
Contents of this article

  • 1.
  • 2. Writing essays for sixth graders
  • 3. Why isn’t Chasing Dreams of Youth Liu Ruiyang updated?
  • 4. Write a 600-word composition for sixth graders

Liu Ruiyang, Liu Duanyang send his wife to the airport: What is the name of the novel Mingzi Picture 1

Sixth grade essay writing

  No matter in study, work or life, everyone has come into contact with composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. How to write an essay to avoid making mistakes? The following is a sixth-grade writing composition that I compiled for you. You are welcome to share it.

Sixth grade writing composition 1

  There is a round crystal grape inlaid between the two thin single eyelids. The nose is not high, the face feels a bit plump, and the head behind the thick lenses is radiating love to you, with childlike eyes. This is the first impression Teacher Wang gave me at first sight. He will be our Chinese teacher.

  Naughty boy is very humorous

  Teacher Wang is also called Naughty Wang. He is very humorous. He was able to get along with us as soon as he came, which must be something other teachers cannot achieve.

  He always tells us jokes before class. The most popular joke is praising himself for being handsome... "Although the boys in your class are very handsome, they are still not as handsome as me. Hehe, Fang Yuxin, what are you laughing at?" , that’s right, but you have a beautiful smile.” This caused another round of laughter.

  The naughty boy is very angry

  Although the naughty boy is very humorous and easy to get close to people. But... when he was angry... the light waves emitted from behind his eyes were no longer loving, but turned into sharp swords. If you can hide as far as you can, it's better to hide as far away as possible!

  He put his hands on the podium: "I thought Shifu Primary School was a school full of talented people, but I didn't expect it to be so incompetent!" The teacher always said that the boys in our class were not masculine. Girls don’t look like girls either! On the surface, he is indeed scolding us, but we deeply know that he is doing it for our own good: to stimulate our fighting spirit, go to a good school, let us have a good future, and not take detours.

  In short, Teacher Wang is a sharp mouth but a tofu heart. He’s also a face-changing master, hey! This naughty boy. What? You do not believe? So, feel free to come to Class 6 (2) and have a look!

Sixth grade writing composition 2

  My good friend in my hometown was Zhang Xiaohu. He is seven years old this year. He has fair skin, a thin body, and two dimples when he smiles. He is very cute.

  In spring, in the park, golden spring flowers bloom on both sides of the road. He always likes to pick the long branches of jasmine flowers and weave them into beautiful garlands for me to wear on my head.

  In the summer, he often took me to the backyard to catch crabs. One day, the weather was fine, and he took me to the backyard to catch crabs. Because the last time I caught a crab, I accidentally pinched my hand with its big clip. This time, I didn't dare to catch it. He already knows that I don't dare to catch crabs and wants to raise crabs, so when he catches crabs, he always catches a few more for me to raise.

  In autumn, the backyard is full of dandelions. We often go to pick dandelions. You blow them, I blow them, and watch the little velvet flowers flying in the sky. We compete to see who can blow farther. We have a lot of fun!

  In winter, heavy snow falls like goose feathers, and there are many small snowflakes on the house, trees and ground. We called our parents out to build a snowman together. We sang, danced, and had snowball fights beside us. We were so happy!

  He is also very kind to me. Every time there is something delicious, he asks his mother to buy two portions, one for himself and one for me. He often invites me to his house to play!

  It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to my hometown. I really miss my good friends!

Sixth grade writing composition 3

  Grandma is the source of my happiness. You may find it very strange. Grandma, a person born in the 1950s, is separated from me, a person born in the 00s, not by a ditch, but by an ocean. So why does she become the source of my happiness? Many people must think that their grandma is very annoying and always likes to nag you. You must be very annoyed and don't have much affection for your grandma. But my grandma is different!

  On the contrary, I particularly enjoyed listening to her nagging. Because her nagging words are all good words, and every sentence speaks to my heart. I will never forget her teachings to me. Every sentence is always reasonable, and every sentence can tell me a truth. Her nagging also contains her full love for me. Every word is a memorial of love. Why don’t we cherish grandma’s nagging? They are very old, and it is common for them to like to nag. If one day grandma suddenly disappears, you will still feel very empty, because no one will continue to nag you and teach you. . Yes, sometimes I feel very annoyed, but as soon as I came into contact with grandma’s warm and loving eyes, I was stunned. What a great love that is...

  At that time, you might want to hear grandma’s teachings but not even hear them. So, now that grandma is still alive, why don’t we cherish grandma’s love for us? Never wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it...

Sixth grade writing composition 4

  Teacher, if I were the grass, you would be the spring rain; if I were the rainbow, you would be the vast sky. Teacher, I will never forget your patience, your praise and criticism. I remember that time, we went to the Glorious Academy to perform a show, and I was asked to sing on short notice. I was flattered at that time and thought, this will be a good show. When I got home, I started to memorize the lyrics and practice singing. However, that day I saw the wonderful performances of my classmates, and I felt an inexplicable sense of tension in my heart. When it came to me, my heart was pounding. I tried to relax myself. I stood in the middle of the stage and started singing. As I sang, I forgot the lyrics. I was so embarrassed that I really wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. , at this moment, I saw Teacher Li looking at me with a smile, and the encouraging and affirmative eyes seemed to say to me: "Don't be nervous, you will definitely sing well, come on!" At this time, those forgotten The lyrics came back to me. After singing, Teacher Li will take the lead in applauding. I am grateful to Teacher Li from the bottom of my heart. Teacher Li is also a storyteller, and often tells us stories, various stories, stories from his own childhood, stories in books, each story tells us a truth, for example: Only by growing your own food can you have endless food. It’s not enough to go all out for food, you have to do your best, etc. We never get tired of hearing about it. Yes, the teacher is Chunyu and the sky, and he is also our good teacher. Thank you, teacher, for your hard work!

Sixth grade writing composition 5

  Who is my favorite character? That person was my "brother" who grew up with me. Although we sometimes quarreled, it didn't take long before we fell in love with each other as usual.

  My brother is taller than my father. If his hair were longer, he would look a bit like a girl from a distance! My brother's hobby is a very important thing that needs to be used every day. This thing is-cooking. During the holidays, my brother cooks by himself. I have always wanted to learn how to cook from her, but I have never had time. Recently, I finally learned how to boil eggs. I am so happy! Sometimes when we play computer together, we will discuss things in the game and talk about some interesting things that happened in school. But sometimes we will quarrel and no one will talk. It feels so awkward.

  When I was young, in order to take care of my brother, my mother took him to the vegetable market to do business together. If my brother made a noise, my mother would scold him, so compared with me, my brother is more hard-working and hard-working than me. I still remember when I was young, my brother took me from the arcade in Laerfu to ring the bell in every house. Looking back on that time, I really felt that we were all so naughty. Now, we are no longer in the first or second grade. As children, we all learned our own strengths from each other. I learned "patience and tolerance" from my brother. For me, my brother is my best model student.

  Now my brother is attending night school. We go to school at different times and rarely have the time or opportunity to see him, so now I feel very happy whenever I can see him because I haven't seen him for a long time. I think people who have older brothers are really happy.

Sixth grade essay writing 6

  There are many people who are worthy of admiration in life and study. Some of them work in obscurity, some lend a helping hand when others encounter difficulties, and some still... Among so many people, he is the one I admire the most.

  That day, he transferred to our class, and we became friends in a short time. We often play together on weekends. After that incident, I admired him.

  It was a Sunday morning and I was playing with my friends, including him of course. We were playing happily, running, jumping and making trouble together. After a while, everyone was tired. A friend suggested sitting on a bench for a while. Everyone said happily: "Okay!" They sat on the bench and talked about what just happened. Suddenly, a friend spilled the water he brought and filled the bench with water. We didn't pay attention. After sitting for a while, we went to play again.

  After a while, an old man came. He walked toward the bench tremblingly on crutches. His hands were shaking, making it look like he might fall down at any time. My friend saw the old man walking with difficulty and immediately rushed to the bench. Seeing this move, I thought: "Is he going to occupy the bench? If so, I will never play with him again." When he got to the bench, he took out the toilet paper he had brought with him and wiped us dry. The water spilled on the bench ran to the old man again and helped him sit on the bench. The old man immediately beamed and asked, "What's your name, young man?" What a good boy, thank you! But he said: "You're welcome, grandpa, this is what I should do." Since then, he has become the person I admire the most. I want to learn from him and be a caring person.

Sixth grade writing composition 7

  The light bulbs in the corridor have been broken for a week, and no one has come to repair them, which has caused great inconvenience to the neighbors.

  It was the lightbulb on the first floor that was broken. Every neighbor would pass by and know that the lightbulb was broken. It was dark when I came back from school every day, and I had to move my car upstairs. The lightbulb on the first floor was broken and I couldn’t see the stairs. Besides, the days were short and the consequences of stepping on the stairs were disastrous. When I went upstairs to buy groceries, I dropped them. The consequences would be disastrous. I think we children can bear that, but the old man can't. Therefore, the problem of lights cannot be underestimated!

  This mismatched brother is in the third grade of junior high school this year. Two days ago, I heard him move the car upstairs and accidentally missed it. When he pushed the car up the stairs, it fell down. It must have broken down.

  Fortunately, the new Uncle Li realized this problem. He spent his own money to buy a light bulb last night and took the risk to repair the light bulb. Maybe all the neighbors don’t know which kind person fixed the light bulb. Maybe they think that this matter has nothing to do with them. Anyway, it was not me who broke it. Maybe some people think that it is my responsibility to fix the light bulb. It’s like someone living on the first floor. No need for light bulbs...

  These are not baseless assumptions; this is the selfish mentality that is prevalent among people today.

  On the other hand, Uncle Li had just moved here a few months ago and didn't know much about the situation. But he thinks that since he is a member of this community and lives here, he has the obligation to deal with it. But those people who usually seem to be rich and drive nice cars are reluctant to spend a single dollar to buy light bulbs. Shouldn't they feel ashamed?

  When people live in the world, they must compare their hearts with their own hearts. Only by giving up can one be virtuous. There is nothing gained if you don't pay, but you can get respect from people by giving up two dollars. Why not do it?

Sixth grade essay writing 8

  I'm free today, and it's rare that I'm in a good mood. I would like to introduce myself to you. Let you know me.

  My name is Duan Niannian, a sixth-grade student. I am just average. I like to enjoy the scenery alone. Of course, it is okay to have a few friends. I like red, red like blood. Because I have gone through many ups and downs, my heart has long been broken. Even though I am dead, I still have the hope of success. Red is the color of my heart. Sometimes I am always lack of energy, so I think about my red color, and imagine that my withered and dead heart is filled with red, so I start again. Got a new life. Now that I'm older, it's very funny when I think about it. Now I am used to using music to fill my lonely heart.

  I mature very quickly. When I was in third grade, I had a crush on a boy, but now that I think about it, I find him disgusting. I have two good friends, they are classmates, best friends, and sisters. They all have a very unique name. One is: Tian Na. She is just like her name. She always surprises people when she does things, and then she always screams. Come: Oh my God, what happened. One is called Lin Feiyang. She likes fantasy just like me, but she is more realistic than me. She always sprints towards the end of the goal. She always thinks about flying in the blue sky. She always does irregular things. The so-called flying against the wind is true. Lin Feiyang always faces strong winds and flies against the wind.

  In the eyes of others, I have a sense of justice, love, and sensibleness, but I am a bit naughty girl who looks like a boy. I always pester my best friends to play basketball, trying to beat the arrogant boys, but I always lose. , because they are more than 10 people challenging 34 of our girls.

  Everyone should know something about my character, inner..., this is the end of my introduction, please add 27xxxxxxxx

  I look forward to being friends with you all.

Sixth grade writing composition 9

  Six years of primary school is the most unforgettable stage of study and life for me. It is in this wonderful study life that I have my most unforgettable classmates. Personally, apart from studying, I love playing basketball the most. Of course, the most memorable ones are those "basketball friends".

  Holding the ball, he drives it through the midfield, and with the other hand he directs the players to stretch, move, and pass the ball just right. This is my "iron buddy", point guard Jiang Xiaotian. I work best with him. We have a very tacit understanding, so we created our own combination "Man Tian", and his cooperation with me is perfect every time. We were both known as "invincible".

  The key boss appears! Every critical free throw is accurate, and he is born to be a key player. During the Wujiagang District primary school basketball game, he helped us defeat Dagongqiao Primary School and advance to the semi-finals. Normally it would be difficult for him to score one or two goals out of ten. He is so crucial - Zhu Yusheng. The rebounding king makes his debut! Li Guo jumped up high, grabbed the basketball sliding in the air, clapped his hands, and shouted loudly. Seeing this scene, there were only two words: "handsome. strong." He relied on those two strong muscles to run rampant in the team, and few people could stop his crazy behavior.

  Of course, the strong man is Liu Ruiyang, the son of "Ao Pang". His face is full of flesh, and he looks fat, but he actually has a lot of muscles. If he removes the fat from his body, he will be left with muscles that will make you stunned! That's called "muscular handsome man". That's what he calls the real version of rampage. He can knock you flying so far in one go. You have to know that his fist is a hammer, and you don't dare to face him head-on when he goes for a layup. These are the most unforgettable "basketball friends" in my elementary school. We are together, and championship is no longer a dream.

Sixth grade essay writing 10

  My mother is tall, with fair skin, a pair of bright eyes and a pair of glasses, and she looks very elegant. However, due to overwork, the mother, who is only in her thirties, has premature wrinkles appearing at the corners of her eyes, and her silver hair is also particularly conspicuous.

  My mother is a kind and caring person, and she is also a serious and responsible person at work. I remember one time, for work reasons, as soon as my mother entered the house, she took out the USB flash drive, inserted it into the computer, and started working without even eating dinner. There was my mother's favorite TV series to watch in the evening, but she didn't watch it because her hands were tired and she didn't take a break. I watched my mother thinking hard for a while, and typing something into the computer for a while. Until I was about to go to bed, my mother was still busy in front of the computer. She said to me: "Okay, you go to bed first. One of my colleagues didn't come today, but he still has a lot of work. I want to take care of his work." Take it over and do it.” After hearing what my mother said, I was really happy that I had such a mother who worked hard at work and was still busy after returning home. Lying in bed, I was still thinking that if I had the same attitude towards study as my mother towards work, my grades would definitely be very good.

  It was already very late when my mother finished her work, and she still had to do housework! When doing housework, I always do it quietly, for fear of waking up sleeping people. While doing housework, she cleaned every corner without leaving a speck of dust. I remember my mother said: Housework is also a kind of work, it is the work of the family, and it must be done seriously. If you don't do it seriously, it is better not to do it. Therefore, no matter what you do, you cannot do it carelessly. You must do it seriously so that you will not make mistakes or omissions.

  In the morning, while I was still sleeping, a familiar voice sounded, "Zheng, it's time to get up. I'll put breakfast on the table for you." My familiar mother went to work, and a new day began again.

Sixth grade essay writing 11

  My sister is cute, loves to cry, and is a little greedy.

  She has a pair of big, watery eyes, so clear that it seems like she can see how blue the sky is and how white the clouds are. Her nose is slightly flat and her mouth is a bit thin. It is said that people with thin lips can hurt others with their words, but she is just the opposite. The words she speaks are as soft and sweet as marshmallows. The most special thing is her big earlobes, which are no bigger than my thumb. They are just like the earlobes of the kind Tathagata Buddha. I often hear that people with big earlobes are blessed, which often reminds me of the scene where she shows off in front of me all day long. So cute!

  But don’t look at how cute she is, she also knows how to cry!

  I still remember one morning, when I was still immersed in a sweet dream, my sister suddenly burst into tears, like a burst of thunder, waking me up. I asked in a daze: "What's wrong...?" I saw my sister said aggrievedly: "Grandma... Grandma... is gone... Wuwu..." I said dumbfounded: "Grandma went to the fields, wait. I'll be back soon, don't cry." Unexpectedly, my sister not only ignored me, but cried even louder. Now she was in trouble. She couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. I had to rack my brains to coax her, but I couldn't help but look at the room. The top was almost knocked off, but it was no use.

  At this time, I was hungry and wanted to eat something. Suddenly, the word "eat" popped out of my mind. I asked my sister, "How about we go buy something to eat?" She immediately cleared up her tears and snot, and said "Okay!" In order for my sister not to cry, I reluctantly took out the pocket money that I had finally saved. After I finished shopping, I said to her, "You are such a snack. Stop crying. Do you hear me?" Then she agreed with a smile.

  My sister is such a weird and cute little elf!

Sixth grade essay writing 12

  I have a favorite relative. Do you know who my favorite relative is? That's my dad. He is tall, has a red face, a high nose, and bright eyes.

  I remember one day, it was raining heavily outside and the wind was blowing. I wore rain boots to school, but they were too small. My toes hurt so much that I had to sit on a chair and couldn't play with my classmates. I could only limp and call my dad and say, "These rain boots are too small. Can you bring me the travel shoes? I'll wait for you in the classroom, okay? Goodbye, dad." ." I went back to the classroom and waited patiently for my father to deliver the sneakers. After a while, my father came to the classroom. He was soaked all over. I thought: It might have happened to be raining heavily when my father gave me my travel shoes. I said to my father with concern: "Dad, do you have a cold? Are you okay? Dad." Dad said to me: "You don't have to worry about me anymore. Didn't you say that your feet hurt when you wear rain boots? Then put on the rain boots." Change into your travel shoes, goodbye." I reluctantly let my father go. Looking at my father's back, I felt that his back became taller.

  This is my dad. Do you think he is a kind and kind dad?

Sixth grade essay writing 13

  Maternal love is like a lamp that illuminates the path of life for us; maternal love is like an umbrella that protects us from wind and rain; maternal love is like a ray of warm winter sun that warms our hearts.

  My mother is very beautiful. Her eyes are watery, as clear as the sky, and her eyelashes are thick and long, like soft green grass growing on the bank of a stream. The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and it looks beautiful! Especially the mouth, which is small, like newly bloomed rose petals, and seems to exude a faint rose fragrance.

  My mother pays great attention to whether the house is tidy or clean. Once, there was some dust in the living room. My mother noticed it when she came back from get off work. Without saying a word, she picked up the broom and wiped away the dust without a trace.

  My mother pays most attention to me. During dinner, if I said anything, she would give me a sharp look as a warning. If I continued to talk, she would take my job away without mercy. She would not return my job until I realized my mistake and stopped talking.

  Once, I suddenly fainted during a physical education class in my school. The teacher touched my head and called my mother quickly: "Mother Sirui, Lu Sirui had a fever after a heat stroke and now he has fainted!" After my mother learned of the situation, Come take me home immediately. After I got home, I lay on the bed. My mother quickly brought a basin, cold water and a dry towel. She sat next to me, wetted the dry towel with cold water, and gently placed it on my head. I felt a lot better all of a sudden. . I don’t know how long it took, but when I felt like I was no longer dizzy, I had already had dinner. My nose gets sore when I think about my mother doing the same thing over and over again. I finally understood the meaning of the sentence "I have pity on the hearts of parents all over the world."

  It’s great to have a mother’s child!

  Mom, I love you!

Sixth grade essay writing 14

  My mother is not tall and looks like a real laborer. She also has a pair of small eyes that are eager to see people, which is enough to make people afraid. She has a talkative mouth that always nags me.

  In the past few months, my mother was always lying in bed, extremely sleepy. If she was usually hardworking, she would have started working long ago. This puzzled me.

  One night, when I was sleeping in a daze, I seemed to feel a ray of light passing through my eyelids and shining on my hazy eyes. I opened my eyes slightly and saw a very familiar figure under the dazzling light, eh. ? Isn't that mom? She seemed to be covering me with a quilt, and her eyes seemed to be working hard for something. But due to the heavy sleepiness, I quickly fell asleep again. This is when I understood that the reason my mother was so confused every morning was because of me.

  The next morning, I was getting ready to go to school. I only took a few bites of food and prepared to go out regardless of my hunger. I remember when I was about to open the door and set off, my mother started talking again. She called out: "Ruyi (my little one)" (name), it’s very cold today, wear more clothes, and drink more water, don’t be thirsty!” You may think this is just some boring discipline, but it is also full of great maternal love in the world. , is a true portrayal of how most mothers care for their children.

  Look, this is my mother.

  Grade 6, Zengcheng Yingcai School, Guangzhou, Guangdong: Shunfan

Sixth grade essay writing 15

  When talking about my classmate Li Mian, her classmates all call her the "bragging king" in the class. This nickname is well deserved for her. You see, she has a pair of big bright eyes, a small nose, and a small and exquisite mouth. This mouth can blow you to heaven and earth, it is omnipotent. Let’s give you a taste of the “braggart king”. One hot summer day, I went to Li Mian's house to play, and her restless mouth opened up again: "Believe it or not, we eat nine pieces of watermelon, and after eating, there are ten pieces of watermelon rind. ""How can it be? Braggart, why did you brag again? "Don't believe in the bet!" "I don't believe it, I just ate the watermelon. After eating, ten pieces of watermelon rind suddenly appeared miraculously. Li Mian said proudly: "How is it? am I right? "I asked in surprise: "What's going on? "The Bragging King" said: "I cut the watermelon according to the word 'well', so doesn't the middle piece have two pieces of skin?" ""oh! "It dawned on me. The "bragging king" is indeed a "bragging king". Look, she started "bragging" with me again during class: "You know what? There are so many stars in the sky! The earth is in the solar system, the solar system is an extremely inconspicuous small galaxy in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is as small as a grain of sand in the desert in the vast universe..." I said: "Bragger, how is this possible? ? The Milky Way is very, very big! The classmate next to him also said: "Bragging king, you are bragging again!" "Afterwards, I asked the nature teacher, and she said what was said in it was absolutely correct. Look, the "boasting king" in our class is very good at bragging, right? She has so much knowledge, I must learn from her and become a "braggart" in my studies.

  Sixth grade: Cui Yining

Liu Ruiyang, Liu Duanyang send his wife to the airport: What is the name of the novel Mingzi Picture 2

Why is Liu Ruiyang not updating "Chasing Dreams of Youth"?

Internet problem. Chasing Dreams of Youth mainly tells the story that nine out of ten people's lives will not go as they wish. A bumpy life and legendary experiences can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes. Even so, an ordinary person, a common man, must have ideals and pursuits. Liu Ruiyang's "Chasing Dreams of Youth" has not been updated due to network problems. The title of the book is not only full of the sweat of the county's cadres and masses, as well as the teachers and students of No. 1 Middle School, but is indeed written by everyone - Hebei cultural celebrities, former director of the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture, Shijiazhuang City Comrade Li Jiuyuan, former director of the Education Commission, wrote the inscription with great affection.

Liu Ruiyang, Liu Duanyang send his wife to the airport: What is the name of the novel Mingzi Picture 3

A 600-word composition for sixth graders

  Many people have had the experience of writing essays in study, work or life, and they are all familiar with essays. With the help of essays, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. I believe that many friends are very troubled by writing essays. Below is a composition I compiled for sixth graders. You are welcome to read it. I hope you will like it.

Writing composition for sixth grade 1

  You are the same when you are happy, innocent and cute; you are the same when you are sad and depraved, making people heartbroken; you are the same when you are crazy, very funny... But no matter what you look like , are all my favorite looks.

  Do you still remember the happy times we had together, do you still remember your vows to me, do you still remember the you before...

  The you before was happy and carefree, but what about now?

  I hope you can think carefully for me. No matter what the outcome is, at least we have beautiful memories to cherish.

  Do you remember the sadness I felt when I told you about breaking up for the first time, and how scared and worried I was when I saw you angry? I wonder if you heard that my heart was also crying and breaking.

  You like to laugh, quarrel, and play with me after class. I don’t know when, but I have gradually come to rely on you. I can’t bear to see you talking and laughing with other girls, because I feel like you are so naive, maybe you really don’t belong to me...

  There is no way, I am not suitable for you in the first place. You should find a good student with both good character and academic performance, not an annoying girl like me...

  When I first came to this school, my first impression of you was that you were too lawless, but I didn't ask why and directly labeled you "lawless". Now that I think about it, I feel really sorry for you.

  Now, I am no longer the naive me I used to be. I have also become a scheming girl. So, you don't have to force yourself to say you love me. It's enough for me to stay alone in this lonely world, and you don't need to get involved.

  Time flies, and we are about to graduate from elementary school in a blink of an eye. I just hope that I can go to the same school as you, even if we are not in the same class. I hope you can understand my heart...

  Han Ziheng, please listen to me. You must get a good score for me during the exam, otherwise I will look good on you! In short, you know my temper!

Writing essay for sixth grade 2

  Don’t think that “doctors” can only be adults. We also have several doctors in our class. If you don’t believe it, you’ve seen the knowledgeable “Dr. Chen”

  Dr. Chen - Jiejie! Every time the teacher asked him about extracurricular knowledge, he always answered fluently (the word "don't know" must not be found in his dictionary).

  Once, Teacher Yang asked us to prepare information about Zhan Tianyou and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. In the second week, everyone was struggling to memorize the information. I was also recalling the information I had memorized, secretly thinking proudly that my information must be the most and the best. At this time, Jiejie was playing the game leisurely. During class, Jiejie raised his hand to speak and fluently introduced Zhan Tianyou and the background of the times... After listening to his speech, I couldn't help but give a thumbs up in my heart.

  The talented "Dr. Chiang"

  Dr. Jiang——Yi Yi, Yi Yi is very knowledgeable about literature. As long as you ask him a literary question, he will not only answer your question, but also tell you his views on literature without asking any questions. (Sometimes I think he is a bit narcissistic. Help me. Keep it a secret, don’t tell it.)

  Once, he wrote an argumentative essay (oh my god, he is only in the fifth grade and he can write an argumentative essay. This level is too high)! What is written in it is that he believes that Mr. Lu Xun's criticism of feudal society is inappropriate. Dr. Jiang believes that although feudal society was not good, it made China a country of etiquette.

  These are the doctors in our class. By the way, I almost forgot that there are also the knowledgeable Dr. Deng and the silent Dr. Xu... With them, our classmates in Class 6 (4) have learned more and richer things. Knowledge.

Writing composition for sixth grade 3

  A pair of round, bright eyes, a tall nose, and a small cherry mouth! Beautiful, this is my sister.

  My sister has many advantages, but she loves beauty too much.

  I remember that night, our family was going to the mall for shopping. Before leaving, my sister pulled me into the room. She opened the closet door, and colorful clothes immediately appeared in front of me! My sister pointed at the clothes and asked me to help her choose the most beautiful one! We were about to leave, how could I still think about helping her choose? I randomly pointed out a dark red dress to my sister. My sister put on the crimson dress and looked at it carefully in front of the mirror. I thought I had passed the test of getting dressed, but my sister suddenly frowned and said, "No! The color of this skirt makes me look a bit old! I must change it!" After that, my sister got on her horse and took out a dress from the closet. A pink dress. After putting it on, my sister turned around in front of the mirror a few times, smiled with satisfaction, and said to herself: "It feels so good to wear a pink dress! It's so romantic!" I breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed the test!

  I told my sister to leave quickly, but she still walked to the dressing cabinet, picked up the perfume and sprayed it on her body, then combed her hair in a hurry, took out the hairpin she just bought yesterday and decorated it, looking at it from front to back and left to right. Once, my sister left the dressing cabinet and walked out. Just when she was about to walk out of the room, my sister suddenly turned her head and said, "It seems I haven't washed my facial cleanser yet!" I quickly lied: "No! Sister, you have washed it today! Have you forgotten?" I remember! Not yet! You want to harm me!" My sister shouted at me. I thought to myself: I have to wait at least ten more minutes now!

  I saw my sister first getting some water on her face, then applying facial cleanser, and gently rubbing it on her face... After more than ten minutes, my sister washed the facial cleanser off her face and walked out of the bathroom! "I feel so good after dressing up!" my sister said as she walked out of the room...

  Everyone has a love for beauty! But, sister, your love for beauty is too strong!

Writing composition for sixth grade 4

  Hello! My name is Li Xunyi. My parents gave me this name in the hope that I could become a real person.

  Although I have not won as many awards as others, I have been working hard, but in the end, there is no result. My grades were high and low, very unstable. When I encounter setbacks, I always feel as if a knife has been wiped in my heart.

  During class, I had very little time to observe discipline. Sometimes, I would talk to the classmates next to me, or else I would make small moves on the table or in the drawer. I know this is a shortcoming, and now I am working hard to correct it.

  When I study, I am relatively lazy. When doing homework, I sometimes get lazy: I just do the questions I want to do, and I don’t do the questions I don’t want to do. Despite this, I have to get rid of my laziness! I am more playful, but I am not as playful as someone who is very playful. I just play for a while and then study seriously. My mood is also easy to let go: I started laughing, but when I felt I shouldn’t laugh, I stopped laughing. I won't gloat or frame others, I just speak too directly.

  Others always bully me and scold me, but I endure it. I don't even get angry, and if I do, it's just fake. I didn't have many friends in school, just a few friends at most. I would rather cry alone in the corner than play with classmates who have poor academic performance, are troublesome, and are hated by the teacher.

  I have few advantages: I am a soprano, and I can always sing better than others when I sing at a high pitch; I love to help others, whether my classmates, friends, family or strangers, I can help them because, I feel like I don’t care whether they thank me or not. I just care that I helped others today and that I am happy.

  I, a girl with average grades, a bit lazy and helpful, will eventually become a good student, I cheer for myself!

Writing composition for sixth grade 5

  I have many teachers who have taught me for two or three years, or for one semester or one academic year. But I still admire the teacher who only taught me for a week.

  When I was in fourth grade, my grades dropped, so I found a tutor. Her surname is Liu, and I call her Teacher Xiao Liu. Her face was kind, and her eyes were a transparent, pure brown, just like herself. With her short hair, she looks particularly friendly, just like her mother. She especially loved children and treated the students she taught as if they were her own children.

  One day, she was in class with me and helped me with my homework. Suddenly a problem stood in front of me. Although math questions are my strength, this question was a bit unusual. The questions were densely packed with many twists and turns, making it difficult to extract the known conditions from the question stem. This made me slowly put down my pen, frowned, and fell into meditation.

  Teacher Xiao Liu was considerate and seemed to have noticed my predicament. She pulled her chair away a little, moved closer to the topic, and asked me if I understood. I shook my head helplessly, and she grabbed a pen and wrote on the scratch paper. The calculations started. I saw her patiently explaining to me while waving her pen. She also used gestures to explain the meaning of the question more clearly: "Look, this condition here is not actually related to the question formula. , so it can be converted into necessary conditions to make up for each part of the formula." As she said that, she drew a line segment diagram and marked the meaning of the title. "After solving the problem, you can look at the line segment diagram. It is even more concise. Easy to understand!" Soon, the question slowly revealed its true form one by one, and I was able to easily overcome it. After talking, she listed other "variations" with the same method but different forms, which made me fully understand this type of question. Maybe it can help me win a point or two in future Mathematical Olympiads!

  After Teacher Xiao Liu summarized, he took a breath and felt a little dry. However, he still looked at my other questions and made sure there was nothing wrong. Then he walked away and drank a glass of water.

  It's a pity that not long after I invited her here, she went home because of something and stopped teaching. But I was deeply impressed by her. Even though she only taught me for a week, she was the most respectable teacher I thought.

Writing composition for sixth grade 6

  As soon as I stepped into the school gate, I saw the taut face of the old guard. There seemed to be frost that had not melted for thousands of years, which made people shudder. I couldn't help but touch the school badge, looked down at the school uniform, and then slowly Went in slowly.

  I don’t know how old the janitor at our school is, but he’s not young at all, and I don’t even know his name.

  Regardless of wind, frost, rain or snow, he always stood upright at the school gate, performing his duties expressionlessly. He was not allowed to enter easily without wearing a school badge or uniform. If you think you can escape his unsharp eyes by sneaking into the school gate, "disaster" is coming. "Stop!" came a rough yell. You could only stop your steps and watch him walk over angrily in fear. "Which class are you in? Where are the school uniforms? Register! Hurry! Did you hear me? I'm talking about you!"

  At this time, you can only register obediently and be prepared to face the "storm" of the class teacher. Many people secretly cursed this hateful doorman for this.

  Humph, what’s so great about him, isn’t he just a doorman? How much salary do you get per month? Is it necessary to do this...

  It was a rainy day, and I was shivering with cold all the way from home. There are very few pedestrians on the road - compared to the wind, rain and cold, people still prefer to stay in a warm home.

  As soon as I entered the school, I saw that familiar figure again: a police uniform, not tall, a tight face, and... a cold face.

  He put one hand on his side and held up a black umbrella with the other hand, still in the same position. The rain slid down the black umbrella and dripped onto the ground. The place where he stood was dry, but there was a circle of dripping rainwater around him... He had been standing there for a long time, right?

  His wrinkled face was calm, and his small eyes were still scanning the passing students quickly. Suddenly my heart felt hot and I walked past him in a hurry.

  If it weren't for this "cold" doorman, I might still have the problem of being careless, and maybe I still have the bad habit of being late and lazy; maybe it's not just me, but many people are complaining about his silent dedication. But now, I want to say loudly: "How lovely and respectable this unknown doorman is!"

Writing composition for sixth grade 7

  Li Ming and I have been good friends since childhood, and we are good friends who talk about everything. We went to school together and went home together. Because of this friendship, we can withstand big storms and resolve big conflicts.

  That day, we played with the small wooden boat we had worked so hard to make in the handicraft group, and Chen Ming accidentally broke mine. Now I was furious, thinking that this was the culmination of two weeks of hard work! Then he got into an argument, during which Chen Ming stepped on me, which made me even more angry. I snatched his little wooden boat and threw it to the ground with anger.

  " could you do this!"

  The blood in my whole body was boiling, and I almost bit my lip to suppress my angry feelings. "You broke me first!" I said confidently.

  "I...I was careless, and you were...yes"

  "Me? What am I? Isn't it right to pay a wooden boat for a wooden boat?" I asked when I saw that he was incoherent.

  "Humph! You have nothing to say!"

  Suddenly, he was speechless and silent, with despair in his eyes. At this time, I put down my words harshly: "I think our friends have nothing to do anymore!" His face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes dimmed, just like a clear sky suddenly covered with dark clouds.

  On the way home, my steps were heavy for some reason. I remembered what I said to Chen Ming in the morning, and I couldn't help but regret it. In fact, what I said at that time was just angry words, and it wasn't that I really didn't want to be friends with him. Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it now.

  On the third day, I felt empty in my heart, as if I had endured a dose of Chinese medicine and had an indescribable bitter taste. I looked at his empty seat, full of melancholy. I wanted to apologize, but then I thought about it, it was too shameful.

  But after he asked me out in the afternoon, I blamed myself even more

  In the playground, Chen Ming said to me with a smile: "Come and see you off, I hope we can make peace!"

  "Chen Ming" I was surprised.

  My nose felt sore and my vision was blurred. We hugged each other tightly...

Writing composition for sixth grade 8

  Six years of primary school is the most unforgettable stage of study and life for me. It is in this wonderful study life that I have my most unforgettable classmates. Personally, apart from studying, I love playing basketball the most. Of course, the most memorable ones are those "basketball friends".

  Holding the ball, he drives it through the midfield, and with the other hand he directs the players to stretch, move, and pass the ball just right. This is my "iron buddy", point guard Jiang Xiaotian. I work best with him. We have a very tacit understanding, so we created our own combination "Man Tian", and his cooperation with me is perfect every time. We were both known as "invincible".

  The key boss appears! Every critical free throw is accurate, and he is born to be a key player. During the Wujiagang District primary school basketball game, he helped us defeat Dagongqiao Primary School and advance to the semi-finals. Normally it would be difficult for him to score one or two goals out of ten. He is so crucial - Zhu Yusheng. The rebounding king makes his debut! Li Guo jumped up high, grabbed the basketball sliding in the air, clapped his hands, and shouted loudly. Seeing this scene, there were only two words: "handsome. strong." He relied on those two strong muscles to run rampant in the team, and few people could stop his crazy behavior.

  Of course, the strong man is Liu Ruiyang, the son of "Ao Pang". His face is full of flesh, and he looks fat, but he actually has a lot of muscles. If he removes the fat from his body, he will be left with muscles that will make you stunned! That's called "muscular handsome man". That's what he calls the real version of rampage. He can knock you flying so far in one go. You have to know that his fist is a hammer, and you don't dare to face him head-on when he goes for a layup. These are the most unforgettable "basketball friends" in my elementary school. We are together, and championship is no longer a dream.

Writing composition for sixth grade 9

  "Learn the spring silkworms to spin silk without interruption, and make candles to illuminate the roads." Over the past thousands of years, how many people have compared teachers to spring silkworms and candles. Through her painstaking efforts and selfless dedication, how many flowers of the motherland have become Kyushu The pillar of China! Who can know how much sweat and tears it contains. Perhaps the teacher's white hair and wrinkles are the best witness.

  Teachers are the communicators of human civilization. On the one hand, teachers supervise our learning, and on the other hand, they teach us how to be a good person. But the group of people in our class always make the teacher angry, making the teacher one head and two big. In politics class today, the teacher asked us a few simple questions: How many hours do teachers usually work a day? . . What tasks does a teacher usually have to complete in a day? ...Few students in the class could answer these simple questions. Teachers don’t just go to class and play all day long. In fact, teachers work 24 hours a day. In addition to going to class every day, I also spend a little time playing on the computer. One day I have to deal with what happens in class every day and have to hold group meetings. The rest of the time is spent preparing lessons or correcting homework. If a parent calls the teacher after school and says that his or her child has not returned home yet, the teacher cannot say that he will deal with it tomorrow. He will still go to the classroom to take a look, and even after get off work, he will rush to the school to take a look.

  The teacher silently dedicates himself to every student and devotes his efforts. And some are "stubborn" and just disobedient. Although the teacher will be angry, he will still think about what will happen to them in the future. Teachers play an irreplaceable role in our growth.

  At this time, I really want to say loudly to my classmates: When we embrace success and enjoy the joy, don’t forget that our teachers have devoted their youth and sweat. We have no reason not to be grateful to our teachers. Finally, let us sincerely say: "Thank you!"

Writing composition for sixth grade 10

  There is a person deep in my memory. She has flat eyebrows, a pair of captivating big eyes, and a faint warmth deep in her eyes. Under the proud nose is a pair of slightly pouty cherry lips.

  She has fair skin and is very comfortable to look at. Her big waves make her look particularly charming. She always wears red clothes. If you don't pay attention, you would think she is a little goblin who accidentally escaped from the goblin kingdom. !

  However, she impressed me deeply because her angelic side infected me.

  That day, two people came downstairs and knelt down to beg others for some money so they could treat their seriously ill mother. I was deeply touched after reading it, but past experience tells me that this is definitely a professional fraud.

  So I leaned aside quietly and said nothing. From 13:00 to 14:00, only a few people gave some money, while the people next to me started whispering.

  I can't help but wonder what's going on in this world and why everyone turns a blind eye. However, I have no right to blame them because I am also one of them.

  Suddenly, a charming figure broke into my sight, and the man readily gave the two people a stack of one hundred.

  People around her said that this woman was so stupid that she didn’t even know she had been deceived by others. I was thinking the same thing at the time, but the woman's next words touched me deeply.

  The woman said: "If they are really in need, I will do my best. If they are liars, then I will be a good person for once and help this place return to a pure land."

  After saying that, the woman turned around and left proudly. I saw those two people collecting their money and running away. I thought, this is indeed a liar!

  But for some reason, more than 2 years have passed, and even though I have never seen her again, I still remember her voice, smile, and even what she said that day clearly.

  That man gave me the philosophy of life: when you are deceived, you should also be grateful. At least you have bought a piece of pure land here.

  That person...

  What an angel! She not only gave that place a piece of pure land, but also opened up a piece of pure land in my heart.

Writing essay for sixth grade 11

  A pair of bright eyes, although it is only a single eyelid; a cute mouth, although it has thick lips; a rosy face, which is both warm and charitable. Although she is not very good-looking, her weight in my heart is immeasurable. This is my dad.

  People often say: "Mother's love is the sunshine in March, warming the children; mother's love is like the stars and the sun in the sky, looking at us all the time..." But let me say, father's love is greater than mother's love, If maternal love is the sunshine in March, then father's love will be the clear water in June, washing away your heat; if maternal love is like the stars and the sun in the sky, then I think father's love will be a "cow", or a "horse" Horse", working hard without complaint.

  One week before I entered junior high school, I received the admission notice from the school, "Classmate Sun Qi, you have been successfully admitted to Qi County No. 1 Middle School. Please..." I became angry as soon as I received the admission notice. , I don’t want to go to No. 1 Middle School, I want to go to No. 2 Middle School, hum. So I told my parents my idea, and my mother said, "Whatever you want!" But my father didn't. He said seriously, "Why don't you want to go to No. 1 Middle School? Your middle school is a good and big school. Where can I go?" Okay?" He said eloquently: "Who said No. 1 Middle School is a good school? They only focus on high school and not junior high school. It's not good at all!" In this way, my father agreed to let me go to No. 2 Middle School.

  My mother only said that I would go to No. 2 Middle School, but she didn't do anything to satisfy me; but Dad didn't do it because our family had some relationship with the principal of No. 2 Middle School, so he worked all day long on my affairs. Most of the time is spent on my going to No. 2 Middle School and other things of his own. Because of this, he often doesn't come home all day long. He does this every day, getting up early and working late at night, working hard on my studies...

  It's not that I blame my mother for not asking me about things, but because my father does pay much more than my mother. Now, my father still makes money every day, supports me in school, and spends time with me... I am now proud that I have a great father! ! ! !

Writing composition for sixth grade 12

  Looking at the sunset, I couldn't help but think of him.

  He was about fifteen years old, very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was also well-spoken and neatly dressed. The only drawback is his nose, which is flat.

  It is said that when he was a child, he had a high fever and was not treated in time, which caused his originally high IQ to drop a lot. He was silly and loved to laugh. I asked one of his friends: "He is so stupid, why is he so eloquent? Why are you willing to be his friend?" I looked at him who was studying not far away with a sneer. My voice was not loud, but my words were clear. He must have heard it, but he just raised his head slightly and continued reading "One Hundred Thousand Whys·Creatures".

  His friend also glanced at him, and then said in a serious and admiring voice: "He works very hard."

  I never knew his name from beginning to end. I only knew that this person was the brother of one of my friends, Xinxin. She complained to me: "My brother works hard but has a hard time learning. I have to teach him scrambled egg rice for a long time! I really I want to say he is stupid.”

  "Your brother's friends all admire him and say, 'He works very hard.'" I said.

  She smiled after hearing this: "Yes, this is the only thing I'm proud of him for."

  I couldn't help but look at him in the corner. The wooden table with peeling paint was in sharp contrast to the beautiful cartoon desk next to it. He was sitting behind the wooden table, reading "Red Jackal" with relish. He made the wooden table himself and painted it himself. He had used it for several years and still couldn't bear to throw it away.

  I walked in the sunset.

  "Jing'er, it's time for us to go, school is about to start." Mom said to me and put the hat on my head. He didn't come, only Xinxin followed me.

  The car moved. I sat in the back seat and looked back. Xinxin was waving his hands with red eyes. He ran out from nowhere and watched me go quietly. His plaid top was fluttering gently in the wind, highlighting his fair face. . The afterglow of the setting sun gilded him with gold. He was like the sun, shining on me with his courageous spirit and his broad mind.

Writing composition for sixth grade 13

  My cousin is 7 years old this year, but she is not very tall. She looks like a bean sprout, so we affectionately call her "Little Bean Sprout".

  My cousin is very cute, with short ear-length hair, light eyebrows, and a pair of big round eyes embedded in her childish face. She is our "little emperor".

  That time, when we were guests at my cousin's house, my aunt made a humorous joke and said: "The little bean sprouts will be in the second grade this year, but they can't grow taller. They look like bean sprouts. People think they are in the first grade." "The new student!" After hearing this, we couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  At this time, my cousin ran out of the room angrily, crossed her arms, crossed her feet into an "eight" shape, glared, and shouted loudly: "Who said being short is bad! Being short is not stupid!" Being short means being small and exquisite!" It turned out that my cousin refused to accept this cruel "reality", so everyone laughed even harder, and the laughter seemed to shake the house down.

  The cousin was stunned at first and pouted. She started to get angry and saw tears welling up in her eyes. Sure enough, my cousin was a drunkard in bed - sitting on the ground, kicking her legs, shaking her arms, and started crying. Everyone saw the cousin's posture and felt that the situation was not good, so they hurriedly coaxed her. She cried and screamed, until her voice became hoarse and her eyes were red from crying, like a peach. At this time, My aunt quickly said: "Our little bean sprouts are not short at all, we are just joking." After hearing this, my cousin turned up, trailed two runny noses, grinned, and looked for his friends happily. I went to play and looked at it, and I couldn't help but think of the emperors in ancient times - do whatever you want without being offended, and our little bean sprouts are the "little emperors" of our family, leading us "common people".

  This is my cute little cousin, the "little emperor" of our family.

   Sixth grade: Ye Sitong

Writing essay for sixth grade 14

  Teacher Zhang is the Mathematical Olympiad teacher in my interest class. She is knowledgeable and has rich teaching experience. Her classes are always so relaxed, lively, lively and interesting. I especially love listening to her review classes. She is always so funny, humorous and eye-catching.

  Teacher Zhang has a very cheerful and lively personality. She likes to read and draw with us, talk with us and learn about our studies in school. If we study well, Teacher Zhang will be happy for us; if we study poorly, she will patiently guide you. If there are questions that we often get wrong, she will ask to copy them in the wrong question book, so that we will not make mistakes next time we encounter such questions. .

  Teacher Zhang is not only a good teacher, but also a kind and good mother. Once, after class, I told my classmates that I came to class without having breakfast. Teacher Zhang heard this and asked me to follow her to the office. She took out a box of bread from the drawer and said to me: "Wang Siqian, take this bread away! The teacher doesn't want to eat it, so I'll give it to you!" I didn't resist. Resisting the temptation of food, he brought the bread and was about to leave the office. Teacher Zhang said: "Girl, you have to finish breakfast before going to school."

  Another time, when my classmates and I were playing the "Ding Ding Mouse Against the Wall" game, I accidentally bumped my nose against the wall and immediately got a nosebleed. After hearing this, Teacher Zhang immediately helped me to the hospital. On the way, she wiped my nosebleed and told me jokes to make me forget the pain. When my mother came to pick me up, Teacher Zhang kept blaming herself for not looking at her and us, and reminded her to pay attention to my physical condition. The next day, he personally came to tutor me on what I talked about yesterday.

  This is Teacher Zhang. Do you think she is beautiful?

Writing composition for sixth grade 15

  I am honored that I live in a very civilized community, its name is "Guitang". Here, civilized events can be seen everywhere!

  Just on April 10 this year, I passed by the Guitang River and saw the middle school brothers and sisters, teachers and parents picking up garbage along the river. The riverside they had cleaned was so beautiful, with only green little ones on the bank. Grass and small shrubs were trimmed like works of art. The river water was crystal clear and calm like a mirror. Everything on the shore was reflected in the water, forming a high-definition blockbuster! A few years ago, the Guitang River was still sighing. The Guitang River is so clear now, and this incredible change is thanks to the government's policy of promoting civilization and hygiene.

  Fire safety is of course very important. If the fire burns down the prosperity of the city, then it will be useless no matter how civilized it is! I often see firefighters conducting fire drills in Hanmo New Buildings. Every firefighter is very serious, as if they are really Just like a fire! Fire awareness should be grasped from an early age, just like our school holds a fire drill every month. Last month we also used smoke bombs. The teachers taught us how to use fire extinguishers and the signs of escape. During every fire drill, every student rushed down as quickly as possible in an orderly manner because it was not crowded. So everyone "escaped" smoothly.

  Being civilized and polite permeates every corner. Now, when taking the bus, everyone will take the initiative to give up their seats, and the car has become very warm. Regardless of wind or rain, there are traffic policemen directing every intersection. Vehicles on all sides strictly abide by traffic rules and even give way to crowded crowds! No one throws garbage out of the car window anymore, the roads are clean and hygienic, and the roadside greening is very green. Well, the air is very fresh!

  Although our city and community are already very civilized, we must maintain civilized good habits and make our Guitang community the "big brother" among civilized communities. Let us build a beautiful home together and share a happy and healthy life. Life!

Liu Ruiyang, Liu Duanyang send his wife to the airport: What is the name of the novel Mingzi Picture 4

The above is all about Liu Ruiyang, Liu Duanyang Sends His Wife to the Airport: What is the name of the novel, as well as Liu Ruiyang's related content, I hope it can help you.

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