
Contents of this article

  • 1. The digital energy combination of prosperous wealth
  • 2. What number is best to set for WeChat account?
  • 3. The password to keep money is 141345
  • 4. The six-digit number for gathering wealth and keeping it.

The digital energy combination for prosperity

Number combination for good fortune

The combination of numbers for prosperity and wealth. Numbers are closely related to our lives. It is not only a counting tool, but its magnetic field also has a huge impact on our fortune. Many people influence their own fortune through numbers. The following is prosperity for wealth. combination of numbers.

Number combination for good fortune 1

The combination of some numbers is also very auspicious. When it comes to the most auspicious 6-digit numbers, the number one must be 6 ones, because for this group of numbers, it refers to one in ten thousand, which means It means that you are a talent, a one-in-a-million talent, so in this case, you can achieve more achievements when doing various undertakings, so to a certain extent, it is very auspicious. And beautiful meanings can indeed make your life more brilliant and make you more successful.

The more 9-number combinations you have

The number nine is also very auspicious. This number is included in many blessings, which means long-term, stability, success, wealth, and happiness. The more consecutive numbers (such as: 992991...) the more 9 appears, the better, indicating many aspects. All have achieved success and happiness lasts forever. Ladder numbers: 123456, 345678, 456789... represent continuous, upward, step by step towards success and glory, wealth, promotion step by step, and a perfect life!

With combined numbers 6 and 8

Speaking of the most auspicious 6-digit numbers that can make you rich, you must not forget the number combination of 6 and 8. They are numbers that are used more frequently in our lives and have good meanings. Many people should think of two idioms, that is, a smooth journey and a lot of money. For these two idioms, they both symbolize good luck and wealth. I believe that everyone hopes for the development of their career and life in life. It's going smoothly, and at the same time, I also hope that I can make a lot of money. After all, the number 8 represents the meaning of getting rich, so when it comes to the most auspicious 6-digit number for getting rich, 666888 cannot be ignored. A set of numbers, whether you choose a mobile phone number or another number, this combination of numbers is very good.

Number combination for good fortune 2

Ranking of number combinations that bring good fortune.

1. People engaged in professional work. For this type of people, the more suitable combination of prosperous wealth and fortune is the magnetic field combination of longevity + heavenly medicine. Examples include 786, 913, etc. Using this type of combination, you will make money as long as you work hard, and you will get rewards if you put in the effort. It is rare that you will not see any returns after investing. Therefore, it can also be seen that the investment portfolio is relatively conservative and stable.

2. Corporate executives and leadership jobs. A combination of anger + heavenly medicine. This combined magnetic field energy shows high emotional intelligence. With the help of noble people, it is suitable for corporate executives, leaders and other people who work. Examples include 768, 413, etc.

3. Service industry. For people who are engaged in the service industry, the combination of Six Evil Spirits + Heavenly Medicine is very suitable. This combination type contains information about ingenuity and thoughtfulness. It is more suitable for service industries where there are many women. For example, it is used in beauty salons, fitness yoga and other industries.

4. Make your profession by speaking. This type of industry mainly uses conversation as a money-making tool, and you can make money just by opening your mouth. Such as teachers, sales, singers and other professional types. They are more suitable for the magnetic field combination of disaster + heavenly medicine. For example, 231, 713, etc.

5. Design, creative planning and other industries. This combination requires unique and novel thinking, talent and wisdom. Suitable for industries such as planning, I-Ching, trade, computers, and receiving red envelope rebates. Applicable to the combination of Five Ghosts + Heavenly Medicine. For example, such as 631, 813, etc.

6. Self-employed business owners, self-employed business owners, and hard-working salesmen who work abroad. The combination of Jue Ming + Heavenly Medicine is very suitable for this type of worker. This type of combination makes money by working hard, daring to be the first, investing in stocks, real estate, growing businesses, etc. That is, we often talk about the first person to eat crabs. For example, there are combinations such as 968 and 213.

The ranking of money-saving magnetic field combinations is as follows:

First. Prolong life. The energy of the Yannian magnetic field combination brings strong financial management ability. A typical example of planning and rational consumption, and using money wisely is this magnetic field type.

Second, six evil spirits. The Six Evil Magnetic Field has a high inner delicate quality, so when this quality extends to financial management, you will think a lot before spending money, and think comprehensively about whether you should spend it, so it can also be called planned consumption.

Third, the volt magnetic field or the combination of volt + 5. The magnetic field also shows the characteristics of hesitation in consumption.

fourth place. Heavenly medicine magnetic field. The financial management concept of this combination is not strong enough, money comes and goes, and the degree of financial conservation is not high.

The fifth is angry and harmful. The former shows that as long as they are happy, they have no idea about financial management and their expenses are relatively large. The latter has a great ability to consume money and saves face, so it often leads to unnecessary consumption.

The final ranking is Jueming and Wugui Magnetic Field. The fatal magnetic field indicates a large consumption of money, unexpected loss of money, spending money without thinking, and ups and downs. The five ghosts show signs that money will slip away as soon as it comes, so you should pay more attention to rational and reasonable consumption!

Of course, our analysis today only focuses on the aspect of wealth. In the specific process of number selection, we must also consider factors such as physical health, marriage, etc., and combine the user's own innate and acquired magnetic fields to make the number selection. Combination and analysis. Since there are many factors that affect the magnetic field, you must choose a unique energy number that suits you to help yourself.

Number combination 3 for good fortune

meaning of numbers

"0". Original ecology, virgin land. Haha, the most development potential.

"1 ". In traditional Chinese culture, "1" is the most auspicious number. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond in turn to birth, old age, illness, death, and suffering (6 again represents life, and so on). The size of the door made by the carpenter, the number of words written on the central beams of the hall by the painter, etc. must comply with this rule.

"2". "2" means perfection, the balance of yin and yang, and the happiness of two.

"3". In ancient times, there were "three friends of Suihan" and "three soldiers of the three armies". Nowadays, the homophones are "sheng" and "shang". It is favored by many people.

"4". Like "2", "4" means perfection, the balance of yin and yang, talents in all directions, and the four seasons of the year. Unfortunately, some people say that it should not be homophonic with "death".

"5". It sounds homophonic to "I" and can be associated with other numbers. They all like "58" but not "54".

"6". According to "birth, old age, illness, death, suffering", it falls on the word "生", which is auspicious. At the same time, Liuliu Shun has been chanted this way since ancient times.

"7". I don't know which comrade used a number with "7" and said that it was so confusing that many people threw away the "8" number that they had spent a lot of effort to get, and they were all scrambling to find the number with "7". , hoping to rise.

"8". Just because it sounds homophonic with "fa", it has been popular throughout the ages. Who doesn't want to get rich, prosperous and prosperous?

"9". For a long time, what was the expectation of the emperor in the past is now the wish of wealthy businessmen and officials. Even the common people also hope for harmony and peace.

Six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping wealth, number energy combinations for making wealth prosperous Figure 1

What number is best to set for WeChat account?

What number combination on WeChat is the most prosperous?

Which number combination on WeChat is the most prosperous? WeChat’s WeChat ID can now be set by ourselves, so we can choose the numbers we like. Some friends want to change to numbers that represent their own meanings, and some friends want to change to numbers that attract wealth. So what about WeChat? Which number combination is the most prosperous? Let's take a look together.

What number combination on WeChat is the most prosperous 1

Prosperous wealth

For the pursuit of wealth, it is more suitable for sales, business owners, self-employed people, investors, etc. When they seek money, in addition to having extensive interpersonal relationships and strong social skills, they also need to have the talent of an artist (number 8) and the excellent quality of honesty and trustworthiness (number 5) in order to sell themselves. For example, the development of “” in recent years is a very convincing example. In addition, combinations such as 18, 68, 168, 36, 38, 78, 345 are also suitable for promoting wealth.

Prosperous career

Most of the people who pay more attention to career development are civil servants, middle and senior managers of enterprises and company employees. What they focus on is the development of talents and the improvement of performance. If you want to improve your abilities in these two areas, you must be smart and resourceful (number 6) and have the spirit of self-improvement (number 3)! In this case, you can choose a combination of 6 and 3 to boost your career luck. In addition, you can also choose gradually rising combinations such as 123, 456, 678, etc. to boost your career.

Prosperous marriage

For single friends, how to get out of singles is a major problem they face. In addition to having good interpersonal relationships, you also need to be humble, courteous, and proactive to win the hearts of handsome guys and beauties more easily. Number combinations that can promote marriage include: 178 means let’s be together, 317 means being together, and 179 means being together for a long time. In addition, combinations such as 03, 12, 56, 89 can also be used to promote marriage.

Whisper: Whisper = Eryu = Xi

Ethereal: How you feel when you look at that star-like person

Eliauk: When you are unhappy, do it the other way around.

How to set a nickname

2. It should be simple and easy to remember and should not be too long.

3. The repetition rate should not be too high. This is to distinguish it from others.

4. If the name is better, just use the real name.

How to set signature

This is relatively simple. Pay attention to the signature to be positive and avoid negative information. If the main purpose is to attract traffic, don’t reveal the secret that you are a micro-business in your signature, that is, don’t type it in your signature.

You can directly search for the keywords you want in WeChat, and relevant public account information will appear. You can select the public account you need to follow. No matter which official account you want, this method can be used.

1. Ordinary number combinations that attract and keep wealth.

"Full spelling of last name + last number of mobile phone/auspicious numbers, etc."

"School/region pinyin abbreviation + student number/dormitory number, etc."

"Month/zodiac sign English word abbreviation + number, etc."

For example: lovely, smart, Fairy, Romeo, Lydia, Alicia, etc. (seems more suitable for girls)

Another example: banana, blue, cat, moon, hope, sunlight, etc.

3. Standard type

"name+number", "user+number", "id+number", "Mr+number", etc. For example:, etc. 1. Use less or no minus sign or underscore, because you need to switch the keyboard when typing, which increases the input steps when friends search for you, and it is more troublesome when explaining to friends.

2. Use a combination of "letters + numbers" and keep it short to make it easier for friends to remember and search. Use lowercase letters as much as possible. Although uppercase and lowercase letters will not affect search results, lowercase letters are more common by default, and lowercase letters are easier to identify. 6-digit WeChat ID.

3. Pay attention to personal privacy. The most important thing is to use the full spelling of your name with caution. If you want to use your name, I recommend using the pinyin abbreviation (initial letter) of your name. Regarding the birthday, year, student number, etc., I think it can be used.

What number combination on WeChat is the most prosperous 2

The fifth set of RMB codes consists of 8 digits, and the third set of codes consists of 8 digits and 7 digits. The most auspicious number among the numbers is 8, which means "fa", followed by 6, which means "six or six smooth". The most unlucky numbers are 4 and 7.

The fortune number we are talking about today must be inseparable from the number 8. For example, the code is HD51888888, where 888888 is the sixth number, also known as the elephant number.

Such a number is not only an elephant number, but also a fortune number. 888888 is the most auspicious number.

HD is the crown number, 51888888 means I want to make hair, hair, hair. Such numbers are very rare and have high collection value. If the number is HD51888888 with a 05 page value of 50 yuan, its collection value for a new leaflet is at least 1,000 yuan.

The more 8 characters in the digital code, the higher the collection value will be.

There are many kinds of fortune numbers. For example, the number code is HE37991168. The last three digits of the number code are 168, which means making money all the way.

However, fortune accounts like this are relatively common, and the value of the deposit is not high, probably dozens of yuan more than the face value. There is also a digital code of 58585858. This number is both an AB number and a fortune number. Its meaning is I send it, I send it, I send it, I send it. This number looks cool and is very rare.

The circulation of a crown number is about 100 million, and there is only one such number in a crown number. This means that the circulation of such a number is one in a billion, and the value of collecting it is very considerable. If it is the 05 edition of 50 yuan, the digital code is 58585858, and the collection price of a new leaflet is at least around 1,000-1,500 yuan.

A number such as 18181818 is both an AB number and a fortune number, also known as the "Ren Er" number. The entire numerical code consists of two digits, 1 and 8, which means to make money, to make money, to make money, to make money. Such a fortune number is also Very rare. There is only one title, and the collection value of a brand new single is at least 500 yuan.

There are also some more common fortune numbers, such as the three digits after the numerical code are 518 and 138. 518 means I want to make a fortune, and 138 means one. Fortune accounts like this are relatively common, and the value of the collected money is not much, just a few dollars more than the face value.

When we collect coins, we must collect brand new and unique coins, as their collection value is higher. Because the fifth set of circulation itself is very large and is still in circulation, the numbered coins pay the most attention to the quality. No matter how good the number is, if the quality is not good, the collection value will be greatly reduced. Thanks everyone for watching.

What number combination on WeChat is the most prosperous 3

First: 111111

2. 888666 or 666888

3. 999995

Are you a little confused about the number 999995? Why is it not three nines and three fives, but five nines and one five?

In fact, there is a profound meaning in this. In ancient times, there was the saying of the Nine-Five Lord, which represented the emperor, the superior and a symbol of absolute power.

999995 happens to be the simplification of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It also indicates power and wealth. It is an excellent combination that is one in a million.

However, it should be noted that since this set of numbers has a relatively large meaning, people with lighter fortunes may be overwhelmed by the numbers, so it is not recommended to use them. You can appropriately modify it to 955555 to weaken its own momentum.

4. 000000

Six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping wealth, number energy combinations for making wealth prosperous Figure 2

The password to keep money is 141345

The password to keep money is 141345

The code for keeping money is 141345. We Chinese people pay attention to keeping money after getting rich. Otherwise, the wealth earned will not only run away, but also take away your own wealth. Then you can use some money-keeping numbers to help yourself and keep money. Password 141345

The password to keep money is 1413451

Bank password for life password:

Bank card number - withdrawal password.

Make good use of positive energy and regulate your own magnetic field.

The last number of the bank card should be three stars.

The bank card withdrawal password should be the Shoucai account number.

Prolong life and keep wealth, know how to plan and use money. save money!

Example 1: 141345 Gather popularity, gather wealth, and keep wealth.

Example 2: 676875 gathers popularity, gathers wealth, and keeps wealth.

Example 3: 112233 consumes money, breaks money, and does not keep money.

Example 4: 889988 consumes money, breaks money, and does not keep money.

Example 5: 118118 consumes money, breaks money, and does not keep money.

(Strengthen the kinetic energy to inspire positive numbers)

Digital Feng Shui—Digital Magnetic Field:

Digital Feng Shui - the inner meridian code of the cosmic magnetic field.

Make good use of positive energy and regulate your own magnetic field.

Digital Feng Shui - the inner meridian code of the cosmic magnetic field.

Digital Feng Shui - the inner meridian code of the cosmic magnetic field.

The password to keep money is 1413452

I believe everyone knows that the longevity magnetic field combinations are 19, 91, 78, 87, 34, 43, 26, 62. In terms of wealth, although the longevity magnetic field has the property of keeping money, for example, it can keep money better than ordinary people. You will be more cautious in the use of money. Of course, if you go too far, you will become a rooster!

But does the wealth-protecting number have to have a longevity-prolonging magnetic field combination? This issue must be understood clearly.

Reasonable use of the longevity magnetic field combination can help improve your abilities, but it may not help you keep money. First of all, the prerequisite for keeping money is to have a constant source of wealth, so that it can help you!

For example, some people get wealth by talking, such as Dui Gua represents mouth, while some people rely on their own leadership skills, etc. They are all different!

Therefore, if you want to keep money, you need to open up your financial resources, and use the horoscope to find out what your financial resources are and what they are suitable for!

Some people are born with good fortune, but have poor fortune later in life. They need to find the problem. It cannot be solved by keeping money. Let’s give a simple example!

Among the five elements of water, wood, earth, metal, and water, wood represents ascending, fire represents floating, earth represents maintaining the middle, metal represents descending, and water represents sinking. Let’s talk about the attribute of earth. Earth corresponds to the spleen and stomach in our body. This part is not good, excessive or weak. It will be difficult to hold on to some things, such as feelings and wealth. Can you solve the problem simply by relying on the longevity magnetic field?

There are also people whose horoscopes are weak and need to spread their wealth, so they need a combination of numbers to spread their wealth. For example, some are suitable for 314, some are for 867, some are for 319, and some are for 687, so they can only truly combine their own order. Only with luck can we solve the problem better!

So don’t blindly add wealth and wealth-keeping magnetic fields to your mobile phone number, otherwise it may be counterproductive!

To carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, spread positive energy, and help others, it is quite effective to publish the numbers in mobile phone numbers that are bound to lose money and contain official and non-official numbers, especially the last digits:

12, 21, 122, 211, 102, 201, 152, 251, 69, 96, 699, 966, 906, 609, 659, 956, 84, 48, 898, 988, 844, 488, 804, 408, 458, 854, 37, 73, 733, 377, 307, 703, 753, 357, 18, 81, 188, 811, 108, 801, 779, 97, 79, 709, 907, 957

The password to keep money is 1413453

Keep money. Bank card numbers.

The mantissas are numbers ending in 19, 78, 43, and 26, which are the numbers at the end of the year-extending magnetic field. Those ending in 1955, 758, 433, etc.

It proves that the individual has the ability to manage money, is good at managing money, and has a close attitude towards money, so it is difficult for him to go bankrupt.

Today, a friend from out of town (who had chosen a lucky number for him and was very confused when he approached me) asked how his bank card was doing. Last 11 digits of bank card: XXX70018063162

When we see such a bank card, our first reaction is:

1. When the owner of this bank card got this card, he often went through the stage of money entanglement. Why? Because 806's money has sunk and disappeared, or there has been a dispute over money.

2. Fortunately, the owner of this bank card received a fortune of 31 after passing the previous money check, and his wealth is on the rise. (This person is also very filial. After adjusting his lucky numbers, things became smoother and smoother over a period of time. A few days ago, he asked me to select lucky numbers for his father.)

3. In fact, the other party started using this bank card in 2013. Let’s analyze this bank card as a whole. 7001 (opening), 18 (braining, planning, long time or foreign trade work) brought 806 wealth, and then continued 63 ( Long time, brain use, foreign trade or... catering, catering belongs to the five ghost magnetic fields) brings wealth of 31, and the wealth continues to flow to 16 (home, store, company, interpersonal relationship...) and finally the longevity magnetic field of 26, which can be retained Next small section. You can see how wealth flows in and how wealth flows out. The owner of this card was later helped by a friend who is a restaurant owner and became a senior executive. Now he is doing quite well. (Everyone will find a place that suits them, and they will live freely and bloom)

4. Since the other party’s ID card ID contains quite a lot of the Six Evils magnetic field, and he happens to be in the Six Evils magnetic field, I will give him one last suggestion: 1. The stability of love and marriage (control of emotions) has a great influence on his wealth and fortune. plays a vital role.

Six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping wealth, number energy combinations for making wealth prosperous Figure 3

Six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping it

The digital combination of gathering wealth and keeping wealth

The combination of numbers to gather wealth and protect wealth. Numbers have a different impact on everyone. When choosing numbers, we need to choose a good number to be more beneficial to us. Let’s learn about the combination of numbers and related information for gathering wealth and keeping wealth.

Number combination for gathering wealth and keeping wealth 1

Generally speaking, numbers can also help fortune fortune. Among the numbers in the Yannian magnetic field, those with stronger ability to gather wealth and keep money are: Yannian, Liusha, and Fu position. These three magnetic fields have corresponding numbers respectively, and their influence is also relatively obvious. On. The numbers represented by the longevity magnetic field are: 19, 78, 34, 26. The energy is from high to low. Among the numerical energies, the longevity magnetic field has a clear attitude towards money and is not easily influenced by others. Even when spending money, it is planned in advance. , that is to say, they are more assertive and will not spend money randomly. A person who is assertive means that he is more confident. They will not spend money easily, and the longevity magnetic field does not mean that they can keep their money. After all, , Keeping money requires having money.

Six Evil Magnetic Fields

If these numbers were ranked from high to low in terms of their ability to gather and keep money, they should be 16, 47, 38, and 29. The six evil magnetic fields in the digital energy are different from the previous longevity and volts. People with Liusha magnetic field are more hesitant in doing things, think more about things, and like to please in many ways. This trait makes them think twice when spending money. They like to shop around. One person thinks more about things than giving too much to others. Consider giving, but to maintain the superficial relationship and keep the relationship from being affected. It is purposeful. In this way, they are proactive in doing things. This characteristic makes them good at discovering opportunities and gaining wealth. At the same time, they give Minimize costs; in terms of making money, you are good at looking for opportunities and preventing others from benefiting from you at a small cost.

Voltage magnetic field

If the numbers represented by the volt magnetic field with the ability to accumulate and keep money are arranged in order of energy, they should be 11/22, 88/99, 66/77, 33/44. The volt magnetic field is relatively conservative in digital energy. Characteristics: They are not good at taking risks or making changes. They like to do things step by step. When they spend money, they plan ahead. This is somewhat similar to Yannian. When a person likes to do things step by step and does not want to take risks, they do things in a hurry. They are more cautious. When it comes to spending money, they will consider risks in order to achieve a zero-risk situation. This also makes people with a magnetic field too conservative and miss some opportunities, but it does not affect their ability to keep money.

Number combination for gathering wealth and keeping wealth 2

The combination numbers of Heavenly Medicine and Year-Prolonging Magnetic Field are: 319, 687, 943, 726, 134, 862, 491, 278.

Number 319 Energy

The number 319, 31 is the magnetic field of heavenly medicine, which represents wealth, and the number 19 is the magnetic field of longevity, which represents financial management and financial preservation, so it means that you have the concept of financial management, and know how to manage finances and consume rationally in life.

The number 31 is the magnetic field of heavenly medicine, which represents emotions, while the number 19 is the magnetic field of longevity, which represents management, so you know how to take care of your emotions.

Characteristics of Tianyi magnetic field

People with this magnetic field are very smart and have better natural qualifications than others. It is easy to become a boss or the boss's right-hand assistant in your career, which can bring performance and wealth to the company. The Tianyi magnetic field represents wealth and affection, and it is the magnetic field that many people want to choose when choosing a mobile phone number.

At the same time, because people in Tianyi Magnetic Field are kind-hearted and too simple, they easily listen to other people's words and are deceived. The negative impact of this magnetic field is on the body's blood pressure, so special attention needs to be paid in daily life.

Therefore, it is not that the more magnetic field energy of Tianyi numbers, the better. If you choose the wrong number, it may also cause marriage problems or blood pressure problems.

Characteristics of the longevity magnetic field

People with life-prolonging magnetic fields are usually called chauvinists and strong women. Their style is very strong, and they have strong judgment in their careers and have a strong sense of responsibility and mission. He is often the leader of opinions at work, has a strong sense of self, has the demeanor of a general, and can stand alone. At the same time, they are very good at doing things and are the boss's favorite employees in the workplace.

People with the Yannian magnetic field are soft-hearted, have a sense of justice, and like to embrace injustice and protect the vulnerable.

Heavenly medicine plus magnetic field combination for longevity

Because the life-extending magnetic field is rational in consumption and relatively prudent in spending money. The ability of the longevity magnetic field will be reflected in the heavenly medicine magnetic field before and after, so we can simply understand that after the combination of the magnetic fields, the financial management ability is very strong. It can also be said to be keeping money, but keeping money here does not mean being stingy or stingy. It's just that they know how to consume rationally and spend money carefully, so people with this magnetic field combination will not spend money randomly.

Whether the magnetic field combination is more money-saving depends on the energy combination of the two magnetic fields. In other respects, this magnetic field combination represents positive energy. Emotionally, it means having a strong sense of responsibility and doing things with love and responsibility.

Number combination for gathering wealth and keeping wealth 3

Attract money and keep money mobile phone number

1133, 3311, 1533, 1351, 1368, 1658, 1658, 1311, 1333, 1331 are numbers that belong to positive wealth. You should match the wealth numbers reasonably to improve your wealth. 103, 301, 3001, 1003, 6008, 8006, 1313, these types of numbers also refer to positive wealth numbers, but these types of numbers are prone to marriage problems, the peach blossom numbers are very prosperous, and there may even be underground love affairs. Generally speaking, it is best not to match them. .

Depend on the horoscope number

According to your horoscope, you like wood and metal in the five elements. The numbers of the five elements belonging to wood are 1, 2 and numbers ending with 1 and 2. The numbers of the five elements belonging to gold are 7, 8 or 7, 8. The number at the end. So your lucky numbers are 1, 2, 7, 8, and the taboo numbers are 3 and 4, which belong to the five elements of fire. Whether you choose a mobile phone number, buy a car plate, choose a floor number, or register a company Whether it is your registration number or the table number you sit at when dating your lover, lucky numbers are your first choice, and taboo numbers should be avoided as much as possible.

Best mobile phone number for birth date

Regarding the matching of birth date and mobile phone number, it is actually similar to the matching of the five elements and mobile phone number, because the birth time of each person determines the birth date and also determines the attributes of the five elements. On the five elements, 4 and 9 belong to gold, and 3 and 8 belong to gold. Wood, 2 and 7 belong to fire, 1 and 6 belong to water, and 5 and 0 belong to earth. Whether it is reasonable or not is irrelevant for the moment. If the horoscope master says you are short of gold, they generally recommend that you put 4 or 9 in the last two digits of the number. And we have a rough grasp of this method and are selecting.

Six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping wealth, and number energy combinations for making wealth prosperous Figure 4

The above is all about the six-digit numbers for gathering wealth and keeping money, the combination of digital energy for making wealth, and the relevant content for the six-digit numbers for gathering money and keeping money. I hope it can help you.

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