
Contents of this article

  • 1. My teacher’s fourth grade composition
  • 2. My teacher’s fourth grade composition
  • 3. My teacher’s fourth grade composition
  • 4. Do you have any pictures of Wang Yitong, who plays Tian Xiaoqin in Clear Water?

My teacher fourth grade composition

Whether in school or in society, everyone must be exposed to composition. Composition is a literary style that is composed of words and expresses the meaning of a theme through language organization after human thought. So how is a general composition written? Below is my teacher’s fourth-grade composition that I compiled for you. It is for reference only. You are welcome to read it.

My teacher fourth grade composition 1

In my memory, Teacher Zhuo is my most admired teacher.

I remember when I first entered kindergarten, my grandma sent me to school. Grandma and the teacher talked for a while and then left. I also wanted to go back with grandma. Suddenly, a big hand grabbed me. I was startled and turned around suddenly. It was Teacher Zhuo. When I turned around again, my grandma was no longer there. I think how lonely a person is! As I thought about it, I couldn't help but burst into tears. "Be good, don't cry! Grandma is gone, and there are still teachers and children. Your name is Fu Jiaying, right? What a nice name! Your father and mother hope you are smart and capable. Look, such a beautiful little face is crying The teacher is very distressed." As he said this, Teacher Zhuo frowned and touched his heart. Seeing the teacher's funny expression, I couldn't help crying but laughing. Seeing me smiling, the teacher led me to the classroom. I remembered that my first teacher was Teacher Zhuo.

I just started to take a nap, and I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. I finally fell asleep once, but my legs kept cramping and it was very uncomfortable. After Teacher Zhuo found out, he asked worriedly: "Fu Jiaying, what's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?" Unfortunately, my back was turned to her, my voice seemed to be stuck, and big beads of sweat fell from my head. When the teacher saw me holding my feet, he understood immediately, helped me rub my feet, and kept comforting me. I felt like a mother was stroking her daughter's feet, and the pain stopped after a while.

Several years have passed, and I still can't forget my first teacher - Teacher Zhuo.

My teacher fourth grade composition 2

Teacher Wang is serious in class and her explanations are vivid. We can never forget the texts and words she teaches. She speaks kindly and never scolds her classmates. Her class is very popular and we all like her. She is very patient with her classmates. When we first entered school, we didn't know how to abide by the school rules and didn't listen to Teacher Wang at all in class. Although Teacher Wang was angry, he couldn't bear to scold us. Later, Teacher Wang added game activities during class, and students who performed well could even get small prizes! Gradually, everyone stopped playing with things. , she patiently tutors students who have learning difficulties after class. With her help, our class's Chinese language assessment has been greatly improved. !

This is my Chinese teacher. She is amiable and cares about us like a mother. I am proud to have such a teacher!

The music came to mind when I was doing homework, when I was surfing the Internet, and it sounded in the dead of night; but I always felt that there was something wrong with it, oh, "it was too low." I regretted it. I originally wanted to perform well, but; for the sake of a better future , for the future of mankind, let hope and faith be the beacon of progress, guiding us to create a better future. One day during the winter vacation, I was doing homework at home.

My teacher fourth grade composition 3

In my study life, I have met many teachers. Some of them are knowledgeable, some are gentle and approachable, and some have sweet voices. But there is one teacher I will never forget. Every time I think about composition class, she seems to be a ray of sunshine shining into my heart.

My composition teacher is very beautiful, with long black shawl hair and a pair of bright big eyes like a pool of lake water, always looking at us tenderly. Her voice is warm and sweet, just like the breeze in March, the flowing water of the creek, and those beautiful poems and articles are more poetic and picturesque when read from her mouth.

In that composition class, Zhang Liwen from our class raised her hand and asked how to write the word "convex". She thought for a while and said, "The teacher doesn't know this word. Can any classmate tell us?" I raised my hand excitedly and ran On the podium, Gonggong neatly wrote the word "convex". Unexpectedly, at the end of get out of class, the teacher said in front of the whole class: "Thank you, Wang Yitong, for teaching me a word." I was so proud at this moment. No one had ever praised me so kindly.

Since then, I have met many teachers who were gentle and seemed to know everything, but they were far from teaching me as much as that female teacher. Her humility and her unstinting praise for others made me grow up suddenly. So what if she can't write that word? She gave me precious confidence.

My teacher fourth grade composition 4

Our class has a new head teacher this semester. Although the school started not long ago, I have a deep impression on her.

Her surname is Zhang and her name is Zhang Zhen. She is about 1.58 meters tall and has a slender figure. Her long curly hair is tied into a ponytail. She walks with a toss and is very energetic.

Class is over, and with the footsteps of "tap-tap-tap", the teacher walks up to the podium. Her voice is soft and moving, her eyes are kind, and she always smiles when she teaches us. Especially the teacher's handwriting is very beautiful. Every time the teacher writes chalk words on the blackboard, I am amazed. It would be great if I could also write such words!

The teacher is very concerned about us. I remember last Friday, Guo Ruiyu had a headache. The teacher found out and called Guo Ruiyu’s father quickly. Afterwards, the teacher took an electronic thermometer and measured Guo Ruiyu. It was inaccurate, so the teacher had to borrow an ordinary thermometer. It showed that he didn't have a fever. The teacher called Guo Ruiyu's father to reassure him and gave Guo Ruiyu some water. Afterwards, I was very touched. Teacher Zhang treated us like mothers.

When we were in third grade, our slogan was: I work hard! I'm making progress! I succeeded! The slogan Teacher Zhang gave us this semester is: Work hard! come on! I'm the best! The teacher hopes that each of our students will be the best!

This is our new teacher Zhang. I will always support you. I firmly believe that you can make our class better!

My teacher fourth grade composition 5

My math teacher's surname is Liang, and everyone calls him the "Chalk Man" because she will use her special skill "chalk attack" when she sees someone violating discipline during class. She would throw a piece of chalk down and hit you squarely in the head, a relatively light attack of course, but the whole class would be quiet.

My math teacher always likes to wear a purple dress and blue pants. When she is happy, she often reduces our homework and rewards us with some candies and cookies. We are really lucky!

However, teachers are no joke when they are angry. They often add homework and cancel our favorite computer classes, art classes and physical education classes.

Teacher Liang often takes us to practice some difficult problems. In the third grade, there was a class called "Investigation and Practice". We originally thought that the teacher would definitely not take us there, but Teacher Liang often took us to practice classes and evolved by ourselves. Topics, so that we can quickly understand what this lesson is about and find ways to solve the problems ourselves.

This is my math teacher——Liang Tao.

My teacher fourth grade composition 6

All the teachers in our class are "martial arts masters". Why do you say that? Let me tell you one by one.

Mathematics teacher, Teacher Luo: She is the legendary "King of Punishers". Do you know why I say this? That’s because: If a certain classmate does not obey the rules, then Teacher Luo will ask that classmate to copy the words 500 times. From then on, our class had very good discipline and was often praised by the teacher.

English teacher, Teacher Huang: She is a veritable "King of Talking". Whenever she found a classmate in a daze in English class, she would say: "There is a classmate in our class. He doesn't know what he is doing or what he is looking at. Is that gold?" Kan Wang also has a trick: "Chalk" "Cannonball" That time, a classmate was drawing pictures, and the teacher threw the chalk tip in his hand, and the classmate was successfully "shot in the head" by the teacher.

There are other teachers in our class. Today I will introduce these two. How about your teacher? Please introduce them too!

My teacher fourth grade composition 7

The teacher is our wings to fly to the sky, and she is also the king of Lilliput. She gives us all hope. She hopes that her students will learn knowledge well and win glory for her. There is a teacher named Zhong Lili, she is my best teacher.

Teacher Zhong is so beautiful and kind. She has a pair of beautiful eyebrows and a pair of big eyes under her eyebrows. Her mouth is eloquent and very powerful. Teacher Zhong also has brown curly hair. Normally, Teacher Zhong wears fashionable and beautiful clothes. She is really a fashionista!

Teacher Zhong is not only as beautiful as a flower, but her soul is even more beautiful!

That day I heard that Teacher Zhong’s grandma passed away. Teacher Zhong was in the office. We went to see her and she was crying with her hands on her napkin. She cried all day long and her eyes were red from crying. However, she still came to class in the afternoon. In order not to delay our study, she still came to class. We were surprised to have such a good teacher.

The next day, Teacher Zhong went to see his deceased grandma and came back in the afternoon. The teacher's face was very ugly, and she told everyone about her night: I stayed with my grandma last night and didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock. At 3 o'clock, my father said that my mother was sick, so I went to stay with my mother again until 7 o'clock. I came to school in a hurry and didn’t wash my face. After listening to these words, we felt that Teacher Zhong was really a daughter who respected her parents.

Teacher Zhong is a great and good teacher.

My teacher fourth grade composition 8

My favorite teacher is Teacher Chen, she is an "alternative" teacher. What's special about her is her special abilities.

Special function one: Her eyes can talk. Once, I was doing some tricks in class. Suddenly, I seemed to be stared at by the teacher. I turned around and found that the teacher was looking at me with those bright eyes, as if to say: "xxx, don't talk." I immediately corrected my attitude, and the teacher's eyes He said to me again: "This is the right thing."

Special function two: Nose is good. During an exam, a classmate ate during the exam, and the aroma only came out a little bit, but the teacher had a very good nose and smelled it all at once, and said: "xxx, come up and deduct 10 points." The classmate had no choice but to Go up obediently.

Special function three: "Smooth ear". One time during class, some students were talking. They spoke softly and could not be heard by those who were not paying attention. However, the teacher heard him and said, "Some students are talking. Pay attention!" The classroom suddenly became quiet. After a while, the two classmates couldn't help but stop talking and spoke softly. No matter how soft the voice was, the teacher still heard it and ran over to beat them both.

Although Teacher Chen is "alternative", this can make us pay attention. We are very serious in class and love reading very much.

My teacher fourth grade composition 9

The new semester has begun, and we have a new teacher. He is very kind and everyone is very happy.

In the first class, the teacher walked into the classroom with a smile on his face, introduced himself first, and then carefully wrote twelve words on the blackboard with a pen: Be an upright person and do things seriously. This is what he says in the first lesson of every level he teaches. At this time, I felt that there was something special about this teacher. What happened next was even more unbelievable. The teacher began to assign homework to us, and assigned homework to ourselves; writing on the left hand; reading notes; taking news; washing the feet of parents, pouring water, and saying blessing words. What kind of homework is this? Everyone was talking about it, and the two-foot-long monk was confused. The teacher looked at us with a smile.

In the next few days, we really felt the charm of this teacher. It turned out that she also liked to play football and table tennis. She was also like a child, arguing with us over a controversial ball during the game. We quickly became friends and talked about everything. I think the teacher is good at everything, but he is a bit lazy in class. She didn't analyze and explain the text to us like the previous teachers. Instead, she always asked us to look up the dictionary, discuss, and ask questions... She would come over and ask about this and that. She always praises anyone who stumps her. Haha, that time I asked him to praise him in front of the whole class, which made me happy for several days! I like this Chinese teacher.

My teacher fourth grade composition 10

"The silkworm's silk will not be exhausted until it dies, and the wax torch will turn to ashes before its tears dry up." The teacher is like the spring silkworm spinning silk, dedicating his life to the students without reservation; the teacher is like a candle, burning himself and illuminating the students.

My head teacher is a female teacher named Zeng. She also teaches us Chinese. He is an amiable teacher. She has a pair of bright big eyes, black and shiny hair, a sweet mouth, and a pair of dexterous hands. Teacher Zeng’s eloquence and writing are very good.

Teacher Zeng taught me many things: writing, recognizing words, keeping diaries, etc. When I was doing homework, my ink fell down. By the time I finished cleaning up, half of the class time had passed. I was so anxious that I wrote my homework quickly. The teacher saw me doing my homework in a hurry. He walked to me and saw my homework. The words suddenly became scrawled, and he frowned unconsciously. I saw the teacher looking at my handwriting, and I looked at it too. Only then did I realize that my handwriting was very sloppy, and I thought to myself: Oh no, I was just trying to be quick and didn't pay attention to the handwriting. The teacher will definitely scold me. But the teacher looked at the ground, slowly relaxed his frown, and said kindly: "Write slowly, I will give you time, but you must write the words well." I felt a ray of sunshine shining into my heart. , I feel very warm because teachers usually curse in this situation.

Teacher Zeng’s teachings were like spring breeze and rain, laying a good foundation for me. I will try my best to be a useful person to society in the future. In addition to repaying my parents, I would also like to thank her for her careful cultivation.

My teacher fourth grade composition 11

My Chinese teacher is Teacher Chen. Her thick black shawl long hair is like a black waterfall pouring down from the top of the mountain, exuding a natural and simple charm. Under her thick eyebrows, there is a pair of piercing eyes, like two shiny black gems. She has a small cherry mouth, which is as red as a pomegranate. When she smiles, she reveals two sweet lips. With dimples, Teacher Chen is like the beautiful goddess Athena in Greek legend.

Teacher Chen’s voice is very beautiful, comparable to that of an announcer. When Teacher Chen took the first Chinese class, I fell in love with her. Her frustrated reading voice brought us into the colorful world one by one. In the text, I listened to beautiful and touching stories.

Thank you Teacher Chen for everything you have done for us. I know you are heartbroken for us. During nap time at noon, you always like to correct our homework and manage us, but we are still disobedient. Although Teacher Chen only spent two weeks with us, I felt your dedication and hard work for the class. Your tolerance, smile, and teachings are deeply imprinted in my mind.

"The spring silkworms will die only when they die, and the wax torches will turn to ashes before their tears dry up." Every sentence and every word you said, Teacher Chen, is deeply imprinted in my mind and exudes colorful light.

My teacher fourth grade composition 12

Teacher Li is our class teacher. She is my favorite teacher. She loves us like a mother.

Teacher Li is of medium height and is always amiable to us. I remember when I first went to school, my handwriting was crooked and twisted, and I always erased it with an eraser. It seemed that my homework was always in a mess. . Every time I submit my homework to Teacher Li for approval, I always feel very nervous, for fear that I will not get the best results. However, Teacher Li can always find a few words that look good in my homework and mark them with five red stars. , and then said to me with a smile: "Sun Bo, your handwriting has improved, but you have to move faster next time!" After listening to Teacher Li's encouragement, I felt happy, and secretly made up my mind to do it better next time. Write better and faster.

Although Teacher Li is always very amiable, he is very strict with us in study. I remember that last semester I had a very bad score in the Chinese language test, and many of the wrong questions were because of my carelessness. Teacher Li criticized me very severely in class and asked me to remember this lesson and get rid of my careless bad habits next time.

This is my favorite teacher Li, a good teacher who cares about and considers us in our studies just like a mother.

My teacher fourth grade composition 13

My teacher is tall, with thin eyebrows and big bright eyes. He looks very energetic. Her long black hair is tied into a ponytail, and she often wears a beautiful headband, which looks very good.

The teacher is so kind to us. Every time there is a holiday, the teacher will spend it with us. One Christmas, the teacher bought many gifts, the most eye-catching of which were two beautiful cakes. We also dressed up the classroom beautifully and put on red Christmas hats. The teacher also taught us how to say English eats cake and teaches us to sing Christmas carols! The students had a very happy time during that festival.

When the teacher is in class, she will ask us to sit upright and listen carefully. The teacher's class is particularly attractive to us, because the teacher will give us interesting lessons with some particularly beautiful pictures, allowing us to learn knowledge seriously, and we can also attend class and leave get out of class easily.

Teacher Wang is so kind to us. Sometimes when we are hungry, the teacher will bring out some snacks for us to eat after class. The teacher really cares about us like a mother.

Every time the teacher's voice becomes hoarse, he still teaches us loudly, just so that we can learn more knowledge. Our teachers are so great!

I love my teacher. This is our head teacher, Teacher Wang.

My teacher fourth grade composition 14

You are like a candle that lights yourself and illuminates others; you are like rain and dew, bathing us, the seedlings; you are like a gardener, protecting the flowers of our motherland. You will definitely know it is the teacher at first guess. From the first grade to the fourth grade of elementary school, our class has had two Chinese teachers. The one who impressed me the most is the current fourth grade Chinese teacher, Mr. Ge.

He is of medium build, with short hair. He looks energetic and very thin. At first glance, there is nothing special about him, but upon closer inspection, hey, Teacher Ge’s eyes can speak. In class, whenever any of his classmates strays or talks nonsense, his eyes will glare, as if to say: "Why are you talking nonsense again?" ." The whole class immediately became quiet and sat upright.

Teacher Ge also has some strange tricks in teaching. For example, in order to improve our writing skills, he makes us feel the joy of writing by reading aloud composition papers. He not only imparted knowledge to us, but also taught us how to behave, saying that only those who know how to behave can do things. He is usually very strict with us and always considers us.

Teacher Ge is very concerned about each student's health and homework. If a classmate is sick, he will pay special attention to it. He will also tutor the students on their missed homework. If you have questions you don't understand, you can ask your classmates or her.

I like my teacher Ge.

My teacher fourth grade composition 15

She is gentle and her smile is as beautiful as a flower!

She is serious. She once held my little hand and practiced calligraphy stroke by stroke!

She is my first teacher, Teacher You. When I mention Teacher You, I can’t help but think of that incident:

It was a hot summer and I was a second grade primary school student. After class, all the classmates ran out to play, and I was no exception! When I was happily playing with my classmates, my foot accidentally hit the corner of the table and was scratched by the iron piece on it. I yelled: "Ah! It hurts me so much!" Zhu Ruiqi rushed over and helped me to the infirmary, but there was no one in the infirmary. What should I do? We went directly to Teacher You's office. I saw Teacher You carefully marking the homework. Teacher You saw me coming and asked hurriedly: "Wang Xuening, what's wrong?" I told the teacher that I accidentally knocked on the corner of the table! Teacher You simply put down the homework in his hand, Rush to find a band-aid. Teacher You helped me to the chair and said to me as he put it on me: "Does it hurt?..." I endured the pain and said: "It doesn't hurt at all! It's okay!"

Before leaving, Teacher You said to me: "Be careful in the future! Stop playing around. What if there is any danger? Go back slowly!" These caring words made me happy. My heart immediately became warm!

Even when I grow up, I will never forget my first teacher - Teacher You!

Wang Yitong's picture, my teacher's fourth grade composition picture 1

My teacher fourth grade composition

  In our daily study, work or life, the most familiar thing to everyone is composition. Composition is a narrative method that expresses the meaning of a theme through words. Still at a loss for composition? Below are my teachers’ fourth-grade compositions (selected 12) that I collected for everyone. They are for reference only. Let’s take a look.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 1

  My teacher is tall, with thin eyebrows and big bright eyes. He looks very energetic. Her long black hair is tied into a ponytail, and she often wears a beautiful headband, which looks very good.

  The teacher is so kind to us. Every time there is a holiday, the teacher will spend it with us. One Christmas, the teacher bought many gifts, the most eye-catching of which were two beautiful cakes. We also dressed up the classroom beautifully and put on red Christmas hats. The teacher also taught us how to say English eats cake and teaches us to sing Christmas carols! The students had a very happy time during that festival.

  When the teacher is in class, she will ask us to sit upright and listen carefully. The teacher's class is particularly attractive to us, because the teacher will give us interesting lessons with some particularly beautiful pictures, allowing us to learn knowledge seriously, and we can also attend class and leave get out of class easily.

  Teacher Wang is so kind to us. Sometimes when we are hungry, the teacher will bring out some snacks for us to eat after class. The teacher really cares about us like a mother.

  Every time the teacher's voice becomes hoarse, he still teaches us loudly, just so that we can learn more knowledge. Our teachers are so great!

  I love my teacher. This is our head teacher, Teacher Wang.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 2

  In my mind, there is an impressive teacher. She teaches composition, her surname is Zheng, and we all call her "Teacher Zheng".

  Teacher Zheng has fair skin, is thin and tall, and likes to wear a pink skirt. She has long, shiny black hair, which flows down like a waterfall. Teacher Zheng has a round face, two eyebrows curved like two crescent moons, and a pair of big watery eyes underneath, and he can "talk"! Whenever she saw someone not paying attention in class, Teacher Zheng would stare at him closely, as if to say: "Listen carefully in class." When a classmate did not dare to answer a question because he was afraid, Teacher Zheng looked at him with a smile, as if to encourage him: "Be brave!" Teacher Zheng wore a pair of glasses on his tall nose, and there was a pair of glasses underneath. The little cherry mouth is always raised with a slight smile. How kind!

  Teacher Zheng is not only kind, but also very responsible. During class, she always tells us various stories so that we can understand the knowledge and apply what we have learned. When correcting, Teacher Zheng always corrects very carefully. Even if there is a punctuation error, she will sternly point it out to us. Come, although Teacher Zheng speaks harshly, she will patiently explain to us one by one after each speech and guide us to make corrections until we understand and master it.

  This is my composition teacher, a kind but strict and responsible teacher!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 3

  Look, this female teacher with short hair, tall body, and a smile on her face is our class teacher-Teacher Li.

  Teacher Li has brown-red hair and wears a pair of myopia glasses in front of her medium-sized eyes. She usually wears pants and never wears skirts. Teacher Li is both serious and lively. When she is lively, she plays with us like a child; when she is serious, the class becomes silent.

  This year's "June 1" Children's Day, our school will hold a singing competition. After our class learned the news, we entered intense training. During training, if we did not sing well, Teacher Li would say to us with a straight face: "Sing again!" If we sang well, Teacher Li would say to us half in vernacular and half in Mandarin: " Hey, that's right!" She used this method to train us to sing and give us confidence. On the day of the competition, our class won first place in the grade with excellent results!

  Teacher Li not only has strict requirements on our studies, but also encourages us to do well in other aspects. I remember one time, I was going to participate in the softball game of the school sports meeting. I became nervous before the game started. At this time, Teacher Li came over She encouraged me and took a deep breath and put it in my heart. She said that this was the "reassurance" she gave me. The game started, and I tried my best to throw the softball. Although it wasn't very far, I had already made progress.

  This is the class teacher that all the students like - Teacher Li.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 4

  In my study life, I have met many teachers. Some of them are knowledgeable, some are gentle and approachable, and some have sweet voices. But there is one teacher I will never forget. Every time I think about composition class, she seems to be a ray of sunshine shining into my heart.

  My composition teacher is very beautiful, with long black shawl hair and a pair of bright big eyes like a pool of lake water, always looking at us tenderly. Her voice is warm and sweet, just like the breeze in March, the flowing water of the creek, and those beautiful poems and articles are more poetic and picturesque when read from her mouth.

  In that composition class, Zhang Liwen from our class raised her hand and asked how to write the word "convex". She thought for a while and said, "The teacher doesn't know this word. Can any classmate tell us?" I raised my hand excitedly and ran On the podium, Gonggong neatly wrote the word "convex". Unexpectedly, at the end of get out of class, the teacher said in front of the whole class: "Thank you, Wang Yitong, for teaching me a word." I was so proud at this moment. No one had ever praised me so kindly.

  Since then, I have met many teachers who were gentle and seemed to know everything, but they were far from teaching me as much as that female teacher. Her humility and her unstinting praise for others made me grow up suddenly. So what if she can't write that word? She gave me precious confidence.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 5

  My teacher wears many masks: when she is angry, her temper is as scary as a tiger; when she is happy, her face is like a blooming flower; when she is playing with us, she is like a naughty child... In private, we They all call her "The Variety Teacher".

  "Miao Junyi!" Look, the teacher got angry again, "What's wrong with you? Where's the homework I asked you to make up yesterday? Why didn't you write a word?" We were so frightened that we didn't dare to say anything.

  I quietly raised my head, wow, the teacher had become so scary: his eyes were wide open, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out, his face was flushed, and his chest was heaving... I lowered my head and quietly I listened quietly to the teacher's earnest instructions and thought to myself: "I will have to skip my homework in the future and make the teacher angry. This is no joke."

  After class, the teacher leaned against the pillar and watched us dancing rubber bands, her eyes narrowed into a line with a smile. As we watched, the teacher couldn't help but walked towards us: "I'll join you too, okay?" Of course we welcomed it. You see, the teacher is following Gu Sifan. Gu Sifan raises his left foot, and she also raises her left foot; Gu Sifan jumps forward, and she jumps forward too. As we jumped, Gu Sifan's speed became faster and faster. The teacher was so anxious that he shouted: "Gu Sifan, please slow down, I'm just learning and can't keep up with you." We laughed when we saw the teacher in a hurry. The teacher also laughed...

  This is my beloved "Various Teacher" Teacher Zhang.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 6

  Flowers are grateful to the rain and dew, because the rain and dew nourish them to grow; the goshawk is grateful to the blue sky, because the blue sky allows it to soar; the mountains are grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it tower high;... I am grateful to many people, and I want to be grateful to my teacher.

  I used to be more introverted and a bit taciturn. When encountering job competition, the competition is rarely challenging. I always think that it is all in vain, and I don’t even want to try. Be willing to be a little ordinary, but also happy. The biggest breakthrough was becoming the monitor.

  Since your appearance, teacher, you have given me great courage and given me opportunities again and again to know myself and transcend myself.

  Teacher, you made me understand: Opportunities are always around you, the key is to rely on yourself to fight for them, fight for them with your strength, and leave no regrets. Teacher, you gave me confidence and the strength to move forward, allowing me to overcome my shortcomings and strive to become an excellent student. I will definitely continue to work hard and strive to get better in all aspects!

  For us, you exhausted your body; for us, you neglected your children; for us, you gave all your efforts. If someone asks me which emotion is the greatest in the world, I will tell him without hesitation - the love between teachers and students. It is not family affection, but it is more selfless; it is not love, but it is sweeter. It is the most beautiful true love in the world.

  "Once a teacher, always a father." Teacher, you are our greatest mother. Love is speechless, I just want to say the simplest words "Teacher, thank you!" to express the most sincere gratitude and best wishes in my heart.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 7

  Teacher Wang was our former math teacher and deputy head teacher, and one of my favorite teachers, but Teacher Wang moved away.

  Teacher Wang's hair is slightly curly and is yellowish and black. The teacher speaks in a loud voice and writes sonorously and forcefully without dragging his feet. Teacher Wang's lectures are lively and will not drag the class. You see: Teacher Wang walks into the classroom with brisk steps and teaches us mathematics. "Students, do you know the direction?" There was an affirmative reply in the classroom: "Yes! Of course I know!" "Okay, let's enter today's classroom location and direction!" Teacher Wang said. "East, south, west, and north represent four directions respectively, but how to distinguish southeast from northwest? Now, Teacher Wang will teach you a method! Everyone knows about counterclockwise and clockwise. It has a lot to do with southeast, northwest, and northwest! Clockwise In the past, they were east, south, west and north, forming a 'cross' shape. Do you know?" "Yes!" everyone answered in unison. Teacher Wang used to be a class teacher! Specializing in teaching Chinese! He has won "Top Ten Class Teachers in Tiantaigang Garden Campus of Tiantaigang Primary School" and "Key Teacher of Tiantaigang Garden Campus"... They are all the pride of our Class 4 (1)! Teacher Wang, we are so proud of you! Teacher Wang, I miss you so much. How are you at Shanghai City Campus?

  My teacher fourth grade composition 8

  Our teacher Zhong has a tall nose and short hair, and looks very capable. She has a pair of eyes that are like black gems. Those eyes are extraordinary. They are two pairs of eyes that can "talk". As long as a classmate makes a small move in class, the teacher will cast a stern look at that classmate, so that the students who slip away dare not not listen carefully. But in normal times, the teacher's eyes are always smiling and very approachable.

  During class, the teacher will use humorous and vivid language to increase our interest in learning, lead us innocent and ignorant children into the palace of knowledge, and let us swim in the ocean of knowledge. After class, the teacher cares and loves us more. Once a classmate falls, the teacher will immediately run over, ask him if he was broken, and comfort the injured classmate with kind words.

  I remember one day, we were standing in line, the sun was shining high, and we were all sweating profusely. When the teacher saw the first-grade classmates leaving, he immediately motioned to the monitor to take us there. Because the place where the first graders stood in line was covered by the shadow of the teaching building, it was very cool. I stood there feeling happy. I thought to myself: The teacher is so kind. She knows that we are about to be "stunned", and she is like a mother who is always concerned about us in learning the subtleties of life!

  ah! Teacher, if we are small trees, you are the fertile land, allowing us to grow vigorously; if we are birds, you are the vast sky, allowing us to fly to our heart's content; if we are small fish, you are the sea, allowing us to Have fun playing. Teacher, you have worked hard and I wish you a happy Teacher's Day.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 9

  There is a person in my heart. She cultivated me and turned me from a little green shoot that knew nothing into a big and thriving tree. She is indispensable in my life. She is the "teacher".

  Teachers have taught us to be serious, honest, and trustworthy. If there is no teacher in my life, my life will no longer be beautiful. She is kind to us and gentle to us. Who is the hardest worker in our daily life? Who is the one who stays up all night preparing lessons for us in order to train us? It is the teacher who works the hardest. It is the teacher who is the one who stays up all night preparing lessons for us in order to train us. We have finished writing There is nothing to do with homework, but the teacher has to prepare for our class tomorrow. In addition to taking care of the children in our class, the teacher also has her own children. The teacher is very busy in a day, and she has to take care of us and the directors. Tasks assigned to teachers. Although the teacher sometimes loses his temper, it is not because of us. If we do this well and do not procrastinate, will the teacher still lose his temper? We now have such good living conditions and kind teachers giving us lectures, but no one knows how to cherish them. Who is the best person in the world? He is the "teacher". The teacher took us from first grade to graduation and watched us grow up. The teacher understood my joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. I feel honored to have such a good teacher.

  Teacher, you are a memory that I can never forget in my life. You are a good teacher in my heart.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 10

  You are like a candle that lights yourself and illuminates others; you are like rain and dew, bathing us, the seedlings; you are like a gardener, protecting the flowers of our motherland. You will definitely know it is the teacher at first guess. From the first grade to the fourth grade of elementary school, our class has had two Chinese teachers. The one who impressed me the most is the current fourth grade Chinese teacher, Mr. Ge.

  He is of medium build, with short hair. He looks energetic and very thin. At first glance, there is nothing special about him, but upon closer inspection, hey, Teacher Ge’s eyes can speak. In class, whenever any of his classmates strays or talks nonsense, his eyes will glare, as if to say: "Why are you talking nonsense again?" ." The whole class immediately became quiet and sat upright.

  Teacher Ge also has some strange tricks in teaching. For example, in order to improve our writing skills, he makes us feel the joy of writing by reading aloud composition papers. He not only imparted knowledge to us, but also taught us how to behave, saying that only those who know how to behave can do things. He is usually very strict with us and always considers us.

  Teacher Ge is very concerned about each student's health and homework. If a classmate is sick, he will pay special attention to it. He will also tutor the students on their missed homework. If you have questions you don't understand, you can ask your classmates or her.

  I like my teacher Ge.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 11

  The new semester has begun, and we have a new teacher. He is very kind and everyone is very happy.

  In the first class, the teacher walked into the classroom with a smile on his face, introduced himself first, and then carefully wrote twelve words on the blackboard with a pen: Be an upright person and do things seriously. This is what he says in the first lesson of every level he teaches. At this time, I felt that there was something special about this teacher. What happened next was even more unbelievable. The teacher began to assign homework to us, and assigned homework to ourselves; writing on the left hand; reading notes; taking news; washing the feet of parents, pouring water, and saying blessing words. What kind of homework is this? Everyone was talking about it, and the two-foot-long monk was confused. The teacher looked at us with a smile.

  In the next few days, we really felt the charm of this teacher. It turned out that she also liked to play football and table tennis. She was also like a child, arguing with us over a controversial ball during the game. We quickly became friends and talked about everything. I think the teacher is good at everything, but he is a bit lazy in class. She didn't analyze and explain the text to us like the previous teachers. Instead, she always asked us to look up the dictionary, discuss, and ask questions... She would come over and ask about this and that. She always praises anyone who stumps her. Haha, that time I asked him to praise him in front of the whole class, which made me happy for several days! I like this Chinese teacher.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 12

  The teacher is selfless, the teacher is loving, and the teacher's love for the students is great. I feel a lot of love from my teachers. Our head teacher, Mr. Zou, is serious and strict with our study requirements and hopes that we will be better.

  The most unforgettable thing for me is the writing competition at the beginning of school. Teacher Zou has very high requirements for our classmates. He hopes that we can achieve excellent results in this competition and requires us to prepare in advance. Three days before the competition, each student was given three pages of paper for the writing competition and asked to copy the text "The Old Man and the Seagull" to learn new words. He also specifically asked him to write seriously and calmly after returning home.

  In this competition, I didn't write carefully. I finished it quickly and handed it in. As a result, my performance in the competition was very poor. After the competition, Teacher Zou looked at the words written by the students one by one, even word by word, stroke by stroke, and selected different grades. Finally, Teacher Zou took some papers with scrawled writing in his hand and called some classmates over, including me. Teacher Zou criticized us severely and took out our excellent handwriting to set an example for us.

  Compared with those excellent words, I feel that I am too careless and do not write seriously at all.

  Teacher Zou said to me: "You must be serious about everything you do and be the best version of yourself. Only when everyone has the idea to do things well can there be hope for success." In this writing competition, our class won first place , I deeply realized that Teacher Zou’s love for us is strict love and deep love.

Wang Yitong's picture, my teacher's fourth grade composition picture 2

My teacher fourth grade composition

  In daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with composition. Composition writing can exercise our habit of being alone, calm down our mind, and think about our future direction. What kind of compositions have you seen? The following are my teacher's fourth-grade composition examples (selected 13 articles) that I compiled for you. I hope it will be helpful to you.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 1

  Our head teacher is a very strict teacher. She is tall, has big eyes, and has long black hair. She looks very neat. He also has a very cute daughter.

  Whenever he entered the classroom, there was a sudden silence, and everyone was cautious. No one wants to be criticized by the teacher at this time.

  One time a classmate in our class didn't write a diary. The teacher called him over and asked which classmate was doing his homework? Then he said he didn't write it, and the teacher got angry at him and asked him to find a place to make up for it. She asked us to write a lesson's words every day at school at noon. Another time, the teacher found a classmate folding something underneath, and the teacher asked him to hand it over and throw it out the window. Sometimes she's quite nice. When she saw that we were doing well, she gave us less homework. We had to perform very well every day, and she would not be so harsh on us. I understand that the teacher's strictness towards us is responsible for us, and it is very effective for our playful and noisy classmates. My mother also often said: "A strict teacher will produce a good disciple."

  I respect my teacher very much and like my teacher very much. Teacher, you have worked hard, we love you!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 2

  I have a dignified and simple teacher Xu.

  She is a good teacher who is serious and responsible for her work. To be honest, I like listening to Teacher Xu’s lectures the most. Teacher Xu is always smiling and energetic in class; her lectures are always clear, easy to understand and very pleasant. Listening to Teacher Xu's classes, I always feel relaxed and happy, and I also increase my knowledge. A forty-minute class always passes by unconsciously.

  I remember that Teacher Li and Teacher Zhang used to teach us and never had any spare time to read extracurricular books to us. But today's teachers are different. It's not that they don't read them, but they have to read and excerpt 1 to 2 hours of extracurricular books every day! Soon after, the teacher suggested that each of us donate 3 to 4 books, but Teacher Xu donated more than 100 books.

  Let me tell you some incredible news, our teacher Xu’s eyes can talk! It’s incredible! Human eyes can talk, how is it possible?

  I remember one time, I was in a Chinese class. I'm doing a little trick. This is Teacher Xu looking at me with a stern look, his eyes seeming to say: "Put it away quickly, or I will hand it in." Seeing this scene, I was simply shocked! Quickly put it away.

  How is my teacher? Does he envy me?

  My teacher fourth grade composition 3

  I have many teachers, Teacher Zhao for Mathematics, Teacher Chen for English, Teacher Zhang for Computer and Teacher Yang for Physical Education... I love them. Today, I would like to especially praise my Chinese teacher - Teacher Wang.

  Teacher Wang is very gentle, but sometimes a little strict. Teacher Wang’s face has changed. Every time she goes to class, Teacher Wang walks into the classroom with a smile on her face, as bright as the sun. If a classmate is not serious in class, her face will be filled with dark clouds, as if it is going to rain; She became happy, and a colorful rainbow appeared on her face, just like the sky cleared after the rain.

  Teacher Wang is so cute to us. Every time we celebrate the holidays, she will come up with various ways to celebrate the holidays. I still remember the scene when Teacher Wang gave us moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. That day, Teacher Wang bought a big bag of mooncakes and asked several classmates to distribute them to the whole class. When I got the mooncakes, I couldn't bear to eat them. Looking at the mooncakes, I felt that there was love hidden in the mooncakes... We had fun every time, The food is satisfying and makes other classes envious!

  We also love Teacher Wang. As soon as we heard that Teacher Wang was pregnant, we immediately sent small gifts to Teacher Wang. After Teacher Wang’s baby was born, I decided to make a small gift for him to play with.

  I love my good teacher!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 4

  In the morning, I hesitated as usual, picked up my lunch box and got ready to go to school. Suddenly, my mother said: "I don't have any to bring today. You go to school first. I will send them to you then."

  After I got to school, I thought about what kind of meal my mother would bring me today. It must be something delicious. After one class, two classes, and three classes, I still didn’t see my mother bring me food. I was very nervous. After school at noon, the students all took their own meals. I thought to myself: It’s already noon, why isn’t my mother coming yet? The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, and my eyes filled with tears. At this time, many classmates wanted to give me some of their meals, but I thought my mother would still deliver the meals, so they all declined the classmates' kindness. Suddenly, the door opened and Teacher Zhang came in. He asked me what happened, and I told Teacher Zhang that my mother did not come to deliver the meal. After hearing this, she wiped my tears and comforted me and said, "Don't cry. I will bring you food later." I agreed. After a while, Teacher Zhang brought some steamed buns and said to me: "Just eat the steamed buns." I looked at the steamed buns, my heart was warm, I said "thank you" and ate them.

  I ate so much of this meal and it was so delicious!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 5

  There are many people around us who deserve our admiration, such as: classmates who study hard, hard-working aunts, police uncles who get up early and work late... The person I admire the most is my teacher.

  My teacher has beautiful black hair and likes to wear it in a ponytail. She also has a pair of bright big eyes and a high bridge of nose, and she looks very delicate.

  One day, the teacher asked us to do a question. I had a question. I couldn't write one question, so I left that question blank. After a while, the teacher started to talk about the question, but I didn't understand. After class, I ran He went to the teacher and said, "Teacher, I didn't understand this question." "Here, let me have a look." After the teacher read it, he explained it to me carefully, explained in detail all the questions that I didn't know, and returned it to me. I gave you a few questions for me to do. If I still don't know how to do it, the teacher will take the trouble to explain it to me several times. He won't let me go back until I learn these questions.

  If you do something wrong, the teacher will reason with you and make you realize where you went wrong? Should it be wrong? Instead of criticizing you.

  This is my teacher, a tireless teacher, someone I admire!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 6

  My teacher’s surname is Wei, and we all call her Teacher Wei. Teacher Wei is our Chinese teacher.

  It was the beginning of the first grade, and I was in the class taught by Teacher Wei. I counted about fifty students. A month has passed and I have met many new friends, including Li Bo, Lin Han, Qi Hao, Xiang Tianyang, Zhang Yuyang... Every time Teacher Wei asks me to answer questions during class, I am full of confidence.

  In a blink of an eye, Teachers' Day has arrived. In order to express my feelings, I used my pocket money to buy a box of chocolates and put them on the teacher's desk. But unexpectedly, at the end of class that day, the teacher said: "Wang Tianqi, you are still a student. You are still a student." "The teacher has received your wish, but the chocolate teacher will give it to you, so you can take it back to eat." I had an idea and bought some fresh and elegant handmade paper to make a flower basket for the teacher. The teacher accepted it with a smile, and my heart was sweeter than eating honey.

  I will never forget the education Teacher Wei gave me, let alone the teacher’s kind and kind face. Teacher Wei, I will always love you!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 7

  My teacher has beautiful long hair, bright eyes and a red mouth. She smiles beautifully, like the most beautiful peony in the world. The words she spoke were tactful and powerful.

  When I was in the first grade, I was not very good at studying. I still remember that I did very poorly in an exam. Later, the teacher wrote me a comment. This was the first time I saw a comment written by the teacher: "It was almost a success. It would be better if I corrected a few minor problems." After reading the teacher's comments, I thought to myself that my study was not as good as the teacher said. I knew that I was very poor. From this day forward I strive to be the best version of myself. With little effort, I got rid of my little problems bit by bit, but the exam came again, and I still didn't do my best, and I wasn't much better than before. I feel guilty when I think about my academic performance, but my confidence becomes stronger when I think about the teacher's comments. As long as I keep working hard and make a little progress every day, I will succeed one day.

  I will always keep the teacher's words in mind. As long as I study hard every day and strive to make progress every day, I will improve my academic performance and I will definitely be more outstanding in the future than I am now.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 8

  My teacher’s surname is Wang. Teacher Wang’s hair is curly and long, and is often tied up with a beautiful clip. It’s so pretty! Her face is chubby and red, like a beautiful little ball: her eyebrows are thin and long, and they move when she speaks, like willow leaves dancing in the wind; her eyes are bright and sparkle like diamonds. The light; her nose is round, like an egg; her ears are small, like two small pink shells; her lips are red, like a ripe cherry; Teacher Wang also There are two rows of white teeth, like two rows of pearls; her dexterous tongue will pop out a string of witty words;

  Teacher Wang often wears a white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of glasses on his nose. He looks like a very knowledgeable scientist, so majestic! Teacher Wang is chubby and walks slowly and swaying, like a giant panda dancing Yangko dance.

  If Teacher Wang encounters something happy, she will smile like a flower. If we are not serious in class, her eyes will be round and round, and her angry gaze will shoot out like a sharp sword. This is our English teacher - Teacher Wang!

  My teacher fourth grade composition 9

  The teacher is selfless, the teacher is loving, and the teacher's love for the students is great. I feel a lot of love from my teachers. Our head teacher, Mr. Zou, is serious and strict with our study requirements and hopes that we will be better.

  The most unforgettable thing for me is the writing competition at the beginning of school. Teacher Zou has very high requirements for our classmates. He hopes that we can achieve excellent results in this competition and requires us to prepare in advance. Three days before the competition, each student was given three pages of paper for the writing competition and asked to copy the text "The Old Man and the Seagull" to learn new words. He also specifically asked him to write seriously and calmly after returning home.

  In this competition, I didn't write carefully. I finished it quickly and handed it in. As a result, my performance in the competition was very poor. After the competition, Teacher Zou looked at the words written by the students one by one, even word by word, stroke by stroke, and selected different grades. Finally, Teacher Zou took some papers with scrawled writing in his hand and called some classmates over, including me. Teacher Zou criticized us severely and took out our excellent handwriting to set an example for us.

  Compared with those excellent words, I feel that I am too careless and do not write seriously at all.

  Teacher Zou said to me: "You must be serious about everything you do and be the best version of yourself. Only when everyone has the idea to do things well can there be hope for success." In this writing competition, our class won first place , I deeply realized that Teacher Zou’s love for us is strict love and deep love.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 10

  Flowers are grateful to the rain and dew, because the rain and dew nourish them to grow; the goshawk is grateful to the blue sky, because the blue sky allows it to soar; the mountains are grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it tower high;... I am grateful to many people, and I want to be grateful to my teacher.

  I used to be more introverted and a bit taciturn. When encountering job competition, the competition is rarely challenging. I always think that it is all in vain, and I don’t even want to try. Be willing to be a little ordinary, but also happy. The biggest breakthrough was becoming the monitor.

  Since your appearance, teacher, you have given me great courage and given me opportunities again and again to know myself and transcend myself.

  Teacher, you made me understand: Opportunities are always around you, the key is to rely on yourself to fight for them, fight for them with your strength, and leave no regrets. Teacher, you gave me confidence and the strength to move forward, allowing me to overcome my shortcomings and strive to become an excellent student. I will definitely continue to work hard and strive to get better in all aspects!

  For us, you exhausted your body; for us, you neglected your children; for us, you gave all your efforts. If someone asks me which emotion is the greatest in the world, I will tell him without hesitation - the love between teachers and students. It is not family affection, but it is more selfless; it is not love, but it is sweeter. It is the most beautiful true love in the world.

  "Once a teacher, always a father." Teacher, you are our greatest mother. Love is speechless, I just want to say the simplest words "Teacher, thank you!" to express the most sincere gratitude and best wishes in my heart.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 11

  Everyone has a favorite teacher, and my favorite teacher is Teacher Zhu.

  My teacher Zhu has shiny black hair, big eyes, and a hint of worry in the curved eyebrows.

  My teacher Zhu also has a eloquent mouth. She created a "magic" classroom. This magic classroom seems to have a lot of magical "magic". Because of the "magic", Teacher Zhu's guests are Such vividness and images can make students who don't like Chinese fall in love with Chinese, and students who already fall in love with Chinese will fall in love with Chinese even more. At first, I didn’t like Chinese. But in the end, I was attracted by Teacher Zhu's "magic" class and was exaggerated by the atmosphere of the "magic" class. In this way, I fell in love with Chinese.

  My teacher Zhu has a "special" personality, that is, he is strict. Our teacher Zhu is much stricter than other teachers and pays special attention to details. I remember one time, after we finished doing exercises, we returned to the classroom door. We were supposed to get the key, but after a while, no classmates took the key. Teacher Zhu was angry. She took the key and opened the door herself. After entering, she started to be strict. She criticized us: "Why no one came to open the door, why are you so lazy..." She also told our class's class rules: "Don't relax, don't look down on micro." And the punishment is not light.

  This is my favorite teacher. What about you?

  My teacher fourth grade composition 12

  My teacher is tall, with thin eyebrows and big bright eyes. He looks very energetic. Her long black hair is tied into a ponytail, and she often wears a beautiful headband, which looks very good.

  The teacher is so kind to us. Every time there is a holiday, the teacher will spend it with us. One Christmas, the teacher bought many gifts, the most eye-catching of which were two beautiful cakes. We also dressed up the classroom beautifully and put on red Christmas hats. The teacher also taught us how to say English eats cake and teaches us to sing Christmas carols! The students had a very happy time during that festival.

  When the teacher is in class, she will ask us to sit upright and listen carefully. The teacher's class is particularly attractive to us, because the teacher will give us interesting lessons with some particularly beautiful pictures, allowing us to learn knowledge seriously, and we can also attend class and leave get out of class easily.

  Teacher Wang is so kind to us. Sometimes when we are hungry, the teacher will bring out some snacks for us to eat after class. The teacher really cares about us like a mother.

  Every time the teacher's voice becomes hoarse, he still teaches us loudly, just so that we can learn more knowledge. Our teachers are so great!

  I love my teacher. This is our head teacher, Teacher Wang.

  My teacher fourth grade composition 13

  In my study life, I have met many teachers. Some of them are knowledgeable, some are gentle and approachable, and some have sweet voices. But there is one teacher I will never forget. Every time I think about composition class, she seems to be a ray of sunshine shining into my heart.

  My composition teacher is very beautiful, with long black shawl hair and a pair of bright big eyes like a pool of lake water, always looking at us tenderly. Her voice is warm and sweet, just like the breeze in March, the flowing water of the creek, and those beautiful poems and articles are more poetic and picturesque when read from her mouth.

  In that composition class, Zhang Liwen from our class raised her hand and asked how to write the word "convex". She thought for a while and said, "The teacher doesn't know this word. Can any classmate tell us?" I raised my hand excitedly and ran On the podium, Gonggong neatly wrote the word "convex". Unexpectedly, at the end of get out of class, the teacher said in front of the whole class: "Thank you, Wang Yitong, for teaching me a word." I was so proud at this moment. No one had ever praised me so kindly.

  Since then, I have met many teachers who were gentle and seemed to know everything, but they were far from teaching me as much as that female teacher. Her humility and her unstinting praise for others made me grow up suddenly. So what if she can't write that word? She gave me precious confidence.

Wang Yitong's picture, my teacher's fourth grade composition picture 3

Do you have any pictures of Wang Yitong who plays the role of Tian Xiaoqin in Clear Water and Blue Yingying?

Please go to Wang Yitong’s post! Thank you~

Wang Yitong's picture, my teacher's fourth grade composition picture 4

The above is all about Wang Yitong's pictures, my teacher's fourth-grade composition, and Wang Yitong's related content. I hope it can help you.

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