
Contents of this article

  • 1. Remember a game composition of 300
  • 2. Introduction to Tianheng Accounting Firm
  • 3. What does Jiandui Tianheng do?

Remember a game composition 300

How to write a composition about remembering a game? In childhood, we played many interesting and unforgettable games, but which game remains the deepest in your memory? Today I compiled 10 sample essays of 400 words on a game for your reference, let’s take a look!

Remember a Game Composition 1

In the second class at noon on Monday, we played a unique game in the classroom. The name of the game was "telling words according to the words". The rule of the game is to form a four-character idiom or word based on the words above. This character can be placed in front. middle. suffix. After hearing the rules, the students happily clapped and said "Yeah", and some students said confidently: "We will definitely win!"

Teacher Liu divided into four groups and wrote the words on the paper. Each group sent a representative to draw lots to decide what words to use to write the words. Our team sent Ren Keyu to draw lots, and he randomly picked one. I shouted in my heart: "Draw a good lot! Draw a good lot!" In the end, he picked a "foreign" one. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" All the students in our group rushed to raise their hands, and finally Zhang Kun stood up: "The inside should be combined with the outside... (after a while) I was overjoyed." When the time was up, Teacher Liu interrupted Zhang Kun. He was nervous and thought for a while before saying two words, which wasted time, but he still earned two points for our group, and the classmates in the group gave him bursts of applause. As soon as Zhang Kun sat down, the students in other groups suddenly raised their "little fat hands". The atmosphere was so lively! Then the representative player of the second group went to draw, and he drew "down". There was only one person in their group Raising our "little fat hands", it was finally time for our other groups to answer. After ten minutes, three or four groups passed us, and we tried our best to catch up with the score. In the final free answer, I was like a deflated rubber ball at first. Finally, I was full of energy and "turned" 5 words in my head like an idiom dictionary. Our group won 5 points, surpassing groups 3 and 4, and finally won. Yes, the students in our group were very proud of themselves.

This game tells us that we must read more and accumulate more words.

Remember a Game Composition 2

Today we played a drum and pass game.

The game has officially begun. The drummer blindfolded his eyes and remembered the sound of the drum. The first person then passed the ball down. Everyone was concentrating on it. They were all afraid that the ball would stop at their own place and it was about to reach me. I was panicking in my heart: What if the ball stopped at my place? What should I do? The ball was passed over. After receiving the ball, I quickly passed it to the next person and then passed it down. The drumming stopped, please beg Chen Jingyi, her punishment is to sing or dance with her friends. She was singing and waving her hands vigorously, which was so funny.

The second round started, the drummer started clapping, and the ball was passed down one by one. The drum stopped and the ball stopped at Chen Xing's place. He chose number three. Seeing Teacher Fang's evil look, everyone knew It must not be a good thing. To everyone's surprise, they actually won the lottery and got three candies. Everyone yelled, he is so lucky!

The third round started again, the drum sound came to mind again, the ball was passed down, and it was me. The classmate in front of me hugged the ball tightly, and I grabbed it with all my strength. The ball was passed down one by one. The best ball was passed to Ma Binhang. He took the ball in his hand and never passed it to the next person. The next person was very anxious and couldn't grab it. He was about to pass it to The next person, suddenly the drumming stopped, he collapsed, dropped the ball, and went to accept the punishment obediently. His punishment is to imitate Zhu Bajie and eat watermelon.

This game is so fun.

Remember a Game Composition 3

In physical education class last Friday, we played the game of "Eagle Catching Chicken".

This game has been around since ancient times and everyone likes to play it. Some students like to be happy and cute chicks, and some students like to be hens that protect the chicks, but I like to be an eagle as always.

Some people may ask me why I like to be an eagle? Because I am as light as a swallow, with strong muscles, flexible and agile, and can make chickens faint. The winner in the end must be me - Ji Muge.

The game started, I quickly ran to the left, and the hen also ran to the left; I ran to the right again, and the hen also ran to the right. Suddenly, I suddenly changed my steps - I wanted to run to the left, but in fact I continued to run to the right. The hen didn't react, and the chicks ran around in confusion, chirping and shouting behind the mother hen...

The last chick was caught by my clever eagle before she could figure out which direction to run.

In pursuit of victory, the hens and chicks cannot be given a moment to breathe. I sprinted forward first and got under the hen's arm. The hen learned the lesson this time and suddenly turned around to save the poor chicks, but it was too late. I caught another chick.

Just follow this method, one, two, three.... After a while, I caught many chicks. This game is so fun!

"Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling..." The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and we returned to the classroom with excitement to enjoy the break between classes.

Remember a game composition 4

Ding Lingling, the get out of class bell rang, and the teacher and classmates were playing the game of "Eagle Catching Chicken" on the playground. Xiao Ming will be the eagle, the teacher will be the hen, and the other children will be the chicks.

The game begins. The eagle's eyes widened and he stared at the chicken fiercely. He pounces to the left for a while, and to the right for a while; the mother hen opens her arms, blocking to the left for a while, and to the right for a while. Seeing this, the eagle pretended to stand and rest. When the chicks relaxed, the eagle turned around, bypassed the hen, and pounced on the last chick. Seeing that the situation was not good, the mother chicken shouted loudly. Some of the chicks hid here and there; some called for their mother desperately; one was so frightened that it stood there in a daze. Seeing the opportunity, the eagle rushed over and caught the chick. The whole playground was filled with our laughter and we had a great time!

Remember a Game Composition 5

At noon on Monday, we held a fierce word solitaire competition in the classroom, and the students were very excited.

The teacher divided us into two groups. The first group was a group of 8 people represented by Peng Xiang, and the second group was a group of 8 people represented by me. The rules of the game are: the teacher designates a word and asks the students to pick it up. The word they pick up must bite the tail of the previous word. Within 5 minutes, whichever team picks up more words will win.

The first group started the competition. The teacher gave them the word "life". Zhai Xin immediately stood up and said: "Activities." The students in the first group were secretly happy. Li Qiling listened and said: "Verb." The other students said something to each other. After receiving Shi Hong's answer, they were stuck. The classmates were stunned and didn't know what to do. At this time, Peng Xiangbo stood up to break the deadlock and said, "Children." He won applause from the students. 21 words in total. Our group is envious.

It was our group's turn. The teacher pronounced the word "sound" to us, and Xiao Ding dinged it and said: "Sound." We were very happy. Zhou Xinxuan stood up and paused for a while. Yang Fan sarcastically said: "It's so easy, but you don't even know it." Zhou Xinxuan thought for a while and said: "Enjoy it." Li Qiling said: "The sound of the stereo is not enjoyment." The teacher said: "It can be said that it sounds homophonic." Li Qiling was speechless. The other students took over one by one, and they got stuck when they got to Xiao Zihao. There are 37 words in total. The first group was crestfallen, the second group was elated.

As a result, we won 37-21!

Remember a game composition 6

During the physical education class today, the teacher allowed us to move freely. I quickly called all my "strong buddies" together to discuss what game to play. Zhang Yeqi, who is known as the "smart star", suggested that we play eagle to catch chickens, and we all agreed. After everyone elected, I will be the chicken mother, and Chen Huanda and Zhu Minghang will be the eagles. I secretly made up my mind that no matter whether it was "going up a mountain of knives or going down a sea of ​​fire," I would not change my mind and must protect the chicken.

The game started, and the "chickens" lined up in a row and hid behind me, each in a panic, looking terrified. I opened my arms and stared at the eagle. "Chen Yingying" rushed over, he rushed left and right, and I was not to be outdone. I followed his pace and blocked left and right, without giving him any chance to take the "chicken" away. Just when I breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, Zhu Minghang Eagle also rushed over, forming a pincer attack on me. I was calm in the face of danger, saw through their ruse, and gave them a retreat before advancing. While watching their movements, I slowly retreated. Two eagles strode over, their eyes flashing fiercely. I hurriedly waved my arms, even headbutted and blocked them with my feet to stop them from attacking. After that, they split up and ran around. I had expected that they would attack in the east and west, so I quickly ordered the chickens: "Pay attention! Follow the command!" At this time, one of the eagles was outflanking me from the left, and the other was sneaking up from my right. I look to the left but not to the right. I said in my mouth: "No way! Let's disperse!" When I gave the order, the chicks ran away immediately, wow! They dispersed all of a sudden, and I kept clinging to the eagles. As time went by, the eagles couldn't bear it anymore. , the offensive obviously weakened, and I quickly called again: "Come back quickly! Hurry!" The chickens quickly lined up behind me. There was no fear on their faces. The eagles really didn't want to give up until they reached the Yellow River. They started whispering and conspiring again, and we also treated them seriously.

At this moment, the teacher asked us to run. The game was over. The eagles were empty-handed and gained nothing. We won! We laughed from ear to ear. Zhang Ye was even better at playing chess, and he said smoothly: "The eagle is flying, but it can't catch the chicken, so it has to eat garbage!" As soon as he finished speaking, we laughed even harder!

Remember a game composition 7

Today, it was raining outside and I couldn't go out to play. I felt too busy, so I wanted to play a game of "find things" with my parents.

After getting their consent, I said to them: "I went to hide something, these two building blocks." My parents said, "Okay, go ahead." After I walked into the big bedroom, I closed the door and went to hide the things. . I put them all in the pillow case. I came out and said to my father: "Hidden it. You look for it first. It's two-thirty now, the timer starts!" It was my father's turn to appear next. He walked into the room, looked around, searched here and there, and searched carefully. It was two thirty-three when he found it, and it took him three minutes. I went to hide the blocks again and said to my mother: "It's your turn, work hard. It's two forty now, the timer starts!" My mother walked into the room, only looking for a conspicuous place, but couldn't find it, and finally With my prompting, it took me seven minutes to find it. Now it's my turn to be the referee. I stood on the sofa and solemnly announced: "Dad took three minutes, mom took seven minutes, dad won! Get a sticker!" I put the sticker on dad's forehead. Then he and his mother applauded and congratulated his father. Dad danced happily.

The game is over, and I feel happy when I see my parents happy.

Remember a Game Composition 8

This afternoon, our group played the "throw the handkerchief" game.

The first person to appear was Zheng Hanchu, the humor king of this group. He held the "handkerchief" in his hand and waved it around, deliberately letting us not know who he was throwing it to. Sure enough, this trick was really effective. He quietly threw the "handkerchief" to Liu Jingnan. Liu Jingnan glanced at it and saw that he was still shaking it, so she thought the "handkerchief" was still in his hand. I "little cleverly" reminded him. Liu Jingnan, otherwise Zheng Hanchu would have to spin around for a few times!

Liu Jingnan did not catch up with Zheng Hanchu, and the "female general" in our group appeared. She walked around and touched Gao Qiu Shuang with the "handkerchief". Gao Qiu Shuang thought he had thrown the "handkerchief" to him, but when he looked back he found it was not. The next one touched Brother Tao but actually did not throw it to him. Then he touched it again. Touching Li Yanjiang, Li Yanjiang might have been thinking, "This is how Liu Jingnan teases everyone," so he didn't pay attention at all - but after a while, he still touched it uneasily. As expected - he was hit, and he quickly picked it up. Handkerchief" started to chase him. Seeing that he couldn't catch up, he hurriedly used his special skill "Lightning Wind", but it was too late. He just started running, and Liu Jingnan arrived.

"Super Funny Master" Li Yanjiang finally appears. I saw him taking big steps with a smile, waving the "handkerchief" in his hand very fast, as if he was about to throw the "handkerchief" out, and sure enough, he threw the "handkerchief" at Li Tianheng in an instant later. Li Tianheng reacted so quickly. He grabbed the "handkerchief" at lightning speed and ran after it, but - he still didn't catch it! I really want to tell Li Tianheng, your "throttle" is too small!

This "throw the handkerchief" game was really interesting, although it was also a bit tiring!

Remember a Game Composition 9

Everyone must have played many games and had a lot of happiness in their childhood, and there is a sweet spring in my source of happiness, which is playing "Eagle Catching Chickens".

One afternoon in the activity class, I suggested playing "Eagle Catching Chickens". Both the teacher and classmates agreed, so the teacher played eagle, and my classmates and I played guessing games, winning two out of three games, to decide who would be the hen. I won and took on the heavy responsibility of protecting the chicks.

The game has begun! At first, the eagle swayed its body around, trying to distract me, but this didn't work at all. I stared at the eagle intently. The eagle knew that this move didn't work, so he changed his move again. I thought to myself: What strange trick did the teacher come up with this time? I will definitely not back down, and I must protect my "chicken".

The "eagle" ran back and forth, and I ran with him. Suddenly, the eagle turned sharply, and the frightened "chickens" broke into two teams. In order to protect one team of chickens, I ran over. I didn't expect the eagle to be so cunning, and quickly ran to my other team of "chickens" to catch it. I had an idea and asked the "chicks" from the other team to grab my clothes, but the "dumb head" was still standing there motionless. This "chicken" has a life of slow movements and unresponsiveness. I wanted to go over and save him, but in this case, the team of "chickens" behind me would "die without a burial place," so I had to "leave my family behind to take care of everyone else." "Stupid" was caught.

However, the game is not over yet and I do my best to protect the other chicks. The teacher threatened me: "The planes in the sky and the chickens on the ground are no match for me." I replied: "The planes in the sky are bigger than the eagles, and the hens on the ground protect the chicks." The teacher had nothing to say. . Running and shouting like this, after a while, the chickens and I were panting and sweating profusely. However, I was not discouraged and continued to guard it like an old cow pulling a broken cart. The eagle couldn't hold on anymore and said with a smile: "I give up." He raised his hands and the students laughed happily, and the laughter spread far and wide.

The laughter and bells, accompanied by the footsteps of the classmates, interweave into the wonderful movement of childhood.

Remember a game composition 10

During the two days in Huaguoping, I experienced many fun and interesting things. Yesterday, we did bad things with good intentions. Today, we stopped doing good things and just started having fun.

He Yuejiu and I found a relatively large piece of snow, and he just took a stick there and "swept away thousands of armies like a mat", wasting a good piece of snow, so I divided the land with him and he played with his , I play mine.

I won't learn from him. I want to play a normal game - building a snowman. The traditional snowman building is too "outdated", so I have to innovate. Instead of building a big snowman, I build a small one like a bucket. I finally built a little snowman. He Yuejiu saw my snowman and ran towards me quickly. I stopped him. He was a little interested in the snowman, so he asked me to build it with him. This He Yuejiu was really difficult to make. At once!

He and I divided the work, he made the snowman's body, and I made the snowman's head. When I finished 5, when I looked at him again, he had already made 8 bodies. Although there were many, they were not efficient. Jia, it even has a rectangular body! I had to make 5 more bodies by myself, and he was watching me. I made 5 snowmen, and he picked up the stick and wanted to beat them. According to his logic, he said: "The snowmen are ready to be beaten, otherwise what's the use?" I asked him to build and beat them by himself. He never wanted to beat my snowmen. Now he finally built two ugly snowmen by himself. I was much more tired than him from the pile. After I had rolled the snowball, I still had to round it. He made the snowman directly, so my snowman was neater than his. I glanced at him and saw that he was hitting the snowmen, but the two sticks were gone. He might have felt tired of making snowmen, and he wanted to hit my 9 snowmen again. I couldn't defend myself, and the heads of the 9 snowmen were blown away by him. This would be very annoying to you, so I made countless snowballs to hit him.

This incident not only made the adults laugh, but also reminded me of what Cao Cao said to his son: "It is difficult to start a business, but even harder to keep it."

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Li Tianheng Where have you been? Remember a game composition 300 pictures 1

Introduction to Tianheng Accounting Firm

Li Tianheng, reporter and program host.

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What does Jian Dui Tianheng do?

Fade out
Chairman Li Dacai comprehensively summarized the original development intention and main structure of Jiandui Tianheng APP Mall. He emphasized: “Only when you have faith can you go far.” This is a comprehensive understanding of digitalization and the ecological business era.

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The above is all about Li Tianheng’s Where Did He Go? Memorize 300 Game Essays Once, as well as Li Tianheng’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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