
Contents of this article

  • 1. Fifth grade autumn outing composition
  • 2.Same Song Chinese-Korean Song Contest 2002
  • 3. List of all singers in Treasure Singer
  • 4. Who is Lin Yi’s wife among the school belle’s personal bodyguards?

Fifth grade autumn outing composition

In daily study, work and life, everyone will come into contact with composition more or less. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. So how is a general composition written? The following are 6 essays on autumn outings for fifth graders that I compiled. They are for reference only. I hope they can help everyone.

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 1

In the golden autumn, wild fruits are fragrant and cinnamon is lingering. There is a hint of coolness in the air, which adds to the unique charm of autumn. The cool autumn wind blows on the body, blowing away the impetuousness in the heart, making people relaxed and happy. On this crisp autumn day, we, Class 5 (3), took the bus together for an autumn outing to the Botanical Garden.

At 8:35, we lined up to gather at the playground. I followed my classmates one by one out of the playground and out of the school gate. When we arrived at the gate of the community, we got on the bus. The bus started, and I was chatting with Chen Ruizhe, who was sitting next to me, while reading a book. Soon we arrived at the destination of our autumn trip - the Botanical Garden.

The botanical garden is full of trees, green grass and picturesque scenery. We entered the botanical garden and walked on the stone road, lined with spruce and camphor trees. There are many Ophiopogon japonicus growing on the ground, and there are some fallen leaves on the ground.

Although there are no bright flowers in the botanical garden now, these tall trees add a quiet, elegant atmosphere to the botanical garden, and it is also a good place to read under the trees.

The entire botanical garden is full of life.

After turning a few corners, we came to a piece of green grass. We had a picnic here, the teacher assigned an area for us, and then the class dispersed. I was in a group with classmates You Chen, Wang Yiduo, Chen Ruizhe and others. The classmates gathered in small groups and spread the floor mats in a hurry. We also laid the floor mats, took off our shoes and schoolbags, and eagerly ate the food we brought. share. Wang Yiduo's sushi is the most delicious, I've eaten several of them.

Later, we played a game. Mou Ziyan and I played throwing sticks. Kuang Zheyi, Kuang Zheyao and Lin Keyue found a mushroom. Many students ran around, and laughter and laughter filled the botanical garden.

Finally, the teacher announced the gathering, and we had to wait in line reluctantly. After gathering, we also visited an exhibition of Han Meilin's art works. Unfortunately, the works inside were too abstract and I couldn't understand them.

I like autumn outing activities. It can not only enhance the relationship between classmates, but also relax the mood, get close to nature, and taste the craftsmanship of mothers. It’s great!

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 2

Today, our school organized us to go to Baihe Garden for an autumn outing. The theme of this autumn outing was a barbecue!

Early in the morning, we came to school excitedly carrying the food we had prepared. After eating the recess meal, we set off. We lined up in a long line and walked step by step towards Baihe Garden! Because I want to learn the "Red Army's Long March"! As we walked along, we saw a lot of scenery!

There are green seedlings, tall poplar trees, etc...

After walking for about a few kilometers, we finally arrived at our destination - White Crane Garden. We slowly walked into the White Crane Garden, and suddenly our eyes lit up, wow! So beautiful! There are cockscombs, pine trees, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees inside! We came to a green lawn and sat next to the oven. Everyone in our group took out the food they had brought, including chicken, pork, chicken wings, ham, beef, etc... Two classmates from our group carried We started the oven and carefully took out the charcoal step by step. After a while, the two of them brought back the hot oven and brought a few barbecue forks. We took out our food skewers and grilled them. Fork it, then put it on the oven to bake. What I grilled was pork. I picked up the pork skewers with chopsticks and put them on the barbecue fork. Then I greased them with oil and put them on the oven to bake. I waited patiently. After a while, the pork on the oven turned from red to red. When it turned pale, I added a little more oyster sauce and soy sauce to it, then put it on and roasted it for a while. After a while, the pork was cooked and gave off an attractive aroma. The aroma was simply indescribable. I gently I took a bite and wow! It’s so delicious! It tastes fragrant and refreshing! While I tasted the delicacies baked by myself, I admired the charming scenery of Baihe Garden! After eating the roast pork, I roasted a lot of delicious things, including roasted corn, roasted chicken wings, roasted ham, etc...

When I was full, I played with my classmates for a while. Unexpectedly, the teacher said that we were ready to leave and asked us to pack up our things quickly and pick up the garbage. As soon as we heard this, we took action one after another, picking up garbage and tidying up things. After a while, we had all the garbage on the lawn. After all the picking, the lawn looks brand new again! We lined up and reluctantly left the White Crane Garden!

This year’s autumn outing is so fun! Although I walked a long way and was very tired, I still felt very happy! This is really a happy autumn outing!

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 3

About 13 kilometers northwest from the center of Hangzhou is Liangzhu Town, Yuhang District. It is an ordinary town, but a discovery made by Mr. Shi Xingeng, a Liangzhu native, in 1936 made this beautiful and poetic name more famous. It is well known to everyone, and Liangzhu has become famous since then. This discovery is the "Liangzhu Culture". In order to let more people have a deeper understanding of Liangzhu culture, a Liangzhu Culture Museum was presented to the world in 1992. Now, the new museum has been built, so we took advantage of the autumn mood to come to this sacred land for our annual autumn outing.

After getting out of the car, we rushed into the museum as if we were catching a plane. "ah! --""Wow! ——” “This is simply great!” "With excitement and excitement, we visited this museum carefully. The outer walls of this big thing are all made of yellow travertine. From a distance, it looks like jade, but up close, it feels very mysterious. Stepping into the door, the white walls are bright and spacious, and it looks like a pleasure. We continued walking inside, and the light yellow floor under our feet turned into a large piece of glass. Under the glass was a three-dimensional model of the entire Hangzhou city; the white wall in front of us turned into a large electronic display screen, showing a map of Liangzhu; The ceiling above me also changed, from white to emerald green. Only then did I realize that we had entered the first exhibition hall - "Discovering and Seeking Truth". Then there is a dark passage, not long, with several cultural relics placed, like a time and space tunnel, taking us to the era when Liangzhu culture was just discovered. Inside is the statue of Mr. Shi Xingeng, the discoverer of Liangzhu culture, and his introduction. Going further inside, this exhibition hall introduces in detail the entire process from the discovery of Liangzhu culture to the present. It displays the tools used by archaeologists and many unearthed cultural relics, as well as statues and electronic displays where archaeologists excavated cultural relics. The second exhibition hall "Liangzhu Ancient Country" tells the formation of Liangzhu culture and other cultures affected by it. Walking into the third exhibition hall, many models of Liangzhu people's life are displayed, including farming, pottery making, building houses, etc. There is also a virtual archeology room and an interactive game room. The most popular one is Cinema 4D. We all went to "play" it!

After the visit, we went to have a picnic and play on the green lawn. I brought steakburgers and fruit salad to our group. Everyone sat around on the tablecloth, talking and laughing, and were very happy. After dinner, some of us played game consoles, some listened to music, some ran around the museum, and some took pictures everywhere. Before we knew it, it was afternoon and we had to say goodbye to it. Everyone packed up their things and reluctantly got on the bus, ending this wonderful autumn outing.

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 4

On Thursday, we ushered in the happiest day - autumn outing. We are going to the zoo, which is my favorite place.

We gathered together and took the bus to the zoo. First, we took a group photo together at the gate, and then came to the rare bird museum. There are many birds in the rare bird museum, such as toucans, macaws, golden pheasants... The reason why the toucan is called this is because its beak is surprisingly large, and its body is also very colorful, with a little red. Blue and yellow, black with a little orange, yellow with a little blue and black... The toucan in front of us has black shiny black hair, oily and smooth, and it really feels like being touched.

Then, we came to the Acrobatic Hall. Before we could sit down, a tall black bear was at the performance venue. After we sat down, we saw three very low iron supports that almost touched the ground. Unexpectedly, as soon as the black bear leaned over, he got into it. After passing the three stands, we cheered loudly and clapped our hands, thinking that the black bear's performance was over. However, the keeper came back after giving the black bear some food. He also rode a small bicycle and circled around the performance venue, wiggling his buttocks and making the classmates laugh. The black bear slowly The ground stopped and bowed to everyone, and we burst into applause. At this time, the iron hoop in the air in the performance venue slowly hung down, and a beautiful big sister appeared. She held the hoop in her hand and turned it twice. The hoop slowly pulled her upwards. In the process of pulling up, I did a lot of beautiful and difficult movements, like a graceful fairy dancing in the air.

After the show, we went to the Sea Lion Pavilion. The sea lion "Little One" is very cute, with short and smooth fur and a round head. It performed many shows for us, and the "diving" part was my favorite. Following the trainer's command, it nimbly slid into the water, first made a fish leap, and just as it jumped out of the water, its fat body slipped into the water again, and then jumped out of the water again, in the air. It did a "front somersault" action. Its movements were very flexible, and it didn't look cumbersome on land at all. After the first diving performance, everyone was shouting "one more", but it shook its head firmly and cutely, probably because our applause was not warm enough, so everyone applauded again, but it still shook its head, and we Everyone said many sweet words, but it couldn't resist and finally performed again. After watching the sea lion performance, we came to Monkey Mountain and saw some monkeys jumping up and down on the rockery, some eating apples given by tourists, and some sleeping lazily in caves.

After the tour, each class began free activities. Our class found an open space, and everyone sat down and started to replenish energy. After eating, the teacher taught us a game - unlocking the hand lock. We, a group of female students, started to solve the problem according to the teacher's instructions, but we couldn't solve it for a long time. Finally, we unlocked the hand lock after the teacher's reminder.

The zoo is so big. We don’t have time to see all the animals. We will come with our parents next time when we have the opportunity. Through this visit to these cute and precious animals, we should all pay more attention to protecting and caring for animals in the future.

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 5

Today, the wind is sunny and the autumn air is crisp. Our school organizes students to go to Hengshan for an autumn outing.

We took the bus to our destination in separate classes. On the way, we saw golden waves in the rice sea, which was a good harvest scene. Ah! The harvest season is coming, and we cheered in unison.

Twenty minutes later, we finally arrived at our destination. Look, the lush bamboo forest blocks out the sky and the sun. The river water is crystal clear and reflects the green bamboo. It is really picturesque and pleasant.

The activity started. Some of us played games, some sang, some danced, and some played badminton... The program was colorful and the students had a great time.

The sun went down, and we reluctantly left the bamboo forest that made us linger.

Ah! What a beautiful autumn!

Fifth Grade Autumn Outing Composition Part 6

Today, the sun is shining and the weather is fine. We are excited to welcome the annual autumn outing.

In the early morning, when the sky was still bright, the teacher emphasized a few things to pay attention to, and then we set off. A whole mighty team of us walked on the street - the destination of our autumn outing was a field in Qiahu Village. When I was crossing the Qiahu Bridge, the bridge was swaying under my feet and I was a little scared. At this time, I was attracted by the scenery on the lake - a thin mist appeared on the lake, like a layer of pure white gauze; the mountains and water in the distance were looming against the gauze, forming a It's such a hazy beauty, as if after a while a fairy in white clothes and green gauze will descend from the sky and dance softly in the gauze.

After arriving at the destination, I spread the kraft paper on a field, put my backpack on the kraft paper, and went to collect firewood. Chen Shenxuan and the others were responsible for moving the barbecue grill to the field and setting it up. The others washed their hands and Stringing food and gathering firewood. I looked around here and there, and found a few branches, and gave them to Chen Shenxuan. Chen Shenxuan looked like he was very knowledgeable about barbecue grills. Set up.

After I found the branches, I washed my hands and prepared to string food. I took out the bamboo skewers and skewered the washed leeks one by one on the bamboo skewers. While skewering, I happily dreamed: "Hey! You can eat grilled leeks soon! I don't know how it tastes." I Five leeks were skewered on a bamboo stick. When Chen Shenxuan came and asked me to give him the skewered food, I immediately gave it to him. After I skewered the leeks, I went to eat something, and then skewered the sausages. The sausages were easy to skewer, just put the bamboo skewer through the center of the sausage. I finished skewering sausages and plan to go

To see how Chen Shenxuan and the others were grilling the food, I walked over and saw that Liu Xinyan’s hands were all black. He was putting the charcoal on the grill one by one with his hands. Chen Shenxuan was grilling the leeks on the grill. , I looked at the leeks with envy. It was brushed with barbecue sauce and oil, and it looked like it should taste pretty good. At this time, I saw some leeks on the plate next to me, so I asked the classmate next to me, "Are these leeks ready to be roasted?" "Well, okay, you can taste it first." I couldn't wait to hear the classmate's answer. I picked up a leek with my chopsticks and put it into my mouth, "Yeah, yeah! It's delicious! It's just that the white part of the leek doesn't seem to be very cooked." So I picked up another leek, and as soon as I put it in my mouth, I felt a taste in my mouth. Ripples, this taste is vivid, seems to be the taste of love! Suddenly, I couldn't eat it anymore, so I spit it into a garbage bag and said to Chen Shenxuan and the others: "Bah! The leeks you roasted are not cooked! They are raw and taste terrible! Chen Shenxuan and the others ignored me, so I plan to re-bake it myself.

I poured the food on the plate onto the iron plate, picked here and there with my chopsticks, and all of a sudden the charcoal ran out. I said to Liu Xinyan, the "carburizer": "Liu Xinyan, there is no charcoal, add charcoal quickly!" Liu Xinyan took a few pieces of carbon from the carbon bag and put them on the barbecue grill. After a while, the heat rushed to my face. My face suddenly became very hot, so I had to move my face to other places to cool down. After the leeks were roasted, I took the leeks to other students to eat, but I didn’t eat them myself. Because I am really disgusted with the taste of raw leeks, and I am afraid that I will eat another raw leek. I don’t want to eat that taste again. I remember I asked a classmate how the leeks tasted and she said: "It's okay, not bad." Hearing this, I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it didn't taste bad, otherwise I would have been warmed by the heat in vain.

Ready to go back. The teacher asked us to clean up the garbage of each group and then go back after lining up. I held the parasol above my head and walked slowly. Suddenly I saw many small trees on the terraces.

There are at least thousands of ducks, and each one is as white as snow. From a distance, it looks like the fields are covered with a layer of white snow, which is very beautiful.

Autumn Outing - Thank you for giving me such an interesting experience!

Liu Xin Apple, list of all singers. and all songs of the singer Picture 1

The Same Song Chinese and Korean Song Contest 2002

I think you are talking about wonder girls and they sing NOBODY
◆SUN YE Name: Min Sun Ye (leader)
Stage name: SUN YE
Nickname: zoki, squad, Min leader
Korean writing: 민선예
Hometown: Busan (Gangwon Province) (currently living in Seoul)
Education: Dongguk University (will enter in 2009)
Birthday: August 12, 1989
Constellation: Leo
Height /Weight: 162CM/45KG
Blood type: Type A
Debut album: 2007 Wonder Girls 1st album "The Wonder Begins"
Hobbies: movies, music, sports
Favorite singers: Beyonce, 이루마
Favorite actors: Johnny Depp, Jessica Alba
Favorite colors: sky blue, cyan
Favorite food: Tteokbokki, ice cream
Favorite drink: 17 Tea
Close friend: Younha
Practice time: five years and six months
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality: easy-going, gentle
Religious belief: Christianity
Motto: Just do it and you will succeed
Ideal type: Someone who is upright and responsible and goes to church
Most common expression: Dimples
Fan Cafe: JYP Sunye Fan Cafe Sweet
Captain of Wonder Girls . In 2001, he entered JYP through a TV audition under the JYP Young Talent Project. The trainee with the longest training at JYP, he participated in a comedy drama before his debut. I have a strong foundation in Chinese and have studied Chinese for two years. There is a Chinese CY on who can chat with Chinese fans in Chinese. She has been training in JYP for 7 years and is a kind and strong little girl.
◆YE EUN Name: Park Ye-eun
Stage name: YE EUN
Nickname: Oppa, Ms. Park, Queen
Korean writing: 박예은
Hometown: Seoul
Education: Kyung Hee University Post Mordern Music Department (currently studying)
Date of birth: May 26, 1989
Constellation: Gemini
Height/weight: 165CM/47KG
Blood type: AB
Debut album: 2007 Wonder Girls 1st Album "The Wonder Begins"
Hobbies: Music, reading, reading character books
Specialties: Singing
Favorite singers: Lauryn Hill, Aretha Franklin, 소향
Favorite color: Green grass
Favorite food: Sixi rice
Close friend: Younha (younha)
Ideal type: an upright person
Practice time: three months
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality traits: generous, tolerant
Religious belief: Christianity
Most common expression: Smiling like a little fox
Fan Ca fe: JYP Wonder Girls Park Ye-eun reveals the No. 1 Fan Cafe, One Heart
The last member to join Wonder Girls before their debut. Fans nicknamed her OPPA because her personality is similar to that of a boy. She has many sister fans and has excellent academic performance. Before his debut, he formed a band with his friends and was the lead singer. Xiao Pu's joining is legendary. According to HF, the five Wonder Girls were originally planned. I don’t know why the original member quit, so Xiaopu became a very strong singer.
◆Name: Sun Mi SUN MI
Stage name: SUN MI
Nicknames: Four Dimensions, Pump, Xiaomei, Sun Sunmi (Sohee), Hualu, 선마
Korean name: 선미
Hometown: Gyeongju (Cheongdan County)
Birthday: May 2, 1992
Constellation: Taurus
Height/Weight: 164CM/43KG
Blood type: AB
Debut album: 2007 Wonder Girls 1st Album "The Wonder Begins"
Hobbies: Photography, Earth Science
Specialty: Expression Changing
Favorite Singer: Beyonce, Rain
Favorite Actor: Song Qianghu
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: fruit salad, udon noodles
Close friend: Ahn So-hee
Religious belief: Christianity
Practice time: one year and six months
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality characteristics: Simple, convulsive (rated as the second best Korean star in the fourth dimension)
Ideal type: a boy with chocolate abs
Most common expression: confused, dissociated , giggle
Fan Cafe:Wonde r Girls Sunmi Love Mi
participated in SM audition in 2005. Later, he moved to JYP as a trainee, joined the Wonder Girls training program, and finally debuted as a member. It was very difficult during Xiaomei's training period because her home was far away from the company and she had to attend classes. Training progress was slow during this period. Being compared to other members, I must have shed a lot of tears secretly. Xiaomei's thinking is very dimensional, and she likes to study astronomy and geography at a young age. According to Team Breaking News, always talk to yourself. She is a very hot little girl.
◆SO HEE Name: An So Hee
Stage name: SO HEE
Nicknames: Steamed buns, pom-poms (taken by Sunmi), An kid, Mr. An, 안소 (안쏘)
Korean writing: 안소희
Hometown: Gwangju (now living in Seoul)
Birthday: June 27, 1992
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height/weight: 163CM/43KG
Blood type: AB
Debut album : 2007 Wonder Girls 1st album "The Wonder Begins"
Hobbies: movies, music, reading, sleeping
Specialties: Taekwondo
Favorite singers: Beyonce, Alicia keys, Rain, 임정희
Most Favorite actor: Jeon Do-yeon
Favorite color: pink
Favorite food: rice, Korean food
Close friend: Sunmi
Religious belief: Buddhism
Practicing time: two years and zero Two months
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality traits: Introverted, cute
Ideal type: Boys with beautiful hands
Most common expressions: Often bulging cheeks, wandering eyes during interviews .
Fan Cafe: JYP Wonder Girls Ahn So Hee reveals the No. 1 Fancafe WLA
The youngest member of Wonder Girls is a quiet girl. Due to her young age, during many years of training, her mother always accompanied So Hee to and from work and home. Finally, After her mother learned about the friendship between Wonder Girls and So Hee, she let the grown-up So Hee come and go to the company by herself and moved into the dormitory. So Hee, because of her bun face and cute personality, captain Sun Ye changed her nickname to "Steamed Bun". From then on, An Zhaoxi became a little mantou. Zhaoxi didn't like to talk, but in fact he was just quiet. She was afraid of strangers and shy, so she did not speak much during the interviews. But our cute little bun is quirky. I am already very happy to have the love and care of my Wonder Girls sisters.
So Hee’s action of holding a bun in her hands in “TELL ME” caused many artists to imitate it. Even Kim Heechul said that he was So Hee’s fan and even registered an account on So Hee’s official website.
◆YOO BIN Name: Jin Yubin
Stage name: YOO BIN
Nickname: Xiao U, Yu Bi nyong
Korean writing: 김유빈
Hometown: Gwangju Metropolitan City (Jollabuk-do)
Birthday date: October 4, 1988
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height/weight: 163CM/45KG
Blood type: Type O
Debut album: 2007 Wonder Girls 1st album "The Wonder Years"
Specialties: swimming, skiing
Hobbies: discussing after watching movies, collecting CDs
Favorite food: salad, sashimi, green apples
Religious belief: Christianity
Close friend: Yin River (younha)
Practice time: two years
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality traits: cheerful, handsome
Ideal type: someone who takes everything seriously
Most common Expression: Always smiling cheerfully (boyish)
Fan Cafe: Jin Yubin Love For You
A new member of Wonder Girls. Participated in Shinhwa's "Once in a lifetime" MV. Was a member of "Five Girls". But in the end, I transferred to JYP and passed the assessment to enter Wonder Girls. Although she looks cool, my sister is actually very cute and silly. I used to be afraid that I would not be accepted by the fans, but I feel very happy when I hear the cheers of the fans on the comeback stage. A powerful rapper among the Wonder Girls, a big sister loved by fans, a sister who works hard to practice rap even in her free time. On my birthday, I was treated coldly by the members, and I stood aside feeling uncomfortable. When he walked out of the door, he saw that the members had already prepared a birthday party. At this time, Yubin started to cry. The hugs and love from the members are her greatest gifts. They are all good sisters who love and care for each other. The length of time you have been together does not matter, as long as it is a true friendship and you can feel each other.
HYUN A◆Name: Kim Hyuna (retired member)
Stage name: HYUN A
Nicknames: Mustang, Xiaoma, Xiaoya
Korean writing: 김현아
Education: Korean Art High School
Birthday date: June 6, 1992
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height/weight: 163CM/45KG
Blood type: Type O
Debut album: 2007 Wonder Girls 1st album "The Wonder Begins"
Hobbies: cooking, fashion design, photography, watching movies
Favorite singers: Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls, Rain, UN
Favorite color: yellow
Practice time: three years and one Moon
Language expertise: Korean, Chinese
Personality traits: Explosive, childish
Most common expression: An expression of enjoyment on stage
Fan Cafe: She is more charming than a flower - HyunA
Retired member of Wonder Girls. His dancing ability is first-rate. Although he looks tough, he is also a child who loves to withdraw from coquettishness. No matter how bad my health is, I still don’t say it out loud so as not to worry anyone. I fainted many times during practice without letting my family know. Finally, after recording "Music Center", he fainted backstage and was sent to the hospital. Finally asked to quit Wonder Girls to recuperate, poor pony finally quit the team. Wonderful launched a signature campaign online, but unfortunately the company issued a statement that Ma will never return to the team. Pony, Wonderful's heart will always feel pain. In the eyes of Wonderful and Wonder Girls members, Pony will always be a member of Wonder Girls. Pony must take good care of himself.

Liu Xin Apple, list of all singers. And pictures of all the singer’s songs 2

List of all singers of Treasure Singer

Cai Guoquan music collection

Link: ***/s/1G0rI5FUK7B6qXG4u3my03g

  Extraction code: bwg1 

Terence Choi, born in Hong Kong, China on December 26, 1953, is a male singer, musician and actor in Hong Kong, China.

In 1984, the Cantonese album "I Will Love You in My Life" was released. In 1986, the EP "Lighting Torch" was released.  [1]  In 1988, he released the Cantonese album "Towards the Future".  [2]  After 1990, he retired to work behind the scenes.  [3]  In 1998, the Cantonese album "Create My Songs 32" was released. In 2003, the Cantonese albums "Material Love" and "Goodbye Maybe Never Again" were released. The Mandarin album "Sing in Your Ears" was released on August 2, 2007. The Mandarin album "Dream Prophecy" was released on May 6, 2008.

Liu Xin Apple, list of all singers. And all songs of the singer Picture 3

Liu Xin Apple, list of all singers. And all songs of the singer Figure 4

Who is Lin Yi's wife among the school belle's personal bodyguards?

Apple 6s because the system is the 9 system. I remember the first one was Apple 6, so 2-3-4 are all 6s.

Liu Xin Apple, list of all singers and all songs of the singer Figure 5

The above is about Liu Xinping, the list of all singers, and the complete content of all the songs of the singer, as well as Liu Xinping related content. I hope it can help you.

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