
Contents of this article

  • 1. Classic lines from classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen
  • 2. What are the longer lines in classic TV series?
  • 3. Guess the title of the classic TV series using lines
  • 4. Lines and dialogues from classic movies and TV series

Classic lines from classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen

Lines are the main means used by the playwright to show the plot, depict the characters, and embody the theme. They are also the basic components of the script and are the words spoken by the characters in the dramatic performance. Join me below to look at classic lines from classic TV series, I hope it will be helpful!

Classic lines from classic TV series 1

1. Who is afraid of whom in front of love?

In the past three years, Xiao Yu has played rocks, big trees, small fish, small shrimps, and little monsters, but he has never played a human being.

Abalone and shark's fin are alive, but a bowl of noodles won't kill you. Stop covering your money-worshiping face with a fig leaf.

2. Husband’s spring

Why does this sound a bit awkward to me? No, coming to me is called giving up on yourself? ah? What am I? A lost youth?

Don't apologize to me. When it comes to marriage, you are not the only one who has the final say. Don’t you want to get married? It just so happens that I don’t want to get married either. Let's break up. Don't come to me again.

3. Never expected

My life is full of regrets. I think of running under the sunset that day. It was my lost youth.

My name is Wang Dachui. I never expected that the general would take the initiative to pass away. However, this will not affect my reputation as a famous doctor.

4. Longmen Escort Agency

Prodigal bitches, pay attention to your pronunciation, come on, look at my mouth shape, follow me, prodigal bitches!

Is this what I said was wrong, okay? He will have no future in his next life. Oh my God, he is about to make a move. Even if he is so surprised, he won’t be able to make a move in 2013.

5. The Lord’s Sun

I really want to remove the decorations like radar and sun, and just want to meet him as Tae Gongshi.

It's because I need you so much that you are tempted by me. To be honest, there is no woman in the world who can be as obsessed with you as I am. Even if I scratch my scalp, it will still appear; even if I tell you to get out hundreds of times, it will still persist.

6. The story of hot mom

History has pushed me to that point, and times have pushed you to that point. You have to turn the tide!

You wear the ring I gave you and you dare to be nice to others. Why are you so big-faced?

7. Sniper 2013

Why did you lie to me? I didn’t expect you to do anything to solve the case.

It's too late for you to turn back now; if you think I'm guilty, come and arrest me.

8. Little daddy

It doesn’t matter if you are a hero or not, you are my dad anyway.

Let me tell you, this is my first time dealing with children. If you don’t annoy me, I’m telling you, if you annoy me, I’ll kick you out.

9. Soar into the sky 2

It is because of the woolen spirit that human beings are unwilling to walk on the ground and want to fly in the sky.

I like showing up at the last minute so I don't have to deal with you losers for so long.

10. King Lanling

King Lanling made countless military exploits for Qi throughout his life, but he died just for the sake of being guilty. I don't accept it. I will definitely use all the strength of the Zhou Kingdom to kill him without leaving any trace behind.

The only time I feel pain is when I wake up and realize that I can only survive because of your life. And when I may not be able to see you, I realize that the pain in my heart cannot stop.

Classic lines from classic TV series 2

1. Living is not just for the sake of living.

2. The most ordinary person has to fight for the existence of his world.

3. Brother Shaoan: I am willing to be good to you for the rest of my life. Let’s talk about this slowly.

4. Young and sensitive self-esteem.

5. Things in this world cannot be decided by your own will.

6. I often think: at dawn the next day, everything will be new.

7. People cannot be poor all their lives.

8. She resisted desperately in the trenches in front, but the rear area she fought for burned into a sea of ​​fire.

9. Outside the window is the sun, its eternal smile.

10. To curse others is to curse oneself, to be ashamed of oneself, to be ashamed of one's ancestors and to be ashamed of one's ancestors. The ancestors are so ashamed that their graves are filled with regrets that they did not feed the bears to the wall and feed the flies to give birth to him.

11. If you are feeding Pig Bajie, you should be raising Lin Daiyu.

12. Smell it, there is the smell of grass and earth in the air, spring is coming.

13. Xiulian said to Shaoan: If you laugh, I will laugh with you; if you cry, I will wipe away as many tears as you can.

14. Only unstoppable struggle can make the flower of youth wither, even if it withers, it will wither magnificently!

15. Chains can lock doors and windows, hands and feet, but the human heart cannot be locked.

16. The water of the Yellow River will always clear up one day, and people cannot be poor forever!

Classic lines from classic TV series 3

1. Yu Fei said: "Does this kind of internal fixation have technical content for me?"

2. You pushed Xiaomi in, and Xiaomi will never come out again. Xiaoqi, he will never forget you and resent you for the rest of his life.

3. Even a piece of shit will encounter the spring of a dung beetle, let alone you? Aren’t you much better than a piece of shit?

4. Darwin said that the owner’s mind is the best cemetery for pets.

5. Yidan: Jia Changan, I understand. You and your mother have already thought of a way out, right? After divorce, you can find another one. As long as it can give birth to a child for your family, who is the mother of the child? It doesn't matter, right?

6. Ai Liang said: "Every parting is growth."

7. The smile with a 30-degree angle at the corner of your mouth cannot be found on Baidu.

8. Xiaoqi, your mother has not left.

9. A woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea, even if you catch it, it will still sting you.

10. Why can’t your handsome facial features hide your simple IQ?

11. Dogs are the link between humans and heaven.

12. You are a magical dog and you can definitely create miracles.

13. Ai Liang said: "Loneliness is because we miss you and are unavailable."

14. They don’t understand why they should be evil, jealous, and dissatisfied.

15. Has the potential to become a super police dog.

16. A dog’s life is short, but a human’s life is long. It may be just a fragment in your life, but you are its everything.

17. Xiaoqi is definitely an outstanding Labrador.

18. Ai Liang said: "A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, even if it is caught, it will still sting someone."

19. Yidan: We have been married for so many years. I promised that I would have a child for you. I don’t care whether it is a mistake for us to get married, I will take it seriously, because I feel that if we have a child Children, maybe our relationship can start over.

20. Ding Han said: "Time is like a cup of bitter tea. It cannot be bitter for a lifetime, but it can be bitter for a while."

21. Ai Liang said: "Mie Mie Shi Tai"

22. I found that it has a strong ability to predict things. It has already sensed many things before they happen.

Classic lines from classic TV series 4

1. Little girl, come and sign a 70-year contract with me!

2. Boy, from now on, just follow my sister and drink spicy food!

3. Boy, in order for you to stop harming the world, my sister will accept you. From now on, remember to be always there for you, don’t struggle anymore.

4. Boy, just obey your aunt! Tell me your bank cards, credit cards, medical insurance, all cards, and passwords, and let me help you keep them safe, including yours!

5. I have found the most precious thing in my life.

6. My sister-in-law is getting older and has been single for such a long time. She has some obstacles in her heart. Please enlighten her for me.

7. I am extremely unlucky. I am unemployed and cheated by a man.

8. I hold it tightly in my hand, fearing that I will lose it accidentally.

9. My name is Golden Man.

10. Let’s have children legally!

11. Dear, do you want to work as a bonded worker?

12. Dear, help me sign the household registration book, just in the spouse column.

13. Girl, just obey me!

14. Please wake up now. I'm not a nymphomaniac. I don't have a crush on you at all.

15. You do it on the left side and I sit on the right side, take a photo and post it.

16. Since we can’t separate, don’t waste time and get married.

17. Let’s go raise a child, okay?

18. This marriage is like looking into a demon mirror.

19. Don’t fall in love with me, you’re hypocritical. Let’s get married if we can.

20. Do you know which months are the most beautiful in Beijing? September! Because the day in September is like August and the night is like October, just like us thirty-year-old women have the face of a twenty-year-old woman and the wisdom of a forty-year-old woman. This is the most beautiful moment in a woman's life.

21. You are definitely not the best among many suitors, but you are definitely the fastest to make a move.

22. Marriage is the tomb of love. If you don’t get married, you will die without a burial place.

23. If someone has a bad heart, you will be a rich wife. If you have a bad heart, you will lose money.

24. When the food is cold, you can heat it up. Women will play with it as soon as it is left.

25. Your happiness is my responsibility.

26. Question: You are so beautiful, there must be many people chasing you. Answer: Who is chasing me? Time is chasing me!

27. Marriage is like a magic mirror. No matter how beautiful you are before marriage, everything will be revealed after marriage!

28. Happiness is not something you can wait for. Happiness comes through pursuit. Good men and good women will not fall from the sky.

29. The truly right person will not fall from the sky. You cannot wait where you are. You must take that step to find him. When two people have just met, they just understand the conditions and economic foundation. It takes two people to interact and communicate with each other to have a deep understanding. The other party's concern and attitude towards themselves are not inconsistent with the economic foundation.

30. You can't just stand there and wait. You have to move forward to search. Yes, you will be sad and sad in the process. These are things you have to experience. Only after you go through it can you find that person.

31. Blind date is not reliable. Blind date is just to artificially arrange two people who are not going smoothly on the road of love together to see if a miracle will happen.

32. The two women that cause most headaches for men in this world are not mothers and wives! But ex-girlfriends and ex-wives.

33. When you want to fall in love, you need to find someone who has feelings. When you get married, you need to find someone who is rich so that you don’t treat yourself badly.

34. It’s vulgar to talk about money in front of love, but when it comes to real life, you must talk about money. Without money, I can’t move forward.

35. From a distance, you can see the coal diggers. From a closer look, you can see the charcoal burners. When you get closer, you can see the ones from the Academy of Fine Arts.

36. Boy, in order for you to stop harming the world, my sister will accept you. From now on, remember to be always there for you, don’t struggle anymore.

37. You are not stupid, you are soulless.

38. What you fall in love with is not him, but love itself.

39. Blind date is not reliable. Blind date is just to artificially arrange two people who are not going well on the road of love together to see if a miracle will happen.

40. If your character is not good, there is no need to talk about it.

Classic lines from classic TV series 5

I can't give you the world. But my world can be given to you

Life is a road with infinite forks. Everyone has to make choices constantly, and different choices will inevitably create different lives. In fact, there is no real good or bad choice in every fork in the road, because every period of life is our own unique choice.

I command you to stay with me

As long as you say you didn't do it, I will believe you - (It's such a familiar feeling, Daoming Si said the same thing when he held the dying Shancai in the playground)

There are some things I want to say to you, which may sound harsh to you, but I still want to tell you. I am used to having you by my side, and I am used to having you share my anger and loneliness. At first, I thought this was Love, but I was wrong! That's just a habit. I've known for a long time that it shouldn't be like this, but I didn't have the courage to expose it because I was afraid that if I exposed it, I would have to face the world alone.

As long as I can continue to be by your side and be the person you trust most, that's enough for me.

Qingtian: Since you don’t like me, why are you still nervous about me and worried about waiting for me? Liu Yuhao: "I don't want to either. Do you think I like worrying about you and waiting for you? Do you know how tiring it is to be worried and nervous about waiting for you? Who likes to worry about you and wait for you? I just want to worry about you and be nervous about you. How about waiting for you?"

There is no end to struggle. Any time is a starting point. From now on, I will start my brilliant life.

You can make wealth in a way you don't like, and you can cure diseases with medicine you don't believe in, but you can't get happiness from people you don't love.

Youth is a book that cannot be closed once it is opened, life is a road that cannot be turned back once it is embarked on, and love is a note that cannot be taken back once it is thrown out.

Qingtian said that behind every hard work, there must be double rewards.

I want to prove to you that I can stand alone one day

What are the longer lines from classic TV series?

1. "Wang Lichuan lives here. He was born in Switzerland, studied in the United States, fell in love with a Chinese girl, and died in China." From the TV series "Meet Wang Lichuan".

2. "Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling are 27 years apart. They have been together for ten years, but they are better than countless people in the world. Lu Xun and Xu Guangping are 17 years apart. They have worked together for ten years to share hardships. It is sad to have each other. Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Yidi are 12 years apart, and Xu Beihong and Liao Jingwen are apart. 28 years old. I just want to be with the person I love, not to be a good couple in the eyes of others." From the TV series "The Real Man".

3. "I curse you in the name of God, immortality, immortality, injury and destruction." From the TV series "A Thousand Bones of Flowers".

Classic TV series with lines, classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen, classic lines picture 1

4. "If you want to become a Buddha or an immortal, I will go with you. If you want to go to the eighteen levels of hell, I will go with you. If you want to be reincarnated, I will never agree." From the TV series "Soul Ferry"

5. "No matter how complicated or simple you think love is, in the world of love, love alone is not enough." From the TV series "Mr. Love".

6. "You don't know where love comes from. It goes deeper and deeper. The living can die, and the dead can live. If there is a word about true love, if you ask about the reason, it is hard to find." From the TV series "The Legend of Zhen_".

Guess the title of the classic TV series with lines

Lines from classic TV series

  I believe many people like to watch some TV series, so what lines in the TV series do you think make you feel something? Next, I collected lines from classic TV series, just for your reference, I hope it will help you.

Classic TV series with lines, classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen, classic lines picture 2

  NO.1   They can't go back to those days, things and people have changed. ——"Fifteen Years of Waiting for Migratory Birds"

  NO.2   Langya ranks first, Jiangzuo Meilang. The talent of Qilin can conquer the world. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.3   That day, the sky was high and the clouds were vast, you were free and at ease, and the entire desert was at your disposal. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.4   Maybe you have never got it, so you won’t be afraid of losing it! ——"Fifteen Years of Waiting for Migratory Birds"

  NO.5   But I have only liked Mi Yue since I was a child, so others should not waste their efforts. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.6   May the piano and harp be at your disposal, the years will be peaceful, the headwinds will be easy to understand, and it will not be destroyed easily. ——"The Legend of Zhen Huan"

  NO.7   You know me, I can’t live without you. There is only one you in my flowing time. I love you, thank you, you warm me. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.8   Although the stars in the sky are extremely vast, and the stars are as countless as grains of sand in the eyes of others, in his eyes they are as familiar as his own palm prints. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.9   Soldiers always wear shrouds while they are alive. On the nameless front line, when you sacrifice your life for the motherland, the place where you fall is your grave, and your military uniform is your shroud. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.10   The years that have been missed and the hearts that have been moved are like the passing river, which can never be turned back. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.11   Bai Zihua, on Huangquan Road, in the Wangchuan River, beside Sansheng Stone, at the head of Naihe Bridge, have I seen you? ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.12   If what fate puts in front of you is scraps, you should eat it like a feast in the palace. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.13   Parting with love, meeting with hatred, letting go and returning to the west, nothing like this. it's just what you see, but nothing deep. ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.14   I don't stick to the rules, and I don't hold any prejudices. I can decide life and death with a throw, and I can also laugh away my grudges. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.15   I don’t know the origin of love, it goes deeper and deeper. The living can die, and the dead can live. If there is a word about true love, if you ask about the reason, it is hard to find. ——"The Legend of Zhen Huan"

  NO.16   Who is really better than others? It’s just that after spending all these years thinking about this one thing, you will naturally become more thoughtful. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.17   If everyone stands by and does nothing when others are in trouble, then don’t expect anyone to help when he himself is in trouble. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.18   There are no free people in the world. As long as a person has feelings and desires, he can never be free. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.19   Many times, because of helplessness, injustice, and hurt, many people give up the beliefs they once insisted on. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.20   Every step brings a smile, every step brings sadness, every step brings disaster. No matter how sad the memory is, I smile and don’t want to forget. ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.21   Some things, if you know clearly from the beginning that they will not end well, don’t be wishful thinking and forcefully seek a good result. ——"The Legend of Zhen Huan"

  NO.22   Bai Zihua, I have never regretted anything I have done in this life. But if I could do it again, I would never fall in love with you again. ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.23   I, Miyue, have relied on men for the first half of my life. It doesn’t matter if I don’t depend on him for the rest of my life, I will decide my own destiny. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.24   Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be martyred. They are both thefts, but there are differences in the size and etiquette. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.25   Don’t feel defeated just because your thoughts have been seen. Anyway, I like you more. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.26   Once a person has something he wants and something he wants to do, he can never let it go. ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.27   I am the most excited in my life, sitting with a beautiful woman, and the lights are about to be turned off. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.28   What should I do about kissing you without permission? Is it an apology or a confession? ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.29   The reason why I treat you this way is because I want to. If this can be exchanged for the same sincerity. It's gratifying. If not, I have nothing to regret. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.30   The world prepares cages for women, but the king only gives me a sky. If you put a woman in a cage, you can only hear the chirping of birds; if you give a woman the sky, you can see the flight of the phoenix. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.31   Countless time passed by me but not a moment stayed with me. Now I clearly understand that the length of the event is not important, what is important is the people who can spend that time together. ——"My Love from the Star"

  NO.32   Apricot blossoms are not as gorgeous as peach blossoms, nor are they as cold as winter plums. They are exceptionally gentle and gentle. ——"The Legend of Zhen Huan"

  NO.33   I'm sorry, even though I knew this would happen, I still couldn't help but want to get close to you. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.34   Love comes voluntarily, and there is no regret after doing something wrong. Since you can't resist destiny, why bother to blame others. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.35   Regardless of whether you understand the world or not, the world will not let you go. ——"My Love from the Star"

  NO.36   It’s because our world is different, or it’s just the same us in different worlds. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.37   The peaches in Chu State are ripe again, with red and white fruits in abundance. But the peach grove remains the same, and there is no beauty waving her whip. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.38   Human feelings are so complicated. They are not simple black and white and can be cut in half with one knife. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.39   Riding your horse into the wind, watching the ups and downs of life. Roaring songs and book scenes make the world laugh at the desolate age. Use dreams as horses to gallop through the years. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.40   Things in the world may be like this. The person you don't take seriously when you are in power may one day give you the heaviest blow. You can't even think about it, and you can't avoid it. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.41   Just because people are gone and buildings are empty, and things are changing, it doesn’t mean everything disappears. What should be left will still be left. Some people and some things are still hidden deep in my heart and will not be erased by time. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.42   When I arrived, I was wearing no makeup and white clothes, and I was full of wits. When I left, I was looking at the wolf smoke in the distance, and I was riding a horse and whipping my whip. Two years of ups and downs seem to have changed the world. The only thing that remains unchanged is a pure heart that will never die. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.43   If it is necessary to meet, we will eventually meet, right? If we don't meet, it means there is no need for us to meet. This is the truth I have learned over the long years of living here. ——"My Love from the Star"

  NO.44   I was very happy before. Because I was so happy, when sadness came, I was completely destroyed so easily. But people cannot use the excuse to avoid sadness and ignore the things they should do. ——"Flower Thousand Bones"

  NO.45   Companions who live together day and night will eventually be separated. In the vast sea of ​​​​people, new faces will continue to replace the old ones in the future life. Who can guarantee that you will remember every face around you for the rest of your life... - "Fifteen Years of Waiting for Migratory Birds"

  NO.46   Maybe he was not waiting deliberately, but except for her, no sunshine shone into his heart. ——"Why is the Shengxiao silent?"

  NO.47   Shiro, that year when the apricot blossoms were raining lightly, you said you were the King of Guo County. Maybe you were wrong from the beginning. ——"The Legend of Zhen Huan"

  NO.48   The hearts that have been touched and the years that have been missed are like the passing river, which can never flow back. ——"Nirvana in Fire"

  NO.49   It doesn’t matter what you do now, it’s important what you do in the future. All we need is the word “forbearance”. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.50   Jealousy is the lowest and most childish emotion. It is only experienced by people who lack self-confidence and have low self-esteem. ——"My Love from the Star"

  NO.51   I would rather choose to go straight. I want to be in the sun, even if it burns my whole body. I am not willing to hide my true self in the shadows and distort my mind for the sake of profit. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.52   Although I was born into a royal family, I have always been stepped on by others and have nothing. I don’t stick to the rules and I don’t hold any prejudices. I can decide life and death with a throw, and forget my grudges with a smile. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.53   The fragrant sweet wine in the palace reflected her livid face. She had been in the back position for a long time, and her anger was so majestic that the eunuch lowered his head and did not dare to answer. He only bowed his head. ——"The Legend of Miyue"

  NO.54   Some are happy and some are sad. When the fate is uncertain, who is in the mood to commemorate youth? I understand that the appreciation of time requires leisure and leisure. People who are busy surviving only look at tomorrow and don't care about looking back. ——"The Best of Us"

  NO.55   Youth is like this, it doesn’t matter whether you cherish it carefully or be wanton and wanton. No matter how you spend it, you will eventually understand with regret that this good time is still wasted. ——"The Best of Us"

  NO.56   There are many places where you feel afraid to go because you are afraid of being overwhelmed by memories. In fact, they are the pits you have dug for yourself. Before you even go there, you have been moved by yourself. ——"The Best of Us"

  NO.57   It turns out that all he has healed over the years is only the appearance. There is a kind of injury that goes deep into the bone marrow and wreaks havoc in places you can't see. ——"Why is the Shengxiao silent?"

  NO.58   Although Yoo Si Jin is handsome but full of danger, he doesn’t like danger very much, but he feels very charming every moment he looks at each other. ——"Descendants of the Sun"

  NO.59   There, just like a sad dream, from now on it will be like the distant stars, becoming an illusive and legendary story. ——"My Love from the Star"

  NO.60   I found that it is not easy for the person I like to like me. This is what the so-called miracle refers to. ——"My Love from the Star"


Classic movie and TV series lines and dialogues

Classic movie and TV series lines

  Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get? Movies may be illusory, but they are also real; movies may be joyful. Below are the quotes from classic movies and TV series that I have compiled. Welcome to refer to them!

Classic TV series with lines, classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen, classic lines picture 3

  1. Flowers bloom from the basket, and leaves spring into the hands. "beginning of spring"

  2. Go out and have a drink together tonight! "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  3. Those who are lucky are gamblers! "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  4. I am no longer the person I used to be. "Wolverine 2"

  5. For no other reason than to hide the eunuch secretly for you! "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  6. People’s hearts are broken and it’s hard to lead the team. "A World Without Thieves"

  7. I hate your Feiyu suit and that knife. "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  8. Please tell me the password for IP, IC, and IQ cards. "A World Without Thieves"

  9. What we want is safety and responsibility! Understand! "A World Without Thieves"

  10. Are you playing a Hong Kong policeman or a mainland policeman? "Rescue Mr. My"

  11. As long as I am willing to wait, let me keep the leftovers first. "The Leftovers Are King"

  12. Danger does exist, fear is just a choice. "back to Earth"

  13. I have never felt such a powerful force. "X-Men: Apocalypse"

  14. I love this knife far more than anything in the world. "X-Men"

  15. Are you tired of running away? Afraid of facing your true nature? "X-Men"

  16. The danger is real and fear is just a choice. "back to Earth"

  17. I feel a little happy when I miss you, and a little sad when I am happy. "puberty"

  18. I will not yield to the rights of Rome. At this time, I spurn Rome. "The Last Days of Pompeii"

  19. When I miss you, I feel happy, but happy and a little sad! "puberty"

  20. You have to become stronger so that others can’t hurt us. "X-Men: First Class"

  21. I will sympathize with these poor people who are asking for trouble. "X-Men: Apocalypse"

  22. Money is not a problem, it is you who are no longer in my heart. "Beijing meets Seattle"

  23. If it weren’t for me, you might not be where you are today! "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  24. We waste too much time killing each other. "X-Men: Days of Future Past"

  25. Everyone, myself included, has moments when they are downright stupid. "Little Times"

  26. Love should have been there, it just hasn’t arrived yet. "The Leftovers Are King"

  27. Only when you make the wrong choice will you realize that the one next to you is not the one you like the most. "Previous"

  28. No one can be young forever, but there are always people who are young. "Little Times"

  29. My self-healing ability is not as good as before. What happened? "Wolverine 2"

  30. It is true for a gambler to be lucky, but you are not a gambler at this time. "Embroidered Spring Knife"

  31. My daughter can only be happy with me, nothing else will work at this time. "The Leftovers Are King"

  32. You don’t know how cruel reality is until reality slaps you in the face. "Little Times"

  33. Our greatest gift is to make others strong. "X-Men: Days of Future Past"

  34. Are you tired of running away? Afraid of facing your true nature? "X-Men: First Class"

  35. Responsibility is something you did in your previous life. My responsibility at this time is to give up responsibility. "puberty"

  36. I just want the people I like to like to like me. "Just Loving You"

  37. As long as we live in each other's hearts, death is not separation. "Beijing meets Seattle"

  38. Thank you for always thinking of me when no one is with you, but I don’t lack you. "Little Times"

  39. The moon at that time has turned into the sunshine in the future, and has been protecting us both now. "Previous"

  40. I can tell you responsibly that Uncle Li is very angry and the consequences will be serious! "A World Without Thieves"

  41. You can laugh at me for being young and frivolous, but I will tell you what it means to be the winner. "Little Times"

  42. I once saw more patients in a day than you see in a week. "Beijing meets Seattle"

  43. Is loneliness the foundation of youth, or is loneliness permeating the entire youth. "Little Times"

  44. I hate you robbers the most. You have no technical content at all! "A World Without Thieves"

  45. It’s been ten years, haven’t you already investigated everything about our family? "Wanted in the City"

  46. ​​She is used to lying, but she will never hear such lies again. "Just Loving You"

  47. The heavier it is, the more you have to fly and don’t care about other people’s eyes. "Whose youth is not confused"

  48. Do you feel that one day they will come to you and your children? "X-Men: Apocalypse"

  49. It doesn’t matter how much money a man has. At this time, find someone who understands both coldness and heat and loves you. "Beijing meets Seattle"

  50. No matter what, we should be together, and everyone who stands in our way must die. "Wolverine"


The above is all the content about the classic TV series with classic lines, the classic TV series starring Wang Zhiwen, and the related content of the TV series with classic lines. I hope it can help you.

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