
Contents of this article

  • 1. Is eating while walking good for your health?
  • 2.What does the name candy mean?
  • 3.
  • 4. How to use the Famine Shipwreck console

Is eating while walking good for your health?

Eating while walking may be a tense and cramped living condition, or it may be a leisurely and enjoyable attitude towards life. It's both embarrassing and rude for people rushing to work to bring a strong-smelling breakfast into the subway. A girl going shopping with her best friend, holding a cup of milk tea or a small box of takoyaki, is the most beautiful scene in life.

Snacks suitable for holding in hand and eating while walking. Each place has its own characteristics. The kohlrabi and pot helmets on the streets of Chengdu cannot be seen elsewhere. The radish and beef offal sold at roadside stalls in Guangzhou is simply unparalleled in taste. Simple glutinous rice balls with sweet-scented osmanthus and red beans are also the best on the street. Twenty years ago, I saw Jin Nong’s Double-hooked Ink Bamboo at the Yangzhou Museum and then went to a tricycle vendor at the door to eat a bowl. I have never encountered such a delicious combination of light and dark. Just the right amount of warmth and softness.

In North America, eating while walking is not very popular except for the coffee in your hand. There is no such atmosphere and the food is lackluster. However, although it is few, it is not nothing.

1. Hot dog

Hot dog is the well-deserved number one food that can be eaten standing on the street. In the bustling downtown, there is a hot dog vendor selling hot dogs at the corner of every block. He pushes a four-wheeled cart that is three feet long and one or two feet wide. He holds up a parasol to form a stall. The stall owner was standing inside, with several sausages sizzling on a grill.

Although there is not much difference in appearance, hot dog stalls usually distinguish between "hot dog (hot dog)" and "sausage (sausage)" - hot dog is beef stuffing, and the price listed on the stall The list often says "all beef hot dog", while sausages are mostly pork-filled, with different flavors such as German (German), Italian (Italian), Polish (Polish) and so on.

German-style sausage is also called Bratwurst, or brat for short. Most of them are fresh and not smoked, and have a strong flavor of spices. Polish sausage is sometimes written directly as Kielbasa in Polish. It has a strong garlic aroma, is lightly smoked, and looks more like Harbin red sausage. The shape of Kielbasa sold in North America is also different from other sausages. It is a long piece bent into a horseshoe shape. The Italian sausage at the stall is often spicy Italian or hot Italian, spicy.

The vendor puts the grilled sausage in the bread for you, without adding any seasoning. There is a long groove on the side of the cart facing the customers, where various sauces and toppings are lined up, and diners can add their own. These ingredients are collectively called conditions. The essential sauces are ketchup (ketchup), mustard (yellow mustard), hot sauce (hot sauce with a strong sour taste), and dry goods include onion (onion, cut into small pieces), tomato (tomato, cut into small pieces) ), relish (a green sweet and sour pickle, cut into pieces), pickle (pickled cucumber, cut into cubes or thin slices), pickle pepper (pickled pepper), and usually there are also dishes that look and taste similar to the Northeast Sauerkraut (Sauerkraut).
The hot dog’s status on the streets of North America is not just based on its wide distribution. Just like a beggar gang with only one or two sacks of disciples, no matter how large the number of disciples is, it won't be enough. It has to have a few big protectors and a few big elders to hold it down. The hot dog world also has such luxurious configurations.

Cheese dog is a typical example. Some cheese dogs use sausages containing cheese, while more often put a piece of cheese on the bread after sandwiching the sausage, basic sauce and toppings. It is best to bake it slightly with the cheese, so that the cheese tastes best when it is not melted.

Just as the beggars’ branches all over the country have their own characteristics, hot dogs also have local favorites in different cities. Chicago-style hot dog, also called Chicago dog or Chicago red hot (Chicago hot dog), is characterized by a large amount of ingredients. While other places dice tomatoes, Chicagoans stuff them in large swaths. While other places slice their pickles into thin slices, Chicagoans serve them whole and cut into two pieces.

In addition, most ordinary hot dogs are made with white bread, but the Chicago version uses a poppy seed bun (poppy seed bun), which has black poppy seeds smaller than sesame seeds on the bun. By the way, poppy seeds are a safe ingredient and are legal in countries around the world. They are also included in the spice list of China’s national food standards. It is very common in European and American countries to add poppy seeds to bread and baked pastries, but to be honest, I have never found it to have an attractive taste.

There is also a hot dog that Chicagoans love called Maxwell Street Polish. It is named after the street and uses Polish sausage as the main ingredient. The most important thing is that it is served with pickled peppers and grilled ham. Soft and fragrant onions.

Coincidentally, Seattle on the west coast echoes the central Chicago. They also like to add a lot of grilled onions to their hot dogs, and the unique toppings of the Seattle dog also include cream cheese. cabbage and BBQ sauce.

As the capital, Washington is not to be outdone and must have its own special hot dog. The half-smoke hot dog here is also unique, with the word "half" highlighted everywhere. The ingredients of the sausage must be half pork and half beef. The stuffed sausage must be smoked but only semi-moist, not dry and smoked. When grilling, it must be cut in half to make it half. In addition to the usual condiments, this hot dog is topped with a spoonful of chili, which is a mushy soup made from beans and ground beef.

This list cannot be continued. All in all, wherever you go, you will definitely gain something if you look for local hot dogs on the streets.

2. Fried snacks

The vendors selling hot dogs from push carts all have fixed positions. This is not because they are fighting for their own sphere of influence, but because of the municipal licensing system.

Traveling merchants also exist throughout North America, but they sell different things. In residential areas, you can occasionally hear the crisp sound of iron sheets hitting each other. The volume is enough to penetrate the houses and reach the ears, but it is not loud enough to disturb the residents. Experienced residents don’t have to look outside to know that this is where the knife is coming. With today's lifestyle, it is rare that this kind of traditional business can still be maintained. However, there are not many trucks like this after all, and you may not hear about them once a year.

More truck business is food truck. If the hot dogs that can be sold from a pushcart are moved to such a big truck, will the cost be too high to make money? So the food truck will never just sell hot dogs. The burgers that are freshly grilled and sold on the bus will emit a tangy aroma, attracting passers-by to stop.

The most attractive thing about this food truck is not the hot dogs and hamburgers. The fries (french fries) cut into thick strips are their trump card. I don’t know whether it’s the different varieties of potatoes used, the uniqueness of the oil in the pot, or just the psychological feeling caused by the different environment. The French fries on the food truck are incomparable to those produced by any other restaurant, and cannot be compared to fast food restaurants. , even high-end restaurants can’t compare.

There is always a food truck like this parked in front of my office building, and there is always a long line at lunch time. If the weather is sunny and warm, you can buy it and eat it outdoors downstairs. It is really a kind of enjoyment during work breaks. One time I bought French fries and it suddenly started raining, so I had to take the courage to take them back to the office. This is a long and narrow one-story, fully open office area. There are people from several different departments. Everyone is busy with their own tasks. Many people are familiar but don't know each other. A week after eating the French fries, I met a colleague in the elevator who I couldn’t name. He winked at me and said in a mysterious tone: “I smelled your French fries the other day. Yes, it’s so fragrant! ”

French fries have a luxurious upgraded version in Canada, which is poutine, a specialty delicacy of the Maple Leaf Country - French fries plus special cheese curds (cheese cubes), and then topped with hot gravy (gravy) .
Authentic poutine must use cheese curd instead of cheese. This cheese curd is actually not cheese in the strict sense, but a by-product produced during the cheese making process. It is smoother and more tender than cheese and has a lower fat content. The reason why it is not very popular is that cheese curd must be eaten the same day after it is produced, otherwise it will lose its "elastic" taste.

When making poutine, the gravy poured on it while it is hot is at a moderate temperature, which allows the cheese curd to melt and soften when heated without completely melting. The cold cheese curd and the hot gravy collide in the mouth. It is hot but also wrapped in a bit of coolness. It is semi-liquid but sticks to the teeth and pulls out threads. Just the touch can bring you to an ethereal but yet still feeling. The paradoxical state is a bit like "it doesn't make sense".

If it is not to satisfy hunger but to eat for fun, sweets are more attractive. In the chapter of "Fun and Eat", we talked about funnel cake, Churros and other fried sweets in theme parks, which can also be found on the streets. In addition, some very local street snacks are close relatives.

Like poutine, what can be called a Canadian specialty is Beaver Tails, literally translated as beaver tail. Beaver tails are a specialty of Canada because beavers are a specialty of Canada. The beaver is a naive but powerful mammal. It can bite off thick trees with its sharp teeth, and then push the broken trees from the mountains to the river to build elaborate dams for fishing. Like the elk, the beaver is also a national pet that Canadians are proud of. Beaver cartoon dolls wearing RCMP uniforms can often be seen at tourist attractions.

One characteristic of the beaver's appearance that is particularly easy to identify is its round and flat tail. This snack called Beaver Tails is actually a pancake, so named because its flat shape resembles a beaver's tail. This kind of pancake is very similar to the sugar pancake that old Beijingers often eat for breakfast, but the Canadian version has to be topped with toppings after being fried.

This stuff is all made to order. The dough is prepared in advance. When making it, it is pulled into a flat sheet by hand and fried in oil until golden brown. Sprinkle some sugar mixed with cinnamon powder to become the most basic Cinnamon & Sugar (cinnamon white sugar) style. If you want to make it more enjoyable, you can add Chocolate Hazelnut (chocolate hazelnut spread) and Banana (banana), and you can also break up Oreo (Oreo cookies) and sprinkle them on.

In 1978, a couple registered their unique recipe for Beaver Tails as a trademark. After decades of hard work, it has now become one of the must-eat snacks when traveling to Canada. Even at the reception held by the Canadian Embassy for Obama’s first election as president, Beaver Tails was served. Chocolate and maple syrup were specially mixed into a sauce to draw the letter O representing Obama on the cake. , since then this special edition has been named Obama Tail.

In the United States, another variant of oil cakes like this appeared, also named bear claw after the animal's body. Different from beaver tail, bear claw pancakes are filled, and the filling is usually a mixture of chopped almonds and sugar.

3. Ice cream

One of the food trucks is very popular among children, naturally it is the ice cream truck. You can tell this kind of car at a glance because the white car must have a huge ice cream cone painted on it. On beaches and parks in summer, wherever there are many children, this kind of truck is indispensable. They also roam the streets like knife-sharpening trucks, drumming up business with upbeat music that can never be confused with the clang of sharpening knives.

The main product of the ice cream truck is soft serve ice cream. Most of the soft ice cream squeezed out from the machine only has three flavors, vanilla (vanilla), chocolate (chocolate), and half A twist of vanilla and chocolate.

The ice cream sold in the store is frozen hard and is scooped out with a spoon when sold, so the unit of measurement is scoop. The soft-serve ice cream on the truck is priced based on size, small, medium, and large.

Ice cream can be eaten in a cup with a spoon or in a cone. The price is the same, but if you don’t tell the boss, he will definitely ask you “in a cup or cone” )". The ordinary cone is called sugar cone, which has a thin and crispy layer. For a few extra cents, you can upgrade to a waffle cone, which is harder. Some people like it and some don't.

You can also add some flowers on top of the ice cream. The slightly warm chocolate syrup exists in liquid form, and is poured a layer on top of the ice cream. After cooling quickly, it forms a hard shell, which is called chocolate dip. You can also sprinkle some peanuts (chopped peanuts) or sprinkles (colored candies) on top. The former adds flavor, while the latter is mostly fun for children.

Among the few choices on the menu, banana boat and sundae are considered the more "luxury" configurations on the ice cream truck. Banana boat, as the name suggests, is a banana cut along the long side and arranged in a boat shape, with ice cream "sitting" inside. The sundae is a classic American dessert that has been passed down for centuries, with a layer of sauce or syrup poured on top of the ice cream. The most traditional combination is vanilla ice cream with maraschino cherry (candied cherries) and whipped cream (fresh cream). Nowadays, common ones include chocolate syrup (chocolate syrup), caramel (caramel), etc.

A parfait is a variation of a sundae, with granola sandwiched between layers of ice cream. If you're in a dessert shop, you can drizzle a little liquor on top of the parfait, but due to strict controls on alcoholic beverages in most places in North America, you won't have it on the truck.

In addition to on-site production, the ice cream truck will also sell some packaged popsicles, with red, white and blue being the most common ones. This kind of popsicle is basically sugar plus coloring, which is super unhealthy and has no other taste except sweetness, but children can’t help but like it.

The ice cream truck also has drinks. Similar to pigmented popsicles, they are slush. The only difference is that the pigmented sugar ice is not strung on a stick but broken up and put in a cup. Even more delicious is shake, which is the abbreviation of milkshake - fruit and ice cream smashed together.

Another version of milkshake is smoothie. Ice cream trucks generally don't sell it, but there are many small shops that specialize in it. Relatively speaking, the content of dairy products in smoothie is slightly lower, the fruit is not so crushed, and it tastes more grainy. Small shops that sell smoothie have a special frozen yogurt that can be blended with fruit into a blender. This frozen yogurt is made in a different way than ice cream. You just freeze the thick yogurt into ice. Because North American ice cream is very sweet and yogurt contains less sugar, frozen yogurt is touted as a substitute for ice cream by many health-conscious diners. In terms of taste, I personally think both have their own merits.

4. Chocolate and Candy

Chocolate is really a culture in the West, so important that there needs to be a special term to describe the masters who make chocolate. In English, a chef is called chef. Generally, a pastry chef can use "dessert" in front of "chef" to call it dessert chef, or "pastry" to call it pastry chef. But this naming method does not apply to chocolatiers. They are called chocolatier, which makes them stand out and must not be confused with ordinary chefs.

Various beautifully packaged chocolates occupy many shelves in supermarkets and convenience stores, but they are not street snacks in the strict sense. Professional chocolate shops are either chain stores of big brands or century-old family workshops with local characteristics, and the latter must have on-site production.

In addition to demonstrating the chocolate-making process, these stores also offer a snack of chocolate-dipped fruit. The most famous one is chocolate dipped strawberry (chocolate dipped strawberry), or chocolate covered stawberry. Fresh strawberries, wrapped in dark chocolate (also known as black chocolate) or white chocolate (white chocolate), are beautiful and delicious.

The main raw materials of chocolate are solid cocoa nibs, cocoa butter, milk and sugar. Dark chocolate does not contain dairy, has only a small amount of sugar or no sugar at all, and has a slightly bitter taste. When paired with strawberries, the two different flavors and textures complement each other, creating a unique flavor. White chocolate does not contain solid cocoa, only cocoa butter and milk. Cocoa butter is a vegetable fat extracted from cocoa beans. It is light yellow and similar to butter. Therefore, white chocolate is smoother and mellower, and it is a completely different experience when put together with strawberries.

In addition to chocolate, you can also see a kind of confectionary (candy shop) in tourist spots or shopping malls, among which fudge made on site is the most famous. This is a soft candy that is very similar to caramel and is more complicated to make. Heat and melt the sugar, pour it out, add butter, and knead it repeatedly.

Similar is toffee. This candy was improved in Atlantic City, absorbing the Chinese philosophical spirit of "if you want sweetness, add a little salt", and became a famous Atlantic City specialty. Because salt is added during the production process, it is named Salt Water Taffy.

The word Toffee also appears in the name of another snack sweet, which is toffee apple (toffee apple), but this thing is generally called candy apple or candy apple (candy apple) in North America. It's similar to chocolate-dipped bananas. The whole apple is stuck on a small wooden stick and wrapped in a layer of red syrup. After cooling, it forms a sticky hard shell, which is really not very delicious.

What does the name candy mean?

英 ['kændɪ] 美 ['kændi] 

  • vt. boil with sugar; crystallize into sugar; beautify

  • vi. Sugar is boiled; becomes crystallized

  • n. candy (equal to sweets); rock candy (equal to sugar candy, rock candy); drugs

  • adj. Trendy (clothing); sweet-talking

[ plural candies past tense candied past participle candied present participle candying ]

Internet definitions, professional definitions, English definitions   Candy 

...Food: Curry Crab   Favorite Fruit (Fruit): Grapes, peaches, watermelon, oranges   Favorite Place: A place surrounded by the sea and blue sky - Greece   Favorite Candy ( Candy):   Milk Candy   Favorite thing to do: Listen to good music   Favorite book (Book):   Gu Cheng’s poetry collection, Rabindranath Tagore’s collected works   Favorite singer (Singer) :Will Young, Craig ...

  Lu Qiaoyin 

Candy (Lu Qiaoyin) is a singer I have always admired. Her songs have her own style and she is innovative, but we have never collaborated. Guangzhou fans also suggested that I invite Candy as a guest, so today...


Help you choose an English name ... Candice Candice Candy Candy Carina Carina ...

  Xu Yahan 

The 13-year-old Candy Hsu, known as the leader of Little Lolita, is the singer-songwriter and record producer who has broken the most records in history.


sugar candy Rock sugar ; You can get sweet candy ; Charcoal sugar ; Sweet sugar candy 

cotton candy marshmallow ; grass marshmallow ; I love marshmallow ; pink 

candy tray Candy tray ; Fruit tray ; Tray candy tray ; Candy tray 

Candy Lo Lu Qiaoyin ; Actor Lu Qiaoyin ; The host ; Too much love 

Candy Fable Candy Fairy Tale 

candy walhut sugar walnut 

candy box Candy Box ; Candy Box Band ; Sugar Box 

Candy Girl Mika Nakajima ; Honey Girl ; Inflatable Doll ; Candy Girl 

Candy House Sweet Fruit Paradise ; Candy House ; Candy House Mahjong 

candy [ 'kændi ] 

  • n. a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit  or nuts 

    Synonyms:  confect 

  • v. coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze 

    Synonyms:  sugarcoat glaze 

The above comes from: WordNet 

21st Century English-Chinese Dictionary Collins Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary  candy1 ['kændi] 

  • you. 

    • candy; piece of candy 

    • sugar crystal; rock sugar 

  • vt. 

    • Boil sugar; turn into candies; preserves: 

      They candy fruit in autumn every year.

      They make candied fruit every fall.

    • covered with 

    • crystallize into sugar 

    • To sweeten; to embellish, to beautify: 

      She tried to candy up her husband's fame.

      She sought to whitewash her husband's reputation.

  • vi. 

    • candied; candied fruit 

    • To crystallize; to condense: 

      The honey will candy in half an hour.

      In another half hour the honey will solidify.

  • adj. 

    • [American slang] (clothing) flashy, trendy 

    • [ancient proverb] sweet-talking, flattering 

  • phrase: 

    • He'd take a candy from a baby. [American Spoken] He also grabs the baby's candy (a metaphor for greed).

    • That's like taking a candy from a baby. [American Spoken] That's like grabbing candy from the baby ( Pointing is as easy as flipping a finger) .

    • Deformation:

    n. candies 

    vt. candied . candying 

candy2 ['kændi] 
  • n. [Slang] A drug made from Indian hemp leaves and stems 

    Candy ['kændi:] 
    • Candy (female name) 

      More collapse results The above comes from: "21st Century English-Chinese Dictionary" 
can·dy /kændi/ ( candies ) CET4 

  • N-VAR Candy is sweet foods such as chocolate or taffy. Candy [US English ] 

    British English usually sweets

    Example: ...a piece of candy. 

    …a piece of candy.

phrases, phrases, synonyms, same root words 

candy store candy store 

candy bar n. Individually wrapped candy bars 

cotton candy marshmallow 

hard candy hard candy 

rock candy rock candy 

eye candy Vase role; flashy 

sugar candy rock sugar; sweet thing 

candy cane candy cane; sugar cane 

  MoreCollapse phrases 

  • vt. boil with sugar; crystallize into sugar; beautify

  • glorify , glamorize 

  • n. [Food] Candy (equal to sweets); rock candy (equal to sugar candy, rock candy); drugs

  • drug , sweet 

  • adj. Trendy (clothing); sweet-talking

  • together , honeyylipped 

Root:  candy 


candied Sweet; sugary; sweet-talking 


candied Make... into candy; beautify (past participle of candy) 

Bilingual Examples Original Sentences Authoritative Examples 

  • She enticed the children with candy. 

    She tricked children with sweets. 

    "21st Century English-Chinese Dictionary" 

  • Her baby sister bother her for candy. 

    Her little sister pestered her for candy. 

    "21st Century English-Chinese Dictionary" 

  • He conciliated his angry daughter with a piece of candy. 

    He used a piece of candy to soothe his daughter who was throwing a tantrum. 

    "21st Century English-Chinese Dictionary" 


The young female film and television actress was born in Hubei Province on April 24, 1984. She has loved dancing and film and television performances since she was a child. She especially played the piano well and graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2000. She graduated from Wuhan Art School   in 2002. Graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2000.  Tu Liman, female, young film and television actress. Born in Hubei Province on April 24, 1984, he loved dancing and film and television performances since he was a child, and was especially good at playing the piano. He later graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. Although she is young, she relies on her beautiful and charming image and her persistent pursuit of her acting career. 


More related to "CANDY"

Candy is a solid or semi-solid sweet food made from white sugar, starch syrup (or other sugar) or permitted sweeteners as the main raw materials and processed according to certain production process requirements. 

How to use the Don't Starve shipwreck console

  • Since there are no Don't Starve Shipwreck codes yet, some of the following are common     Try it yourself              < x2>                                                          Don't Starve - Console Operation Instructions

(Including direct creation of all items, opening a mini map, increasing the blood limit, adding items, etc.)   The operation is really simple, please read it in detail!

Instructions for use:

1. In the game, press the   "~" key   to open the console, enter the content and press the Enter key. All subtitles will disappear   (or press Ctrl+L here to remove the remaining ones. subtitles) 2. If you want to get something, enter in the box:

 DebugSpawn "XX" - put an XX on the ground indicated by the mouse pointer    c_give("XX", quantity) - put it directly in the bag

 c_spawn(“XX”, quantity)——Place on the ground indicated by the mouse pointer

XX fill in the English name of the creatures/items in Don't Starve (there will be a detailed item form below, just replace it)   For example: c_give("meat",2), press Enter, and there will be more in the bag 2 big pieces of meat.  Other instructions:

 All items are manufactured directly: GetPlayer().components.builder:GiveAllRecipes()  Hunger value does not decrease: GetPlayer().components.hungerause(true)  Fine







Be cautious








 Maximum health: GetPlayer()  God mode: GetPlayer()  Below To open the whole map, you need to enter 2 commands, and press Enter each time to execute:

minimap = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("minimap")

minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0, 10000)

The detailed item list promised is here. Friends who use WORD2007 or above version, just Ctrl+F to find the items you want. Items are not case-sensitive~


cutgrass (grass)  twigs (twigs)  log (wood)  charcoal (charcoal)  ash (ash)

cutreeds (picked reeds)   lightbulb (fluorescent fruit)   petals (petals)

petals_evil (Nightmare Petals)   pinecone (pine cone)   foliage (leaf)

cutlichen (plucked moss)  wormlight (worm fruit)  lureplantbulb (piranha seed) flint (flint)  nitre (saltpeter)  redgem  (ruby)

bluegem purplegem greengem orangegem yellowgem rocks goldnugget  thulecite (thulium ore)

thulecite_pieces (thulium ore fragments)   rope (rope)   boards (boards)   cutstone (stone bricks)   papyrus (paper)   houndstooth (dog teeth)   pigskin (pig skin)

manrabbit_tail (rabbit tail) silk (spider silk)

spidergland spidereggsack beardhair beefalowool honeycomb stinger walrus_tusk )  feather_crow (crow feather)  feather_robin (cardinal feather)  feather_robin_winter (snowbird feather) horn (ox horn)

tentaclespots (tentacle skin)  trunk_summer (summer trunk)  trunk_winter (winter trunk)  slurtleslime (snail turtle mucus)  slurtle_shellpieces (snail turtle shell pieces) butterflywings (butterfly wings)   mosquitosack slurper_pelt


minotaurhorn deerclops_eyeball lightninggoathorn glommerwings glommerflower glommerfuel roman fuel)  livinglog (living log)  nightmarefuel (nightmare fuel)  gears (gears)  transistor (transistor)  marble (marble)   boneshard (hard bones) <x2 >ice (ice) poop (poop) guano (guano)

dragon_scales (dragonfly scales)  goose_feather (deer and duck feathers)  coontail (raccoon tail)  bearger_fur (bearskin)

ax (axe)

goldenaxe lucy hammer pickaxe

goldenpickaxe shovel

goldenshovel pitchfork razor bugnet fishingrod

multitool_axe_pickaxe (multi-tool)   cane (walking cane)   trap (trap)   birdtrap (bird trap)   trap_teeth (teeth trap)

trap_teeth_maxwell (Maxwell's Teeth Trap)

backpack piggyback krampus_sack

umbrella grass_umbrella heatrock bedroll_straw bedroll_furry torch lantern

pumpkin_lantern compass fertilizer firesuppressor sewing_kit spear

boomerang tentaclespike blowdart_pipe blowdart_sleep blowdart_fire hambat nightsword (Shadow Sword) batbat (bat bat) ruins_bat (ancient short bat)

spear_wathgrithr panflute

onemanband (solo instrument)   gunpowder (gunpowder)   beemine (bee mine)   bell (bell)

amulet (red amulet) blueamulet (blue amulet) purpleamulet (purple amulet) yellowamulet (yellow amulet) orangeamulet (orange amulet) greenamulet (green amulet) nightmare_timepiece (Thulium Ore Medal)  icestaff (ice wand)  firestaff (fire wand)  telestaff (teleportation wand)  orangestaff (orange wand)


strawhat (straw hat)   flowerhat (garland)

greenstaff yellowstaff diviningrod book_birds book_tentacles book_gardening ) book_sleep (hypnotic book)

book_brimstone (book that summons lightning) waxwelljournal (Maxwell's journal) abigail_flower (Abigail's flower)  balloons_empty (air ball)  balloon (balloon)  lighter (Willow's lighter)  chester_eyebone  featherfan  staff_tornado  nightstick

beefalohat featherhat

footballhat (pigskin hat) tophat (top hat) earmuffshat (rabbit earmuffs) winterhat (winter hat) minerhat (miner hat) spiderhat (spider hat)  beehat (bee hat) walrushat (walrus hat) slurtlehat (snail hat) bushhat (bush hat) ruinshat (ancient crown) rainhat (rain hat) icehat (ice cap)

watermelonhat catcoonhat

wathgrithrhat armorwood armor


campfire firepit

armorgrass armormarble armor_sanity armorsnurtleshell armorruins sweatervest  trunkvest_summer trunkvest_winter armorslurper raincoat webberskull molehat

armordragonfly (dragonfly armor)   beargervest (bear vest)   eyebrellahat (eye hat)   reflectivevest (reflective vest)   hawaiianshirt (Hawaiian shirt)

coldfire coldfirepit

cookpot (pot)   icebox (refrigerator)

winterometer (ice thermometer)  rainometer (rain gauge)  slow_farmplot (general farmland)  fast_farmplot (advanced farmland)  siestahut (siesta hut)  tent (tent)  homesign ( Street sign) birdcage (birdcage) meatrack (meat drying rack) lightning_rod (lightning rod) pottedfern (potted plant) nightlight (dark night lighting) nightmarelight (shadow light)  researchlab (Science Machine)  researchlab2 (Alchemy Engine)  researchlab3 (Shadow Manipulator)  researchlab4 (Spirit Disintegrator)  treasurechest (Wooden Box)  skullchest (Skull box)

pandoraschest (gorgeous chest) minotaurchest (large ornate chest)  wall_hay_item (grass wall)  wall_wood_item (wooden wall)  wall_stone_item (stone wall)  wall_ruins_item (thulium wall)  wall_hay ( Grass wall on the ground)   wall_wood (wooden wall on the ground)   wall_stone (stone wall on the ground)   wall_ruins (thulium wall on the ground)   pighouse (pig house)   rabbithole (rabbit house) )  mermhouse (murloc house)  resurrectionstatue (meat statue)  resurrectionstone (rebirth stone)  ancient_altar  (ancient altar)  ancient_altar_broken  (damaged ancient altar )

telebase (teleport core)   gemsocket (gem stand)

eyeturret (eye turret fixed on the ground)   eyeturret_item (eye turret that can be taken away)  cave_exit (cave exit)

turf_woodfloor turf_carpetfloor turf_checkerfloor adventure_portal rock_light gravestone mound( grave mound)   skeleton (human bone)   houndbone (dog bone)   animal_track (animal track)   dirtpile (suspicious mound)   pond (pond)

pond_cave pighead mermhead pigtorch rabbithole beebox beehive Wild Beehive)  wasphive (killer beehive)  spiderhole (cave spider hole)  walrus_camp (walrus nest)

tallbirdnest houndmound slurtlehole batcave monkeybarrel spiderden molehill (Mole Hill)  catcoonden (Raccoon Cave)  rock1 (rock with saltpeter)  rock2 (rock with gold)

rock_flintless (rock with only stones)  stalagmite_full (large round cave stone)  stalagmite_med (medium round cave stone)  stalagmite_low (small round cave stone)  stalagmite_tall_full (large tall cave stone)  stalagmite_tall_med (medium to high cave stone)

stalagmite_tall_low (small high cave stone) rock_ice (ice stone)

ruins_statue_head (ancient avatar) ruins_statue_mage (ancient mage statue) marblepillar (marble pillar)

marbletree statueharp basalt basalt_pillar insanityrock sanityrock<x2 >ruins_chair (ancient chair) ruins_vase (ancient vase) ruins_table (ancient table) statuemaxwell (maxwell statue) statueglommer (grommen statue) relic (ruin)

ruins_rubble (damaged ruins)  bishop_nightmare (damaged statue) rook_nightmare (damaged chariot)  knight_nightmare (damaged knight) chessjunk1 (damaged machine 1)  chessjunk2 (damaged machine 2)



chessjunk3 (broken machinery 3)  teleportato_ring (ring conveyor part)  teleportato_box (box conveyor part)  teleportato_crank (crank conveyor part)

teleportato_potato (ball conveyor part)

teleportato_base (conveyor part base) teleportato_checkmate (conveyor part base)


wormhole_limited_1 (limited wormhole)

stafflight (little star)

treasurechest_trap(chest trap) icepack(icepack)

dragonflychest (dragonfly chest)

carrot_cooked (cooked carrots)


berries_cooked(ripe berries) pumpkin(pumpkin)

pumpkin_cooked dragonfruit

dragonfruit_cooked (ripe dragon fruit) pomegranate (pomegranate)

pomegranate_cooked(ripe pomegranate) corn(corn)

corn_cooked (cooked corn) durian (durian)

durian_cooked (ripe durian) eggplant (eggplant)

eggplant_cooked cave_banana

cave_banana_cooked acorn

acorn_cooked (ripe acorn)  cactus_meat (cactus meat)  watermelon (watermelon)  red_cap (picked red mushroom)  red_cap_cooked (cooked red mushroom)

green_cap(picked green mushrooms) green_cap_cooked(cooked green mushrooms) blue_cap_cooked(cooked blue mushrooms) blue_cap(picked blue mushrooms) seeds(seeds)

seeds_seedscooked carrot_seeds pumpkin_seeds dragonfruit_seeds pomegranate_seeds corn_seeds durian_seeds (Durian seeds) eggplant_seeds (Eggplant seeds) smallmeat (small meat)

cookedsmallmeat (small cooked meat) smallmeat_dried (small dried meat) meat (large meat)

cookedmeat (large cooked meat) meat_dried (large dried meat) drumstick (chicken legs)

drumstick_cooked(cooked chicken drumstick) monstermeat(crazy meat)

cookedmonstermeat(cooked crazy meat) monstermeat_dried(dried crazy meat) plantmeat(cannibal flower meat)

plantmeat_cooked (deli human meat)  honey (honey)  butter (butter)

butterflymuffin (butter muffin)   frogglebunwich (frog bun sandwich bird_egg (egg)

bird_egg_cooked(boiled egg) rottenegg(rotten egg) tallbirdegg(tall bird egg)

tallbirdegg_cooked(cooked tallbird egg) tallbirdegg_cracked(hatched tallbird egg) fish(fish)

fish_cooked(cooked fish) eel(eel)

eel_cooked (cooked eel) froglegs (frog legs)

froglegs_cooked (cooked frog legs) batwing (bat wings)

batwing_cooked (cooked bat wing) trunk_cooked (cooked elephant trunk) mandrake (mandrake)



honeyham (honey ham)   dragonpie (dragon pie)   taffy (toffee)

pumpkinCOOKIE (pumpkin cake) kabobs (meat skewers) powcake (cheesecake) mandrakesoup (mandrake soup) baconeggs (egg and ham) bonestew (broth)<x2 >perogies (semi-round pastries) wetgoop (soggy and burnt) ratatouille (crappy stew) fruitmedley (fruit platter) fishtacos  (fried fish in tortillas)  waffles (waffles) turkeydinner(turkey dinner) fishsticks(fish sticks)

stuffedeggplant (crispy eggplant box)  honeynuggets (sweet nuggets)  meatballs (meatballs)

jammypreserves (jam preserves)  monsterlasagna (monster layer cake)  unagi (eel dish)  bandage (honey bandage)  healingsalve (healing ointment)


flower (flower)

flower_evil (nightmare flower)

carrot_planted (carrots growing on the ground)

grass (grass growing on the ground)  depleted_grass (grass roots)  dug_grass (grass tufts)  sapling (saplings)

dug_sapling (plantable sapling)  berrybush (fruit bush)

dug_berrybush (plantable fruit bush)

spoiled_food (rotten food)  flowersalad (flower salad)  icecream (ice cream)  watermelonicle (watermelon ice)  trailmix (dried fruit)  hotchili (curry)  guacamole (crocodile) pear jam) goatmilk (goat milk)

berrybush2 (fruit bush 2)

dug_berrybush2 (fruit bush 2 that can be planted)  marsh_bush (thorny bush)  dug_marsh_bush (thorny bush that can be planted)

reeds (reeds)  lichen (cave moss)  cave_fern (ferns)  evergreen (tree)

evergreen_sparse (tree without pine cones) marsh_tree (coniferous tree)

cave_banana_tree mushtree_small livingtree deciduoustree_tall deciduoustree_short red_mushroom (red mushroom) green_mushroom (green mushroom) blue_mushroom (blue mushroom) mushtree_tall (tall mushroom tree) mushtree_medium (medium mushroom tree)


rabbit perd crow robin robin_winter butterfly fireflies< x2>bee (bee)  killerbee (killer bee)

flower_cave (single cave flower)  flower_cave_double (double cave flower)  flower_cave_triple (three cave flowers)  tumbleweed (tumbleweed)  cactus (cactus)

cactus_flower (cactus flower) marsh_plant (pondside grass) pond_algae (algae)

flies mosquito frog beefalo babybeefalo lightninggoat pigman< x2>pigguard  bunnyman

merm (murloc)

spider_hider(cave spider) spider_spitter(spray spider) spider(ground small spider) spider_warrior(ground green spider) spiderqueen(spider queen) spider_dropper(white spider)  hound firehound icehound tentacle

tentacle_garden  leif

leif_sparse (rare dryad)  walrus (walrus)  little_walrus (little walrus)  smallbird (little tall bird)  teenbird (young tall bird)  tallbird (tall bird)  worm (ancient bug)  abigail (Abigail)  ghost (ghost)

koalefant_summer (summer elephant) koalefant_winter (winter elephant) penguin (penguin) slurtle (snail turtle) snurtle (sticky worm) bat (bat) rocky (lobster)  monkey slurper buzzard mole catcoon knight  bishop(bishop) rook(chariot)

crawlinghorror terrorbeak deerclops minotaur shadowwaxwell

krampus (krampus)

glimmer chester lureplant eyeplant bigfoot pigking  moose (deer duck)  mossling (duck)  dragonfly (dragonfly)  warg (wolf)  bearger (bear)

The above is all about the taffy box, is eating while walking good for your health? As well as the related content about taffy, I hope it can help you.

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