
Contents of this article

  • 1. The inner character of the twelve earthly branches
  • 2. What does inner character heterosexuality mean?
  • 3. What does intrinsic personality attribute mean?
  • 4.What does personality mean?

The inner character of the twelve earthly branches

Generally speaking, appearance and inner character are consistent. Unless specially trained. Besides, the inconsistent personality can only be concealed for a while, but it will show up in people's hearts over time!

What does inner character heterosexuality mean?

"Xing" refers to nature and attributes; "Ge" refers to the format and form of expression.
"Character" refers to the stable and regular ideological and psychological characteristics and behavioral habits in the human brain that are externally manifested in words and deeds.
The so-called "inner character" refers to an individual's psychological characteristics and behavioral habits.

What does intrinsic personality attribute mean?

Intrinsic refers to a person's cultivation, quality and moral character! This is inner personality!
Hope this helps!

what does personality mean

②Personality includes two parts: character and temperament. Character is the psychological characteristic of a person's stable personality, which is reflected in a person's attitude towards reality and corresponding behavior. Character essentially expresses the characteristics of a person, while temperament is like giving a color and a mark to personality. Character can be classified into the common human nature of human beings and the unique personality formed by individuals under the influence of acquired environment and learning. Temperament refers to the characteristics of a person's psychological activities and behavioral patterns, which gives the character a luster. The same people love to work, but people with different temperaments behave differently: some people move quickly but rough, which may be a choleric person; some people are very meticulous, but move slowly, which may be a phlegmatic person. people. Temperament and character thus constitute personality.
③The origin of the word personality (English personality) comes from the ancient Greek persona. Persona originally refers to the mask worn by ancient Greek drama actors during stage performances, which is similar to the facial makeup in our Peking Opera. Then it refers to the actor himself, a person with special qualities. Modern psychology follows the meaning of persona and changes its meaning to personality. It contains two meanings: one refers to the various words and deeds performed by a person on the stage of life, and the response made by people in compliance with the requirements of social and cultural customs. That is, the "shell" of a personality is like a mask worn on stage according to the requirements of the role, reflecting a person's external performance. The second refers to the personality components that a person does not want to show for some reason, that is, the true self behind the mask, which is the inherent characteristic of personality.
④The concept of personality in soul psychology: Soul psychology belongs to the category of soul medicine. Soul psychology defines personality as personality is unique to human beings and is a combination of genetic qualities acquired innately and acquired. Character, temperament, character, quality, belief, conscience, and the resulting dignity, charm, etc. formed by the interaction of internal and external messengers and can represent the essence and personality of the human soul. Soul medicine believes that messengers are all kinds of biological languages ​​​​that can express communication between organisms and the outside world and produce corresponding biological effects.

The above is the relevant content about what inner personality is, the inner personality of the twelve earthly branches, and the meaning of personality. I hope it can help you.

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