
Contents of this article

  • 1. Why don’t Pisces men take the initiative to contact you (2)
  • 2. Pisces deliberately ignores you. Pisces suddenly ignores you.
  • 3. A Pisces man ignores you after sleeping.
  • 4. Why would a Pisces boy not want to deal with his girlfriend?

Why don’t Pisces men take the initiative to contact you (2)

   Pisces is a person who acts based on feelings and will not easily confess to the person he likes. Below I will tell you the reasons why Pisces men do not take the initiative to contact you. Welcome to read.

  Reasons why Pisces men don’t take the initiative to contact you

  In fact, Pisces boys have an Oedipus plot. If you are good to him, he will be very attached to you, but if you are not good to him, they will not be good to you.

  They may even get angry and not contact you proactively, and they can stay angry for a long time. You should treat Pisces men the same way you treat children. Find out what they like and then go with them. In this way, they will feel that you are good to them, and then they will often stick to you.

  Don't think that they are very materialistic and want to be with you because they are covetous of you. This is not the case at all. They just like to act coquettishly like children. If they don't take the initiative to contact you, just take the initiative to show your kindness.

  Analysis of the reasons why a Pisces man in love doesn’t take the initiative to find you

  The character of a Pisces boy is mysterious and a bit incredible. One has no way of knowing what a Pisces man is thinking or hoping for. People with this zodiac sign tend to have utopian ideas. In life, they often just muddle along. In love, they never consider taking the initiative and intend to let others choose from the beginning. What their soul longs for is someone who can guide their lives.

  Even if they have faced embarrassing situations in love, they still long for a miraculous solution rather than trying it themselves. If a Pisces man in love doesn't take the initiative to look for you, it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't love you enough or that they are very independent. In fact, they are very afraid of beings who can't stand loneliness, and in their world, they regard love as the highest guideline for life. .

  As long as there is love, they can stay awake, forget food and sleep, and can no longer hold other people or things in their hearts. But they lack self-confidence and are sentimental. They often feel insecure because of some of your actions, and they easily fall into depression and cannot extricate themselves. Why would they bother to take the initiative to find you? Moreover, it is generally difficult for normal people to know what makes them sad. So they will fall into an endless loop unless they start to try to get out, but they will inevitably have to rely on the power of love.

  Maybe the behavior of Pisces men in love is different from what you imagined, but once they fall in love with you, they will love you even if the earth falls apart, so when you are confused about some of their behaviors, you might as well start from your relationship. Finding solutions to problems will seem easier. Because when they fall in love, they will sacrifice some other relationships for love, and sometimes lose some friends, so if you love him, give him encouragement and support.

  How a Pisces man treats his girlfriend

  Pisces boys give others the impression that they are very easy-going and like everything is fine. Therefore, if a girlfriend can handle herself and does things with reasons and ideas, even if she loses money and suffers a loss, the Pisces man will feel that this is all. It is one of life’s experiences, but if something goes wrong or you tell him that you have been wronged, etc., the Pisces man will come forward and take care of everything. If the other person is disobedient, he will start nagging and get tight. Deal with the matter with the other person, so if there is no big trouble, it is best not to talk to the Gemini man.

  It is difficult for Pisces, who are always passive emotionally and love to escape, to confess their love in person. However, although they don't say it with their mouths, their love will be revealed in their eyes. If Pisces looks at you from time to time, it is a sign of love for you. If you run away in a hurry when your eyes meet, then this fish must have lost sleep over you.

  It will give you the most romantic thing. Romance is also indispensable for Pisces men. After a Pisces man falls in love with someone, he will know how to be romantic and emotional. The most obvious thing is that a Pisces man will care about you, take good care of you, and be very considerate of you. He will often do some very romantic things to you, making you feel extremely happy.

  Pisces men have a weak personality and love to rely on others. They hope that their other half will be their healer when they are injured and heal their inner pain; they hope that their other half can always be by their side and share their romantic sweetness... He will Spend more time with you, be willing to follow you wherever you go, and rely on you in every possible way. This is how a Pisces man shows when he loves you deeply.

  >>>More exciting information on the next page "More Analysis of Pisces Men"

Reasons why Pisces men ignore you, why Pisces men don’t take the initiative to contact you (2) Picture 1

Pisces deliberately ignores you. Pisces suddenly ignores you.

Pisces deliberately ignores you

Pisces deliberately ignores you. Pisces' emotional perception is very sensitive. They are considerate, will not hurt others at will, are compassionate and like to help others, are passionate, romantic, fantasize and love to dream. Let’s take a look at the related content of Pisces deliberately ignoring you.

Pisces deliberately ignores you 1

What does it mean if Pisces ignores you?

When Pisces ignores you, it means that they don't care about you. At this time, you are not taken seriously by Pisces, and it is not easy for everyone to get Pisces' attention at this time. Pisces is very indifferent when facing people who don't care, and won't say much to them. Ignoring this way is also the emotional expression of Pisces.

Ignoring means wanting to escape

When Pisces ignores you, it means that they hope that there will be no intersection between their lives and yours. At this time, Pisces cannot see hope in you, and even what you bring to Pisces is full of constraints. Feeling, that's why Pisces wants to escape from you. Pisces still cares about freedom. The more they want to escape, the less willing they are to deal with it.

Cold because I don’t love

The reason why Pisces is cold to you is actually very simple. They just don't love you anymore, so they have a cold attitude. At this time, Pisces will not bring you any warmth, and he will not even have a good look. Pisces doesn't like to get entangled with people they don't like. When they are sure that they don't love them, Pisces' attitude is very decisive.

Indifferent because I don’t dare to get close

Pisces is actually very timid when it comes to feelings. Usually Pisces is cold to you because they don't dare to get close to you. Pisces uses being cold to a person to keep their feelings under control. In fact, many people don't understand what Pisces does. Pisces knows that it is easy to fall into feelings, so they treat it differently when feelings have not yet developed.

Pisces deliberately ignores you 2

The reason why Pisces deliberately ignores you

Reason 1: Sick and uncomfortable

Pisces people are enthusiastic and cheerful, and never reject or hurt anyone easily, but they become extremely sensitive when faced with pain and the pain caused by illness. At this time, they are not willing to deal with anyone, even if you mean well. Pisces will feel superfluous in their actions.

Pisces is pretending to be strong and wants to face the pain alone and doesn't like to be seen by others, but in fact, Pisces needs your help at this time. If you walk away because you ignore it, Pisces will be a little sad. You should teach him or her shamelessly and softly.

Reason 2: You are too serious and serious

Pisces is sensitive and suspicious, and likes a relaxed and comfortable way of getting along. If you are too serious or too serious, one of your words may hurt Pisces and make Pisces afraid and have a bad impression of you. Then Pisces will not be willing to talk to you. you.

Pisces is particularly easy to fall in love with a person who is the opposite of themselves, a person who does not love themselves; when they fall in love with this person, they will give everything they have to the other person, give the other person all the good things they think, and give unconditionally , maybe this will make the loved one feel pressured, but this is what Pisces is all about.

Pisces always spends their lives in self-examination and comparison. They always feel that they are not good and are afraid of losing the things they cherish most. They will act like a child in front of the people they trust, crying and making trouble from time to time. to relieve the inner uneasiness, always looking forward to having a long-term shoulder and arm.

Pisces has an extreme personality, either they have it or they don't, it's never in between. The things they identify with the person they identify with always lead to darkness. If they don't like you, they really don't like you.

Pisces deliberately ignores you 3

Why is Pisces ignoring you?

One: Ignore people because they are sick. Pisces women are enthusiastic and cheerful, but they have extremely sensitive nerves. They always react much more violently than others when facing illness, so Pisces will be particularly irritable and sensitive when they are sick. At this time, Pisces doesn't like to talk to others. Even if you take the initiative to come over and try to help as much as possible, you will still be rejected by Pisces because you "don't know a good heart."

Although it hurts more than others, Pisces is still used to facing all this by himself and does not want his vulnerability to be seen by others. If you really walk away because Pisces ignores you at this time, you would be stupid. In fact, Pisces needs you very much at this time. You should take the initiative to help and patiently persuade Pisces to let them be stronger and accept treatment.

Two: You are too serious! Pisces has a sensitive heart like a little daughter, and every little thing can trigger a little sadness in his heart. If you are too serious, they will think you are a bad person! So they don't want to pay attention to you, so why bother with yourself? Since you look so dead when facing me, I can only retaliate in kind. Sometimes just an expression, Pisces can imagine thousands of that person's psychological activities.

Pisces is most likely to fall in love with someone who doesn't love them

Pisces is most likely to fall in love with someone who doesn't love them. Some people may say that Pisces likes to be overbearing. However, after Pisces falls in love with someone, they want to give them all their best things. Maybe this is not the best for the person Pisces falls in love with. But we just stupidly want to turn our best into yours. I hope you cherish it. This is not domineering, but unconditional giving. Because, Pisces really loves.

Pisces will always compare themselves with others and feel that they are not good enough. They are most afraid of losing something important to them and will cry like a child in front of people they trust and rely on. No matter when and where, it is difficult to hide my tears. My biggest wish is to have a broad shoulder and support. Because of my sensitivity and fear, I always want to say "I don't think I'm good enough" to the people I rely on, but many times I don't really say it.

The character of Pisces is always so thorough and decisive. Either 0 or 100. The middle 1-99 is never possible. They are always so persistent in the things and people they believe in, and they will not give up even if they reach the Yellow River. But once things and people are disliked by them, no matter what, they will treat them as dead. Even if they are still there, they will feel that your life is so unnecessary.

Reasons why Pisces men ignore you, why Pisces men don’t take the initiative to contact you (2) Picture 2

Pisces man ignores you after sleeping

Pisces man ignores you

The Pisces man is indifferent to you. The horoscope, like the zodiac sign, can predict a person's horoscope or fortune, wealth, etc. Many people pay attention to the zodiac signs, and each zodiac sign has a different personality but is unique. A Pisces man is indifferent to you.

Pisces man ignores you 1

The reason for being cold to you means that it doesn’t matter if I ignore you.

When Pisces ignores you, it means that they don't care about you. At this time, you are not taken seriously by Pisces, and it is not easy for everyone to get Pisces' attention at this time.

Pisces is very indifferent when facing people who don't care, and won't say much to them. Ignoring this way is also the emotional expression of Pisces.

Ignoring means wanting to escape

When Pisces ignores you, it means that they hope that there will be no intersection between their lives and yours. At this time, Pisces cannot see hope in you, and even what you bring to Pisces is full of constraints. Feeling, that's why Pisces wants to escape from you.

Pisces still cares about freedom. The more they want to escape, the less willing they are to deal with it.

Cold because I don’t love

The reason why Pisces is cold to you is actually very simple. They just don't love you anymore, so they have a cold attitude. At this time, Pisces will not bring you any warmth, and he will not even have a good look.

Pisces doesn't like to get entangled with people they don't like. When they are sure that they don't love them, Pisces' attitude is very decisive.

Indifferent because I don’t dare to get close

Pisces is actually very timid when it comes to feelings. Usually Pisces is cold to you because they don't dare to get close to you. Pisces uses being cold to a person to keep their feelings under control.

In fact, many people don't understand what Pisces does. Pisces knows that it is easy to fall into feelings, so they treat it differently when feelings have not yet developed.

Pisces man ignores you 2

The reason why Pisces is cold to you


Pisces men are actually sentimental people at heart. Especially when they are in love, they are very insecure inside. They may often feel uneasy because of some of your inadvertent actions or unintentional words.

And it’s easy to fall into depression. Many times, it is difficult for others to understand what makes Pisces men sad, so they will fall into a kind of self-entanglement and self-contradiction at this time, and naturally they have no intention of looking for you.

lose freshness

Fish are more fickle and like the new and dislike the old. If the other person remains unchanged, including mentality, knowledge, appearance and style, opinions and attitudes, etc., without any change, Pisces will quickly lose interest in you.

Don't want to love anymore

If it is obvious that a Pisces man is no longer active and enthusiastic, then it usually means that the love has gradually cooled down. This is a man who needs love as energy. Romance is what they must do every day. The problem is if the Pisces man's attitude Becoming very cold, then this is a warning sign, they may not want to love anymore

Pisces man ignores you 3

In terms of love, if the other person does not take the initiative to express his true feelings to you, a Pisces man will never consider taking action. Pisces men need a smart and capable life partner who can guide your words and actions. Due to the lack of initiative in love matters, letting others choose and pursue, it is easy to lead to a union that does not follow the Pisces man's wishes.

Pisces men cannot stand loneliness and are instinctively attracted and influenced by groups. Everything around you is imprinted on your mind, sometimes deeply. Pisces men's thoughts sometimes fly into the illusory world, and sometimes they are intoxicated in the beautiful artistic conception of music, painting, poetry and fantasy.

The characteristics of scumbag men in the sign of Pisces are very obvious. If they love you, they will always be very proactive and enthusiastic. If they don't love you, they will only come to you when they want to have sex. They usually ignore you or even be very cold. .

In short, after sleeping with a Pisces man who doesn't love you, you will change from active to passive, enthusiastic to cold, with escaping and cold war in between.

Sign 1 of not loving you: If a Pisces man doesn't love you anymore, then you will feel that the Pisces man is too lazy to care about you. He just goes home when he goes home. He seldom talks to you, has no social interaction, no smile, and has more black face. , this proves that the Pisces boy doesn’t love you anymore.

Sign 2 of not loving you: If you are not living together, but are just in love, and if the Pisces man doesn't love you anymore, he won't text you as much as before, nor will he like to call you as much as before, and he won't even send you text messages for a long time. ,

He won't call you or take the initiative. When you take the initiative to call, the Pisces man won't say much before hanging up. This also proves that the Pisces man doesn't love you anymore.

Sign 3 of not loving you: If you want to know whether a Pisces man still loves you, it’s actually very simple. In your life, when the Pisces man makes a mistake or you misunderstand him, the Pisces man will not give you a break at all. Many explanations,

Even without explanation, this shows that the Pisces man doesn't love you anymore because he has lost his patience with you. You can think whatever you want.

Sign 4 of not loving you: When a Pisces man is in trouble, or when he encounters difficulties or has some knots in his heart that cannot be opened, the Pisces man does not come to you, but to friends to complain or help. Not looking for you also proves that you have no place in the Pisces man's heart and that he doesn't love you.

Sign 5 of not loving you: You are the girlfriend or wife of a Pisces man. If the Pisces man does not love you, he will not take you to attend other people’s wedding banquets or gatherings of friends, because A Pisces man doesn't love you and doesn't want to see you.

Four reasons why Pisces don’t want to talk to you. If you let them down, it will be difficult to look back.

1. Once you are disappointed, disappointment will snowball.

Pisces people often have a child who loves to dream inside. Many times, many of their emotions and thoughts are not just about the matter itself, but the result of the interweaving of reality and emotion.

In other words, reality will be "processed" in their minds, thus casting a layer of their own filter on reality. Whether it is love, hate, or disappointment, Pisces will do this.

Once you feel a certain emotion, you will continue to aggravate this complex in your heart, and like a "snowball", it will get bigger and bigger.

Therefore, if you do something that disappoints Pisces, then it is not just the matter itself, but many causes, consequences, and future events may be taken into consideration by them, resulting in huge emotional fluctuations.

2. Unable to feel the waves of emotion

Pisces is often a person who needs romance and passion. Sometimes, they really need to feel love, or any other emotional waves, whether it is sweet, sad, or even a little bit "sadistic".

This is the case with Pisces. They long to stay in the "comfort zone" and constantly build a fortress for their lives. However, when the fortress is too thick and too single, they long to venture into the outside world.

Therefore, if someone always caters to, pleases, or is submissive to Pisces, it may not be a good thing. They will easily feel that there are no waves in their hearts because of the lack of waves in their relationship, and they are unwilling to continue on. .

3. After waking up from the dream, I don’t want to wrong myself anymore.

Pisces undoubtedly loves to dream, and many times, they would rather suffer injustice for the so-called self who goes through fire and water and sacrifices constantly.

It can be said that many times, grievances represent hard work and are not a good thing. But in the eyes of Pisces, doesn't this represent their determination and perseverance for love? They will be moved by that self, and therefore they will ignore the hardships of reality.

However, when they wake up from the dream and Pisces are no longer willing to wrong themselves, they will find that they were just like a fool, and they will start to consider reality and stop losses in time.

4. Often "chicken talks with duck"

Pisces people are often people who pay great attention to communication. That is to say, communication and the feeling of being together are very crucial. Many times, Pisces are not people who will express all their thoughts. They would rather express them through silence. manner.

Therefore, if you are chatting with someone and never seem to get on the same page, or if the other person cannot correctly understand the heart and language of Pisces, then they will be too lazy to explain.

Once they find it troublesome, they will easily become indifferent. Many things are just "face-to-face" friendships, and Pisces is also a "acting school".

Reasons why Pisces men ignore you, why Pisces men don’t take the initiative to contact you (2) Picture 3

Why would a Pisces boy not want to deal with his girlfriend?

If you don’t want to talk to your girlfriend, it may be that you did something wrong or you made him angry. He doesn’t want to talk to your girlfriend and just wants to calm down. You can take the initiative to go to him and ask him what he thinks. . If you are in a relationship and he doesn't want to talk to you, it may be that he doesn't like you anymore, or there is something unhappy about him, so you need to communicate with him more. Pisces is a person who prefers romance. He may not want to deal with you because you didn't give him romance, or because you did something that made him unhappy. A Pisces boy is a very gentle person. If he doesn't want to talk to you, it may be because you have made him unhappy. You can take the initiative to coax him and he will forgive you. If you are in a relationship and you don't want to talk to him, it may be because he doesn't want to talk to you and he wants to be quiet by himself. You can take the initiative to coax him and he will forgive you.

Reasons why Pisces men ignore you, why Pisces men don’t take the initiative to contact you (2) Picture 4

The above is all about the reasons why a Pisces man ignores you, why a Pisces man does not take the initiative to contact you (2), and related content about the reasons why a Pisces man ignores you. I hope it can help you.

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