
Contents of this article

  • 1. Introduction to Guan Renshan’s writers and works
  • 2. Who can design a personalized signature for me?
  • 3. Langfang City’s first martial arts Sanda Guizhou Feitian Cup Fighting Competition 59kg Wang Botao vs Wang Wei who won
  • 4. Plastic surgery hospital agency model scam

Introduction to Guan Renshan’s writers and works

关仁(关洁愉医生 DR. KWAN, KIT YU)1950-
1991:在台北举行个人国画大展,展品包括山水、人物、花卉、狂草马及书法等。广获好评,李奇茂、廖修平…等画家莅临欣赏。佳士得有限公司(Christie’s)中国艺术部主任施福先生(Mr. Colin D. Sheaf)曾评鉴关仁的山水画极酷似国画大师溥心畲,有文人画家的气质。香港水彩画研究会副会长陈家义先生亦赞赏关仁具有锐利的艺术眼光。 “名震画坛,享誉侨界”,立法委员洪冬桂博士收藏“墨荷”一幅。香港大学公共卫生学院院长林大庆医生收藏“荷香凝夏” 一幅。作品广受香港、台湾、美国及加拿大收藏家所收藏。
“Chinese paintings and calligraphy by KWAN YAN”
典藏地:美术室 索书号:941.5 846
在国立台湾师范大学美术系师大画廊展出世界最长水墨百骏图—“关仁百骏图”,长53公尺×高1公尺(176.3×3.13英尺)。当时荣获台湾马英九先生赠恭贺花篮及嘉言「骏马书画」并收藏狂草马「马到成功」一幅。德国海德堡大学中国艺术史研究所的汉学权威雷德侯教授嘉言「Inspiring and Wonderful Work」并收藏「饮马图」一幅。国立台湾大学中国美术研究所 郭文夫教授,国立台湾师范大学美术系主任,中国书画专题江明贤教授、王友俊教授、刘文潭教授,前台北故宫书画处资深研究员、文化大学国画教授、北京故宫博物院古画研究中心客座研究员畲城教授、师大美术设计研究所长张柏舟教授及叶宝琴教授等嘉宾莅临参观,一致好评,展出期间来宾踊跃,包括专家、学者、老师、画家、社会贤达,杰出成绩,为艺坛所瞩目。用前无古人的水墨狂草笔法,描绘出一百匹姿态各异的马;水墨笔法,笔笔皆乃劲如草书,动笔生意咄咄逼真,倾动群类;难度之高,众所公认,故被画界誉之为“关仁马”。
香港Medic 75’医生旧生会邀请作香港政府卫生署助理署长陈慧敏医生主编之纪念文集封面设计“狂草马”及题字“杏林半甲”。
2006:拜访香港中文大学文物馆与文物馆主任 宁雄斌先生研究国画、书法及狂草马技法与创作,讨论古砚及古瓷器的收藏,香港中文大学文物馆收藏狂草马“天马”一幅。香港中文大学图书馆收藏“关仁百骏图画册”一册。
2008:台湾马英九先生收藏「民主灯塔 经济领航」草书一幅。
在2008年北京奥林匹克运动会中,更超越巅峰,把狂草马艺术扩展到国际视野,与奥运马术结合。2008年北京奥运马术赛在香港举行,使香港成为奥运协办城市。香港康乐及文化事务署协助,与香港旅游发展局合作向海外推广,应邀于毗邻奥运场地之沙田大会堂展出「关仁百骏图」奥运特展,以「百骏腾达迎奥运・北京香港齐飞跃」为主题,除「百骏图」外另两组马画「龙驹八骏迎奥运」及「奥运八骏汇吉祥」,用狂草笔法描绘出八种奥运马术的优美动态,鬣尾生风,奔放传神,使观者有如亲临奥运会场,欣赏到马术的迷人风采。展期在奥运开幕第一天8/9~8/14 马术与艺术相辉映,世纪一盛事,荣幸得第二十九届奥林匹克马术赛事香港最高主委香港马术公司总裁林焕光先生亲临参观和指导。
这次展览莅临参观的贵宾包括社会各界名流绅商、文化巨要、收藏家、艺术家及众多艺术爱好者。贵宾有香港名建筑师关永康先生,香港政府卫生署助理署长陈慧敏医生JP,香港政府卫生署助理署长麦倩平医生JP,扶轮社社长李家仁医生JP,香港沙田医院行政总监卢时桢医生,香港大学公共卫生学院林大庆院长,香港大学内科黎嘉能教授及康文署署长代表林嘉禾副经理,Townland Consultant Ltd Director Ms Keren R. Seddon,苏富比有限公司 Marzo To先生,中文大学林张表博士,文化界前辈梁山人先生,旅游业界的邓钧健董事及苏泽流经理,镁力实业有限公司董事长岑启荣,新濠建筑有限公司许道生董事长。会上关仁大师除答谢词外,更说明其对科学与艺术的看法,中国画步入文艺复兴的时机与需要,主张「科学融入艺术,现代化点亮传统」,她所创的狂草马是最好的见证与例证。
每位贵宾都获赠一本由画家亲笔书写「百骏腾达迎奥运」的《关仁百骏图画册》,是限量发行一百本,内印百骏图卷全卷(真画之1/25比例),收藏此册之名人有台湾马英九先生,香港马术公司总裁林焕光先生,澳洲Professor Napier Thomson ,美国 Wisconsin 大学Professor Eric P. Kindwall MD,香港大学美术馆馆长杨春棠先生,中文大学文物馆长林业强教授…等。
在画展期间此册由澳洲皇家内科医学院院长Professor Napier Thomson亲自主持于澳洲雪梨之澳洲皇家内科医学院院长办公室同时展出,专刊及著名报章报导,蔚为一时风尚之画坛翘楚,国际瞩目。
第二十九届奥林匹克北京奥组委收藏狂草马“马到成功” 一幅。
接受香港明报副刊【世纪】专访,专题刊出「狂草马女画家」“Olympics in Arts”(2008.8.18),明报通识网同时刊出,受各界瞩目。
【香港明报副刊 人物专访】:「狂草马女画家Olympics in Arts,「百骏图」盛名之作,展示画家深研的不只是画法,还有马匹有关的硬知识,所创狂草笔法,则是国画的精粹,会勾勒马的各种表情」
【维基百科着录】:中国画坛第一人,创新把画马艺术带领到世纪颠峰「奥运马术与国画结合Painting in to Olympics」.
2009:应邀参加庆祝〈建国60周年庆 祝福祖国、祝福香港—百位书画名家香港大展〉主办单位中国香港国际经贸合作协会,中国书画国际交流中心及及香港胡氏宗亲会协办,从中国各省县市邀请一百位书画名家,在香港最高艺术殿堂香港文化中心隆重举行,参加开幕式及开幕酒会贵宾有全国政协委员蓝鸿震,全国政协四局文教处处长王波涛,外交部驻港特派员公署副特派员高玉琛,中国香港国际经贸合作协会首席会长刘梦熊、理事长陈青东、副会长尹满华,中国书画国际交流中心主席张淑忠,香港胡氏宗亲总会永远荣誉主席胡法光、会长胡珠、荣誉会长胡晓明,及其它社会名流、名企业家等。
美国威尔康斯大学 坚德教授
澳洲澳洲皇家内科医学院院长 汤森教授
香港关永康建筑师 香港工程顾问公司董事长蔡登女士
香港奥运马术主委 香港马术公司总裁 前香港政务司长 林焕光先生
评语 :
Ⅰ龙驹九逸庆升平 720cm×98cm
诗文 文景盛世昌,九逸天马来。
Ⅱ关仁狂草千字文 1433cm×90cm长卷
2011: 《东方之子·书法卷》和《东方之子·美术卷》于2011 年2月出版
〈中国气派.当代艺坛十大家〉于2011 年4月出版
1. “关仁始创狂草马二十周年纪念画” 绢本浅设色 165cm×92cm 2011
2. 孔子图 狂草写意人物 纸本设色 183cm×95cm
3. 清秋平远 水墨山水 焦墨铁干淡墨平远 绢本水墨 90cm×60cm
4.瑞雪图 〈光线与阴影法〉重彩设色 绢本 180cmÍ92cm
1. 龙腾万里 “一笔龙”字 狂草书法 纸本水墨 90 cmÍ70cm
一幅〈一笔龙〉高90cm ×70cm ,用怀素狂草笔法书写于洒金红宣笺,散发出喜气洋洋的新春气息,为表隆重特选用子石砚斋藏罕有的安徽歙州泥浆罗纹龙尾砚,墨是用徽州曹素功大好山水十年墨锭。
2.“书画第一才子” 狂草书法 纸本水墨 118 cmÍ68cm
3.“垂流文渊” 隶书 纸本水墨 120cmÍ40cm
4.“天下康定 利泽久长” 秦篆‘玉箸’ 纸本水墨 120 cmÍ60cm
2012 关仁《诗醇画韵》诗集新作品
2012 关仁大师荣登中国画坛〈四大领袖〉之首及中国书坛〈四大领袖〉

Introduction to Wang Botao and Guan Renshan’s writers and works Figure 1

Who can design a personalized signature for me?

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, I am the wave behind and I am the wave

Introduction to writers and works of Wang Botao and Guan Renshan Figure 2

Langfang City’s First Wushu Sanda Guizhou Feitian Cup Fighting Competition 59kg Wang Botao vs Wang Wei Who Wins

Langfang City's first Wushu Sanda Guizhou Feitian Cup Fighting Competition 59kg Wang Botao defeated Wang Wei.

Introduction to writers and works of Wang Botao and Guan Renshan Figure 3

Plastic surgery hospital agency model scam

Plastic Surgery Hospital MLM Scam

Plastic surgery hospital MLM scam. With the change of many people’s concepts, the plastic surgery and beauty market has become a hot spot for businesses to compete for. As a result, plastic surgery hospitals are now a mixed bag, and many people have been deceived. The following is a plastic surgery hospital MLM scam. .

Plastic Surgery Hospital MLM Scam 1

Scam 1: Creating new terms to make things mysterious

Some plastic surgery and beauty institutions specialize in making a fuss about the words in advertisements, creating all kinds of obscure new terms and concepts to make things mysterious. They abstract the process of a certain surgery or esoteric professional terms and treat them as new methods and new technologies introduced by them, because ordinary consumers are unlikely to have professional medical knowledge. But when we specifically interviewed Qingdao’s first doctor of plastic surgery, Professor Wang Botao from the Medical Cosmetology Department of Qingdao Yinghai Hospital, he pointed out: For example, a simple facelift and wrinkle removal surgery requires the use of “fascial suspension wrinkle removal”. "This kind of professional terminology is deceptive, and it sounds to consumers who don't know the truth that only their surgery requires fascial suspension. In fact, all facelift and wrinkle removal surgeries require fascia suspension. This layer of fascia is actually a layer of connective tissue under the skin. If not properly treated, it will affect the surgical effect. This is an inevitable step in facelift surgery. .

Another example is double eyelid surgery. There are three types of surgery: buried double eyelids, full double eyelid surgery, and the three-point double eyelid surgery in between. Many plastic surgery hospitals usually package them under various unknown names. To increase the price, such as 6D native, Korean hidden scars, 5s double eyelid surgery... coupled with the consultants who promote the products, consumers will happily offer their wallets as soon as they are packaged.

Scam 2: Playing the patented technology card

In the advertisements of some plastic surgery and beauty institutions, you can often see slogans such as, "XX medical expert in this hospital has several national patented beauty technologies", "XX facial beauty method is a patented technology owned by us", " Inventor of permanent makeup" and so on.

A lawyer Li who is engaged in patent affairs questioned this. According to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, medical devices can be patented, but medical surgical methods cannot be patented. Surgical methods are a wealth shared by all mankind.

The reporter also consulted the Patent Agency of the Qingdao Intellectual Property Office. The staff told the reporter that cosmetic surgery methods cannot be patented. Only substances and technologies that can be industrially produced can apply for patents. Therefore, consumers should be careful when seeing such propaganda.

Scam 3: Using the banner as a tiger skin

"Member of the European and American Beauty Association", "Entered in the Dictionary of World Famous Doctors", "Several Champions of certain international beauty competitions", etc. Doctors in plastic surgery institutions give themselves all kinds of fictitious titles and names. No wonder we are often surrounded by them. Some people joked that after seeing these advertisements, they had to sigh that all the experts had gathered in Qingdao.

Many experts and scholars have encountered similar situations. Someone took the initiative to call them and claimed that as long as he paid 5,000 yuan, his name could be entered into the Dictionary of World Famous Doctors, etc. However, these titles are not authoritative and trustworthy. credibility. Of course, awards such as the National Science and Technology Progress Award are credible and are issued uniformly by the state. Therefore, consumers should not be intimidated by some big "titles" or "hats".

There are also many so-called experts who usually carry the names of members of certain associations, such as "China Medical Beauty and Health Care Industry Federation", "China Medical Plastic Surgery Association", "Chinese Beauty Association", "China Beauty Association"... Do you listen? Looks great? In fact, these are "offshore associations" and "copycat associations." The so-called copycat associations refer to organizations that mainland residents take advantage of the differences in the registration and management systems for social organizations at home and abroad to register in countries and regions with loose registration conditions. Most of these associations The names with national prefixes such as "China", "China" and "National" are similar or even identical to the names of national associations legally registered in China. Making money and making profits is the main purpose of these societies. At present, the list of copycat societies announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs has reached 1,292. So what is the process to become a member of a "copycat society"? ①Fill out an application form ②Pay dozens or hundreds of yuan as the so-called production fee ③Successfully join the membership. So when we see these so-called members of a certain association again, we might as well go to the website of the Social Organization Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to check whether these societies are formal societies.

Scam 4: Exaggerating the effect of surgery and violating medical principles

Many plastic surgery institutions claim that their surgeries are painless, traceless, and risk-free, hoping to attract "beauty seekers" through this. Experts and scholars agree that these are against the laws of plastic surgery, a medical science, because from a scientific point of view: it is possible to achieve painlessness using modern anesthesia technology, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve traceless surgery. , any cosmetic surgery, whether it is a knife, needle or injection surgery, will have trauma, will leave traces, and will have risks and complications. It is just that a highly skilled plastic surgeon can limit the damage to a minimum and make the operation as smooth as possible. The incisions are very well concealed, for example, they are designed in inconspicuous places, such as in the nasal cavity, mouth, eyelids, hairline, armpits, skin folds and other inconspicuous places, and at the same time, as much as possible Just to avoid complications.

Scam 5: Claiming that all materials are imported and the materials are subcontracted during the operation

The materials used in plastic surgery are not imported. The more expensive the better. Many doctors in plastic surgery institutions make fuss about the materials. It costs more than 10,000 yuan to make a chin, and nearly 10,000 yuan for the material fee alone. . Many doctors have encountered such patients. After having their chin done in other plastic surgery institutions, they later opened it and found that the material used was very ordinary silicone material, not the so-called imported new material.

What kind of materials are best for medical plastic surgery? First, it must be safe; second, it must be easy to put in and take out; third, there is no rejection reaction; fourth, it is easy for doctors to sculpt the shape; fifth, the clinical application has been long enough and has a large enough number of people, which generally requires clinical application time. Over 5 to 10 years, the larger the sample size of the study, the better.

In recent years, with the popularity of plastic surgery, many new materials have been developed, and some of them are still used illegally, because the State Food and Drug Administration stipulates that a new material must first go through animal testing and clinical trials before it can be used in humans. Many Women who love beauty do not realize that they have paid a high price to play the role of experimental animals.

Scam 6: Image designers point fingers

Regarding this issue, we interviewed Dr. Liu, a plastic surgeon who has practiced medicine abroad for a long time. He pointed out that if you go to a more formal medical beauty institution abroad for plastic surgery, the usual practice is to wait until the plastic surgery institution receives you. , the "beauty seeker" will first be arranged for psychological consultation. If there are no psychological problems, then arrangements can be made to meet with the doctor and make an appointment for surgery.

Nowadays, some plastic surgery institutions in China have many so-called image designers who play a similar role as intermediaries. Before meeting the plastic surgeon, these image designers will first give instructions to the people who come for plastic surgery, telling them what kind of face should be made, and how the eyes should be. What shape should be designed, how high should the nose be raised, etc. After the image designer has completed the design, the plastic surgeon will be arranged to see the plastic surgeon.

In fact, plastic surgery is not about designing a product. It must follow the laws of medical science. Doctors and image designers cannot be confused. Image designers are only limited to daily life beauty. There is no image designer in medical beauty. Image designers create beautiful designs, but due to limitations in medical technology, plastic surgeons may not be able to achieve that effect at all.

Plastic Surgery Hospital MLM Scam 2

Introduce 5 people to get free plastic surgery? Be careful of falling into pyramid schemes trap

Although modern plastic surgery is not a new word, it is definitely a hot word. It is common to see news headlines like "So-and-so is suspected of having plastic surgery." Although his body, hair and skin are inherited from his parents, Dejiajun does not reject people who have plastic surgery. This life is his own. What is wrong with wanting to become more beautiful? As long as you don't go too far and ensure your own safety, that's fine. Nowadays, plastic surgery is basically the mainstay of college students. At this age, when college students are pursuing beauty but do not have an independent financial foundation, how do they go about having plastic surgery? Introduce 5 people to get free plastic surgery? Is it trustworthy to sign a "beauty loan"? Dejiajun reminds you to be careful not to fall into a pyramid scheme trap.

"A beauty clinic in Chengdu is holding an event. As long as you introduce 5 people to undergo beauty treatments after surgery, you can get free plastic surgery." Unable to resist the temptation of roommates, Xiao Wen, a freshman girl from a university in Deyang, went to the "Chengdu Dong XX" not long ago. "Medical Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Clinic Co., Ltd." performed plastic surgery and injected 3 hyaluronic acid and 1 face-slimming injection at one time. They agreed to have free beauty treatments, and soon after chatting, she, who was new to the world, muddleheadedly took out a loan of more than 20,000 yuan. An undercover investigation by the Chengdu Commercial Daily revealed that this marketing model, which uses one person's head to lead another person's head, was hailed as "the first" by Dong Moumou Plastic Surgery and had been launched as early as May this year. At present, at least 500 people are involved, and they are both introducers and introduced persons. Many economists said that this kind of marketing has been suspected of pyramid schemes and illegal operations, and it also brings hidden dangers to society. The person in charge of the law enforcement and supervision department of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Health and Family Planning Department said on the 9th, “First of all, the public security department must be asked to verify whether its nature is a pyramid scheme. Once it is identified as a pyramid scheme, it will be punished accordingly in accordance with laws and regulations.”

A freshman girl owed 29,000 yuan in online loans after credulously believing that "introducing 5 people can get free plastic surgery"

Xiaowen, 18, is from Chengdu and is a freshman at a private university in Mianzhu City, Deyang. On October 21, her roommate Lili told Xiaowen that a beauty clinic in Chengdu was conducting activities. Participants could get free plastic surgery as long as they introduced 5 people to the clinic for beauty treatments after surgery. Before taking Xiaowen there, Lili had already undergone micro plastic surgery and assured her of the plastic surgery results. At the same time, as a friend, she asked her to help complete the task of introducing five people.

Embarrassed to refuse a friend, Xiaowen agreed to go take a look first. At 15:00 that afternoon, under the leadership of Lili, Xiaowen came to Chengdu Dongmei Plastic Surgery. Xiaowen said that the outpatient clinic is not large and there are not many doctors, but there are many non-doctor staff, and there is a long queue of people waiting. It was not until 8 o'clock in the evening that it was Xiaowen's turn. A doctor who claimed to be surnamed Liu received her. During the communication with the doctor, Xiaowen learned again that by introducing 5 people to the hospital for plastic surgery, they can receive free injections of hyaluronic acid and other micro-plastic surgery.

Under the persuasion of Dr. Liu and his roommate Lili, Xiaowen agreed to inject three hyaluronic acid injections, perform micro-plastic surgery on his chin and nose, and also receive a single face-lift injection.

Xiaowen showed an "agreement" in his hand to a reporter from Chengdu Commercial Daily. A reporter from Chengdu Commercial Daily found that this agreement, called "Medical Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery Commission Agreement DM-001", looks like both a DM slip and a contract.

It is mentioned in the terms that any paid cosmetic plastic surgery project at "Chengdu Dongmou Orak Medical Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Clinic Co., Ltd." recommends 5 customers for cosmetic and plastic surgery projects within one year. If the amount is less than the amount of your own consumption, you can pay 5 20% commission on the total consumption amount of each customer; if the consumption amount of the recommended 5 customers is equal to your own consumption amount, a commission will be given on the entire consumption amount this time. The contract is valid for one year from the signing of the contract. If the contract is not completed within the period, the customer will bear the subsequent costs. The client can terminate the terms of recommended customers at any time, but does not have the right to terminate the paid service terms. Once consumption is made, the hospital will not refund the price already consumed.

On the second page of the contract, there is a paragraph that says, "I have read the above content in detail and read the contract clearly. I agree to the above terms." Following the staff's prompts, I copied the small article and signed it with my thumbprint.

"Dr. Liu said that the injections were 'Best' hyaluronic acid and 'Botox' face-slimming injections." Because he felt unwell, Xiaowen went to the hospital under the leadership of his family to seek medical treatment. However, he did not know what Xiaowen had injected. No matter what, the doctor can't give a treatment plan. Xiaowen said that after her plastic surgery, she went home and showed her sister the agreement she signed, only to discover that the contract she signed with the beauty salon was a "beauty loan."

The father, Mr. Lei, was very angry. He and his daughter began to collect evidence and defend their rights through various channels. "Xiaowen's installment loan is 24 installments, and he has to repay a total of more than 29,000 yuan." Xiaowen's cousin Ms. Ma said.

Dejiajun concluded: We all know the essence of MLM, but it is difficult to define it. Operations like this loan plus MLM model will definitely bring very big hidden dangers to society. I hope that the relevant departments can draw attention as soon as possible and be more vigilant. At the same time, Dejiajun reminds everyone that everyone has a love for beauty, but consumption You must be sensible, you must find a formal organization, a guaranteed organization, and do not be greedy for cheap. When signing a contract, you must read the terms carefully. If you are unsure, ask other friends to help you analyze it. Finally, De Jiajun wants to say, no matter you are good-looking or not, a girl who is confident and smart will look more beautiful!

Plastic Surgery Hospital MLM Scam 3

Plastic surgery hospitals refer to medical institutions that specialize in plastic surgery and beauty services. They must have medical and health qualifications and the conditions to perform surgical operations, and are established with permission from the health department.

According to the "Measures for the Hierarchical Management of Hospitals", plastic surgery hospitals in China are divided into first, second and third levels for management based on different functions.

Plastic surgery category

In layman's terms, plastic surgery is body sculpting, which is to correct the parts (face or body) that you are not satisfied with through surgery to achieve the desired appearance. What is different from ordinary plastic surgery is that its main purpose is to beautify and make certain parts of the face or body look better. The parts are more beautiful.

Plastic surgery refers to the use of surgeries, drugs, medical devices and other medical techniques to repair and reshape a person's appearance and the shape of various parts of the human body, thereby enhancing the external beauty of the human body. It is a highly scientific, technical and artistic procedure. Medical science.

The main contents of plastic surgery include breast augmentation, laser rejuvenation, eyebrow plastic surgery, cheekbone plastic surgery, nose plastic surgery, forehead plastic surgery, lip plastic surgery, wrinkle removal, cosmetic injection micro plastic surgery, mandibular angle plastic surgery, etc.


Millions of people around the world undergo plastic surgery every year, and it is increasingly accepted by beauty lovers in China. Breast augmentation, wrinkle removal, and liposuction have a history of decades. After continuous improvement and improvement, they have become routine plastic surgery. Their effects are precise, quick, and long-lasting, which is unmatched by health care products such as breast enhancement cream, wrinkle removal cream, and slimming cream.

plastic surgery history

The first person to apply the word plastic to medicine was Dr. Zeis, who published a book "Handbuchder Plastischen Chirurgia" in 1838. He used the word to describe the way surgeons repair or transform body parts damaged by disease or trauma. ability. Although the term plastic surgery was coined in the 19th century, the concept of plastic surgery began to develop thousands of years ago.

The earliest surgery - 10,000B.C.: The Peruvian people of South America drilled holes in the cheekbones, and new bone formed next to the holes, indicating that the patient was still alive afterward. Although we don't know the purpose of the surgery, the technique is very similar to how modern neurosurgeons treat subdural hematomas.

The earliest plastic and reconstructive surgery - 1,000B.C.: India began to have records of reconstructing external ears or noses injured in wars. Around 400 B.C., the Indian surgeon Susruta described the use of cheek tissue to reconstruct the tip of the nose and external ears. These surgeries were attempted even before the invention of surgical sutures.

Because of the needs of patients whose nose tips were cut off in sword duels, the method of reconstructing nasal defects with upper arm flaps was developed in Central Europe in the 15th century. It was called the "Italian-style" nasal reconstruction method because Tagiacozzi of Italy vigorously advocated it. "

However, Tagliacozzi's surgery was criticized by the church at the time as "violating the will of God." He was also looked down upon by many contemporary people. For example, the French writer Voltaire mocked him in his poems, and Dr. Pare, who discovered modern wound care technology, also criticized his practices. It is said that Tagiacozzi's body was later exhumed and dumped in the wilderness as punishment.

Introduction to writers and works of Wang Botao and Guan Renshan Figure 4

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