
Contents of this article

  • 1. Scorpio men don’t like Cancer women’s behavior
  • 2. Do Scorpio men ignore many excellent girls?
  • 3. Cancer and Pisces women in the eyes of Scorpio men
  • 4. Is the Cancer woman the nemesis of the Scorpio man?

Scorpio men don’t like Cancer women’s behavior

In fact, sometimes when two people don't like each other, there will be some factors in both of them that lead to the development trend of the relationship becoming incompatible. So during the relationship between a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman, what is the reason that causes the Scorpio man to feel that the Cancer woman is not a person with whom they can spend their lives?

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 1

Unsettled personality, overly self-protective

Scorpio feels that Cancer women are too sensitive and fragile in terms of personality. Sometimes they greet each other with a warm smile one second, but they don't know what will cause them to cry in pain the next second. Even if Scorpio can sense the other person's emotions very well, But they still feel caught off guard by this change, and they don't know how to comfort and feel safe, even if they have done their best. In other words, excessive self-protection.   This kind of relationship will make Scorpio feel very tired, and they often don't know how to go on.

Domineering and domineering, nature dictates

Although Scorpios are said to be very cold and aloof, they actually respect each other's thoughts and feelings in their hearts, while Cancers are very self-centered people. If others don't follow their wishes, they may not get angry on the surface, but in fact deep down in their hearts, they will feel very aggrieved and sad, and will use this to make a fuss, making it difficult for others to step down. Anyone who stands in his way will be attacked mercilessly. The other half of the Cancer zodiac sign should be able to deeply feel the domineering aura behind his gentle face.

Narrow-minded and hard to please

The most unbearable thing for Scorpio and Cancer is their gloominess and complex and changeable hearts. Sometimes they feel that they already know the other person very well, but they find that the other person has made an unexpected decision. Cancer is a person who cares very much about his own heart. Their humbleness and compromise often fail to bring them the ideal results. If you want to please him, you have to pass all the tests in advance, because as long as you accidentally touch his sensitive defense line in any link, you will fall short, and Cancer will be alienated from you without any bottom line.  

Do Scorpio men ignore many excellent girls?

Scorpio men always like to ignore many excellent girls. They are just harsh and very optimistic about them. Scorpio men like Cancer women the most. This is something that many people have never thought of. They may think that the two are not particularly compatible. Next, the editor will let us analyze and take a look. Why do Scorpio men only favor Cancer women among the twelve zodiac signs?

1.Like his little parasite

One of the reasons why Scorpio men like Cancer women is that sometimes I don’t even need to say anything to them. Of course they can guess your feelings. Therefore, they can do things according to the wishes of Scorpio men, which will make Scorpio men wonder whether they have told them their thoughts. Otherwise, why can Cancer women be so able to control their inner thoughts and do things to make themselves happy.

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 2

2. Very gentle temperament

Scorpio men themselves do not have a very good temperament, and they are very restless. As long as it doesn't conform to their wishes, the Scorpio man may stamp his feet and become angry. Cancer women are the opposite. They are particularly patient people with quite gentle personalities. Therefore, Cancer women are very tolerant of Scorpio men and will often stay by their side silently when they are angry rather than disturbing them.

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 3

3. Work in a very organized and clear manner

Cancer women themselves are also very temperamental people. For example, they look like little cute girls, who seem to need the protection of others, but in fact they are very organized people. They are always able to arrange things thoughtfully and methodically, which really makes Scorpio men love them very much, because Scorpio men like to be neat and tidy.

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 4

4. There are always surprises

And Cancer women are never as ordinary as they appear. The more you get in touch with them, the more you can find their bright spots. For example, they are very knowledgeable and know too many things. No matter what topic you talk to them about, they can have their own thoughts. What Scorpio men like is a person who is self-reliant and self-reliant, rather than relying on others.

Cancer and Pisces women in the eyes of Scorpio men

Cancer woman in the eyes of a Scorpio man

A Scorpio man sees a Cancer woman, and a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman are both water signs and are sensitive in nature. The two have very similar personalities and outlooks, and they often feel like they are on the same page, but they hate meeting each other so late. The following is what I share about Cancer women in the eyes of Scorpio men.

Cancer woman in the eyes of a Scorpio man 1

Cancer woman in the eyes of a Scorpio man

Simple and easy to deceive, the qualities of a good wife and mother. Scorpio's eyes are indeed like that. It feels very deep and makes people feel like they are being seen through at a glance, so they are very nervous.

Scorpio likes beautiful women, and it is said that they like mysterious ones. The speed dating signs include Pisces and Cancer, and they are also close friends with Scorpio. Instead of asking what kind of woman a Scorpio man likes in a Cancer woman, it is better to ask what kind of woman a Scorpio man likes. The answer is a beautiful woman who is passionate, mysterious and charming!!! It doesn’t matter if you are good, they won’t be afraid... Scorpio men love challenges! I wish you good luck!

Cancer woman in the eyes of a Scorpio man 2

How does a Scorpio man fall in love with a Cancer woman?

She will be hot if you are hot, and she will be hot if you are cold, but don't let her be alone for too long. When she doesn't get a response, she will only abuse herself until she can no longer abuse her. Self-doubt.

Please do what you promised, if not, don't say it.

The important thing is not to doubt, pay attention to the way you speak, be sure to be direct, say it directly if you like it, and say it directly if you don't like it, really.

If a Cancer girl likes you, she will be very sweet and want to talk to you all the time. She can't wait to hang out with you all day long. The prerequisite is that she likes you. Only then will I have physical contact with you. If you don't like it, physical contact will be counterproductive and disgusting. You can tell by the sound of the chat that they will be happy and smiling. If you like her, chat with her. If there is a gap, such as 1.2 hours, it will be torture for her if you don't talk, and she will take the initiative to ask you if you are busy and want to talk to you...

If a Cancer girl likes you, she will give you all her attention and her expression will be very beautiful. My heart is already churning, I don’t know if I can see it on the outside, haha. People are very lively. I will dig deep into my heart and soul, and I will treat you well even if I don’t want to be kind to myself. She will pay close attention to the other person's every move, but if you don't like her, she will remain silent and silent. She will silently wonder if you also like her and whether you really do, and you will feel unsure of yourself.

So if you, as a Scorpio, really like Cancer, please treat her kindly. If your passion arouses her, don't let her go for too long, or you will doubt yourself to death. Just come as directly as you come, and tell me directly when you have something. If you say you are busy and will reply later, then really reply, don't just say it. Cancers who are left out will be crazy with joy even if you only say a few words.

Don't doubt it. Cancer is passive and will judge based on your temperament and mood. If you are happy, she will be happier. If you are unhappy, she will endure it silently and stay with you. She only hopes that you will get better. In fact, she is a very stupid Cancer. Cancer, who doesn't care about anything and doesn't hold grudges, is usually smart and ceases to exist from the moment he likes you. Only you are so stupid that it makes you feel bad.

Cancer woman in the eyes of a Scorpio man 3

One, in terms of character.

Cancer women have a gentle personality, are kind and polite, have rich and delicate emotions, are born with a maternal aura, and are home-based. Scorpio men are mysterious, aloof, competitive, and good at discerning people's hearts. In terms of personality, these two signs are easily attracted to each other and complement each other. Cancer women are easily attracted to Scorpios, and the temper of Scorpio men also needs a gentle Cancer to resolve.

Second, from the perspective of three perspectives.

The views of Scorpio men and Cancer women are generally quite consistent. Views on hot-button events are often quite consistent. When it comes to individuals, I also feel that to achieve a happy life, we must rely on personal efforts, be down-to-earth, make progress every day than yesterday, and become a better and better version of ourselves. They don't like to settle, but they all yearn for the love of growing old together. Once you identify with someone, you will stay with them forever.

Third, in terms of hobbies.

Scorpio men and Cancer women generally like to travel, take pictures, gourmet food, and like new, creative, and challenging things. Their similar interests give them plenty of topics to talk about, and they usually have many opportunities to interact, go out together, waste quality time, and make others envious. Moreover, the Scorpio man has a wise mind and can often lead the Cancer woman to turn her hobby into a tool for making money.

Fourth, from a complementary perspective.

Scorpio men are naturally impatient and often say the cruelest words in the world to the people they love most. He is born with a sense of superiority and machismo. Cancer women have maternal qualities, so they can gently guide Scorpio men to change their tempers without confronting them head-on. Although she knows that these vicious words are not from the Scorpio man, she still feels sad, but no matter how sad she is, the Cancer woman is not willing to give up on the Scorpio man. Cancer women especially hate macho men, but for the Scorpio man she loves most, she is willing to surrender to him because she loves the Scorpio man enough. The combination of these two zodiac signs is undoubtedly a well-matched pair.

Five, deal with the other half’s requirements.

Cancer women are particularly prone to being sentimental and insecure. She hopes that her partner can be considerate to her and give her a sense of security. I hope that when two people are together, she can still be herself, and they can achieve their goals one by one. Scorpio men are easily emotional and insecure. He hopes that his partner can warm him, be considerate, tolerate him, and give him a sense of security. Both zodiac signs yearn for loyal and lifelong love.

From the above analysis, we can know that as long as a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman are a match made in heaven, as long as they have more patience and work hard to manage their own love, then they will definitely be very happy until they grow old and make others envious. I hope everyone can find the right person and live the rest of their lives happily and contentedly!

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 5

Is the Cancer woman the nemesis of the Scorpio man?

Cancer woman is the nemesis of Scorpio man

Cancer women are the nemesis of Scorpio men. Scorpio men and Cancer women are introverts. When such people are together, the scene is destined to be quieter. However, Cancer women are the nemesis of Scorpio men. Let’s take a look at what are the reasons why Cancer women are the nemesis of Scorpio men. Relevant information.

Cancer woman is the nemesis of Scorpio man 1

Scorpio boys are petty, possessive, and deep-seated. They often like to create a sense of mystery, and they love to take revenge on others when they are dissatisfied with them. Generally speaking, it is difficult for such men to meet opponents in life, but when they meet a Cancer woman, they will be defeated. After all, the Cancer woman is the nemesis of the Scorpio man.

Scorpio men look mysterious and cold on the outside, but in fact their inner world is relatively fragile, so when they face Cancer girls, they completely lose their fighting power. Because although Cancer women look quieter on the outside, they are very protective and can carefully care for the fragile little hearts of Scorpio men. Moreover, the maternal aura carried by Cancer women and their warm and enthusiastic hearts can give Scorpio men the best A great relief.

In terms of love, Scorpio men are always in a position of dedication, and they are very loyal to love and do not want their hard work to go to waste. Counting the twelve zodiac signs in detail, the only person who can truly meet the requirements of a Scorpio man is a Cancer woman who is also a water sign. Because the Cancer woman's starting point for everything is family-oriented, being single-minded and responsible for the relationship, she can make the Scorpio man feel at ease emotionally, and also make the Scorpio man feel that his hard work is not in vain.

The character of Scorpio men is characterized by their inflexibility and lack of ability to adapt to changes. When faced with the flexible and changeable Cancer women, they will naturally be at a disadvantage. Because Scorpio men always have a one-track mind when doing things, they are more likely to run into obstacles in many things, which can also make themselves very hurt. Cancer women, on the other hand, seem to have more methods and flexibility in handling things, which is something that the domineering and unreasonable Scorpio man admires very much.

Moreover, Cancer women are very kind, kind, and compassionate signs. For Scorpio men who like to retaliate, Cancer women can use their hearts to slowly influence them, making them forget the hatred in their hearts and think of the kindness of others. . This will also help Scorpio men avoid making too many enemies in their future lives, and is also very beneficial to their career development.

Cancer women are the nemesis of Scorpio men not only because they are more capable than Scorpio men, but because they can help Scorpio men in their careers and influence their revengeful nature.

Cancer woman is the nemesis of Scorpio man 2

Cancer woman and Scorpio man compatibility

Scorpio man VS Cancer woman

Matching index: 100

Love pairing:

Scorpio men and Cancer women actually like to take care of those who have a close relationship with them. Therefore, if these two people are together, they can take care of each other. This kind of personality compatibility can increase the happiness of two people, so the love between these two people can naturally deepen over time. In the end, both parties feel that they cannot live without each other, and the love that develops will be more similar to a family relationship, with a sense of belonging to each other.

Family match:

Scorpio men and Cancer women actually prefer to take care of those who have a close relationship with them. So if the two are together, they can take care of each other. This kind of personality compatibility can increase the warmth of the two people, so the family relationship between the two can naturally deepen over time. In the end, both parties become accustomed to each other's existence, and the relationship developed will be more similar to a family relationship, with a sense of belonging to each other.

Friendly pairing:

As friends, Scorpio men and Cancer women are actually very suitable, because they both trust each other very much, and both Scorpio men and Cancer women are very responsible people, so they will not betray each other. Generally speaking, Scorpio men will also encourage Cancer women in life, and Cancer women will also encourage and help Scorpio men appropriately. Therefore, in fact, the friendship between Cancer women and Scorpio men is also very deep.

Pairing suggestions and notes:

Although a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman can take care of and rely on each other in life, which can indeed enhance their relationship, it should be noted that in fact, the spiritual understanding between these two people will be relatively weak, so sometimes they will not know each other. What exactly is needed? This will naturally lead to the fact that sometimes one party's needs are not met. Therefore, we must pay attention to deepening the mutual understanding between both parties from the bottom of our hearts, so as to benefit the relationship.

Cancer woman is the nemesis of Scorpio man 3

These three constellations can be called the nemesis of Scorpio


They don't care too much about their love life. They give people a very carefree look. No matter what they do, Gemini has an indifferent attitude. However, Gemini is a sign that holds grudges. Once you offend them, you will be with them for the rest of your life. remember you. Gemini seems complicated and has a high level of intelligence, but is actually very simple. Scorpio looks simple, but is actually very complicated. It can be said that he is a very scheming person. He is really a natural enemy.


Scorpio Scorpio is a zodiac sign with a deep foundation, which is often hidden, and it is Scorpio who plays the last card. They can swallow many secrets in their stomachs and rot in their coffins. When a Scorpio meets a Cancer, they are often struck by the motherly nature of the Cancer and lose their combat effectiveness. Faced with such a Cancer, Scorpio's inner darkness cannot be mobilized at all. Therefore, Cancer is naturally the nemesis of Scorpio, so Scorpio babies should be careful of Cancer. It's true that one thing defeats another, a natural enemy.


Leo is a very possessive zodiac sign. As long as it is something that the Leo wants to get, no matter how difficult it is, the Leo will not give up easily. It must be obtained. Leo and Scorpio have the same character and personality. They must be strong, self-respecting and never admit defeat. They are born Just mortal enemies. Leo looks easy-going but is very stubborn and a bit strong. He will not look at anyone who is slightly wrong. He will only give others a look. If it makes him feel uncomfortable, don't expect him to let anyone down. So the two of them are natural enemies. It's true that one thing defeats another, a natural enemy.

Reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women, reasons why Scorpio men dislike Cancer women Figure 6

The above is all about the reasons why Scorpio men don’t like Cancer women, the reasons why Scorpio men don’t like Cancer women’s behavior, and the reasons why Scorpio men don’t like Cancer women. I hope it can help you.

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