
Contents of this article

  • 1. What are the characters in the Kangxi Dictionary?
  • 2. Kangxi Dictionary contains 12 words with good meanings
  • 3. What are the names drawn in Kangxi Dictionary 2?
  • 4. What are the 9-stroke characters in the Kangxi Dictionary?

What are the characters in the Kangxi Dictionary?

The 12 characters in the Kangxi Dictionary include: cao, ce, tea, 樳, melancholy, pan, window, create, beat, answer, etc., pass, ci, sudden, 酢, stick, throat, desolate, light, hair, fan, Rice, width, Fu, Fu, rich, hired, coffin, Guan, bladder, expensive, stick.

1. Policy

The pinyin is cè, which usually refers to strategy, strategy, etc. In ancient Chinese imperial examinations, ce refers to "strategy" and "countermeasures". It is the main content of the palace examination, and "strategy questions" and "countermeasures" have become the two parts of question setting and examination taking.

2. Create

The pinyin is chuàng, chuāng, and when pronounced as chuàng, "Shuowen Jiezi" considers this as "山". Digging a well for the first time means doing it for the first time in career. Later, he made cuts, cuts, and creations. When reading chuāng, it is originally written as 刅. The word "刅" first appeared in the bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The blood on the edge of the knife indicates a wound, and it is used as a verb to refer to killing.

3. Deliver

Pronounced dì, the original meaning is replacement, which has been extended to meanings such as sequence, transfer, escort, and distance. Transfer is the common meaning now.

4. stick

Pinyin bàng, original meaning: stick. Such as: wooden stick, stick, mallet. The extended meaning refers to "strong physical strength, great ability, good grades, and high level" such as: excellent homework and excellent body. Also used as a surname.

5. Hire

Pinyin: gù, the original meaning is a kind of bird. Later, borrowing refers to employment, and by extension, leasing. It also extends to the payment of remuneration. Also extended to refer to selling.

What are the characters drawn in the Kangxi Dictionary with 2 strokes? What are the characters drawn with the 10 strokes in the Kangxi Dictionary? Picture 1

12 words with good meanings in Kangxi Dictionary

The 12 words with good meanings in the Kangxi Dictionary are: Zhi, Tong, Xu, Yuan, Silk, Jing, Ru, Xian, Jie, Jie, Shen, Su, Di, etc., Shu, Ran, Sheng, Wei, Shu, Lan, Qiao, Chao.

1. Wisdom

Pronounced as zhì, it originally came from oracle bone inscriptions, and its original meaning is cleverness and strong intelligence. The extended meaning includes wisdom, resourcefulness, strategy, strategy, wise people, etc. On December 21, 2017, Zhi was selected as the international character of the year in the "Chinese Language Inventory 2017".

2. Envy

To hope for something because of love, to have more than enough, to have something left over. The surname, where the Xian family lives, is divided into four districts: the first is Jizhou, Hebei; the second is Chaoyang, Liaoning; the third is Mudanjiang; and the fourth is Harbin. Among them, Hebei and Chaoyang are the major clans, and Chaoyang can be traced back to more than six generations and is in the same lineage as Harbin.

3. Ran

The original meaning of pinyin rán is to burn. Later, it was used as a pronoun, interjection, adverb, conjunction, particle, etc., so the original meaning was obscured. To facilitate the distinction, "burn" is used to refer to burning, while "ran" is used in various pretexts. righteous.

4. Shu

Pronounced as shū, its original meaning is phonetic. From water, from uncle, uncle also sounds. "Uncle" means "picking up beans". "Shui" and "Uncle" are combined to mean "picking beans in clear water". Both "Shuowen" and "Shi·Daya·Sangrou" have records.

5. North Korea

Pinyin zhāo, cháo, the original meaning refers to morning, such as: morning sun, morning dew. "Chao" is the beginning of a day, and it also means today, such as: this morning. The above meaning is pronounced zhāo. "Chao" is also pronounced cháo. In ancient times, all officials came to attend court affairs in the early morning, so the place where people gathered to discuss matters in the morning was called the "imperial court". The word "chao" also means facing, which is a late uprising after the Tang Dynasty.

What are the characters drawn in the Kangxi Dictionary with 2 strokes? What are the characters drawn with the 10 strokes in the Kangxi Dictionary? Picture 2

What are the names drawn in Kangxi Dictionary 2?

The five elements belong to gold (12 pictures), a total of 149: palladium plate plutonium guess cut broken 伧 toilet 嗏 駇<x3 >孱 rampant 杝 Open 恅 钱 超  Chao Stretch 牚 胵 啻 恆 Chuang Window Chuang Thump Ci 寯 Acne 矬 cuo Spider Storage Sudden <x3 >酢 悴 毳 紴 魴 dropped 魭 blunt 二 钴 calcium cut hook  Gu Hu Ji Jie Jue Jun Jun 剀 Na Ning Button 掊<x3 >裒 钤 Qin fowl 情 cyan ran tough velvet umbrella scattered mourning swept  Sister-in-law Sha Stagger Shan Shao Shao 鞞 She Kidney Sheng Nephew Sheng<x3 > Leftover Shi Teaching Thin Sparse Shu Millet Shu Shi Shun Shun Silk  Si 翟 竦 喖 皖  sue  millet 駧 烃 Ti for 婷 PUSH< x3>xi xi xi rhinoceros 粞 舾 舄 envy xiang chest 琇 axu  Son-in-law Xu Xuan Brilliant Yu Key We Chisel Zao 迮 Zeng Cha Child< x3> Palm  Zhao  earn 狰 frame fat  colonization 絷 赵 public hereby curse  Zun 阼 
The five elements belong to wood (12 paintings), a total of 170: Stick Brush Grass Ce Tea 樨 茺 楮 篲___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____ 荈 棰 興 ici Answer 禯 etc. 号 棣 IE  Dong raft 棼 茯 徳 狋 arm 袼 give 蛛 豱 觚 酤< x3>诂 hired coffin Guan cyst dial<x 3>gui stick 聒 椁 皓 闳  Throat 黄 fennel 嵇 ji 戢  Thorn 殛 Collection Ji 掎 怸 Jia 袷 跏 between 犍 Jian 绛< x3>Ziao Pepper Jiao Strangled Jiao 刈 Jie Jie Jie Jiu 荩 Well  Scenery spa embarrassment chirp stable 掬 椐 Ju 讵 away 狋 dig 珺< x3>Ka Open Kai 闶 Sc Ke Ke Control section  basket 贶 Puppet 喟 螞 edge 李 椋 LUO 覦 荬 cotton 茗 猊 shed 椑< x3> Period  Bullying  Qi  Chess  Pinch  Tie  Qian  Embedding  Hydroxy  Qiao  Qiu  Ball 莯 蛐 荃 筌 荏 Rong Ru 阮 sen sieve 蜜 覃 棠< x 3>荼 通 tube ellipse 皖 煠 xia 煅 荇 悻 Xun 桠  Ya Ban Yan Yao 傜 荑 Chair Yin Hard yo Yu yu 饫< x3>Yu Stack 湣 Zhi vertebral column Brown most 
The five elements belong to water (12 paintings), a total of 149: Postscript Han< x3>湴 Tied Pong 棓 Report Sad 邶 备 贲 磣 竫 诐 邲 弼 皕 赑 晙 猋 幖 邴 啵 博 lame plutonium 玹< x3>Chun Wen Gong Quen Lan Fa Fan Fan Fang Fang Fei Fei  Qiu Fei Feces Feng 稃 跗 涪 袱 丶 Fu Fu Fu gan< x3> Clam 涫 貲 顸 Han Han Han Shout 琀 绗 淏 得<x 3>Drink Dry 訸 Congratulations Trance Huai Huo Wandering 蛔 Hui Hun 耠  Confused Gradually Jing Lai Cool Lin Ling 渌 Len 匌 Buy Mang 蛑< x3>Trade Hat Media Mei Sleep 扪 Boring Feng amidine Power Strider Character  Miao Min Nao Pai Pai Run Peng Peng Pi Pi 诼 Comment Forcing< x3>Pu Qi Shallow Qing 莎 Deep Shu Shabu Song Liu Tao Tim 淟 涴 vortex 无 淅 xi  idle present  item confusion xiong  partiality ya< x3>Yan Liquid Yan silt 淯 Yuan Yun Gorridge 涿 淄 
The five elements belong to fire (12 Painting) 112 in total: Break  Baked  Picked  Field  Blanched  Shaped  Cheng 卍 Ta  Dai  Loan<x 3> Single Nitrogen Mourning Deng Di face to face slander Di 睇 Weigh 阽 榃  Fall chatter 苋 pox short dun dun 掇 burn holmium burn pick up sigh< x3>Jing Just Jue Hang 焜 La La lang 炂 Lao Plough gel  Reason 刈 Liu 興 Dry Quantity 捩 Crack 蔔  Liu Sulfur  plunder< x3>抡 捺 Nan 駧 Neng 卻 NUO Qing 闰 婼 邰  blanket  Tan Pull out Cry 腆 掭 祧 忢 Tie 婷 Pain Tu 饨 緎< x3>酡 拋 昘 Oh wo 幄 欻 Xun 行 彽 焱 蛘  Zhen Yi Yuan Zhe Zhe Diagnosis Zhen Syndrome 彘 Zhi Mole Axis 粢< x 3>訾 
The five elements belong to the earth (12 paintings), a total of 60 pieces: 澕 啕 彽 Dark amine 媪 奡 Fort< x3>堛 嵖 砗 審 帏 伟  Feed  embankment 俶 堞  evil  fee  Black 堠 Hua Yellow Kan Quin Lan 塄 嵋 崴 frog 崴  is< x3>媪 婺 痦 畕 硖 xiang 锛 皠 尰 揶 掖 猗 壹 钁 迤 瀹 痑 喑 堙 偁 GLAZE 嵛 雟 粤 云< x3>cub plantar 

What are the characters drawn in the Kangxi Dictionary with 2 strokes? What are the characters drawn in the 10 strokes in the Kangxi Dictionary? Picture 3

What are the 9-stroke characters in the Kangxi Dictionary?

Kangxi Dictionary
Kangxi Dictionary Stroke Lookup (16)
  Kangxi Dictionary Strokes are compiled based on the original version of "Kangxi Dictionary". Please note that some radicals/extra-radical strokes in the Kangxi Dictionary are calculated differently from the simplified ones. For example, the radical "氵" is the part of "water", with 4 strokes; the radical "王" is the part of "jade", with 5 strokes, etc. Each query randomly displays 48 Chinese characters. The five-element attributes of the Chinese characters in parentheses are mainly used for nameology.






What are the characters drawn in the Kangxi Dictionary with 2 strokes? What are the characters drawn in the 10 strokes in the Kangxi Dictionary? Picture 4

The above is all the content about the characters with 2 strokes in the Kangxi dictionary, the characters with 10 strokes in the Kangxi dictionary, and the related content about the strokes in the Kangxi dictionary. I hope it can help you.

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