
Contents of this article

  • 1. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman compatibility
  • 2. Sagittarius and Aquarius pairing
  • 3. Compatibility index between Aquarius woman and Sagittarius woman
  • 4. Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman compatibility

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing analysis

Do you know how Aquarius and Sagittarius pair up? I believe many people know that Aquarius people are not content with the status quo and like challenges, while Sagittarius people are optimistic and cheerful and like to pursue excitement. So are these two zodiac signs compatible? Please see my collection of Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility analysis.

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing analysis 1

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing analysis

Love index : 5

Everlasting Index : 4

pairing index

Friendship: ★★★★

Love: ★★★★

Marriage: ★★★

Family: ★★★

Must-read for romance:

A couple who meets the requirements and enjoys themselves!!

The free and independent outlook on life of Sagittarius is very similar to that of Aquarius. Aquarius hates obsessive partners the most, and they are playing into your heart. Neither of you likes an unchanging life, and your life circle is wide. If you are asked to work hard, Waste time taking care of your partner when you would rather give up on him.

So you are ideal for living together, because you don't have the chance to see each other for many nights. He doesn't know where you are going, but you won't mind or worry at all, because you will be the same. When you choose to get married, you must first consider whether you can manage a family. Otherwise, it will not be you who will suffer, but your next generation.

The sex life can be regarded as a perfect match. They enjoy the process very much. There is no other pressure and it is purely based on the premise of satisfying sexual desire. They will not be uneasy because the other party has other sexual relationships.

He cleverly integrates into your life and adds a lot of extra fun to you. With him, you really enjoy all the freedom and fun.

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing analysis 2

Sagittarius-Aquarius emotional analysis

Sagittarius and Aquarius dance to the passionate drumbeat of friendship and destiny in the 3-11 Sun Sign Pattern. Sometimes they stirred together in a noisy, uncanny but thrilling way, just as air and fire often do - igniting sparks of thought, bursting into astonishing whims, sometimes radiating their own brilliance, sometimes dampening their respective spirits. and confuse others at any time.

Sagittarians can't help but have a happy tone because they are born optimists. But they are also inherently agnostic. It's a complicated balancing act to display the conflicting qualities of optimism and skepticism at the same time, but Sagittarius manages to pull it off. This is what astrology calls a “double” sign—or a “double” Sun Sign. Sagittarius is half man and half horse, so Sagittarius is half happy and half sad, half frivolous and half solemn, half crazy and half wise, half buffoon and half philosopher. They are not purely human replicas like the Geminis, they have two sides.

Aquarius people have dual astrology, so although Aquarius people are sometimes more confrontational and contradictory than Sagittarius people, they are not naturally affected by the "dual" astrology like Sagittarius people. In fact, it is not enough to describe men and women ruled by Uranus in terms of duality. It's easy to get bored by only bumping into two sides of yourself. A typical Aquarius has more than a dozen personalities. Only having two personalities can lead to mediocrity, and Aquarius astrology has nothing to do with mediocrity. Aquarians despise mediocrity (and hate hypocrisy) and prefer miracles, all the magic and madness. They are, in a word, different.

Combining the slowness of Jupiter (Sagittarius) with the unpredictable qualities of Uranus (Aquarius) can produce some unexpected things. Aquarians do like to surprise others, but they rarely explain their intentions, and they also want to undermine the surprise that others are trying to create.

If an astrologer could gather the wisdom of the earth and advise Sagittarius and Aquarius to achieve peaceful coexistence in one sentence, this sentence would be a great effort to persuade both of them (people only consider and agree in principle, and do it), remain "calm, cool and collected" in all situations. There are only a few different words, but they are crucial to both types of mortals. Sagittarius is a fire sign and therefore very volatile. When Aquarius (remember Aquarius is an Air sign) stirs up a bit and stirs up the Sagittarius's fierceness - an unwilling outburst can stir up the habitual rage of Aquarius's Air.

Aquarius and Sagittarius workplace partners, Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman pairing picture 1

Sagittarius and Aquarius pairing

1. Look at the matching index
The matching score of Sagittarius and Aquarius is 90 points, making them a very compatible pair. Constellation ratio: 44:56. Therefore, the two zodiac signs have a high matching index and are also very ideal good friends. The love style of these two zodiac signs always starts with good friends and grows in love over time. Sagittarius belongs to the masculine sign, and Aquarius belongs to the air sign. The two have a high degree of tacit understanding, and they always have the same ideas. Their outlook on life and values ​​always coincide with each other, so it is easy for two people to fall in love at first sight or fall in love over time. In addition, the two people have excellent diplomatic skills, pursue freedom, and are unrestrained, so they are extremely compatible and the possibility of spending a lifetime together is extremely high. So what about the love between Aquarius and Pisces? Can they be put together?
2. Look at personality characteristics
Sagittarius and Aquarius are both extroverted signs. Both signs love freedom and do not like a static life, so two people are always full of fun together. Two people will always have endless topics to talk about and endless thoughts, so getting along will not seem awkward or boring. Moreover, Sagittarius likes to be unrestrained, while Aquarius does not like to interfere with each other, so the two of them always feel very free and relaxed when they are together. Aquarius and Sagittarius will not stick together all day long. Basically, people of these two zodiac signs are very free, open, and outgoing. They have the courage to try new things and respect each other. They are the type of people who benefit from cooperation and are independent from each other. So the two of them are a perfect match, a match made in heaven.
3. Appreciate each other and tolerate each other
Sagittarius people like smart people, and Aquarius is smart and clever, which always makes Sagittarius feel novel. Together, they can appreciate and encourage each other. They are like-minded friends, and they can also be ideal partners for making progress together. Therefore, even if they become husband and wife together, they will still be good friends, because they will use each other's opinions as an important reference for themselves to deal with things. Sagittarius can appreciate Aquarius' coolness, and Aquarius can understand Sagittarius's impatience. Things that are difficult to understand for others become very simple and interesting for them. Because they are always accustomed to breaking conventional thinking and looking at people and things around them from both sides' perspective, they are very flexible. Because Sagittarius and Aquarius admire each other, each thinks that the other is the most beautiful in their eyes. So when we are together, we can always give each other warmth and the most genuine smile.

Aquarius and Sagittarius workplace partners, Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman pairing picture 2

Aquarius woman and Sagittarius woman compatibility index

Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility index

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing index, horoscope is a science that can guide our lives, zodiac signs can roughly analyze a person's psychological characteristics, zodiac signs can reflect a person's personality to a large extent, and the system of zodiac signs is thorough and complete , after reading the matching index between Aquarius and Sagittarius, please share it with the people around you.

Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility index 1

Sagittarius and Aquarius dance to the passionate drumbeat of friendship and destiny in the 3-11 Sun Sign Pattern. Sometimes they stirred together in a noisy, uncanny but thrilling way, just as air and fire often do - igniting sparks of thought, bursting into astonishing whims, sometimes radiating their own brilliance, sometimes dampening their respective spirits. and confuse others at any time.

Sagittarians can't help but have a happy tone because they are born optimists. But they are also inherently agnostic. It's a complicated balancing act to display the conflicting qualities of optimism and skepticism at the same time, but Sagittarius manages to pull it off. This is what astrology calls a “double” sign—or a “double” Sun Sign. Sagittarius is half man and half horse, so Sagittarius is half happy and half sad, half frivolous and half solemn, half crazy and half wise, half buffoon and half philosopher. They are not purely human replicas like the Geminis, they have two sides.

Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility index: 90%

Aquarius and Sagittarius friendship index: 90%

Aquarius and Sagittarius love index: 100%

Aquarius and Sagittarius marriage index: 95%

Aquarius and Sagittarius affection index: 70%

Aquarius and Sagittarius Emotional Compatibility

Friendship pairing: like-minded

Sagittarius loves freedom by nature and is unwilling to be restrained, while Aquarius, although known as the star of "friendship", is actually very cold at heart and unable to communicate with others. Therefore, they will have a relationship as gentle as gentlemen, but at the same time they are like-minded.

Love pairing: if you are together or if you are apart

Sagittarius and Aquarius will choose to warm each other because they are too lonely, but they share the desire for freedom in their hearts, which will make them choose the beauty of distance after the warmth. Therefore, in love, they often stay away from each other.

Partner Pairing: Can't Get It Done

Sagittarius is unwilling to be bound by any external conditions, while Aquarius has an extremely serious tendency towards individualism. If they become partners, either they will not be able to implement the plan smoothly, or they will not be able to unify their opinions. In short, nothing will be done.

Aquarius boy and Sagittarius girl match

Constellation matching index: 90

Aquarius and Sagittarius are one of the most ideal combinations among air signs and water signs. The two "curious babies" have similar personalities and complement each other. Aquarius with countless whimsical ideas allows Sagittarius to experience all kinds of wonderful life. Sagittarius's wide social circle makes Aquarius more active.

Aquarius girl and Sagittarius boy match

Constellation matching index: 90

Sagittarius, a fire sign, and Aquarius, an air sign, are very likely to hold hands until old age. The two people, whose outlook on life and style of life are almost the same, have the same mind and easily hit it off. Just pay attention to some details. Even if you are busy in life, you must also maintain a certain degree of contact. Communication will sublimate your relationship.

Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility index 2

Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility index:

Friendship matching index: ★★★★

Love pairing index: ★★★★

Marriage matching index: ★★★

Family matching index: ★★★

A couple who meets the requirements and enjoys themselves! !

The free and independent outlook on life of Sagittarius is very similar to that of Aquarius. Aquarius hates obsessive partners the most, and they are playing into your heart. Neither of you likes an unchanging life, and your life circle is wide. If you are asked to work hard, Waste time taking care of your partner when you would rather give up on him.

So you are ideal for living together, because you don't have the chance to see each other for many nights. He doesn't know where you are going, but you won't mind or worry at all, because you will be the same. When you choose to get married, you must first consider whether you can manage a family. Otherwise, it will not be you who will suffer, but your next generation.

The sex life can be regarded as a perfect match. They enjoy the process very much. There is no other pressure and it is purely based on the premise of satisfying sexual desire. They will not be uneasy because the other party has other sexual relationships.

Aquarius (male) – Sagittarius (female)

We start with Uranus, the ruler of the Aquarius man. This does not mean that Uranus is more powerful or quick-thinking than Jupiter among the planets, but it is faster than Jupiter (her ruler). Uranus rules thunder and lightning, which is faster and more powerful than almost anything you can think of (except maybe the Sagittarius temper). An Aquarius man has a relentless interest in science, no matter what job he is engaged in or what he does. If he were a gardener, he would want to design hanging gardens. Flowers hang from unexpected places, like a chandelier in the living room; if he were a plumber, he would try to tie the dishwasher drain hose to the TV so people could clean up while watching the show Dishes left because he was lazy yesterday; if he worked in the library, he would scientifically organize the bookshelves so that he could read the titles of books upside down, which is how he read the titles, and maybe he would also use a special (for Classify books in a way that makes sense to him.

Uranus men are unusually creative, always popping up (not generating - just popping up) new ideas that no one else has thought of before (certainly on Earth). His mind is both brilliant and erratic, and his thought process is very original and can be said to be unique. When a Sagittarius woman happens to get mad at him for the moment, she may say in a cute and proper way that he's weird as hell. But the scientific nature of the Aquarius man is not influenced by contemporary scientific attitudes and methods. It's natural. Aquarius lives in tomorrow, why should he worry about today's norms and tie himself up in a cocoon? You have to admit that there is some truth to this logic. Contemporary scientists insist that a new idea be supported by strong factual arguments before even listening to it, let alone considering it. Aquarius people instinctively know that if people are not willing to have dreams first, no matter how far-fetched they are, and then start to prove them, then human society will not progress. In his view, the other process will be completely reversed. A process of discovery that he took for granted.

Many of the great men who brought about intellectual advances in every region belonged to this enterprising planet, Uranus. Fortunately for the earth, the number of births of Uranian Aquarius people is very fair and reasonable, with male, female and mixed sex (Aquarius is a single-sex house, they are all a little bit of this and a little bit of that, so they are like this Fascinating), otherwise we might not have evolved from the cave-dwelling stage.

Now it’s time to talk about the Sagittarius woman. She probably thinks (at least from time to time) that the Aquarius man she loves and hates with equal depth of affection is there and nowhere else. He was in a cave, like a caveman living in a cave. Or maybe it's like a cave in a zoo, surrounded by a fence so he can't escape. Of course, she secretly liked his unusual thoughts and unrestrained behavior. When she first met him, her heart was attracted by his special unpredictability. She jumped over to say hello to him - he gave her an umbrella in the rain that day, and she smiled and expressed her gratitude. Unexpectedly, The umbrella was full of holes because he preferred walking in drizzle rather than heavy rain. "The drizzle is refreshing and uplifting," he told her, "but too much can be annoying. Don't you think so?"

She wasn't sure. She nodded. But it would still be a long time before she was sure. When she made up her mind, she also poked many small holes in her umbrella. At this time, you may have guessed that she also suffered from his madness. This disease is highly contagious, and what's worse is that no immune serum is available (the honest Sagittarius woman is not immune to the lightning infection of her Uranus man. This will be mentioned below).

Sometimes she forgot that she had regarded his eccentricities as the best of all virtues, and regarded them as the worst of all vices. At this time, her Jupiter expansion will cause her to develop her irritability into the truth (or what she thinks is the truth at the time). When she has a chance to think about it, she will find that she was too reckless, and she will regret it and still She may have apologized hurriedly: she regretted telling him to have his brain checked and calling him careless. He would probably forgive her - he would shock her, he would be confused by not remembering what she said. Did he forget? When Jin got angry, he poured a bottle of glue on her head? How could he forget? Anyway, he forgot. Aquarius people do not store irrelevant information that is no longer useful in their heads. This will occupy the space for creative thinking and jumping thinking about things, which are really important.

The Sagittarius woman is cheerful, brave and honest, which makes the Aquarius man happy. He was truly moved by her obvious unpretentiousness, cheerfulness, and friendly demeanor—and by her obvious integrity. That's why she sometimes says reckless and straightforward things. At least she doesn't lie or pretend to be someone or anything else, she is herself. She is real and not hypocritical, and she is the kind of person he likes the most. He asked her to be his friend, and—she realized hopefully—this was the most serious invitation she had ever received from a man. Because Aquarius people never accept (or give) friendship lightly, and Aquarius people take friendship more seriously than most people today take love. Therefore, being asked to be his friend is almost equivalent to asking for marriage from other Sun Sign men. Maybe go further. It's absolutely remarkable when lovers or couples can also become true friends, a precious romantic reward; this man and woman's relationship can reach its ideal state more easily than many other couples' relationships, thanks to their 3 —11 The shock chart of destiny.

Because the Sagittarius woman is a friendly person herself, she trusts almost everyone she meets, shares with them her open and honest way of communicating, and expresses her feelings about all events (romantic or platonic). say it again. Human nature is fickle, and she felt her husband's desire. The lessons she endures rarely make her resentful, and she rarely overpowers her Jupiterian enthusiasm and optimistic worldview, but they can make her a little skeptical. The definition of resentment in the dictionary is: "a woman who expresses hatred and dissatisfaction" (her birth chart bears very heavy traces of torture). But she was certainly a woman who was not gullible, who did not doubt until she was convinced—and she was certainly a woman who doubted, who was full of doubts. Ever since she was a child, she had begun to ask what the world was doing, that it was going round and round only to be back where it started. She asked more about love. She had questions and curiosities about politics, architecture, film, books, advertising, zoology and ecology - especially religion. She went from devout religion to complete atheism and back again...always searching...for the truth. She also had the gift of prophecy, which she was probably lucky enough not to notice, and had a happy philosopher in her soul. Most of the conclusions she reaches after asking friends, family and strangers alike are joyful and, in the final analysis, contain positive symbols of the future and a rainbow of hope. She doesn't want to fool others, and she doesn't want to be deceived herself, which is fair enough. Despite her flashes of idealism, she prefers to deal with facts so that she can deal with reality rather than fantasy. Because she is born in a dualistic sign, she can be a puzzling contradiction, even to an Aquarius.

Aquarius men often agree more with her views than they disagree. The difference is that he may have realized earlier than she did that reality itself might be an illusion—that what others call fantasy might actually be reality. The theory itself would confuse him, and she would ask him a thousand questions, excitedly, late into the night... Her curious, quick mind was always driven by new concepts.

He would also be excited by late-night philosophical discussions, but not by new concepts. Aquarius men generally do not pay undue attention to the sexual aspects of human relationships. But once corporeal thoughts happened to be implanted in his Uranian mind, they grew and sprouted like the other seeds in his dizzying mental garden—quickly, and strangely transformed, but soon beauty.

The Sagittarius woman is easily bored by unimaginative, passionless and mediocre lovemaking, and it is almost no exaggeration to say that she will cry. When the time comes for her Aquarius to (finally) show her physical love (or offer him friendship, which is the same thing for him), he certainly shouldn't let her get discouraged. Sometimes his tenderness and touch made her heart skip a beat.

Lovemaking between a Sagittarius and an Aquarius will never be dull. Passion that fanns fire, sometimes with the faintest breath. Her fire warmed his airy indifference, turning it into a deep desire and unrelenting longing that few other women could make him so emotional. These two respond to each other's heightened emotions because they both understand that sex can be joyful and supreme. Their intimate relationship is as unpredictable as the playful breeze, appearing and disappearing, yet soft and quiet, like a piece of snow falling in the forest, calm and peaceful.

Sometimes, his violent Qigong anger will burst out like a thunderbolt in the sky. Sometimes her Jupiter temper would develop into a rage, and she would pelt his side of the room with a hail of merciless scoldings. But he would just put on earmuffs and write in chalk on her newly bought T-shirt: "It's really the middle of the night." She would soften. After the incident, they would go together to find a gurgling stream in the woods, light a bonfire, lean against a strange-shaped tree in the dim light, chew biscuits, and tell each other ghost stories.

Aquarius and Sagittarius workplace partners, Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman matching picture 3

Aquarius and Sagittarius pairing

Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible?

  Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible? Each zodiac sign has its own personality, and the way they treat each other in relationships is also different. There is also a compatibility theory in the zodiac signs. Sagittarius's free and independent outlook on life is very similar to that of Aquarius. Learn more below Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible?

  Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible? 1

  Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman are a happy couple. Aquarius women are feminine and weak. The free and independent outlook on life of the Sagittarius man is very similar to that of the Aquarius woman. Both of them hate obsessive partners, and neither likes a life without change, and their life circle is wide. If you have to waste time taking care of your significant other, You would rather give up.

  The Aquarius woman is stubbornly changeable or changeable, and the Sagittarius man's uncertainty enables both of them to better handle emotional fluctuations. He is a bit reckless, she is calmer, logical and detached. Her gentle touch was able to calm his anger when he was angry, which worked wonders if two people truly loved each other.

  Sagittarius men and Aquarius women are ideal for living together, because both of them have been immersed in their own small circles for a long time, rarely have the opportunity to be alone, and have no worries about the other's whereabouts.

  If you want to choose to get married, you must first consider whether you have the sense of responsibility to manage a family. Otherwise, it is not you who will suffer, but your next generation. In terms of sex life, they are also a perfect match. As a couple, you enjoy this process very much. You can have no other pressure, purely based on satisfying your sexual desire, and you will not be uneasy because the other party has other sexual relationships.

   Notes on love:

  One is an air sign, and the other is a fire sign. They have similar natures, and Aquarius women and Sagittarius men are one of the most ideal combinations. Aquarius women and Sagittarius men will not stick together all day long. Basically, people of these two zodiac signs are very free, open, and outgoing. They are brave enough to try new and trendy things and respect each other. They both benefit from cooperation and are independent from each other. type.

  When a Aquarius woman meets a Sagittarius man, she is completely free to express herself and be unwavering in her goals and intentions. If she cooperates with him based on love and sacrifice, she will make herself very embarrassed.

  Although the Sagittarius man admires the Aquarius woman's forward thinking, he is very dissatisfied with her lack of action. You have to understand that the Aquarius woman has her own theoretical views on everything. Even if you take the first step to give her a step forward, she may not follow your ideas. If two people can try to reconcile, they will definitely be great.

  Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible? 2

   Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

  Matching index: 90

  Pairing ratio: 44:56

  Love index: 5

  Everlasting Index: 4

   Result Comments: A very ideal pair

  The male constellation is also known as the two major elements in the masculine constellation. One is the air sign and the other is the fire sign. They have similar properties, and Aquarius and Sagittarius are one of the most ideal combinations. Aquarius and Sagittarius will not stick together all day long. Basically, people of these two zodiac signs are very free, open, and outgoing. They are brave enough to try new trendy things and respect each other. They are the type of people who can benefit from cooperation and be independent from each other. .

  Sagittarius, who is a fire sign, and Aquarius, who is an air sign, are already compatible. In addition, they are both masculine signs. Their concepts and behavior patterns are similar. As long as they are not busy socializing and easily emotional, life can usually be full of fun and they can spend a lifetime together. The probability is very high.

  However, although you and Aquarius are both liberals, no matter how popular you are and how much you love getting together with friends, you actually still hate the constraints of interpersonal relationships and routines. Therefore, don't let the close interaction between two people affect your external contacts. After all, we live in a group society, and friendship still needs to be maintained carefully for a long time to last.

  Generally speaking, Aquarius men and women are kind and tolerant by nature, willing to play around with follies and talents, willing to live their own lives and let others live, not annoying others, and behave in a cute, pleasant and even charming way. Generally speaking, Sagittarius men and women are carefree, cheerful and friendly, tolerate everyone and everything equally, jump around like a basketball or a hula hoop, and smile cutely.

  They become more adorable, energetic and friendly when they bump into each other on the road. Most of the time, their interactions have tendencies and similarities. In some cases, the Aquarius anger stirs the Sagittarius fire too much, and the Sagittarius fire forces the violent reaction of the Aquarius air. These situations are rare and not the rule.

   The best matching combination for Aquarius

  Aquarius: maverick, freedom-loving

   Aquarius VS Gemini: Matching Index 100

  The two people who are both wind signs are deeply attracted to each other. They both like an outgoing lifestyle and a close and intimate relationship. They can love deeply, and they both have their own space. They are so in tune with each other and it is amazing. Envy is a perfect zodiac sign pairing.

   Aquarius VS Aries: Matching Index 90

  These are two very dazzling zodiac signs. One is from the air sign, and the other is from the fire sign. They are from different elements, but they have the courage to explore and be positive and optimistic in common, and they are very comfortable getting along with each other.

   Aquarius VS Sagittarius: Matching Index 80

  These two zodiac signs love independence and freedom equally. Each has its own space and absolutely respects each other's privacy. They can enjoy life together in a space where they are both friends and lovers.

   The best matching combination for Sagittarius

  Sagittarius: informal, optimistic and positive

   Sagittarius VS Aries: Matching Index 100

  The so-called thunder in the sky stirs up the fire in the earth, referring to Sagittarius and Aries, two passionate zodiac signs. They can recognize each other at almost the first sight in a sea of ​​people. Their hearts are filled with excitement for each other. They are a zodiac pairing close to soul mates.

   Sagittarius VS Libra: Matching Index 90

  These two zodiac signs are full of handsome men and beautiful women, and they will be attracted to each other immediately. Moreover, Libra's mellowness can repair some of the troubles caused by Sagittarius's carelessness, making it a pleasing pair.

   Sagittarius VS Aquarius: Matching Index 90

  Sagittarius is optimistic and Aquarius is uninhibited. Both zodiac signs love freedom at the same time. Sagittarius appreciates the independence of Aquarius. When two people are together, they can burn and maintain their own space independently. It is indeed a perfect match.

  Are Aquarius and Sagittarius compatible? 3

   What Sagittarius and Aquarius have in common

   hate restraint

  This is the biggest thing the two people have in common, the most free and complete desire. Aquarius people are born to constantly pursue freedom. They can't stand those people who nag endlessly, and they can't stand people who always want to dominate. They do whatever they want. When faced with such people, they will just shrug their shoulders, leave in a good-natured manner, and continue to do what they want to do.

  Sagittarius people also have a high-level pursuit of freedom. They hate being restrained by others. They like to live an unrestrained life instead of being burdened by tedious and nagging words all day long, nor being suppressed by things. However, they do not have the temperament of Aquarius. Good tempered, they will only darken their faces when facing those who restrain them, and either listen indifferently or are simply absent-minded.

   demand freedom

  Both of them have the same character, and their requirements for freedom are very high; Sagittarius people have very high requirements for freedom. They hate the restraint and discipline of others. They like to be able to freely choose to do what they like. Instead of being chased and disciplined endlessly, they will automatically choose to block this person.

  The same goes for Aquarius people. Freedom is very important to them. They would rather give up everything than give up freedom. They like the sense of freedom that they can pick up their backpack and leave at any time, but they don’t like the feeling of freedom. Feeling constrained by various rules and regulations all day long, freedom is also very important to Aquarius.

   Sagittarius and Aquarius Emotional Compatibility

   Friendship pairing: like-minded

  Sagittarius loves freedom by nature and is unwilling to be restrained, while Aquarius, although known as the star of "friendship", is actually very cold at heart and unable to communicate with others. Therefore, they will have a relationship as gentle as gentlemen, but at the same time they are like-minded.

   Love pairing: if you are together or if you are apart

  Sagittarius and Aquarius will choose to warm each other because they are too lonely, but they share the desire for freedom in their hearts, which will make them choose the beauty of distance after the warmth. Therefore, in love, they often stay away from each other.

   Partner Pairing: Can't Get It Done

  Sagittarius is unwilling to be bound by any external conditions, while Aquarius has an extremely serious tendency towards individualism. If they become partners, either they will not be able to implement the plan smoothly, or they will not be able to unify their opinions. In short, nothing will be done.

Aquarius and Sagittarius workplace partners, Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman pairing picture 4

The above is all about the workplace partners of Aquarius and Sagittarius, the matching of Aquarius men and Sagittarius women, and the related content of Aquarius and Sagittarius workplace partners. I hope it can help you.

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