
Contents of this article

  • 1. How do boys increase their charm?
  • 2. How can men improve their charm?
  • 3. How boys can improve their charm to attract the opposite sex
  • 4.How boys can improve their attractiveness

How do boys increase their charm?

The following 4 tips are to increase the charm of boys:

1. Exercise more

If boys want to enhance their charm, exercise is indispensable. In particular, you need to exercise yourself to build muscles, because many girls now like boys with muscles very much. Such boys will make women feel extremely safe. And boys who love to exercise will exude masculine charm. For exercises suitable for exercise, you can choose swimming or skateboarding. These sports are also very enviable by girls.

How do boys improve their charm? How do boys increase their charm? Picture 1

2. Improve your sense of humor

Most girls prefer boys with a sense of humor, so if a boy wants to improve his charm, he must work hard to improve his sense of humor, because every girl hopes that his boyfriend can coax him. I am very happy and can laugh every day, because in life, work pressure is relatively high. At this time, having a humorous boyfriend around can not only relieve the pressure, but also make life more fun.

How do boys improve their charm? How do boys increase their charm? Picture 2

3. Learn how to dress

In life, many boys are relatively handsome, but they just don’t know how to dress well, and their usual appearance looks sloppy. Such boys are not attractive in front of girls. Therefore, if boys want to improve their charm, they must learn how to dress, and then dress themselves fresher and cleaner. Only in this way will your charm be better displayed, and then girls will pay attention to you.

How do boys improve their charm? How do boys increase their charm? Picture 3

4. Smile often

In fact, girls like gentle boys very much, especially the warm ones. Therefore, if a boy wants to improve his charm, he should smile more in his daily life, learn to be more careful, and understand what girls need. What, such a boy must be very attractive next to a girl. However, I would like to remind boys here that smiling is not that simple, because if you don’t smile well, you will feel vulgar. So be sure to smile so that others can feel your warmth.

How can men improve their charm

How men can improve their charm

  How men can improve their charm is also a kind of progress in improving their abilities. There are many places where we can improve our abilities. It is especially important for men to improve themselves. So, how can men improve their charm? Let’s learn together.

  How men can improve their charm 1

   Attentive charm.

  This is something that any man can do, and it is something that most men abandon. Many men think that they can show off their charm by doing big things, but they are often defeated in the minutiae. Therefore, if you want to improve your own charm, a man needs to first care about others carefully, make more phone calls, greet more, and ask for help... Slowly, other people will find that you are very careful and caring. Warm and charming.

   Visual appeal.

  I’m not referring to a person’s appearance here. Although appearance can hardly give everyone a preconceived visual charm, it’s not entirely true. Remember, being neatly dressed, well-matched, clean and fresh, having a suitable hairstyle, etc. are all manifestations of visual charm. Start taking care of yourself now!

   Charming manner.

  A man's behavior is related to how others position him. This has a lot to do with his cultivation and education. You will never think that a man picking his ears or nostrils in public is very attractive. Therefore, pay attention to your behavior at ordinary times. When interacting with others, you can behave gracefully and with charm.

   Conversation charm.

  This is more difficult, because it is not only enough to be well-educated, but also related to the comprehensive charm of your richness of knowledge and language ability. As the ancients said: Wait a minute! Remember to speak slowly, don't rush to speak, and think slowly to reflect your conversation, drive a huge transfer of abilities, and bring you a magnetic field of charm.

   Charm of tolerance.

  The ancients often said: The prime minister's belly can hold a boat, and Hainan is big if it has hundreds of rivers. If a man's heart is as small as a circle, then you have all the other charms, but in the end you still won't be recognized by others. Therefore, learn to be tolerant and don't care about those who can tolerate it. If you do this, then your charm is already very powerful.

   The charm of responsibility.

  This man is very responsible - this sentence is definitely a high evaluation of a man, because responsibility is not only responsible for one person, but for friends, relatives, family, company, etc., choose A responsible man chooses peace of mind, comfort, and peace of mind...

  How men can improve their charm 2

   1. Pay attention to your external image

  Heart of beauty in everyone. There is no doubt that women like handsome guys, just like men like beautiful women. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your external image. I have a friend whose family conditions are average. When he was in college, he fell in love with a beautiful girl in the next class, so he started a crazy pursuit of her. I looked at this girl carefully. She was really good-looking, and she was very particular about her appearance. Most of the clothes she wore were famous brands.

  Let’s look at my friend again. Her clothes and other aspects all looked rustic, so I advised my friend to give up as soon as possible. This kind of girl is not his cup of tea! Later, as I said, the girl seemed very disgusted with him, "You first look in the mirror and see if you are worthy of me, with your rustic look?"

  My friend was deeply shocked after hearing this, but he also realized this problem of his own, so he began to improve his external image. Later, his relationship with girls became much better, and he also found a girlfriend he liked.

   2. Improve your ability to make money

  Although money is not everything, without money, nothing is possible. I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle! We often hear many boys complain that girls nowadays are becoming more and more realistic. In fact, it is understandable from a girl's perspective. Every woman wants to live a good life, wear brand-name clothes, and use high-end cosmetics... This is human nature. Moreover, even if a girl is willing to endure hardships with you, it will be difficult for her parents to agree.

  In real life, too many couples break up because of material conditions. Therefore, if you want to be liked by girls, please improve your ability to make money first!

   3. Learn to make yourself humorous

  A humorous person is generally a positive and optimistic person. You will feel very relaxed when you stay with this kind of person. On the contrary, no one likes to live with dull and boring people, it will be a kind of torture.

  In the entertainment industry, the reason why Wong Cho Lam was able to "conquer" Li Yanan is inseparable from Wong Cho Lam's humor. With Li Yanan's own superior conditions, she could definitely find someone who matched her in terms of height, appearance, etc., but she ultimately chose to be with Wong Cho Lam, which is enough to demonstrate the power of humor. Of course, all this is inseparable from Wang Zulan's considerate care of her.

   4. Let yourself learn at least one talent

  Talented people are quite attractive. You don’t need to be proficient in everything, including piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but you must have at least one unique skill that you can master. This is very attractive to women.

   5. Make yourself mature and steady

  When many women are looking for a partner, one of the conditions is usually maturity and stability. Because, by staying with this kind of man, a woman will feel more secure and able to find a sense of dependence. Generally speaking, when something happens or encounters any difficulties, this kind of man can often give women good advice and help.

  How men can improve their charm 3

   1. Smile more

  A man's smiling face will make a girl feel that you are so confident that you don't even know when she will fall in love with your smiling face. A confident smiling face will make the girl and you feel very sunny and relaxed, but that's not the case here. Don't force a smile, but smile naturally, not in a vulgar way, otherwise girls will think you are a scoundrel.

   2. Funny and humorous

  Many girls won't hold back men who make her happy. If you can make them happy, they will be attracted to you unconsciously. What you have to understand is that being funny does not require you to play the role of a clown to please her. Because clowns cannot attract girls, this requires a process to improve. You'd better collect more interesting cases in your life, so that you can deal with nature everywhere, and having a sense of humor is a sign of skill.

   3. The conversation speed should be appropriate

  Have you ever had such an experience? When you talk to someone you like, you naturally speed up your speaking speed. This is often a sign of lack of self-confidence. Because you are afraid that she will not listen to you, you speed up your speaking speed. When you speed up, The girl will think that you are a person who lacks confidence, which will lower the score in her mind, so you can also try to slow down your speech. "Understand and confidently tell her the essence of your love that you want to express.

   4. Know how to dress appropriately

  First of all whether you look good or not, you have to stay clean and stylish. If you look a little dirty, or are wearing clothes from your father's generation, then you don't need to ask for trouble, so before chasing girls, you must package your clothes well, and you must let yourself see Make it clean and comfortable to attract girls.

   5. Play with caution

  After you are ready, it’s time to start using your hard-to-get approach. Don't let a girl think you're flirting with her right away, as pursuing you in this way will definitely lead to failure. When we first became friends, she would occasionally misunderstand some small actions, such as helping her to remove the leaves from her hair, telling her that her mascara was dizzy and dyed, and then asking her to wipe it off gently.

   6. Daily life circle

  Don't update Weibo and moments every day to attract her attention, because you seem to have nothing to do and your low mood has nothing to do with it. "Generally speaking, the lower the update frequency, the more curious she will be. And the circle of friends should not forward those news or middle-aged chicken soup. It is better to have more scenery or scenes that you pass by, so that she thinks your world is wonderful. of and knowledge and should take beautiful photos to slowly build your charm and girls can't help but be attracted to you when they look back on you.

How boys can improve their charm to attract the opposite sex

  Every boy hopes that he can improve his charm, so what should he do? Below I will introduce to you the methods for boys to improve their charm. You are welcome to read.

  How boys can improve their charm

  Improve humor.

  Not all girls like cool boys. What's cool to them is when facing other people. And warmth is only for one person. Smile and humor are only for one person. Therefore, boys should appropriately improve their sense of humor.

  Improve your taste.

  Some girls simply can't bear to look at boys' taste. It’s expensive to give a gift. It's not in line with my own taste. Learn about current popular styles. Girls' clothing is faster to wear. So learn about some fashion. You can give your girlfriend some surprises appropriately.

  Increase the breadth of knowledge.

  Increase the breadth of knowledge. It can make you talk differently. This will make your girlfriend adore you. It can also be said that girls all want their boyfriends to be a hero. He can be worshiped. Of course, you don’t have to ask for a lot, but your breadth of knowledge can make him admire you.


  Boys should exercise regularly. This way you can protect your girlfriend when necessary. Girls all like to feel protected. So you have to give him a safe haven.

  Develop a good sense of direction.

  If you often take your girlfriend to play, you must have a sense of direction. At least when you get lost, you must tell her that you can bring her back. Girls are born to be road-crazy. If you are his direction.

  Appropriate severity.

  When your girlfriend does something wrong, you must speak to her and speak harshly to her. Be sure to tell her when she doesn't love herself when she's sick. Talk to her harshly. Because then he will understand. You really love her.

  Be a warm man.

  But he is not a warm man who is a backup, but a warm man who makes girls rely on him. Such as a birthday surprise. Such as pick-up and drop-off on rainy days. Anything is fine, but it must be special.

How boys can improve their attractiveness

What kind of man is more attractive to women? How should a boy improve his own attractiveness? Modern people care about the inner and outer appearance of men. Let's take a look at such aspects:


Men's inner body and appearance
No one doesn't like a man's strong figure, and no one doesn't like a clean and youthful appearance. Then hurry up and exercise, and work hard for health and eye candy. As a boy, no matter how he looks, wearing clean and tidy clothes is the best feeling you give others and the reflection of your own life status. No one should dislike it.


The inner spirit and cultivation of a man
No one doesn’t like your smile, no one doesn’t like your ambition, no one doesn’t like your cheerfulness and humor, no one People don't like your love and kindness. Seeing so much, if a man improves himself little by little and his mental outlook improves, everything will be fine.


Men’s external knowledge and social status
No woman does not appreciate a rich man, no woman does not appreciate a successful man, and no woman does not appreciate a tall man. No woman will not appreciate a man who is well-educated and has a sense of social responsibility. Do you have these? Make up for whatever is missing. In fact, women's requirements are not high, and they will be satisfied with just one or two.
The motivation for men to work hard is to get their own promotion and the appreciation of others. A man who is responsible, responsible, handsome, talented, and has his own identity is the goal of a man. Come on!

I remember there is a very charming sentence in Wu Guijun's "Like Someone": It starts with appearance, falls into talent, and is loyal to character. Personally, I think there are three main ways for boys to improve their attractiveness: cleanliness, temperament, and dressing.

Nowadays, many boys don’t pay much attention to their own image. Some of them are careless about life, and some are lazy. Below I will talk about how to improve your attractiveness from these three aspects.

The prerequisite for being attractive is that appearance is accepted first. Although we often say that we should not judge people by their appearance, I believe that almost everyone is an appearance association, because everyone loves beauty, but some people not only look at appearance, but some people only look at appearance. But compared to girls, it is too simple to consider a boy's good looks to be clean. As long as a boy looks clean, girls usually don't feel too bad about him.

So let’s talk about how to be clean. The most important ones are your face and hair. For boys, there is nothing wrong with the saying that hair washing = plastic surgery. Many boys grow up with greasy hair, and their faces are greasy and even reflective. No matter how good-looking a boy is, no girl will like him. When we usually wash our face, we can use facial cleanser to clean the face, and then apply moisturizing skin care products. Especially in autumn and winter, doing this can prevent skin peeling on the face. Many boys talk about how to dress up like a girl. We didn’t mention putting on makeup here, just cleaning ourselves up.

Temperament is something that really needs to be cultivated, not just pretended. Speaking of temperament, I am reminded of a classic saying on the Internet: "The cement at the village head is still there, but the yellow-haired monster is no longer there." The temperament of boys has been deflected once by afro headbands and once by tight pants. Now it is being deflected. Makeup, one of the four evil arts, is biased. I think there are three main types of male temperament: scholarly temperament, tough guy temperament, sunny big boy temperament, and uncle-type temperament. I think these temperaments are relatively mainstream. I think the core of temperament is character. If character is bad, it will be like a beast in appearance and sanctimony. If you haven't mastered being a human being, you can't talk about attractiveness.

As the saying goes, a person's appearance depends on his clothes. Clothing can most directly reflect a person's temperament. Boys' outfits are actually very simple. The most important core of the most popular outfits is sunshine. Who doesn’t love a sunny boy? Nowadays, many traffic niches almost have the image of a sunny boy. So let’s talk about which outfits look more sunny and instantly win the favor of the goddess.

1: Warm color crew neck sweater

A warm color crew neck sweater, paired with a pair of well-fitting trousers, is simply a warm masculine PLUS. This kind of outfit makes boys look a little more mature, but it doesn't have the feeling of rejection after maturity, but a warm feeling. If you go out wearing this outfit, you will probably be covered with everything when you come back. With a few young ladies.

2: Sweater + shirt inner layer
This is a super classic combination. This combination successfully combines gentleness and warm masculine image. It is simply an artifact to capture the heart of the goddess, almost all kinds of boys All can be controlled. If you have dark skin, you can choose something with lower saturation, such as a light blue shirt. I think the best is a variegated color with a white shirt, or a burgundy color with a white shirt. Put it on and you will look like this. The most handsome boy on the street.

How to attract girls with a boy’s temperament is actually not difficult: he looks simple, generous and clean, but he is warm and strong, and humorous. Only in this way can girls be attracted. After all, good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique. I am a tailor master, I hope my sharing can be helpful to you!

1. People often "judge people by their appearance". The most important thing about charm is to pay attention to the issue of face. You are not required to be more handsome than Daniel Wu, but you must look clean and fresh.

The above pictures are of the same person. Which one do you think is more attractive?

Here are some suggestions for face issues: ① If your hair is not greasy or messy, find a hairstylist to find a hairstyle that suits you. ② On the face, you should shave regularly and don’t have a shaggy beard, unless you are really good at being artistic. Generally, men will look more handsome if they shave off their beards and look clean and fresh.

2. Dress up. Men should not be too flashy when wearing clothes. They should pay attention to style and texture. If you really feel that matching is too difficult, you can watch more street photos to learn about matching skills. PS: Don’t do quick tricks! ! You can refer to Japanese matching or sports style

3. Manners Don’t think that men don’t pay attention to their posture. Good posture can make you shine in the crowd.

Zheng Shaoqiu is nearly seventy years old, and his tall and straight figure can kill a lot of young people in an instant. Training for posture is not only fitness, but also fitness. There should be no need for me to say more about fitness and posture training.

4. The issue of "lizi" is also a top priority

Read more, travel more and think more. It’s also a great way to add charm. It will be reflected in your conversation and behavior, and it also determines how favorably others treat you. Read more, explore widely, and increase your knowledge. Travel more, broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge. Think more, be calm and calm, don't be impatient
After all, both body and soul are always on the way.

The most important thing is action! action! action! After all, serious men are the most attractive!

Girls generally look for three things when they like boys. First of all, face, if you have a good-looking face, then people will be interested in getting to know you better; second, personality, if you have a very nice personality, you will also be welcomed by everyone; third, ability, if you have good looks If you are ugly and have a bad personality, then at least I hope you have the ability to make everyone admire you! Therefore, boys should start from these aspects to improve their charm among the crowd.
What you look like is something you are born with. It is innate and we cannot change it. We can start with dressing up. The most important thing for boys to wear is to be sunny and clean. Don't step on the wrong things, such as wearing white socks under leather shoes or wearing a large vest casually when going out. These are unacceptable to girls. Even if you are wearing sportswear, you should wear suitable and clean sneakers. If you are a boy who likes to wear shirts, remember that the shirt must be ironed. Details determine everything. If you want to improve your taste, you can choose a watch that suits you to wear, which is very suitable.
How can boys improve their attractiveness? Apart from the appearance, it’s all about the inside. Everyone has heard this saying, that is: start with appearance, fall into talent, and be loyal to character. Therefore, if you want to improve your own attractiveness, you must first start with your appearance. Of course, this does not mean that the inside is not important, but it reminds the majority of male compatriots to pay attention to their external image, because even if a person is very talented, if he If the appearance is too slovenly, the first impression will be that it is very sloppy. How can it be attractive in this case, right?
So if you want to improve your personal image, you have to start from the aspect of dressing skills. When it comes to dressing, many people may think that it is an easy thing. It’s not just dressing. Everyone can do it. In fact, it is not In this way, dressing also requires skills, so dressing is also a knowledge. It cannot be learned overnight, but it requires constant trying, accumulation, and summary
To improve your personal dressing image, Then it is recommended to start by understanding your own physical condition, such as your height, weight, face shape, skin color, etc., which is what we usually call height, short, fat, and thin. At the same time, you should also measure some of your own data, such as waist circumference, chest circumference, shoulder width, etc. Leg length, etc., these data can serve as a good reference when we purchase clothes.
Then comes the beginning of learning about matching. Learn how to match some colors, understand the different styles of clothes, and learn to match your strengths and avoid weaknesses according to your own body shape. For example, if your legs are short, then you need to learn how to match them. Try to make your legs appear longer. Of course, this is more difficult for beginners, so if you want to make it simpler, you can look at the matching styles of fashionable people. Start with imitation and simple matching. The whole body matching items should be mainly simple design styles, so as not to Error-prone.
So imitate the styles of fashionable people, read more matching tips in fashion magazines, summarize, try and accumulate more, and finally find your own matching style, and constantly improve your dressing taste, such as for clothes The fabrics should have certain requirements and have a certain texture. Use some accessories to enhance the taste of the matching, make it more personalized and attractive, and not lose the gentlemanly style, such as watches, sunglasses, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
Finally, you must pay attention to your own hairstyle. In addition to the outfit, the choice of hairstyle is also very important for a person's external image. If the hairstyle is wrong, then no matter how well matched it is, it will still look inappropriate, so it must be combined Make the most of your own face shape and avoid its weaknesses, and choose a hairstyle that suits your face shape. For example, if you have a round face, then when choosing a hairstyle, try to choose a hairstyle that can weaken the roundness of the face so that it will not be so round.
In general, if you want to improve your own attractiveness, you must pay attention to your external image. The combination of hairstyle and clothes is indispensable.
I'm glad to answer your question

I think that to improve one's own attractiveness, men should be clean and tidy in appearance, well-dressed, read more and learn more on the inside, and pay attention to the cultivation of their own qualities. Exercising your body can effectively improve your attractiveness.

We usually draw some particularly attractive boys and share them with everyone.
For boys, improving their own attractiveness comes down to image, which mainly includes clothing (color and style of clothing), hairstyle and personal etiquette.

Your image is worth millions. This sentence is very important for both boys and girls.

When we communicate with people, the first impression is often the most important, 55% of which depends on the image, 38% on the voice, and 7% on the conversation content and background information. .

First of all, it’s the outfit. Everyone's color rules and dressing style are innate and unchanged throughout life. Only by finding your own color rules and dressing style can you find your true self in clothing matching. Of course, this does not mean You don't have to wear clothes of that style just because you have a certain style. Each style can also interpret different styles, which is also related to the individual's way of dressing.
Everyone’s dressing rules are innate and remain unchanged throughout life. It is mainly judged based on the overall color characteristics of a person's head and face. According to the different color characteristics of the head and face, it can be divided into 6 types of people - dark, light, cold, warm, clean and soft
Secondly, the hairstyle and the design of the hairstyle It’s not only related to your face shape, but also your own style. If you determine the hairstyle that suits you based on your face shape and style, your image will naturally be greatly improved. But the premise is to find your own innate style.
1) Oval face:

Suitable hairstyle: Oval face is the most perfect face shape among men, and many hairstyles are suitable.

Other face shapes are modified according to the oval face.

2) Long face:

Modification method: Use the thickness of bangs and hairstyle to modify

a. Create texture, fluffy design and ragged bangs. Small face
b. Punk airplane head, slightly short sideburns, slightly long bangs
3) Square face: You can choose neat short hair, do not choose haircuts that are too long, parted in the middle, or too thick; in addition, short sideburns Hair style can reduce the visual width
Suitable hairstyles: caliper head, hair on the top of the head, and shortening on the sides; oily head, hair on the back and short hair, scratching on the top of the head, and shortening on the sides
4) Round shape Face: The first hairstyle to choose is one with enough hair volume and length on the top of the head to increase the visual length of the face
Suitable hairstyles: crested comb, short hair with textured bangs
5) Diamond-shaped face: It is not recommended to cut the hair If it is too short, you should also avoid side cuts that are too short, and avoid choosing docile and straight hairstyles.

Suitable hairstyles: upturned comb, long side bangs, middle-parted bangs, etc.
6) Heart-shaped face: A hairstyle that is too short will focus the vision on the upper face, so try to leave a certain length. Best
Suitable hairstyles: Side-parted oil hair, bangs
7) Triangular face: Choose a slightly longer hairstyle, but pay attention to layering and appropriately increase the thickness and width of the top hair
Finally, personal Etiquette

1) Keep bathing, washing your hair and face

Be sure to wash your face with warm water. It is recommended to use amino acid facial cleanser, which will not irritate the facial skin. Rub the facial cleanser into foam and apply it to your face. Gently rub it with your fingertips, and then wash your face with cold water to shrink pores and tighten the skin. A refreshing but not dry face will make your morning full of vitality.
It is best to prepare two shampoos with different effects and use them interchangeably, together with conditioner, to help our hair become shiny and free of dandruff. Visit Mr. Tony every 3 weeks or when your hair style changes, and maintain a simple hair style (except round and crew cuts) so that you look sunny and energetic, not sluggish or depressed.

Exercise has many benefits. Proper exercise can help us shape a good body shape, making boys look thin when dressed and muscular when undressed. At the same time, exercise can also speed up the body's metabolism, accelerate the discharge of waste from the body, reduce acne on the face, coordinate and balance the pH of body fluids, and make the skin brighter.
2) Remove secretions: including secretions from the corners of the eyes and nostrils
3) Shave regularly and trim eyebrows
4) Maintain hand hygiene, including palms and shoulders

Cover hands It is called the second face of a person, so it is necessary to cut your fingernails and avoid leaving long nails, etc.
5) Pay attention to oral hygiene

Insist on brushing your teeth every day to eliminate oral odor
6) Appearance: including Appearance, manners, posture, demeanor, etc. In government affairs, business, affairs and social occasions, a person's appearance can not only reflect cultural accomplishment, but also reflect aesthetic taste.

People are born with their appearance and the length of their body is difficult to change, but clothing can be changed. Neat and beautiful clothing is the best and most frequently used weapon that people can use to change themselves or highlight themselves. Therefore, we must learn to use this weapon to arm ourselves.
Read it carefully! Men who have an attitude towards life are the most attractive. If you improve your life, you may become a charming man. Men can improve their charm from the following five aspects. Then let’s take a look!

1. Fitness exercise
Fitness is a positive attitude towards life and healthy living habits. Fitness is a method that most people will choose. The body will reduce diseases and become more confident in life. A confident man will be radiant and transparent wherever he goes, and will have more energy to support his work, his career will also rise, and a man's charm will naturally increase

2 , hair style, dress appropriately, behave civilly
Hair style is also very important, and hair style can also express your temperament.
At the same time, cultivate your own dressing taste and habits, keep your clothes neat, natural, comfortable and neat, suitable for the scene; your speech and behavior are dignified and generous.

3. Humor
Humor becomes a lubricant in communication between people. Humor is not born with everyone, but it can adjust the tense atmosphere. The same thing can be humorous People who are not humorous may express things in different ways and achieve different effects.

4. Interests are also very important
Fashion, music, sports, travel, photography, mountain climbing, swimming, painting... the development of multiple interests

5. Romantic Love
Monotony will always make people tired. Giving a surprise or a candy on a special day will often have good results.

If a man wants to improve his attractiveness, he must first learn to be polite. A polite man will be more popular. In normal times, he should pay attention to his appearance and not be too fancy, just be clean and refreshing. Exercise more. After all, many girls like abdominal muscles. If you can't do these, then work hard to make money.

Politeness. A mature man must treat everyone politely. This is not hypocrisy, but magic. Dealing with everyone with enthusiasm can make your life better.
Image, a person's dress does not need to be too gorgeous, but it cannot be sloppy either. As long as it's clean and tidy. Hairstyle is also an important factor. What hairstyle is a personal preference, but the best length should not cover the eyebrows and the ears should not be covered on both sides. That's a hairstyle only worn by celebrities and young people.

Well-toned body. No one will like a bloated man. Regular exercise and maintaining a toned body can bring you confidence.
Humorous and witty, a humorous man will have a smoother career and love life than a rigid man. A simple joke could lead to love and career.
Mindset and demeanor. Keep a good attitude, it will make you full of energy. A man with grace can get more appreciation. Only by focusing on the present can you look at the world.
Connotation. Read books often to increase your ideological content. A thoughtful and thoughtful person is the most attractive.
Banknotes. If you don't have one, you can live a happy life for yourself and your family. In the eyes of others, you are just a mediocre person who has accomplished nothing. Therefore, working hard to have a career is the most important thing.

First of all, you need to know what your purpose is? Attract women and then get single? That's easy. It is said that the standard for women to choose men nowadays is three 180, followed by the units of millimeters, centimeters, and square meters. Millimeters, it is predestined and cannot be improved. Square meters, for our young generation, is a bit stressful. The only breakthrough is in centimeters. However, the average height of boys in our country is 170. If you want to increase it to 180, you need to increase your height by 10 centimeters. How to fix this one? Amputation? No need. First of all, don’t reject internal growth. If a man doesn’t gain internal growth, where will his aura come from? In my experience, inner height increase can increase the height by at least 3.5 cm. If you wear leather shoes with a 1.5 cm heel, it will be enough to increase your height by 5 cm.

Then there is the hairstyle. For men, short hair is not only a weapon that reduces your appearance, but also a dragon-slaying knife that reduces your height. Did you know that a man with a side-slicked hairstyle can gain 4 centimeters in height? Adding the 5 centimeters just now, you have already grown 9 centimeters, right?

The upper part has increased, and the lower part has also increased, so the next thing is the middle. When men dress, they must pay attention to proportion. Many male friends have seen some handsome Obamas on TV who like to wear their tops and pants, so they all learn to do it this way. You don’t have to know something. The reason why they dress this way is because their height is enough to resist the abnormal proportions. Perfect, and you are already short, this will only make you shorter. Therefore, no matter what you wear, you must tuck your top into your pants, using the waistline as the upper and lower dividing line to make your legs look longer. In this way, the visual height increases by 2 cm, and you have reached 181.

Of course, clothing should not only show height, but also show temperament. For men, the most elegant attire is a suit. Gentleman is elegant and elegant.

In addition, there must be a sense of freshness. An attractive man will not be the same seven days a week, but it is actually very simple to do so. Take the suit above as an example. If you change your coat the next day, it will be different.

It will be different if you change your inner wear on the third day.
I changed my pants on the fourth day and it was still different.
On the fifth day, you can change two items at the same time, such as inner wear and pants at the same time. Two pieces were also replaced on the sixth day, and two pieces were replaced on the seventh day.

Easily, a week's worth of outfits are ready. But only the first three pieces of clothing and the next three pieces of clothing were used, for a total of six pieces of clothing. Therefore, to improve a man's attractiveness, the first is height, the second is clothing, and the third is freshness.

The above is all about how boys can improve their charm, how boys can increase their charm, and the related content of Charming Boys Network. I hope it can help you.

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