
Contents of this article

  • 1. Is a Scorpio woman smarter or an Aquarius woman smarter?
  • 2. The Taoist priest will help you solve your problems
  • 3. Which one is worse, Gemini man or Aquarius man?
  • 4. What are the characteristics of Gemini and Aquarius?

Are Scorpio women smarter or Aquarius women smarter?

Are Geminis smarter or Aquarius smarter?

  Whether Gemini is smart or Aquarius is smart, constellation refers to one of the essential components in astrology. Astrologers make it easier to identify stars. People divide the distribution of stars into several regions, and each region is called a constellation. So are Geminis smarter or Aquarius smarter?

  Are Gemini smarter or Aquarius smarter 1

   Who is smarter, Gemini or Aquarius?

   Life Tips: Gemini is tactful and slightly better

  In daily life, we always encounter all kinds of small problems and problems, and Gemini is generally more tactful when dealing with problems.

  They do not stick to established methods and are good at switching strategies according to the situation. They are also good at making full use of their interpersonal relationships to let more people help them solve problems. On the contrary, Aquarius people are more arrogant and think they can get things done, which is not a smart approach.

   Examination and study: Aquarius is calm and achieves higher results

  Gemini people will not actually lose to Aquarius in terms of IQ, but in their student days, the grades of Gemini student friends will definitely not exceed that of Aquarius.

  Because the personality and characteristics of Gemini are not suitable for exam-oriented education. They are very creative, but they have no perseverance in doing things, are not suitable for question-based tactics, and are not careful during exams. But Aquarius people are relatively calm and have higher requirements for themselves. They don't want their grades to be worse than others.

   Quick fix for love: Gemini sweethearts, easy to fix

  Love is inherently a very complicated thing. As the saying goes, everyone has their own preferences, so it is difficult to determine which one of two people is "better" in terms of love, because it all depends on which one you appreciate more. Gemini people are more interesting, and it is fun to be with them, but it is not certain whether the relationship will last. The personality of Aquarius is more inner-focused. You won't be able to discover their goodness at first. It takes time to understand their inner richness.

   Great competition in the workplace: everyone has their own focus, but everyone is equally divided

  As for the workplace, since there are many types of roles in the workplace, Gemini and Aquarius people will become the best as long as they find their own position, choose a working method that suits them, and are willing to work hard, so they cannot be generalized. In the final analysis, who is better? Simply put, Gemini people are not very practical, but have a lot of electronics and are more suitable for playing a role in a team. Aquarius people also have the ability to innovate, but working alone is more suitable for them.

  Are Geminis smarter or Aquarius smarter 2

  Geminis are clever when things happen, a little clever, generally talented, and like to pursue new things, so they are impatient in doing things and always have three minutes of enthusiasm. When encountering some difficulties, they will easily give up on the goals they are pursuing, giving people a feeling of unreliability. . Aquarius people have a strong personality. They are lively and clever, good at communicating with others, and have good interpersonal relationships. They can be regarded as friendship stars.

  Gemini and Aquarius are both air signs. Gemini is flexible and quick-thinking, and Aquarius is free and open-minded. Both of them are receptive to new things. Once these two signs collide, they will be like lightning and fire. In the early days, it was very easy to call. The two of them could always find common topics and hobbies in the shortest time. They talked about everything from astronomy to geography. It was so late that they met and they couldn't stop chatting.

  However, in the relationship between Gemini and Aquarius, Aquarius is always on the disadvantaged side. This is mainly because Gemini’s shrewdness is more reflected internally than externally, while Aquarius’s shrewdness is on the surface. Aquarius’s appearance is too shrewd. It will make Gemini even less confident.

  Geminis usually give people a silly impression on the outside. In fact, Geminis are very smart on the inside. They won't make any moves when they don't understand you. Once they make a move, it means they must have your weak point in their hands. At that time, you were unable to stand up in his hands, so you could only let him go.

  Aquarius is just the opposite of Gemini. The intelligence of Aquarius is more reflected in the appearance. In fact, the heart is much simpler. As an Aquarius with a fixed sign, his relatively stable personality is his weakness, and this weakness is just right for Gemini, so he knows enough about Gemini. In Aquarius, this is basically "complete abuse" in terms of level.

  But "complete abuse" does not mean that Aquarius will definitely lose. Even if Gemini's personality is changing and flexible, hemp rope will never be able to compete with steel. When Aquarius is strong enough to stick to its own principles and bottom line, Gemini will have thousands of tricks. It's also useless.

  What's so deadly about water bottles? That means being soft-hearted. Aquarius's soft-heartedness makes Gemini dare to jump back and forth on Aquarius's bottom line many times, and it also indulges Gemini's willfulness.

  Are Gemini smarter or Aquarius smarter 3

   The four smartest zodiac signs


  Gemini is also the smartest zodiac sign among the twelve zodiac signs. They have a wide range of interests and interests and have a wide range of interests. This also leads to the fact that if Geminis do business, they are absolutely comfortable with socializing and will say hello to everyone. The intelligence of Geminis cannot be underestimated. Anyone who truly understands Geminis will know that they are not as simple as they appear on the surface. It's harmless. If Gemini is bullied, they will definitely use their own way to make the other party pay the price.


  Aquarius is also the smartest constellation among the twelve constellations. Their brain circuits are different from ordinary people. Most people cannot understand what Aquarius is doing. This also leads to the path they want to take, which is definitely different from ordinary people. They have Talented and innovative. Moreover, Aquarius is a typical type that can break through in one click. It may take others a long time to digest the content. Aquarius can completely break through it as long as they think about it for a moment. They are true gods of learning.


  Sagittarius is also the smartest constellation among the twelve constellations, which also means that their emotional intelligence cannot be underestimated. They know what kind of words to say in what kind of place, and they are willing to tolerate their own personalities, just to make everyone happy.

  Nor do you want to embarrass the other person with your existence. Moreover, Sagittarius also likes to explore the truth. Their persistence in new things will definitely exceed other people's imagination, because if Sagittarius has something unclear, they will try their best to figure it out and will never let it go. I will be confused and pretend to understand.


  Although Taurus seems to lack great wisdom and treats everything in a state of indifference, as long as you really understand Taurus people, you will know that among the twelve constellations, they are the best at pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. Maybe Taurus is also the best at pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. I have my own thoughts, but I never choose to speak them out directly. On the one hand, I am afraid of offending the other person, and on the other hand, I am also afraid that even if I say it, it will not help the situation, so I will tell the matter subtly. People around me want my friends to talk to each other.

  In fact, it is not a bad thing to let yourself have wisdom, but don't think that you are superior to others because you are smart, look down on others, belittle others, and don't turn your intelligence into your own disadvantage. In the end, you will not have any friends around you. The state of the child will harm himself in the end.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 1

The Taoist priest will help you solve your problems

Everyone has different opinions on what they like. Some people like appearance, some people like personality, and some people like certain subtle actions. In short, there are all kinds of strange reasons. If you want to know which Gemini boy or Aquarius boy is the most worthy of your devotion, you can test their zodiac signs to see which zodiac sign is the most suitable to be a husband.

1. Characteristics of Gemini boys

Gemini has a very strong desire to explore and is not willing to be a listener for a moment. But when they meet the one they love, Gemini will become very reasonable, solve his difficulties, listen to his misery and loneliness, and enjoy it. Therefore, the person Gemini loves most must be the one who can treat them with great care. Suppose you make him admit his mistake in a dispute that can show his intelligence and insight. If he bites his tongue and refuses to let go, it means he has not fallen in love with you at all. If he is silent and angry, he has a little love. I love you but still hesitate. Only when I admit that I did something wrong immediately and generously can I love you to the core. If you want to scold someone for something you're wrong about, do it in a cute way. Don't be sarcastic or act like it's a matter of principle. Otherwise, he was forced to admit that he was wrong, definitely not because of love, but to stay away from him.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 2

2. What is the personality of an Aquarius boy?

Aquarius boys are very smart and have great plans, but they are very lacking in emotional intelligence and IQ. Being a virgin with an Aquarius man may be very naive and challenging. In addition, Aquarius men are quite good. They are used to creating unexpected surprises in their daily routine. You will definitely not find your daily life boring and simple with them. Maybe we can further develop into the person who wants to get married, and then slowly correct the shortcomings between each other in life. This is a way to choose the other person.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 3

3. Who is suitable to become the other half?

Everyone has different requirements for their significant other. In fact, Gemini boys are not easy to lie, and they will not play tricks like boys of other zodiac signs. If they have feelings for you, they will tell you stupidly. , and you may even feel that they are sometimes too impatient, because we will do whatever it takes to see you and find an answer. Even if the answer left them confused. As for Aquarius men, because they are outspoken and heart-warming, Aquarius people are too self-centered when it comes to love. When you are with an Aquarius boy, sometimes you will feel that he is selfish, and you will find that they are only interested in the things they like. Two people cannot find the same hobbies.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 4

Which one is worse, Gemini man or Aquarius man?

Aquarius man and Aquarius woman
Speed ​​dating index: 70%
Love at first sight: 30%
  When Aquarius man meets Aquarius woman, it is really a wonderful battle of wits, both of them are They are rational and calm. No one is restrained by the other, or anyone is waiting for this to happen. When two people are together, they often provoke each other, and have healthy competition in their thoughts or opinions on affairs.
For example, when the Aquarius man is thinking hard about the company's project and can't come up with new ideas, the Aquarius woman will come up with strange ideas from his head, which can not only help the Aquarius man, but also help both of them. You can also show off your creativity and compete with each other in the spiritual realm.
However, there is something wrong in love. Because they have the same characteristics, they lack a different kind of attraction in the eyes of the other person. Of course, they will feel sympathy for the other person, but there is always a little less passion and Conflicts and even quarrels are all done calmly by reasoning with each other, and everyone is happy and no one is waiting for you. Therefore, if you get along too rationally, you can easily turn from lovers into friends.
Gemini man and Aquarius woman
Speed ​​match index: 40%
Love at first sight: 60%
    Gemini man and Aquarius woman are truly a match made in heaven! Because in the process of seeing a lot of things, the Gemini man often has to come into contact with three hundred and sixty people, and he is not surprised by all kinds of people, and he is invisibly different from ordinary people in terms of tolerance and ideological acceptance; the Aquarius woman is ancient. The weird and nonsensical thinking makes people confused and makes them with open
mind quite bored. However, after meeting the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman can be said to have a chance to be rescued.
Gemini men find Aquarius women’s perspectives novel and interesting. The two of them can often come up with more clever ideas or creativity, and each other can reach a higher level. In addition, the foundation of the relationship between a Gemini man and an Aquarius woman often starts from being good friends who talk about everything, so it can be said that the relationship is steady and steady.
Not only do Gemini men and Aquarius women feel extremely comfortable and understanding together, but their spiritual level can also gradually improve. Their mutually complementary relationship is really enviable in the world!

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 5

What are the characteristics of Gemini and Aquarius?

Many times Gemini and Aquarius have similar personalities. They both like to make friends, like to chat, are good at expressing themselves, and are easy-going, so these two people can easily become very good friends. In addition, Gemini's considerate and logical thinking can also understand Aquarius' weird ideas very well. Over time, Aquarius can't help but fall in love with Gemini. Aquarius is one of the most artistic zodiac signs in China.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 6

They appear kind, but don't have a heart to heart with anyone. They even tend to withdraw. They tend to sneer at things that many people flock to and insist that this has always been their philosophy of survival. The same is true for Geminis, who don't care much about the opinions of others. The difference is that Aquarius adheres to the principle of inner rationality and pursues the original dream, while Gemini values ​​the subjective enjoyment of feelings and pursues whichever one they like.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 7

But their external performance is the same, that is, they will not follow the trend easily. Gemini and Aquarius are similar in other ways as well. The relationship between the two of them is very good, very contemporary and trendy. When two people with the same meteorological zodiac sign meet, they can express their respective characteristics vividly, so they fall in love at first sight, just like a pair of friends who have nothing to say and have endless things to say.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 8

They are both teachers and friends. Love and friendship coexist and prosper, and they trust and respect each other perfectly. However, they also have friction. The main reason is whether they are telling the truth. For most Geminis, they don't want to face this problem because it means so much to them. Many times Gemini and Aquarius have similar personalities.

Which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man? Is Scorpio woman smarter or Aquarius woman smarter? Picture 9

They both like to make friends, like to chat, are good at expressing themselves, and are easy-going, so these two people can easily become very good friends. In addition, Gemini's considerate and logical thinking can also understand Aquarius' weird ideas very well. Over time, Aquarius can't help but fall in love with Gemini. Aquarius is one of the most artistic zodiac signs in China. They appear kind, but don't have a heart to heart with anyone. They even tend to withdraw. They tend to sneer at things that many people flock to and insist that this has always been their philosophy of survival.

The above is all about which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man, whether Scorpio woman is smarter or Aquarius woman is smarter, and related content about which one is better, Aquarius man or Gemini man. I hope it can help you.

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