
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to pronounce domineering in English
  • 2. What is the pronunciation and meaning of hadron?
  • 3. How to translate English into Chinese and say it in English
  • 4. How to say the abbreviation of domineering in English

How to pronounce domineering in English

Domineering words. . . Bossy? I'm not sure if this word is derogatory, because a friend said it as a joke. It should be fine if you say this to someone you know well.
bully means bullying. The phonetic symbol when pronounced is ['buli]

What is the pronunciation and meaning of hadron?

强qiáng qiǎng jiàng
Chinese explanation - English translation
The following results are provided by Chinese dictionary dictionary explanations
Radical strokes
Radical: strokes outside the bow :9 Total strokes: 12
Wubi 86: XKJY Wubi 98: , powerful, as opposed to "weak": ~ strong. ~ Healthy. ~ People. ~ Power. ~Big. ~Jin. Just~. Rich~. Column ~. ~The end of the crossbow. In the prime of life~.
2. High degree: ~hand. ~ Lie. ~Acid. Ability ~.
3. Outperform, superior, good: ~ do. Strive ~ good (hào) to win.
4. More than a certain number, slightly more than a certain number: ~ half (more than half).
5. Use strong force, rigidly: ~ account. ~ Add. ~ Attack. ~ Strong. ~ Horizontal (hèng). ~ Liang (tyrannical).
6. Emphasis, increase weight: ~. Increase ~.
Detailed meaning
1. (Phonetic. From Chong, Hongsheng. Original meaning: small insect in rice)
2. Same as the original meaning [a black insect]
3. Commonly used as "襁". [swadding clothes]
The young king is in the state of being strong. ——"Historical Records·The Family of Duke Zhou of Lu"
1. (Tongqiang. Antonym of weak)
2. Bow is powerful [strong; forceful]
Strong means that the bow is powerful. ——"Shuowen"
Strong, healthy. ——"Guangyun"
The official leads to strong talent. ——"Historical Records·Jianghou Family"
The end of the strong crossbow. ——"Book of Han Li Guang Su Jian Biography"
3. Another example: strong crossbow (a strong bow fired with a machine)
4. Strong; powerful [strong and prosperous]
It cannot be called strong. ——"Mozi Gongshu"
The strength of the military revolution. ——"Warring States Policy·Qin Policy"
There is no powerful country in the world that can surpass Qi. ——"Warring States Policy·Qi Ce"
He who wins is strong. ——"Laozi"
Zhao is strong but Yan is weak. ——"Historical Records·Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru"
Use weakness to become strong. ——"Three Kingdoms: Biography of Zhuge Liang"
A strong young man will make the country strong. ——Liang Qichao, Qing Dynasty, "The Collection of Drinking Ice Room·Collected Works"
5. Another example: Qiang Jia (powerful Qing Dafu); Qiang Xiong (powerful); Qiang Shou (strong and long-lasting); Qiang Dui (powerful) Opponent); Qiang Yuan (based on strength in the world); Qiang Bing (powerful army); Qiang Formation (powerful army); Qiang Brigade (powerful army); Qiangwei (strong and weak)
6. Strong; Robust, powerful [strong; powerful]
Strong muscles and bones. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"
Come out with strength. ——"Book of Han·Biography of Li Guangsu Jian"
Strong and powerful. ——Su Shi, Song Dynasty, "Teaching, Fighting, and Defending"
7. Another example: becoming an official (forty years old. People at this age have matured in all aspects, and are just in time to become officials); strong in body; strong in death (people who are still strong and die unexpectedly)
8. Strong; determined [firm]
Forty means strong. ——"Book of Rites·Quli"
Stand strong and do not rebel. ——"Book of Rites and Records of Learning". Note: “Don’t be confused when things happen. ”
Strong and righteous. ——"Book Gao Tao Mo". Biography: "There is nothing to give in to. ”
To endure injustice. ——"Guoyu Chuyu"
Shen Sheng is very kind and strong. ——"Guoyu Jinyu"
9. Another example: Qiang Guo (strong and courageous); Qiang Zhi (strong and stubborn)
10. Brutal and unreasonable [brutal and unreasonable]
Fierce and chivalrous. ——"Shishuoxinyu·Zixin"
11. Another example: strong (violent and fierce); violent (violent and violent); violent (violent and violent); strong (violent and fierce)
12. Rape[violent]
Strong, violent. ——"Erya"
Hou Qiang Hou Yi. ——"Poetry·Zhou Song·Zaiyun"
It was once a strong emperor. ——"Poetry·Daya·Dang"
13. Another example: Qiangjun (violent and outstanding in intelligence); Qianglu (violent enemy); Qiangsai (violent and stubborn); Qiangbi (violent and fierce)
14. Superior; good[better;surpass]
knowledge and ambition. ——"Historical Records·Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng"
15. Another example: Qiangqi (Qiangru. Better than; better than...); better than him; better than yesterday; our working conditions are getting better year by year; learned and remembered; strong points
16. [slightly more than]
Twelve rounds of Ce Xun will reward thousands of strong men. ——"Poetry of Mulan"
17. Another example: one-third strong
1. Powerful bow [powerfulbow]
Drawing the bow should draw strength. ——Du Fu's "Beyond the Fortress"
2. The strong [powerhouse]
The weak cannot defeat the strong. ——"Mencius"
3. Surname
1. To strengthen, strengthen [reinforce;strengthen]
It is food, which is enough to increase qi and fill the deficiency, strengthen the body and fit the abdomen. That’s it. ——"Mozi Ci Guo"
2. See also jiàng;qiǎng
common phrases
1. rape qiángbào
[brute force] cruel and barbaric force
not afraid of rape
2. Rape qiángbào
[violent;brutal] Forceful and violent
Methods of rape
3. Forced argument qiángbiàn
[forceful argument] Be eloquent and powerful in argument
Convince someone to argue forcefully
4. Strong stimulation qiángcìjī
[strong stimulation] Acupuncture terminology. Refers to acupuncture methods with strong stimulation
5. qiángdà
[big and powerful; powerful] strong and powerful
strong political power
6. Robber qiángdào
(1) [rob ]: Use violence to seize people's property
It is customary for murderers, robbers and rapists to die. ——"Sui Shu"
(2) [robber]: A person who robs others of their property
7. Formidable enemy qiángdí
(1) [formidable enemy; formidable foe]: a person who causes fear, terror or anxiety Enemy
(2) [powerful enemy; powerful foe]: a powerful enemy
8. Emphasize qiángdiào
[stress;emphasize] particularly emphasize or emphasize
emphasize the importance and necessity of fair treatment Property
9. Strength qiángdù
(1) [intensity]: the strength of the force and a certain quantity (such as electric field, current, magnetization, radiation or radioactivity)
Electric field strength
(2 ) [strength]: The ability of a material or object to withstand pressure or deformation
The strength of igneous rock
10. Forced crossing qiángdù
[forced ferry] Forced crossing
Forced crossing of the Dadu River, flying to capture the Luding Bridge.
11. Strong team qiángduì
[powerhouse] A strong sports team
Two strong teams that have been strong for many years, the Virgin Mary team and the Army team
12. Take qiángduó
[ravish ;wring] It is illegal to seize or take away with violence
It is illegal to seize other people's property
13. strong wind qiángfēng
(1) [strong breeze]: wind speed of 25 to 31 miles per hour, Beaufort wind force It is Category 6
(2) [freshgale]: wind speed of 39 to 46 miles per hour
14. Strong attack qiánggàn
[competent] Smart and capable
Strong attack is insufficient
15. Strong attack qiánggōng
[storm] attack with a violent surprise
storm the enemy's position
16. qiángguó
(1) [Great Power]: A country that plays a decisive role in international relations. It has huge Political influence, with huge resources and military power
(2) [powerful country;powerful state;powe rful nation]: a powerful country
17. strong qiánghàn
[valiant] strong and brave. Also refers to a strong and brave person
18. Brutal qiánghèng
[brutal and unreasonable] Arrogant and domineering; tough and unreasonable. Also refers to such people
19. Strengthen qiánghuà
[strengthen] strengthen, strengthen
strengthen the state machinery
20. STRIKE qiángjī
[storm] storm a group or storm a detachment against a fortress An attack by an enemy who defends a residential area or a fortified position
21. qiángjì
[good memory] strong memory
learned and strong memory
22. rape qiángjiān
[rape; violate] Use force to have sexual intercourse with the other party against his will
A girl raped by an intruder
23. 强qiángjiàn
[strong and healthy] Strong and healthy
Strong physique
24. 强强qiángjiàng
[a good general] A general with outstanding talents
25. There are no weak troops under a strong generalqiángjiàng shǒuxià wú ruòbīng
[there are no weak troops under a strong general] There will be cowardly soldiers, which is a metaphor that capable leaders can lead good troops
As the saying goes: There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. So believable. ——Song Dynasty Su Shi's "Ti Lian Gongbi"
26. strong qiángjìng
[powerful; forceful] powerful and powerful
27. strong qiánglì
(1) [strength]
(2) Powerful force
He suppresses his feelings with force
(3) Objects act on external forces to resist force
28. Qiangliang qiángliáng
(1) [powerful]: Have power
Good doctor If you can't save your life, you can't fight with the sky. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty·Su Jing Biography"
(2) [tyrannical]: Tyrannical
The strongest Liang is greedy for money and lust, and sets fire to kill King Xiaohu. ——"Water Margin"
29. Qiangliangqiángliáng
(1) [raffian]: a rough, cruel or vicious person
(2) [bully]: a person who bullies the weak and has a cruel temper
30. Strong qiángliè
[strong;intense;violent] very powerful; very strong; distinct
Strong desire
31. Forced qiánglìng
[order forcibly] mandatory order
The superior ordered the cancellation of the plan
32. qiánglóng bù yā dìtóushé
[one with great power cannot defeat a local villain] is a metaphor for external forces that cannot defeat local evil forces
Since ancient times A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. ——Kong Shangren of the Qing Dynasty, "The Peach Blossom Fan"
33. Strong and brutal qiángmán
[fierce] Strong and fierce
The harrier is a very brutal kind of bird
34. The strong and powerful melon is not Sweet qiángniǔde guā bù tián
[unwillingness cannot produce desired results] Metaphor that things that are done reluctantly will not be satisfactory
35. 强困之 terminate qiángnǔzhīmò
[an arrow at the end of its flight-spent force] Crossbow: ancient times A bow that shoots arrows mechanically. The arrow fired by the powerful crossbow has reached the end of its range. It is a metaphor that the powerful force has been exhausted and there is no more strength.
At the end of the strong crossbow, the power cannot enter Lu. ——"Han Shu·Han Anguo Biography"
36. To take qiángqǔ
[extort] To obtain forcefully from an unwilling person by force or intimidation, or by abusing the law or official authority
37 . Seize by force qiángqǔ-háoduó
[seize by force] Seize (property, rights) by force or power
38. Power qiángquán
[power] Use advantageous position or power to bully others or other countries
Power politics
39. strongman qiángrén
(1) [robber]: robber
Now there is a group of strongmen on the mountain
(2) [strongman]: a powerful person; a capable person
Strong woman
(3) [intrepid man]: A strong and violent person
A strong and violent person
(4) [strong and healthy]: A strong person
Boil the medicines inside Three liters, a strong man takes one liter. ——"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber"
(5) [man]: man; man
is really handsome, no wonder my strong man loves him. ——"Jin Ping Mei"
40. strong qiángrèn
[indomitable and firm] tenacious and tenacious
41. strong qiángshēn
[be sturdy] fitness
42. strong qiángshèng
[ strong and prosperous] Strong and prosperous
The motherland has become strong
43. Strong hand qiángshǒu
[nemesis] A person with high skills
44. Stronger than qiángsì
(1) [be superior to]: exceed , takes precedence over...
This year's harvest is better than last year
(2) [be better than]: make better, better than
45. Strong acid qiángsuān
[strong acid] is highly ionized in solution Acids, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), nitric acid (HNO 3 ) in mineral acids
46. Gangster qiángtú
[robber] The early name of robber
47. Robber attack qiángxí
[ attack by force] attack by force; attack with a larger force
48. qiángxīnjì
[cardiotonic] a substance that strengthens the heart
49. qiángxíng
[force] forcefully
Forcibly pass a bill
50. Forced march qiángxíngjūn
[forced march] A rapid march when performing an emergency mission
Basic meaning
1. To insist, to force, to try one's best: ~ make. ~ Forced. ~ Forced. ~ Debate. Mian~. ~ It’s difficult for people. ~ The words make sense.
Detailed word meaning
1. Force, force [force;strive]
Forcibly drink and eat. ——"Kao Gong Ji·Zi Ren"
All three kings will be forced to death. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Ten Years of Wen Gong"
2. Another example: to force a fight (to take advantage of one's power); to force a matchmaker to force a match (to force a matchmaker to arrange a marriage); to force a fight (to pull and persuade; to force a fight); To forcefully invite (to seize); to force amorous feelings (to force a romantic affair); to force (to do something hard; to do something reckless); to force someone (to force someone who does not want to be an official to take office)
3. Advise [advise and encourage]
Strengthen it. ——"Zhou Li·Si Jian". Note: "I still advise. "
How can you be like this? It's only good to be strong. ——"Mencius"
1. Reluctantly [do with difficulty]
It cannot be achieved through force. ——"Huainanzi Xiuwu"
is a step towards self-improvement. ——"Warring States Policy·Zhao Ce"
It cannot be taken by force. ——"Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio·Three Stories of Wolf"
Although I want to be strong. ——Song Dynasty Wang Anshi's "Reply to Sima's Remonstrance"
Another top four. ——Liang Qichao, Qing Dynasty, "Tan Si Tong Zhuan"
2. Another example: far-fetched; forcing words to rob the truth (forcing words to make sense); forcing (reluctantly); forcing words (reluctantly speaking); forcing words (reluctantly); forcing words (Reluctantly agree); I don’t know if I know how to know
3. Try my best; try my best [forcedly]
Understand the difficulties and then be able to strengthen yourself. ——"Book of Rites and Records of Learning". Note: “Don’t get tired of studying. ”
When the weather is strong, there will be breeding. ——"Book of Rites·Biaoji"
The minister gave strong advice. ——"Warring States Policy·Zhao Ce"
Force and speak. ——Ming Dynasty Zongchen's "Report to Liu Yizhang"
The general forced him to stay. ——Qing Dynasty Wei Xi's "The Legend of Da Tiezhu"
It's so strong and fake. ——Yuan Mei, Qing Dynasty, "Huang Sheng borrowed books"
4. Another example: Qiangshu (strive to practice the way of loyalty and forgiveness); Qiangshu (strive to practice benevolence); Qiangren (strive to do benevolence); Qianbu (strive to walk)
5. See also jiàng;qiáng
common phrases
1. force qiǎngbī
[force; compel] force; force
2. forcefully argue qiǎngbiàn
[defend oneself by sophistry] argue hard , to pretend that something unreasonable is reasonable
3. To pretend to know what one does not know qiǎng bùzhī yǐ wéi zhī
[pretend to know what one does not know] To pretend to know something when one does not know; to pretend to understand when one does not know
From now on, I will no longer dare to force myself to do something I don’t know. ——Wenkang, Qing Dynasty, "The Legend of Heroes of Sons and Daughters"
4. Argument qiǎngcí-duólǐ
[argue irrationally] To make excuses without being arrogant
At this time, the girl listened more and more to Zhang Jinfeng's words, which were reasonable and not irrational. , I have long left my anger behind. —— Wenkang, Qing Dynasty, "The Heroes of Sons and Daughters"
5. qiǎngjì
[memorize by rote] forced memory
6. forced labor qiǎngláo
[forcedly labor (English labor)] forced labor; Forced labor
One-third are delinquents who have been forced to work
7. Force to stay qiǎngliú
[force to stay] insist on retaining
8. Force to buy and sell qiǎngmǎi-qiǎngmài
[buy or sell under coercion] Force to buy or sell
9. Force qiǎngpò
[force;compel;coerce] Apply pressure to obey; force
Force Li Ersao to remarry
10. Force qiǎngqiú
[insist on; impose] force someone to do something against h qiǎngrénsuǒnán
is will] To force others to do something they cannot or do not want to do
Who knows, how can he force others to do something that is difficult for them? —— Wenkang, Qing Dynasty, "The Legend of Sons and Daughters of Heroes"
12. Qiangxiao qiǎngxiào
[a forced smile] force a smiling face
13. force a smile qiǎngyán
[force a smiling face] reluctantly and helplessly look happy. Still forcing a smile
Chai Shi forced his face to smile. ——"Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio"
14. Forced conscription qiǎngzhēng
(1) [impress]: Forced expropriation as a public utility; especially the conscription of seamen by forced recruitment
Forced conscription of sailors
( 2) [press]: to exercise power to requisition (such as for public or emergency use)
forcibly commandeer passing cars to catch up
strong jiàng
basic meaning
1. Stubborn, tough and unyielding: ~ mouth. Stubborn~.
Detailed word meaning
1. Stubborn; stubborn [stubborn]
Shen Sheng is very kind and strong. ——"Guoyu·Jinyu"
2. Another example: Qiangqi (stubborn temper); Qiangyan (referring to a person who is shameless); Qiangtuanlian (a proverb from Hangzhou in the Song Dynasty). Refers to a person who has a stubborn temperament and is arrogant towards others); being stubborn (describing a stubborn look)
3. Stiffness [stiff]
After taking four or five doses in a row, my mouth is no longer crooked, but there is still some pain at the base of my tongue. powerful. ——"The Scholars"
4. See also qiáng, qiǎng
Common phrases
1. Strong mouth jiàngzuǐ
[reply defiantly] to talk back; to argue forcefully

Translate English to Chinese How to say it in English

[Dictionary] [Book] ruthless and tyrannical; cruel and fierce; brutal;
Peter and his violent grandfather lived here.
This is where Peter lives with his grumpy Grandfather.

How to say the abbreviation of domineering in English


British [dɒmɪ'nɪərɪŋ]   American ['dɑmə'nɪrɪŋ]


British [dɒmɪ'nɪərɪŋ]   American ['dɑmə'nɪrɪŋ]  

  • adj. Domineering; domineering; domineering

  • v. Implement tyranny; tower; become popular (ing form of domineer)


masterful domineering Domineering; arrogant; domineering

domineering men domineering men

Bilingual examples

  • We become domineering because of our fears, egos, anxieties and insecurities. 

    Becoming bossy because of our fears, egos, anxieties, and insecurities.

  • He said humans have characteristics from both the bonobo and chimpanzee, which is more aggressive and< x2>domineering. 

    He points out that   humans have characteristics of both chimpanzees and bonobos, being more aggressive   and more bossy

  • She had a harsh and domineering mother who sacrificialized everything to a touchy animal  prideand had long held sway over her weak-minded daughter. 

    Her mother was strict and domineering, with an animalistic pride that could not be offended, and she sacrificed everything she owned to maintain it.

The above is all about tyrannical, how to pronounce tyrannical in English, and related content about tyra. I hope it can help you.

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