
Contents of this article

  • 1.Sad and short personalized signature for boys
  • 2. A sad and personalized signature of despair in life
  • 3. Sad sentences to express feelings of loss and eight-character short sentences
  • 4. The eight-character sad sentences are heartbreaking.

Sad short personalized signature for boys

  I have a love-hate relationship with that city because it houses the people I love most and who hurt me the most. Below are 96 sad and personalized signatures that I collected and compiled. Welcome to refer to them.

1. I don’t love you anymore. I’m arrogant and self-respecting. You must never come back.

2. The silent young man leaning against the car window.

3. Being angry means using other people’s mistakes to punish yourself.

4. I will feel sad for a long time when someone talks about something that hurts me.

5. There is a sad memory in the distance between two people turning around.

6. Have things changed between us, or have we not firmly grasped something.

7. Even if I can save time, I can't get back the day we fell in love.

8. Youth always needs some pain to make us unforgettable.

9. I have forgotten the feeling of heartache, but you hurt me mercilessly again!

10. The clearly drawn boundaries are no longer so easy to piece together and the messy memories are no longer as fresh in the memory.

11. If you don’t leave regrets, how can you miss me?

12. As long as you are prepared to bear all the consequences, you can do whatever you like and whatever you are afraid of.

13. The so-called free and easy is just another kind of vulnerability.

14. If you like someone, you don’t have to be with him. Just let him hide in your heart silently. Maybe this will be better.

15. When a poor man sees rich people, he thinks, they have everything, how enviable they are. A rich man thinks when he sees a poor man, he has nothing but is so happy. In fact, we are the poor or rich people who are always dissatisfied with their lives. Life is like tasting tea, with all its color and fragrance. Sometimes it is fragrant and strong, and one sip will make you feel much more comfortable. Sometimes it is bitter and dull, but it is often difficult to drink.

16. I will let you go wandering, and when you are tired of the novelty, I will take you home.

17. I can no longer remember the feeling of liking you.

18. You are an angel among devils, so give me the gift of heartbreak.

19. Do you really like her, or do you just want to imitate others in falling in love?

20. How are you? Weather alright? Will you still miss me wherever you go?

21. I no longer have the courage to imagine the future.

22. Without you, I can’t breathe.

23. QQ couple’s signature: A woman who can support herself should take on responsibilities that she can afford.

24. Is your heart always in a heartbreaking state?

25. I still can’t get used to the world without you.

26. My heart has become so twisted that even I dare not face it myself.

27. I am not your toy. You can play with it if you want, and throw it away when you are tired of it.

28. The deepest love is just that you know you are redundant, but you still can't put it down.

29. You can't see my desperate efforts, because another person completely occupies your eyes.

30. We don’t think about the future, just that the present is good.

31. Am I not good enough or are you blind!

32. He said he hates people who have ambiguous relationships with many people, but why doesn’t he hate himself.

33. When he had enough fun, he left and left me alone in the wind.

34. She held hands with her and left me at the end of the road. How should I keep her?

35. They are destined to meet each other but not stay together. This is fate.

36. I am stuck in memories and can’t get out, but you are moving further and further away.

37. I need someone who can stay with me for a long time, not a passerby who can make me grow.

38. Wait for summer, autumn, and next season.

39. When it is time to hand yourself over to a man, you really feel all kinds of fear in your heart.

40. I am your girlfriend, not your nanny. I cannot be like your mother.

41. Life is like a coffee table, full of cups (tragedy).

42. There are many people in the world who are going in opposite directions but rarely reach the same destination.

43. My heart is given to you, but you still love her.

44. Find a way to leave quietly.

45. People should be happy while alive. Because the time to die is many times longer than the time to live.

46. Your gray avatar makes me unable to look at it again.

47. After I die, please don’t get close to my body, because I no longer have the strength to pick up my hand and wipe your tears.

48. Standing indifferently outside the window, spiders build webs and hang umbrellas.

49. Life needs cracks so that sunlight can shine in.

50. I also have a dream, but now I’m awake.

51. I always read other people’s words to express my feelings.

52. Coming out of brokenness is not relief, but scars.

53. In June, the farewell song sounds, will you laugh and cry?

54. It is said that in front of a successful man, there is often an unknown woman who supports him, but in front of a failed man, is there often a well-known woman who makes trouble?

55. Sometimes, indifference is not ruthlessness, it is just a tool to avoid being hurt.

56. At sunset and dusk, who left behind whose prosperity.

57. Ten thousand shadows cannot stack up to a height of one millimeter, just like no matter how much I love you, it is all in vain.

58. I didn’t know at the time that you were important in keeping me from being lonely.

59. Maybe I am tired and don’t want to cause myself any more pain. So I buried my pain quietly.

60. When you reply to others instantly and ignore me, I am already awake.

61. It’s a pity that we still couldn’t love until the beginning.

62. What can wash away everything except tears is time.

63. Learn to make yourself stronger, and learning new things is one of them.

64. I am as weak as a star thousands of miles away from you.

65. What I want from beginning to end is just you.

66. An emotion, not sadness, but emotion.

67. Maybe we have all changed, or maybe we have not changed. We have just experienced some years of hard work and have understood some things. These things have finally become memories.

68. I express my deep love with a cup, but I can only sigh at the lonely moon.

69. The past can never come back.

70. I can’t afford to spy on your private information. I prefer to be what you call a coward in the corner because you have never loved me.

71. Because love is unspeakably painful, because love cannot be expressed sincerely.

72. Maybe I am a sick child, but the only good medicine that can cure my disease is you.

73. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about enjoying it.

74. I was afraid that you would see my depression, so I turned around quietly.

75. What is good to others is often the most harmful.

76. If you want to cure pain, you must first learn to forget.

77. Women, from now on, love yourself with your life.

78. I would rather fall in love with someone I can’t have than have someone I can’t fall in love with.

79. You can hurt me unintentionally, but I can't turn a blind eye and watch you feel sad.

80. You are only qualified to move forward. If you move backward, you will be disqualified.

81. How brave do you have to be to dare to remember.

82. We are alone again, walking the same path we walked together.

83. It turns out that what I wanted in the past was not this kind of future.

84. Letting go has become my way of committing crimes.

85. The so-called cherishing is just the unaccustomed feeling after separation.

86. If all happiness can be redeemed with tears.

87. Don’t make a fuss, baby, and speak gently.

88. I can wait for you, not just for two months, but maybe for a lifetime.

89. If time could go back to the past, I swear I will never fall in love again.

90. Should I thank you for letting go, or should I hate your indifference.

91. If there was no snow that winter, would I still be able to live happily without you?

92. The most painful distance is when you are not around.

93. I believe anyone who says it, but I don’t believe it if you say it.

94. I like simple and perfect pictures, clean and simple words, and low-pitched melodies.

95. Holding the phone, I didn’t know what I was waiting for. I knew it wouldn’t ring.

96. I am afraid that I will not be able to wake up from the reality of my dream.

Sad signature, heartbreaking short sentence, boy's sad short personalized signature picture 1

Sad personalized signature of despair in life

  When the disappointment reaches a certain level, it will turn into despair. Below I have compiled some sad and personalized signatures about heartbreak and despair for you, I hope you like them.

Sad signature, short heartbreaking sentence and eight characters, boys' sad short personalized signature picture 2

  Sad personalized signature of heartbreak and despair

  1) Memories gradually wither and fall around me, unable to wake up the original images that were still beating.

  2) Is happiness too light and too heavy, not itchy or painful when overused?

  3) The first time the heartache is heartbreaking, the second time it is just let it take its own course.

  4) Even if you try to disguise yourself so deliberately, you still can’t deceive your own heart.

  5) No matter what I do, sadness is still sadness and cannot be covered up.

  6) My world will be destroyed. Maybe decadence is another kind of beauty.

  7) I have been silent for a long time, decadent for a long time, sighing for a long time, and sad for a long time.

  8) I looked around for my happiness, but it fell unconsciously, just like the fallen leaves in this season.

  9) Memories are just a kind of outdated beauty, and expectations are just a kind of pretended happiness.

  10) Who can understand someone’s deep love, and who can understand someone’s departure.

  Sad and cold personality signature

  1. Those floating memories are slowly being eroded by time.

  2. In the silent night, what am I focusing on again?

  3. Make yourself look happier and don’t let fate taint your hopes.

  4. I know you are by my side at all times. Even at night, I fall asleep with old dreams on my pillow.

  5. If you hold things that do not belong to you, you will only be hurt if you hold them tightly in your hands.

  6. It’s not that we don’t know how to cry, we just want to slowly learn not to cry.

  7. If I were still like a blank slate, I would learn to be brave enough to accept love, but now I don’t deserve it.

  8. If time changes habits, then it also revokes my qualification to miss you.

  9. In fact, narcissistic people are very smart, because falling in love with themselves will never hurt them.

  10. Some jokes only become serious if they are kept open; for example, I like you

  Poignant lovelorn personalized signature

  1. I am used to going to bed late just to wait for someone who will persuade me to go to bed early and then say good night to me.

  2. It is said that the tears you shed are the water that entered your brain.

  3. It’s a new day, even if there is no sunshine, you have to face the dark clouds.

  4. Let go of what needs to be let go and you exit the drama with no ending.

  5. I will never forget you, I will only get used to not having you.

  6. No one has ever been really nice to me. I can only hug myself and tell myself not to cry when I am lonely.

  7. I would rather run and be knocked down countless times than walk in a disciplined manner for the rest of my life.

  8. Feelings are like peeling an onion, there is always one layer that will make you cry.

  9. It is not good to fall in love at the age of sixteen or seventeen, because that person will be the person you love the most.

Sad sentences to express feelings of loss. Eight-character short sentences.

Quiet style, enjoy the still silence and the loneliness of no one.

My dear, I just want us to go on well.

If we can't stay together, we will definitely forget each other. What kind of deep love can have such courage.

Time has gently rewritten the context, and I understand who relieved me.

Without too many words or too much warmth, I will be fine alone.

The invisible sadness is in my heart, and the visible smile is on my face.

I love your such ridiculous vocabulary, not the format I say it in.

Unintentionally, we are always looking for a way in drunkenness, and intentionally, we are always looking for an exit on the road.

Ask the world what love is and teach you the promise of life and death.

Use gorgeous words to decorate my mood, but you are indifferent.

The anxious eyes were gone, and the heat in the pupils penetrated the lonely and helpless smile.

The tiny scars on the palm of my hand were my last struggle.

Violating the role he should play, his throbbing pulse shines among the stars.

The boundless loneliness is like a terrible black fog.

Love, this unique tomb, has sunk my prosperity.

Smiling and crying, I endured the prosperous and unrealistic so-called love alone.

Once you turn around, it's a lifetime. It is understandable that I have spent my whole life forgetting you.

What is happiness? It means hiding your sadness and smiling at everyone.

I won’t delete you or block you, I just want to see how you write your feelings for that bitch.

If the excuse is just perfunctory, then I would rather you simply refuse.

Those people who once said they would never be separated are already scattered at the end of the world.

Cry for yourself and laugh for others, this is the so-called life.

Women don't need others to pretend to love you, and if you love you, you don't need to pretend to love someone.

I have tried very hard, but I really can't catch his heart.

Before I met you, I never knew love. After meeting you, I no longer knew happiness.

Coming is accidental and going is inevitable, so you must follow the fate without changing, and follow the fate without changing.

No one can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness.

If it is the fault of time and space, then there is no need to talk between you and me.

If you have a choice, don't end a love with hate.

Sometimes I suddenly stopped talking, and when I came back to my senses, I realized that I was thinking about him.

There is a kind of love that knows that there is no way forward, but the heart can no longer take it back.

Time starts from zero o'clock. The story cannot end at the end.

The warmth in his body confuses you, making you mistakenly think that it is love.

After you left, missing you became a habit and smiling became a luxury.

Because of love, giving up love, this kind of silence is the most affectionate confession, I hope you can understand.

Cigarettes, like feelings, cannot be changed. If you change them, you will no longer be able to smoke them.

I want to talk about a simple, yet vigorous little love.

The outcome is doomed from the beginning, and you are not qualified to get what you want.

There is always a need for some warmth, even a little self-righteous commemoration.

Holding back tears, she smiled and sang the unfinished song.

Tears cannot express the inner struggle.

Let me tell you with a smile that I am happier than you.

No matter how wonderful the world is, there is no room for my love.

I can't get rid of the haze you brought to me.

Things are different and people are not the same. Everything stops. If you want to speak, you will shed tears first.

A man swears one second and lies the next.

I am not as good at telling fairy tales as Andersen.

After all, we cannot resist the erosion of time.

I don't know why the name isn't long enough.

Love is loneliness lying and impulse tempting.

Thousands of years of charm cannot match your lifetime of enchantment.

We were destined to betray our vows and separate.

I can never act out the idol drama of you and me.

I'm not a kid who laughs after eating candy.

Happiness is to find a warm person to spend your whole life.

Find silence amidst the hustle and bustle.

Lost in dreams and lost direction.

Mona Lisa's smile is so hypocritical.

That year my heart was even colder than the cold snap.

The string of the kite in your hand will also break.

Even if it is dilapidated, the corners of your mouth should be raised.

Those silly smiles are just to cover up the sadness.

Sunflowers miss you as much as they miss the sun.

Don't show off your vulgar beauty in front of me.

On the other side of the memory is watching.

The mottled memories have grown old, whose waiting.

Tell you with a smile that I am happier than you.

The innocence of childhood has long since left us.

The loneliness of youth is the decoration of life.

My world revolves around you.

That old relationship abandoned in the corner.

If we are separated now, why should we be dependent on each other in the past?

Not everyone can make waves in my heart, you know.

A long, long time ago. If I had known I would have met you. I cherish myself very much.

Friendship can further become love. Love takes a step back but is no longer a friend.

I hope our names can be written together, whether on the wedding invitation or the tombstone.

If I give up, it's not because I lost, but because I understood.

The cold wind blew down the yellow leaves all over the ground, but it couldn't take away my pain. It wet the corners of my eyes.

You give me a tear, and I see the entire ocean in your heart.

Love begins with self-deception and ends with the person deceiving him. This is called romance.

A person is always just a person, with a shadow accompanying him.

The most painful thing in the world is to be woken up by peeing while sleeping soundly.

The silent years and the bustling flowers bloom, we just pass by, sigh and grow.

Say sorry to yourself for having made things difficult for yourself for the sake of others.

You are just a passer-by in my life, but I regard a moment as eternity.

I once tried to forget, but found that my eyes filled with tears had become a window of longing.

Love is a disease, I caught it. You are my drug and I am addicted.

Sometimes, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first.

Even though there is no one to talk to or chat with, I will sleep very late with my mobile phone.

Who in the fragmented flow regards loneliness as love?

If you once sang the praises of the dawn, then please also embrace the darkness.

We are too far apart, and our love is too tiring.

Waiting is not so that you can come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.

Who would be willing to be a heartless person if it wasn't for being deeply hurt?

Memories always make people keep reliving happiness, and keep opening the scars when smiling.

Time is like running water, you can never touch the same flowing water twice.

After pursuing it all my life, I finally understood what happiness is? Happiness is suffering.

Draw a game of life and death and write an ending to our story.

My tenderness is only on hold for you, but your tenderness eludes me.

If there are no tears, the heart is a dry lake.

Sad eight character short sentences

1. Loneliness, I only want to be alone.

2. The feeling of loving you is the most beautiful.

3. Bet for you without hesitation.

4. I am still fine without you.

5. If it is true or illusory, cherish love and justice.

6. Time passes and people’s hearts change.

7. The position of the heart is already empty.

8. I want to say goodbye to the eternal loneliness.

9. Give you infatuation and give me pain.

10. I will love you forever in this life.

11. I love you, it’s none of your business!

12. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

13. Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is hot or cold.

14. I want to say goodbye and be lonely forever.

15. Hold your hand and walk for a long time.

16. I really, really love you!

17. Just like a person drinking water, he knows it well.

18. On the right side of happiness is a deserted place.

19. Take control of the firefly and illuminate loneliness.

20. Only you understand my world.

21. I have no intention, so why should I be sad?

22. A life of drunken dreams and confusion.

23. When you wake up from alcohol on a spring night, where can you find the fragrance?

24. My heart is like a deserted island, imprisoning me for the rest of my life.

25. Half summer time, half a song of separation.

26. My future is with you.

27. Liuli Song sings the love of three lives.

28. I will never belong to anyone.

29. An actor spends his whole life in painting.

30. Loving you is equal to falling in love with loneliness.

31. A lonely leaf makes everything lose its color.

32. So close to each other is the end of the world, separated by Yin and Yang.

33. Amber heart, but nine generations of drunkenness.

34. Learn to get out of the pain zone.

35. When I fall in love with you, I lose completely.

36. Love and time never meet again all year round.

37. I want to be with you.

38. A bit infatuated, a bit caring.

39. If you have a clear understanding of your heart, it will make sense.

40. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

41. The relationship has always been shallow, but the love is deep.

42. We have always had a shallow relationship, but how can we have deep love?

43. Same sky, different roads.

44. Life and death are broad, and they are discussed with Zi Cheng.

45. Your half step will take me to the end of the world.

46. ​​If you bloom, the breeze will come.

47. Smile warmly and feel at ease.

48. In such a good time, I will be alienated for the rest of my life.

49. If your heart moves, there will be thousands of tears.

50. As time goes by, we will never be separated.

51. People's hearts are not as old as they used to be, and the world is in trouble.

52. No matter the wind or rain, I will still love you.

53. Drunk in reality and awake in dreams.

54. A person is talking to himself.

55. One thought, one thought.

56. It has nothing to do with love, but loneliness.

57. Let go of your hands and let each other be comfortable.

58. If your heart is sunny, you will not be afraid of sadness.

59. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

60. How difficult is it to die? If you don’t live, that’s it.

61. When I was a child, I thought we were holding hands.

62. You are the treasure in my hand.

63. Stay together and I won’t marry unless you are the one!

64. The starry sky shines like snow and frost.

65. Thoughts are fruitless and overwhelming in the blink of an eye.

66. In fact, I also cared about it.

67. Keep a relationship and miss one person.

68. Time is lost in idleness, and jokes are made in sadness.

69. Hold your son’s hand and grow old together with him.

70. If you are well, it will be sunny.

71. It would be better not to meet each other if we hurt each other.

72. My happiness has nothing to do with you.

73. Falling flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless.

74. Love is priceless and true.

75. Time never stains, memories never fade.

76. Whoever is for whom has failed whom.

77. In my whole life, I only want to kiss you.

78. Tenderness is like water, and good times are like dreams.

79. My heart has been broken for a long time, and no one cares about it anymore.

80. What is lost is kept as a memory.

81. If you promise to live forever, why do you regret it?

82. When an actor enters a painting, his life will be far away.

Eight character inspirational sentences

1. One arrow is easy to break, but ten arrows are difficult to break.

2. Be as open-minded as a bamboo and clear as an orchid.

3. It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

4. Renovate the past and make new progress, and keep pace with the times.

5. If you are happy, that is the end.

6. If you want to impose a crime, there is no reason to worry.

7. A wise man will make a mistake if he thinks a lot.

8. Words are useless, but actions are not far away.

9. Work hard and die.

10. Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

11. What is lost in the east is gained in the mulberry tree.

12. Peace of mind and understanding of things.

13. A slight mistake can lead to a mistake of a thousand miles.

14. When two people work together, their sharpness can break through metal.

15. Be determined to learn and dare to win.

16. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

17. If you are well, it will be sunny.

18. A fool will gain something after all his worries.

19. Wherever sincerity comes, gold and stone will open.

20. Gentleman mechanics, day and night.

21. It is up to man to plan things, but it is up to Heaven to make things happen.

22. When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gains.

23. Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

24. The east corner has passed away, and it is not too late to mulberry trees.

25. No pain, no gain.

26. Fight against the odds.

27. Happy world, smile and listen to the rain.

28. The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

29. Strive to achieve meritorious service so as to avoid making mistakes.

30. Work together and fight in unity.

31. Study hard and practice hard, and you will always strive for the top.

32. The more you accumulate, the more determined you will be.

33. Water without a source is like a tree without roots.

34. Many words make gold, but accumulation destroys bones.

35. A single spark can start a prairie fire.

36. Tell everything you know, and tell everything you know.

37. Many hearts make a city, and many voices make gold.

38. Xiang Zhuang dances with sword, aiming at Pei Gong.

39. Great wisdom is like foolishness, great skill is like clumsiness.

40. It takes ten years to cultivate people and a hundred years to cultivate trees.

41. People in the world cannot help themselves.

42. Under the holy realm, regulate your mind and nourish your spirit.

43. If you are not diligent at the beginning, you will regret it at the end.

44. People-oriented and innovation as the soul.

45. People are naive and will be foolish if they don’t learn.

46. ​​It’s better to be a chicken’s mouth than a cow’s queen.

47. Inheriting culture has a long history.

48. As long as you breathe, hope will never die.

49. The sea is open to all rivers, and the accumulation of wealth will lead to success.

50. Never forget the past and be the teacher of the future.

51. People are like knives and soldiers, and I am like fish and meat.

52. Read a hundred times, and the righteousness will come to you.

53. Turning your hands over becomes clouds, turning over your hands becomes rain.

54. What the ten eyes see, the ten hands point to.

55. A saint must make a mistake after all his worries.

56. A fire broke out at the city gate, affecting the fish in the pond.

57. If you don’t learn, you will know yourself; if you don’t ask, you will understand.

58. A ruler is short and an inch is long.

59. Read it a hundred times and its meaning will become apparent.

60. What is lost is the mulberry tree, but what is gained is the east corner.

61. Drive away fish from the abyss and drive away sparrows from the bushes.

62. Wang Po sells melons and boasts of herself.

63. If a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries.

64. A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest.

65. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

66. Once a word is spoken, it is difficult to follow it.

67. Life is endless, and struggle is endless.

68. Hold your son’s hand and grow old together with him.

69. With perseverance, gold and stone can be carved.

70. Talking about clear aspirations, tranquility and long-term success.

71. Be fair and just, establish moral integrity and trustworthiness.

72. It is difficult to walk with one foot, and it is difficult to sing with a single hand.

73. Geese are afraid of being left behind, and people are afraid of being left behind.

74. The best kindness is like water, and kindness carries everything.

75. The right person will get many help, but the wrong person will get little help.

76. If the four bodies are not diligent, the five grains will not be separated.

77. Three days to fish and two days to dry the nets.

78. Don’t miss the opportunity; the time will never come again.

79. Two seeds, a forest.

80. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

Eight-character literary short sentences

1. Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while.

2. Like flowers and beautiful families, the years pass like a fleeting time.

3. As long as one breath exists, hope will never die.

4. Half summer time, half a song of separation.

5. The love that takes root and the pain of pulling out thorns.

6. The higher you stand, the farther you pee.

7. If you bloom, the breeze will come.

8. At the beginning of life, if you don’t eat, you will die.

9. Forget the past and start from the heart.

10. A lonely leaf makes everything lose its color.

11. Time never stains, memories never fade.

12. The red lotus falls on the water, but the only sound is the jade chime.

13. No matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you work, you will gain something.

14. As time goes by, we will never be separated.

15. A lifelong promise: I love you!

16. Exercise your muscles to avoid getting beaten!

17. Many hearts make a city, and many voices make gold.

18. Wherever sincerity comes, gold and stone will open.

19. Touching the eye sockets gently, there is still a cold feeling.

20. It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

21. Hearing both will lead to enlightenment, believing only half will lead to darkness.

22. If you promise to live forever, why do you regret it?

23. If you sow melons, you will reap melons; if you sow beans, you will reap beans.

24. One thought, one thought.

25. The world is dangerous, if it doesn’t work, just retreat.

26. Continuously strive for self-improvement and be virtuous.

27. Liuli Song sings the love of three lives.

28. One piece and one piece of relaxation, the way of civility and martial arts.

29. If it is true or illusory, cherish love and justice.

30. The dead soul drowns in the sea and ends in old age.

31. When an actor enters a painting, his life will be far away.

32. When I fall in love with you, I lose completely.

33. Drunk in reality and awake in dreams.

34. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

35. A saint will surely make a mistake if he thinks a lot.

36. Tell everything you know, and tell everything you know.

37. If you don’t learn, you will know yourself; if you don’t ask, you will understand.

38. A gentleman’s revenge is never too late.

39. When it gets dark, you are the light.

40. The best kindness is like water, and kindness carries everything.

41. The way of civil and military affairs is to relax.

42. A fool will surely gain something after all his worries.

43. Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

44. I just want to look at you secretly.

45. Only when you are lovesick can you be harmed by lovesickness.

46. ​​A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

47. Drive away fish from the abyss and birds from the bushes.

48. Those who win people prosper, and those who lose people perish.

49. Smile warmly and feel at ease.

50. A fire broke out at the city gate, affecting the fish in the pond.

51. Helpless, it seems familiar.

52. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore.

53. Talking about clear aspirations, tranquility and long-term success.

54. Rats carry knives and look for cats all over the street.

55. On the right side of happiness is a deserted place.

56. The leading goose flies first, and all the geese follow.

57. When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gains.

58. Your heart is here, it’s up to you to advance or retreat.

59. The still water flows deep, and the music of the Cangsheng plays.

60. It takes ten years to cultivate people and a hundred years to cultivate trees.

61. Only you understand my world.

62. Times have changed, things have changed and people have changed.

63. Use Zi’s spear to attack Zi’s shield.

64. Loving you is equal to falling in love with loneliness.

65. If you won’t leave, I won’t abandon you either.

66. Sadness and laughter waste time.

67. What the ten eyes see, the ten hands point to.

68. In the light years of midsummer, I met Li Shang.

69. The fleeting years have passed, and the past has faded away.

70. The noisy city has a blank heart.

71. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

72. If one person is in charge, no one can open it.

73. Work hard and die.

74. If you don’t make a sound, it will be a blockbuster.

75. Work hard and be inspirational.

76. Singing the wind in spring, drinking wine in the summer night.

77. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

78. The sky net is vast, sparse but not missing.

79. He who conquers selfishness can destroy the public.

80. Watch the time quietly and wait for the passage of time.

81. Energy + perseverance conquers everything.

82. Love others 30%, love yourself 70%.

83. Before the south wind rises, I miss you and become ill.

84. The green shirt sheds tears and the white clothes are stained with dust.

85. Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success.

Sad signature, short heartbreaking sentence and eight characters, boys' sad short personalized signature picture 3

Eight-character sad sentences with heartache

1. My heart has been broken for a long time, and no one cares about it anymore.

2. So close to each other is the end of the world, separated by Yin and Yang.

3. When an actor enters a painting, his life will be far away.

4. When I fall in love with you, I lose completely.

5. Loneliness, I only want to be alone.

6. I am never anyone’s.

7. In fact, I also cared about it.

8. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

9. The position of the heart is already empty.

10. My happiness has nothing to do with you.

11. I will make a bet for you without any hesitation.

12. People's hearts are not as old as they used to be, and the world is in trouble.

13. Learn to get out of the pain zone.

14. If your heart moves, there will be thousands of tears.

15. Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is hot or cold.

16. Take control of the firefly and illuminate the loneliness.

17. Falling flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless.

18. It’s a good time, but a lifetime of alienation.

19. The relationship has always been shallow, but the love is deep.

20. Same sky, different roads.

21. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

22. I want to say goodbye to the eternal loneliness.

23. The time is spent in idleness, and the laughter is in sorrow.

24. A person is talking to himself.

25. Loving you is equal to falling in love with loneliness.

26. Whoever did it for whom, failed whom.

27. On the right side of happiness is a deserted place.

28. What is lost is kept as a memory.

29. I am still fine without you.

2022 domineering and sad eight-character short sentences

Eight-character short sentences that are domineering and sad (1)

1.  Let me love you so deeply.

2. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

3. Same sky, different roads.

4. Like a person drinking water, he knows what he is drinking.

5. My heart is like a deserted island, imprisoning me for the rest of my life.

6. I want to say goodbye to eternal loneliness.

7. I have no intention, so why am I sad.

8. Who did it for whom, and failed whom.

9. It has nothing to do with love, but loneliness.

10. Too little truth and too many jokes.

11. What’s so difficult about dying? It’s better not to live.

12. What has been lost, remain as memories.

13. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

14. Only you understand my world.

15. Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is warm or cold.

16. Although the acquaintance is brief, it seems to last for many years.

17. The position of the heart is already empty.

18. I will bet for you without any hesitation.

19. If it is true or illusory, cherish love and justice.

20. One leaf falls, and everything loses its color.

Eight-character short sentences that are domineering and sad (2)

1. I promise to you without any hesitation.

2. When I wake up from a drunken night in spring, where can I find the fragrance?

3. We are so close to each other and separated from each other by Yin and Yang.

4. I will never belong to anyone.

5. On the right side of happiness, there is a deserted place.

6. Give you infatuation and give me pain.

7. I am sad because I care.

8. Actually, I used to care too.

9. The actor enters the painting and lives his whole life.

10. When I fall in love with you, I lose completely.

11. Times have changed, things have changed and people have changed.

12. The feeling of loving you is the best.

13. Let each be well and not disturb each other.

14. People’s hearts are not as old as they used to be, and the world is in trouble.

15. Emotions follow the wind, you and I are free to do as we please.

16. The half-summer time, the half-hearted song.

17. In the prime of life, I have been alienated all my life.

18. The falling flowers are intentional, but the flowing water is ruthless.

19. Liu Li Song, sings the love of three lives.

20. Stay in love and miss one person.

Eight-character short sentences that are domineering and sad (3)

1. I miss my time and laugh with sadness.

2. The future is vast and the future is long.

3. A life of drunken dreams and confusion.

4. Don’t be too proud, you are not special.

5. I’m still fine without you.

6. Now that I have left, I will not look back.

7. Loneliness, I only want to be alone.

8. I want to say goodbye and be lonely forever.

9. I will make a huge bet for you without any hesitation.

10. Disappointment and despair are up to you.

11. In this life, I only want to kiss you.

12. The scar deep in the heart.

13. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

14. My happiness has nothing to do with you.

15. Your half step will take me to the end of the world.

16. Don’t be in love, let nature take its course.

17. If the heart moves, there will be thousands of tears.

18. The starry sky shines like snow and frost.

19. The time is spent in idleness, and the laughter is in sorrow.

20. Time passes and people’s hearts change.

Eight-character sad sentences

1. I want to say goodbye to the eternal loneliness.

2. The relationship has always been shallow, but the love is deep.

3. We have always had a shallow relationship, but how can we have deep love?

4. The position of the heart is already empty.

5. My heart has been broken for a long time, and no one cares about me anymore.

6. If your heart moves, there will be thousands of tears.

7. On the right side of happiness is desolate and inhabited.

8. Learn to get out of the pain zone.

9. A person is talking to himself.

10. So close to each other is the end of the world, separated by yin and yang.

11. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

12. Who did it for whom and failed whom?

13. What is lost is kept as a memory.

14. In such a good time, I have been alienated all my life.

15. Same sky, different roads.

16. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

17. I will make a bet for you without hesitation.

18. I am never anyone’s.

19. My happiness has nothing to do with you.

20. When an actor enters a painting, he will live a long life.

21. Loving you is equal to falling in love with loneliness.

22. If I fuck you, I will lose completely.

23. Take control of the firefly and illuminate loneliness.

24. It hurts the years, makes me sad and laughs.

25. Loneliness, I only want to be alone.

26. Flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless.

27. I am still fine without you.

28. In fact, I also cared about it.

29. The heart is not ancient, and the world is in trouble.

30. Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is hot or cold.

QQ eight-character sad sentences with heartache_eight-character sad sentences

1. I want to say goodbye to the eternal loneliness.

2. The relationship has always been shallow, but the love is deep.

3. We have always had a shallow relationship, but how can we have deep love?

4. The position of the heart is already empty.

5. My heart has been broken for a long time, and no one cares about me anymore.

6. If your heart moves, there will be thousands of tears.

7. On the right side of happiness is desolate and inhabited.

8. Learn to get out of the pain zone.

9. A person is talking to himself.

I don’t know where the sadness comes from. I have to love, otherwise I will lose the future. It seems that I can’t help myself. I can’t help myself, but I am a failure, but I live a wonderful life every day - but warm my hands with your heart.

10. So close to each other is the end of the world, separated by yin and yang.

Haha, my old deskmate of four years, you must have elements in you that Mendeleev did not discover! Otherwise, why would language disappear when I need it most?

My dear child, you have the most enviable age, and the road ahead of you is golden. I hope you will grow up quickly and have a bright future.

11. Let go of your hands and let each other be free.

12. Who did it for whom and failed whom?

13. What is lost is kept as a memory.

What are the beautiful sentences with seven words? What styles do they have? Below is a collection of beautiful sentences with seven words for everyone. Hope you all like it!

14. In such a good time, I have been alienated all my life.

15. Same sky, different roads.

16. I can’t forget you and can’t live without you.

17. I will make a bet for you without hesitation.

18. I am never anyone’s.

19. My happiness has nothing to do with you.

20. When an actor enters a painting, he will live a long life.

21. Loving you is equal to falling in love with loneliness.

22. If I fuck you, I will lose completely.

I am willing to become a thief, steal your true love, put it in my romantic heart, and spend my whole life fighting. Even if there is only a bowl of porridge, I will put it in your hand. Loving you in this life is not enough! Hey! Are you touched?

23. Take control of the firefly and illuminate loneliness.

24. It hurts the years, makes me sad and laughs.

25. Loneliness, I only want to be alone.

26. Flowers are intentional, but flowing water is ruthless.

27. I am still fine without you.

28. In fact, I also cared about it.

29. The heart is not ancient, and the world is in trouble.

A person's world: when you are sick, you carry it alone; when you are bored, you hide it alone; when you feel pain, you block it alone; you walk alone on the street; you think alone on the road; at night, you stay alone in your bed...slowly When I get used to living alone, I become silent, indifferent, lose all thoughts, don't want to talk, don't want to see... I'm not arrogant, nor am I fooling around, I'm tired of all the reliance.

30. Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is hot or cold.

Sad signature, short heartbreaking sentence and eight characters, boys' sad short personalized signature picture 4

The above is all about sad signatures, short heartbreaking sentences and eight-character sad signatures for boys, as well as related content about sad signatures. I hope it can help you.

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