no concept of pampering their wives, and it is okay to treat them well within the scope of approval. Men of different zodiac signs have different personalities, so the way of getting along with them is also different.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the stronger his possessiveness becomes. How a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is so accurate. Picture 3

The female zodiac sign with the strongest physical needs

Everyone has a different concept of love. Some people think that after falling in love, it is the same as before, except that there is an extra person to accompany them, while some people think that falling in love means possessing the other person. Only in this way can they find a sense of security in love. . There are several constellations in the twelve constellations that are like this. The more they love you, the more they want to possess you. These constellations are Scorpio, Taurus and Cancer.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the stronger his possessiveness becomes. The most accurate way a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is picture 4.

Scorpio people are very possessive, especially in love. When a Scorpio person truly falls in love with someone, he will show a strong possessiveness toward him, want to know the other person's whereabouts, and like to look through the other person's mobile phone. They don't like the other person to have other friends of the opposite sex around them when they are in love with them, as this will arouse their jealousy. After Scorpio people fall in love, they will regard the other person as their center, revolve around the other person all day long, and will also care about the other person's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. This kind of possessiveness is also their way of expressing love. If one day, a Scorpio no longer cares about your schedule and no longer controls you, it means that he no longer loves you.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the more possessive he becomes. The most accurate way a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is picture 5.

Taurus people are honest and honest, and they are also very possessive about love. Although Taurus usually seems to be a slow-moving person, once you like someone, you will always be nice to them. Taurus requires absolute loyalty from their partners in love. They do not want their partners to have too much contact with the opposite sex, and they will hold their significant other in the palm of their hands when they are in love. It is still very happy to fall in love with a Taurus. Their possessiveness will not make the other person breathless, but they will feel happy that they are always being protected.

The more possessive a Taurus man is, the stronger his possessiveness becomes. The most accurate way a Taurus man behaves when he is jealous is picture 6

Cancer people are also very possessive people. Cancer people will not fall in love easily, because they think love is sacred. Once they fall in love, they will consider the future with the other person. It is not strange to be possessive about love. Cancer people are somewhat similar to Scorpio people. They both want to know their partner's itinerary in real time. If the other person always hides himself, Cancer people will have all kinds of suspicions.

The above is all the content about the more possessive a Taurus man becomes, the more accurate signs of jealousy in a Taurus boy, and the related content about the more possessive a Taurus man becomes. I hope it can help you.

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