
Contents of this article

  • 1. Thoughts after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan"
  • 2. Letter to the school
  • 3. Died in a car accident after taking the college entrance examination
  • 4. What ethnic primary schools are there in Jingning County? We are college students who want to teach.

Thoughts after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan"

  After reading a work, we gain new ideas from it, and it is time to write a review to record it. But what is the appropriate way to write a review? The following is my review of "Feng Zhiyuan". It is for reference only. Let's take a look.

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 1

  On the vast sea, the wind gathers dark clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, petrels fly proudly like black lightning.

  On the vast sea of ​​sand, the wind rolls the yellow sand. Between the yellow sand and the strong wind, a teacher is like a petrel, struggling to move forward with the resilience of a camel.

  A petrel from the sea flew in the long yellow sand for forty-two years, far away from my relatives and the hometown where I was raised. I turned my deep fatherly love for my children into the power of flying. Love raising children and serving the country!

  How difficult that is! A new environment was transformed and new life was planted! A look, a home visit, and a word of encouragement ignited the flames of hope!

  What kind of wealth can compare with the feeling of holding two rows of candlelight with a pair of young hands and sending it to the teacher at night?

  What kind of sublimity can be compared to using a pair of big hands to gently touch a student's head and convey sincere teachings?

  In an instant, the boundless rising beauty of humanity was frozen in the moment of farewell between teachers and students; in an instant, the sense of responsibility and mission in the world was vividly vented in the aura-filled classroom. What language and words can be used to describe it? Everything seems so small, so pale!

  As a result, the sinister words spoken by people, the hardship of life, and the sadness of parting were all in tune with the sound of sand.

  This is Feng Zhiyuan, an ordinary support teacher, a petrel flying in the singing sand.

  For a person who devotes his life to his career, what is the connotation of the career he sticks to? Shake our hearts with persistence and condense our lives with smiles. In him, we again taste the backbone of the Chinese nation.

  We seem to have seen Qi Jiguang's "Becoming a Marquis is not my intention, I hope the sea will be peaceful", as if we have seen Fan Zhongyan's "worry before the world is worried, and be happy after the world is happy", as if we have seen Lu Xun's "I am eating Grass, what is squeezed out is milk and blood." He is too humble to worry about his country. The most ordinary modern people's teacher has composed a high-pitched patriotic love song!

  Once upon a time, there were some changes around us. Some people complained about the low salary and blamed everyone, some people were jealous and resentful, some people had been at the bottom for many years and complained, and some people were addicted to Xiaoqiao. We have lost our ideals in life because of the poor people. Now, Teacher Feng has cast the brightest mirror for us. This is the most beautiful answer.

  Our mission is to cultivate a kind of persistence with a kind of persistence; to plant a kind of responsibility with a kind of responsibility; to exchange a kind of hope with a kind of hope. We must be the contemporary desert petrels, spreading the interpretation of life in three feet. On the podium, the happiness of life is based on the happiness of students.

  Thanks to Teacher Feng Zhiyuan for teaching us the most vivid lesson.

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 2

  I am a grass seed in the mouth of a wild goose, falling from the far south of the Yangtze River to this place where red wolfberries grow. The sound of the surging Yellow River stirs my feelings, and the fertile loess land is my second hometown. God gave me this noble profession, and I have since stepped onto the three-foot podium. Twinkling stars lit up around me, and my heart wandered in this pure time and space. I would like to be a candlelight that illuminates the childish heart.

  After watching this touching movie, the tall image of Feng Zhiyuan in Red Candle in the Desert was deeply imprinted in my heart. Every time I look at the blinking stars in the class, his figure always appears in front of my eyes. I admire his erudition, his extraordinary conversation, his uprightness, and his outstanding dedication...

  Coincidentally, when he first walked into Mingsha's classroom in his youth, I could hardly tell whether he was Feng Zhiyuan or the two teachers I saw and heard a while ago: one was Nanjing Xingzhi Primary school principal Yang Ruiqing; one is the first teacher of educationist Li Zhencun. All three of them resolutely gave up their favorable material living conditions and chose to teach in remote and backward small villages without hesitation, and they stayed there for the rest of their lives. What kind of state is this? How much courage does this take? What kind of pressure is this going to take? The brightness of the red candles may be different, but the height of the red candles is definitely the same.

  The red candle only burns where it is needed! When asked why he did not return to Shanghai, Feng Zhiyuan said that Shanghai does not need teachers like me. Does Shanghai really not need teachers like him? No, it is needed everywhere, but Ningxia needs his support even more! What he brought to the children of Ningxia was not only the unique knowledge of Chinese, history, geography, and Russian, nor the knowledge of how to be a good person and how to cultivate people, but his noble spirit as a teacher who was worthy of his heart!

  What impressed me most was when he played Gorky's "Petrel" to the children. He used a simple organ, blue cloth, and iron plates to create a very exciting and exciting classroom teaching atmosphere, allowing children who had never seen the sea to experience it. I experienced the feelings on the spot, and used my tenacious and brave will to personally interpret the true meaning of "Let the storm come more violently". "Be worried when the world is worried first, and be happy when the world is happy later" is also his true portrayal.

  His students are happy because the red candle lights up their way forward; his family is happy because he has such a great and noble relative; he himself is also happy because on the three-foot podium, he The sweat of youth has poured out peaches and plums all over the world...

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 3

  "Classmates, I am leaving you. I have been giving lectures all my life, but today I am at a loss. I am ashamed of my lover, my children, and even more ashamed of you, because I no longer have the ability to transfer my knowledge Teach it to you..." This is what the blind protagonist Feng Zhiyuan, a people's teacher who devoted his life to education in the west, said in his last class. I was deeply moved.

  On the afternoon of September 19, I watched the movie "Feng Zhiyuan" with my students. In 1958, Feng Zhiyuan, who graduated from Northeast Normal University and was assigned to work in Shanghai for only five years, said goodbye to his newlywed wife and came to Ningxia to support education. He devoted his youth to education for decades. Feng Zhiyuan has been teaching for 42 years. He did not care about the deterioration of his eyesight. He worked early and late to prepare lessons and correct homework for the children. Until he lost his sight, he still taught the children from memory. He has taught more than 10,000 students. For nearly ten years after his retirement, he was blind and volunteered to tutor children with their homework every day, until he suffered from cerebral thrombosis and had to leave the Northwest and leave the children who couldn't let go... This is the sincerity he showed with his actions. Emotion, true love. This is his love for children, love for education, love for the people, love for society, and love for the motherland. Feng Zhiyuan is an ordinary teacher, but he does extraordinary things. His deeds made me feel even more that the teaching position is a kind of hard work, a kind of dedication, but also a kind of gain and a kind of enjoyment.

  Teaching is a position and a profession, but it is also a responsibility. Feng Zhiyuan has been teaching for 47 years, but has never received a professional title. He did not care about personal gains and losses, and was devoted only to education. What do you rely on to burn yourself and illuminate others? It is a clear sense of responsibility. Feng Zhiyuan's deeds are inspiring, inspiring and inspiring. Being a qualified teacher like Feng Zhiyuan is my specific perspective when considering issues and my basic positioning of myself. I will also be in my ordinary education position, like Teacher Feng Zhiyuan, who is dedicated to his job, keeps moving forward, fulfills his duties, makes selfless contributions, dedicates his sincere feelings to my students, shortens the distance with students, and realizes the relationship between teachers and students. Communicate on the Internet and sincerely be a good teacher and helpful friend of students. As a good teacher, I am the student's ideological guide and life path leader; as a good friend, I want to change the condescending teacher attitude and persist in persuading people with reason and emotion. Strive to be a teacher who is loved by students and satisfies the people.

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 4

  "The road is long and long, and I will search up and down." This belief has supported you through spring, summer, autumn and winter. Feng Zhiyuan, an ordinary but great name, has resounded throughout China.

  Some people say that you are like a petrel, soaring in the vast desert without fear of difficulties. In this barren land of Ningxia, you have left the footprints of your struggle. Counting every day you spent with your students, I believe you must be happy, because you once said: The happiest days in your life are when you are with your students. The time students spend together.

  Some people also say that you are like a bright light, driving away the darkness of the night and showing the light of humanity. Teacher Feng, do you still remember the scene when you left Mingsha Middle School? The fire in your soul that you lit with all your heart illuminates your way forward. It has been more than 40 years along the way, but you have walked so openly and without regrets.

  "Life should be sustained, and survival can be easy to adapt to." Isn't this the best summary of your life? On the three-foot podium, you used your rich knowledge and noble personality to create the glory of your life. Being unknown and willing to contribute, you have left a gorgeous movement of life in the long river of history. Teacher's love has no trace, great love has no words. You are not Haiyan, but the wind and sand in the sky cannot stop you from moving forward; you are not a bright light, but Ningxia’s wolfberry becomes more red because of you.

  The road ahead still stretches under your feet. Your love for this land and your students are just like the road under your feet, endless. A philosopher once said: "There are only three days in a person's life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yesterday is called helplessness, today is called fearlessness, and tomorrow is called no regrets. Teacher Feng, you are now over sixty years old. When you look back on the past At that time, I don’t know if I can still think of the wind and sand in Ningxia, whether I can remember the melodious camel in the wind, the story of Yueyang Tower that you recited impassionedly after you lost your sight, and the student named "Zhang Jianhua" . Ordinariness breeds your greatness, and you have no regrets in your life as a teacher.

  "Diligence and obscurity" is the spirit of the old scalper; "After collecting hundreds of flowers into nectar, it is sweet for whomever you work hard for." This is the spirit of bees, burning themselves and illuminating others. This is the spirit of candles. The existence of all things in the world has a spirit that supports it. What about the existence of teachers? Isn’t it precisely because of the spirit of teachers like you?

  Great love is speechless and will shine forever!

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 5

  Feng Zhiyuan is a very ordinary teacher. He has worked quietly on the three-foot podium for more than 40 years without asking for any reward or fame or fortune. He is just an ordinary person, with the same flesh and blood as the rest of the world; yes, he just understands the sacred benefits of the teaching profession in an ordinary position.

  "He bows his head and is willing to be a coward", his deeds make every audience believe that he really regards education as his lifelong career. Someone told me that there are many people like Feng Zhiyuan in the west today! I think: it is precisely because there are thousands of teachers like Feng Zhiyuan that the sky of education in the west is supported!

  After watching the film, I read relevant reports about Feng Zhiyuan. For decades, Feng Zhiyuan devoted his precious youth and even his entire life to the education career he was passionate about. Even after he became blind and could not walk up to the three-foot-high podium, he still insisted on teaching students with their support. He has taught more than 10,000 students, and he can be said to be famous all over the world. This spirit of loyalty to education, decades of hard work and selfless dedication, and the spirit of persistent pursuit of loving one's children as one's own are touching, really touching. Maybe his deeds are still little known today, maybe his deeds are still unknown. I failed to move China! But this teacher in the desert really moved me! Maybe he will influence my life for a long time...

  Teacher, what a sacred and great word? A profession that affects the lifelong future of many students? Feng Zhiyuan used his life to compose the most ordinary, but extremely touching teaching career. He brought us more than just touching , there are thousands of students, a model of teachers, a model worthy of our deep thought.

  After watching the video and related reports, I was not only moved, but also a little ashamed! I am also a teacher. I feel ashamed that I feel afraid of difficulties whenever I encounter difficulties, and I feel ashamed that I feel tired when I have a little more work... Feng Zhiyuan is like a beacon, He told me what dedication is, what dedication to education is, and what a true teacher is. As a young teacher, I will take Teacher Feng Zhiyuan as a role model and devote myself wholeheartedly to education and teaching work, respect and love students, and educate students. Teaching is your lifelong career and you should dedicate your light and heat!

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 6

  On November 24, all teachers in our school collectively watched the movie "Feng Zhiyuan". During those more than 90 minutes, the entire audience was in awe. Along with the wind, sand and camel bells, my heart gradually sank. Blind, paralyzed, impoverished, homeless, poor people, miserable life. I feel sorry for Teacher Feng. With a heavy heart, I left the campus.

  How precious are the college graduates of 1949. For the motherland, which was waiting for a lot of development at that time, he was needed everywhere. It can be said that no matter where he went, he made contributions to the motherland. Why did he go to the edge of the desert and stay there for more than 40 years? After dinner, I approached Feng Zhiyuan again.

  "I want to go to school!" This is the voice of an 8-year-old child. However, due to the need to make ends meet, more parents choose to drop their children out of school. "I don't like taking Chinese classes." This is the children's evaluation of Chinese learning. "My father was sick, so he sold red dates to buy medicine." This was the explanation given by the child who was absent from school. Reliving these scenes, I understood why Teacher Feng went to that desolate place on the edge. It was a barren land where the spring breeze of education was urgently needed.

  The children grabbed the potatoes from the teacher's bowl and ate them with big mouthfuls, praising "it's delicious" again and again. Facing the wind and stepping on the sand, the teacher and the children looked for wild jujube trees; "The water in the pot is boiling." "Yes, tell everyone not to drink raw water"... On the edge of this desert, Teacher Feng is building an oasis with his love. There is also the homemade hourglass, the thunder made by the iron sheet... From these simple and unpretentious details of life, I understand him. The place where the wind and sand are raging breeds tenderness. At the moment of farewell, homemade candles formed the Avenue of Stars. The children were silent, but their eyes showed gratitude and reluctance. Nowadays, it is common to see the Avenue of Stars in movies, television and other media, but never before has such a real look been seen.

  "The support teacher has no regrets about being blind all his life, and he looks back with a bright smile and has no regrets." This sentence is Teacher Feng’s summary of his life. A real photo of the old man was posted on the Internet. The thin old man smiled happily in the photo. Dedicate your life without any regrets. The old man is happy!

  It is human nature to pursue happiness. Everyone has a different understanding of happiness. It is happy to be born with a partner, happy to have enough food and clothing, and even more happy to have no regrets in life. Teacher Feng lost his health and the warmth of his wife and children. At first glance, he had nothing. Read it carefully and you will find that he has won a good reputation with his life. In order for his children to live a better life, he burned his youthful blood. Although he is lying on the hospital bed now, his image in people's minds is very high. Teacher Feng Zhiyuan got the happiness he was pursuing.

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 7

  "Feng Zhiyuan" is a short film of just over an hour, telling us about the educational life of Feng Zhiyuan, a model of people's teachers dedicated to education. For the sake of education, he went to teach in a school near the edge of the desert without any complaints. Then he took the initiative to devote himself to education in the west, so that children could read.

  Teacher Feng did not have any earth-shattering deeds, but he dedicated his all to the cause of education. It can be said that youth comes first and life comes first. He deeply loves his career and his students. Even when he lost his sight, he did not give up the idea of ​​teaching and educating people. He knew that sooner or later he would be blind, so he made adequate preparations for this and memorized all the texts. I was so moved when I saw him lecturing students when he was blind and listening to him reciting "The Story of Yueyang Tower" with all his heart.

  Finally, Teacher Feng fell on the podium. What a good teacher! Especially what he said when he left the school - "Students, I am leaving you. I have been giving lectures all my life. I am at a loss today. I am ashamed of my lover, my children, and even more ashamed of you, because I no longer have the ability to impart my knowledge to you..." His words were deeply moved. I. I think, isn't this the true epitome of thousands of teachers? On our education front, there are actually thousands of teachers like "Teacher Feng". They work for their beloved education and for thousands of teachers. Thousands of children who are hungry for knowledge are dedicating their love and youth on the three-foot podium, and many teachers are also dedicating their lives. "The spring silkworms will die only when their threads are gone, and the wax torches will turn to ashes before their tears dry up." This is the portrayal of Teacher Feng, and it is a kind of sadness for the teacher. Why can you illuminate others only by burning yourself?

  "There is a kind of personality, which is called a teacher for all generations; there is an experience, which is called a life without regrets; there is a kind of sentiment, which is called dedication and dedication." This is our Teacher Feng, a truly good teacher!

  I hope all teachers in the world can learn from Teacher Feng’s love and dedication to education, and learn from Teacher Feng’s care and concern for students. However, I hope that all teachers in the world should learn to care for their own health. Only with a healthy body can we love our students better and be a better "teacher"!

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 8

  The movie "Feng Zhiyuan" tells the touching story of blind teacher Feng Zhiyuan who has been on the podium for more than 40 years. Teacher Feng Zhiyuan went to teach in the border areas, abandoning his wife and son to teach alone in the field. The story is deeply touching, and here I would like to talk about my own feelings.

  Teacher Feng abandoned his family and career, took root in the frontier, lived with the yellow sand, and lived with the hardships. On the vast yellow sand, he used his life's silent dedication to open up oases for his students' lives. The ancients said: Great love is speechless, an elephant is invisible, and a great voice is silent. Teacher Feng regards the borderland as his second hometown, turning it into a red candle that illuminates the childish heart, lighting up the shining stars. In "The Story of Yueyang Tower", "Be anxious when the world is worried first, and be happy when the world is happy later" is not only Fan Zhongyan's inner calling, but also the true portrayal and supreme pursuit of teacher Feng Zhiyuan's life. When Teacher Feng sat at the table with white hair, did he still remember the desire of the child named Zhang Jianhua "I want to go to school"? Did he remember the kerosene lamps held by the children in tears on the eve of the transfer? Did he remember his impassioned instructions to his classmates? They recited "Haiyan"... I think Teacher Feng Zhiyuan is happy on the podium, and Teacher Feng Zhiyuan is happy with the students.

  However, before retiring, Teacher Feng also said that the people he felt most sorry for were his wife and son. In terms of family, Teacher Feng Zhiyuan is extremely unhappy. Some people may say that for great love, Teacher Feng can only give up small love; for everyone, Teacher Feng can only give up small family. But I believe that the teaching profession is to bring happiness to others and teach others happiness. Can we ask all teachers to give up all their own happiness and life for the happiness of students? Does this mean that all teachers can only be called good teachers if they give up their own happiness?

  Many people define a good teacher as someone who is dedicated to the public and devotes himself to his work. It is true that such teachers can indeed bear the title of "people's teachers", but when they devote themselves completely to the country, they are irresponsible to their families. Moreover, Teacher Feng has not been accompanied by his family for more than 40 years, and has rarely felt the warmth of family. Even after retirement, he was still not understood by his wife and children, and he was full of guilt. Let's work hard like this and contribute to the country's education.

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 9

  After watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan", I deeply understood what it means to be a hardworking gardener, and only then I understood what it means to shed tears before the wax torch turns to ashes. As a teacher, I was deeply shocked!

  As an education and teaching worker, Feng Zhiyuan dedicated his youth and even his life to education and students. For forty years, I have been working silently for students.

  In 1958, Feng Zhiyuan responded to the country's call and volunteered to teach in remote and impoverished mountainous areas in western my country. After one year of marriage, he chose to say goodbye. Wasn't there no nostalgia? No! In his heart, there is concern for Shanghai, attachment to happiness, and reluctance to leave his wife, but more importantly, he loves the motherland, even more than himself! You must know that responding to the call of the motherland is Feng Zhiyuan’s lifelong ideal!

  A young man from a big city has devoted his enthusiasm and life-long energy to this desolate desert... The difficult working conditions are unimaginable, but Feng Zhiyuan has worked there for 42 years. ! He dedicated the best years of his life to Ningxia’s education!

  What is particularly lamentable is that Feng Zhiyuan's eyes were severely damaged due to working under harsh conditions for a long time, and he eventually became blind. Even under such circumstances, Teacher Feng still asked students to support him and insisted on teaching students! He loved his students like his own children, and his warm teacher-student relationship comforted each of our hearts.

  In his mind, Ningxia students are the most important!

  Feng Zhiyuan, who was 70 years old, had to leave the stage due to physical reasons and left Ningxia Shi, where he had worked for most of his life. The streets were filled with people bidding farewell, and the theme song "Legacy Love" was always clear in my ears. I felt smaller and smaller amidst the singing.

  I was deeply moved and tears burst into my eyes again and again. I couldn't control myself!

  Feng Zhiyuan is a very ordinary teacher. He has worked quietly on the three-foot podium for more than 40 years without asking for any reward or fame or fortune. He is just an ordinary person, with the same flesh and blood as the rest of the world; yes, he just understands the sacred benefits of the profession of teacher in an ordinary position.

  "He bows his head and is willing to be a coward", his deeds make every audience believe that he really regards education as his lifelong career. Someone told me that there are many people like Feng Zhiyuan in the West today! I think: It is precisely because there are thousands of teachers like Feng Zhiyuan that the sky of western education is supported!

Thoughts after watching "Feng Zhiyuan" 10

  In the film, Teacher Feng Zhiyuan stood on the podium in the auditorium and said "stand up", and the spectacular scene of thousands of classmates neatly standing up and saying "Hello, teacher" is one of the most inspiring and outstanding scenes in the movie "Feng Zhiyuan".

  The film narrates the touching story of teacher Feng Zhiyuan who taught and educated people in Zhongning County, Ningxia for 42 years, lived in poverty for 42 years, trained more than 10,000 students, and finally became blind. It expresses Feng Zhiyuan's love for work and children, and his extreme responsibility and quietness for his work. The spirit of dedication.

  When I saw that Feng Zhiyuan was blind, but still insisted on attending class, and finally collapsed in class due to exhaustion, tears burst into my eyes. Ah, what a good and conscientious teacher! He originally lived in Shanghai, a prosperous big city, but he was willing to teach in Ningxia, traveling all the way to Mingsha Middle School in Zhongning County, a remote rural area. The conditions here are no better than in Shanghai: drafty adobe houses, cold adobe pits, smoking earth stoves, kerosene lamps made from medicine bottles, and only fourteen kilograms of food supply per month... Who can bear such a miserable life? Come on? Many young teachers who supported teaching quietly left the school. I was puzzled: Why didn’t Feng Zhiyuan go with them? At this time, I seemed to hear Feng Zhiyuan saying to me sincerely: "Child, you don't understand. Since you have come here to teach, you can't give up halfway. If everyone runs away because of fear of hardship, what will happen to the children? They won't be able to study. Read the book. As a person, you must be responsible for your work..." At this time, I finally understood why he worked so hard for the children. However, the overloaded teaching tasks and congenital eye disease still caused his vision to deteriorate rapidly, and he eventually became blind! Even so, he still wants to do his best to contribute his light and heat to the teaching cause. Even a tough person will be exhausted! Feng Zhiyuan finally collapsed in class from exhaustion.

  Looking at ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, how many people are as dedicated as Feng Zhiyuan? Let’s just talk about Premier Zhou Enlai. As the Prime Minister of a country, he was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. He could let subordinates do all the work, but he always had to see it in person. Even so, he never complained once , always work diligently and contribute silently to the country and the people. Even in his old age, when he fell ill, he still worked day and night, refusing to miss a minute. Let’s talk about Mao Zedong, Lincoln... aren’t they all people who are responsible for their work and dedicated to the people silently? How similar they are to Feng Zhiyuan!

  Ah, what a great Feng Zhiyuan! I must learn from him and grow up to contribute to the country!

Li Zhuoling supports teaching, after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan" Picture 1

letter to school

Collection of eight selected school thank you letter templates

  In our ordinary daily life, various thank you letters appear frequently. In terms of writing, thank you letters have certain writing skills. Don’t be careless when writing thank you letters. Below are 8 school thank you letters I have collected for you. I hope they can help you.

Li Zhuoling supports teaching, after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan" Picture 2

School Thank You Letter Part 1

Dear parents of students:

  The success of the parent-teacher meeting was due to the full cooperation of the children and your support. On behalf of all the teachers in class xx, I would like to express my gratitude to you!

  In recent days, we have carried out Sunshine Partner activities in a guidance and volunteer manner, and posted the list on the website. Parents are kindly requested to log in in time, provide timely feedback, and provide supervision.

  In addition, when we return to school tomorrow, we will focus on checking the reading list of students. Any books about celebrities, romance books, and other books that are not good for students' physical and mental health will be confiscated once discovered and timely education will be provided. Comics and books by peers are not allowed to be brought to school and can only be entertained at home. Parents are asked to remind students and cooperate with school work.




  xxxx year x month xx day

School Thank You Letter Part 2

Dear school leaders and all teachers:

  Hello! I am the parent of a senior high school student ( ) in your school. First of all, please accept my sincere respect and heartfelt gratitude as a representative of the students’ parents for your professionalism and dedication!

  Three years ago, Xuntong’s core philosophy, Xunmei Chengyi’s school running philosophy, diligent study, quick thinking, refined and broad-minded learning style, excellent teaching team, high-grade educational environment, elegant accommodation life, strict management, excellent Teaching achievements and high praise from all walks of life attracted my children to your school. In the past three years, children's growth has been almost left to the school and teachers.

  seeing is believing. Looking back on my son's growth in the school over the past three years, as a parent, I deeply feel that your school's leadership team is pragmatic, scientifically managed, has a clear division of labor, is pioneering and innovative, and has a first-class school spirit. It is the vigorous and resolute leadership, strict systems, detailed management, humanized educational concepts, and teachers’ selfless dedication that give students the wings to fly to their ideal university.

  From my own children, I deeply feel the dedication and professionalism of the dedicated, high-quality, and professional teachers in your school. Over the past three years, the teachers at your school have been highly responsible and hard-working, and have devoted themselves to their daily work with high dedication. In order to improve the quality of teaching, teachers not only provide guidance in learning, but also consider meticulously in psychological counseling of students. With rich teaching experience and a lot of efforts put into the children, the children have developed and improved in all aspects such as moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic. It is the sincere and selfless dedication of these teachers to my son and other children that enriches his mind, develops his intelligence, and ignites his light of hope. In exchange for the health and happiness of the children, in exchange for the peace of mind and peace of mind of us parents, in exchange for the sincere touching and admiration of our parents.

  The spring silkworms will not run out of silk until they die, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes. Your words and deeds are precious spiritual wealth left to the children. Your selfless dedication has enabled more students to become pillars. As a parent of a child who is about to graduate, I once again sincerely thank the school leaders and teachers. Here I would like to bow deeply to the hard-working teachers and say: Thank you for your hard work, teachers!

  In the past three years, my child's thinking, behavior, and academic performance have made significant progress. I feel extremely gratified and blessed to see such a huge change in my child. I am pleased that my child has entered such a responsible school. I am grateful that my child has met such a serious teacher and a particularly responsible school leader.

  No words can express my gratitude to the school and teachers in the past three years. I just want to say sincerely: Thank you Principal Qin, thank you Principal Zhao, thank you to the senior high school department and all the leaders! Thank you to the teachers for giving children the confidence, ability and courage over the past three years.

  Soon, my child will take the college entrance examination. I believe that after three years of hard work, my child will be able to successfully accept the test, and the school's "processing" ability, which has been "hardened over time," will once again highlight its advantages.

  Here, I wish that my children and all middle school students will achieve brilliant results in this year's college entrance examination and be admitted to their ideal university. I firmly believe that with the scientific leadership of the school and the all-out efforts of all teachers and students, this wish will definitely come true!

  We also believe that your students will remember your sincere teachings and will not let down your earnest hopes. Have greater ambitions, hold higher ideals, cherish time, study hard, and strive to become useful materials for the country. Use fruitful results and brilliant achievements to repay the school and your teachers!

  Finally, on behalf of all parents, please let me sincerely wish Xunyi Middle School in my own name a better tomorrow, with peaches and plums everywhere! I sincerely wish all leaders and all teachers good health, smooth work, and happy families!

  thank you all

  students' parents


School Thank You Letter Part 3

Dear teacher, dear school:

  When our group of 20xx students and their parents gathered together to say goodbye to you, the tears couldn't help but flow down, but the sweet and light memories became more intense and full of emotions.

  Time flies so fast!

  I remember the first time I learned the name of "International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School" because of its dignified, gorgeous and high-end appearance. But I was still a little worried because there were no junior high school students at that time. We fear being told that our children are guinea pigs. Three years have passed, but the "International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School" has become the brightest and most beautiful corner in the hearts of the children and us!

  Because of this corner, children’s lives become complete and enriched.

  Thank you, our favorite child’s mentor and our favorite child’s alma mater.

  Thank you for your care and love over the past thousand days, which allowed us, the little bean sprouts that entered the junior high school, to grow into the big trees and flowers that are about to enter the high school, lush and fragrant.

  How reluctant we are to give up!

  I would like to thank the principal for her kind encouragement, Principal Xia for her careful instructions to the children, all the head teachers for their kindness and tolerance, all the math teachers for their hard work, all the English teachers for their persuasive guidance, and all the physics teachers. The dedication and dedication of every chemistry teacher, the hard work and hard work of every chemistry teacher...and the extra sweat and companionship of physical education teacher Han Qiu and Ma Yufei in the final stage of the physical examination, and the countless magical moments with the children in each subject. teacher!

  How unforgettable we are!

  I will never forget the thoughts of the children with you every day, the struggle between youthful rebellion and wisdom guidance that gradually goes away but will never be forgotten, the children talking and listening, and even the disputes and reflections with their elders. I will never forget the teachings and sharing that made children wiser and better... Those are memories filled with love.

  It is unforgettable that you always embrace spring with the children. Nanhu sketching is the most beautiful smile for the children, and the Three Kingdoms Range Rover is the pace of history for the children and their parents to pursue together. Whenever the snowflakes are flying, you can always wander with the children in places with poems and paintings. The children said: Coming here is the palace of knowledge and the cradle of dreams.

  It will be unforgettable that you went to the foot of Mount Tai to feel the vastness of the universe, went to the Confucius Temple to explore the true meaning of secluded culture, and went to the Qingming Riverside Garden to taste the prosperity of the Song Dynasty. There are many heart-warming stories in these, and you can always appreciate the style of the teachers who lead the team.

  The 20X-level students three years ago were ignorant little kids who were often disturbed by difficult new studies, new activities, and new skills. But you, dear teachers, accompanied them so that they would not be deterred by difficulties and have the ability to succeed. I have the courage to work with you to create a good place with happiness, success and dreams, making the International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School more glorious and attractive.

  Therefore, after the most effective cooperation and training, the children finally achieved self-improvement, becoming like strong-willed warriors and becoming seed players that you can be proud of in the future.

  Thank you, our favorite child’s mentor and our favorite child’s alma mater.

  In order for our children to have a better tomorrow and enter a more ideal and suitable school for promotion, all teachers are willing to try, endure and sacrifice... On the campus of the International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School, every teacher He is the incarnation of the God of Wisdom, and has given all his love and warmth. His good teacher ethics has become the best growth gift for children. Even when they went to the battlefield, the teachers still did not forget to remind the children repeatedly and give serious instructions.

  Thanks to the International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School for advocating "action is the foundation of everything". The children are influenced by Rulan. No matter who they become in the future, what career they engage in, or what stage they enter, they must be down-to-earth. Interesting people who are optimistic, intelligent and express their inner world through actions. This is the purest spiritual expression of the Ministry of Education.

  Be the best version of yourself.

  Be the cutest international student!

  I am telling all the teachers and the school this on a sunny June day. I just want to tell you that both the children and we will always remember and love the International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School. We are grateful for the happy and wonderful three years we spent together. time.

  Thank you! Our International Department of Bozhou No. 1 Middle School South School. Thank you! All the teachers of all our children in the nine classes of grade 20X! I wish you happiness and good health. The holidays are here, so be sure to relax and welcome the arrival of more outstanding students at the next level!

  20xx Grade Bozhou No. 1 Middle School Parents Committee

  June 23, 20xx

School Thank You Letter Part 4

  Dear school leaders and all teachers:

  Hello everyone! I am the parent of XXX, Class 3, Grade 3 in your school. My child is about to take the college entrance examination. Looking back on my son’s growth in school over the past three years, we sincerely thank the teachers for their training and education.

  Three years ago, when the children just arrived at school, their ability to take care of themselves was poor, their basic knowledge was weak, and their academic performance was relatively lagging. It was the teachers in various subjects in the school who relied on their rigorous work attitudes, rich teaching experience and the huge amount of efforts they devoted to the children. The hard work has greatly improved the children's academic performance and self-care ability.

  In the past three years, the child's growth has been almost left to the school and the teacher. Children's continuous progress is inseparable from the education and help of school teachers. Thanks to your school's high-quality teacher team and particularly responsible class teacher. In order to understand the children's study and living conditions at school, we often call the teachers, which takes up a lot of the teachers' rest time. However, the children's class teachers and teachers always take the trouble to answer the phone and report in detail the children's life at school. , learning situation, in the teacher’s words, I really felt the teacher’s care for the children, and I was very touched! It is these teachers’ sincere and selfless dedication to my son and other children, in exchange for the health of the children. Happiness brings peace of mind and peace of mind to us parents, and our parents’ heartfelt touching and admiration. Letting our children attend your school is a choice we have no regrets about.

  Ten days is a short time, just like a fleeting moment; ten days, the harvest is extremely rich. lListen to your teachings, feel your charm, and witness your splendor. We have broadened our horizons, expanded our thinking, increased our information, and strengthened our beliefs...Team, innovation, details, humanity, and practice, these deep insights come to mind from time to time. This training deepened the theoretical understanding, completed professional guidance, further clarified the development direction, clearly analyzed the work ideas, and saved endless energy for starting again. The road is long, and I am fully aware of the great responsibility on my shoulders. I will work tirelessly and dedicate myself to the cause of modern education that satisfies the people. Give students the most beautiful childhood and the best start. We have a common cause and a common dream. Dear teacher, you are the vanguard of the times and the guide of progress. We need you and are willing to contact you more, share more and develop together.

  Your school does not limit the purpose of teaching to scores, but gives top priority to improving students' comprehensive quality, paying attention to every aspect of students' growth, and caring about their ideological progress. In the past few years, the school has carried out a variety of extracurricular activities, especially the student-agricultural activities, which have tempered their will and cultivated their hard-working spirit, which has benefited them a lot!

  Every progress and every score of a child embodies the hard work of the teachers. Your words and deeds are precious spiritual wealth left to the children. Your selfless dedication enables more students to become pillars. As a parent of a child who is about to graduate, I once again sincerely thank the school leaders and teachers. Here we bow deeply to those hard-working teachers: Thank you for your hard work, teachers!

  Finally, we would like to dedicate our family’s most sincere blessings to all the leaders of your school and teachers Chen Yanling, Teacher Guan Yanan, Teacher Wu Shuang, Teacher Cao Zhen, Teacher Han Hongling, and Teacher Wei Minhua. I wish your school will have a better tomorrow, step by step Lou, there are peaches and plums all over the world!

  In March XX, the student I tutored, Yin Yue, won the third prize in the National Chinese Proficiency Competition, and I was hailed as an outstanding counselor. In May XX, the student work "xx" I tutored won the first prize in xx city, and "xx" won the third prize in xx city. I was rated as an excellent counselor. The case "xx" I wrote won the first prize in xx city.

  My dear baby, you still have many advantages. Your parents will continue to write you letters of praise. I hope our lovely baby will be happy every day!


  salute !

  students' parents:

  X month x day 20xx

School Thank You Letter Part 5

Dear teachers and students:

  Time flies, time flies. The four-month internship teaching life is fleeting. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and high respect to all the staff and faculty of Simavati Township Middle School in Hotan County!

  During the four-month internship in your school, our five teaching students received many aspects of care from the leaders of your school. At work, we arrange the best instructors for us and provide us with as many training opportunities as possible; in life, we provide help at any time to solve our worries; during research activities, we provide us with sufficient personnel and material support.

  The instructors did their best to guide us in business, and we also learned a lot of valuable teaching experience from them. With the care and support of the leaders and teachers, our teaching internship work can be carried out in an orderly manner, and finally be successfully completed.

  Let us sincerely say thank you again, thank the leaders and teachers of your school for their careful guidance, and thank your school for your help in our internship teaching work!

  Finally, I sincerely wish that Hotan County Simavati Township Middle School will get better and better, and wish all teachers and students good health and all the best!


  x month x day xx year

School Thank You Letter Part 6

  Principal of Hailian Road Primary School:

  Recently, criminals have become so vicious that they have escalated their revenge on children to "operate with the public prosecutor and law"! It is obvious that your school has strengthened its security work. In particular, it has been highly praised by parents for prohibiting outside cars from parking outside the school. This is a method with very obvious security effects that can be promoted to other schools.

  Salute to the security team!

  Parents of Grade 2 (1) class

  June 8, xx

School Thank You Letter Part 7

Dear school leaders, teacher xx, hello:

  First of all, let me express my most heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of our entire family!

  My child xx is an ordinary student of your school. He won the provincial first prize in the 20xx Provincial Computer Competition. A letter of thanks to the school. These are the results of the hard work and education of the leaders and teachers of your school, especially the child’s teacher xx. From the head teacher, Teacher XX, etc., we as parents can see the rigorous academic attitude of every teacher in your school, the noble sentiments of respecting their posts and loving their careers, and loving their students as their own children. With respect for teachers and a good style of study, you have delivered batches of high-quality talents to the society with your enthusiasm for education.

  The achievement of results is inseparable from Teacher xx's careful training and guidance. Teacher xx, with his high sense of responsibility and solemn mission, as well as his rich teaching and management experience, has brought a standardized and rich academic environment to the students he teaches, which has increased students' confidence. My child xx comes home more than once every time. Mention teacher xx. This also shows the children's trust and respect for the teacher.

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  Finally, please allow me to once again express my most sincere gratitude and most sincere blessings to all the leaders and teachers of your school. I sincerely wish that your school will get better and better, and will always develop healthily and lastingly on the educational front. I wish you the best. We can achieve more gratifying results in future education work and deliver more outstanding talents to society.

School Thank You Letter Part 8

  All faculty and staff:

  The achievements cannot be achieved without the care and guidance of superior leaders and all walks of life, the strong support of the people of the city, and the hard work of all faculty and staff, especially the senior high school teachers. Facing the increasingly fierce competition, they do not complain, are not afraid of difficulties, start early, focus on implementation, work steadily and persevere. Whether they are veteran teachers who have been working on the front line of teaching for decades or young rookies who have just entered the teaching world, they are all dedicated and selfless, making the school their home. Especially for the class teachers in the third year of high school, when the morning light fades and many people are still immersed in sleep, they have stepped into the classroom and stood on the familiar podium; when night falls and other families gather together to enjoy family happiness, they They are still preparing lessons carefully and patiently tutoring in school; when it is midnight and 11 or 12 o'clock, they are still supervising students' late return to bed and creating a good rest environment for students. The grade management team, with Zhan Guofu, Zhang Xiaosheng, Liu Jianming, Guo Xuejun, Yang Yongcai, Wang Baobao, Yue Aiguo, Xue Junhong, etc. as the core, has to manage the class as well as grade management work, and the hard work goes without saying.

  Whether you walk into the office of the senior high school students during the day or at night, you will always see a large number of backbone teachers represented by...etc. working at their desks and studying the teaching materials with concentration. Their tenacious and hard-working spirit in teaching and class management is itself a role model, inspiring young teachers and every Qin Middle School student to move forward bravely.

  In the graduating class, female teachers are a beautiful sight. They are dedicated and dedicated. Gao XX and Pang XX, two young female class teachers, have made huge sacrifices for their class. They leave the housework to their lovers and leave the children to the elderly. They work from morning to night, serving the students wholeheartedly. In this year's college entrance examination, the class led by Pang XX ranked first in the general liberal arts class, and the class led by XX in senior high school ranked first in the general class in senior high school with 4 students online. Young mothers...wait for teachers, be willing to be gardeners, be willing to serve as ladders for others, and give up their small homes for everyone. Teachers Song XX and Ge XX, who were pregnant, insisted on coming to class in the morning and evening for tutoring. They prepared the lessons together meticulously. They did not fail in all tasks and achieved excellent results.

  There are even more touching stories about the graduating class, that is, the couple were in the same senior year of high school, such as..., the senior year of high school is nicknamed "Nine-Nine Returns to One". They overcame many difficulties in life, stood on the three-foot podium, and made selfless contributions. , focused on teaching work, and made great contributions to the glory of the Qinzhong College Entrance Examination in 20xx. There are many teachers in the graduating class who live in other places. For example, teachers Wu Bin and Li Guangbiao are far away from home, and their husbands and wives live separately. Because the senior year of high school has arduous work, heavy responsibilities, and few vacations, they rarely have time to go back to visit their parents, wives, and children, and they miss home. At that time, I could only express my longing and guilt for my family through the phone.

  In fact, every teacher in the third year of high school is equally hard-working, equally diligent, and equally excellent, etc. They are all filled with the high aspirations of Qinzhong people to pursue excellence and strive for the first place, and are full of selflessness and selflessness regardless of gains and losses. The noble sentiment of dedication. The spirit of the entire senior high school team moved the teachers and students of the school. It was them who worked hard and worked hard to create another miracle in the history of the college entrance examination in Qinyang No. 1 Middle School! It was them who worked hard and made the brilliant dreams of many students come true! It was them. They worked hard and presented the most precious gift to Qinzhong’s 110th anniversary! Their names will be forever engraved in the history of Qinzhong’s development! Here, the school would like to express its high respect and heartfelt thanks to all the senior high school teachers!

  At the same time, I hope that all faculty and staff will learn from the senior high school teachers, learn from their dedicated work attitude, scientific and rigorous academic attitude, educational attitude that loves students as children, and modest attitude that is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and learn from their fighting spirit of seizing the day and selflessness. The professionalism of dedication, the team spirit of working together, and the indomitable fighting spirit will work hard to achieve eight consecutive championships in the college entrance examination next year and to build Qinyang No. 1 Middle School into a brand high school that leads Henan and is well-known nationwide!


Died in car accident after college entrance examination

1. Recalling those fallen college students: Fang Yaoping died in a car accident while learning to drive at a driving school

In the 2015 college entrance examination, Fang Yaoping scored 639 points and won the top spot in the liberal arts in Huaiji County. Zhaoqing ranked fourth in the city. With a score of 132 points in the Chinese subject, he was also the top scorer in the county's Chinese subject.

Fang Yaoping died in a car accident while learning to drive at a driving school. Although it has been a long time, it still makes people feel regretful that the beautiful future ended abruptly at that moment before it even started. The grief is not limited to this one time. Such heartbreaking things have happened many times before.

2. Recalling those fallen college students: Yuan Hui jumped into the West Lake to take a personalized graduation photo and drowned.

On the afternoon of June 29, 2011, Yuan Hui, who had just graduated from university, left his last message on and decided to climb a tree and jump into the West Lake, leaving behind a set of the craziest graduation photos.

At 5:20 pm, Xiao Yuan jumped into the West Lake from the Xiling Bridge on Beishan Road and swam to the lotus pond in Gushan Park on the other side. At 7:15, Xiao Xin's cold and stiff body was salvaged ashore by search and rescue personnel. The hospital finally declared her death after rescue efforts failed.

Without this leap, Xiao Yuan would have rushed to Beijing for an internship. Previously, he had received a full doctoral scholarship from an American university.

3. Recalling those fallen college students: Li Zhuoling, a Tibetan volunteer teacher who unfortunately died in a car accident

Li Zhuoling, from Shuda College of Hunan Normal University, went to Sichuan to teach as a volunteer. At 19:00 on June 12, 2010, she and her boyfriend died in a car accident in Yela Mountain (4568 meters above sea level) in Nyingchi, Tibet. The two went to heaven together on the plateau closest to the sky.

4. Reminiscing about those fallen college students: Mao Mengsuo, a Tibetan volunteer teacher who unfortunately died in a car accident

Mao Mengsuo, a native of Changsha, Hunan, is Li Zhuoling’s boyfriend and a football player. He and his girlfriend Li Zhuoling went to Tibet to teach. When the teaching mission was completed, he was traveling in Tibet with his girlfriend and five other friends. Unfortunately, he had a car accident on the way. Death.

5. Recalling those fallen college students: Wang Jun unfortunately fell into a ravine and died while visiting an elderly man living alone.

Wang Jun, a native of Chizhou, Anhui Province, is a graduate of Guangxi University for Nationalities. On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival in 2011, while participating in a volunteer activity to visit elderly people who had recovered from leprosy in a mountainous area, he accidentally lost his footing and fell into a ravine. He later died after resuscitation failed. Only 20 years old. Her last status on Renren before her death was: "Whether you are older friends or younger friends whose age begins with 1, happy holidays."

6. Recalling those fallen college students: Chen Xi unfortunately died in a car accident

Chen Xi, a 2007 anchor major at Sichuan Normal University. On the evening of May 11, 2011, a car accident caused by an unscrupulous driver and drunk driving took the life of this beautiful girl. This beautiful girl with a height of 170cm was a well-known talented girl in the school. She was an intern at the Central People's Broadcasting Station during her lifetime.

7. Recalling those fallen college students: Tan Zhuo was unfortunately knocked out more than 20 meters in a car accident and died of his injuries

Tan Zhuo is from Ningxiang County, Changsha. Graduated from Zhejiang University. At about 20:05 on May 7, 2009, when Tan Zhuo was crossing the road on Wen'er West Road in Hangzhou, he was hit by a red Mitsubishi sports car speeding from east to west on the zebra crossing, which was five meters high and more than 20 meters away. He fell to the ground and was sent to Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province where he died after resuscitation failed.

Li Zhuoling supports teaching, after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan" Picture 3

What ethnic primary schools are there in Jingning County? We are college students who want to teach.

Looking from past dynasties, during the Song and Ming dynasties, there were 22 Jinshi people in the Jingning area, and there were famous ministers and Confucian scholars. There are 52 people recorded in the annals of Jingning She Autonomous County, including 16 people before the Qing Dynasty, such as: Pan Tesong in the Northern Song Dynasty, who served as Shangshu Yousi Yuan Wailang, and the county people once built the third-generation Kemingfang for Pan Tela. In the late Northern Song Dynasty, Pan Yi was proficient in classics, history, astronomy and geography. He wrote "Ode to Nine Regions", "Star Map Verification", etc. His works were collected by Wang Shipeng, a famous eunuch in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, Pan Qindian was awarded Jinshi status. He served as an official for 29 years. He wrote "Ci of Recruiting Cranes", "Collection of Zhuxuan" and "Ode to Mountain Residence". He was 90 years old at the end of the year. The people of the county built Yakuifang, Jinshifang and Dazunfang to commemorate the event. In the 15th year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty, Tang Si retired as a Jinshi. He ranked first in "erudite and macroci" in the same list. He was appointed as the counselor of political affairs, in charge of military aircraft, and served as an official in Yanpushe. Zeng was dismissed as prime minister. In the first year of Longxing (1163), Xiaozong was again appointed as prime minister. In September, Jin was granted the title of Duke of Qi. Chen Yan, a famous doctor in the Southern Song Dynasty, founded the theory of "Three Causes and One Disease" and wrote "Three Causes and One Disease Syndrome" (the first work is "Three Causes and One Pathogen"), which was recorded in "History of the Song Dynasty". During the War of Liberation, Ye Yanggao, Mei Shiyu, Yan Pinduan, etc. In the early days of liberation, there were Lei Jingsan, Pan Zhongjun, and modern Ye Tong, Wu Zheng, etc.
Li Ruiyang
Li Ruiyang (1868-1934), courtesy name Dongsheng, was a native of Dajun Village, Dajun Township, Jingning. In the 27th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1901), he studied at Hongwen Normal University in Japan at his own expense. He was interviewed by Sun Yat-sen and received democratic revolutionary education. After completing his studies, he returned to Jingning County and devoted himself to the education and national salvation movement. When he was the first director of the county school, he reformed the old school system and opened new courses such as arithmetic, common sense, singing, physical education, and drawing. Later he served as the education section chief of Jingning County. He was once transferred to the education section chief of Qingtian County and acted as the county magistrate. Qu Yingguang, the governor of Zhejiang Province, awarded him the "Zhuan Education" plaque. In 1922, she was elected as the speaker of the second Jingning County Assembly. After participating in politics, she realized the difficulties of farming and mourned the hardships of people's livelihood. She advocated equality between men and women, restored the girls' school, added advanced classes, and renamed it Jingning County Girls' Primary School. A case was filed to review the county's financial and grain accounts and abolished false taxes and excessive levies. In his later years, when he was ill at home, he still devoted himself to the interests of the people and raised huge sums of money to build beautiful bridges. Mediate rural disputes, be impartial and reasonable, and be convinced by everyone. Zhang Zaiyang, Governor of Zhejiang Province, inscribed a plaque for “Enthusiasm for Public Welfare”. When he was seriously ill, She people heard the news and stayed up all night to hunt wild boars and use the pig stomachs as medicine; village women competed for breast milk and donated them to the cemetery for burial after his death.
Ye Yanggao
Ye Yanggao (1880-1911), the leader of my country's early armed uprising, was originally named Gao Ying and given the courtesy name Zhifeng. He was born in 1880, the sixth year of Emperor Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, in a small town in Jingning County adjacent to Zhangpin, Beishan. A poor peasant family in Shunhuangliao (formerly part of Qingtian). Bai You was smart and could recite the "Three Character Classic" by heart at the age of six. At the age of eleven, his elder brother went to Badu, Qingtian and entered Pingchuan Yi School. He lived there for five years, read the Four Books and Five Classics, and loved "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu". His father died at the age of sixteen, and his brother moved to Qingtian Beishan. Ye Yanggao continued his studies under Du Shiyu. At this time, there were many soldiers in Qingtian. Ye Yanggao chose the path of abandoning literature and practicing martial arts here, and was recruited into the military camp. Later, he entered the Jiangnan Military Academy, where he studied hard to serve the country and save the people.
In 1906, he traveled east across the ocean, studied at the Japanese Military Police School, and joined the Liberation Association and the China Alliance. After returning to China after completing his studies, he actively participated in the national revolution and often organized revolutionary activities in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Heilongjiang and other places. During the Wuchang Uprising of 1911, Ye Yanggao returned to Zhejiang to mobilize and respond; when Zhejiang was liberated, he joined the death squads. After the establishment of the Zhejiang Military Government, he successively served as the law enforcement officer of the headquarters, the military commander (battalion commander), and the 81st standard commander of the Zhejiang Army. In November 1911, the "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Allied Forces" were formed and he was appointed as the staff officer of the Allied Forces Headquarters. On November 28, during the battle to liberate Nanjing and conquer Tianbao City, Ye Yanggao served as the staff officer of the death squads and the captain of the second detachment. In the critical battle, he took the lead and sacrificed his life heroically, regardless of personal life and death. He was only thirty-two years old.
After the establishment of the Nanjing government, President Sun Yat-sen ordered the construction of the "Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of the Revolutionary Allied Forces of 1911" and the "Zhejiang Army Memorial Tower" in Tianbao City. Ye Yanggao was ranked first, and Sun Yat-sen once offered condolences. After Tianbao City was captured, Zhu Rui, commander of the Zhejiang Army, ordered that all those who died in Zhejiang were transported back to Hangzhou and buried at the southern peak of the West Lake. A monument was erected to commemorate them. The first name on the monument was Ye Yanggao. On the 70th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 in 1981, the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government moved the "Nanjing Fallen Soldiers Tomb" to Nan Tianzhu near Longjing, Hangzhou, and Ye Yanggaoying ranked first on the tombstone.
Pan Tecong
Pan Tecong (born between Yuanfeng and Yuanyou years in the Northern Song Dynasty), courtesy name Tingli, was born in Hexi Village, Jingning She Autonomous County, Zhejiang Province. As a hostage, he is dignified and kind-hearted. He became a Jinshi in the third year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty (1109). During the Xuanhe period (1119-1125), he was awarded the title of "Xuezheng" by Guozi and was responsible for teaching. He became famous by writing "Piyong Fu". His colleague Qin Hui was respectful but jealous and respected him as his brother. After Hui came to power, he often made helpful remarks to his subordinates. He was later promoted to Shaoqing of Dali Temple and was in charge of reviewing major impeachment and prison cases. Rewards should not be based on selfish interests, punishments must be justified, and punishments should be forgiven. Very popular among the people. Later, he served as Yuan Wai Lang, the right secretary of the Shangshu, and drafted imperial edicts for the imperial court. He was awarded the third-grade Fei uniform and was praised for "taking care of his words and deeds." The people of the county once built the third-generation Kemingfang for Pan Techong.
Lei Jingsan
Lei Jingsan (1904-1951) was a native of Dazhangkeng Village, Beixi Township, Jingning (now Dongkeng Town). She people. He has been working hard since childhood and went hunting in the mountains. In 1942, when the Qing (Tian) Jing (Ning) Li (Shui) Center County Committee of the Communist Party of China opened its work in Dongkeng District, Jingning County, he joined the Communist Party of China. Soon, due to betrayal by traitors, the party organization was destroyed. He persisted in carrying out the struggle in She Township and developing the party organization. In 1946, an armed militia was organized to stand guard, detect the enemy's situation, destroy telecommunications facilities, cut off the enemy's communications, and cooperate with the guerrillas to attack the enemy. In March 1949, he cooperated with the guerrillas to attack the Meiqi Fort at the junction of Jingning and Wencheng counties, forcing the enemy troops to evacuate their stronghold. In May of the same year, he led the militia to pursue the defeated Kuomintang troops and seized one machine gun and 12 rifles. On May 12, we cooperated with the guerrillas to liberate Jingning County. In 1950, he led the village militia and cooperated with the troops to annihilate Liu Zhichang's bandits. The Lishui Military Division awarded him the "Bandit Suppression Model Militia Team" banner. After liberation, he successively served as secretary of the village party branch, secretary of the township general branch, township head, etc., and was elected as the standing committee member and vice chairman of the first and second county people's representatives conferences from all walks of life. In August 1951, when he was preparing to attend the National Militia Model Congress and the National Day ceremony, he died of illness.
Liu Jingyuan
Liu Jingyuan (1884--1959), courtesy name Huizhen, was a native of Shawan Village, Jingning She Autonomous County, Zhejiang Province. In the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1901), he passed the imperial examination and passed the examination. In the 31st year of his life, he studied at Waseda University in Japan and joined the Guangfuhui Society. In the 34th year, he founded the Shawan Public Second Class Primary School with Liu Jingtao, Liu Qiaohong and Liu Yinfeng. . In the 7th year of the Republic of China (1918), he was elected as a member of the Zhejiang Provincial Assembly, taught at the Provincial No. 11 Middle School, and was appointed as the education director of Jingning County. In 22 years, he wrote the "Renewal of Jingning County" and resumed teaching at Wenzhou Middle School, Jishan Middle School, and Jingning Simple Normal School. During the Anti-Japanese War, family classes were set up to teach classical literature to the students. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was hired by Yu Shaosong, director of Zhejiang Provincial General History Museum, to stay in the library for two years. In 1947, he served as the principal of Shawan Primary School for two years. In 1950, he was invited by the Jingning County People's Government to participate in the first People's Congress of Jingning County and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee. Died of illness in 1959 at the age of 76.
Liu Binfa
Liu Binfa (1915--1993), also known as Pinhuang, used a pseudonym due to the need for the party's secret work. He was a native of Jixia Village, Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province. In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), he received education from the Communist Party of China and became a training target. In the 20th year of the Republic of China, he joined the Chinese Communist Party organization. In the 28th year, he left production and officially joined the army as a party worker. From then on, he sometimes used his job as a salesman as a cover, sometimes used Chinese herbal medicine to practice medicine, and secretly carried out party work in the mountainous areas bordering Taishun and Jingning. At the beginning of 2035, he served as the special commissioner of the Jingning and Taishun border areas of the Qing (Tian) Jing (Ning) and Li (Shui) County Committee of the Communist Party of China. His work base was located in Jingning Dongkeng District, so that the party organizations here that had been severely damaged quickly resumed activities. We also established an underground communication line with the party organization in Shouning County, Fujian Province, made friends with poor farmers, especially the She people, and went deep into the mountain villages to eat and live together. At the same time, he was able to flexibly use the party's united front strategy to unite a large number of rural teachers, educated youth and local gentry. Some township chiefs and security chiefs were also influenced by education, so that the work area continued to consolidate and expand, and the number of party friends continued to increase. In October of the same year, after serving as the secretary of the Dongkeng District Committee of the Communist Party of China, he served as both a commander and a combatant during the smart attack on the Dongkeng District Office, the seizure of the firearms of the Shangbiao Militia, and the ambush of the "bandit suppression" army in Shuijian'ao. Win every battle. On New Year's Day in 1938, 1,012 militiamen were mobilized day and night to cooperate with the southern Zhejiang guerrilla column to storm Jingning County. Although it was not conquered, it expanded the party's political influence and shocked the Kuomintang military and police to defend the isolated city. On May 12 of the same year, after the Chinese People's Liberation Army liberated Jingning County, Liu Bin immediately led cadres and militia into the city and announced the liberation of Jingning. After the superior organization announced that Liu Binfa was appointed as the Secretary and County Magistrate of Jingning County Committee of the Communist Party of China, while establishing people's political power, he led farmers to quickly restore production and social order, cooperated with the army to eliminate bandits, and carried out land reform and farmers' mutual aid and cooperation movements. He made outstanding achievements. Deeply loved by the people of Jingning. In September 1953, he left Jingning due to work transfer. Although he was ill for a long time after his retirement, he did not forget the friendship of the people of Jingning. In 1984, he was invited to participate in the celebration of the establishment of Jingning She Autonomous County despite his illness. Died in March 1993.

Li Zhuoling supports teaching, after watching the movie "Feng Zhiyuan" Picture 4

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