
Contents of this article

  • 1. Pisces woman VS Cancer man
  • 2. It’s really cruel for a Pisces man to chase a Cancer woman
  • 3. Why Pisces should stay away from Cancer
  • 4. It’s really cruel for a Pisces man to chase a Cancer woman

Pisces woman VS Cancer man

Pisces man and Cancer woman:
Matching index
Friendship: ★★★★
Love: ★★★★★
Marriage: ★★★★
Family love: ★★★★★
Pisces and Cancer are both water signs, so they are destined to be together. If it develops into love, the compatibility between Pisces man and Cancer woman is 90%.

Pisces man wants Cancer woman, Pisces woman VS Cancer man picture 1

It’s really cruel for a Pisces man to chase a Cancer woman

Without further ado, let’s get straight to the basics: it’s not difficult to pursue a Pisces woman. First, if you want to pursue a Pisces girl, you must start with her personality characteristics. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy, and being victorious in every battle, is a girl like Pisces. They long for fairy tale love and also like romantic things. If you can come and have it with her. The encounter in the rain can make him feel tenderness and warmth.

Pisces man wants Cancer woman, Pisces woman VS Cancer man picture 2

Why Pisces should stay away from Cancer

Why Pisces men and Cancer women are a perfect match

Why are Pisces men and Cancer women a perfect match? Pisces is a particularly romantic but not lacking in enthusiasm, while Cancer girls have a gentle and easy-going personality. The combination of the two is also very suitable. Let’s share with you why Pisces men and Cancer women It's a perfect match.

Why Pisces men and Cancer women are a perfect match 1

Matching index: 100 Fate index: 100

Love between two people: 100 Last forever: 100

Pisces man and Cancer woman pairing analysis:

Pairing keywords: two people in love

A perfect match. You are both a water sign, so you are very similar in personality and thinking patterns. Cancer values ​​a stable and practical love, while Fish demands wholehearted love and care. Both parties lack a sense of security. Therefore, if your love develops, you can become an inseparable loving couple.

Pisces man and Cancer woman compatibility:

The water element has a deep influence on Cancer women and Pisces men who are in love, so no matter how many years they have been together, their love still has a dreamlike mood. If they are temporarily separated due to a dispute, they will feel lonely and empty. , will miss each other deeply. Cancer and Pisces lovers who have just broken up are extremely sad and frustrated.

They shouldn't be so upset because there are plenty of chances for them to reconcile - as long as she stops being angry and he stops running away from himself. Avoiding yourself is like avoiding your significant other forever and will only lead to failure. If there is more than one conflict between the constellations and the ruling planets - Mars and Saturn - in the horoscope of the two of them, they may be separated forever, but the memory cannot be erased...

Mercury's most mysterious element. It is extremely important for Cancer-Pisces lovers who have enough understanding. It is a test of their sensitivity to the macrocosm and microcosm. And the degree of sensitivity to the microscopic world is a predictor of their love and marriage.

Losing water is how you feel when you lose the most precious thing, which is how this Cancer-Pisces couple feels when they lose each other. What if he loses her? What should he do if her happy tears turn into painful "acid rain"? She would be at a loss without him. Both the Cancer woman and the Pisces man have extremely strong emotions beneath their quiet, calm exterior. When the pain of separation really hits them, they are completely desperate.

Cancer women and Pisces men in love try to avoid personality differences between the two unless they are no longer in love. Fortunately for a couple like them, the personality differences are minimal and easy to reconcile, as long as they can be considerate of each other. Since they both like happy endings, let's talk about their problems first and then the positive aspects of their love at the end.

A Cancer woman likes to accumulate wealth, and she deposits large sums of money in the bank. She loved putting money in her pocket and watching it grow. If she is a typical Cancer, then she is not just economical about money. She would scold him for having no interest in saving money, scold him for giving money to friends casually, and accuse him of wasting money on his dreams, but the tips he gave to servants, janitors, porters and the like were in her eyes. There are just too many to come.

If his birth month or sign were in Cancer, or if his birth month or sign were in Pisces, then he would not be so spendthrift and she would not be so stingy.

If so, the "straw man" of money wouldn't look so scary. Otherwise, he must understand that she is not really stingy, but is just looking for a sense of security in this uneasy world. And she must also understand that if he cares too much about money, it will stifle his creative freedom and rich imagination. Moreover, they have to separate their bank accounts and manage their own accounts (even so, she will be very concerned about his monthly income).

Another "scarecrow" hides in the moonlit night. The reason why things under the moonlight make people feel differently is because people see them with different eyes-the two eyes of the person and the third eye of perception. This straw man is called "emotion". At this point, Cancer women and Pisces men complain to each other.

When he was lost in thought, Knife was confused because he wouldn't tell her what he was thinking. And when she shrinks into a crab shell during the waning moon and falls into inexplicable melancholy, he will also feel depressed. Because he is a "sponge of the soul", absorbing all the emotions around him, and the emotions reflect the changes of the moon like a photo negative and change accordingly.

Thus she reflects his calmness, and he "absorbs" her melancholy. He would be curious as she brooded. They both like to keep secrets and at the same time like to know other people's secrets. They are both good at finding out each other's secrets. At the same time, he keeps his secrets secret. Once they realize this, they can't help but laugh. Her great sense of humor was the antidote to their problems.

Generally speaking, there will be no "sexual straw man" when the two of them live a sexual life. Cancer and Pisces are extremely compatible physically. Through sex, they can enjoy that rare pleasure—not just giving, not just taking—but total communion.

This kind of fun is something that many couples cannot experience. Their needs, desires, and passions seem to be in telepathic harmony, ultimately bringing them a lasting peace that prevents them from trembling with excitement. After that, the two people's eyes were lingering and obsessed, as if the magical memory was too wonderful to be expressed in words, and they could only communicate with their eyes.

He listened tenderly to her daily worries and fears, and she warmed his melancholy heart with tender solicitude. Remember water can help them maintain a good relationship. Remember how much they need each other. This couple is extremely sensitive to each other's thoughts, and they can understand each other's thoughts, but due to her reflexes and his absorption, they are prone to conflicts in thinking and emotions.

If they allow this conflict to fester, the dark clouds of tension will rain down on them, and conflict and selfishness will destroy their happiness—just as acid rain in nature destroys plants and fish. That way. And once their love is renewed like water, it is worth cherishing like the fragrance of green grass after a summer rain.

Love advice for Pisces men and Cancer women:

Cancer and Pisces, who are both water signs, will feel love at first sight when they first meet. They are attracted to each other and their hearts blend together. They are a pair of natural partners who are romantic, close and loving. Fish are mostly gentle and courteous people. They absorb other people's grievances like a sponge and cannot bear to say "no" to the weak.

Because of their strong sensitivity, they are naturally more likely to fall in love, which is similar to Crabs. Therefore, the advantage of falling in love with a Fish is that he can always feel your sensitivity and considerate of you, but the disadvantage is that he can easily fall in love with others. Qingwang, you have to tighten your grip on him.

Things to note when matching a Pisces man and a Cancer woman:

You and Pisces can build a small world of your own together. Both of you are emotional signs, and sensibility and tenderness are your common language; but Pisces' emotions have great ups and downs, being romantic and unrealistic, and occupying a dominant position. The Crab must show maternal love and try to add some sobriety between you to draw the fish back to the real world. In addition, stimulating the artistic talent of fish in a timely manner and giving him spiritual support can make your relationship more perfect.

Why Pisces men and Cancer women are a perfect match 2

You are both a water sign and have similar personalities and thinking patterns. Cancer values ​​stable and practical love, while Fish requires wholehearted love and care. Both parties lack a sense of security. Therefore, if your love develops, you can become an inseparable loving couple.

Although a Crab, like you, is "easier" to fall in love with someone, he is not like you who will jump in and immediately fall in love with the other person; he must slowly observe for a while before deciding whether to love you with all his strength. If the fish wants to pass this trial period, it has to rely on itself. Don't just think that the crab is unintentional and "walk" with others inexplicably!


Pisces and Crab are both masters of romantic romance. They are both typical examples of being able to cry when seeing falling flowers, and feel happy when admiring the full moon. Although you both use perceptual emotions as the starting point for your actions, which are also not very stable, you need to know one thing: Cancer's emotional changes are often more powerful than yours!

Fish is compassionate and has a wider scope of sacrifice and dedication, while Crab's tolerance is narrower, so Fish can be very happy and contented - wandering in Cancer's warm, tolerant and considerate arms, the only thing to pay attention to is to control the "element of sadness" "Foolish movement. The two of you should try to face low-key emotions together and do some activities close to nature and sunshine, so that each other's living conditions will not be stuck in the spiritual level for a long time. A passive life that only uses the brain and does not move the limbs will only do a lot of harm and no good.

Why Pisces men and Cancer women are a perfect match 3

Are Pisces man and Cancer woman compatible?

As we all know, Pisces boys and Cancer girls are both water signs, so their thinking styles and personalities are very similar. Both parties are extremely insecure and insecure. Cancer pursues a stable family, while Pisces needs undivided care. Both parties can be satisfied. Cancer appreciates Pisces sincerely and believes that they will gain a wonderful and happy life emotionally.

Does it fit

Fish are gentle and courteous people. They are like sponges and absorb the grievances of others. Fish easily fall in love, which is exactly the same as Crab. When Crab and Fish fall in love, Fish can feel Crab's sensitivity and be considerate of Crab. Fish and Crab have one thing in common, that is, they both know how to be considerate and understanding.

Will a Pisces man and a Cancer woman work out together?

Cancer and Pisces are both water signs, so their personalities are very harmonious and harmonious. I believe you can feel each other's magnetic field and fall in love at first sight when you first meet. The gentleness, politeness, humor and thoughtfulness of a Pisces man are exactly what a Cancer girl needs as an ideal partner. Therefore, your first conversation must be in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and Pisces is a particularly emotional person who falls in love easily. When he meets someone who is so compatible with him, a Pisces man will not hesitate to want to have a deeper communication with him!

Pisces man wants Cancer woman, Pisces woman VS Cancer man picture 3

It’s really cruel for a Pisces man to chase a Cancer woman

Pisces man chasing Cancer woman

A Pisces man pursues a Cancer woman. Astrology comes from Western countries. As zodiac signs have received widespread attention, many people have become interested in zodiac signs. Many people will roughly understand a person's personality and basic information based on zodiac signs. Sharing below Pisces man chases Cancer woman.

Pisces man chasing Cancer woman 1

Tips for Pisces boys to chase Cancer girls

1. Cancer girls are naturally tender and want to be protected and helped at all times. If you want to pursue a Cancer girl, you can help the Cancer girl in both life and career. Then the Cancer girl will naturally rely on the Pisces boy.

2. If a Pisces boy wants to impress a Cancer girl, then the Pisces boy must first be a caring boy, because Pisces is kind and willing to help others. Of course, the boys they like are also caring and have enough ability to help others.

3. When pursuing a Cancer girl, you must say more sweet words, because Cancer girls are romantic and passionate, and love also needs such nutrients to cultivate.

4. Pisces is a very fragile girl, so when they encounter difficulties, they often cry. This is the best time for Pisces boys to attack. At this time, if Pisces boys can be by her side, comfort her and give her For strength, Pisces will be very dependent on Pisces boys.

5. Pisces are passionate, romantic and very emotional. So be sure to have a very romantic date and send flowers. If it can give Pisces a wonderful courtship memory, I think Pisces will be able to remove their inner armor and become the beauty of the Pisces boy.

6. Pisces likes petty bourgeoisie romance. If a Pisces boy really likes her, he still has to start with romance. You can ask her to go to any place that has atmosphere, taste, and feeling. You must be tolerant when she loses her temper and makes trouble unreasonably, and give the Pisces boy timely care when she is weak. These may still move her.

7. Pisces boys must not be vulgar or lack a perceptual worldview. Don't be disdainful of Pisces' small touches. Please lean down and carefully observe what she cares about. Only then will Pisces boys understand that those small touches are not the pretentiousness of women, but the delicacy of Pisces. Pisces boys will gain access to a whole new world, things that Pisces boys will not pay attention to.

8. Be a man. Just like a Pisces boy needs her tenderness, she also needs a strong support, whether in life or in her heart.

Pisces man chasing Cancer woman 2

Are Pisces man and Cancer woman compatible?

As we all know, Pisces boys and Cancer girls are both water signs, so their thinking styles and personalities are very similar. Both parties are extremely insecure and insecure. Cancer pursues a stable family, while Pisces needs undivided care. Both parties can be satisfied. Cancer appreciates Pisces sincerely and believes that they will gain a wonderful and happy life emotionally.

Does it fit

Fish are gentle and courteous people. They are like sponges and absorb the grievances of others. Fish easily fall in love, which is exactly the same as Crab. When Crab and Fish fall in love, Fish can feel Crab's sensitivity and be considerate of Crab. Fish and Crab have one thing in common, that is, they both know how to be considerate and understanding.

Will a Pisces man and a Cancer woman work out together?

Cancer and Pisces are both water signs, so their personalities are very harmonious and harmonious. I believe you can feel each other's magnetic field and fall in love at first sight when you first meet. The gentleness, politeness, humor and thoughtfulness of a Pisces man are exactly what a Cancer girl needs as an ideal partner.

Therefore, your first conversation must be in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and Pisces is a particularly emotional person who falls in love easily. When he meets someone who is so compatible with him, a Pisces man will not hesitate to want to have a deeper communication with him!

Pisces man chasing Cancer woman 3

Pisces man and Cancer woman, two water signs with full sensibility, put love first in everything. Your love is like a literary film, a story full of romance and tears.

Pisces is naturally dependent, soft and considerate, while Cancer has a strong crab shell. Cancer is the arm of Pisces. Sometimes Cancer cannot help but pretend to control the fish in the name of protection. It clamps the fish tightly with its pliers and almost suffocates it. . Because your relationship is too sticky and tight, with romantic drama happening every day, you need to loosen up at the right time and give the other person some space to breathe.

Perhaps Pisces men have an easy-going nature and cannot bear to reject any weak person. They easily fall in love and have feelings for other people. Cancers have to control their men more! But if you really love a Cancer woman, you should treat her wholeheartedly and sincerely. After all, she is so emotional and family-centered. She will be deeply hurt when her relationship changes.

Pisces men and Cancer women are both emotional people, and their emotions are prone to ups and downs. They should be more rational and be optimistic and confident when facing things. Your life is very warm

However, there is a lack of a tough side. The drawbacks of Pisces men’s unrealistic love and fantasy need to be corrected in time. Life cannot rely solely on sweet love and mutual dependence. It also needs to be braver to face more futures. Although Cancer women have a tough shell, After all, she is a girl. If a man is too weak, he can only force a woman to be more independent. The two of you who were originally inseparable may break away in the future.

What Cancer women want is a practical life, while Pisces wants wholehearted romantic love. This combination is actually the most perfect! The combination of reality and romance prevents life from becoming boring.

Final summary: Love can be romantic, but life requires materials. The love between a Pisces man and a Cancer woman is very sweet and romantic, and life should also be practical. The Cancer woman should take more control of the Pisces man's feelings and life to prevent him from being too emotional and dreamy.

The Pisces man also needs to work harder to give the Cancer woman a stable and secure home. Although you are a natural match, you must rely on your own efforts to maintain eternal happiness!

Cancer boys’ views on love

He looks polite and shy but is sometimes mature and steady, but there is a little naughty boy in his heart (you can't see this side if you don't know him well). Emotionally, he is passive and slow-tempered, and absolutely sultry (you can see it from his smile). I don't like to reveal my true inner thoughts and hide my true self deeply.

They are more easy-going and unassertive on unimportant issues, and follow their inner voice, but they are stuck in the insecurity of reality and hesitate to move forward, and their mobility cannot keep up with their wild imagination. I love freedom and travel, and my outlook on life is more prodigal, but I also hope to have a warm home.

When he loves a girl, he will act coquettishly, act childishly, get jealous, and hold it in until he is internally hurt (but you will never see anything on his face). Occasionally, I feel confused or indecisive due to reality. In the end, I tend to choose the safer one among various choices in life. I like memories and all things with a sense of history. I am nostalgic but can basically distinguish between reality and ideals.

If you are used to avoiding things that hurt you, your mood will suddenly change due to the harassment of memories and the invasion of sudden sadness. I like the satisfaction of doing things in a low-key manner and being praised in a high-profile way. I will work hard for my ideals and be spurred by constant self-suggestion. She has great endurance and sometimes seems selfish. Keep an eye on it, but never forget it.

She is pragmatic and sober, speaks directly, and is emotionally dedicated but has a good relationship with other members of the opposite sex. She will end the relationship halfway through the ambiguity. Do something only when you think it's absolutely safe. Whether you use money or use your feelings, you are very sensible.

Pisces man wants Cancer woman, Pisces woman VS Cancer man picture 4

The above is all the content about Pisces man wanting Cancer woman, Pisces woman VS Cancer man, and related content about Pisces man wanting Cancer woman. I hope it can help you.

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