
Contents of this article

  • 1. Do Scorpio boys prefer Pisces girls or Cancer girls?
  • 2. Will a Scorpio man choose a Cancer or a Pisces woman?
  • 3. Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Tianya Forum
  • 4. Does Scorpio prefer Cancer or Pisces?

Do Scorpio boys prefer Pisces girls or Cancer girls?

Scorpio men are generally straight-tempered, domineering and chauvinistic. A straight man like this needs a girl who can inspire his desire for protection, so relatively speaking, he will prefer Pisces women!

Do not ask me why? Because Pisces is a female author! Full of inner drama! One person can act in a TV series for you! The romantic, gentle and sentimental Pisces woman is like a annoying little goblin, who can control the Scorpio in every minute!

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Figure 1

Will a Scorpio man choose a Cancer or a Pisces woman?

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces?

  Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Because each person's zodiac sign and personality are different, the relationship and life status will be different, and each of us has a different charm. We can better understand each other through the zodiac sign. Let's share the Scorpio men's ideas below. Choose Cancer or Pisces

  Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces1?

   Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces?

  Will choose Pisces. These two people are a good pair in terms of zodiac signs. Because they are both water signs, they have many similarities in personality. They both focus on feelings, but one is strong and the other is weak, one is strong and the other is soft, and they complement each other. Inherited, fully display the highest state of romance.

  Your dramatic emotional ups and downs also make your love life full of drama. Your love is like fireworks, brilliant and charming. Scorpio's dominant position in love, coupled with Pisces' gentleness and virtuousness, who dare not resist and are willing to accept their fate, can be said to be a perfect match.

   Cancer personality traits

  Cancers are gentle people, and they tend to lack a sense of security. This also leads them to be cautious people in times of peace. They are always accustomed to anticipating bad results, so that they will not be disappointed in the end and the gap will not be too big. Cancers are very A person with a sense of worry will always prepare for future events in advance. They don't like to encounter hardships suddenly, and they hope that their preparations can avoid those bad things. Therefore, Cancer is also a sign with a good mentality. Even if they fail, they will not take it too seriously.

   Pisces personality traits

  Pisces are sentimental and easily emotional people, but when they get along with people, they are gentle and kind-hearted and have irresistible charm. You don’t know what this charm is, but it will attract you in particular. Pisces The girl is a very romantic person, she has beautiful visions for things, and her attitude towards life is also positive, energetic and passionate.

  I am full of hope for life, but my ability to deal with emergencies is poor and my response is slow. Because of this personality, you particularly like to rely on strong people and want others to protect you. You may not have too many opinions in life.

  Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces 2?

   What zodiac signs are most compatible with Scorpio men? 1. Cancer women

  Zodiac sign matching index: 100 Zodiac sign matching ratio: 52:48

  When a Scorpio boy and a Cancer girl are together, they can understand each other's true feelings, and if you both get to know each other after a lot of experience, you will be able to understand each other better and understand each other clearly without too many words. What is the other person thinking? Although a Cancer woman may have evasive behavior when she encounters trouble, which may disgust you, but under her gentle personality, these shortcomings can be covered up. Therefore, Cancer women are a good match that Scorpio men must not miss.

   Which zodiac signs are most compatible with Scorpio men? 2. Pisces women

  Pairing index: 100 Pairing ratio: 48:52

  Scorpio boys and Pisces girls are in the same water sign, so in essence, the rate of compatibility is very high. Both of them are very sensitive and have strong intuition. Scorpio usually has extraordinary mysterious powers, and Pisces is also unambiguous. ; Therefore, the magnetic fields are similar, and the current can be connected as soon as it is connected. It will be a combination that can communicate with each other with just a wink. Pisces are sensitive because they are very perceptive, so they have the temperament of an artist.

  Pisces may be moved to tears when they see the afterglow of the sunset, and someone else's unintentional words can also hurt you. You are both very sensitive people, so you are easily hurt by each other.

   Which zodiac signs are most compatible with Scorpio men? 3. Capricorn women

  Pairing index: 90 Pairing ratio: 44:56

  The earth sign Capricorn and the water sign Scorpio are both feminine signs, so they are very similar in nature in some aspects: the two signs are equally introverted; and both are used to hiding their true emotions under a calm appearance. Therefore, the two zodiac signs are highly compatible to some extent. In addition, confident Scorpio appreciates outstanding people, while Capricorn has the willingness to work hard to achieve specific life goals. Therefore, if your life goals are consistent with his, the degree of compatibility will be higher.

  At the beginning, Scorpio will be attracted by Capricorn's down-to-earth personality, while Capricorn will think that Scorpio is a person who knows how to take care of himself and does not need the other person to worry, so they can be together. But when they get along, the two of them are silent, very boring, and lack communication. Capricorn's attitude of being overly devoted to work makes Scorpio feel that he doesn't care about him at all, so jealousy comes out and he slowly starts to demand the other person. Who knows? I know that Capricorns don't tolerate this at all.

  Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces 3?

   What type of girls do Scorpio men prefer: modesty and confidence

  Scorpio men are people with very upright views. Scorpio men have very high requirements for their spouses and it is not easy for them to develop romantic relationships. Scorpio men pay special attention to the moral character of girls. For users who are very self-emotional, Scorpio men hate Scorpio men very much. , if the lady is a very arrogant person, the Scorpio man will never date them.

   The type of girls Scorpio men prefer: Lively

  An enterprising character is a very good quality in society. An enterprising person is bound to be loved by the public. Such a girl has positive energy and loves life. Therefore, for Scorpio boys who have a dull personality, the positive and optimistic girl itself is very attractive and can bring a positive appeal to Scorpio boys, cleanse their psychology, and the two promote and develop each other.

   The type of girl Scorpio men prefer: sincere and dedicated

  Because today's society is a materialistic society, many users' pursuit of sincere and beautiful feelings has been eroded by material desires. Now there is a type of people in the society who are proud of material things, and their pursuit of feelings has fallen behind. On their part, these users also have a very insincere attitude towards love. But for Scorpio, feelings are very important and valuable.

  They are dismissive of many insincere pursuits that are sensational, so if a Scorpio man wants to find a particularly sincere girl, it will be very attractive, and it is also in line with the emotional pursuit of the Scorpio man.

  Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces 4?

   What type of girls do Scorpio men prefer?

   Brave and straightforward

  A Scorpio man is actually an independent person with his own ideas and opinions. They usually do whatever they think of and are bold, brave and decisive people. Therefore, the girl you like must be bold, courageous, straightforward and straightforward; a girl who has no barriers to communication with each other.

   Innocent romantic type

  In fact, the seemingly strong and determined Scorpio man also has a tender and tough man in his heart; although he is not good at communicating with girls, he is definitely a dedicated and serious person. Therefore, in life, you must like girls who are innocent, romantic, and have wild fantasies; such innocent girls are more likely to attract the attention of Scorpio men.


  In fact, Scorpio men also have a purely straight aesthetic. They believe that the most important thing about their partner is not only their appearance, but also their inner beauty that is considerate and sincere. Therefore, a girl with a kind heart will easily capture the heart of a Scorpio man, and a Scorpio man is also very willing to be with a kind and gentle girl.

   How to Attract a Scorpio Man

   A pledge of eternal love

  Scorpio men actually attach great importance to feelings and believe that loyalty is very important in love. Therefore, they must not only dare to express their emotions, but also need to be loyal to their love. It is best to swear to love. Although it is a bit low, it is very effective; it is also an expression of determination and plays a role in peace of mind.

   sense of trust

  Scorpio men are extremely insecure in love, and like to restrain their emotions, and sometimes even dare not express their desire to love. Unless the other person is someone he trusts very much and is definitely someone worthy of trusting him for life, a Scorpio man will let down his guard. Therefore, you should show 100% trust in the Scorpio man. You have absolute trust in the Scorpio man, which can stabilize your mood and put your mind at ease.

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Figure 2

Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Tianya Forum

A Scorpio man likes a Cancer woman. He cares about Pisces like his sister. He loves her and doesn't want her to be unhappy. But a Cancer woman can touch a Scorpio man's heart at any time, and a Scorpio man will feel very uncomfortable when he sees a Cancer woman with other boys.

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Picture 3

Does Scorpio prefer Cancer or Pisces?

Scorpios are very beautiful, one of the best among the twelve constellations, and their aura is unique, giving people a very mysterious feeling. In addition, students have a very gentle personality and are very polite in dealing with others. Publicity makes it easy to attract girls' attention, so what kind of love outlook will she have?

1. Scorpio true love Cancer or Pisces

Pisces, because Scorpios have a great need for emotions. Although they look calm on the outside and give people a very cold feeling, in fact they always long for someone to truly understand them and care about everyone's opinions. Pisces likes to pursue romance. They are very enthusiastic by nature. When they meet the person they like, they will prepare all kinds of surprises and romance, so they can always attract Scorpio. Especially after entering a relationship, Scorpio will do a lot of things. Big changes, so both parties are well matched together.

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Figure 4

2. Why does Scorpio dislike Cancer?

When Scorpio and Cancer stay together, they are often easily affected by bad influences. Because Cancer is sensitive and suspicious, especially when it comes to relationships, they like to get into trouble. No matter what kind of problem they encounter, they don't like to take the initiative to deal with it. Instead, they will choose They bear the responsibility silently and are not good at communication. Therefore, when disputes arise, it is difficult for each other to resolve them on their own. Even if Scorpio actively tolerates it, Cancer is unlikely to change the status quo in daily life in the future, but will rely more on it. On the other hand, Scorpios get tired very easily.

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Figure 5

3. Scorpio’s views on love

In the hearts of Scorpios, true love is very noble and has nothing to do with substances. Therefore, they have very low requirements in the field of finding a partner, but they also have high standards for communication, hoping that the other half can have something in common with them. Personal hobbies and topic discussions, although they are sensitive and suspicious, their thoughts are very delicate, and they can always detect other people's mood swings, but they are very passionate in relationships, and they can always show their passionate side, and they are very passionate in relationships. Very dedicated, if you are obsessed with the other person, you will stay together forever.

Will a Scorpio man choose Cancer or Pisces? Does a Scorpio man prefer a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman? Figure 6

The above is all the content about whether a Scorpio man will choose Cancer or Pisces, whether a Scorpio man prefers a Pisces woman or a Cancer woman, and whether a Scorpio man will choose a Cancer or a Pisces. I hope it can help you.

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