
Contents of this article

  • 1.Are Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna married?
  • 2. Are Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna married?
  • 3. What do you think of the Jiang Yan incident?

Are Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna married?

The two of them are not married, he is married to someone else

Are Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna married?

Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna are not married. Because Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna are having an extramarital affair, and Faye Wong has a wife and cannot get married again. Marriage is legally called marriage. It refers to the civil legal act by which both spouses establish the spousal relationship in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by the law, and assume the rights, obligations and other responsibilities arising therefrom.

What do you think of the Jiang Yan incident?

According to the Beijing Morning Post and Guangzhou Daily report, why did a woman in her prime jump off a 24-story building? She revealed in her blog that it was because her husband was cheating on her. The reporter learned that the company where her husband and the "third party" worked had suspended their jobs, and they subsequently resigned. At 10 pm on December 29 last year, Jiang Yan, a 31-year-old white-collar woman, jumped to her death from her 24th-floor home in Beijing's Ocean World. In the previous two months, she closed her MSN space. Her death diary attributed the suicide to her husband's cheating. Jiang Yan’s sister said that because Jiang Yan’s husband, Mr. Wang, had never shown up and could not obtain a death certificate, her sister could not be cremated and buried.
Woman who said her husband cheated on her jumped off a 24-story building
“Today I posted the last photo on my blog, just to commemorate my failed marriage and life, I can’t forget it. "On December 26 last year, Jiang Yan posted a photo of her husband and a woman on her blog. On the 27th, she wrote her last diary entry, "Don't Say Goodbye," and published her blog, which had been closed for more than two months, after which she swallowed 300 sleeping pills.
Fortunately, his family found out in time and Jiang Yan was rescued. While crying, Jiang Yan told her sister who came over that her husband was having an extramarital affair with a colleague at the company, filed for divorce, and had moved away more than a month ago. Later, Jiang Yan’s sister stayed with Jiang Yan for more than a day. At nearly 10 o'clock in the evening on December 29 last year, Jiang Yan's sister heard Jiang Yan talking on the phone with her husband's father when she went to the toilet. When she came out, Jiang Yan had opened the living room window and jumped 24 floors down.
A man who lives on the first floor of Yuanyangtiandi Community told reporters that Jiang Yan landed in the courtyard of the household when he jumped from the building. “I was sitting in the house when I heard a loud noise and thought the flower pot had fallen. When I went out, I saw it was a person. After seven or eight minutes, a woman came downstairs and asked me if someone had fallen. I said yes. The man was already hopeless and had smashed the floor. "
Wrote a death blog before committing suicide
The content of the blog showed that Jiang Yan had been planning his suicide for two months. On October 28 last year, a week after her husband, Mr. Wang, filed for divorce, Jiang Yan closed her blog: "Today, the BLOG is officially closed... From today to the next two months, everything recorded here will , will be my last diary. Two months later, it’s the day I leave...”
In his two-month blog, Jiang Yan recorded bit by bit her despair after discovering that her husband had a “third party” and how she planned to die. The blog stated that she had given up on death and planned to reconcile with her husband, but her husband did not look back and she could only continue her death plan. Two days before committing suicide, Jiang Yan uploaded photos of her husband and a "third party" and published them Name.
Jiang Yan described in her blog the pain and despair that her husband's "third party" brought to her, and recorded how she planned her death step by step. On December 27 last year, Jiang Yan swallowed sleeping pills, but was discovered in time.
Jiang Yan's sister said in her blog that her sister had devoted a lot to this relationship and marriage. She had worked hard to make money for her husband to go to school, but because she took it too seriously, she became so desperate when faced with betrayal. She also accused in her blog that during the 40 hours after her sister came out of the hospital, Mr. Wang's family members, including "third parties," kept calling and verbally stimulating her sister, which was an important reason for her jumping off the building.
"Human flesh search" launched again
In early January this year, Jiang Yan's blog was reposted by netizens on major forums, causing heated discussions. Netizens condemned Jiang Yan's husband, Mr. Wang, and the "third party", and A quick search revealed the workplace, phone number, MSN and other information of Mr. Wang and the "third party". Later, Jiang Yan's husband Faye Wong also issued a statement online, giving another "version" of the incident and claiming: "The Internet is heaven, but it is also hell. Reality and nothingness coexist. No matter what the outcome, I believe that in the relevant As the agency gradually investigates the matter, things will eventually come to light. We believe in the Internet, but we believe in reality more. Justice only exists in reality. ” However, this move not only failed to calm the anger of netizens, but instead added fuel to the fire. They believed that it was “confusing right and wrong” and launched further “human flesh searches”.
Then, the forum posted that Faye Wong's Saatchi & Saatchi advertising company expressed its condolences for Jiang Yan's misfortune and decided to fire Faye Wong and the third party (all employees).
Things are difficult to do after the husband does not show up
A staff member of the company where Mr. Wang works said that the company held a meeting last Friday and decided to suspend the work of Mr. Wang and the rumored "third party". Subsequently, the two voluntarily resigned and left the company. The company has issued a statement and posted it on the Tianya website.
The reporter contacted Jiang Yan's sister. She told the reporter that she had been mentally and physically exhausted recently. Her mother had just suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized yesterday morning. She was out of danger and was hospitalized for observation in the afternoon. After Jiang Yan's death, Mr. Wang never showed up, and Jiang Yan's body was still in the morgue because it was impossible to obtain a death certificate without her husband's presence, and could not be cremated or buried. “Now I just want to take care of my sister’s funeral affairs, but as her husband, I don’t even show my face. The Wang family even believed that it was our posting online that caused his family to lose their jobs, and they wanted to be held accountable. "
Lawyer appointed by the Wang family: There are two versions of the statement
Yesterday, lawyer Zhao hired by the Wang family told reporters that he was entrusted to negotiate with the Jiang family on how to deal with Jiang Yan's funeral. “I haven’t had any contact with the Jiang family so far, and I didn’t expect things to turn out like this. When asked whether he was planning to sue Jiang Yan's sister for online infringement as stated online, lawyer Zhao said: "Not yet. Whether I will sue in the future will be decided by my client." "
Lawyer Zhao said that what the Wang family told him was different from what the Jiang family said online. "I can't say anything about these things. Both families have different stories, two versions. "

The above is all about the photos of Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna, are Faye Wong and Dongfang Enna married, and the related content of Dongfang Enna. I hope it can help you.

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