
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to get from Shanghai Stadium to Zhiye Zen Temple, Lane 2900, Guangfulin Road
  • 2. Liu Siyuan’s English name
  • 3. What are the current theories about the origin of human beings?
  • 4. Where are the main places where fossils of late Homo sapiens were found in China?

How to get from Shanghai Stadium to Zhiye Zen Temple at 2900 Guangfulin Road

Bus line: Metro Line 4 → Metro Line 9 → Songjiang Road 20, the total distance is about 44.4 kilometers

1. Take Metro Line 4 from Shanghai Stadium, go through 1 stop, and arrive at Yishan Road Station

2. Walk about 310 meters and transfer to Metro Line 9

3. Take Metro Line 9, go through 12 stations, and arrive at Songjiang Xincheng Station

4. Walk about 470 meters to Songjiang New Town Subway Station

5. Take Songjiang No. 20, go through 15 stops, and arrive at Wenjun Road Dingsheng Road Station

6. Walk about 830 meters to Lane 2900 Guangfulin Road

Liu Siyuan's English name

Jerome Jerong

What are the current theories about the origin of humankind?

What are the new theories about human origins?
The myth of God’s creation of man:
(1) The Australian myth of man’s creation is this: The creator Pound-Jel cut three large pieces of bark with his big knife. He put some soil on top of a piece and mixed the mud with his knife. Then he placed a portion of the mud on top of another piece of bark, creating a human shape. He made the feet first, then the legs, then the body, arms, and head. In this way, he made a man on each of the two pieces of bark. He was very satisfied with the two men, so he took the fibrous bark from the tree, made it into hair, and glued it to the head of the clay man. superior. Then he lay on top of them and blew air into their mouths, nostrils and navels. The little people immediately started to move and jumped around the god.
(2) The Dayaks living in Borneo said: There was a great god named Sarapande. The god ordered him to come to the earth to create humans. He first created a stone man, but the stone man could not speak. , was abandoned. He built another iron man, and the tongue of this iron man was harder than that of the stone man. The gods were very dissatisfied. The third time, Sarapandai made a clay figurine. The clay figurine was very spiritual and began to speak as soon as it was built. The god was very happy and said, "The man you made can do it." Let him be the ancestor of mankind, and you must create others like him. "
(3) The myth of the Shilluk people living in the White Nile River in Africa says: The creator Joe Ok decided to create humans. He picked up a piece of soil and said to himself: I will create humans, but he must be able to He can walk and run and work in the fields, so I will give him two long legs, like a flamingo. After doing this, he thought again: Man must be able to plant his millet, so I will give him two arms, one hand to hold the shovel and the other to pull the weeds. So he gave the man two arms. According to this idea, he successively installed two eyes, a mouth, a tongue and two ears on human beings, thus creating a perfect human being.
Australopithecus. The common ancestor of humans and great apes, began to evolve in different directions.
Australopithecus stage. Australopithecus achieved an upright state and had primitive tool making and simple language and gesture communication. Since the larynx structure of the ancient apes is not suitable for enunciation and pronunciation, they can only communicate using shout-like language and gestures. This is also the biggest difference between humans and ancient apes.
Homo habilis stage. At this stage, the brain capacity of the ape-man doubled to more than 800 cubic centimeters.
Homo erectus. The cooked meat eaten by Homo erectus provided more energy than the raw meat eaten by Homo habilis.
The reason why the myth has been passed down from generation to generation: It represents the original thoughts of mankind and the exploration of the unknown world. It is a story that speculates on the origin of ancient times. It is attractive! Deep in the heart of human beings, they long to know their origins. In an era when science was underdeveloped, people could only make up stories about gods to explain this problem. They didn’t know where they came from. In order to find a reasonable reason for themselves, they fantasized about gods. Myths were just a kind of literature and art. In ancient times, people The thinking of the ancient times was very poor, the speed of information exchange was far slower than it is now, and many natural phenomena could not be explained by people. Only by relying on these myths and attributing strange phenomena to the power of gods could people understand. These myths are their culture and their spiritual sustenance.
New theories about the origin of human beings:
1 Sea ape theory: humans evolved from apes in the sea
2 Composite theory of sea and land dual ancestors; the ancestors of marine organisms and the ancestors of land organisms combine to form
3 Alien said: Aliens moved to the earth and slowly became humans. There is another saying: Europe was once considered the birthplace of mankind. Because when people open the map, they see that Europe is full of ancient human ruins. The earliest fossil of an ancient ape discovered by archaeologists was also unearthed in France in 1856. With the discovery of more human fossils in Asia and Africa, the theory of Europe as the cradle of mankind has gradually faded away from the stage.
Darwin boldly speculated in a monograph published in 1871: Africa is the cradle of mankind. Previously, in 1863, some people claimed that humans originated in South Asia. The latter was soon confirmed: in 1890, a skull was discovered in Indonesia, and the "Javanese Homo erectus" gave a boost to the theory of human origins in South Asia. In 1927, the fossils of "Peking Man" were discovered in China, making the Central Asian origin theory even more popular.
But since then, the earliest human fossils have been discovered in no less than 20 locations in South Africa and East Africa. Especially in 1974, a 40-year-old preserved human was discovered in Ethiopia, where the East African Rift Valley is located. % remains of the "Lucy Girl" ape-man skeleton, dating back more than 3 million years; together with a large number of early human fossils unearthed in Africa, they form a fairly complete evolutionary system. As a result, the theory of global mankind "going out of Africa" ​​flourished.
However, the genetic sequencing theory that best supports the "Out of Africa" ​​theory has also been widely questioned. As Jin Changzhu, a researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "There are as many as 3 billion gene sequences in the human body. Current sequencing only extracts individual fragments for analysis, and the probability is only one in 100 million. "In China, we have discovered ape-man fossils from 3 million to 5 million years ago, Homo habilis from Longgupo about 2 million years ago, Yuanmou Man from 1.7 million years ago, and about 800,000 Homo sapiens from Longgupo. The Lantian Man of Shaanxi Province in 1996 discovered Homo erectus, which dates back hundreds of thousands of years, such as the Yunxian Man, and discovered Homo sapiens, Chaohu Man and Fulin Man, who lived about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. We also discovered about 1.8 years ago. Ten thousand years of Beijing cavemen... "'Origin of China' is self-contained and connected vertically! ”
To date, the scientific community is still lingering on the mystery of human origin and evolution. At this moment, people can’t help but recall the advice of some far-sighted scientists more than 70 years ago:
“Asia may have served as a huge stage for human evolution and a huge diffusion center for the oldest human industry. To understand complex questions such as the origins of humankind, it is almost unthinkable to leave Asia. ”
“China discovered the Yuanmou Man in 1965, but in the context of that time, the country was closed for a long time, and international experts poured into Africa, resulting in a large number of archaeological discoveries in Africa. Yuanmou people can no longer do their research alone! ”
In fact, in recent years, researchers in Asia, especially China, have been launching a “catch-up with Africa” campaign. Many of their discoveries have directly surpassed those in Africa in age, which are considered to be the world’s earliest human fossils and Paleolithic tools. . “We have reason to believe that with the discovery of more new materials and more in-depth research in Asia, a true picture of human origin and evolution will be revealed to people. ”
Of course, everything remains subject to the discovery of the most important human fossil.
Actually, “Where do I come from? ” is an eternal proposition that is still being answered today.
Human beings are always approaching the original truth of themselves through constant discovery. I believe that the mystery of human origins will be solved.

Where are the main places where fossils of late Homo sapiens were found in China?

The late Homo sapiens fossils discovered in my country mainly include specimens from Liujiang, Ziyang, Shanshandong, and Hetao. There are more sites containing cultural relics from the Late Paleolithic Age without human fossils, such as Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, etc. There are such sites. Paleolithic artifacts have also been discovered in Dingri County, Tibet. Among the more important sites are Zhiyu in Shanxi, Xiaonanhai in Henan and Fulin in Sichuan.

The Liujiang fossil was discovered in 1958 in the cave of Tongtian Rock in Xinxing Farm, Liujiang County, Guangxi. The fossil material includes a complete skull (missing the lower jaw), two femur segments, as well as the right hip bone, sacrum, and vertebrae, belonging to a middle-aged individual.

This skull has many characteristics of yellow people, such as the forward protrusion of the upper part of the face, bridge of the nose and mouth to the same degree as modern yellow people, a medium-sized hard palate, congenital lack of third molars and shovel-shaped incisors. Aged 40 and above. No cultural relics were found. The animal fossils belong to the giant panda-stegodon fauna commonly found in caves in South my country, indicating that the climate at that time was warm and humid.

The Ziyang Man fossil is an old woman's skull discovered in the pier project of Huang'an River Bridge in Ziyang, Sichuan in 1951 during the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. The top part of the skull is well preserved, but most of the skull base is missing. There was also a piece of the hard palate and an osseous awl was found.

The skull is relatively small, but still within the variation range of modern Chinese; it has some primitive traits, such as the more developed eyebrow arch, and the cerebral fossa on the inner surface of the occipital bone is deeper and wider than the cerebellar fossa. Animal fossils coexisting with Ziyang Man specimens include mammoths, deer, etc. Some people think that Ziyang Man is from a later age, but there is no conclusion yet; it is still regarded as one of the fossils of the New Man here.

The Shandong Cave fossils were discovered in 1933 in another small cave above the Ape Man Cave in Zhoukoudian, Beijing. They include three fairly complete skulls, one male and two female, plus other scattered skulls, representing at least eight people. Bone tools and a small amount of bones were also found. stone tools.

In 1939, expert Wei Dunrui studied the skulls of Shanding Cave and believed that the old men were close to the Ainu people of Hokkaido, Japan (formerly called Ezo people), the middle-aged women were like Eskimos, and the young women were like Melanesians.

In 1922, a large number of animal fossils were discovered in Dagouwan, Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, including a child's upper lateral incisor. In 1956, staff from the Inner Mongolia Museum discovered the lower half of the human left femur and a fragment of the right parietal bone near Dishaogouwan Village in Wushen Banner. This increases our understanding of the morphology of the Hetao fossils. In recent years, frontal bone fossils have been discovered in this area.

According to reports, human skull fragments were discovered in Cailiao Creek, Zuo Town, Tainan, Taiwan, and may be between 10,000 and 30,000 years old. This is the earliest human fossil discovered in Taiwan, China.

There is also a humerus discovered in Jianping, Liaoning, and a molar discovered in Xintai, Shandong, both of which belong to late Homo sapiens; but it is difficult to determine whether they are earlier or later late Homo sapiens.

In addition, there are two skull fragments and a tibia found in Zhoujia Youfang, Yushu, Jilin, a femur found in Xiacaowan, Sihong, Jiangsu, and three femurs found in Lijiang, Yunnan. The human bone fossils in the three places may all be human bones from the Late Paleolithic Age or later. Their exact geological age is difficult to determine.

The fossils of late Homo sapiens discovered in China have obvious yellow characteristics. Moreover, not only the fossils of late Homo sapiens are like this, but the fossils of early Homo sapiens and even Homo erectus in China mentioned in the previous chapters also have many traits of yellow people.

As early as 1941, Wei Dunrui pointed out that Peking Man has a series of traits closely related to the Mongolian race, such as a sagittal ridge in the middle of the front of the skull, an interslit bone (Inca bone) in the back, and a broad nasal bone, and the side of the nose bridge. The outline of the face includes protruding zygoma, frontosphenoid process of the maxilla, blunt infraorbital rim, spade-shaped upper incisors, rounded occiput of the maxilla, external auditory canal and mandible, extreme flatness of the femur and well-developed deltoid muscle of the humerus. Takashi et al. Therefore, he believed that Peking Man was the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens and was much closer to the Mongoloid race than to other races, especially Caucasians.

Judging from the existing fossil evidence, the human upper incisor fossils discovered in China are all shovel-shaped, such as specimens from Yuanmou, Zhoukoudian, Hexian, Yunxian, Tongzi, Yingkou Jinniushan, Dingcun, Liujiang, Hetao, and Shandong Cave. Without exception. In Neolithic and modern Chinese specimens, spade-shaped upper incisors account for a very high percentage, higher than any other race.

Another dental characteristic is the congenital absence of third molars. The mandible of Lantian Man is that of an elderly person, but there are no third molars on both sides, which is an example of congenital loss. The maxilla of Liujiang who is over 40 years old also does not have a third molar; among modern humans, the percentage of congenitally missing third molars is highest among Mongolians.

Judging from the frontal bone fossils, the skulls of Lantian, Beijing Zhoukoudian, Hexian, Dali, Maba, and Ziyang all have sagittal ridges of varying degrees. Fossils with partial nasal bones preserved, such as specimens from Lantian, Zhoukoudian in Beijing, Jinniushan in Yingkou, Dali, Maba, Liujiang and Shandong Cave, all have wider and more vertical noses. Specimens with preserved cheekbones, such as fossils from Zhoukoudian in Beijing, Jinniushan in Yingkou, Dali, Maba, Liujiang and Shandong Cave, all have cheekbones that protrude forward. Inca bones are found in human fossil specimens from Zhoukoudian, Dali, Dingcun and Xujiayao in Beijing.

The above-mentioned traits, which have a particularly high occurrence rate in the modern Mongolian race, are often found in China from Homo erectus to late Homo sapiens, showing the genetic inheritance relationship of the latter to the former. Naturally, during this long process of human development, there must have been constant genetic exchanges with the races in neighboring areas.

The above is all about Liu Zhiyuan, Beijing Fulinyuan, how to get from Shanghai Stadium to Zhiye Zen Temple, Guangfulin Road 2900, and Liu Zhiyuan’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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